Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 Mar 1883, p. 3

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jgromtedfigr,‘ and thg‘. scouhdrels t6 0. . The lés fthing shenmemhera is one of the man,.puslfing a quantity of mud intd her mouth, On her recovery she found both pnlms wgrg cut.,acqoas and her glgves never Anemone» ASSAI'LT.â€"A young man of this town. got crazed with drink on Saturday afternoon and assaulted a boy in the employ of Mr Harding' and beat him most. unmerci- fully. An elderly couple interfered. when he turned anthem and pommelled the old gentlemen. Hie better half attempted to Msist him, when shenlso came in_ for rough usage. He also abused a number of citizens fithey were passing along the sidewalk, and finally, upon‘th‘e Mayor being notified, an orfg'er wee issued for his arrest, but in the meantime he was missing. How is it our conllnblee do not. arrest. such characters without Waiting for the formality of a war- nnt.u It is disgraceful that peaceable pec- pln fifiquldbe abused in] town like New- merket ihile the warden 'ot‘ the ublic pence trot slowly ofl‘ after a warrant. ome summery mode of dealing with such char- nctetfeg'ghoeld be adopted. l'_""â€" "7.". ’_“*"“-“' ""' C ed. There were two» dagger holes two inches apart in the right. breast of her dress, and the broad steel corset. rib was broken by‘the' weapon, which penetrated to the inner lining of her dress at the first «stroke find the corset at the econd. Lady Florence supposes that she unconsciously struggled with the men. assisted 1) her dog, until the sconndrels were distur ed In a cart passing in the woods. She received threatening letters while-in Ireland lately. One of the men were a green dress and a large but with a veil. The veiled men at~ tempted the assassination No arrests have been made, but the police have a. slight clue. v I: is believed that the seoundrels were bitten hy the dog in the struggle. The postponed shooting match will lake } plac-n at Butlon's Hotel on Good F'nday thn live pigeons. clay pigeons, and glass lmllq will be used. The local sports are lookinz forward to a gréat lime. Two cowardly brutés, disguised as women, assaulted Lady Florence Dixie as she was walking in jhe. park at Windson, Ema, on Saturday last. She had received threatening letters for aomqfinie previous, about the Land Lefigue. She almggled desperately, and rifle; being stabbed twice, became un- conscioui. Her dqua large St. "Bernard, LATER.â€"L-ady Floi'énce Dixie Ufilys her head is confused and painful. She supposes ‘he miscreants stunned her. Tm: Bus-r SAl.Vll 'in the World for Cula, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sores. Teller, Chapped Hands. Chilblainl, Coma;in I" Skin Eruptions, and positive- ly cnreg Piles. It is guaranteed to give porfocg antiafnclion, or money refunded. The new brewery at the Holland Landing is doing a good business and turning out an vxcellent qualin of beer. The water them in said -t(') be speéinlly adapled for its munuâ€"' fucture. V A large poikor was brought into town on Tuesday by Mr Rumble. 1!. pulled down the scalra at. 450 lbs. This is not 'by any menus the largest, of the season, but it is a handsome speclmen. To“: N0nmwns1‘.â€"â€"Lnrge numbers of people intend Ieéving this riding for Man-- itobn he soon as the weather npms. m'any of whom ‘we are sorry to lose. We hopetbeir‘ nnticipntions will be reahzed, and that they will meet with prosperity in me prairies of the great Went, We must be pardoned however..£erthinlcing. there nre’not manv bett'e't- placee after all than Ontario. even if Mr Mow'et'a majority Is a little reduced. â€"REFORHE R Accmnx'r.â€"Tho many friends of Mr J. Brnmmar, of East Gwillimbury. will be Ferry to learn that. he met with a fall, quite recentlyâ€"resulting in a severe strain of the side and muscles of the right arm and shoulder. In consequence. - he has been confined to the house ever since it. occurred and is a'mosl helpless. His medical advis- er, however, thinks he will be around again in ahw dag-.5. We hope. no. . Mllions-civen Awny. Millions of boules of Dr King’s New Dis- covpry for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have born" give‘n away as Trial Bottles of the large size. This enormous outlav would be disastrous to Ihe. proprietors, were it no! for the}er merits 'p'osseased by (lie. wonder- ful medicine. Call at R. E. Law’s Drug Sloro and get a Trial Bottle free, and try for ibu‘raelf. It never fails to cure. John Patch, of W hitchurch, was so» unâ€" fortunate as to lose a valuable Sir William Wxillut-c yearling: colt. on Tuesday. ’1 he animal was tied in the stable, and got one of its fore legs over the halter shank. In ntrpgglmg to free itself, it is supposed the hand came violrmtly into cnntact with the side of the stable. thus causing death. Trice?!) cents per Box. Sold b; R. Iii. Law Tho Borealis Zoo is bustvd at hat. The severe weather in a mefisure helped along the gradual decline. “Tommy,” the Man- itoba wolf, and last of the collection, was Secured by a couple of strolling miustrels lasl'woek. There is quite a boom going on ‘ in the AqQkU. W. order here at present. New mefiperu am: coming in rapidly. Que of those pleasant re-uui-ons for which ‘ Anion is so justly celebrated, took place atj the Queen’s Hotel on Monday evening. the occasion being a farewell supper to Messrs. Trench. Bruce, and Isaac Hartman, previous to their departure to Manitoba, where they area-bout opening out as a firm for the sale of agricultural implements. and other proâ€" ductions of Aurora’s manufacturing indus- ‘triks. Some forty persons sat. down to the well-provided repusl of the host. The even- ini was pleasantly spent in the usual manner thecompany‘brenking‘up at an early hour, having thoroughly enjoyed themselves. â€"BOB.EALIB. A Sun's London cable says that the cir- cumstances amending: lhe (leads: of Germ- chukofi‘ promise to reveal one of the most startling political crimes of the age. Wpuld you avoid lha Hillary complaints incidental’u spring and summer 7 Cleanse the ayslem wilh Burdock Blood Bitters. It regulates the Liver, Bo-wels, Kidneys and Blood. and is the purest tonic m the wm'ld. Trial Bottles 10 cents. Hr. Parnell in an interview energetically denies Ihat the Iriah Party are in any way responsible for the explosions at the Gov- ernment buildingn, and asserts that there is no evidence to iuslify the charges of the London press. Erysipelas, Scrol'ula, Salt Rheum. Erupâ€" tions. and- all diseases of the Skin and Blood are promptly cured by Burdock Blood Bit- urs. II. purges all foul humor: from the qstem. imparting strenglh and vigor at the same time. ‘ LADY DIXIE ATTAOKED. pucklon's Amica Salvo. Attempted Murder. SAVED BY A DOG. Newmarket. AURORA ~EBA ls coxning, and J. BROWN-has a. well-assorted Stock of Clover, Timbthy, Flax and a1 - - kinds of Fresh ' , v . . Good Family Flour, Lard, Bacon and Hams. Choice Confectionary & Cigars wholesale and retail. Terms,-â€"-Uash or rarm Produce. Highest price paid forlBuuer & Eggs. BOOTS AND SHOES! SEED TIME BEAUTIFUL Dress ‘ ‘ Goods AT THE W FIREPRGOF! A The Finest Tweeds rates. P131108 ! Pianos ! ‘31.“ s. mnmms 8% saw - UPRIGHT AND SQUARE E unsung. R. S. WILLIAMS dz Son’s. . . I Tonox'ro, April 12th,188L GENTLEMENâ€"I have much pleasure 1n testlfymg to the great excellence of vcur Pianos. I have put them severelv to the test, and find them possessed of those qualities of totie and touch so no~ ceptable to the true musician and lover of classical music-«a charming singing tone, emiin gradu- ated from the most delicate piani'ssimo to every degree of loudness and fulueas, and a. touch which answers regdilx to every shade pf feeling NA»; -- 1..--:.‘L.. -nA n... Mani. “hmâ€"-21 -6 Iulawunn lullaou w urn-J unwwv v- . I consider these instruments It greatcakquiaition in musiciml societ and am muc 1 finding a. piano which I can recommend with perfect confidence. L h p eased '4‘ I um,Gentlemen. yours very truly, ‘CHAS.W.EW'ING,' (Of London, England) Organist oi St Peter's Church. Coburg, Ont Mmssns R. S.Wmnums 6x SONIâ€" TORONTO, Nov. 4th, 1882. Gum‘sâ€"Ewing thoroughly examined the Workmanship of your Pianos, I have no hesitation in stating that, in my opinion, they are equal to those of any others‘of the best Makersvthat I have seen Loan only speak in the same high terms regarding their musical qualities : for their fine full sing- ing eupability of tone. Element touch, &c, are such, that there seems to'be noneoessity to purchase foreign instruments, w on our home enterprise can produce such Pianos, and. at one-third less cost I am glad to hear that the extensive sale of your instruments shows that you are meeting with the success that I think you justly deserve. ' ' ' " . , . I am, Gentlemen Your Obedient Servant, awn m nmnlmnw ‘._,_v;,, bummumw=â€"â€" :11:â€" We make a. special style of Organs in large quantities, and are therefore able to offer them as ex- ceptionally low rates. Payments arranged ho suit. the convenience at purchasers and spread over a term of years. For full yuticulurs write to R. s. WILQIAMS. Richmond Hill, March 22nd, 1883. Are constructed from the very best Materials by experienced Workmen, and are fully .equal in point of' ‘ ' FIELD a: GARDEN SEEDS, 0E? Groceries and Provisions, Garden Rakes. Spades and Shovels. A new and well assorted stock of At prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction. Fresh Supplies of Groceries; etc., at the very- low es In Town. 860 these Goods! 143 Yonce St. TOronto. 'OR' '22}: 'Dafiaas'fit.‘ Lbndau.’ TESTIMONIALS. Pa§®§§é7§5®§53§§5§§®7®®$®§ To the high priced American Insn‘uments. SPRING STflEK I PI-ANOS ! J. BROWN. I. CROSBY, A fresh supply of GEO. W. STRATHY. Mu! Doc. .. K .‘ 9 ~ , I ‘ .. c. -_»ADA,L£s;. rang” . ‘ snnunmgxfmfl‘rw h ' ‘ rammed to ,8} Km Itrggj; has , Toronto. Beat mineral teeth 11m edm ammunâ€" er to suit each patient. Putiwlur" mtbantion given to the presafispfion and lgegulation o! thq natural teeth, carefully avoiding all; unne'casl- ary pain. Office beats from 8 a. m. w i Private residence 209 Jarvis street. r ‘ '. w. v ROGERS, Thankful for the‘ favors of the 155% year: may still be consulted in any branchvof the pro fession, as follows : ' " Richmond Hi11...; ...... 9th a: 24th of ebch month (at Palmer House) Aurora, 151;, Shh, 16th, and 22nd do Newmuket, . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do Stouflvflle...... .JBth ' do Markham ...... . ..... 20th, v7 66 Victoria Square . ..... let do Thornhill .. ...231d do Maple ......2fit.h I do Woodbridge , ..... . ...2Bt.h : . do Kleinburg ..... . ...... ...29th I go EVERSLB¥§ 13;.0. q . .2131; do Thornhill .' ...231d do Maple ......26th I do Woodbridge , ..... . ...2Bch : . do Kleinburg . ...... ...29th I do Nobleton . ..... 30th " do 4 Anastheb'iEEHI Niel-nu! bade, ohm; “used when ordered and none but the beat mugging used GENERAL 4119'; 1 FINANCIAL AGENCY- 1 SYNDICATES FORMED For Manufacturing and dther p‘urfibfie‘s. B oak ' and Share Brokers, etc, etc’. v Goodwillé Bought anif Sold 2 Fa Pm & Other Property, Toronto. Jam 9th, ma- We will pay the ‘above reward for ‘my case of Liver Complaint, Dysfiepsia, Sick Héadgwhe,‘ In- digestion, Constipation or Costiveneasme cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Hillswwhen the directions are strictly complied with. ‘ Thsy are purely Vegetable, and never fail: wsiveisutisfac- tion. Sugur Coated. Large Boxes, oqnmining 30 Pills, 25 (eats. For sale by all Ding ism. Be- ware ’of counterfeit/:1 and imitatio‘fll. a gen’ uino manufactumdbn _ (JOE _ T6: 90:11:91?“Malaysia/.35.}? 1 $5M“ , l, A (4...; _.__.--» UU.,“'1'nB .l'xu MMGI’B,- on 90 00 Any; pub mum: Toronto, 01117. Free trial pmknggfisentr‘by mail prepaid on repaint of n. 3 cenwmmv. '5: ' Dr. E. C. West's Néi‘f'e mid Bi-nlixifi‘rék‘tnfent, '9. guaranteed specific for Kysbergn‘, Dungegs; Con- vulsiona, Fits, Nervgup Neuralgiahfl flea ache, Nen'oué_Prostration cauSed b the age" ofa 001101 or tobuwo, Wakefulness. ’1 9M3! :flepression; Softening the Bwinflreeultlng in Inganity and leading to misery, decay and death. rgmature Old Age, Barreuness', Loss of Power either Iex, Involuntary Losses and Spermamn‘nmm caused by ovorâ€"exerbion of the brain, self uhufie 01: over- indul once. One box will cure recent cases. Ewell ox contains one month’s treatment. One dollar a. box, or six ,boxes for fifife dollfl, . by mail prepaid on receipt of price.’ ' We tee six lgqxes tq curq my case: ' With rnceived by usfor six hqu§,.wcd1npauiqufiith ‘ (we donors. we will send in www.mmiv-W ton guarantee to refund the money 31M}: 'treat- 1 men’s does not efieot a cure. Guaranteed issued only by T. A. Hewitt & 00., sole authorized‘ ngentsfnr Thornhill and Au ls,>0nt..-.John C West & 60.. sole uropriehqrs. oronto._0:ot. EVERY THURSDAY, - V ' At his printing office, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Ontario Terms of Sf‘bscriptions : $1 00 per annum in advance When not paid in advance $1 50 will be charged Tmnsitory_advertisements, first insertion. M. H. KEEFLER. Advertiseménts without wi‘it'ten inshuctions will be inscrted until fopbld dz chyfgag transient “was : rates per" line.. . . 8 cents. Each subsequen ns . p . 3 cents. Contracts for time mid space made on applica- tion. . v‘ I _. I EARS! m m 1*MlLIiIflN ! Positively Reisto'res the Hearingfan'd is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness Known. This Oil is abstracted from 'peeuliar species at small White shark. caught in the ,Yellow, See, known as Curchsrodpn Rondeletiit ~Every Chi- nese fisherman knows it. Its virtues-as a tester- ative of hearing were discovered by a. Buddhist Priest about the year 1410. Its cures were so numerous and many so seemingly miracul- ous, that the remedy was omciallyv‘wproclaimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so uni-- versnl that for oval; 300 years no Deafness has existed amon‘g she Chinese'p‘e‘ople. Sent charges prepaid. to any any addressutsl a. bottle It has performed ‘a miracle in my case, I have no unearthly noise in my hens). and has. much better, ' , " ‘ " I have been greatly benefited; r3 ‘ My deafness helped a. great dealâ€"think Anoth- or bottle will cure. me. , V. . , ' My hearing is muoh benefited, , 1 “ ‘ ' ' I have received untddbenfity 1t 4 I -' L - . My hem;ng ' ' ' th’ifi 135%? 'tfiéin'dcic‘é p: it, “Its virtues are unquestionable ay‘d its putative character abgolute, ms the write'rpcaan personally testify, both from Experience" hud-‘bbs'ewatio'n,’ Write at once to HQYLOCK,&_JEN¥§EX;:72;Dey St, New York. enclosing $1, and you will receive by return a. ret‘nedy'that will enuble‘ymv to hear like anybody else, andwhose curative aftech will be permanent, You will never regret. .domg 30.” â€"Editor bf Mel'pnntile REVIEW.” '_ ' Hear What the Deaf Say ISTQ avoid loss in the Mdils‘,‘ pléase Send 'manoy by Registered Lefier, : Only Importedby HAYLOGK a JENNEY,. . ‘ APPLIED :xruunuwofl RHEUMAHsmg" NEWALGIA; _‘ CHILI LAINS, .- 'CALLOUs’ilj’IIPS SWELLINGS, 31'1sz Jo‘nms, ' GALLS, . FROSTBImfj'j LAMENESS, 001mm; ' CONTRACHONS BRUISES, w LUMBAGO, 112011, ' - DEAFNESS, PAININBACGL' " SPRAINS, Puxmulfifitq' Every bottle aranteed to givé Satisfac- tion or money It undcd. . J . T.MILB‘{£§§§_O;O._, gropflefiors 01201713, CRAM’PS, ASTHMA, To.Dr‘s|:Aszs, Commnrrs and Accm'am'rs whxch HAGYARD‘S anw OIL is fann- teed to cure or relieve either hi Ail or BEAST. ' MGBTGAGES OBTAIN-ED Health 715's W eéfith. My hearing iseimprovi g, ,. .3 It is givihg‘good‘sutisf 'ction;’ ‘ _ j _ ‘ Huge b45931 grateg bgqgflted; ammunmjoiced DIREBTIONS WITH EAOH BOTTLE. FREE “56- "Sole Agents for America. 7 Dev st. The York Herald. $500 REWARD; At Maple 13th of every month Hotels, Taverna land 181151119575. Foo Choo's B'glsam‘bf summon n1" Deal-(“run Hm Ham-Ma ‘nn‘fl in (Mt Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST,”AUBORA Patent Rights disposed div; INDEX. 1' ‘mzumznunuv m r > .-: cova1m~ s, 501m THROAT,- a, , COLDS,.&0.§, J. IJEVAIIS & TORONTO, 6m. @cmzfl, PUBLISHED BY Leader Lané, Toronto. Worth their’weight’i‘n Gold 1 1 PillS~& flintment This 'Tncdmpafab‘lc Medicine has secur- ed far “ itself ' an imperishable fame throughoutxt‘hé World fol: flue alleviation and cure 'of moat diseases to which humahity is heir; purify, re late andimproye the quality of the '31 God. '1‘ ey ussistthe digestive organs, cleanse increase the secretory powers of the Liver,bmce me nervous system, and throw into the circum- tmn the purest Elements for sustaining and repdriug the frame. Thousands of persons have testified that by their use alone they haue been restored to-health and strength, after every other means had proved unanccessful. Manufactured only at Profess- onHolloan’s Establishment. 533. OXFORD STREET' LONDON, will bu found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores} Hard Tumnun. Coughs, Sore Thronts, Bronchitis, and all disord era of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, Rheu- matism. Scroiula. and other kind of skin disensee and sold M115. 31,25. 9a'., 454 6d., 119.. 22, and 333 each Box and Pot, and in Canada at 36 cents, 90 cents, and $1.50 cents, and the larger sizes in proportion. _ _ CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Agent in the United States, nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers shuuld therefore look to _the label on the Pots and Boxes If the address is not 533. Oxford Street, London BAD; LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. COLDS, Tile Trade Marks of my Said Medicines are re- gistered 111 Ottawa, and also at Washington. Signed . T; 533' Oxford stroeti London_ thgy a_re spurious \' TORONTO VITALIZED AIR PARLOURS. â€"-~ - w v ‘ Believing me people will appreciate 3. Scale of low prices for a superior class of artificial teeth, I Have determined on reducing the price at least 50 per cent. 1 , ‘ $61)le PLATE,$ 6 K , 3,30. 6 . R U B B E R, 6 fiecnuse our piices are so low as to seem Won-- darful when comma-ed with those 'of other first: classdentistg.‘ I ,dovnot wish, you to infer that my establ‘ishvrjent is confined to the Manufacture of sets. _I .do everything or anything that any Toronto dentist W111 flu, and do it (In approved moaern. scien‘tific principles, guamntwmg autis- faction in 11.11 eases. No pain caused by the ex“ traction 61 teeth ' ' _ 051?,LENN0X, DENT. A‘ L . s URG EON! . 151 YBNEE 512, Tum]th ’We beg to inform‘you‘that OUR NEW PREMISES wilI' be completed in a erw days, ._ and't‘hafioniMQNDxAY, APRIL 2nd, we will show a Complete Stock of NEW SPRING. GOODS in ‘aIIItlae departments, in what we have up hes_itat_ion in Saying will be'fh'e “Handsoines‘t Stores in" Canada.” ‘ STOMACH AND *BOWELS, ARTIFICIAL TEETH ON Our Stock will,without doubt, compare favourably with any on this continent, our Foreigh Goods having been purchased direct from ihfi‘ first manufacturers of Europe by‘ our Mr. J. W. Petley, who is a resident of MANCHESTER, England. Trusting ‘to haVe the pleasure of showingyou through our Establishment when! com- I us7e<| pleted, we remain RUBBER Best $8 ALUMINUM, $15. , , CELLOLOID, $10. PETLEY & PETLH, THOMAS HOLLOWAY Jan. 5th 1881 1213’ T0132 KING-STREET EAST, Furniture At Toronto Prices 1 Groceries For Holiday.iSeason. PEGPLE’S STGRE REQHMQNB HELL, m". H. Sanderson & Sons THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. J Palmer, Prop, This House is one of the Best Hotels to . be found north of Toronto. Everything igmnpaged in First Class Style. Sample Room forCommer- cial Travellers. Good Stnbling and attentive hustlers. Terms, $1 per day. Proctor‘a Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8 a: 311., ‘ 12 an. 113., 6.10pm. and7.30nm. » RICHMOND HILL~‘ JOHN POWELL,, Prop EBA‘NII EENTHAL HTEL This Hotel has been refurnished, renovated, and fitted up in first-class style, and is now the leading Hobo] north of Toronto. The bar is sup- lied with first-class brand of liquors and rigara. ‘xcellent accommodation for . Commercial Travellers, and the General Public. Good scab}- ing Emd an attentive Hostlur. Pictures, and Picture Frames of all kinds, TORONTO. Spring Styles ; English, American 8: Canadian make. Chrome Mottoes of 5! designs, Brackets and Wall Pockets.’: EA very fine selection of gm @mflfi. CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, J. REYNOLDS. CHEAP GOODS AT THE HATS! Glass and Crockery. Call and See Pricesl For CASH Only, in A large steak 0! Ferguson, 3am, Gordon & Shipley, . -.=,V._, Barristers, Attorneys-ut-Lfiw, Solic‘hbrs-ina Chanctgry. Convcvuncers, etc. (Whamâ€"Imperial Bank Buildings. Wellington-street, Toronto HOMAB FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAIN GEO F SHIPLIIY WM SETON GORDON, D TEES, A'tmrneya, Solicitors-in-Cha‘ncery ot-c., 64 Adelaide street Eust,.(upposite {7110001111 House), Toronto. ALFRED Bnnmmmz WM. Wow“ Burr. Beuume, Mass, Falconbridge " AND BOYLES, Jus Bethune. Q C N W Hoylcsy BARRISTERS, 85¢ NORTH OF scm'mxn CHAMBERS, I8 &. 20 King Street. West, Toronto- OULTBEE 85 EVATT, BABIES I’- G. SAVAGE. P. O. Box 2527. C. 0 Moss, W C Falconbridga W Batwick, A B Ayleswnrth W 'J. FRANKS .

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