Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 24 May 1883, p. 3

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His Excellency the Governor-General, and the Princess Louise are expected to be in Toronto to attend the Assembly of the Royal Canadian Academy of Artists, in the Normal School, on the evening of the 29th. Messrs. Wheeler Bros. have been offered a bonus of$1,000 towards re‘bulldiug their mill at Stoufi‘ville. John L. Howard, of Sutton, sustained a severe loss lately, in the death of a valuable mare. The Borealis says, for the benefit ofposs- 1ny halfa dozen, that it is not run to suit everybody, but to suit me editor. We see. by the Borealis, that Holy Trim ity Church is to have a concert in the MeH chauics’ Hall, on the Bis: inst. Anillicit 31111 was found on the farm of Mr John Yangon. of King Township, by an excise officer from Barrie. He escaped, but his son was captured. There is now some talk of remodelling the Court House, instead of building a new one. It is thought this can be done at. a cost of only $45,000 to $50.000. A female peddler, doing Newmnrket Wilh- nnt a license. was interviewed by a constable who Oldered her to quit. the town, or be in-- 1orviewed by the Mayor. A Minister's Evidence. The all prevalent malady of civilized life is Dyspepsia. Rev. W. E. Gifford, of Bolhwell, was cured of dyspepsia and liver camplaim [hat rendered his life almost a burden. The cure was completed by three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters. The grandromlet of di sys'em are the Skin, the l Kidneys. Burdock Blood moat safe, pleasant and E and health restoring tonic Trial Bottles 10 cents. Mr. Isaac Snider, on Ibe 5th of King, had the misfortune to have a rib bloken while drawing manure, the horses running away, and throwing him out. The merchants of Aurora, as a ruie, rea- port having a fairly good Spring trade. Messrs. Cane & Sons, of Newmarket, have shipped to Winnipeg, another carload of pails, tubs, and clmhes‘pins What Every Person Should Know. The grand omlet of disease from the sys'em arethe Skin, the Bowels and the Kidneys. Burdock Blood Bitters is the moat safe, pleasant and effectual purifier and health restoring tonic in the world. An official notice appears in the Ontario Gazette to the efi'ect that none but. duly qualified chemists and druggists who have paid their renewal registration fee are an" thm‘ivd by the act to sell arsenic and its compounds, which includesparis green. A Pleasant Acknowledgement. “Had sour stomach and miserable appe- tite for months. and grew thin every day. I used Burdock Blood Bitters with the most marvelous results ; fee] splendid.” MRS. Joan-n Jonxs'rox, Pittsburgh, Pa. Great damage has bdeu done in Vermont by forest fires The Spanish Government have agreed to pay the American claims for indemnity for losses Incurred in the Cuban insurrection. Never Allow It. Never allnw the bowels to remain in a 1orpid condhion, as it leads to serious resuhs and 1“ health is sure to follow. Burdock Blood Bitters is the most perfect regulator of the bowelg‘ and lh‘evbest blood‘ purifier knoWn. * The village of Nuenkirschen, Prussia, was totally destroyed by fire on Monday, 31nd thesentire population rendered home-- The Edilor ofthe Grand River Sachem says :â€"-“ We are usualiy sparing in our eu - coniuma towards patent medicines, but ob-- servaiion and enquiry has satisfied us that the preparation of Messrs T. Milburn 65 Co. styled 'Burdock Blood Bitters,’ as a blood purifying tonic is worthy of the high repu- talion it. has established among the people. The gnileless farmer continues to be vic- timized by the Wiley patent right. man. It, seems to us it would not be a bad scheme for the grangers to sign a pledge to have nothing! to do with strolling sharpers. Bucklen’s Arnlca Salve. THE BEST SALVE in the World for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Teller, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and allSkin Eruptions, and positive- ly cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaclion. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by R. 15. Law If there were health in a multitude of medical systems. as there is said to be wis- dam in a multitude of counsellors, sickness would be unknown in this age of so-called pathological discoveries. The homoeopath- ists tell us that the salvation of our lives in sickness depends upon infinitesimal doses and infinite dilution ; the hydropathists pro- fess to raise health upon us from shower bathsI or soak disease out of us with wet blankets ; while a still newer set of exclus- ives purpose burying us up to the armpits in the earthâ€"putting both feet in the grave as it were, by way oi'soving our lives 1 Then we have Sangrados, who are all for bleeding, blistering, and low diet. and mineralists, who believe in nothing but mercury and its oxides. It happens unfortunately, however, for all these theorists. that they can show no practical proof of the assumed infallibil- ity of their methods of core. Not so Pro- fessor Holloway, whose medicines for the last forty years have annually benefitted tens of thousands. This is no assumption, but a fact verified by the unimpeached eviâ€" dence of a “choice. of witnesses.” The archives of his office in London contain manuscript certificates, authenticated in the strongest manner, and placmg beyond the possibility of doubt. the infallibility of his Pills and Ointment in maladies to which man is subject. Great Britain, the Conti-- nent of Europe. India, China, Australia, the West indies, British America, every civilized land, and every country to which the pioneers of civilization, commercial and religious, have found their way. ring with the fame of these all-c0nquering remedies. Such is the demand for them in all parts of the world that they may be justly called a great commercial staple, and the number of agencies for their sale amounts to tens of thousands ! _ These feels speak for themselves, and clearly show that while so many medical dogmatists have been groping in the dark, he has actually discovered and applied the true and only means of eradicating the pri- mal? cause of disease in the human system. -â€" ow Orleans Picayune. WORK GIVEN OWLâ€"On receipt of your addxess, we will make an ofl'er by which you can earn $3 to $7 evenings, at home. Men, Women, Boys or girls can do it. B, C. WILKmsoN d“: 00., {95 and 197 Fulton Street, New York, The nght Man At Last. FrOm our Exchanges‘ Pianos ! Pianos! UPRIGHT AND SQUARE i MEssns. R. S. WILLiAMS dz Son’s. . TORONTO, April 12th 1581' GENTLEMENâ€"I have much pleasure m testifying to the great excellence of vcur Piano’s. I Imve put them severely to the team and find them posssased of those qualities of toxie and touch so ac» ceptable to the true musician and lover of classical musicâ€"a. charming singing tone, easily graduâ€" ated from the most delicate pianissimo to every degree of loudness and fulness, and a. touch which answers regdilx to eyery shade of feeling. _-_ _..._I_J-I ., Lâ€" -k: .u... mun, “I ..... 1 n‘ auxin-“anon,ou u: vvun’ gnu... v-. _ I consider these instruments 8. gréaâ€"Ttufiqlfisibion in musicial societ and. am much 1 finding a. piano which I can recommend with Perfect confidence. 5" p eased at Mussus R. SWILLUMB & Sorsâ€" . TORONTO, Nov. 4th, 1882. Gem‘sâ€"Having thoroughly examined the Workmmnship of your Pianos. I have no hesitation in stifling that, in my opinion, they are equal to those of any others of the best Makers that Ihuve seen I can only speak in the same high terms regarding their musical qualities ; for their fine full sing- ing capability of tone, leasunt touch, &c, are such, that there seems to he no necessity to purchase foreign instrun‘nenti, w on our home enterprise can produce such Pianos, and at one-third less cost , H, u“; LX._ n.4,. .m .M. A: um... :nuh...mnnca chnnfll Hunt vnn mm unnotina min. Hm xm'exgn luuhl‘uwuuul. wuuu UuL uvmv vnwly-Auv m.“ unuwv w. - ..._-v,, .0... _. V.“ V__,_ _ I am glad to hear that the extensive sale of your ifi'strumentsvé‘hows that you are meeting with the success that I think vou just] deserve. I am, Gen emen. Your obedient Servant. We make a special style of Organs in large quantities, and are therefore able to offer them at exâ€" geptiorglally low Ewan. Payments arranged to suit the convenience of purchasers and spread over a. ‘_.‘I _,A..uA“4..- mu... ‘A cefitionally low‘rutes. Pagmenfi's arranged to suit 1 term ‘of yours. E0; 11311 Qaytficglars Write to I43 Yongo St. TOronto. Dress Goods ! ‘ 3mm: mm ORGANSI. AT THE FIRE 1111001T ! The Finest Tweeds rates. Are constructed from the very best Materials by experxenced Workman, and are equal in point of Is coming, and J. BROWN‘has SEED TIME BOOTS AND SHOES! Good Family Flour, Lard, Bacon and Roma. Choice Confectiouary 5; Cigars wholesab and retail. Terms,â€"Cash or harm Produce. Highen price paid for Butler & Eggs. I am, Gentlemen, yours very truly. Richmond Hill, March 22nd, 1883. S. WEEMAMS & FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS, Fresh Supplies of Groceries, etc., at the very 10“ est Garden Rakes, Spades and Shovela.‘ A new and well assortedrstock of At prices that cannot fail u: give aatiafaction. In Town. Seo these Goods! Groceries and Provisions, :33 TESTIMONIALS. To the high priced American Instruments. BEAUTIFUL PIANOS ! a wellassorted stock of Clover, Timothy, Flax and 31 kinds of Fresh CEAS.W.EWING, (Of London, England,)* Organist of St Peter's Church. Coburg, Ont J. BROWN. I. CROSBY. GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc‘ A fresh supply of fully JI' FOR SALE} 1 Being the \Vesb End of Lot No. 46. in the Ist Concession of the Township of Vaughan. Being part of Lot No. 30, fronting on Yonge st. and side-line leading to Brupsk-ill’s'lvlills. Apply to. Oak Ridges, April 26th 1833 (BY ERIN CHIEK) Will stand at their owners’ stables, Oak Ridges. H». Q urngij N St GEORGE. For Manufacturing and other purposes. S ock and Share Brokers, etc,gtc. Toronto, Jan 9th, 1883 W. ROGERS, ‘ V 0 SURGEON DENTIST, hm removed to 87 King street Ernst, Toronto. Best mineral teeth inserted in a mann- er to suit each patient. P‘mrticulur attention given to the preserthion and regulation of the natural teeth, carefully xwoiding n11 unnecess- m‘y pain. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 6 p. In. Private residence 209 Jarvis street. MILESEAN GENERAL AND FINANCIA L AGENCY Goodwills Bought and Sold ! Thankful for the favors of file past years tr my still be consulted in any branch of the pro fession, as follows : Richmond Hill. 9th dc 24th of each month Farm Other- Property, Hotels, Taverns and Business. EVERSLEY. P.0. (at Palmer House) Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Newmmkeh ...... 2nd do Stouflville.. do Markham dc Victoria Sq are do Thomhill ...... do Maple ...... do VVoodbridgo ...... d0 Kleinburg .. do ordered and none but the best material used EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing office, Yonge Sbreet, Richmond ' IIiH. Ontario Terms of Subscriptions: 551 00 per annum in advance When not paid in advance $31 50 will be charged Tmnsitory advertisements, first insertion. M. H. KEEFLER. Advertisemcnts without writfen instmntions Will be inserted until forbid 6; charged transient rates per“ line ‘ ..... 8 cents‘ Each subsequent insertion. pcrline. 3 cents Contracts for time and space made on applica- tion. ’ W . tom (3V9, Worth their ~«Veight in Gold ! ! Pills & flintment humanity is heir. April 10th, 1583. This incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperishable fame throughoutthe World for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to which purify. regulate and improye the quality good. They assist the digestive organs; increase the secretory powérs of the Livenbrace the fiervous sysheIn, and throw into the circulaâ€" tion the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. SYNIJICATES FORMED Thousands of persons have testified that by their use alone they haue been resth to health and strength, after every oiher means had proved unsuccessful. will bu found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tunmurs, Coughs Sore Threats, Bronchitis, and all disord ers of tile Throat and Chest, as also Gout, Rheu- matism. Scrofula and. other kind of skin diseases BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS. CULDS, Manufactured only at Profess- or Hollowav’s Establishment. 533. OXFORD ST‘RE-E'i‘ LONDON, and sold at 1s. 151,25. 9d.;4s.6d..11s., 22, and 335 eachBox and Pot, and in Canada. at; 36 cents, 90 cents, and $1.50‘cents, and the larger sizes in proportion. CAUTION-1 have no Agent in the. United States, nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers should therefore look to the label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London thgy are spurious. Tile Trade Marks of my said Medicines are reâ€" gistered 111 Ottawa, and also at; \Vashington. Signed THOMAS H()LLO\VAY 533 Oxford street, London: ’ THBRQUEH-BREI} STALLIDN And the Trotting Stallion MORTGAGES OBTAINED The York Herald STOMACH AND BOWELS, OREGLE! '75 ACRES. Also 34 Acres, At Maple 13th of every month I’M:th Rights disposed of Or A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA 1-H a; ommmr | J. I. EVANS & CO, PUBLISHED BY thul, . RJKRNOLD; V OJADAMS, L.D.S., Leader Laue, Torbnto‘ Jun. 5m 1881 RICHMOND HILL of the cleanse H. Sanderson & Sons Do You Intend to Paint Bmam HILL, ONT. If you do, get the best. as it is the cheapest in the lorg run. Elastic Paint is the most Durable, Economical and Beautiful paint made. It will ndt Crack, Blister, Peel or Flower Off, and we offer $100.00 IN GOLD RGOM PAPER ! Furnitm‘e, # Paints, BEES Foo Choo‘s Balsam of Shark’s Oil Positively Restores the Hearing, and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness Known. This Oil is abstracted from peculiar species‘of small White Shark, caught in the Yellow Son, known ns Curehurmlon Rondclotii. Every Chi- nese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a restor- ative of hearing were discovercd by n. Buddhist Priest about the your 1410. Its euros were , so numerous and many so seemingly miracul- ous, that the remedy was officially proclaimed over the entire Empire. Its use becmm: so uni-- versul that for over 300 years no Deafness has existed among she Chinese people. Sent charges prepaid, to [my uny address at r‘: i u. bottle is” WILL CURE QR RELIEVE It has performed a miracle in my cuse, 1 have no unearthly noise in my heml and hen. much better, 1 lmvo been greatly benefited, My deafness helped a great dealâ€"think anoth- er bottle will cure me. My hearing is much benefited, I 11mm received untold benfit, My hearing is improving, It is giving good satisfaction, Have boen greatly benefited, and am rejoiced that I saw the notice of it. BIL/ousrlfss, om! E S/A, lfiD/GEST/OIJ, dAU/‘IDICE. cavalpgue, SALT BHEL‘H, Hfmrwm, HEADACHE, Hear What the Deaf Say- And every sprains ¢fdfsoase arislna from disordered LIVER, KEDNEYS, 8T0 AOHI BOWELS OF: BLOOD, “Its virtuea are unquestionable rmd its curative character absolute, ms the writer can pateonally testify, both from experience and observation, Write at once to HAYLOCK 6? J ENNEY, 7 Day St, New York, enclosing $1, and you will receive by return a remedy timt will enable yov to hear like anybody else, and whose curative effects will be permanent, You will never regret doing so." wEditor of Mercantile R_EV 'â€"‘.L'uu\/v1 V. 1. ._ W lgTo avoid loss in the Mails, please send money hv Registered Letter, Onlylmym‘todhy HAYLOCK‘k JENN ‘2‘. For every ounce of adulteration found in it. Usual stock of Groceries and Garden Seeds. P. G. SAVAGE. 'i'. MILBURN 8: $0.. Sole Agents for America 7 DOV St. N. Y TO THE f PUBLIC ! We beg to inform you that OUR NEW PREMISES will be completed in a feW days, and that on MONDAY, APRIL th, we will show a Complete Stock [of NEW SPRING GOODS in all the departments, in what we have no hesitation in saying will be the f‘Handsomest Stores in Canada.” Our Stock will, without doubt, compare favourably with any on this continent; our Foreigh Goods having been purchased direct from the first manufacturers of Europe by our Mr. J. W. Petley, who is a resident of MANCHESTER, England. Trusting to have the pleasure of showing you through our Establishment whem Com“: CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, pleted, we remain Oils and Painter’s Material. Best Brands of White Lead. FOR THE AND VVINDOVV SHADES! All New Designs and Colors. A Large Stockof FETLFY .& PETLEY: DIM/MESS, naps Y, FLUTTER/fu’c’} OF THE HEART, .SIDITY 0F THE STOMACH, nwmss OF THE SKIN, fifiELLIflN ! Proprietcrzfi w; i.\‘i .x, TORONTO. 128 T0 132 KING-STREET EAST, THE PALMER HOUSE This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer. cial Travellers. Good Stubling and attentive hosblers. Terms, $1 Der day. Proctor’s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8 a, m., 12 u. m., 5.10 p m. and 7.30 n m. RICHMOND HILL. 3' Palmer, Prop. RICHMOND HILL. JOPIN POWELL, Prop This Hotel has been rcfurnished, renovated, and fitted up in first-class style, and is now the lending Hotel north of Toronto. The bar is sup- plied with first~clnss brand of liguors fwd cigars: HAND CENTRAL HflTEL Lxcélient accommodaton oifimevrcini Travellers, and the General Public. Good Stabl- ing and an attentive HOStIGh _ fiifi‘isgefs, Attorneys-nt-Law; Solicitbrs-in- Chancery. Convevuncers, etc, Ofllecsâ€"lmperial Bank Buildings. VVellington-street, Toronto ' HOMAS FERGUSON; Q.C. JOHN BAIN WM SETON GORDON, GEO F SHIPLBY Ferguson, Bgin, Gorgon do S_h_|ple.y, Moss, Falconbridge & Barwick, B A RRISTER S, &C. MESS, HGYLBS, & AYLBSWUBTH, Chas Moas,Q. C, W G Falconbridge, N W Hoyles W Barwick, A B Ayieswmth, W J. Franks. BARRISTERS, &c., NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, l8 3:. 20 King Street. West, Toronto [)RAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST an A’YJ'Y‘Y A'I‘ TORONTO. ; PREEMAN’S WORM POWDERS.‘ Are pleasant to take. Contain their owd Purgative. In a. safe. sure. and effectual destroyer o! worms in Children or Adult!» QUALITY AT “flaw mm. P. O. Box 2527. THOS NIGHTINGAL flvgzzl. IN G ALE ' S, Yorkvile 'IWestern Canada OflicesaNo 70, Church-street, Toronto HON GEO W ALLAN, Senator,President GEORGE G'ooDER'HAM ............... ,.,..'Vice-Presiclenfi DIRECTORSâ€"Smnllel Flatt, M I’,A1fred Geodet- ham, Geo W Lewis, Thos H Lee, Hm: D L Macpherson, Senator . T O HO NT 0 VITALIZED Alfl PARLMRS. Because our prices are so low as to seem won-- derful when comimred with those of other first- class dentists. I do not Wish you to infer that my establishment is confined to the manufacture of sets. I do everything or anything that any Toronto dentist Will do, and do it on approved modern: scientific principles, guaranteeing semis. faction in 11.1] cases. No pain caused by the ex» tmction of teeth Tomi Ass’etés, 5535005600 Best 238 Believing the people will appreciate a scale tif low prices for a superior class of artificial teeth. I have determined on reducing the price at lease mixer cent. See our reduced loan mbie For further infor‘ mntion apply at. the 091095 of the Company C."P. LENNOX’ DEN T A L SURGEON. ,151 YBNEE 5T., TDRDNTfl,u SAVING’S BANK BRANCH Money reéeived on deposit. and interest payable lmlfyearly or compounded. University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L 5 England) AL, England (Late Of London, Surgeon, Etc. $011106 Hours 8 to 9.30 3.101., and 1 to 2.30 pm. u: u. v“, R. B. Orr, M. B. My University of Toronto, Member College of Physician! & surgeons: (LATE 0F STOUFFVILLE.) OFFICE HOUfierrmu 8 6010 5,. Illi, 5 to 8 p. m RESIDENCE Yongcrfiet‘rcret, mghmond Hm. T HORNHILL, ONT; Graduate of Toronto University, M. C. P. & S...0‘nt, Two Years Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hospital, Office and Residence,â€"'â€"One door south of P. 0. OFFICE HOURS~S to 10 a m, & 12 to 2 p m Thornhill, Feb 14th, 1883, Capifin], I$1,990_,999§~_Reserve Fund, $450,000 I) R. I‘M/v. II. W l N, MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. ARTIFICIAL TEETH ON U3 I ‘ ,r, for ' a , , w’ “ea tiom plumes Bad Breath; To DISEASES, CoMMAiMs and Aétmak'rs which HAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL is man- teed to cure or relieve either in AN or BEAST. Highly recommended for Blliousness,‘ V , .7 Read-Ache. Con- ' ‘ stiputlonflndigesq tlong Dizzh‘iess, Heartblim, Bad Breath, Loss or Ap- ' petite, Jaundjoe, loss of Memory, Sour Stomach. Liver Com- plaint.or any illness arismg from the Stom- ach, Bowels or Kldne s. 'The are safe mild and thorough in the racuon. romnoé plum” (1059' pump! mm. Pull nor. ‘ TAKEN INTERNALLY m GROUP, covazzs’, CRAMPS, sonE THROAT, ASTHMA, OOLDS, A’:c. ‘ APPLIED EXTERNALLY F08 RHEUMATISJII, NEURALGIA, 0mm LAINS, CALLOUS LUMPS SWELLINGS, STIFF .70st, GALLS, , . FROST BITE, LAMENESS, OORNS, CONTRA CTIONS BRUISES, LUMBAGO, ITCH, DEAFNESS, PAIN IN BA CK, SPRA INS, PAIN in SIDE, .20. Every bottle guaranteed to give sa’u‘sfaoâ€" tion or money refunded. w. mmwgqoggmmmrs iiémii'ona Hm. Oct, 12th DIREGTIONS WITH EACH BOTTLE. PRICE 950. Loan and Savings Company WALTER S LEE, MONEY 7’0 LOAN. INDEX George Langstafi', A LU Ml N'u M $15. CELLOLOIDJ $10. RUBBER TORONTO, ONT. . ORR, MAPLE. PRICE 25c. PER BOX. gunman. B. and First Silver Medalist? SUGAR COATED: Vizâ€"amnim Managfil‘

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