Township of York, VVcstâ€"Tavernâ€" A Cherry, Mrs. R Wilson, F McFarlane U Brewer, F. Haydon, \V. H. [’my, D. Blnre, W Hounwich, John Cook, 0 Mci 'Bride, R. \Valkingshuw. D. O Hallein, 11. Harris, T. Olcott. Shopâ€"J S Pope, J05. Fairmouth, 'J' Johnson. The following applications for tavern and shop licenses have been made to the Board of Commlssioners for West York : ParkdalemTavanmJ. Dwyer, J. G. Parker. Shopsâ€"T H Booth, Sam Greenï¬eld. ‘ Richmond Hillâ€"John Palmer, John Powell. B. Brillinger. Brockton-éâ€"Tavernâ€"G. A Rosebach, Richard McClure? M Slattery. Shqpâ€"‘ Messrs Bunks'& Cuyrnp, W_n{R6pg_)ip._ WoodbridgenTavemâ€"G. Gilmour, Thomas Haysted, Geo. Robson, Mrs. DunnChaf‘or, Oliver Prentice.‘ Shopâ€" ‘Vullace Bros, Wm Muckie. Westonâ€"3011114 Eaglé, John “Little, Wm Biurk'e.‘ "" ' ‘ ' ‘ ' - Vaughan Townshipâ€"J C Steele, P. Duck, W Palmer, W Taggort, E B. Harris. A Collins, D. Clarke, A Chrisâ€"- tian, Thos O'Neil, Geo. Gobeil, Ed Hay- stead. Etobicokeâ€"Tavernâ€"-John McGounel]. A C Hicks, J. Duck. Chas Trurse, T. Grifï¬th. Shopâ€"D Stewart. A General Stampede. Never was such :L rush nde for any Drug Store as is now at It. [9 Law’s for a. Trial Bonle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumplibn, Coughs and Colds. All perâ€" sons affected wilh Aslhma, Bronchilis‘. Hoarseness, Severe Coughs or any affection oflhe Throat andLungs. can get a Trial Bottle of this grout remedyfl'ee, by calling at above Drug Store, E’rnnlmxs BRanâ€"On Monday even- ing Ihe Wmden )eceivvd intimalinu that the bridge across the river Elobicokp. im- mediatelv north of Dundas SL, between the Countg6s of York and Feel, was in a dam - gerous state, park of [he abutments having fulfeu. The Wmden proceeded on Tues-- day morning to look after it. Cu'um' Tm: “'RONG F1sn.â€"â€"Several small boys went out an a ï¬shing expedition on Saturday, when one, about 14 years old, arm of Mr Nolsun Botst'm-d, telurn‘ed With a ï¬sh-hook in his check. In order to abstract it. medical txenlmeflt was required. and it wps also found necr'ssary to lam-e the Cheek before it could he re‘mnved. Boys should be more cmeful in swinging their lines, while in company with others. PAI;FI'L Accrnt-m’r â€"Mr Timothy Rogers, ; son of John Rogers. Fa‘q , on Yonge-street, King Township, met with an nocident ol'n \‘ety painful nttture. which will probably prevent him from doing anylhittg all aumm-l et‘. He was drawing a log on a stone-bout across the end of a skidway. One of the long poles forming the basis ofthe shidwny, caught in some way underneath the boat. and. Ott freeing itself, sprung back to its former position uith great velocity. Mr Rogers thought he Could jump over the pole when he seen it cumittg, but. nnforu minutely it struck his right leg just above the uukle, fIHClHL' the. latter out of joint, fructuring the bone somewhat, and turning! the loot out of its natural position. He was at once rentovtd to the house, “hete Dr. Howe reduced the fracture and is now put» gt‘essing favorably. 13“ A Fine Hit. f When the proprietors of Burdock Blood Binpra put this renowned medicine on (he vnmrket, ihey hit it exacily. Thev hit dys‘ pepsin. indigestion. and liver and kidney complaints a hard blow, from which they will never recover. The Borcalis says. a number of the per- sonal friends of Mr Bunon assembled at his excellent hoslelry for the purpose of having nu dyster supper. Tldxe bivul‘vés and other delicacies served by Ike landlady and daughters, were excel-- lent, and a couple of hours were pleasantly we?» ' Wye Briefly mentioned in last issue that. thieves had entered the residence of *Peter Graham, on Tuesday pight and carried 06' n certain amount of money We have since learned that they secured over $250 and asilver watch. The thieves secured an entrance through the front door. A lady in the house, hearing a noiie awoke Mr Hm- jhhm, but on making :1 seazch the birds were found to have flown Everything was turned topsv tnrvv in their search for wealth. Whether the guiltv wull be bmught to insâ€" tice yet remains to be seen. It would be well for those having vnhmbl'es about the house to have a care with the same. as these “ctttznitt',, fellows are known to be in the neighborhood. Take Your Cholce. You can be weak. nervous. debilitated and deapondent. disqualiï¬ed for work of head or hand, or you can enjoy a fair share «71' lwallh and peace of mind. Burdock Blond Bitters will alleviale your misery and do you a world of good if you will persevere in llieir use for a few weeks. Licenses for West York. An Edinburgh medical journal pronoun- ces baldness contagious. This will furnish unoiher excuse for young men to stay away from church. Why Be Downcast? True. you muy be in a miserable condition -â€"-you may be weak.'pahd and nexvous. You cannot sleep at night, nor enjoy your waking hours ; yet, why lose heart ‘2 Gel a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters. It will restore you to health and peace of mind. “You’re givinrr me 3 ru †is the latest _ . r- 7 P) style 01 sland xemark. An Excellent Report. Hon. Jos. G. Goodridge, of Brooklyn. N Y.. writes :-â€"“I cannot. express myself in sniï¬ciemly praiseworlhy {erms of Burdock Blood BIHBYS whichl have used for the past two years wnh great beneï¬t.†They are now 1elling astory about a girl who insisted on llu’owmg her shoe afxer a newly married couple. The carriage is 3 101211 wreck, a doctor has the bride (and horse under treatment. and large numbers of men are senrcbmg the ruins for the groom. True to Her Trust. Too much cannot be said of the ever faith- ful wife and mother, constantly watching and canng for her dear ones. never neglect- ingasingle duty on (heir behalf. When Ihéy are assailed by disease, and the system. should have a thorough cleansing, the alomach and bowels regulated, blood puri- ï¬ed, and malarial pmson exterminated, she must know that Electric Bitters me the only sure remedy. Theyare the best and purest. mediéine in the World and only cost ï¬lly cents. Sold by R. E. Law. :Newmarket. AURORA ~BonEALls. 'EIIA‘ Good Family Flour, Lard,-Bncon and Hams. Choice Confectionary & Cigars wholesale and retail. Terms,-'â€"Uash or harm Produce. Highest price paid for Butler & Eggs. [a coming, and J. BROWN‘bas a well-assorted stock of Clover, Timothy, Flax and a1 kinds of Fresh - BOOTS «AND? = ; SHOES 7! Dress Goods I SPRING mm: AT THE mu; PROOF : The Finest‘l‘weeds rates. Pianos? Enos Y UPRIGHT AND SQUARE : Mussm. R. & SoN's. Tnnox'ro, April 12th,1881. GENTLEMENâ€"I have much pleasure in testifying to the great excellence of ycur Pianos. I have put them severelv tea the test, and ï¬nd them pogsassed of those qualities of tone. and tonal; no (10-â€" captable to the trneinusleian and lover of classwnl musicâ€"s. charming [singing tone, easily gradu- ated from the most delicate pianissimo to every degree of loudness and fuluess, and a. touch which answers readily .to eyery shade of feeling. flu... -A 4n! Emu-Mm and on! mnnh Manner! n}. Richmond Hill, March 22nd, 1883 answers renuny .Lu evuly nunuu u; Lnnlnuan . . I consider these Instruments 9. great acqumtmn 1n musicml society, and am much pleased at ï¬nding a piano which I can recommend with perfect. conï¬dence. I am, Gentlemen. yours very truly, CHAS. W. EWING, (Of London, England,) Organist of St Peter‘s Church} Coburg, Ont MEssBs R. H. WILLIAMS & Sous-â€" TORONTO, Nov. 4th, 1882. GrmTSâ€"Jlnving thoroughly examined the \Vorkm unship of your Pianos, I have no hesitation in stating that, in my opinion, they are equal to th0§0 of any others of the best Makers that Ilmve seen lean only speak in the same high terms regarding thelr musical qualitios '. for their ï¬ne full sing. ing capability oi tone, pleasant touch, &c, are- such, that there fleeing to be no necessity to purchase foreign instrumenta, when our home enterprise can produce such Pianos, and at one~third less cost. I mn glad to hear that the extensive sale of your instruments shows that you are meeting with the success that I think you justly deserve. I I am, Gentlemen. Your Obedient Servant, 1171A “v nmnnmnv ll’..~ “A- Ifliâ€"m-nâ€"aï¬ We make a. spacial sï¬yle of Organs in large (langtibies, and are therefore able to offer them at; exâ€" ceptionally low rates. Payments arranged to suit the convenience ef purchasers and spread over a. term of years. For full particulars write to R. S. WILLIAMS, I43 Yonge St. TOronto. OR 226 Dundas St. London. Are constructed from the very best Materials by experxenced Workman, and are fully equal in point of EIELD 'aa' GARDEN SEEDS, (DRGANSI. Garden Rakes. Spades and Shovélsj. . A new and Well assmtéd stock of At prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction. WKEEMMS 8a SQLM’S Fresh Supplies of Groceries, etc., at Illej very 10“ est invkulv. .4/mrv V \/ v 7 V xiv v . THY/3 Fag? TONE, TOUCH & DURABILI'I‘Y z ""“Q7ng/‘a 9* maï¬a} 25 ‘7 193/ Q“ 5:» \Qï¬bg D i vkr 9A * m?) Sï¬ï¬Ã©â€™a }‘ v 4% @335 52% Groceries and Provisions, 58:13 In Town. Seo these Goods! )_ yin ‘C':CI?? a, w V ï¬sï¬gha‘lï¬f': ,: ,3" TESTIMONI£XLS. To the high priced Americad Instruments. BEAUTIFUL PIANOS ! Jaw: J. V'ROWN. I. CROSBY. A fresh supply of GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc. ’U *7 .miifi Worth their “Height in Gold! ! Pills & J flintm’ent This Incomparable Medicine hns secur- ed for itself 'n'u: imperishuble fume throughoutxhc \Vorld for the alleviation and cure (if most. diseases to. which humanity is heir.- increase the secretory powers of the Livenbmce the nervous system, and throw into the cireuln- t’l'on the purest Elements for sustaining and mpztlriug the frame. r: ‘ urify, regulate and improye the quality of the mood. They assist the digestive ofghns, cleanse Thousands of persons have tesï¬ï¬ed that by their use alone they haue been restored m health and strength, after. every other means had proved unsuccessful..; ‘ will bu found invaluable in every Hbusehold ‘ in the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumngrs. Coughs Sore Threats, Bronchitis, dnï¬lnll disofd ers of the Throat and Chest, us also Go‘uï¬, Rheu- nmtisn). Scrotum and other kind of skin diseases BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS'. CULDS, Manufactured only ‘at‘xProfess- 01' Hollowav’s Establiï¬hment. 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON. and sold at ‘15. 1,151,323. 9d., 4s. (kt, 113., 2, and 383 each'Box andl’ot,1mdin Canada: at '36 cents, 90 cents, and $1.50 cents, and the} 0); sizes in pronortion. ’ ' g? CAUTION-1 have no Agent~ in the United Sums, nor are my Medicines Said ‘here. ~1’urchaser‘s shuuld therefore lonk The Trade Marks of my said “{sdicines are reâ€" gisbered in Ottawa, nn‘d also at ' a'sliingtou. Signed‘ r THOMXAS'EOLLOWAY- 53% Oxford street. Londonw » a {o'lhe label mi Ihe PMS and kaeév hf the with ess is no! 533, Oxford Strbbth; London they 3,! Sjflglâ€"‘illllï¬. J ‘ R. B. Orr, M. B. and Fliyst‘ §i1vef Medalist; University of Toronto,M.C. Ontario. L 8 AL, England (Laté Oflondop, England) Surgeon, E tc. Li’Ofl‘xce Hours 8 to 9.30 9,311., and 1 to 2.815 [3.211. ERNEST F. LANGSTAFF Residence, Yonge Street'l’dchmoud Hill. Richmond Hill, May 23rd, 1382._ 1y TuonNiuLn, gNTJ Graduate of Tofontd (iUn’ivers'ilty, M. C. P. 8; Ont, Two Years Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto Ggéneral Hospital, Dr. (:10on6 "" ’Lï¬rigstaff, Ofï¬ce und Residenco,â€"One (19hr south of P. 0 OFFICE HOURSrS to 10 ‘m, ((2 12 k) ‘2 p m. 'Tnox-nhin, Feb lit-11,1883, ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ Member College of Physioi’ans‘k Surgeons. (LATE OF STOUFFVIZ‘LLE.) OFFICE HOURS,iFrom 8 to 105. m.,‘5 to 8 p. m RESIDENCE y M .' . - Yonge Sqept, “Bighmpnd HIII. I) R. W'. J. l LSON MEDALIS’I‘ TCRONTO'UMVERSITY. STOMACH AND BOWELS. Richmvoud 8111, Out; 1211), % WlLL CURE 0R RELIEVE EVERSLEY. P.0- (2% VV ‘ SURGEON DENTtST, has removed to 87 King street East, Toronto. Best minerm teeth inserted in a. manu- er to suit eetch patient. 1"Lrticu1nr attention given to the preservution and regulation of the zmtuml teeth, carefully avoiding 11.11 unnecess- " 1min. Ofï¬ce hours from 8'11. 111. to 6 p. m. ‘z’lwte residence 2.09 Jarvis street. BILIO USA1538, D YSPEPS/A,‘ LVDIGESTION, LIA UNDIOE. [n VSlPEi/ff‘, SALT RHEL’H, [IEARTBUR‘J, HEADACHE, Thankful for the favors at (1‘0 past ygmrs may still be consulted in any {‘lll‘ullch M the pro fession, as mum's ', Richmond Hill: 9th & flithof'each .month (ï¬t Palmer House) , I: V Aurora, 136, 8th, 16th, and 2211;! do Newmmket, ..... “Ind†'do Stouffville.. . ...... do Markham . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . do Victoria Square do Thornhill do Maple ...... . do Woodbridge ..... do Kleinhurg .. ‘ do Nobleton .. .. do Annshhnbics. as Mtrous Oxide, manused when ordered and none but the best mammal used And every species of dn' disordered LIVER, (SE W. YODNWE T. {ï¬iLBURi‘l 8: 60.. JAN DR. ORR, MAPLE, AL Maple 18th of every month R0 GE RS, 'BOWEL'S OR ' 'BLo‘CSD, Or A IROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA MES» LAN’G‘ST‘AFF z guman gimmil, AND s of disqaswarising from : KSDNEYS, STOMACH, OR BLOOD.‘ Jan C. ADAMS, L.D.s., DIZZIWESS, DROP-8V, [LUTTL‘EING OF THE HEART, ACID/TY 0F THE STU/MACH, DR-YNESS OF THE SKIN, 5th 1881 Prdprietors, THE PALMER HOUSE This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto, Everything is managed in First Class Style. Snmpleltoom for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stubliug mid attentive hostlers. Terms, $1 DOI‘ 'dn‘y. Pr'octor's l’vus leaves this Hotel to connwt with all the NE R Trains going North and South. at 8 n. m.,- 12 a. ‘ .: “a ,, V fRICHMOND HILL, 3' .Palmer, Prop. .lunï¬iï¬if and 7.30 p m fl-flANfl‘EENTB-HL‘HHTEL I RICHMOND HILL“ ‘ Joï¬N’ POWELL,- ’Pron This .Hotel has been rpfurnished, renovated, and ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style, and is now. the lendingflotel north of Toronto. The hm“ is sup- ylie‘d with ï¬rst-class brand of liquors ILnd' cigars. Excellent accommodation 7 for Commercial Travellers, and the Gench Public. Good Stubl- ing and up atteurtive Hostlcr‘ TORONTO VITALIZED Alli PARLOURS. 1,. -v»-.- v v , Believing: the people will appreciate a scale lmv 1318095 for n superior clnés of artiï¬cial fee I have determined on reducing the price at Its 50 per cent. ' ... .m t,‘ ann‘nn nu .u 1w. av...†Because our prices are so low as to seem won-- derful when comnm‘efl with those of other ï¬rst- clnss dentists. I do not Wish you to infer that my establishment is conï¬ned to the manufacture of sets. I do everything or anything; that any Toronto dentist. wul d0, nnd do it on upprovad modern scientiï¬c principles, guaranteeing s‘utis- faction-in ml embav No 1min caused by the Vex-- ' ' GOLD PLATE, 3 ~ 1330.. 6 , R [7.313 E at 6 69: ‘ Exiétion of teeth mwmx, DE N T ALL SU‘ RGEON. 151 YDNEB 5'1, TUKRNTU.A luau“ won, - A L U M l NU Ell: ' - ‘ $15. V @1‘n We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Comnluiut, Dyspepsia, Sick Heudwhe, In- digéstioï¬, Constivu‘tion or Cos-tiveness we cannot cure with West’s V gomblo Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never mil to give Satisfncn' tinn. Sugar Coated Large. Boxea,» containing 30 Pills, '25 cents. For Sula by ‘all Druggists.‘ Be- ware of counterieits and illlitlltiollsl Tho gen uine manufactured only by JOHN (1‘ WEST (S: C().,“Thel’ilankem,“ 81 (it King St, East Toronto, Ont. Free trial package soul: by mail uranium on receint of u. 3 cent; stumu. ARTIFICIAL TEETH ON Eï¬ï¬‚S Foo Choo's Balsam of Shark's Oil Positil'oly Restores the Hearing, and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness Known. This Oil ls nlmtl‘nctcd from penuliur Species of small White Sï¬ark; cmight in the Yellow Sen, lmt) \vn us Cmchmndon Randeletii. Every Chi- rm 5 a ï¬sherman lmmx's it. Its virtues us a restor- uti . e of hearing were discovered by a Buddhist ’I'icst about the year 1410. Its cures were so 1m nerous nnd many so seemingly miracul- ous, that the remedy was uï¬lciully proclaimml 0\'v.r the entire Empire. Its 1‘ s0 becmne so uni»- ‘ versle that for over 300 years no Deafness :haa existed among she Ghinese people. Sm I, l churges prepaid. to any any address at £91 a both; It has performed a. miracle in my case, I have no unearthly noise in my head and 1195: much better. I liuye been greatly beneï¬ted, My deafness helped u great dealâ€"â€"think uneth- er bottle will cure pie. My homing is much beneï¬ted, I have received untold beuï¬t, My heating is improving, It is giving: good sutisfuctinï¬, I Hmie beep grcmly bgneflted; a‘nd am rejoiced H cam What the IDQaf' thlgéuiéuvvglï¬gilbtiée of it. “Its virtues are unquestionable and its curative clmmcter ubsdlute, ms the writer'cau personally testify, both from experience and observation; Write at once to HAYLOCK & JENNEY, 7 Day St, New York, enclosing $1, and you will receive by return .1). remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody else, and whose curative effects will be ermnnent, You will never regret. doing 50." â€"Editor of Mprpantile B‘Evm‘wy. _ lnwfln...‘ -â€"uuwu1 u; Juuunm Ef’l‘o avoid loss in the Mdils, please send mpney by Registered Lettey. Only Impbrted by HAYLocK 4v, JENNEY, Sone Agents for Amcricu. 7 Dev St, N. Y We be: to 'Qégmifxl mm Om“ St'ol'ck SKiri“',w§2svriftt10i'1t doubt, Compare ï¬l’Voufably with any on this continent, our "Foreigh Gooaslmvinggbeen purchased direct from the ï¬rst manufacturers pf 'V 'Europegb’y‘ our Mr; Petléy; whdiiï¬ a resident of MANCHESTER, England. Trusting to have the pleasure Of showing you through $500 REWARD e beg to inform 3761-1; fhthU-R PREMlSES Will be [completed in a few Id'ays, and Vtvhziitdri MONDAY, APRIL "RA‘llflï¬hGWï¬ Cdtï¬plete Stock of NEW SPRING GOODS in All the Ideparlmen‘ts, in what we have no hesitationZiï¬saying Willfbe the “Handsomcst Stores in Canada.†Best RUBBER -GE1:1LOLOID, $310 . ‘ plét-ed, we remain FOR THE ‘28 T0 132 KING-STREET EAST, teeth, least a3 VD‘O'V'UYOU. Intend -. to Paint I Furnitum“ Paints, If $76}; do, get the besl, ‘as it is the cheapest in'- ‘tbe lorg tn the most Durable, Ebonomical and Beautiful paint made. 3 Blister, Peel 01‘ Flower OE, and we offer H. Sandergonéi Sons 1 mm, ONT. $100.00. IN GOLD For every ounce of adultemtion found in ft. U'sualrstock of Groceries and ' Garden Seeds. ‘ . P; G. SAVAGE. , Dr. I}. C; West‘s Nervennd Bruin Treatment, a guaranteed speciï¬c for Hysterm, Dizziucgs, Con- Vulsinns, Fits, Nervous Neurnlgiu, Hemdnche, Nervous Frustration caused by‘thc use of (11001101 ‘or tobacco, \Nukcfulness. M 031ml Depression, Softening of the 13min resulting in Insanity mid leudil’lg to. misery, deCny and death, I’mm Mute Old Age; Burt‘enness, Loss 'of Power in eitner sex, Involuntary Losses and 'Spermutorrmem, caused by aver-exertion of the brain, self abuse or over~ indulgence. 0110 box \\ in euro feteu'b cases. Each box contains one month‘s treatment. One (1011er IL box, or , . lmxus for ï¬ve dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. “’0 mummy tee six lgoxcs to Cure any base. With 9 1 order _ . . , _ _ L mu nu Wm“, w w.†WW .. , , , rrccivcd by us for six boxes, nccomprmiea with ï¬ve dollars. we will send the purchaser our writ- ten guarantee torofund the mouey 1f the trout- mont does; not effect a cure, Gum‘nntees issued only by '1“ A. Hewitt 6: 00., $0143 authorized agents for Thm'nhill and Angus, Ont. John C West 6; Co.. sole proprietors. Toronto. Ont. GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY I Hotels, Taverns and Business. Goodwilis Bought and Sold ! Fax-m & Other Property, For Manufacturing and other purposes, S oak and Shaw Brokers, etc, etc. u Efo L Toronto, Jan 9th, 1883 Weekly Globe and Mail for sale at the HERALD Store DRAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST (\YYATJ'I‘V A'T‘ TORONTG. Health is‘Wealth. F ‘ I’utcnt Rights disposed of ; SYNDlCA’EES E‘ORDIED for “NH ' slip: “on, Dizzlncs Bad Breath, nuntltn. ' .lsnln Highly recommended for Biliousness, \ , “Pad-Ache, Con- ' saipatioanfliges- non, Dizziness, Heartburn, , , . 1 Bad Bream, Loss or Ali-1 . _ petite, ‘ Jaundjon, Loss or Memory, Soul' Stolnach, Liver Com- plaint.or any illness arising from the Stomâ€" ach, Bowels or Kidneys. The are safe,‘ mild and thorough in theiraction. rom 11:03 puisxsa dose. PRICE {55¢f PER BOX. MORTGAGES (DIETAINED CHEMISTS 85 DRUGGISTS, QUALITY AT Oils and Painter's Materiai. 'Bcst Brands pf WhiteLead. AND VVINDOVV: SHADES All New Designs and Colors. A Large Stock of THOS NIGHTINGALE'S, Yarkvilo I. EVANS & CO, Leader Lune, Toronto lSUGAB COATED: B RA] N 7 PUREL‘Y VEGETABLE our Establishment whem com- ‘ Igizï¬iége'ré VAftorneys-nt-Luw, Solicit'ors-i'n; Chancery. Convevmwers, etc, OlflceEâ€"Imperial Bunk Bulldiugs. Wellington-street, TorOnto mums FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BALI Gno 15‘ 8mm? WM SETON GORDON, Ferguson; BHain‘ Gordgn Jansuhlpley, Jns Bethune Q C N W Hoylos, Bethune, Moss, Falconbrillge AND HOYLES, TEES, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chzmcery em, 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. Amman Bonmnmn WM. Worms Dunn BARRISTERS, 650 NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS,- !8 & 20 King Street. WestyToronto. Loan and Savings Company Oflices’No 70, Church-street, Toronto HON G100 W A!.LAN,- Senatoryxesidenh GEORGE GoommHAM ..: ................ ' (Visa-President , DXRECTORS~SILDIUBI Flatt, M P,A1fret1 Gaoder- )ham, Geo W Lewis, Thos H Lee, Hon D L Western Canada BOULTBEE 85 EVATT. BARRIS TIGRS. Attornevs. Solicitors-in-Chaucerv Mucbherson, Senator 66a} Ass’ets', $3,500,000 SAVINGS BANK BRANCH Money received on'deposit, and interest payable hqu yeariy or compounded. See our reduced loan table For further infor‘ mution apply at the oiï¬ces of the Company EVERY THURSDAY. . At his printing office, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario Terms of Subscriptions! 5 $1 00 per unuum in advance When not paid in advance $1 50 will be charged _ ' , Transitory advertlsements, ï¬rst insertion. per line ...................... L .............. 8 cents. Each subsequent insmtfnn. per line ...... 3 cents. Contracts for time and space made on applica- tion. Advertisemeuï¬e without Written instructions will be iueexted until forbid 6: charged transient rate: Capital, $1,0907,990;_‘Reserve Fund, $450,000 The York Herald. the lorg run.‘ Elastic Paint is )tmadc. It will not Crack, . H. KEEPLER. WALTER S LEE}. MONEY T0 LOAN. P. 0; Box 2527. C. C Moss, W C Falconbridge W Barwick, A B Ayleswm‘th W J. FnANKs Eflp'cgal. PUBLISHED BY Manager