Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 21 Jun 1883, p. 3

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Y k0 is C “'1. h 7 â€" ° °r 3:11,,”“1 FOR SALE l The Council went into Committee of the whole, with Mr Richarddon in the chair, to consider a resolution by Mr Hamilton, Reeve of Parkdale, to memorialize the Dominion Government with reference to the construct- ion ofsubways at Parhdala and Brocktou. In support of his resolution Mr Hamilton Being an of Lot N030, fronting on Yonge St. gave some interesting statistics regarding andsi e-lineleading to Brunskill’s Mills. Apply the passing of trains, people and vehicles at to J. R. ARNOLD, H4».â€" 75 ACRES. Being the West End of Lot No. 46. in the let Concession of the Township of Vaughan. Also 34. Acres, the crossing at Parkdale. During 26 eon-- April 10th, 1883. tf- RICHMOND Hum. secutive days 70,000 people, and 14,000 vehicles had crossed the railway crossing. It had been found that during fifteen hours there‘ was only an intermission of four min-- TORONTO utes between the passage of trains at the crossing, and that a person passing over the crossings at any time during the day with a vehicle would be caught between the trains. Dr McConnell spoke in behalf of Brockton, on the necessity of constructing the snbwayn. A petition was read from the Sisters of St Joseph, House of Providence, setting forth the needs of the institution, and asking aid from the Council. The memorial to the Dominion Govern-- ment in reference to the subways in the vil- lagcs of Parkdale and Brockton was adoptâ€" ed. The Reeve of Parkdale was author - ised to sign it and forward it to Ottawa. On motion of Mr Hamilton, the warden was empowered to accompany a deputation to Ottawa, Parkdale bearing the expense. The committee rose and reported and the report we adopted. The Council went into Committee of the whole on the by-law providing rules and regulations for the Industrial Home, Mr. Jones in the chair. An amendment was passed to the effect VITALIZED AIR PARLOURS. ARTIFICIETITEETH ON GOLD PLATE, ' $80. 6 R U B B E R, 6 ~ 6 R U B B E R _ Best 38 Believmg the people will appreciate a. scale of low prices for a superior class of artificial teeth. I have determined on reducing the price at least 50 or cent. ecause our prices are so low as to seem wonâ€"- derful when compared with those of other first- class dentists. I do not wish youto infer that my establishment is confined to the manufacture of sets. I do everything or anything that any Toronto dentist Will do, and do it on approved modern. scientific principles, guaranteeing satis- faction in all cases. No ain caused b the ex» traction of tooth p y o. P. LENNox, DEN TAL SU RGEON. 151 YUNGB ST., TflllllNTD. that any person admitted to the Home be-- ing the possessor of money. the money shall A LUM i N U M, be delivered over and placed to the credit $15 of the Home - and persons admitted having ' a life interest’in any real estate, such inter-- CELLOLOID: est shall be utilized by the authorities of the $10. Home. In case of personal property on the death of the inmate, it shall be handed over to ielatives, or in case of there being none, retained by the Home. ’l he by-law was passed as a whole, and the committee rose and reported, the re» port being adopted by the Council. The bvviaw was read a third time and passed. . . . . The Council went into Committee of the 0,1333%,“bofilggggifigfigjlgmcggkfl‘ggggi whole on the by~lsw appointing officers of Bank Buildings. Wellington-street, Toronto the Industrial Home, Mr Brodie in the nouns anoosou,Q.O. JOHN BAIN chm,._ WM Baron Gonnou, Gno F Summer Dr Rutherford said he did not know that P- 0- Box 2527- he had done wrong. and denied that be had been asked to meet the committee He had done his duty, and had never heard, save éljrgal. Ferguson, Bain. Gordon a. Shlpley, OULTBEE & EVAI‘T. BARRIS TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chancery 631's mes. ‘ I I. CROSBY. BEAUTIFUL ‘A ress * Goods! ' sun not i AT THE 1*" FIRE now 1 The Finest "Woods In Town. Sco those Goods! Fresh Supplies of Groceries, etc., at the very 10“ est SEED TIME by report, that the by-law required that he 399,,64Ade1aide street East, (opposite the Conn is coming, and J. BROWN has a well-assorted stock of Clover, Timothy,.Flax and al D rl h's tar House), Toronto. u “g I m ALFRED Born/runs: GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY l MORT GAGES 0B'l‘AINEl) 0 N Farm & Other Property, Hotels, Taverns and Business. Goodwills Bought and Sold! Patent Rights disposed of ; SYNDICATES FORMED For Manufacturing and other urposes. S ock and Share Brokers, e c, etc. J. I. EVANS & CO, Loader Lane, Toronto. should furnish medicine. of office at the Home he had made 32 visits ch1‘ 150 examinations, and had given 100 prescriptions, so that it would be seen he had given pretty good service for his salary. He would never have undertaken the duties if it was understood that he was to furnish medicine. He read a letter which he had received from the committee, stating that he would be required to do so, and this was the first. intimation he had received. Mr Rowen said that he had been informed by the keeper and inspector of the Home that the man Bentley. wh died, had never been prescribed for or taken it drop of medicine. He disclaimer]. the res on sibility of making any charge against Dr Rut erford before the Council, and the men who were championing Dr Rutherford! cause were those who wanted to kill him. He (the speak er) thought that what the doctor had said corroborated the statements made by the com- mittee. He had never said that Dr Rutherford was responsible for the man‘s death. The fact was that the man had got drunk and had been nicked up in the street in that; condition, and having contrncted n. cold from the exposure. it Toronto. Jan 9th: 1333 contributed to his death Dr Rutherford verbally tendered his resignation as hysician of the Home. He then withdrew. WM. Won’rs Ilvs'rr. lie consideration of the by-law was proceeded I W ' r ' ' ' " K ' . witli,1nnd tllie name off Sggnlefi Senting‘ll;i Di), lina A: r A R D t 801 ( {LB 1) ySiciun o c 01116 e y aw V fixed the salary at $5100 per annum. including the supplv of medicine. The coiiiiiiittco rose and reported. In Council the report was read athird time and passed The officers of the Home are as follows with the salaries nttuchcd :wJ D Phillips, inspector, $50 ; J nines Irwin, keeper, $300 ; Elizadane Irwin niutron, $100 ; Stanley Scott, M. 1)., physician. 95100. On motion of Mr Duncan, seconded by Mr. Evans, tho resignation of Dr Rutherford was 8.0-- ccptcd. The report of the Committee on Finance and Assessment was mad, and the Council went into committee of tho whole for its consideration, Mr Ashton in the chair. Among other matters the report recommended that no grunt be made to the House of Providence, because the county ab- roadv maintniusd an institution for similar pur- poses. A by-law was introduced and passed through all its stages incrcnsing the salary of the high constable to $600 per unnum. A bV-IELW was introduced by MrAshton, author- izing the Treasurer to raise by loan a sum not exâ€" cceding $20,0n 0 to meet current expenses, till the taxes be collected. The report was put through its three readings and passed. A by-lnw was introduced by Mr Ashton respect- ing the assessments, and road a first time. SATURDAY. . The closing sitting of the June session of the County Council took place on Saturday morning. The report of the special committee appointed to consider the New Court House scheme, was read. the Council going into Committee of the Whole for its consideration, Mr Stevenson in the chair. The report stated that; the Committee of the City Council appointed to confer with them could only receive propositions from the county. Since the present session began, however, the city committee had forwarded them a report. The report had not received the sanction of the City Council, and the county committee had had no time to consider the propheition it contained. , Time was asked for its mature consideration, removed to 87' King street East, , and more particularly because of the somewhat Toronto. Bestmineral teeth inserted in a manu- novel nature of the proposition made. The com- or to suit each patient. Particular ' attention mittee had conferred with representatives of the given to the preservation and regulation of the city corporation relative to the claims of the natural teeth, carefully avmdiug all unnecess- country, arising out; of Yorkville’s annexation to pain. Ofllce hours from 8 a. m. to 6 13- m- the city. An arrangement had been made by Private residence 209 J arVis street. them that so soon as the city adopted a. hy-law assuming that portion of the York roads within §orktyililli£ iizlshogld£1 be ttrapfiferred bod the dcity. ut e y- aw a no ye eon passe , an in . case the city refused to fulfil the arrangement g SURGEON DENTIST' AURORA the committee asked authority to take legal pro- ceedings to compel the City to abide by the Thankful for the favors of the past years statute governing the matter. The committee - . b h of the to had conferred with the city authorities regard-'- 11%;}; EELE‘E‘fi‘i‘ggglfed “1 “my “1110 P ing the notice given by the corporation to annul - - , the agreement between the county and city for “lg’g‘fifnfiggggggf it: I .--+_§g_. A- ML *CUFtE'SrRHEUML“ l : PREEMAN’S ’1. .WORM POWDERS.‘ Are pleasant to take. Contain their own' laxative. Is a safe. sure. and enacting (omni- of worms in Children or Add”, genial, At Maple 18th of every month BVERSLBY. P.O. ‘V C. ADAMS, L.D.S., 0 SURGEON DENTIST, has Dr A ROBINSON. 9th & 24th of each month the maintenance of County prisoners, but as this 2nd do agreement did not lapse till the end of the year gigglingrkfit’ sch’ 16th’ ,22nd do the committee had deferred its re ort on that swuflvme ’ ' ' ’ ' ' ‘ , ' “Jam do subject till next meeting of Couuci . The com-- Markham ' ' ' ' ‘ . , , , , _ 2%}, do mittee rose and reported, and the report was View,“ gaging " u _____ 213:, do adopted without amendment. Thomhm ' ' ' ' . _ ' ngld do While in committee. Mr Lloyd moved the fol- Maple """ ."' ' ,,,,,, 26th do lowing resolution :â€""That in the opinion of this woodb'fi‘a'ge ..... . “.2351, do Council a separation of .the County of York from Kleinburg """"""" ' mggth do the city of Toronto, for Judicial our oses, would Noblemn I: j . _ _ . I , 30th do be desirable, if the samecould be e ectod." Some discussion took lace on the resolution, and on being subuiitte in Council it was ado bed on the following division zâ€"Forâ€"Brown, Coo , Forster, Henry, Hnlborn, Irwiu,Harni1ton, Jones, Lloyd, Mari-itt, McClure, McConnell. O'Neil, Porter, Rowen, Heisman, Reasor, Saunders, Spraguc, Truviss, Tyrcll, and lVi'lkinsonâ€"22. Aaainstâ€" Ashton, Brodic, Canning, Duncan, Davis, Evans, Franklund, Gibb, Hartman, Morgan, Richardson, Stevenson, Secor and Watsonâ€"14. The following accounts of special committees were ordered: to be paid :â€"I.ndustria1 Home, $145.40; Legislation, $8.20; Courtâ€"house, $126; Ontario and uebec, $16.10. Anesthetics, as Nitrous C‘s-tide, etc.,.used when ordered and none but the best material used Ethanol. DR. ORR, MAPLE, R. 3. 011,11. B. and First Silver Medalist The Counci then adjourned until November University of Toronto, M. C. P. 8. Ontario. L. S 20th .04 ‘ g L, Engfisgnd (Late 01' London, England) , c. AURORA lg'ggiiie Hours 8 to 9.30 a.m., and 1 to 2.30 pm. Jared Lloyd, J. P., of White Rose, is evidently a breeder of pure bred stock. On Tuesday morning he showed us a tuft of wool taken from one of his Cotswold sheep, measuring over twenty-two inches in length. We understand he has taken some from the animals measuring over twenty-four inches. DR. JAMES AN ERNEST F. LANG-STAFF! Residence, Yongc Street, Richmond Hill. LANGS'I‘AFF ! D . . i h dHill, Ma 23rd, 1882. 1y Rev. Mr Bolts, of Newcastle, is said to no man y have been stationed here as senior pastor of the C. M. Church. He is described as a Dr. George Langstafi', quiet, earnest laborer, not so brilliant, per- THORNHILL. ONT- haps, as some of his predecessors, nor yet with the same dash, yet withal agood work- er. We did not learn Rev. Mr Howell’s appointment On Friday the medicos of the town held a post mortem on the body of our late re-- spected townsman, Jas. Nicholle, with rather nd’looked for results. In his stomach were found ninety-five plumb pits. They had apparently been there for years, and have b DB. W. J. WILSON, caused h'm muc trouble. This should ._ I prove a warning to young folk.-.“ 0,, ssnsmsr rosouromvsssm. ones too, for that matter. A practitioner Member College ofPhyaiolanik Surgeons. tells us that an idea prevails with many that (LATE on sroornv-LLLE.) swallowing the stones prevents difficulties OFFICE nounsâ€"From s to 10‘s., m.,5 to s p.11) consequent upon eating green fruit. It is RESIDENCE an erroneous impreseion. Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Oct, 12th, '82, Graduate of Toronto University, M. C. P. & 8., Ont, Two Years Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hospital. Office and Residence,â€"â€"0ue door south of P. 0. OFFICE HOURSâ€"8 to 10 a m, dz 12 to 2 p m Thomhill, Feb 14th, 1883, â€"B OEEALIS. kinds of Fresh HELD do GARDEN. SEEDS, Garden Rakes, Spades and Shovels. A new and well assorted stuck of BOOTS “AND ‘ At prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction. A fresh supply of V 01:? Groceries and Provisions, i 0 Good Family Flour, Lard, Bacon and Horns. Choice Confectionary & Cigars wholesale and retail. ’l‘erms,â€"â€"Cnsli or harm Produce. Highest price paid for Butter & Eggs. .3. BROWN. Wu ... Richmond Hill, March 22nd, 1883. Pianos l Plane-s l PIANOS ! _ UPRIGHT AND SQUAREE . ,. ,g"., . fin,» . JW 7‘“ on,“ ‘3‘ .m‘c- team?” r a- 7 munâ€"mmmmuumw . \auirmâ€"nlm " "illll'll ills. inn Are constructed from the very best Materials by experienced Workmen, and are fully equal in point of Cw “9; 3 mm 0 ‘31.) 023 q .) 1:9 ‘ ‘ ' um) Q .\~ 7» broods: i . 4â€"6;,“ A \ V/ ‘ / )’/,C q» t' . \3/ /7 .j i ’â€" presupposes?cosponsored/9;; To the high priced American Instruments. «.mrr TESTIMENIALS. MEssns. R. S. WILLIAMS & Son’s. TORONTO, April l2th,1881. put them severely to the test, and find them possessed of those qualities of tone and touch so [LC-- coptublo to the true musicinn nnd lover of clusswul inusm#n charming singing tone, easily gradu- ated from tho most delicate pianissinio to every degree of loudness and fulncss, and it touch which answers readily to every abode of feeling. ' I consider these instruments it great acquisition in iiiusicinl society, and run much pleased at finding a. piano which I can recommend with perfect confidence. 1‘ CHAS. W.EWING, (Of London, England) Organist of St Peter's Church, Coburg, Ont, Mussns R. SWILLIAMS & Sons- TORONTO, Nov. 4th, 1882. GENTSâ€"Having thoroughly examined the \Vorkniniiship of your Piuiios, I have no hesitation in' stating that, in my opinion, they are equal to those of any others of the best Makers that I have seen Ioan only speak in the some high tcrins regarding their iiiusicul qualities ; for their fine fu’ll sing- ing capability of tone, pleasant touch, &c, are such, tliut there seems to be no necessity‘to purchase foreign instruments, w on our home enterprise cuii produce such Pianos, and at one-third less cost I am glad to hear that the extensive sale of your instruments shows- thuh you are meeting with the success that I think you justly deserve. I am, Gentlemen. Your Obedicnt Servant, I am, Gentlemen. yours very truly, GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc.‘ n. ‘7' -.v ll II WlhhthSi sun’s l GENTLEMEN~I have much pleasure in testifying to the great excellence of your Pianos. I have i and that on MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, we Will Show will he the “Handsomest Stores in Canadar”! pletéd, we remain, ' ROOM PAPER I AND WINDO‘V SHADES ! All New Designs and Colors. A Large Stock of" Furniture, Paints9 Oils and Painter’s Material. Best Brands of White Lead. Do You Intend to Paint !: If you do, get the best, as it is the cheapest in the long run. Elastic Paint is the most Durable, Economical and Beautiful paint made. It will not Crack, Blister, Peel or Flower Off, and we offer - $100.00 IN GOLD For every ounce of ndulterntion found in it. Usual stock of Groceries and Garden Seeds. P. G. SAVAGE. H. Sanderson 81380118 CHEMISTS 86 DBUGGISTS, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Worth their ‘.Veight in Gold! ! ' LIFE Assurance. Stay r Of London, England, Alderman McArthur, M. 1’, Chair- man. W W Baynes..Esq,F I A,Secretary Reserve Fund . . . . . . $9,000,000 Annual Income . . . . . . 1,400.000 Invested in Canada. . . 800.000 Death claims paid. . . . 7,500,000 TORONTO [turbunxous John McDonuld, Esq. C. J. Campbell, Esq., Hon. SeiiutorMcMustcr A. M. Smith, Esq. James Motcnlfn, Esq. ltnv. EiiocliWood, D. 30 per cent of premiums rotni'iioil iii profits Loans mode to Church Trustees, at it low rate of interest. Send for prospectus. A W Lauder, Sec. &Trca.s. for Canada. Victoria. Chambers ,Tm‘onto Feb. 12th 1880. . uwassu d assay "HOLLOWAY? Pills & (lintment This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for throughout the World for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to which hu’m’anity is heir. purify, regulate and improyc the quality of the glued. They assist the digestive organs, cleanse STOMACH AND BOWELS, ' I "r' y: ' I i i the nervous system, and throw into the circula- WILL cuRE 0R RELIEVE tion the purest Elements for sustaining and B!LIOUSNE88,- DIZZINESS, ’ “"’”‘"‘“g the fram- . DYSPEPSM, DHOPSY, ' Thousands of persons have testified that [Hump-37m”, [LUTHER/[VG by their use alone they haue been rc'stored ' JAUNDICE. OF THE HEART, tchealm and strength, after every other ERYSIPEL/ig, ACID/TY 0F means had proved unsuccessful. SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, . . HEARTBURN, DRYNESS m HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, \ And ever 3 ecles of disease arising from disordereyd EIVER, KiDNEYS, STOMACH, I BOWELS OR BLOOD, rumours & to... TORONTOL The York Herald. PUBLISHED BY .M. H. KEEELER.‘ Evriuv THURSDAY, ' At his printing ofl‘co, Yonge Street, Richmond Hm. outlilimoo r annum in ms of Subscri tions : .‘ pc . udTVZIlflce When not; paid in advance $31 50 Will be charged _ « _ Trunsitory advertisements, first insertion. per line ............. 1 ........................ 8 cents. Each subsequent insertion. pcrliiio ...... 3 cents. Contracts for tiiiio and space made on applicaâ€" tion. ' I . Advertisements without written instructions . will be inserted until forbid :8: charged transient 1 rates will be found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores. Hard Tumours. uni) LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. coLDs, Coughs, Sore Threats, Bronchitis, and till disord ors of the Throat and Chest, us also Gout, Rheu- matism. Scrofuln, and other kind of skin diseases Manufactured only at Professâ€" or Hollowav’s Establishment. 533, OXFORD STREET LONDON, and sold at ls. 15d” 2s. 9a., 43. 6d,, 115., 22, mid 33s each Box and Pot, and in Canada. at 36 cents, .90 cents, and 01:50 cents, and the larger sizes in proportion. ' ’ er’ionâ€"l have no Agent in the United States, nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers should therefore look to the label on the Pots and Boxes. If the _â€"=s:ia:=-= â€",â€"â€"-Tâ€"I-| We make a. special style of Organs in large quantities, and are therefore able to offer them at ox- cepti‘onrtlly low rates. l’nvments arranged to suit the convenience of purchasers and spread over a. term of years. For full purticulnrs write to i R. 3. WILLIAM. S, 143 Yonge St. TOronto. OR 226 Carmina St. London. ”â€"â€"â€""W flâ€"gâ€"‘M â€"_ =1: address is not 533‘, Oxford Street, London they are spurious. ‘ The TradoMarlrs of my said Medicines are re- gistered in Ottawa, and also at Washington. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY 533 Oxfordstreet, London. _ Jan: bt‘h 155:1. RAIN Tim's, or"‘rn‘s Bush QUALITY AT THOS NIGHTINGALE’S, Yorkvila ' D f l l l We beg to inform you that OUR NEW PREMISES Will be completed in a'i few: days; a Complete Stock of NEW SPRING GOODS in _ all the departments, in what we have no hesitation in saying” Our Stock Will, without doubt, cOmp‘are favourably with any on this contim’enf, out Foreigh Goods having been purchased direct item the first manufacturers of Europe by out Mr. J. W. Petiey, who is a resident of MANCKH ESTER; England. Trusting- to have the pleasure of showing you through Our Establishment whem‘ com: % PETLEY PETlEYs 128 T0 132 KINGJSTREET EAST“ TORONTO. _ shuttle. THE PALMER,HOU3E RICHMOND HILL; J Palmer. Pr’ofia This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Clo. Style. Sumplc Room‘ for Commerg ciul Ti'nvell s. Good Stubling and attentive hostlers. Terms, :31 per day. Proctor’s Bud loaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R B“ Trains going North and South, at 8 a m.,' 12 a}. 211., 5.10 p in. and 7.30 n m'. illllll lllll‘lll llll'l'lll RICHMOND HILL. JOHN POVVELL. This Hotel has been refurnislied, renovated}, and fitted up iii‘ first-class style, and is now th? lending 110th north of Toronto. The bar is sup plied with first-class brand of liquors and cigars»; Excellent; accommodation ibr C mmercinl Trnvellers, and the General Public. Good fittile ' i112 and on attentive Hostlcr. 15190;)“ $500 REWARDa We will pay tho above reward foi‘ any ditch of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, in- digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot euro with West’s Vogetublo Livor Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are: purely Vegetable, and never fail to give surname: tioii. Sunni- Contcd. Largo Boxes, containing 301’ills,26 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Be- wuro of oouiitcrfoifs and imitations. The genâ€"T uiiiiio inniiiifuctiii'cd only by JOHN 0. WEST dc C()., “The Pill Makers,” 81 62 8.} King St., East Toronto. Ont. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cont stamp. _ Health is Wealth. Dr. E. C. lVest's Norvc and Brain Treatment, q gunrnntecd specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Con- vulsions, Fits, Nervous Neurnlgiu, Heudache,‘ Nervous Prostrution caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wnkcfuliioss Mental Depression, Softening of the Bruin resulting in Insanity and leading to misery. decay and death, Premature Old Age, Bari-ounces, Loss of Power in either sex; Involuntary Losses and Sperinntorrnwamaused y overâ€"exertion of the brain, self abuse or over- il’idulgence. One box will cure recent casesa; Each box contains one month’s treatment. One‘ dollnr 11 box, or six boxes for five dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guaran-_ tee six boxes to cure any case. ,With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied witli five dollars. we will send the piiscliiiser our writ: ion guarantee to refund the money if, the treat: niont does not effect it onto. Guarantees idaded only by T. A. Hewitt & 00., solo authorized agents for Thornhill and Angus, Ont, John C.’ West <35 00.; Solo proprietors Toronto, Ont. d " Loan and Savings Company Officesâ€"No 70, Church-street, Toronto HON GEO W ALLAN,‘ Sonntor,1’rosident Gnonon GOODERHAM .................... 'Vic‘e-‘hesiden‘fi DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Plath, M 1’, Alfred Gooderl hum, Geo W Lewis, T1103 H Lee, Hon D I! Mucpherson, Senator , Cnpitni, summons; Reserve Fund, $450,003) Total Assets, $3,500,000 summers BANK BRANCH Money received on deposit, and interest itself an imperishablc fame , payable half yearly 01‘ cmnpflunded. l MONEYâ€"ZTJâ€"‘LOAIV. Soc our reduced lomi table For further infer: mution apply at the offices of the Company WALTER S LEE,- Manages” .lllli m‘nnn increase the secretory powers of the Liver, brace l Foo Chco’s Balsam of shark’s Oil Positively Restores tho Hefll'lllg, and is the Only~ Absolute Cure for Dcnfncss Known. This Oil is abstracted from peculiar species of smull Whit’o' shark, caught in the Yellow Sen, known us Curtdinrodon Koliaclébll. Every Chi- nese fisherinun knows it. Its virtues its a restor- ative of hearing were discovered by {1. Buddhist; Priest about the your l-ll0. Its cures were so" numerous and many so seemingly miracul-J- ous, thth the remedy \vus oiiicinlly procluiniod over bill! entire Empire. Its use become so uni-â€" vcrsnl that for over 300 years no Deafness has existed among she Chinese people. Sent charges prepaid, to any any address nt 5191 a bottle HortiWVliat the Deaf Says It hits performed a miracle in my case, I have no uiioni'tlily noise in my head and hen. much better, I have been greatly boiicl‘iiaod, . My donfnnss helped n. grout (loadâ€"think unoth‘<‘ or bottle will onto 1.10. My homing is much boiiotitod,‘ I have TUCEIVUlI untold licnflt,‘ My lieui'iiig is im proving: It is giving good sntisfziction, V anc boon groutly boiiclltcd, and am rejoiced that I saw the notice of it. “its virtues 17,1‘0 nuquostionnblo niid itsxciirativo clim'notoi' ubsvolutc, us the writer can personally testify, both from oxpcrioiico‘ nud observation; Writo at 01le to HAYLOCK db JENNEY, 7 Doy Sf, Fowaork, enclosing $1, rind you will receive by’ return :1. remedy tlint will enable you to hcru'like anybody else, and whose curative effects will be. permanent, You will never regret doing so." â€"Ellltor of Moi‘ouiitilo Dr W. LifTo avoid loss. in. t; Jails, 'od Lollirl'. please send‘ money by Re lOiily [lily/011.,“ nv BAYLUC'A’ d: JENNE'Y,‘ 7 tiev St.» N. ‘t’ .‘Lclc Again: in AiLLinzi

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