The Council adjourned to April IOH‘, T983. A Secret. The sperm ofbenuly lies in pure hlooi 5hr: good health. Burdock ~Blood Diners is Ihe grand key thgn unlocks all the same-- Iions. lt cures all Scrofulnus Diseases. nuts on the Blood. Liver, Kidnvys, Skin and Bowela. and brings Ihe bEOOm of health to the palid cheek. A gun dub is being formed in Aurora. ‘We hm‘re the mnlezinl for one of the strong- bst teams in the country. Mr Mglloy. seconded by Mr Webster, {haired that the petition of Gen. Ellion, and 13 others asking for re-‘equnlizalion of that portion of Union S. S No 1/3. in 'I‘OWnship nf' Vunglmn, and Union S 8 No.1 in Wood- hridge. be granted, and that the Clerk is hereby fusirncted to prepare a By-Law by tï¬Ã©' next meeting of Council to appoint a Referee.â€"- Carrir-‘d. Our Chief was in receipt of a posicvrd the other day asking him to keep hi; eye open for a horse, cutter and harness. smleu from fi‘fnyton on the 20th inst. A liberal reward was offered for their recovery. Srnall causes at times produce rather Alarming results. One of our merchants, on closing his establishment for the night, rurned the lamp (loam and started to leave the place. Meeting a customer at the door who wished to make a purchase, he returned and was somewhat surprised and alarmed to ï¬nd the oil within the lamp ablaze For- tunately there was no more serious result. Had he not returned. and the building burn- ed through this means, speculation would have been rife as to the probable cause. A ynnng man from our town visited the Opera in Toronto A few nights ago. and‘ hrew down a ï¬ve dollar bill fm‘ tickets. This wns all right enough ; but some hours later when he remembered that he had not. stopped for change, lllS feelings were any-- thing but pleasant. Bonmwsv’s Omwigm AND PILLSâ€"Ever Useful.â€"The Afflicteh~ 8y illness should look their diseases fully in the face, and at once seek a remedy for them. A short search will convince the most sceptical that these noble medicaments have afforded ease, com- fort, and oftentimes complstg recové’ry, to the most tortured su erers. The Ointment will cure all descriptions of sires, wounds, bad legs, sprains, eruptiOns, erysipelas, rheu- ï¬latism, gout and skin aï¬eclions. The Pills never fail in correcting and strength- ening the stomach. and in restoring a de- ranged liver to a. wholesome condition, in rousing torpid kidneys to inorease their secretion. and in re-ostnblisliingthe natural healthy activity of the bowels. Holloway’s are the remedies for complaints of all classes Sf'smiety; Mr Reaman, seconded by Mr Webster, inoved that the Auditors' report 0f1882 be received and adopted by the Council, and that the Clerk in Ilervby authorized to have copies of Tp. accounts printed in the usual T'mmner, to be divid-d among the several councillors for distrihft‘ttonéï¬arried. By-an N0 450 appointing Road Com-- missinnevs 1017'» 1883 was passed A Penti'm from J Shooter and 12 others requesting the Council to pay Juhn Lang» Muff. backpavment for support of June Eagey. $20 L-O. MI" Webster moved, secondon by Mr Mat- ]ny. that the petition of'J. Wilson. and 12 others asking: to he t'nrmed into a mad d-vis- ion for the purpose of laying down sidewalks t'iétwnen 30 A; 32 in the ï¬rstgnn. be laid . ‘ .,..‘ over nnnl nth meeting For urther constd eratinn.-Carried. A Peminn was presented from God Kuhn and 13 mlwrs asking the Council for a re-Piqualizminn of S S No 14. A l‘eminn f'rnm'J Wilson, and 12 others asking [0 be 591 apart, as n aenara'e beat with the petition in! Thornhill. Mr Remnan. spcouded by Mr Manny, r'noved Ihnl the Treasurer be authoriZPd to pay John Lawsuit?" for lhe support ofJane Espey, in 3883, $20.00.â€"â€"-(‘arri9d ,_ . V r w The Cennr'il thought the pelilion did not contain a sufï¬cient number of signaturvs of ratepayers to warrant them in entertaining the same. Minutes of previous meetings rend nnd ï¬pl)r()yed. Mr. G96. Gohiol prosentoc’f 4 petitions represmnting 142 names. asking N') Hflve the lave-n hcensea in the township reduced nu n A éroéinl meeting was held on Feb 26th, n12 p. m. ken-vein the chmr. All Ihe mther pvt-sent. By-an No 448. apportioning theinlerest accrued from the Munimpal Loan Fund to the Several school BPCHUIIS. By Law No. 449, uppuiminz Auditors. “The Council lhen adjourned until Feb'. all). The Vaughan Council met onlhe 13111 of March. Mr Cook "1 the Chair. Members “resent. Messrs. Webster, Reamun. and Mn!- 05' Mr Webster, seconded by Mr Malloyl moved that the Council have a special meetï¬' ing on Monday, 26th inst, to take into con-'- siderntion the Hotel License and other business. to meet at 2 p mâ€"Carried. The following By-Laws were passed : By-Law No. 447 apportioning the interest accrued from the Clergy Reserve Fund to" the several sclmnl sections. l Mr Mnlld'y. seconded by Mr. Reaman, moved that the Clerk be instructed to get 50 bills‘qï¬ering fonviale by tender the tim-- yer on the and allowance running thmugh 013 13, 14 & 15, rear of 6th Com, tenae'l's to be received by the Council up to Monday 26th inst, at 2 p. m., at the Town Hall.â€" Carried. M r' Webster, seconded by Mr Malloy, moved that the Treasurer be hereby author- ized to refund to the undermentioued yarties the foHowing sgma, bemg amsged in the’ wron‘g sectiom, and that the Clerk asseaq [he amount to the proper secï¬ons :â€"Jobn Faradale. $1.7! : John Kerr, $5.30 ; Neil McGilivrayL $3.26.â€"Csrried. Mr Cook, seconded by Mr Reaman moved that the Treasurer be hereby authorized to pay the following road accounts as certiï¬ed by the several Road Commlssionersâ€"Diat. No. 2. m F. Topper for work and material, $2.00; Diet. No. 3, Wm. Patterson, for stone, $12 00.â€"â€"Curried. 5 Mr Reuman, seconded by Mr. Malloy. moved that the Treasurer be hereby author- izetl to pay R. Brown the sum of $3.00 for éohveying eight persons to the Industrial Home, J. M. Lawrence, fare on cars to Newmarket of 7 indigenls, $3.00, and John lcClure, County Constable, for services in 882, $3 00 â€"Carried. ‘ Mr. Cook. seconded by Mr. Reaman, moved that the Treasurer be hereby author- ized to refund $1.00 dog tax to J. McDonâ€"‘ uld,be ing erroneously assessed.â€"Carried. J Minutes of previous meeting read and ap- proved. ‘ , X pelilion from J. Burkholder and 15 hikers asking aid for Vaughan Agricultural Society. The above Couling met 6;). 13th Fain, ult. Reeve in the a ‘air. Meï¬ibers present, Messrs. Cook, Webstei', R'éï¬'man and Ma!- 10y: Vaughan 0911116115 SPECIAL MEETING AURORA â€"Bonmms. __â€".,.,.... ‘7ch ma. 9 a. spediï¬l style 6! Orgalï¬s in laxge'quaï¬ mas: and c a. coptiona y low rites. Paymentsfarranged to suit 6 cbn‘veu‘ie term of‘yem's.’ For full particulkxs write to' .3, __ I m ,, , ., 7., r t. ., . . v *7,†* '*'.",â€"""""“ ~~wvï¬uwvumvuu 108.5 only speak in 5351831110 high terms regardmg their musrcal quahtxes ; for their ï¬ne full sing. ing capmflility of tone. leasrmt touch, dw, are such, tflat there seems to be no necessity to urchasa foreign instruments, w an our home enterprise can produce sucmriRQOS. and ï¬t one-third 689 0051: I am glad to hear that the extensive sale of your instruments shows that you are meeting with the wow†that I think you justlï¬ei‘iZTYebu Obedient gervtmt MESBM.R. S.W1LL1AM5 & Sox's. _ I . .v TORONTO, April 12th, 188]. GENTLEMENâ€"I have much pleasure m testxlymg to the giant excellence of chr Pianos. I have put them severelv to the test, and ï¬nd them possessed of those Qualities of toï¬e and touch so nc~ «21:33.1th 1x; ï¬he trufdmlusitéiw angi lovertof classicén musicâ€"a chuiming singing tone, easilv gradu- a. e r' m 6 mos 6 ion 6 piamssimo 0 every agree of loudness und‘ fulh , 1 ‘- v ‘ (mayors rg'gdilg to éyery shade of feeliqg. ‘ 655 "m a, touch “blah I considerâ€"£11959 insï¬â€™ruglenté{ï¬reatiqquiaition in musiciul society‘i'and am ï¬nding a. piano which I cad recommend wmh perfect conï¬dence. I am,Gentib‘men. you?! very trulyr CEAB.W.EWING, (0f Londor'i, Englandn Orgamsb of St; Peter's Chur‘ch. Cuburg, Ont Mnesns R. B.Wmmms & Sowsâ€" . . TpRONTo, Nov. 4th, 1532". , GENTSâ€"Having thoroughly examfliéa tho Workmanshlp of your Pmnos, I have no hesitation in stating that, in neyppg‘iron, they are equal to those of any others ‘of the heat Mofk‘e‘rs'thgt I {Jag/e seen 1 --._ k- __ _-_ . n. :_L hmâ€... ._-...‘_.:.~.... LL_X.‘ ‘_.._:,_ _.__uu.~4_ :n UPRTGHT AND SQUARE G PIaHOSVv iï¬anas rates; AT THE FIRE PRGOF : The Finest Tweeds Dress Goods 2 SPRING mum Are constructed from the very best Materials by expeï¬enced Wox-kmen, and are fully equal in ï¬bint of Goodfdlmily Flour, Lard, Bacon and Hams. Choice and retail. Terms,â€"Cash or harm Producé. Higl [a coming, and J Riahix‘mnd 15% March 22nd, 1883‘ B; wmmms 8% (If? Groceries and Provisions FIELD 35 GARDEIST Sill-IDS, =2. :2 â€"â€" f7 GAN .Jl Fresh Supplies of Groceries, etc; at the very Io“ es At ptiées that cannot fail to give satisfaction Garden Rakes. Spades and Shovels. A new anii well assorted stock of r43 Yo‘hgé“ Sf; Tdk'dï¬â€˜f'g. In Town. 300 these Goods! . BROWN has a. $Himsorted stock'é‘f Clogér; Tiï¬bthy, Flanx and 8.! kinds of Fresh TESTfMéNIALs. To the high priced American Instruments. BEAUTIFUL PIANOS 2 1 and Hams. Choice Cb'nfectionary &ACigars;wholesaIe rarm Producé. Highest price paid for Butler 5D Eggs. ï¬g 9.0:R J. BROWN. . CROSBY. ï¬lm. W. STRATHY. Mué'D‘a A fresh supply. of much pleased at Ear them qt ax‘ (I spread over a. For Manufacturing and other purposes. 5 ock and Shara Brokers, etc, etc. " Jay?) M,- 18875 Goodwills Bought and Sold! Farm & Other Property, Hotels, Taveriii aqd Business. ' u GENERAL AND FINANCIAL" AGENCY ! Because our prices are so low as M 390111 W011" derful when comuared with (11039 of other ï¬rst- cluss dentists. I do not wish you to infer that my establishmentiw Ponï¬ned to the manufacture of sets. I do everything or anything that any Toronto dentist W111 do, and doib on approved modern. scientiï¬c jvrinciples, guwzmheemdsutis- faction in all cases. No pain caused my the ex-- trucï¬m'.’ of teeth Best $8 Believing the people will appreciate n.- scale of low prices for a superior class of urtiï¬cml . teeth, I have determined on reducing the price ab least iOVper cent}. 0.13. LENNOX, DEN TA L SURGEON, #151 Yuma ST.,VT0HflNTfl.U TORONTO r. VITALIZED AIR PARLOURS. 60th PLATE, 3, = $30. 6 R UBIiERf 6 H Spe our reduced 101m table 1501;511:611†infor- mation apply at the omces of the Company Momy receiVed on deposit, and payable hulfyezu'iy 0r compounded Pai‘en‘t Rights disposed of ; SYNDICATES FORMED Tutu-l Aésleté,’L-,.-a,’506fdoo SAVINGS BANK BRANCH DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Plait, M P,A1fred Gooder- hum, Geo W Lewis, T533 H Lee, Hon D L Mucpherson, Senator _ Loan and Savings Company Oï¬icesâ€"No 70, Churcbstreet, Toronto }ION GEO W ALLAN, Senator,Presi(lent GEORGE GOODERHABI Vice-President Western. Canada Aurora, lat, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Newmnrket, ...... do Stouï¬ville . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘10 Msxkham ...... d0 Victoria Square do Thornhill d0 Maple do Woodbri e . ‘10 Kleinburg . . ...29 1; do Nobleton th do Anasthetics, as Nitrous Oxide, eta, used when orgored and none but the begt material Psed (at Palmer House) Aurora, lat, 8th, 16 Newmnrket, ...... Stouï¬ville Thankful for the favors of the pint years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro fession, as follows : Richmond Hill.. 9th & 24th of each month Capital, 31,000,000 Reserve Fu’m‘f,‘ $450,000 m. a A “HA- n,“ MM . ARTIFICIAL TEETH ON er to suit each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth, carefully avoiding all unnecessâ€" mwpain. Ofï¬ce hours from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Privfle maidence 209 Jarvis street. lm " 3 SURGEON DENTIST, haé .. removed to 87 King 93;th East, Togonto. I. 139512 mineral teth inserted‘m a. mann- Evï¬iisiiif. no; MORTGAGES OBTAINED ‘ Are pleasant to take. Contain then- owï¬ Purgative. Is a. safe. sure, and ctlectmg destroyer of worms in Children or Adulti. ,,. PREEMAN’S n WORM POWDERS.‘ nlnzanousmru mu some. Pm: 25°. EMILBU'RN 86 00., Proprietors mp... A“..- ‘ APPLIED EXTERNALLY m RHEUJKA TISM, NEURMQIA. 0mm LAINS, CALLOUS LUMPS SWELLDVGS, smp JOINTS, GALLS, m‘ FROST mm LAMENHSS, OORNS',’ , OONm4CH0Ns BRULSES, LlprpAGO,’ may, DEAFNESS, PAININBA‘ , SPRAINS, v PAIN in SIDE, 00. Every bottle guaranteed to give tion og‘glpney refunded. WALTER 3 LEE, . nun INTERNAL" m GROUP, 00170115, CRAMPS, 15mm 11112011; ASTHMA, comm, Jw. TO_DISEASES, Com-LAm-rs and 4mmâ€: which HAGYARD'S YELLpW 012. IS ann- tecd to cure or relieve either in AN or BEAST. , _n ~:\m.p.-;gâ€". 1“ vâ€" pvvaâ€"fl;m.r?; grafï¬ti, v. Iwï¬qu ROGERS, MONEY T0 LOAN. A LUMIN'U M $15. CELLOLoz-D $510. At lggfle 18th of every mc'iiaéh J. I. EVANS & co, 'RUBB Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA ;, 8th, 16th, and 22nd ...... 2nd ..18th ...... 20th .. ...2lst TORONTO, 6M5. gut-m; Leader Lane, Toronid , C..,AQAMS, L.D.s., v SURGEON DENTIST, has 9th ‘2 24th of each month Sig Manager , A an. This Hotel has been ‘refurnished, renovated, and ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style, and is now the landing Hotel north of Toronto. The but is sup- plied with ï¬rst-class brand of liquors and cigars. Excellent {Lgcnmmodution for Comnmrcinl Travellers, unvï¬jlne General Public. Good Stabl- iug and an utter. Jive Hustler. RICHMOND HILL. ‘ JOHN POWELL, Prof) This House is (gm of the Best Hotels to be found north of 'l‘zi‘ontn. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- ciuJ Travellers. 000.01 Staffing and attentive hosclers. Terms, per day. Proctor’s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R I} Trains going North and South. at 8 a. 111., 12" c2. 11]., 5.10 p m. und 7.301) m‘ GIMME EBNTML HGTEL THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. J Palmer, Prop. l) TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chancery etc†64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. ‘ . Jns Bethune Q C N W Hoylcs, NORTH OF SCOTLAND (‘IIAMBEkS, l8 6:. 20 King Street. West, Toronto Bufristers, Atbol'ueys‘ut-Luw, Solicitzn‘s-iu- Chancery. Conveyance (-5, etc, ()ffluosi Imperial Bunkliujldings. \Ve]11ngt0n~stmct, Toronto HOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAIN WM SETON GORDON, Gm; F SmPLEY BARRISTERS, &0 BOULTBEE & EVATT. HARRIS ’I‘ERR, AHnrnmm qh1;nv'+nvn4n nummmfl Bethune, Moss, Falcenbridge AND BOYLES, Ferggson, Bgin, Cor‘d'on at, Shipley, The Trade Marks of my mid Medicines are re- gistered m Ottawa, and also M; Washington. ngrie‘d THOMAS HOLLOWAY 5-33 Oxford street, London. CAI'TIoN~â€"I have 113' Agent in the United States, nor are my :F‘Jedicines sold there. l’l]?ChnSF§TS shuuln' therefore look :to the label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London they are spurious. and sold at Is. 14:1,, 23. 9a., 4s. 6d,, 115., 22, and 339' each Box and Pot, and in Canada, at «30' cents, 90 cents, and $1.50 cents my} fire" him: sizes in proportion. » ALFRIED BtSï¬Ld‘BEE Manufactured duly atQmeesvs“ or Hollowav’s Estab’Tishment. 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON, Coughs, Sore Threats. Bronchitis, and all diaord ers of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, Rheu- matism. Scrotum and other kind of skin diseases increase the secretory powers of the Liver, brace the nervous system, and MW into the circula- tion the purest; Elemen‘bs for sustainng and repairing the frame. will be found invaluable in: evéry Household in the cure of Open Sores. Hard Tumours, Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that by their use alone they haue been restored to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. Purif , reguiute and impxo e the unlity of the 31003: They assist the d‘igsstive %rgans, cleanse BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. COLDS, This 1ncomparable Medicine has secur-_ ed for itself ,an imperishable fame throughoutthe Warld for the alleviation and cure of most. dieé‘ases to which humanity is heir. Pills & flintment- worth their" Weight in‘ bold! i Trusting toih‘éï¬lthe pleasure of'shé’iwihgflyou throughout Establishrlt‘lii‘mt‘a When? c'bn'fi' STOMACH AND BOWELS, Our Stock will,’withoutldoul;fl comï¬are Paiburably with any on“ this contiheï¬f; Fareighi G%ods having been purchased direct from the ï¬rst manufactiï¬â€˜Ã©is (if! Europe by our Mr. J. W. Petley, whb~ is a'resiaént of" MANCHESTER, Eï¬Ã©iand; We beg to inform you that OUR NEW PREMISES" WViII‘ c’bfï¬pleted in‘a few Jay‘s",N and that on MONDAY, APRIIL 2‘hd, we will Show a“ Complete Stbck‘ of NEW SPRING GOODS in all the departments; in what we have tic; hesitatibï¬ in saying; ‘will be‘rthe “Handsom’bst‘Stores in Cd'ifada.†pleted, we renhain P. O. Box 2527. C. C Moss, W C Falconbridge W Bm’wick, A B Aylcswnrth W J. FIIANRS gmulf, PETLEY Jan. 5th 1881 WM. Won'rs EVATT. 128‘ T0 13'er KING-STREET EA‘S'ff Albums. , Bibles and Testaments. Blotting Papers,' Brooches. Belts. Brcï¬'ds, Balls, Baskets, Copy WBooks. Combs, curds. _ Chromos, cmquet Sets, checker Bonds, chessmen, concertinuï¬, Drawing Books, - Drawing Paper, Dolls. Ear-rings, Envelopes, ‘ Elastic Bands. Fancy Boxes, Foolscap. Gold & Silver Papesr, Hair Brushel, “TEE HERALD}; BflflK, STATIDNEHYQ 8i FANCY can»: swan; 83;;1‘bc'ér1es For Holiday Bengali} Furniture At [qrionto Prices i PEOPLE’SSTORE; FIFTY 4’ ?ORONTGk H. Siflderséfl Soï¬g Piéturesï¬and Picture Frames of augmgsg ; .: ‘ ‘3 5 5 r, _ . f . Spring Styles ; Englis‘h',’ A‘iri'ér'iéa’n &' Ca‘h‘ddi'an mike; "3:30.11; Chrome Mottoes of ml designs, Brackets and Wall Pockets.| [A very ï¬ne aeloéï¬on of éï¬EMIST§ &†bnuadxs'fé, The following are some of the a>ticles always kept in stock. . OiSe Glass and Crockery. Call and SeeSPricea For CASH Only. in A large 35501: of. Eonilpn Point Lace. Inks ofdall kinda, Juvï¬ni‘l‘eï¬zaToy Bogks. Jews Harps. Jewelléry. Lead Per-gays;- , Hymn Bobké, Mush: Paper, Music Books, Mirrors, Memorandum Book, Miscellaneous Books, Nail Brushes. Note Paper. Novels. Prayer Booh. Purses, Promissory Note and Receipt Books, Pens, Pass Booh. Spectacles, Slates and Poncill, School Books. Sealing Wax, Tissue Paper, Violin Striugl, Wool: of all kinds. :{7c . «kc. This is the place to buy, ‘ cheap for cash. P; G. SAVAGEJ‘