The cholera. is spreading geucz-za‘ily throughout the country. The Swiznry \‘Commission has rejected the proposal to isolate Alexandria, in which cit-y a. case thought to be cholera wus announced to day. 'which cholera. has appeared; but if the dis- ease takes a ï¬rm hold in the city it is prob- ; able that it will be allowed to take its course, and that general precautions only will be taken to check its progress. Baker Pasha. having expressed the. opinion that the cordons round the various infected places are now useless, they will probably be shortly all removed. There is reason to believe that many scattered case: occur in villages daily, which the natives conceal so as to even! the imposition of a. cordon. The Local Governmanb Board [ms issued a: memorandum enjoining measures of pre- caution against, cholera iu the cibica of Great Britain. Dr. John T. Nagle, the registrar of vita: stntistics, were yesterï¬ny in receipt of the annual report at the Board of Health of Calcutta, which contains alarming reports; of the spread of cholera in that city. A supplementary report of the ï¬rst quarter of this year announces that out of a: popu- lation of 288 000 nearly six hundred have succumbed to the effects of the dreadful scourge, Ellis 15 an excess of over two hundred deaths for the cori’espoodzng quarter of 1882‘ During the months of April and May of thin year there wma a; steady increase in the death rate from oholeremvemgingaboutfourliundrecldeeths for each month. During theysa-r 1882 there Were 2,240 deaths from cholera. in Cal- cntta. Of this nui‘uber 1,597 were males and 643 females. The past year has been an exceedingly unfavorable one in respect to cholera in Calcuttn. In no yru‘r [Vince 1869 has there i (m 50 large: an aggregate mortality from in. cause, and from pre1~ent appearances the (Emma (luring the yeer of 1883 will be greatly increased The month in which most deaths from cholera comr- red during last year woe. in December, 1h2 re being 411. May came next with 380‘ and April with 318. The least number for any month Wes in September, there being but 38 deaths from this dieeaee. MARCH on THE DISEASE. The Figaro published a long despetch from Alexandria which describes the epi- demic as rapidly spreading. It says the cholera. exists at Samenoud, Zegazig, and ibme el Kom, in the Very centre of the alias. “ The march of the epidemic seems to be regulated by the (lirection of the wind. Withanorth wind the mortality decreases, whereas it augments with a south wind. The town of Meneurah i3 pnrtly deserteé‘. The doctors are beginning to believe that none of the important towns will escnpe the contagion.†The corresponï¬ent proceeds to explain that the Ramandan fast hue begun, and that during awhole month all Mussulmane will fast from sunrise to sunset. He fears lest the want of sufficient nourishment and the drunken rcvelry indulged in by the lower classes of society after sunset should predispose the population to catch the cholera. The invincible dislike of the Arab to enter a. hospital is also considered likely to spread the disease ; but the Figaro corres- pontient contends that “ the profound repugnance of the Arabs to enter a. hospi- tal is justiï¬ed by the hadcess of those institutions. Moreover, there is no hospi¢ tits] here at Dumietta or Samanoud, or in any of the little towns. There are hospi- tals for the native population at Cairo and Alexandria, but they are bad in every respect. A European doctor is generally the nominal, though not the real, director of the Arrb hospitals. At Alexandria Dr. Wierenhorst is at the head of the native hospital. It is true there is the European hospital kept by the Sisters of Charity, and also the German hospital, which are both model establishments.†The medical ser- vice in the province is, awarding to this correspondent, in a. most deplorable condi- tion. In large Villages, Wllh several thou- sand inhabitants, there is scarcely more than one doctor. As for medicine there is none. and the only remedy prescribed is laudanum. In conclusion he says that (he Sanitary Inspector‘Geceml of Lower Egypt, who is an Italian, cannot possibly do all the Work which will fall to his share. 311 many villages 110$ mentioned in the returns. Four hundred carcasses of cattle have been removed fram the NHe. Private advices from Owiro say there have been ï¬fny dent-ha in twelve hours since the last ofï¬cial return. Cholera. ix raging in many villages 110$ mentioned in the IthI 11 Man Ilas to Expect who is Around 'l‘hen. When a. gentleman doesn’t go down to business in the morning because he isn’t feeling quite well, he can’t always tell what is in store for him. The Chicago Herald has received the revelations of a gentleman of that city,who unhappily selected ‘* wash- day †for staying at home on account of a †orick †in his back. Perhaps some other day the case might have turned out differ- ently, as Monday is not, as a rule, the time when a man is master of his own house. The man in question. being at home, of course was Willing to do any little jobs to help out, and this is his list of the “chores†he took a hand in : He dressed the baby, put it to the table, and cut up ‘ its breakfast ; he curled his daugh- ter’s hair and got her off to ‘ school ; he took the ashes out of the kitchen stove and “ swept up ;†he went down cellar and split kindling until the skin on his knuckles was wet with gore: he hung the clothes-line in the unfurnished upstairs front room, and began to cuss the day he was born ; he swept off the front steps and made the beds in the ï¬ve upper chambers ; he lifted the wash-boiler 011 the stove ï¬f- teen times by actual count, and, the hydrant being out of order, carried in twenty-seven pails of water from the next door neighbor’s. Havmg " laid out †thus much light labor before dinner. not to men- tion attending the baby at odd intervals, he took a “ wash-day †lunch, and felt so much “better in his back that he couldn’t be pre- vailed upon to stay home in the afternoon, but insisted on going down to the oflioe to see if he couldn’t " work off †the crick in his back. A Cairo despatoh says the Government had accepted the offer of England to send twelve doctors to the infected districts. The wooden huts Where the cholera origi- nated have been burner). The Syauiuh Government has introduced a bill in the Cortes for a. credit: 1,000,000 peset-aa to defray the cost of t e adopnou of all poaslble measures agains‘a the intro- duction of cholera. into Spam. Twelve deaths occurred at Cairo )1 star- dafzuud {orgy min) at Menaalph. _ A despatoh from London says: The Sanitary Commission is endeavoring to purify Cairo andto isolate the houses in 'which gholerg. has appearqd ; but if the (11-8- Tviienty~eight2 deaths from the diacaée occurred at Damiatta. yesterday, thirty- eight at Mansumh and ï¬fteen at Sama- noud. Terrible Ravages of the in Calcutta. An extraordinary project has been sug- gested in Paris. It is to connect the capital With the city of Rouen by a tunnel. The length of the work would be over 73 miles, while the cost is calculated at £5,000,000 sterling. The projectors contend that there are great strategic as well as commercial advantages connected With the scheme, but sober-minded critics regard it as the mere dream of a visionary. THE MARCH OF THE EPIDEMIG. THE PLAGUE 0F BHOLERA. IIONIE 0N WAS [Is-BAY. Disease l': Ms malt [he Birdu \Von’t Ent May Find a Relentless Enemy in the Smnil Boy. “ Do not the birds eat those caterpillars?" asked a. reporter. _ . . “ No. I know of no bird that will eat them. The sparrows did eat the measur» ing worms that!) were so plentiful here afew years ago, and that nuisance has now dis- appeared. The present nuisance is what is koowu as a. hairy caterpillar. They multi- ply very rapidly. I have counted‘234 eggs in 9. space about. 1 110 by 5} inches. Each one of Lhese egga was capable of becoming a, caterpillar.†/ The Ten ible 'Coudlglon of Things llé.‘ vealed by :1 Visit to Donegnl. Alice M. Hark, writing to the London Chronicle, says: As I have only just re- turned from visiting, with my husband. Gweedore and other distressed districts of Donegal, I should be glad if you Would allow me to say a few words as to the actual condition of the pennants in that part of Ireland. Last year the potato crop was lost throughout the whole of Donegal, and to add to this disaster, fol- lowing as it did in four successive harvests. ‘aterrible storm swept over Donegal on )0ct. let, unrooflng and levelling the cot- ‘ tuges and sweeping away the whole of the ‘ oats and hay. The people thus found themselves obliged to fact. the winter with no More of ft :1 for their families nod stock, and no need pota- iooe for the following spring. Enormoue exertions have been made by Dr. Lngus, the Bishop of Replica... and his clergy to ï¬nd funds wherewith to feed thepoop‘lé and. to buy seed potatoes, and in them efforts they have been aided by the‘ Society of Frionds and Mn. Power Lelor. Omng to their exertions & grout extent of Donegal been renown with potatoes, and up to the present time tenant farmers and their families have bean kept from actual starvation by sailing their stock. and by rcceiving gifts If Indian meal. The funds n the hands oi'tho clergy are, however, inearly exhausted, and how to keep off the famine till the newly-sown potato crop has been gathered filling their minds with the gravest anxiety. " For three years,†said the bishop to up, lant week, “I havo been ghting the famine, mud now it seems that at the moment of Victory as if it would prevail.†In Gweedore, to which Cart. Hill hos sent his bailiff to collect tame the tenants are reduced to tbalowest ebb of poverty. In an (state, ovary inch of which in either bog, rock, or sand, some portion of the land has been brought into a- stute of cultivation by the uniiring labor of ‘ the peasants. The “ farms ’7 in strips, often not mute than eight, or ten feet wide, run from the bog to the shore. and are being year by year encroached upon by the sea sand; others lying more inland have been reclaimed from the bog by years of toil. Everythingâ€"building, draining, ditchingâ€"â€" hag been done by the tenants unlislpcd. To stimulate induatry the rents on the progeny have been raised from £400 to nearly £1,200 a year, and to teach the grim lewson of poverty, 12,000 acres of mountain commonage grazing, which belonged to the tenants from time immemorial, were some years ago taken from them without com- pensation, and thus a. people who once owned flocks and herds, and were proud of their hospitality to ntrangers, have been reduced toa state of penury most pltiable to behold. While Captain Hill is press- ing for rents, hundredsof his wretched tenantry are being kept from actual starva- tion by doles of a pennyworth of meal a day, and all the children on the property are being fed by the gift of two biscuits per diem. Poverty and mieery such as are now to be Been in Gwcedore are enough to make the most stony-hearted weep. In one singleroomcd cottage weentered a. reversed tub and a. board did duty for a table, and a. broken iron pot, containing stir-about, was the sole cooking utensil, the only article of furniture in the place being the wooden cradle in which the wretched mother rocked hor new-born baby. The father, in rage, was busy planting out the seed potatoes just given him. But it is not only in Gweedoro that the peasants are starving. In Glencolumbhill 3,600 persons are being fed by public charity out of a population of 4,500, and throughout Done- gal the distress is moat acute, about 14,000 persons requiring food. v ’ “15 there any insect that'p'reys upon these ?†“ Yes, there is a. sort of fly, the fachins, but there are not enough of them. I am satisfied that the only way to save our trees is for the authorities to employ some- one to kill them off. Boys could do it. It would require some one to climb the trees and collect the worms and eggs and burn them.†“What is the course of propagation?†“ First you see the bundle of eggs I have spoken of. They are laid by the females on the cocoons. In about fourteen days these eggs are hatched into caterpillars. The caterpillars live upon the soft part of the leaves of the trees. You may see plenty of trees now without a whole leaf. Thtn the trees in time die of lung complaint, fcr the leaves are their lungs. Each cater- pillar will est say twelve or fourteen times its weight of leaves, until it gets to be about an inch and a tenth long. Each caterpillar discharges its skin about four times before it gets its growth. It then weaves its cocoon of silk and the hair of his own body, I and there undergoes its change to the chryéelis state and becomes a moth. The species is well known. to entolomegiste,†continued Mr. Edwards. “ It is indigenous to this coun- try, and has been known ever since ento- molo V was studied here. It was described by A hot and Smith in 1792 4 among the lepidopterous insects of Georgia. You may imagine how rapid must be there in- } crease when one insect lays 234 eggs. Fortunately the rain kills many,‘ and other causes intervene to keep down the supply. I was glad to see that the voracious insects spared the tulip trees. The destruction of our city trees is pitiful, and some decisive action is needed to prevent its further progress. When very hungry these caterpillars will eat pear and apple trees, and the possibility that they may yet be numerous enough to go into that sort of business should be sufï¬cient to stir up some ofï¬cial action to prevent it."â€"New York Sun. The masters of the mqsï¬â€˜gudo’essful public schools ihEngan'dihave beeu'nearly. all clergyman. To a named of Arnold,â€" Tait, Beneon, Temple and Farrat may be added those of Dr. Butler, of Harrow ; Dr. Jex Blake, of Rugby ; Dr. Abbost, of the City of London School ; Dr. Baker. of Mer- chant Tuilors' ; Dr. Currey, of Charter- house, and many others. SUFFERING IN IRELAND; A popular rising IB 'inreatened in Cuba. IEIH‘L THEE C ‘ 1'3 [’1 h I; A RS. VOL. Oulnflo (uncials in Undislurhcd Posses- sion â€"Beunqnlshing 2 Manitoba): Charter. A last (Wednesday) night’s Rat Portage despotch says: While there is much exoitement in Winnipeg over Ontario‘s taking possession, the utmost quiotude reigns here. No lumber seizure has yet been made, but on Monday it was deemed desirable by the magistrsoy tosweer in thirty special constables in view of possi- ble contingencies. They were dismissed last night, and it is not likely they will be again required. No further movement has been attempted by the Norquny Govern- ment, and their licences issued a. week before the revocation of the Public Works Act here, and not paid for by the recipients, are regarded as useless. The Ontario Licenses will be issued this week. Three locsl commissioners and an inspector have been appointed. The Council, noting under 8. Manitoba. charter of incorporation, say they are ready to resign and reorganize under Ontario it the letter Provmce will assume all their legitimate indebtedness incurred since their formation last year. The amount. which is said to be in the neighborhood of $2,000, was principally in- curred during the smallpox visitation last Winter.- The feeling of the people generally is excellent, but a. few hot Tories. interested in timber dealing and land grouting, would create a. disturbance if they saw any chance of success. Some of'the statements in the Winnipeg papers about affairs here are ludicrous from their untruthfulness and sensationalism. ' 'l'lm Philolngicnl Hoéietlvs Decide- Upon a New Ftylr. The‘Americsn Spelling Reform Associa- ‘ tion held its eighth annual session at .Mlddletown, Conn., on Thursday. Prof. F. A. March, the President, presented an account of the position and work of the society, and reported encouraging prcgresn, making reference to the fact that an association in the interest of the cause had been formed in Canada. The Committee on the Reform of English Spelling report that the Phllologicel Society of England had unanimously united With the American Philological Association upon a list of Worde in amended spelling, which they jointly recommend for immediate adoption. The changes. to he made are covered by the follow- ing rules: (1) Dropthe silcnte when phoneti- (:e'ily useless, as in love, vineyard. (2,: Dmp a. horn ea. liming the sound of o as n feather. Drop 0 from 08. having t' 0. sound or Lil, 2.3 in heart (3) For beauty use the‘old beuty. (4) Drop 0 from 90 having the sound of e, as in leopard. For yeomen write yomsn. (5) Drop i ot parliament. (6) Frlzoheving the sound of u In but, writeuss in above (ehuv). For women restore Wimen. (7) Drop 0 from on having the sound of u, as in journal. (8) Drop silent u otter g before a, and in native Eng- lish words, as guard, guess. (9) Drop ï¬nal ue in catalogue, etc. (10) Spell rhyme riino. (11) Double consonants may be simpliï¬ed. Final b, d, g, n, r, t, i, i, 2, an ebb, egg, etc, (not all, hell). Medial before another consonant. as bottle. Initial un- secentod preï¬xes, and other unaccented syllables, as in abbreviate, etc., traveller, etc. (12) Drop silentb in bomb, crumb, debt, doubt, dumb, lamb, limb, numb, plumb, subtle, succumb, thumb. (13) Change 0 back to s in cinder, ex- pence, ï¬erce, hence, once, pence, scarce, sxncc, source, thence, tierce, whence. (14) Drop the ho! ch in chamomile, choler, cholera, melancholy, school, stomach Change to k in ache, anchor. (15) Change (1 and ed ï¬nal to t p when so pronounced, , as in crossed, looked, etc, unless the el affects the preceding sound, as in chafed, chanced. (18) Drop g in feign, foreign, sovereign. (17) Drop h 'in aghast, burgh, ghost. Drop gh in haughty, though (tho), through (throu). Change gh to f where it has that sound, as in cough, laughter. (18) Droplin could. (19) Drop p in receipt. (20) Drop a in sisle,demense,1slsnd; change s (oz in distinctive words, as in abuse (verb), house (verb), rise (verb). (21) Drop 0 in scent, scythe (eithe). (22) Drop t as in catch, etc. (23) Drop W in whole. (24) Write f for ph, as in philosophy, ’ephere. The report? wits weep-ted, awn-d -£he- com- mittee continued for another year. Potatoes from Cape Colony were recently selling in Dublin, ‘ The Mayo potato crop promiaea to be healthy and abundant. It is stated that a. movement is on foot to restore the birthplace of Daniel O’Connel, whio has been a. dilapidated ruin for many vears. Mr. John Shuï¬dert, J. P., passed away on June 26th at his residence. Knooknarheehy, in his 79th year, to the sincere regret of all who knew him. Mr. John Comm has been appointed suc- cessor to his late father. who, for forty years, managed the (state of the Earl of Cloumel, at; Bishopscourc. The death is announced of Sir Gerald Gecrge Aylmer, Bart, of Donadea Castle. Hails succaeded by his only son, Justin Gerald, who was born in 1863. Th9 Lord-Lieutenant, in consequence of his recent visit to Limerick, has directed thud: the extra- police force them shall be re- duced by twenty, the district. having as- sumed n. peaceful‘aspecb. Rev. Thos. Gurke, the celebrated Domi- nician preacher,died on July 26 at Talla-ght, near Dublin, from owner. - He was known as one of the most brilliant puipib orators id the Roman Catholic Church. So strik- ing were his talents that the late Pope gave him the title of "Prince at prerchere.†Lord Wolaeley was entertained at a. ban- quet} in Dublin on June 30th, and presented with 9. service of plate. In acknowledging the honor he repudiated certain current ru- mours that he had no sympathy with his country, and protested against the idea. of Ireland only for the Irish. The Irish were entitled to the whole Brisish empire as a. ï¬eld, and he would never agree to sever the ties benweén them. “ No,†said a. Philadelphia. bride, †I am not willing that our wedding tour should include Yellewsbone Park. Yellow don't agree with my complexion.†How A WOMAN KEEPSA SECRET.â€"“ Annabel Jane: †Of course a. woman can keep a secret. A greet deal better than a mum cam. One hetle secret will last a woman through a. two-hour shopping excursion,.s. mite moiety, a missionary circle, ten calls and a; household furniture auction, and there’s enough of it left to tell her husband when he gets home. Now, a. man would forget threeï¬fths of both ends of it before he could get half so far with it. ' A woman can’c keep a. secret? Annabel, she can keep it; on the dead run more miles in more hours than a man can make it walk. ' NORTHWE STE RN ONTARIO. RICHMOND HILL THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1883 SPELLING BEFOB W. Latest 1mm Ireland. The Englmh overskirh has what is called the waterfall back, ï¬nely kilned at. the waist: with the pleats turned toward each other, meaning In the middle, and than lento fall loose, but fastened near the edge of the skirt to keep the plantings in shape. " _ .. n. . n . 1-1. The Marquis of Lansdowne was pre- sented on Siturday With two addresses by the North Wilts and Chippeuham Liberal Association on his appointment as Gover- norGeneml of Canada. His Lordhlnp, iu returnng thanks, Bald, now that he had accepted the Plflll‘ oi Governor-Germs! he must, 'as they Were all «'Wdl‘é, hold himself somewhat aloof from party politice’in the ordinary some of the word, yet, in bpite of the thousands : of miles which must separate them for the next few yearn. the inn-rest which he took l in Liberal Pillï¬iuï¬ would in no way abate. There were moments in the lives of all of ‘ them when aim-1‘ words 01 euouumgement Went a long way. He liad‘arrived at one Iof those momeute,.and was about to separate himself for a. long time from i is home, his friends. and his country. He was about . to undertake a“ task for which he _fea.:od ho Was unequz-l, but he felt that he would leove home with the goodwill and conï¬ilenco of his fellow countrymen. Ha wished particu- larly to substmtiale what Sir Charles Hobhouse had said ms to the gmsitiou in which his api-oiutmznt placed him with regard to the Liberal Goverment. I: was not a. political zip-pointan in the ordinary sense of the word, hufl it was that fact whioh hind made him at once feel almost determined .not to refuse it, and it placed him once more in physical} relations With the Liberal Government.l (Cheers) As to the work which. lay before him in Canada he was sure they would leel how premature it would be for him to express any opinion at thtit moment, but he thought he might say in general terms thathe would go to Canada}. deter- mined to do his best to maiotain these ties of loyalty and attachment which bound the colonies to the Mother Country, and especially the colony over which he would have the honor to presifle. (Cheers) Another feeling which Was present to his mind was that. he was about to laws these shares for a. lengthened perion, but he would leave at a. time when the Liberal party was stronger and more robust than it had ever been before; (Cheers) In conclusion Lord Lansdowue again thanked them, and suggested that they should elect another President during his absence, as he was of opinion that any one who took an ï¬ctive part in the Sift).er of the association should not be absent from the oountry. A resolution of unabated conï¬dence in the Government was after- wards unanimously passed. Some of'thc Novehles in Women’s Dream and Decorations. Abyssinian designs are the novelty in gold jeWLllery. Nu two dresses are made exactly alike as regards drapery. Short round~aptons and side paniers are worn bv short ladies ; chose who are tall and stout wear very long aprons, draped fm‘ below the hips. Chamber furniture of woven Chinese cane in wooden frames that imitate bum- boo are in favor for country houses. Wnen obey are upholstered, handania. handker- ohiefe of the gayest pleuds are used for covering the cushions. Another ï¬chu, whxch is not only new but odd, is made of India. silk and the English Paisley lace." The silk forms a. square turned‘over collar with a. plastron of lace below 1t, ornamented at the bottom with silver and gilt flowers. .. ..~ n1 The Dauphin ï¬ohu is a novelty. for light- ing up dark dresses. ltiaadeep round collar with pointed ends 111 front, made of eoru 1809.111 which the design is outiined with white silk or with gold cord. Three irregu- :21): bows of satin ribbon fasten aha long rout. A lady-bug 0t red-dotted Rename! is one of the newesn pins for gautlemen’a soarfa. A bride famous for her beauty discs’tded orange blossoms and used daisy chains on the soft †bride’s silk" dress, Whieh she wore at her mid-summer wedding in the country, Black Spanish blonds dresses are maï¬a up over strawberry-red Sabin. The skirt- front has three broad lace flouuces over three satin ones. Lace drapery covers» the back. The coat bodice of black satin has a. red satin waistcoat. opening with a revere collar, over 'a black lace plastron; a. jabot of lace surrounds the neck, and the sleeves are puflad lace. New and wathetie toilets for evening are of cream silk and veiling. The pointed silk bodice has a square plastrou and short; puffed Bleevea terminating With ruflies. The back of the bodice is pointed at the top and the waist also, and trimmed with crossed folds of veiling. The draped over- elairt; of veiling is fastened on one side with an agraffe of White mergueriuos and on she othersirlerwith rosettes of satin . xibbon. The Shire is half long and 15‘ heavily draped in the back with veiling. In connection with the current talk about the opening of new careeis to women. the Pall Mallr Gazette thinks that- a. lady whose mode of life recently occupied the Common Pleas division at Dublin deserves no little credit. She had devoted her more mature years to the study of law, and more parsi- culerly to the law of. breach cf ,prozniae. The novelty of her case C(inieiaLed in the number of actions which ‘ the managed to run at the same time. In her lass case the unsueeeptible jury awarded her only $50, butvon her cross-examination in that case she confessed to having jueï¬ sued another gentleman, whom she “ really loved,†in spite of his 70 winters. and from whom she had obtained 8500 damages. In a. third cane ‘ahe is believed to have been more success- ful still, having induced the defendant to compromise it: by a. payment of {$3,000. It is perhapsin view of the enterprise of this lady and of other! who are carrying on a. like lucrative industry that an English juége remarked in ooflurt the other day that he was net at all surprised. that many peo- ple advocated the, abolition of actions for brea'ch’ of promise:' '- ’ ‘ OUR Niw GDVï¬RNDï¬-GENERAL latrreuliug Speech by the fllarquln cl Lam-(Iowa‘s on Presentation 01 Ad- dresses to ï¬lim. Friends of .wgman suffrage are very hope- ful in England. . The vote in the House of Commons stood 114 yeas to 130 nays on the motiqn to give the suffrage to those women whose property qualiï¬cation allows them the municipal franchise. LATEhT LADIES’ FASIIIONS A New Career [on Women. (London News) Catherine the Great was short of ready money when Shafras offered her his dia- mond for sale. He demanded $200,000 for it, but the Empress could not raise more than $100,000, and though she offered 40 000 dessiatine (at four acres each) of crown land in addition to this sum. Shah-us refused. Catherine was greatly ohagrined, and did not hide her annoyance; but she was too noble a character to resort to the coercive measures which a Shah of Persia would have adopted without a moment‘s hesitaa tion. Sheirae was allowed to depart unmolested, em} betook himself to Amster- dam to have his diamond out. Here it was that the famous Count Orloff ï¬rst saw the jewel for which his imperial mistress had sighed, and he determined to lay it as I. gift at h: r feet. The bargain with Shafres was concluded off-hand, for Count Orloï¬ never hagglei In exchange for the diamond (which Weighs 185 carats and is valued at $1,500,000) Count Orloï¬ promised Shah-as, on his return to Russia, $350,000 down, an annuity of $2,000, and a patent of nobility. The Count kept his word. Shafras the merchant; became Lazureff the gentleman, net-Shed hie bills at. the imperial treasury, and drew $2,000 a. year for the rest; of his life. which. as usual with annuitante, was a. very prolonged one. Before he died he became one of the richest men in Russia. Wish the price of the diamond he bought mines in the Oural, land in Bessarebie, and houses in St. Petersburg. The “ un- earned increment †in thirty years made him ten times a millionaire, and at; the present day his descendants,‘numbering hundreds, are a.“ immensely rich. Loris Melikofl‘, former Minister of the Interior. and .Deliqncff, at present Minister of Public Instruction, are grandchildren of the Armenian Lazareff. A’Ijonce Hie Highness gave orders to m:- zmt the man, dead or aiive, and to seize thediemond. v The Jewish merchant natur- ally became alarmed for the safety of his new acquisition, ea well as that of his head, and gladly sold the stone to an as- tute Armenian merchant named Shefmm for $609002 The magniï¬cence of Cather- ine the Great and her court was a hy-word in Armenia. and Persia. and Shmfrae knew fighï¬well thetii he couid reach St. Peters- bnsa, with his diamond he would be able to diappss of it at a. handsome proï¬t. The greatest difï¬culty was to secrete the stone so thoroughly about his person that in case of hie arrest it should not be discovered. It W39 too large for him to swallow, so he eolved the problem by making a. deep in- cision in the calf of his left leg, inserting the stone, and sewing up the wound with silver thread. When the ont'hnd‘ 'oioatrized Sufï¬ciently to allow the removal of the wire, Shaina began his travels toward Russia. Had be known on arriving at the frontier that the diamond had been traced to the Jewish merchant, and from him to an Armenian. he would probably have tried to conceal his nationality. But he boldly proclaimed himneli an Armenian merchant to the Shah‘s inquisitive oflioials, was arrested and consigned to prison on kuepicion. Strong emotion were administered, but no diamond came to light. Ho was stripped naked, plunged into a hot bath, and then examined from head to foot. with no better suooerzs. Evenalittle torture was tried, but Snaftaa was ï¬rm; and in the end he was bundled unceremoniously over the frontierâ€"his petty cash, however, being retained. He reached Orenburg. and here some compatriots advanced him some money to reach the capital. “ Fact is," said Mr. Swiller, sitting down at the round table with his friend. “ Feet isâ€"â€"two beers, Tony l~there’s just as much intempemnce in eating as there is in drink- ing, and that’s what puts meâ€"hy George, that‘s refreshing, isn’t it ‘2 Cold as ice. Fill ’em up again, Tonyâ€"out of patience with these total abstinence fanstios. A man can be temperate in his eating and he can be temperate in his drinking. and I goâ€"light a. cigar ?â€"in for temperance in all things. Now I likeytoâ€"thank you, yes, I believe I will repeatâ€"sit down with a. friend and enjoy in glass of beer in a. quiet way just as we do now. It’s cool, refreshmg, mildly stimulantâ€"have another with me ;â€"and does me good. I know when I have enough andâ€"once more. Tony~when I have enough I know enough to quit. How do I lookâ€"hello, there‘s Johnson ; sit down here with us, Johnson ; three beers, Tonyâ€"I was just asking Blotter here if I looked like a. victim of dyspepsia. I don’t drink much water this weather ; I believe it's the worstâ€"this time with me, fellowsâ€"thing a man can put into his system such weather as this. I believe beer is the best thing for any man, and I know it‘s the best thing for me. But Iâ€" don’t hurry. have another before you go; here, Tony! don’t gorge myself with it; I don’t sit around and get full every time I take a. drink. I like toâ€"three more, Tonyâ€" sit down quietly with a. friend and enjoy a glass of beer and a. bite of lunch. but I don‘t like to gorge myself. I don’t eat my- self into a. - till these up againâ€"dyspepsia either, and then claim to be a. temperate mam. Temperance in all things is my mozzer-mozzo-motto. Thntsh me. Now I don-donk-donkall I donkall myshelf a. drinking menâ€"«once more wiz me, fellows â€"â€"I like to sit down quieshly wish few irons and 'joy glssh beer just beesush does me good ; good. But I dontent myshel! to deethâ€"oneesh more all roun’â€"like these tomperals falstiosâ€" onoesh in a. while I like glssh of beerâ€"josh in quiet wsy oneesh in While, but you don’eeeâ€"you don’fee me gettin’ full ev’y timed†(Talks temper- ance in all things and undue indulgence in nothing over twelve more glasses and suc- cumbs )â€"-Burlz'ngton Hawkeye. I Tne’diamond. in its rough state, formed the eye of an idol in a. temple near Trichi- unpoli, and was abstracted by uFrench renegade, who escaped with his prize to Panda. Here he wenderedfrom town to town trying .to dispose of It for a. moderate sum. but; only meetmg with distrust and suspicion. At; length. when the news of the theft had spread over India. and reached Persia! fearing arrest, he accepted the Offer of a. Hebrew merchant um? surren- dered the diamond for $10,000. Mean- time the Shah has informed, not only of the robbery, but {also that the hhlel was residing in his territory, and had oflez‘ed the 8.920116 repemedw for sale. Thejollowmg details of the origin of the famous jewel which adorns the imperial sceptre of Russia, were furnished duziug a. residence in Sn. Pebersburg by u. descendant of the American merchant who brought the stone to Ruabia: Smiuhers says there is just “ no †differ- ence between right and wrong. flow lien. Mx-likofl’s Ancesmr Illa lh He Believed in Tgmperance. A FAMOUS DI ALTIOND. JeWel from the Persians. (London Truth.) WHOLE NO. 1,308 NO. 21. set, spread over it a. layer of apricot jam ; then with an iron spoon lay on the top of the jam the froth, and make it look as rocky as possible; sift over a. little more cantor sugar, and place in the oven to slightly brown; serve at once before it falls. Travelling Dresses. For journeys on board steamers the jerseys are liked, but the preference is given to tailor dresses of the clothe of light quality in plain dark grounds, or with pin checks, or undeï¬ned plaids. These have the front of the basque made with ï¬ne tucks down each side of the buttons, and a. small notched reverse collar like that worn on Norfolk jackets; this basque is round and half-long, and has what is called a “ frock back.†like that of men’s frock costs, with the middle seam open below the waist line, and lapped from left to right, while the two seems next this are folded over on the middle back forms and pressed there in a. flat pleat. ~ Many plain Parisian suits are still in masculine style, with jnunty out-away jackets, embroidered waistcoats. men’s oravats and surf-pins, worn with high standing collar of plain linen; orange yellow kid gloves. stitched with black, cavalier hat and alligator boots, with light or dark cloth tops. Newwalkingconts are also in imitation of men’s overcoats, being long and perfectly straight, ï¬tting very snugly front and back, without break or fold in the shirt, and buttoning tram throat to hem. This style has been carried to exag- geration, and many ladies of erratic tastes who have donned these undraped wraps have made themselves look uncommonly like a. churn. Grate m 9. basin one ounce of bread- crumbs ; add to it one ounce of caster sugar ; ‘then beat up in a. basin the yolks of two eggs, mid to them three gills of cream and sixteen drops at vanilla; pour the mix- ture into the basin with the crumbs and mix; then butter 3. deep pie-dish. and bake until thoroughly set, which will take about twenty minutes ; whilst baking, Whip up the whites of three eggs to a stiff froth ; when whipped mix lightly in a. table spoon- ful of caster sugar. When the pudding is (Aunt Kate’s compilation.) G randmollrers‘ D teases. Wash materials are made up in what are called. †grendmothers’ dresses,†with a. belted waist, gathered skirt and no over- skirt, for country weer. These are worn alike by stout and slender ï¬gures, but for the letter a. great sash is made of the ma.- teria-l, passed around the waist and tied in large loops, with hanging ends, jbe‘nind. There are four straight breedths in these skirts when ï¬nished at the foot with it simple flounoe, or else there may be ï¬ve breadths of soft fabrics, like mull, with tucks below the knees, and no flounoe. Similer dresses of Sarah and of India. silks have the whole skirt tucked around from just below the hips to the foot. The skirt is gathered to the belt, with fulness in front and on the sides,though there is necessarily greater tulness behind. The, waist is in fan shepe, gathered to ubelt without lining. or else it may be e. surplice waist, gathered on the shoulders in front, lapped at the belt, and worn with e ï¬ehu or handkerchief. When the ï¬gure is too full for n sash of the dress goods, ribbon three inches Wide is used, and is tied on the left side, with bow and ends ; or else a. belt is covered with the dress material, and fastened by a. rosette of ribbon velvet, from which hang long ends. To Preserve Pineapple. Pare, cut into slices, take out the core of each one and weigh, allowing pound for pound of sugar and fruit. Put in alternate layers in the kettle and pour in water, allowing a; teecupful to each pound of sugar. Best to a boil; take out the pine- apple and spread upon dishes in the sun. Boil and skim the syrup half an heur. Return the pineapple to the kettle and boil ï¬fteen minutes. Take it out, puck in wide- mouthed' jars. pour on the scalding syrup, cover to keep in the heat, and when cold tie up, ï¬rst putting brendied tissuepaper upon the top. An excellent way to remodel and modernize an old silk dress, black or light- celored, is to take all the old trimmings off the skirt and bodice, leaving it perfectly plain. If there is enough material and sufï¬cient ingenuity to form the old shape of the waist and breadths of the skirt into a. plain princess slip, the way is then clear. Trim the skirt with flounces of Oriental lace, which now comes in beautiful designs at remarkably low prices. If there is sufï¬- cient goods to make an alternate ruflle or fan pleating of the silk, it will make all the less lace to buy. If the silk is black. Spanish lace can be purchased for as reason- able a sum as the Oriental. For the over- dress. place over the silk skirt paniers made of Oriental net, edged with a [all of the lace. The drapery in the back may be of the untrimmcd not alone or may match the trimmed paniers. If the silk of the bodice is in good condition, a. bertha. ot the net. ï¬nished with double frills of the lace, will elegantly complete the trimming. If not. cut the bodice out half low in the neck, the sleeves short, and veil the arms and neck with the net ; knots of gay colored ribbon, or sprays of flowers and foliage, Will then complete the magical effect of the renova- tion. Thus can be had a very dressy, a very tasteful and an exceedingly fashion- able toilet, which can be obtained at a moderate expense from a dress which even your great-grandmother wore. Ilium to Housekeeper-s. Salt ï¬sh are quickest and best freshened by soaking in sour milk. Carpets rolled up during the hot weather can be kept free from moths by wrapping here and there between the folds pieces of flannel dipped in turpentine. Fish may be scaled much easier by ï¬rst dipping them into boiling water for a minute. A good pasta for labels, suitable for bottles, may be made by soaking glue in strongvinegar, then beat to boiling and add flour. Thls is very adhesive, and will not decompose when kept in wide mouth bottles. ' Cold rain water and soap will remove machine grease from washable fabrics. The Latest Fashions and Novelties in “ Fixing up." Hints on Dress and Decoration for the Household. FOR LADY READERS. The window-sashes in many houses FAMILY CIRC LE GOSSIP. Re-fllodelliug 5: Silk Dress! Dresses Still Masculine. A Queen’s Pudding. The peasants like grand names for their little ones, such as Adolph, Adricin, Got- tried,‘Gustavus, for boys; and Josephina, Thora, Ingeborg, for girls ; and it they have no name prepared they seek one in the almanac for the particular day of baby’s birth. It is baptized the next‘Sunday and taken to church by the godmother, who provides the christening garments, which are often trimmed with colored bows. while the infant has beads round its neck. and wears a cap with very little border. The clergyman holds it well over the font and pours water over the back of the head three times, then wipes with a towel. As the baby is swathed in six-inch- wide bandages so that it cannot move its legs, and sometimes not even its arms, it is obliged to lie very passive during this ceremonial. The peasants have their reasons for this swathing, the ï¬rst of which is that they think it makes the limbs grow straight; the second that it turns baby into a compact bundle to carry. When swathed thus, infants have been said to resemble the tail of alobster. or even its whole body. In the north they are often hung from a long, springy pole stuck in the wall, to be out of the way, and, being by nature quiet, they are supposed not to mind it. Their cradles, which are very primitive, are also frequently suspended by a spiral spring from the roof, which must be more comfortable than the pole. Both in Swedish and Norwegian Lapland people take these “ swaddlings †to church. ' But instead of carrying them into the church they make a hole in the snow outside in the churchyard and bury them in it, leaving a small aperture for breathing purposes. The babies are kept splendidly warm, while their friends within the sacred buidinghave their beards frozen to their Ius coats by the- freezing of their own breaths. As soon as a peasant boy can walk, he is put into trousers, buttoned outside his jacket, and these are so baggy behind that it is often amusing to see him. This bagginess is ireâ€" quently due to the fact that the trousers originally belonged to his father, but were cut ed at the legs and simply drawn round the boy’s waist without reducing their size. Add to this that the test are shod either with little jack-boots or wooden shoes, and we have a strange picture. Their stockings either have leather heels or no heels at all, so that the mother is spared the trouble of mending them. Neither has she much labor with their heads, the hair of which is cropped as close as a convict’s. The girls also wear wooden shoes, but they have gingham kerchiefs or caps on their heads, frocks down to their heels. and quaint pins afores.-â€"-The Little Folks’ Magazine. A lo'vely for a. baby‘s bed is made of triangular pieces of brighh~oolored silks fastened together with feather stitch embroidery in gold ï¬loselle and lined with white sateen. A lovely wood basket has upon one side hangings of satin flmahed with fringe, and a. motto, “ Put on more wood, the wind is chill,†worked in Kensingï¬on stitch, and on the other side there is a collection of ï¬t cones. Alady writing from Washington, D04, says that ihis summer the swell beau sends delicately perfumed notes to his female friends which contain an invitation to take a swim. The great rink which was used all winter for rollertkating has been turned into a natatorium by a young Washingtonian, and he has begun a series of semi~weekly swimming soirees. A ï¬ne band is in attendance, and the interior is brilliantly lighted with electric jets. Broad balconies surround the basin, where opera chairs are provided for spectators and friends of the swimmers who do not care to participate. Along either side are closet- hke rooms, one room being assigned to the gentlemen and the other to their fair partners, a check being given for each. Upon entering they retire to their respec- tive sides of the hall, and in ten minutes appear in gay bathing suite. The couple meet at the spring-board at the head of the bath and away they go with a plunge in concert. It is lots of fun, they say, and now that it has suddenly grown polite the soirees are jammed each night to the full capacity of the bath, which is about 60 by 300 feet. The man who started the rage is the lion of the hour, and nothing else com- mands the attention of the quality folk who have nothing to do except amuse themselves with some new thing. Scrapba-skets in the shape of vases with one or two handles are now in fashion. They are ornamented with a. bunch of flowers, a haugsome bow or tiny birds. 0n the 30th May a complimentary ball was given to Mr. David Kennedy and his family by the members of the Caledonian Society in the Athenaeum. Melbourne. A very large attendance thronged the halls, and the display of tartan and national emblems on the occasion was very large. Supper was served in an adjoining room, when the health of the ve- teran vocalist and his family was pledged with the utmost enthusiasm. 0n the 7th ult. Mr. Robert Kennedy. son of the Scottish vocalist. was married at Melbourne to Miss Bella Inglis ,daughter of Mr. R. S. Inglis, of that city. The ceremony took place in the Richmond Presbyterian Church. Miss Lizzie Inglis, sister of the bride, and Misses Helen, Marjory and Maggie Kennedy, acted as bridesmaids, and a large and fashionable attendance was present. There was a. shock of earthquake at Panama. yesterday afternoon in the direo. ion from west to out. Illustrated envelopes are no longer eon- Bidered good taste, but the paper may be embossed or painted in water colors. 11 health from any cause especially fromthe use of any of: he thousand nostrums that remiss so largely with Ion ï¬ctitious testimoni s, have no fear. Resort to o Bitters at once, and in a. short time you will ave the most robust and. blooming health. Fine white damask table-cloths are con‘ axdeml the name of elegance, and occa- sxonmly they are edged with lace. The newest design for colored table-cloths is one of birds-on-the-wing worked in ï¬lo- Belles. Tiger skins, even if they ï¬re imitations, are a. conspicuous feature of drawing-room decorations. Plush frames are prettily decorated with small beads or tiny brass-headed nails. Low bedside tables, made of rattan or upholstered wood, are oommg into fashion. Tissue paper lamp shades, representing owls, are all the rage. A pretty new matchbox is in the form of a. cavalry boot, in tinned bronze. Fruit is now generally served as a. ï¬rst course at breakfast. The fashionable ’covers for parlor furni- ture are plush in plain colors. Barley Weter.â€"To a tablespoonful of pearl berley,wa.ahed in cold water, add two or three lumps of sugar, the rind of one lemon, and the juice of half a lemon. On these pour aquart of boiling water, and let the mixture stand for seven or eight hours. Strain it. The barley should never be used aseoond time. Half an ounce of isinglass may be boiled in the water. whenever the wind blows, and in winter this rattlin throughout the night not only prevents s eep, but adds doubly to the terrors of all in-doors. Now, it is an easy matter to have this remedied, but it is put off from dayto day, and the rattling is constantly going on. The best feather oi rattling sashes is common cork. The Kennedy: in Allin-alla- Babies in Scandinavia. Household Decorntlom. Swimming sun-es. You are Inflated