Markham Townshipâ€"Redmond Joyce Wm Meek, John Webber, Wm. Peny, Catherine Button, Annie Mxlloy, Henry Bolton, W Walker, 0 Hemmingway, Gr Wright. - Markham Villageâ€"W H Hall, John I Torrance; flm. Marr. . Scarborh TMElizaboth Johnston, J. CallendorngLeslie, G. Corï¬eld, Alex. Burns ' .j . Towï¬ship of York, Eastâ€"Tavernâ€" Mrs John Ross, Ira. Bates, David B. Birrell. A. Henderson. Catherine Green- wood, Wm. Woods, John Mallendine, Terrance Farr, Ann O. Sullivan, Geo. Empringham, 'l‘cressa Wall, Thos. Sulli. van, Ben. Tomlin, Wm Brunskill, Thos Sellers, Yorkville,0r St. Paul’s Wardâ€"â€"Tavem -â€"Thos. Holmes, E. French, R. Slee, Richard Lennox, James White, Wm. William McKay, “Grunt it Out." The above is an old saw as savage as it is senseless. You can’t "grunt ‘out†dys- pppsia nor liver complaint, nor nervousness if they ome get a good hold. They don’t remove themselves in [but way The taking a few doses of Burdock Blood Billers is better than “grunting 1t out.†What we can cuxe let’s not endure. We‘Would‘like 10 see a good woollen fncxory in Markham. Can’t we get i: T There is ample room for the industry, and it conld be made a paying investment. A. Fleui-y & Sons shipped to J. G. Slur" geou, Millford, Manitoba. Wednesday. one car load ofimplements, consisting oflhresb- ing machine and land rollers. nd which really does as rec-omniénded. Electric Bilters will do as recommendeï¬. They invariably cure Slomach and Livu‘ Complainxs. Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary difï¬culties. We know whereof “a apenk, and can readily say give them a trial. Sold at ï¬fty cents a bottle by R. E. Law. â€"-.>.4â€"â€" The Speight Manufacturing Company shipped last week four car loads of waggons to Messrs Harris &, Co.. Winnipeg. Do Not be Decelved- In these tunes of qunck medicine adverâ€" tiaements everywhere, it is truly gratifying lo ï¬nd one'remedy that is worthy of praiee Tm; HORSE MARKERâ€"Mr John Lumbrie shipped from Newmarket twelve horses to lontrenl on Tuesday. Besides those we made memion of last week Mr Thos Glover of North Gwillimbury received $300 for a bay marennd Mr Charles Webb of Whll-- church $350 for a span of greys. These twelve horses are said to be the ï¬nest lot ever bought by any buyer in this Town and they averaged $175 each. BROKE Hrs LEG.â€"0n Thursday Mr. A. Mains: burrisler, Whllr‘ descending the steps in from of his ofï¬ce on Main St. slipped and fell breaking u small bone of 1118 log near the ankle. ANOTHER IMt>onTArt().\'.â€"- It is new claim- ed that Percheron horses are possessed of more endurance, are capable of performing a greater amount of quick, heavy work, are more tractable und easily broken than any otherbreed of horses. Mr Oliver Cuthbert- son, of Queensville. purchased a Percheron horse from Mr Dunhnm, of Illinois State, 35 miles west of Chicago, who claims to have the largest importing and breeding estabiish- ment in the world. Mr Culhbertson refused $2.500 for the Stallion while in Toronto on his way home. The animal will be three years old this Spring, weighs 1930 lbs., stands about 16,}, hands high. measures 7 ft. 8 in. in girt, wus imported from Normandy in France not 6 months ago, and partakos 01 all the valuable qualities of his race. List of'applications for tavern and shop licenses granted for 1883-4 for Eng York, viz : The people of the Lemouville Schnol Seclion have had lively times during the past W'inter. The ï¬rst election of lt trustee was declared illegal and it had to be gone over IL second time. Then [mother appeal was made on the ground that i1-- legal votes had been polled, and ï¬nally the in- spector lmd to settle the matter himself. At the second election the vote was an exact tie, and it devolved on the chairman to give the ousting vote. The excitement prevailing during the canâ€" test is said to have eclipsed that of a vurliamen tm‘y election. A number of applications were held over. WELL PRESERVED.VI\IY Rumble showed us some specimens of apples on Monday which had been mken from under the snow, where they had lain all Winter without having been frozen in the least; A'l‘hey were us fresh and juicy as when the sudden winter closed upon them. For such a severe winter it is wonderful how they escaped being frozen solid, but it; only shows the DTOMN - tion afforded vegetation by the fleecy winter emu pet sprend in all nature’s drawing rooms. Burdock Blood Bitters. Cures scrofula, erysipelas, salt rheum, piles and all humors of the blood. Curesdyspep- sin. liver complaint, biliousness, consli} ution dropsy. kidney complaints, headache, [lei-- vousness. female weakness and general deâ€" bilily, when used in time. A Dellrious Mother. NEW YORK. April ll.â€"Mr3 Wm Howard aged 19, delirious l'rom fever, last night jumped from the bed where she was left ulonéfdemolished the furniture, and killed her infant, aged three weeks, by dashing it against the stove. She is in the hospital (0-day raving mad. Thousands upon Thousands Of dollars have been spent in adverxising the celebrated Burdock Blood Bilters, but lhis fact accoun's only in part for its euorn mous sale. Its merit has made it what it isâ€"the best blood medicine ever devised by man. ' Brady, who has been convicted of the Phoenix Purl: muiders, asserts his innocence and claims that his life wns sworn away by mformers. IL is expected lhat three of the accused will plend guilty. The feeling 01 uneasiness in England is subsiding, but the police have not relaxed their efforts. HmLowAY's OISTMEXT AND PrLLs.â€"â€" l Rheumatism and Gout.â€"These purifyingl and soothing remedies demand the earnest attention of all persons liable to gout, sciat-l ion, or other painful affections of the muscles. nerves or jomts. The Ointment should be applied after the affected parts have been patiently fomented with warm water, when the unguent slmuld be diligent- ly rubbed upon the adjacent skin, unless the-friction should cause pain. Holloway’s Pills should be simultaneously taken to re- duce inflammation ,and to purify the blood. This treatment abutes the violence. and lessen! the frequency of gout, rheumatism, and all symmodic diseases, which spring from hereditary predispositions, or {rem any accidental weakness of constitution. This Ointment checks the local remedy. The Pills restore the yitul powers Tavern and Shop Licenses. 1;} z’ Newmarket. Markham. -â€"REFORMER. ECONOMIBT‘ â€"E1u‘ Good Family Flour, Lard, Bacon and Hams. Choice Confectionary & Cigars wholesale and retail. Terms,â€"â€"Uash or harm Produce. Highest pnce paid for Butler & Eggs. BOOTS AND ‘SHOES! Is coming, and J. BROWN has a Weli-assorled stock of Clover, Timothy, Flax and 31 kinds of Fresh Dress Goods! ' 3mm: mum rates. AT THE FIRE may 2 The Finest Tweeds Pianos? Pianos 2 SEED TIME UPRIGHT AND SQUARE E MEasnsi R. S. WILLIAMS & Sox's. TORONny April “UL 188‘. GENTLEMENâ€"I have much plonsure in testifying to the great (mm-11011an of ycur pmmm 1 have put them severely to the test, and ï¬nd them possessed of thosn qualitivs of tune and touch so {LC-- ceptable to the true mu’ um and lover of CIILSbllilll musmâ€"xL charming singing toner easily m-mlu. uted from the most, delicate piuuissimu to every degree of loudness :Lnd fiiluuss, and u. touch which answers readily to every thulq of fuelilig “immua n; uuawun lvuuuy nu vvvl‘y .WMW . I'consulur these instruments :1 {newt acquisition in musiciuil society, and am much pleasud at ï¬nding u. piuuu which I can recommend with perfect conï¬dence. I am, Gentlemen. yours very truly, CHAS. W. EWING, (Of London, England,) Organist of St Peter’s Church, (701mm, Ont Mussns R. S. \VILLIAMS & SUVS ~4 TORONTO, NOV’ “my 1381 GENTSâ€"Having thoroughly examined the \Vnrkmxmship of your Pimms, 1 have no liositmiuu in stating thub, in my opinion, they ure equal to those of any others of the host Makers thut I hiu'c seen I can only speak in the sumo high terms regarding their musicle qualities ': for their ï¬ne full siug‘ ing capability of mm), pleusunt touch, Am, are such, thut there seems to be 110 necessity to purchase foreign instruments, when our home ('nterpl‘isu czm produce such Pianos, and m, (memhird less cost, I 8.1)] glad to hear that the extensive sale of your instruments shows thub you um meeting with the success that I think vou justly deserve. I um, Gentlemen. Your Obedient Servant, nwA “7 am†lrnnv .y,,, n We nmke IL syccilhl style of Organs 111 large quantities, and am therefore able to 01ch them at. 0x ceptionnlly low rates. Payments :u‘rmwcd to suit the convenience of purchasers uud spread over A] . ., 1‘ A u ‘ , p,,u , wruivu .._, .v . term 0! years. ' I: OIVfflullflpaâ€"mticulurs write to Are constructed from the very best Materials by experlenced Workmen, and are quy eqqu in point of Richmond Hill, March 22nd, 1883. "v 00%) Ki HELD & GARDEN sums, QC? Groceries and Provisions, :33} @RGANSX. Rn mmw & SW5 (1 J Garden Rakes, Spades and Shovels. A new and we“ assorted stock of At prices that cannot fail to give satisfactiop. Fresh Supplies nf Groceries, etc., at the very 10“ est In Town. Sco these Goods! L nu. llthvAvMAu-IA» nu“ w R. S. WILLIAMS, I43 Yonae St. TOronto. OR 226 Dundas St. London. TESTIMONIALS. To the high priced American Instruments. BEAUTIFUL PIANOS ! I. CROSBY. GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc. A fresh supply of This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an impox‘ishuble fume throughout the World for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to which humanity is heir. purify, regulate and imprnyo the quality of the good. They assist the digestive prgans, cleanse STOMACH AND BOWELS, The Trudb Marks of my said Medicines are re- gistered 111 Ottawa, and also at ’Wnshiugtou. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY 533 Oxford street, London: Worth their .‘Weight in Gold ! ! increase the secretory powers of the Liver, brace the nervous sys tem, and throw into the cireulu- tiun the pures {5 Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that by their use alone they haue been restored to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful- Coughs. Sore Thronts, Bronchitis, and all disord ers of the Throth and Chest, n‘a also Gout, Rheu- matism. Scrotum and other kmd of skin diseases and sold at 15;. 1m†25. 9a., 4s. 6d†115., 22, and 83s each Box uud Pot, and in Canada at 36 cents, 90 cents, and $1.50 cents, and theflm‘gcr sizes in proportion. . ' K ‘ affr- CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Agent in the United Slates, nor are my‘Medfciues sold there. Purchasers slmuld Ibexrefore look to the label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not. 533. Oxford Street, London they the spurious. ' R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L. S A L, England (Late or London, England) Surgeon, Etc. ’ IS‘Oflice Hours 8 to 9.30 u.m., and 1 to 2.80 11.111. Residence, Yongo Street, Iiié’hinond Hill Richmond Hill, May 28rd, 1882. 1y 'I‘UORNIIILL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto University, M. C. P. & Su Ont, Two ch‘s Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto Genéral Hospital, Oflico and Regidoncmâ€"One door south of P. 0. OFFICE HOURSâ€"S to 11) a, 1;), 85 12 to 2 p m. Thornhil], Feb 14th. 1883. ‘ 111:.5W. J. Wmsow, ‘ MEDALIST TORONTO ‘UNIVERSITY. Member College of Physicia as .‘k Surgeons. (LATE OI“ sronrm ILLE.) OFFICE HOURSâ€"From 8 to 10 u. 11)., 5 to 8 11. m RESIDENCE Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond H111, Oct. 1211:, ’82; ' Will bu found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sums, Hard Tun-ours. Manufactured only at Profess- or Hollowav’s Establishment. 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON. ERNEST. 7 F. LANGSTAFF Pills & flintment BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS. CULDS, Dr. George Langstaff, ML JAMES kaxéiSTAFF! W. ROGERS, W “V - SU; L115th JH-IN'J'IS'I',111LS removed (,0 87 King street East, Toronto. Best mineral tooth inwrtmliu u munn» or to suit each lszLivnt. I‘mrhcuhn‘ :Lttcntiml given to the preservuhkm :Lml revuluytiuu 01' the natural teeth, curcfully mu'ulii 3,; nil unuucoss- my pain 0111001101113 from X 11,111. to 0 y. m. PriVuto 1 idcncu :3 U Jarvis struct. EVERSLEYm EEO. Maple ...... . u do \Vnodlmidgo . . . . , . . . . . . . do Kleinburg ‘ V (In Nobletnn th do Anusthefiéétn‘s Nit‘rbus buds, eta, used when ordered and none but the best material used APPLIED EXTERNALLY ran RITE 17411.4 TISM, NEUIL'! EGIA, CIIILI LAINS, CALLoz's L MIPS SWELLINGS, STIF 'JOLVTS, GALLS, y FROST BITE, LAMENESS, 001:. x , CONTRACTIONS BRl’ISES, LUMBAGO, ITCII, ' ‘ DEAFNESS, PAININ BA CK, srrunvs, PAIN in sum, 4%. Every bottle guaranteed to‘give satisfac-l tion or money refunded. DIREGTIOHS WITH EACH BEETLE. PREGE 9.50. T.M:LBURN & 68., Eyopmetors TORONTO, ONT. " or: 0 UP, ORA Mrs, ASTHJIIA, At Mmrlu 18th 0f vvcry month DR. ORR, MAPLE, Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA ï¬MiwI. genital, C. ADAMS, L.i).S., Jan. 5th 1881 do do do 110 do This House is one of the Best Hotels to he found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First (miss Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stubling and attentive hostlers. Terms, $1 per day. Proctor’s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8 a. 111., 12 a. m., 5.10 p m. and 7.30 n m. This Hotel has been refurnishod, renovated, and ï¬tted up in ï¬rstâ€"claws style, and is now the luunling Hotel north of Toronto. The bar is sup- plied with ï¬rst-class brand of liquors and cigars. hlxccllvnt accommodation for Com mercinJ Travellers, and the General Public. Good Stabl- ing and an attentive Hustler. R U B B E R Best 2&8 Believing the people will appreciate a. scale of low prices for It superior class of artiï¬cial teeth, I have determined on reducing the price at least 50 per cent. Because our prices are so low as to seem won-- dcrful when cmnnnred with those of other ï¬rst- cluRs dentists. I do not wish you to infer that my establishment ls conï¬ned to the manufacture of sets. I do everything or anything that any Toronto dentist: W111 do, and do it on approved modern. scientiï¬c principles, guaranteeing autis- szCtiun in all «mos. No 1min caused by the ex-â€" traction of Us RICHMOND HILL. JOIIN' IPOVVELL, Prop THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, a“ Palmer, Prop, WM EENTRM. Hï¬TEI. c. P. LENNOX, DEN TA L SU RGEON, 1151 YBNGE 51, mum'er l TORONTO VITALIZEE) Ali: PARLOURS. sum-u o 'IIlbIOU. A L UuM-IQYQ’U M $1 5 . C CELLOLOID, ' Lib-1 n b 60L!) PLATE, , $30. I RUBBER, 6 6 n .“’0 will pay the ubnvc reward for {my case of Lu'vr (Immsluim, Dyspupsiu, Six Headache, In- digo 'nn. Constiym un or Uustivenuss we cunnut. «um '1th \‘v'mt :5 Vugcmblo Liver l’llls, when the dil'octiuns m‘u strictly complied with. They are purely \"vgetublc, and never fail to give satisfac- tion. Sugar (Tented. Largo l’xoxvs, containing lit) l’ill' 25 uont‘ For sale, my n11 Druggists. Be- wtu‘eof cmmturfcits xmd imitutémm. The gun ninemzmufmatmwlonly by JOHN C. "VEST & (10,,“ The Pill Mukers." 81 & 83 King 8b., East Tm'nnto,()nt. Froctrinl package sent, by mail prepaid on receivt of u. 3 cent snumu. Foo Choo's Balsam of Shark’s Oil Positively RC stun-s the Hearing, mm] is the Only x’llmoluto Cum for Deafness Iinowu. This 011 is ubsh‘nctcd from peculiar specks of smull VVhite Shark. cuught in the Yellow Sou, known usLlurcluu‘mlml I‘vondolvtii. Every Chi» nvsu Jlshul'm‘m l\llU\\H it. Its \‘irtm‘s as u rashâ€â€" ntxve of homing ware discovered by a Buddhist Priest about the yeaur 1410. its cums were so nunmmus and many so seemingly miracul- ous, that thu rmnmly \v s (ï¬nciully prnvlzu'mod nvm‘ thu cutil'r' Empire, Its use Immune so uni»- Vm'ml 1mm for over 300 years no Deafness has existed among she Chinese people‘ Sent charges propuid. to any any :denss 11.1 a. bobfle It has performed a mimclo in my cruise, 1 11mm no unearthly noise in my head and hem nun-h bvttur, 1 have huml greatly beneï¬ted, "My tlvuflu s 11(‘11‘Ul11L grout doulï¬bhink anoth- 1' bottle will cum mo. NV hearing it: much beneï¬ted, I have n uivud untold heuï¬t, My lu' m: is improving, it is g' my; good sanisl'uctinn, Have 1mm: grnutly lmimfltcd, and am rejoiced that 1 saw the notice of it. “lbs \'1rt1mH um1nqumsbionnl)leaudits curative / mmmw, us the writer mm persmmlly tvstiij, both from L‘xpm‘ionco and observation, Writ? at once to HAY1.<)0K & JHNN] ', 7 Day St,- b‘vw York. 011010.9ng $1, mm you will receive by return 1i. rummly that \\ ill tumble you to hï¬ulrlikfl unyhmly van and whose (multivo effects will be 1 memcut, You will. 116V 1‘ regret doing so." il'mlm' 01' Mercantile KEV v. L; “'J'u :n'nid loan in the Mulls, please send muuuy by chibtuyml Lebter. Only Imported ‘ny HAYLOCK 85 JENNEY, Are pleasant to take. Contain theu‘ owxi I’urgativo. Is a. safe, sure, and eflectlml destroyer ot worms in Children 01: Adults. flour \tht the IDGaI' Say _ FREEMAN’S WORM POWDERS.‘ ARTIFICIAL TEETH ON Sole Agents for America. 7 Dev St. N. Y We beg Our Stock will, without doubt, compare favourably with any on this continent, our Foreigh Goods having been purchased direct from the ï¬rst manufacturers of Europe by our Mr. J. W. Petley, who is a resident of MANCHESTER, England. Trusting to have the pleasure of showing you through our Establishment whem com- $500 REWARD. CELLOLOID 8810. FOR THE beg to inform you that OUR NEW PREMISES will be completed in a few days, and that on MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, we will show a Complete Stock of NEW SPRING GOODS in all the departments, in what we have no hesitation in saying will be the “Handsomest Stores in Canada.†plcted, we remain FEEELEJEN ! 1‘28 T0 13‘) KING-STE EE’I‘ EAST, Do You Intend to Paint ! If you do, get the best, as it is the cheapest in the long run. Elastic Paint is the most Durable, Economical and Beautiful paint made. It will not Crack, Blister, Peel or Flower OE, and we offer Furniture, BIGHGND W RGOM PAPER ! H. Sanderson 8580118 Dr. E. C. \Vcst‘s Nerve and Brain '1‘ ‘natmcnt, a. guaranteed spec '10 for Hysteria, Dizzinegs, Con vulsions, Fits, l\crvons Nmn'algiu, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, \Vuliefnlnn Mental Depression, Softening; of the 13min resulting: in Insanity and loading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Ago, Burrmincss, Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Sperinatorrmea, caused by over-exertion of the brain, self abuse or overâ€" indulgcnce. Ono box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one in on th's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for ï¬ve dollars; soul: by mail prepaid on receipt of price. \Vc guaran- tee six boxes to cure any case, \Vitli each order re ceivcd by us for six boxes, accompanied with ï¬ve dollars‘ W0 will send the purchaser our writ- ten guarantee to refund the money If the treatâ€" ment doea not effect a cure, Guarantees issued only by ’1‘. A. Hewitt & 00., solo authorized agents for Thornliill and Angus, Ont. John C West & 00.. sole proprietors. Toronto. Ont. Goodwills Bought and Sold ! Faun & Other Property, Hotels, 'l'chrns (uul Business, l'utonb Rights disposed of ; SYN I) 10 AL’l‘lflS 14‘ () IKDIIC D For Manufacturing; and other purposes. S Oak and Sham Brokers, etc, olc‘ GENERAL AND FINANOIA L AGENCY Torontn, Jun 9th, 1853 Weekly Globe and Mail for sale at the HERALD Store $100.00 IN GOLD For every ounce of adulteratiou found in it. Usual stock of Groceries and Garden Seeds. P. G'- SAVAGE. TQRQNTO. Health IS Wealth. MORTGAGES OBTAINED CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, Oils and Painter’s Material. Best Brands of White Lead. AND WINDOVV SHADES! J. I. EVANS & CO, All New Designs and Colors. A Large Stock of Leader Lune, Toronto. U TEES, Attorneys, Solicitorsâ€"immmncory etc.. 64 Adelnide street East, (opposite the Coullv House), Toronto. ALFRED BoULTBEm Wm. Worms DVATT. BanisterS; Attorneys-atâ€"Law, Solicitbrs-in- Chancery. Conveymmers, etc, Ofï¬ceswhupuri‘ul Bunk Buildings. Wellingtonâ€"street, Toronto meAs FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAIN WM SETON GORDON, GEO F SHLPLEY Ferguson. B_2_;\_In, Gordgn do Shlple‘y, Jns Bethune, Q C. 0 Moss, W G Falconbridge N W Hoylcs, W Burwick, A B Aylesworth W J. FBANKS Western Canada. NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, I8 8L. 20 King Street. .West. Toronto- Loan and Savings Company Oï¬lcesâ€"No 70, Church-street, 'l‘orunto H0}: GEO W ALLAN, SonatorJ’msidont GEORGE GoonEuuAnL. ...Vico»1’msideni Bethune, Moss, Falcoubridge “S, BARRISTERS, 85¢ DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Plath, M 1’, Alfred Geodet- lm1n,Geo W Lewis, Thos H Lao, Hon. 1) L Mucphorsou, Senator TJEIKé’s’cté, $3,500,090 BOULTBEE & EVATT. BARRIS TEES. Attornevs. Solicitorsâ€"f11»(Â¥lmncory See our rvduced loun table For further infor- matiou apply at the ofï¬ces of the Company SAVINGS BANK BRANCH Money received on deposit, and interest payable haif yeufly or compounded. mm 1w THURSDAY, At his printng 011‘! cc. Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Ontario Terms of Subscriptions -, $1 00 per annum in advance When not paid in advance $1 50 will be charged Trunsitory gdvertisome‘nts, ï¬rst insertion. a‘ «mug .l Luumuu. J um v w “NV per Imamâ€... .. 3 cents. Each subsequent insertmn. per 111m 3 cents. Contracts for time and space made an applica- blow ldUl'. Advertisements without written instructions will be inscxted until forbid. & charged Lmusient Capital, 5 Reserve Fund, $450,000 The York Herald. . H. KEEI‘LER. WALTER S LEE, MONEY T0 LOAN. P. O. Box 2527. PUBLISHED BY $251211, Manager