Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 5 Jul 1883, p. 3

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- Lace Curtains, Lambrequins, m. LEM LEI: 25 GTE SHIRTS, SEARFS, HMRS PM HUSIERY ! New Dress Goods! I N GRQCEREES i NEVER BEEN EQUALLED ! GENTS’ ERWWQ GLWES Goad Honest Wm far Year Money. THOSE NOBBY HATS CANNED GOODS. Fresh Garden Seeds, &c. REYNOLDS N0 Better Stock in the Mal'ket'. IfReynolds can’t. suit you in these Goods, We have Value Unsurpassed. We cannot afford to give you a Book or a Chromo with every Pound of Tea, but will give you Coffee Ground Fresh Every Day Reynolds begs to announce that “SEEK NO FURTHER.” Crcctoncs, Ducks, Denims, and Cottonadcs. Everything found in a First‘Class Grocery. SPLENDI VALQE. Which for Style, Quality and Price, have atin Trimmings, Linings, 8L0, 8w. ONCE MORE. In Buck, Antelope and Kid. In Richmond Hill. UPWARDS. he has received another iot of Pianos? Pianas MEsms. R. S. ‘VILLIA‘MR ("c SON'S. vprmwwo Aw.” lam 1g“ . ‘ . . . y r ‘ < , - . . (:ENTmaMENâ€"J have, much plonf‘nre m testllymg to the grant ox;(~p|1\m(..,m' WU, ,imms 1 1‘, put them severely to thtpnt, mu] hml (1mm pofsscsscd of thusu quwlities of Lofio nnd touch :50 cepmblu to the true l'lll}SlCliUl_filld lgwor of clussmul musicâ€"u. charming singing: tom), easily gnu ‘ » Med from £119 moscduhcutu lmullbhlluf) LU ovary degree of loudness and fulnoss, and a toubh which answers regal}! to eycry shade of feolngg. ‘ ‘ V V , ‘ 'tl UPRIGHT AND SQUARE 1 cousiqcr them; inst'mmcnts u gruaflithui '011 in musiciul society and findmg u. puma whlclm I can recommend with perfect confidence. I ‘ lumen, Vours ver truly CH‘&S.W.EWING (of London Euglandfl I am, Gbnt ) y ’ ' Orgimisg 01 St Peter’s; Church, (101mm, Out’ a ' . E. WILLIAMS & Sox's“ _ . Tmmxu'o, Nov. 4th, 1882. I t M! 1wng thoroughly examined the \Vorkmnnshlp of your L’mm ‘ ] llu‘vu )m houmhon m stutiu that, in my opinion, tlxoy are (x uu.l t0 n11 ‘ ‘ l ‘1‘5'01 mg}; Aguligrd th'mt 3 have smzn 1 \N I :L . ‘v H|\.\.1]V v'n 5km r411‘1rx 1n‘rdx £1 ales. Ewiuug yuan, All lily-\vluuuul, Luu‘y mu uqum hu ulum: m :m owners 0] Ln A 1 ' ‘ ' - x Ichn only speak m Lho sauna high turns regarding: tllciglnusiunl quxfii? ' (:1 jug cul‘l!.1)l‘lty oft«11m,plm1sunt touch, 65.", are such, that Lhcru mums to DU n'u 1V60I£085iL r t ; u ~ 11:17 foreign Instruments, when our home entarprisn can produce such Pianos and n1; 'onie-fhhilh P-u'u :15}; I um glad to 110er that film extensive sale of your instruments shows th’LL you are m :ot' " LB'fih‘lm success that I think vou Jmtly duservo. ‘9 “1° W“ the I mu, Gentlemen. Your obedient Servant, AT THE ma mm: 2 The Finest Tweeds W9 make u specml style 01' Organs m large quantities. and are therefore- able to olfer them at 010 ceptmnally 10w 1%me It a ‘zmgcd to suit the 901w; mxce 9f purchasers and spread over ' n.»- m ,.+' 'vvhn ..u vll te’fm of yéms. {‘01qu pimir-ulurs 'wufe rm Good Family Flour, Lard, Bacon and Hams. Choice Confectionary &' Cigars. wholesale and retail. Terms,â€"Uash or harm Produce. Highesl piicé paid for Butler 52 Eggs. {8 coming, and J. BROWN has a wellflssnrled stock of (Hover, Timulhy, Flux and n} kinds omesh - ‘ . Dress Gmds I ‘ mg STE!“ BOOTS AND ,SHOES! SEED TIME A10 construcled from the very best Materials by (:xpcncnccd Walkman, and are fully equal in point 01' We make :1‘ special st 10 nf Organs in large quqntfitiefi. and :u therefore- a h] e QBGANS‘E. Richmond Hill, March 22nd, 1883 FIELD &; GARDEN SEEDS, 01:? Groceries and Provisions, :98 j «I ‘5‘?»le 1‘ , R!) S‘m in 7/ 4‘) ,2; \ \‘ av‘gmk . 4": x if?) w r) «Xi ’7‘ 32% £9608)vow-mvwfi)%&té§ 3%; u ) / At prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction. Garden Rakes, Spades and Shovels. A new and well assorted stock of TON is, woven «5a DEM: A 'm “TY ! 1i Fresh Supplies (If Groceries, 01c., at the In Town. S00 lhcsc Goods Ms Yuma-s 51. ‘Ioron'cw w v ...:a_....a¢ 4.64. ‘2’ Dundas St. London, TESTIMONIALS . wu-wuwwmws 593:3 To the high priced American Insh'uméntS. BEAUTIFUL PIANGS ! S- “WILI AND v‘;"n.2r VN‘~‘J_â€". I. CROSBY. GEO. \V. S'l‘JiA'l‘EIY. Mus Doc. A fresh supply of am much pleased at Very 10“ est if Advertisements vifih‘mlt writ-km} imbrnctions will be imam ted uutll ioxbld ct churgud trunswut rates 70ULTBE E & EVATT. HARRIS ) TERS, Attorneys, 5011'citats-in-Uhnncory 010., M Adelaide strum; Must, (opyosito the Court. House], Toronto. ALFRED L’ouuumm Wm. Won'rs DVATT. At his printing oli‘mo, Ym Stro' Hill. ()an'iu T011118()fSHIJricl‘ipLiuHEl1 :91 00 per :anmm in advance Whuu not. paid in advance :51 50 will be aluu'gud Trnnaitury advertisements, first insertion. t, Richmond ( Western Canada. Barvristors, AttorneysmrLILW, th’citor Com’ovuncors, etc, ()fllcesvâ€"Luporml Chancery. Bank Buildings. Wellingtonâ€"street, Toronto HOMAS FERGUSON, QC. Jon}: BAIN WM SETON GORDON, GEO F SHIPLEY var" lino . . 8 cents. Each subsequent msenum. pm 1 u u 8 cents. Coubructsi‘or time and space made on applica- Li()J!. M. H. Loan and Savings Company Otllces~N0 70, Uhm‘uhvstrcot, Tmumm 110x Gun W ALLAN, Selmtorl’rumqut; GE'me Goopmumm "Vim; mutant. DIImC'rmnsrfiumud Plait, M 12$}er ({uoflcr» 1mm, Geo \V Lmvis, 'l‘hos 11 Lee, H.011 D L Mucphcl‘sou, Summer Money received on deposit, and interest payable huifyearly or compounded. See our rec‘mcar‘. 1mm tn} la 'Wov I‘mer mmion apply :U' rho omties a" the (HumA If you do, get the best, as it is the cheapest in the long run. Elastic Paint is the most Durable, Economical and Beautiful paint made. It. will not Crack, Blister, Peel or Flower OE, and we ofl’er Fgrgyson. Bath, Gordian 8:. Shipley, Do You intend. to Paint J umâ€"l thaws, Ewfingmo SAVING’S BANK BRANUIEI Furniture, Paints, Oils and Paiutvr’s Material. Best Brands of White Lead. PAPER ! REE am HILL, 01w. E. Smfimon & Sons * FREEMAN’S WORM POWDERS.‘ Are pleasant to take. Contain thou- owxi Purgntive. Is a. safe, euro, and effectual lesmyer o! worms in Children or Adults. C‘npiyul, Is; 0 norm: _1wsorve Fund, $400,000 For every ounce of adultcrutiou found in it. Usual‘stoek of Groceries and ' Garden Seeds. P. G. gAVAG-E. The York Herald, W A "LT E H S i! 11"] E Trusting to have the pleasure of showing you through TO THE PUBLIC! Our Stock Wilhwilhoutdoubt, campare faVourany with any on this confine'nf,‘ out ' Foreigh Goods having been purchased direct from the first manufacturers of Enrope by our Mr. J. W. Pctley, who is a resident of MANCHESTER, England. JIOJVEY TO LOAN. c beg to inform you that OUR NEW PREMISES will be Completed in a {1th "days, and that on MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, we will show a Complete Stock of NEW SPRING GOODS in all the departments, in What we have no hesitation innsaying will be the “Handsomest Stores in Canada,” CHEMISTS (EL: DRUGGISTS, P. 0. Box 2527. plated, we remain AND VVENDOVV SHADES! Th ’UBLIiflh‘U) .DY g‘rflcgal, All New Designs and Colors. A Large Stock of $100.00 IN GOLD fl Y & PETL ask-mqu 128 T0 132 KINGI-STREET EASTg AND ERNEST F. LANGSTAFF! R. B. Orig M. B. and First Silver Medalist Univursity of ’l‘ownto, M. C. P. S. Ontario: 15; S A L, Enghuxd (1.3“: Of London, England) Surgeon, Etc. Ls'omce Hours 8 to 0.3021..-m., and 1 to 2.30 p.111. Residouco, Yongo Street, Richmond Hill“ Richmond 11m, May 23rd, 1582. l‘y DR. JAMES HJANGSTAFF! This Hotel has been rofurnislmfl, renovated, and fitted up in firstâ€"clans style, and in now the lvudillg‘, Hotel north ol’ Toroan Thu bar is 5111) Wind with firsbwlubs brand of liquors and cigars. Excellent ncwmmmlutiun fur )mnmm’cinl '1')‘IL\’OUL>1‘S,1LXH'I Lhu (fibnm‘ul Public. Good Stabl- im; and LL11 attentive liostlur. M. c. 1'. 5; S..()ut,'1‘wo Yams Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hospital, RICHMOND HILL, J' Palmer, Pr: This House is one of the Best Hotels to Do found north of Toronto. Everythng is managed in First; Ulnsa Style. Sample Room for Commer- ciul 'l'mvullrrs. Uuod Stablng and attentive hosflm‘s. 'J‘mwm: :51 per day. )Proctor‘s Bus huvus this Hutu] n (mnncct will; It.“ the N If: 1% Trains going North xmd South. at, 8 a 111., 12 u. 11]., 5.101) m. and 7.50 n m. RICHMOND HILL. J (JRiN I’OTWELL, l’rop Graduate of Toronto University MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSWV .mm IVIember College of Physicians &: Surm THE PALMER HOUSE 5mm} EEHTM m1, IVIember College of Physicians 3;: Surgeons. (LATE 0F sTonFFv'ILLE.) OFFICE 11‘0U1:s,-4¢mm 8 to 10 u.. m.,-5 b0 8 p. m RESIDENCE ()J‘TIGE H()URSi8 to Thornhill, Feb 14611, 1883, DR. W. J. WILSGN, [BRAIN T [LE nvAr rmv nu Ofliw and Iiusidoncu,â€"Ono duor south Yonge Street, Richmond Hill Richmond H11], Oct. 12th: 5w. TQRONTG. QVA LITY T EEMMI @mw. DR. mm, MAPLE, ’I‘ BORN HILL, ONT THO?) 12:11:31. 013‘ THE 1: MG-HWNG A m: 's‘ Yarkvt m 10 a m,&12-t02pm Lang‘s 0f 1’. 0, :Iiius & meat TORONTO f VITAMEEEB AER E’I‘nRLWRS‘ Best $8 Zulioving tho people will uppx‘ncinta :1, scale or low m-icrvs for n superior class of artificial ‘Ldoth, I have Llohurmiucd on reducing tho price at least. 50 pm‘ cunt. nu muse om| Dr‘cus an; so low as to suom won-s olgrful wlmu (murmured Wibh those of other first-- (zlnss'tlnutism [J()11(:L\Vi:«]1 ynuto infer that my untzLMislnrwnL in unli‘im-(l (u Hm humul'actm‘o' of guts. 1:30(Wuryl‘lzingfur anmxg that any Toronto «Ix-mini wxil I1()_' Id (In H, (m upprovod modern. sciuutnm px-iu s, "111;: mm 011;}; autisu faction in 1111(32Lhrb‘. NL 1am: ‘LusK-«l by the ex" traction of tuuth and sold at ls. 1,161., 23. 98., as. m, 115., 2241-1361 833 each Box and Pot, and in Canada at 36. cents. 90 01mm, and $1.50 ccués, and the larger 81283 in m‘onortion . (If? CAUTonâ€"I have no Agent. in the United States, nor are my Msd‘icines said there. Purchasers should therefore look to the label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London (my 81% spm-iotrs. _ ()0 l»; ' D E N ’l‘ A L S U R G EON! 151 YUMEE S’IL, WRENCH}. 1 (it; [3 A LUM :rw M71) rm Coughs, Sdro‘ Threats, Bronchitis, and all disord ers of tho Throat xtnd Cheat; as @150 Gou‘fi; Rhem min/ism. Scrofulu. and other him} of skin diseases Manufacfured only at Profess-f or Hollowav’s Establishment, 533, OXFORD STREET LONDON, Tim Trade Marks of myjm‘id Medicines m‘e 1'64 gisturcd 1.11 Ottawa, and also at Washington. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY 533 Oxford street, London. will bu found invaluable in vary 11911: the cure of Open Soics. Huf- Txtmmrrs; This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an imperishable fame throughout the World for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to which humanity is heir. increase the secretory powers of the Livcr,bmcd the nervous system, and throw into the cir'culu- Liou the pumst Elements for sushwiuiflg and mpuitiug the frame, Thousands of persons have testified that by their use alone they huue been restored to health and strength, after every 0:110! moans had proved unsuccessful. BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS.,COLDS, Worth their “Height in Gold ! I 79"" WILL CURE UR RELEEVE BIL/OUS/‘JESS, DYSPEPS/A, [N 56:55me .m Ufi/DICE. HWSIPF '- SALT my... HEARTM‘W, i‘iEAufzoa mrify, regulate and improyc the quality of the 100a. They assist the digestive organs, cleanse x And CVCr'V 5-2.: disordcrcd Ll‘ ARTIFICIAL TEETH Establishment whom coma STOMACH AND BOWELS, WM? PLATE THE 3701mm”, DRY/130588 0r- mg SKIN, “2a misfng from (‘3‘ STOMAGH, LOUD, $310. RUBBER RUB B EH - ALULOID, .4 .4 PI)}_\' h (‘fnli‘lnml m Hm numul‘actum' nngfur anvyilmxg that any JU and (1011. (m uppl'ovod 1‘1 }\L~s, wumnnhomg autisu NL 1am: mum'- by the ex“ 0510138 y, Fit/THEM? n DIEZINESé‘, (:1: THE HEAE’T‘,’ ‘IIDITY {iF Jun. 5th 1881 Household It! TOHCNTO,‘

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