Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 5 Apr 1883, p. 2

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"fHéwilllje. Sir, with such-volubilily. final ybawguld think truth were a fool." LSfia/cespeab'e. ’ _ “Mr. Peckshifl' was a mom] man; a grave man. a man of noble sentiments and apqerch.’ Perhaps mere was nevern mom incl-gal than than Mr Pecksniff; especi‘ally He was a most, exemplary mun ; fuller of virtuous precepts than a copy-book. Some people likened him to a direction post which is always telling the way to a place, and never goes there. His very throat was moral You looked over a low fence of fihite crav‘at, andtherfe it iay, &c.". Such is the description, by Charles fiickcns, of a certain type of man which due meeisflwilh no'v‘v" and then in the journey through We always think of Mr. Pecksnilf when we look at the Liberal man. The resemblance is strik- ing {and when, by chance, we look over (he columns of the paper, we can recogâ€" nizelhe true Pecksnifiian morality of that dietinguished personage kéte ibgéâ€"fmnk Cosgrovo. finuasmy. APML 5. 1883. The Lé'b'era‘lia eloquent on the “moral Qpes'tiou’fg sd‘fi’as Mr. Pecksnifl". The- Liberalisu' mebk‘ man ; so was Mr. Pecksnifl‘; even {into a kind of “moist timeliness." Indeed it is remarkablé How like‘unto each other are these two fiorthiea., ' A Hearty Recommendation. Jacob A Empey, of C-ammmore, states that he has taken . Burdock Blood Binem with great benefit in a Iingermg complaint, and adds that. he would gladly recnmmend iHo all. ' The AibcrqlPeclcsnifl' would like to his readers with the idea that lie is alwayé‘ right, and that which he condemns must necessarily be wrong. If a Judge on the bench deliversa judg- ment contrary to the opinion of the Liberal Pecksnifi', forthwith the Vials this wrath ere poured upon the Judge, and he' is roundly denounced In the columns of the Liberal. If the majoriâ€" ty of the electors give a verdict at. the polls contrary to the wishes of Pec‘Eh’hifi', they are at once proclaimed as corrupt, and accuSed of being purchased by Whiskey. Ifthe Government refuse to grant Pecksnifi' a special request, he considers himselfa martyr in the cause of Grimm. His insinuations against the private character of respectable men are of the true Pecksnifl‘ian stamp. ‘ The sbmhanoPmt'éssiongiq Gunman is represented by‘lt'wo“ Amrdt‘idns; one" called the Caniidian Shorthand Writers Association, and the other the Canadian Shortbsud Society. There has been a discussion going 'on for some time in regard to the amalgamation of these two organizations. We notice that there is to be an International Congress of Short- hand Writers 'for the United'Ste'téi‘and Canada, to be held on the 16th and 17th August next. in Toronto, at. which meeting it is expected a very large num- ber of Shorthand Writers will put in an appearance from Canada,- IUnited States. Great. Britain, and the Contihent. The Hon. Edward Blake has consented to dehvsr the address of welcome. Full particulars. will~.he given from month to menth, in the Cosmopolitan ,S‘horthand Wnter, published at 11 King: Street West, at 81 per annum. ‘ “We then wrote to the Post Ofiico flep’o’flment concerning the matter, in answer to .which we received a pert . re- pugwbich seemedto intimate that “You dre ow 'ffiép‘ub'liaher of a Grit newsâ€" paper,-â€"what business have you to enâ€" quire Concerning these matters. If you were a 'Tory' publisher it would be a horse of another colour." The Liberal Peckaniif is a vain man ; he lu’y": the flattering unction to his soul that through the columns of his paper he wields an influence that. is even felt at Ottawa. The most recent instance of his weakness is forcibly displayed in his last issuerunder the heading “Postal Act Interpretation.” Here again. he would fain be a martyr in the political Irena. Hear him ;v By this he wanna like his readers to imagine that the change was owing to the result of his representations to the ‘Department ; Whigh is in keeping with the Liberal Pecksnifi's estimate of his (fin importanceâ€"not recognized by any one but himself. Thetfacts are that the Department made the chan e in deference to the representations 0 the gublishers of papers throughout the‘ rovince generally. and was intimated to.the Postmastei‘s’hfitthegqsual printed ; Departmental circhlfifi ’J'he Postmaster? liere‘oniled at our oiiice. as well as that} of the Liberal, to inform us of the‘ change, but we never dreamt of taking to' ourselves the credit of‘ bringing the; Post O'fli’ce Department to time. ‘ We have no hesitation .in saying that the Liberal’s statement of the case is nntruthfnl, and that the reply he receiv- cd from the P. 0. Department will not. bear the construction he has put upon it, which we have quoted in italics. We challenge the Liberal to publish the correspondence between himself and the Department on‘ the subject. or otherwise stand convicted of untruthfu‘lness. We do not expect he will respond to this challenge, as it would convict himself. He again wrote, he says, and “looked in vain for a Neva frcm Otmfi. but on Monday it Ms by the' Pdstmstor, personally informing iis that he had re- ceived instructions to deliver the papers referred to free of postage.” mu» 3&1an final“. 1%; (TY ‘The Liberal” Peoksnifi‘. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Rlchmond Hlll. Ont; Whole No. 1292: Whine 25: Conservatives, of course, are terribly wicked fellows, who hesitate at nothing in order to accomplish their purpose-I so the Grit organs put itFâ€"bnt how about the followmg Grits whose seats have been protested. Petitions against their return as members of the Legisâ€" lative Assembly of Ontulin, have been filed at Osgoodc Hall, Toronto. In each case corrupt acts are alleged on the part of agents aqd the Candidates them selves :â€"G W Badgerow, East York ; Mr Ferris, in East Northumberland; Col. Morin, the member elect for? Welhâ€" and ; Mr Isaac Gould, in North On:- tario ; Mr Murray, the member elect for North Renfrew, and Mr Dowling for South Benfrew. It is now in order for the Grit organs to state that these petitions are merely filed to bother the true, honest, incorâ€" ruptible Reformers, and that there are no grounds for the charges. But. time will tell. Alonz‘b Howe. of Tweed, was cured of a. fever sore of thirty-five years’ duration, by six bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters. He had suffered terribly, and tried many reme- dies in vain. He considers Burdock Blood Bitter“: marvellousi- medlcme. The Grits fin} that. Mr. Mowats majority was reduced by the corrupt ac‘tS‘pf the Conservatives, and the organ for west York accuses the electors in t'mt Riding of being bought with money and whiskey; The Liberal man has the keenest nose in the country fcr seeming sdandal‘of any kind, He is quite positive that there were ten thous- and dollars‘ spent and one hundred barrels of whiskey consumé'd‘ in neburâ€" ing' the return of the Conservative Cauâ€" didate. NOW, if the Liberal man' is not at his usual eongenial work of lying, lét‘ him state a single case of bribery. If there were any corrupt acts why is the election not protested ? A Hamilton firm has solved the conun drum. It is an old saying, By some per- son in authority, that marriages are more numerous among people who know what real p0verty menus than among those who are comfortable in life. In the first instance, the poor people ‘ generally act on the idea that “they are so poor they cannot be any worse off," and they are willing to risk it. But those who are able to live comfortably, and just pay their way nicely. are more inclined to hesitate and study the financial question, before they launch out their little boat fbr a voyage w the matrimonial ocean, during which it is impossible to forsce the trou’bles‘end trials, the cares and diflicultiés'that they are to encounter. Pursnrremm CALLâ€"A meeting of the congregations of St. Andrew’s Church, Markham. and Zion Church, Cedar Grove, was held in the former church on Tuesday, of last week. for the purpose of moderating in a call to a minister. The meeting was unanimous and most hearty in favor of Rev F. Smith. of Amherstburg. A call will therefore be forwarded to him through his presbyrei‘y‘ii’t a few days, and" the congre--‘ gationa are trustfully looking forward to his acceptance, to a. happy union and blessed re- sults to themselves and the community. No pmou'cun’ enjoy health while sufl‘erâ€" in; Constipation of lhe Bowels. Hail-sh purgstivesj ul’w’hya d‘o'th-m. Burdock Blood :5 Nature’s'own Catha'rlic ; it unlocks the -se_cre1ionn, reigniitemipurifiet and 'atrenglh- ens the system. Mr David Reeaor left for Moor-Jaw, Nonh-Wen Tfliftory, last we’ék. wilh five cars containing 60 horses, 7 aulky plows, other implemenls and provisions. He took with him twenty-seven men whom he has en- gaged for the summer, paying them from $25 to $28 per month and board. They will be housed in tents. .Mr ‘Geo ,Miller Haves to‘mnrrow’fm- the Nbxlh‘ West} With oiio chr-load of effects. Whatever may feastm it is an u'ritieuiuble fact,â€"and one that bothers our social p'hiiosophers consrderublytâ€" that fibril the ranks of the poorer classes cgrmept‘iié‘g‘i'éafi- majority of marriages; that the middle ciasscs are vearly grow- in"g gnore inclined to sbirk the responsiâ€" bilities of married life. The Hamilton firm undertake to solve the problem. They have arranged a scheme whereby any man or woman contemplating marriage, applies for mem bership. pays the fees and assessments, and when the marriage takes place they draw $5,000 each. There is a member- ship fee of $6 per 81,000 insured. and the annual dues are $4 per “WOW Marriage assessments are levied to pay‘ marriage benefits.“ The asSessmenfs’fare graded according to age, being SI 50 it 21 years of age to $2 at 46 years, per 81,000 insured. The maximum‘ policy is 85,000 and full amount is payable, less cost. of collection, four years after joining, or as soon after as the member marries. This discounts life insurance, savings banks, lotteries, and every other kind of investmefit. $10,000 and a wife l__Who could resist that? The Association ought to be very successfuLâ€" only for one thing. If every member joms for the purpose of raising money to. get mar- ried, who is going to pay the enormous bonuses that each member is promised on_ marriage ? The prize offered is too glittering to, he (he reai' article. But one thingfit‘hc ni'embers may rest assured of, the oficers will draw their little emolâ€" umen‘tE all correct. Before ioining this Association it is wise to consider the question well. If the agents can conâ€" vince the public that their Association works as successfully and prosperoust as the prospectus says. it is safe to preâ€" dict an enormous increase in their mem- bership, and an alarming numher of marriages in the country in the next few months. HORSE SALE.â€"Mr John Torrance sold on Wednesday last, two three-year-old mares and one gelding at $230 each ; one mare to Mr Wm. West. one to Mr Miller, and the gelding to Mr Geo Miller. How to Get Married. Remarkable andfru'é. éorr'utfifi Grits. Markham. Econom. It may be that the act was accidental. When endeavoring to sleep in a steeping posture, the revolver . may have made his position somewhat- uneasy, and in rét’hoving it from ore pocket. to another, it. may have been discharged accidentally. Whether acelden-tnl or premeditated, death must havevb'een instantaneous, and HOW IT HAPPENED. Whether the deceased came to his death by murder} suicide or accident, will netler be Eu‘dfin. The act of taking off his shoes would seem to indicate that He did not intend to shoot himself, but. was preparing for as comfortable 0 night’s lodging as it was possible to get. He was not starving. as his supply of biscuits show. Neither was he driven to the rash act of taking his life, by poverty or .cold, as his money could have procured him a good bed, and his clothes were not those of the ordinary tramp. It is not at: all probable that he was murdered, although it is quite possible to kill a. man and place a revolv. ei' in his hand. Perhaps the weather was warm when he laid down, and to- wards morning it turned bitterly cold, and the poor fellow, benumbed and half- frOZeu, found the temptation to put an end to existence was too strong for him. If this is so what must have beefi’his thoughts during the few minutes requir- ed to make up his mind and put into execution his desperate resolve ? On Saturday afternotm, Mr. Henry Flavell, who lives on CYonge Street, a few miles north of the Oak Ridges Eng- lish Church. found the body of a young man in one of his straw stacks. Mr. Flavell was somewhat excited over the event. and without disturbing the_corpse started for this village to get a Coroners On his return home he again visited the stack with two or three neighbors, and the body was lifted out and placed on the barn floor. ATPEARANCE OF THE CORPSE. We paid a visit to the spot as soon as possible, after the news rea'e‘h‘ed us, and found a crowd' of seine fifty neighbors gathered around. The body was that of a young man, abort“, twenty-two or three years old. It was placed on the barn floor, in a sitting position, with his head bent forward, and his chin touching his. chest ; his knees doubled, with his feet slightly elevated. In his right hand was a revolver, and a hole in his right temple explained the cause of death. He was frozen solid,â€"hard as; a rockâ€"and it was found impossible to move his head, arms, or legs. Ilis com plcxion is pale, hair light brotvn and straight, with eyebrows almost white, features regular, with small, wellâ€"shap- ed earsand nose. He was well and comfortably clothed, with two good flannel shirts, a new suit of black cloth, and an old grey suit. ore-r the black. He were two pair of heav‘y‘ woolen socks, and his shoes, (No. 5,) were almost new, the numbers on the bottom b‘eiué quite plain. His hat. was a good soft felt, black color, low in the crown, add very short rim. Over his right eye was seen the trace of an old sear, running from the eye brow up to the top of his foreâ€" head. The face wa: singularly frcé't‘rom wrinkles,-â€"marks of care or dissipation. SUPPOSED TO BE CHARLES ALBERT SAUNDERS. On enquiring amongst the spectators v bether a young man oftilnt description had been seen around, we were1 told that Mr. Joseph Mortson. of Oak Ridges, had a man employed last fall who reâ€" sembled the corpse. My. l'v’ ortson inâ€" formed us that he was almot certain the body was that bfa man named Charles Albert Saunders, who worked for him last fall. Saunders came to Mr Mortson about the 1st of September, and worked there until the middle of November. He was a stranger, and of a very quiet, reserved manner, steady in habits and willing to work. His par- tents live in the township of York, west of Yonge Street, back of Hogg's Hollow. on the 4th Gen. While Mr Mortson believes the body found to be that of Saunders, many of the neighbors. and some young men who were companions :of Saunders in the tall, say that the deceased is not Mr Mortson’s man. Murder, Suicideu or Accident. FROZEN STIFF WITH A REVOLVER IN HIS HAND How long the body remained in the st't’aw stack is not known. but the ap- pearance of the shoes indicates that they were last worn during the recent thaw, some two weeks ago. The leather has been washed in water, and there is streaks of clay on the soles. Mr. Flavell works two farms. one of which is rented, and ad}oirns his‘own iarml. The barns and yards of' the rented‘ farm, where the body was found, are not visited every day, and sometimes not for a week or so. The unknown man had taken of his shoes and crawled into a sheltered nook, between two‘ stacks, for a night’s lodging. Here he was safe from observation until the greater portion“ of the small stack, near the barn door, had been removed. In Order to ascertain, if possible. who the deceased was, the pockets of his coat ayd‘vest were emptied, and in tllemt‘wore found biscnits, a thimbla, needle m.~button-â€"hole maker, a nuffll ber o‘f‘g‘a‘rtfidges, and a comb. Owing tit ‘the body being frozen in a bent posxa gilt!) the pocketa of the pants could not. be investigated. Coroner Hillary, of Aurora, was subsequently notified, and directed Con- stable Richardson to bring the body to Aurora. where it was taken to the engine house and thawed out. In the pants pockets was found 32, and a memoranâ€" dum of his having commenced Work for a Mr. Dupont on the 22nd of Engust, and of his hating received money at sundry dates since. Thisseems to show conclusively, that deceased was not Mr Mortson’s hired man. The contents of his pockets leads to the belief that he was a tailor. SHOT THROUGH THE TEMPLE. Man Poi-“ad Dead Straw’éfia‘rck. WORKED FOR. DUPONT. WHO IS HE ? HARD [Isaakâ€"The agent of the Marriage Aid Association is new travelâ€" ling through Ontario owinssing for mem- bers. In Port Hope, it‘ seems he had a rather hard time of it“ cording to the Times :â€"â€"“The agent of the Marriage Aid Association is having a sad time of it in town, although it‘ afood supply of ‘cheek’ is an essential t8 existence, he will be able to live through it. He has been sent to all the old maids in town ; directed by the girls to the ‘likely young men ;’ ordered indignantly from the res- idences of aforesaid spiosters ;- motioned peremptorin from millinery shops and show rooms, and otherwise uses unheâ€" coming as an “agent in" advancing . thel matrimonial interests of the phoplezr’f' It ‘ is likely he wimmrike this village in" IFES travels. If he does‘h'e will find lots 0'?! us willing tb‘ j'strrh'is Assoeiation or an‘f' other Association, if he can show us there is money. in it.. ‘ PLENTY or luvs-After nearly four and a half months of steady sleighing, Nature is once more wearing the smile of Spring, preparatory tn sinking into Summer’s nm‘m,~as the wildâ€"eyed poet ot the Sierra Nevadas mildly puts it. Winter is a verylgood thing in its place, but when it. begins to crowd into April then we feel justified in protesting. Away up at: Fort Calgarry, 1000 miles west of Winning, the farmers were plow- ing on the 2nd of March, and as. they turned over the sweetâ€"smelling sod, they softly chanted ‘Springâ€"time has come gentle Annie.’ The farmers around here are ready to join in the chorus, as soon as possible. The pubfi'c- are notified not to buy a note of hand. See advertisement. Bible Socier Meeting in the G. M. Church, on Monday evening nekt, 9:11 inst. ‘ Cnfmr Consummâ€"The Council have decided to appoint a Chief Con- stable for the village. Who will be the lucky man ? if the liormerls the case; thongâ€"to, use a coalition e ression,â€"he nex‘e'fu .knew whathappe 9d him. The inquest may bring some further information ‘regardâ€" ing the dgeen'sed to light, but the motive for the net, and the exact manner in which death was caused, will doubtless, forever, réfnain unknown. LA TEE. Uponflsjripping the bodyrn bullet hole was found in the left: breast, é‘hout two inches below the nipple. ’The supposiâ€" tion is that the .ball having taken a downward course and thus missed the heart. the g‘nan then placed the revolver to his temple and fired. ‘ COURT plainâ€"The next. Division Court will be held here on May 29th. Hair Nets, Invisible Net-s, ‘Hairpins, Crimping Pins, Bracelets. Beads, Jet Ear-rings. newest. styles. Berlin Wools, Basketsbgt‘q“ {gr sale at, the HERALD Store. “W " ‘ 01m COUNCILS.â€"Markham Township Council meets Saturday, April 7th; Scarboro Council on Monday the 20d prox. Gm:an SALLâ€"Extensinwrrdit sale of Farm Stock, Implements, etc., the property of Mr. John Duncan, Lot. 40, lst Con. Markham. 0|) Yonge Street. Terms,-â€"-â€"b’ums of $10 and under. cash, over that amount 6 months credit? on approved joint notes. S. Eckardl, Auct. For day ofsale and other particulars, see bills: Do you wish a good pen‘ to write with ? Buy Esterbrook’s No 144 for sale at the HERALD Store. ‘ Calfriifi Emuâ€"The number of people here on \Vedneedny last, to attend the monthly cattle fair, was .unusually large. Beef cattle,milch cows, heifers, sheep, lambs and pigs, were numerous. Prices were moderate, and a good deal of the best stock on the grounds was purchased by our village butchers. IT FgYs.â€"The Mink Boa advertised last. week, was restored to the owner, by means of the advertisement, a. few hours after it. appeared. A VALUABLE Noamâ€"Mr John Bell, of L'Amuroux sold the stallion “Sampson.” 5 short. time ago, to Mr Robert Burton', df Albion, for 32,000. This horse was imported by Mr Bell in September, l88F Reflig “1'1 well-built heavyâ€"draught horse. 3 years oid,stands 16% hands high, and weighs 1900 lbs. A TOWN BELLâ€"Our Councillors take some time to make up their minds, but when they decide on a matter, we have the atisfae‘tion of knowing that it. is settled. About two months ago the HERALD suggest‘é‘d to the Council the desirability of having one of our Church bells rung at morning, noon and even- ing, for the convenience of the public.» That. was one week after the town bell was destroyed bv the Royal Hotel fire. At the last meeting of the Council. ori Monday evening, as will be seen by the report in another column, the Reeve and Councillor Pugsley were appointed a committee to make arrangements for having one of the Church bells rung every weekâ€"day. ‘ D‘I‘itm'rons’ MEETING.-â€"A meeting: of the Directors of the Richmond 'Hill and Yongc Street Agricultural Society will be held in the Lorne Hall, on Tues. day next, 9th inst.. forTh'e pta'fpose of revising the prize list, etc. MONTHLY MEETING.â€"-â€"Tlle regular monthly meejinu of Ihe Richmond Hill Fire Brigadé will be held oil” Friday evening 110%.; A full attendance is reâ€" quested. The evenings are getting long again, and jhe Brigade should soon turn oilfieocmiohélly, for practice; LOCAL ITEMS. which Ihad experienced. Not only this, but many who were not conscious’ of any physical trouble, but who, at my suggestion. began the use of the remedy which had saved my life., found their health steadily improving and their strength continually increasing. So universal, where used, was this true, that I determined the entire world should share in its results, and I therefore placed the formula for its preparation in the hands of Mr H. H. Warner. a gentle- man whom it. cured of a severe kidney di- sease, and who, by reason of his personal worth. high standing antf'lil’ie’rality, has ber' come knewn and popular to the entire world. This gentleman at. once begun the manufacture of the remedy on a most exâ€" tensive scale, and to-day. Wurner’s Safe Cure, the pure remedy that saved my life, is known and used in all parts of the world, and can be fouhd on the shelves of every drug store.” “I am aware“? préj‘édice exists toward proprietary medicineg: pm?th such preju-- dice 13100 often well founded, hm the valu“ of apure flamed}7 is‘no less because it is a proprietary medicine. Ajustifi'nble prejuv dica exists towards quack doctors, but is i': "The free and independent thou zht of this age accepts statements only “h re they are proven to be truth. while the develop-- ments of mental power seem equally great ‘ in every Other department of life. The valuable inventions of the day are counted by thousands. The increase of scientific study is universnl. The pirit of inquiry in all fields is so marked as to cause comment on every side while people seem hivestigatn ing and advancing in every direction which can help them morally. mentally or physi- cally. This is specially true of the huma’ body and everything which concerns it. and the truths which the people have found, even' in the last (lily years. are simply marvellous [low really ignorant some cultured and sup-‘ posubly scientific people were only a few years ago. as compared with the presentf day, may be better understood from a few ILLIYSTRATH’E FACTS. “A prominent American writer prepared'. an elnborate essay to prove that, stenmships could never cross the Atlantic. and his pamphlet was issued just in time to be, car-- ried by the first steamer that came, to FugJ land. ‘ People once’ believed that the heart was thé‘ seat of life and health. It is now known that this organ is, only a pump. simply keeping in motion what. other and more. important organs of the hodv have created and transformed. t It. was once sup. posed that if a. person ielt.‘ a pain in the hack. the liver Was deranged: if a pnin 'came in the lower chest the lungs were affected and consumption was near ; it is now known thnt a pain in the back indi~ entes diseased kidneys, while troubles in the ‘lower éhest arise from a disordered liver and hot impei’fect lungs. A set‘ere pain in the head was‘ once thought to come from some partial derangement of the brnin ; it is now known that troubles in other putts of the body and away from the head, Cause hveaduches and that only by rtr‘r‘mving the cause can the pain be cured. It is a matter of “Htfi’ing found this great truth. I saw clearly the cruise of my recovery. The sizfl le vegetable leaf'l had used was a fond téh restorer to my well nigh exhausted kid- neys and liver. 11 llh‘d come to them when thei‘l' life was nearly gone and by its simple. yet p'ovverful influence, had purified strength- ened {ind restored them and saved me. from death. Realizing the grout benefit which a knofiledge ofthis truth would give to the world I began in a modest way to treat those afflicted and in eva‘y'c’dse I found the same ' Smorsxs or A LECTURE DELnVlcm-m 11? DR.‘ SBLWYN STANLEY Bnmmc 'rnn: METROâ€" I’OLITAN SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION or 'LUNDON. ' FAINTED REPEATKDLY. My heartbeat so rapidlv It was with} difii- é‘ilty I could sleep. My lungs were also badly involved. I could retain nothing Hpon z'fiv stomaclfi while the most intense pfiins in my hnck‘fl'nd’bo'fiels caused m‘é” to' long for death as a relief. It was at this critical junctute that n physical longing: which I felt fund which I most. firmly believe was tilt inspiration) caused me to send for the. leaves ofu plant I had once lmmrn in med- ical practice. After great diill‘éulty I at first secured the-m nnd began their use in the form of tea. I noticed a less‘ming of the pain at once _; l begun to mend rapidly; in five weeks] Was able to be about, and in two months I became perfectly well and have so continued to this day. It wins only natural that such a result should have caused me to infestigaste may thoroughly. 1 care- fully examiiré‘d fields in medicine never be~ fore explored. l 60“ng the cause of physi- eul order and disorder, happiness and pain. 5nd f found the kidneys and liver to be the governors. whose motions regulate the enâ€" tire system." "'_3’V""" . A‘ After descHBmg at length the offices of the kidneys and liver, and 'their important part it: life, the doctor went on to 3sz : “And here pardon me for relating a little personal experiencle. In the year 1870, l tound myself losmg‘ both in strength and health. I was unacconnt t, |y_ tired. my appetite was fickle. 15h head; t‘gu‘hled In? at times and occasionally painsimvultl shout through different portions of.‘ m llddy. I could1 assign no cause for this’ ficliné. lxut it continued, nnt'fl finnlly lcullvd to n'tv nid two prominent physicians. After treating me for some time they declared I was suffer- ing from Bright’s disease of the kidneys, and that they could do nothing mnré'for me At. this time I was so weak I could not raise my head from the pillow and I that general Washington was hle to death. His last illness fins slight. Rudy-nerd prln- cipnlly by \wminrss. A phyfifelm) was called who 'bled him copiously.’ Strange to any. the patient becamn no better ! Another doctor was called, who ngmn tnnk uwéy a large amount ofthe vitnl fluid. Thus in succession four physicinns drew away the life-Ufa great man who was intended by nut-m“? for an old age, and who prematurely d‘i‘fdâ€"wnnrdered by mnl; rtcticoâ€"bled to death. That was the. age ol medical bleed- ing l- I" “Let us look at this mnt‘er a little more clusely. The human body is the most twru feet and yet the mast delicate ol'nll crrnted things. It is capable ofthe groatest results nnd it is liable to the greatest disorders. The nlightrst causes sometime seem to thrnw its delicate machinery out of ordvr while the most simple and common-sense (we re- stores and keeps them in perfect. conditibn. [Vth it remembered that the amount of happiness or‘misery wé‘a’t‘é t‘o harp in this \vforld is dependent imnh‘ R peuflict lmdy, is it not strange that simpln profanitinns and cats are not exercist-d 7 This is one of the most vital questions ol life. Punnle may avoid it for the present. but there is CPl‘ltllll to come a time in every one’s experience when it must be faced.” The Speaker then. graphi -ally described unofl‘i’er periud WhK‘ll came upon lhe people. it} willéh llwv assigned lhe origin of all d1-- 'é’eaéé‘s (6 the stomach. and nflor slowmg the falsify of this theory, and llml 1he kid- névs mud liver were Ihe cause of disease, 9nd that many people are suffering: from kidney and liver troubles 10-day who do not know ix. bin M10 should know it and intend to them at O‘nce cominqu : A Great}- fievelaptionfil PRXV’ATE HISTORY HAPPY RESUE Barley do Oats, ac Peas do Rye ~Mutton, by the carcnse Chickens, per pair Ducks, per brace Geese,emh. Turkeys, eac . Butter, 1b rolls large 1- tub dairy. Eggs, fresh, doz Potatoes, per bag Apples per barrel .. Omons, per bag .. Cabbage, per don... Celery, per doz Turnips, per bag . Carrots, per do Beets, per bag annips, per bag Hay penton...“ Straw per, tpn ‘ Wool Der'lb‘ do..;.'v.. Dressed Hoasmer 100 ms..,,. Beef, hind quarters, per 1L0 nu n33 , per 100 lbs... ‘ Tfi’n BEST SALVE in the World far Cues, Bruises. Smes. Ulcers. Salt RIM-um. Feve'r “Sores. Teller, Chapped Hands. Cbilblains, SCorns. and all Skin Eruptions;and positive- ly cures Piles. 1': is guaranteed to give perfect mlisl‘nclion. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per h0x. Sold bv R. 19. Law .n . 'I'v riltz‘lxt flint this prejudice sh’ofifld extend towards all the doctors who are earnestly and Intelllgently trying to do their duty ? Because Warner’s Safe Cure saved my life before. it became a proprietary medicine, is it reasomble to suppose that it will not cure‘ others and keep still more from sickness now hat it is sold with a government stamp on the wrapper '2 Such a theory w0uld be childish”. FATAL Acc'tfiEsTâ€"A most distressing ‘ accident occurred at Sharon on Tuesdnv March 273]). by which. a httle child of D 11 g Willaouof that village lost its life. Mn. 3 Willson had placed a pitcher of scalding , hot water upon the tabla; tfie‘ child being in 3th!) room at the time; Having occasion to ilenve the room for a moment she moved tithe pitcher to the centre. of the table so that l' the child should not be able to get at it. By some means however the poor little thing ‘ managed to draw it off. nltd the contents were emptied over it, the hot water running duwn thtI side of the neck and arm burning ‘ the child fearfully in the region oftltejugu- flar vein. medical assistance was immedi- ? ater obtained. but in spite of all that eould‘ i he done the little sufferer died on the follow-1 ing day. The sad nfl'uir has been a ltenvy‘ lxblow to Mr and Mrs Willsnn and muclil sympathy is felt for tliem in ma neighbb’r!‘ hood. We tender tlib bereaved parent? nfl'rt 'sythpathy in the liml‘r of their heavy sorrow.j “How to reslme the health when broken and how to keep thebody nerfect and free from disease must ever he man’s highest stndv. ’] but. one ofthe gtfltest revelations of the present day has been? [beds in asceru mining the true seat at health to be in the kidneys and liver all scientists now admit, and I can but feel that, the discovery which I have been permitted to make, and which I have described to you. is destined to prove the greatest, best and most reliable friend to those who suffer and long for happinessv as well 263‘ to those who desire to keep the joys they now possess." The worst Scrofulons Sores, the most in- dolent Tumor, and the most foul Ulcer known, may be cured by the combine? nae of Burdock Bitters and Burdock Healing Ointment. Ask your druggisl for these in- fnllible remedies. TORON'IO? 'l‘fi‘émsnAy, April 6, muons AT mimuns' WAuGuNI Wheat full, new, per bush ...... . ..... $5 0 9’! Spring do ..... . l 05 Barley ' do 0 55 The doctor then paid some high compli- menls to modern science, and closed his lecture as follows .' Daughters. Wink, Mothers, look to vour health 1 The many painful and weakonf'hg diseases from which you smr. despairing of a cure, can be remedied by that unfailing regulator and unfailing tonicâ€"Burdock Blond Bitters. Ask your Druggisl for proof. Free of Cost; All pérsons wishing to té'gtt‘ the mmits of a great remedy-one that willnosnively Gure Consumption, Coughs. Colds, Asthma. Bron- chitis or any affection of’ lhe‘ Throat“ ard' Lungsâ€"“re requested to call at R. E. l‘mw's Drug Stone and get a Trial Bottle of Dr King’s New Discovery for Consumption free ofcnst. which will show you what a regular dollar-"size bottle will do. ling snow' ................... J Bro_wnl}¢e, sinking 3k brickiug Thé i'ollowi'fig accounts were read and on motioh‘ b‘fidcred to be paid :â€" M. H Keeflcr, printing village The Council met on Monday evening. 2nd inst, in the Council Chamber, the Reeve in the chair. Present, Messrs. Crosby, Pugsley, and Sanderson. Tbé Minfitesâ€"bf March 5th were read andflapmveqz 'J hnusunds 0t dallurtt can be saved by using: proper judgment in taking: care ofthe hennh of yoursell'nnd family. If you are llilious haw sullow complexion. puor appe- tite. low and depressed spirits, and generally dobilimled, do not deluv a moment. but go at once and procure a bolt'lt- of those won- derflzl Electric BIIIEI'S,‘ which never fall to cure. and that fur the trifling sum 0f fifty cents.-â€"- Tribune. Sold by R. E. Law. Tab» .<-â€"â€"â€"â€"_ nccouhts, 3882 .I........_.. H. Marsh plank for streets .. . Tric|5er 83 Empringbam shovel- Tunk.............; ........... 6.00 T Dou‘lh‘Waite bricking ténk . . 6.00 S Dean, filling do :.. . 1.00 The Clerk read a circular, dated March 14-, ’83, from W T U’Rellly. Esq. Inspector of Pri'fions and Public Charity Qf Ontario. relating: to the znafitibsibn' of Lunatics into the Profincial Asylum. Moved by Conn. Crosby, seconded by Coun. Sanderson, That the Reeve and Coun Pagslev be and are hereby appoim ed a special Committee with power to make urranzemen‘s for having one ohhe Church Bell< rung at the hours of 7 a: m , 12 (noon),1 p m , and 6 p m., even-37 weekâ€"day for: the accommodation of the Public.â€"6arried. Moved by Coun. Pugcley, seconded by Mr Sanderson1 That, Messsrs Crosby :nd tl‘xé‘ soconder be and are hereby apâ€" pointed a Committee to make arrange: menta for the appointment of a Chief Constable for {IS-e village.â€"Carried. Council adjourned to Monday, May 7th, at 8 p. m. Fortunes fOr Farmesr a. Mechanics. Woodbridge, Apri1251h, 1883. Richmond Hill Council. THE MARKETS incklbn's Aimee Salve. Springâ€" Fairs. Newmarket. M. TEEFY, Clerk. â€"-Bazzromnan. u‘f $3 4 . 4 1272 1383, 1.00 $0 98 1 08 o 71 ., . u .r * p: ‘ ' ' 1 { ROMAN CA1fi3L§c~Servioes : Thomhill lt9 em ! fnd Richmogd Hill at 10 30 um ; the fohoyvin‘! Sunday at Riéhmpnd Hill at 9 am, and Thank“ at 10 30 a. m, R‘ev Father Egan, Pastel” PREsny'rnnrfiâ€"Services at 1130 e. m',‘ tindo 80 m Prayer meetin on Wenesday evening at £30 Rev I Cempbefi. pastor ST MARY'S (EPIBCOPAL.)â€"-Setvicel at 3 p m, ex- ) cept the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 e. 111 Sunday School at 1.80 p m Rev W Bates, Rector Mnmoms’râ€"Servicea at 10.30 a. m, and 6.301) m 1 Sunday School at? 80 p m Prayer meeting «13:71 Thur-Sam; evening, Rev PAddison, pester, V J W Bar well, Assistant, “Its rgles are unquestionable and its curetfie shame :- Molute, as the writer can persodfilly testify, both from experience and obsarvetion. write at once to HAYLOCK dz J ENNEY, 7 Boy St. New York, enclosing $1. and you will receive by return a. remedy that will enable you to hem-like anybody else, and whose curative effects will be permanent, You Will never regret doing so." ~Editor of Mercantile REVIEW. 3T0 avoid loss iti 117179 "Mn-.ils,‘ plea.“ send money by Registered Latter. Only Imimtea by‘ navfidcx a any“. ( SO19 Agents for’Ame’ficaâ€"z" 7 Dev Stu. Y“ It has performed a. miracle in my case, I have no unearthly noise in my head and has much better, ' I have been greatly benefited, My deafness helped a. great dealâ€"think (moth. er bottle will cure me. My hearing is much benefited, I have received untold benflt, My hearing is improving, It is giving good satisfaction. Have been greatly benefited, and am rejoiced that I saw the notice of it. RICHMOND LODGE, A. F & A M, No 23, G C- Meets in the Lod Monday on or be J Reynolds, W M ; D T Fairbaim, 89 go Boom, Masonic Hall, on t! fore full moon, at 7 o’clock. pl 0. Positively Restores the Hearing, and is the 0117;? Absolute Cure for Deafness Known. . This Oil is ebstracmd from peculiar species 0’! Mn White Shark. caught in the Yellow Ben, known as Cnrcharodon Rondeletii. Every Ch}- nese fisherman knows it. Its virtues us a raster? ntlve 0! hearing were discovered by n. 1312th- Priest about the year 1410. Its cures were so numerous and many I0 seemingly miracul- ous, that the remedy was ofliclally proclaimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so uni-- versal that for over 300 eeu no Deeheu he- existed among ehe lune-e people. Sent charges prepaid. to any any address at $1 a. bottle A. 0. U. W., Ivv LODGE, No. Hatâ€"Meets in the Commim 1390»; of the Masonic Bull, evonr second an ‘ tourth‘Tuesdav of each month. lg o'clock. p. m. Beneficar certificate giyql‘v $2,0001n case of death. . A. E. Switzer, Mamet Workman, B. E. Law, Secretary. 1 ' ' 'W R. T. On TEMPERANCE.â€"Riohmond ’41) Coun. cil, No. 43. meets in the Temperance Hall. each alternative Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock p. m. Beneficiary certificates issued to members 10! $1,000 or in case of death $2.000, one halfpnyable in case of disability. J. H. Sanderson. Select Councillor. an BumADE.â€"Regular meeting first Fridny of every month, held in the Council Chamber, in 7 p. m. biannual-shin1 tree. Certificate: issued to members entitling t em to certain yriviiezol and exemptions. Gala 82 per your. H San- derson. Captain. 1) T ail-balm, Secretary. Dr. E. C. West's News and Brain Treatmc tr‘a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzinega, 6H5 v‘ml'sfipns, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Head in Nervous Prostmtion caused by the use of ale?) 0] or .tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental Depression, Softening of the 13min resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss oi’ Power in eitner sex, mvyelyntsry Losses and Spermatormaaa, caused by over-exertion of the brain, self abuse or over~ indulgence. One box will cure recent cases. Euch'box contains one month‘s treatment. . One (Honor 9. box, or six boxes for five dollars ;‘ went by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We uei’an- tee six boxes to cure any case. With em: order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars. we will send the nurchuser our writ- ten guarantee to refund the money if the treat- ment does not effect a cure, Guarantees issued only by ’I‘. A. Hewitt dz 00., sole authorized agents for Thornhill and Angus, 01:11., John C West & Co.. sole proprietors. Toronto. Ont. EARS WMILLIW I MECHANICS msmm.â€"Libmry of over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday even‘ , fir _ _~ Masonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o’clock. . I‘m- balrn, President. J Reynolds, Sec. R Law” Librarian. VILLAGE COUNCIL -â€" Reeve, J Brown; Conn- cillors, I Crosby, K Hopper, J E Sundexsonx Wl’ugsley Clerk.MTeefy RICHMOND HILL Comm'r BAND.~â€"Meets for Drug; tice every Tuesday and fintm‘duy awning at 7.30 o’clock. J Powell. Lender. The public are hereby cautioned nnninst pur- chasing n note of hand, signed by George M and drawn in favor of Francis Congrnve, of Rich- mond Hill, dated February, 1880. as said note has been lost, (find the payment stopped. Richmond Hill, April 29d, 1853‘ Hear What the Deaf Say- n. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Meddia‘? University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L s A L, England (Late 0! London, England) Surgeon, Etc. IS'Oflice Hours 8 to 9.30 a.m.. and 1 to 2.80 11.1%.; neaidenco, Yonge Street, Richmond nm. Richmond Hill, May 28rd, 1882. 1y We will pay the above reward {or any case of 'ver Cpmnluint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In- gestion;mtipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegemble Liver Pills. when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give nuanc- tio .. Sagan Qoated. Large Boxes, containing 30 ills, 25 centé‘: For sale by all Druggists. M wars of counterfeits and imitations. The gen Wmnnufuctured only by JOHN C. WEST C0.,“The Pill: Makers," 81 65 88 King St., Ens Toronto, Ont. Free trial lvnckhga sent by uni] prepaid on receiut of u. 3 cent stunm. NOTE LOST AND ERNEST F. LANG-STAFF Member College of Physician & Surgeons. (LATE or smoun'vmmc.) OFFICE HOURS,â€"From 8 to 10 a. m., 5 to 8 p. m RESIDENCE Dr. George Langstafl‘. omce and Residence,â€"0ue door scum): 91' P. 0. OFFICE HOURSâ€"8 no 130%» m, & 12 Warp m. Thornhill, Feb 14th, 1883. Gradual"? of Toronto University; M. C. P. & 8.. 0116, Two Years Residons, Assistant Surgeon ’00 Toronto General Hospital. DIE. W'. J. WILSON, mnnms'r memo msz Im. muss LANGSTAE‘F ix Yonge Street, Richmond Him Richmond H111, Oct. 12th, ’82. @‘imflw gum gfluxtimmtm Health is Weati‘tfi. Foo 0360’s Balsam of Shark's Oil $500 REWARD. DR. ORR, MAPLE, figgficnns SOCIETIES THORNHILL! ONT. Slit-cdicui. PR-Anc Is’ Casanova: illl-

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