Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 2 Aug 1883, p. 3

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B ucklen's Arnica Salve. THE lissr SALVE in the World for Cute, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever CAREY, THE INFORMER. Sores, Tetter, Chopped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positive- give ly cures Piles. It is guaranteed to perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by R. E. Law Louis Walso, an Indian Chief, died at Lake George, on Friday. He was in his 109th year, and was in receipt of a pension from the Canadian Government. V There is no excuse for sufi‘ering from Headache, Constipation and all the weary- ing train of symptoms ofa. disordered liver, when Burdock Blood Bitters is an unfailing remedy, and only costs One Dollar a bottle. Why suffer on without a trial ‘2 25,000 bottles sold during the last three months, with almost universal satisfaction. .~ Seven valuable cows belonging to Mr. Carmichael, of London Township, were poisoned by some malicious person on Saturday. It is now in season to warn our readers against the sudden attacks of Cholera, Cramp, Colic, and the various Bowel Com-â€" plaints incident to the season of ripe fruit, vegetables, ctc. Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry is the grand specific for those troubles. grow @tlrvtt‘tit‘ittttttttz. BY-LAW NO 99 _‘-Ȣ<-‘â€" 'I‘o provtde for draining certain parts of the Village of Richmond Hill, for the purpose of better perserving the health of the inâ€"’ habitnnts residing in such parts, and forlovy- ing the necessary rates for the payment of the expenses attending the construction of said drainage. Provisionully adopted the sixteenth day of July, A. D., 1883. WHEREAS it majority in number of the own- ers, us shown by the last revised assessment roll,- of the property hereinnfter set forth to be bene- fited bv the drainage havo petitioned the Counâ€" cil of the Village of Richmond Hill, praying "that in the interest of the sanitary condition of the Village, and for the prevention of Typhoid and Mulariul Fevers and other diseases, you would pass a By-Law to levy a frontage tax sufficient to lay ft box drain, not less than ten inches square, in tho ditchcs on each side of Yonge street, from the North boundary of A. Wright and Sons south to the stone culvert crossing Yongc stroot, opposite Dufl'erin street,â€"und on the west side of Yongo street from Richmond street north to said culvert, and that the work be proceeded with as soon as possible” And whereas, thereupon the said Council pro- cured un examination to be made by John ’1‘. Stokes,Esquire. being a person competent for such purpose, of the said locality proposed to be drained, and has also procured plans (hereunto annexed) and estimates of the work to be made by the said John '1‘. Stokes and an assessment to be made by him of the real property to be benefited by such drainage, stating, as nearly as he can, the proportion of benefit, which, in his opinion, will be derived in consequence of such drainage by every road and lot or portion of lot, the said assessment so made, and the report of the said John T. Stokes in respect thereof, and of fit said drainage, being as follows :â€"« Toronto, June 15th, 1883. Tho Reeve and Council of Richmond Hill. Gentlemen :â€"H:tving received instructions to make 11. survey of and estimate of the cost of constructing certain drainage works in the Vil-- loge of Richmond Hill, said works extending on the west side of Yongo street from the south side of Richmond street: to the north side of a. lane on the north side of Mr Wright’s shop,â€"and on the east side from a. point opposite the said north side of a lane, thence south to the south side of of Dufforin street. Also a drain across Yongo street to convev the drainage from the drain on the said west side to the head of Dufferin street. “I beg to say that on the 8th day of the present month, I made a survey of the proposed works. I found the length of drain on the west side of the street to be 1330 feet long and that on the east side 89;: feet, of that on the west side 433 fact may be an S inch drain, WIIIIO all the remainder should not be less than 12 inches internal (11-- mnetcr, except ing the piece crossing Yonge street being an additional length of 50 feet, which should not be less than 15 inches. I think, how- ever, the culvert crossing Yonge street, opposite Dut‘t'erin street, may, by a. little deepening, be utilized as an outletdritin. The cost of such works should not exceed, for straight drain $73-1C0 per yard, if constructed of Wood, and the gullies at the north end, if con-- structed of wood with iron grating, should not exceed $8.00 each, the wood for said gullies being cedar 6 inches thick. I therefore estimate the cost; of the works at the above rates. The expense or cost, I am of opinion, should be levied as follows 2â€")301‘ all those parts crossing streets, in the village at large ; for all the remain- der on the frontage opposite said drains, that is on the owners of said frontage in equal proper-- tions per foot of frontage all being equally belie- fited,â€"‘for:thnt piece crossing Yongc street (if any be used) in the proportion which the said side streets bear to the whole length (.11 the Village at large, and the remainder on the frontage of the west side of Yonge street in proportions equal according to frontage, all being equally benefited. As regards the owner of the lane on the north side of Mr Wright's shop, his lane should be con- sidered n. part. of the frontage and assessed ac» cordingly, he being as much bonefited as others adjoining. All of which is respectfully submitted. (SIGNED,) JOHN T. STOKES, C. Fl." And whereas the said Council are of opinion that the drainage of the locality described is (19' nimble, Be it there enacted bvtho said Municipal Coun« oil of the said Village of Richmond Hill, pursun nut to the provisions of the “Consolidated Muni- cipal Act, 1883" ls’râ€"Thet the said report. plans and estimates be adopted, and the said drain and the works connected therewith be made and constructed in accordance therewith. inne’l‘hst for the purpose of paying the sum of $313.680., being the amount charged ugninst the said lands so to bo benefited as aforesaid, other than roads belonging to the Municipality, the following special rates. over and above all other rates, shall be assessed and levied (in the junta manner and at the some time as taxes are 4 levied) upon the undermentionod lots and parts of lots :â€" VttlllO Esti- of im- No. of mate, prove lineal cost merit. Village Lots. feet per Total front~ foot. spec'l nge. cents rate it c. Yonge St. Richmond St} (W. side) Crossing. 4-; 10 4.30 :10 on «17 141.; 10 14.15 37 on 47 133 10 13.30 38 on 47 158 17 26.80 \Vright st, 37 17 0.20 30 011 47 17 17 2.80 40 on 47 } 30-37413 on 48 451 17 76.67 35 on 4'8 (32 17 10.54 33 on 48 62 17 10.54 3']. on 48 63A 17 10.79 31 on 48 5,5; 17 9.86 so on 48 (,4 17 10.88 28 on 48 20 17 3.40 27 on 48 20 17 3.40 I 1330 gouge St. Ion In 08 H 13.72 (E. side) 5 on 48 82 14 11.48 6 on 4H 87 14 12.16 7 on 48 96 1-1 13.44 8 and 9 on 4? 1-17 14 20.58 10-11-12 011 ~18 109 14 15.26 N part 27 on 47 71 14 9,04 S part ‘27 on <17 71 14 9.04 28 on 47 33 14 4.02 2‘3 011 47 66 14 9.24 Dufierin street 32 14 4.48 ____.â€"â€" â€" l 892 328,75 Chargeable to Municipality for roads 15.07 $313.68 3un~And for the purpose of paying the sum of $15.07 being the total mnountnsscssed as afore- said against the said roads of the said Munici- pulity. a special rate of one hundredth part of a. cent in the dollar shall, over and above all other rates be levied (in the some manner and at the same time as taxes are levied) upon the Whole rutenble property in the said Village of Rich-- mond Hill, after the date of the final passing of this By-Law. Read a. first, second and third time, and pro-- visionalliy passed on the sixteenth day of July, A D, 188 \ JOHN BROWN, Reeve. M. TEEFY, Clerk, NOTICE! Take notice that the above is a. true copy of a ByiLaw provisionally adopted by the Municipal Council of the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, on the 16th day of July, A D, 1883, and was ordered to be published in the YORK HERALD, of Richmond Hill. thereafter for four consecutive weeks before the final passing thereof ; and all persons are hereby required to take notice that any one intending to apply to have said By~an or any part thereof quashed, must within ten days after the final passing there of, serve it notice in writing upon the Reeve, and upon the Clerk of the Municipality, of his intention to make application for that purpose to the High Court of Justice, at Toronto, during the sittings next ensuing the final passing of this By-Law, M. TEEFY. Clerk. He Reaps His Reward. PAYS rou TREACHERY. Lennon. July 30.-â€"intelligence has just been received that James Carey, the inform- er, was shot dead yesterday on the steam ship Melrose, between Cape Town and Port Elizabeth, by a fellow-passenger nam- ed O'Donnell. ' O’Donnell took passage here by the steamship Kinfauns Castle, which left Dart- mouth on the 6th inst. fer Capetown. where, she transferred her passengers destined to Port Elizabeth, Natal and other coast ports to the steamship Melrose. The report of the shooting caused intense excitement in the west end of London and the House of Commons. O‘Donnell dogged Carey from London. Both sailed on the steamer Kinfauns Castle. The Government have little doubt that Carey was followed from Dublin. They believe the fenians took the most e‘aborate measures to prevent his escape. ” Accord-- ing to the latest accounts the murder ocâ€" curred at sea. Carey was not killed out-- right but died shortly after he had been shot. O’Donnell surrendered quietly. He was put in irons and surrendered to the ypolice when the Melrose arrived at Port Elizabeth. Carey was travelling under the name of Power. His family were with him. Carey embarked at Dartmouth. From Maderia he wrote to the authorities describing the voyage. He said he had shared in a con-- versation in which the invincibies and the miscreant Carey were specially denounced. He said he intended to forget that Ireland ever existed. Later ndylices show that Carey was shot while landing from the Melrose at Port Elizabeth. O’Donnell was arrested. The Government had taken special and expen-- sive measures to protect Carey. >o<â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- Do not attempt to remain over night with- out a bottle of Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry near at hand This is the season for Bowel Complaints, Colic, Cholera More bus, etc., and the remedy above named is the unfailing specific. OSTAR LIFE Assurance Soc’y Of London, England, Alderman McArthut‘, M. 1", Chair- man, W W Baynes.Esq,F I A,Secretary Reserve Fund. . . . . . . $8,000,000 Annual Income . . . . . . 1.400.000 Invested in Canada . . . 850,000 Death claims paid. . . . 7,500,000 Touoxro REFERENCES. John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Campbell, Esq, Hon. SenntorMcMnstcr A. M. Smith, Esq. James Motcnlfo, Esq. Rev. Enoch \Vood, D. D 30 per cent of premiums returned in profits Loans made toChurch Trustees, at a low rate of interest. Send for prospectus. HIS THE A W Lauder, Soc. &Trens. for Canada. Victoria. Chambers Feb. gourd, ,Toronto 12th 1880. At Maple 18th of every month EVERSLEY. P.O. \ C. ADAMS, L.D.s., Summon DENTIST, has removed to 87 King street East, Toronto. Bost mineral teeth inserted in a mannn or to suit each patient. P-trticulm‘ attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth, carefully avoiding nll unnecess- ury puin. Office hours from 8 it. 111. to 6 p. In. Private residence 209 Jarvis street. G. H. PIUSBAND, L. D- S- DENTIST, NEWTONBROOK, ONT. W’ill visit the followiugplaccs professionally .â€" Unionvillc,... ....1st Monday of each month. Weston,. ..9th and 2lst do l\Iuple,.... ....1[‘ith do Riehmon I 19th do Wood bridge ....... ,. . 22nd do Mr Husband will be found in his office, at Newtonbrook, every Saturday, except when Sutur- day falls on the above date. Newtonbrook, June 13th, 1883. My Dr A RQBINSON. @ SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA Thankful for the favors of the past years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro fossion, as follows 1 Richmond Hill .......... 9th .55 24th of each month (at Palmer House) Aurora, 151?, 8th, 10th, and 22nd do Newmarkct, . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd do Stouf‘fville . . . . . . . . . . . . .18th do Markham ...... .. ...... 20th dc Victoria Square . .. ..,2lst do Thornhill . . . . . . . . . . . . ".231 d do Maple ...... ...... 26th (10 Woodbridge . . . . . . . . . . . . .28th do Kleinburg . ...... 2917]) do Nobleton . ...... 30th do Anasthetics,as Oxide, etc., used when ordered and none but the best material used "The York Herald." PUBLI SHED BY M. H. KEEPLER. EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing ofi‘ioe, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Ontario Terms of Subscriptions : $1 00 per annum in advance When not: paid in advance $1 50 will be charged Transitory advertisements, first insertion, per line ...................................... Scents. Each subsequent insertion. per lino ...... 3 cents. Contracts for time turd space made on applica- tion. Advertisements without: written instructions will be inserted until forbid & charged transient mth â€"_ i “ gfirgaliw Ferguson. Bain, Gordon at Shlpley, Barristers, ' Attorneys-at-Luw, Solicitors-in. Chancery. Convoyancers, etc. Ofllcesâ€"Iinperiul Bunk Buildings. VVellington-street, Toronto HOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAIN WM SE'rou GORDON, GEO F SnIrLEY P. 0. Box 2527. WesteirniCanad 7 Loan and Savings Company Officesâ€"No 70, Church-street, Toronto Hon GEO W ALLAN, Senator,1’resident GEORGE GOODERBAM ..................... Vice-President DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Plutt, M P,A1fred Gooder- ham, Geo W Lewis, Thos H Lee, Hon D L Macpherson, Senator Capital, $1,000,000; Total Assets, $3,500,000 SAVINEE BANK BRANCH Money received on deposit, and interest payable half yearly or compounded. M0NEY?0_L0AN. See our reduced lean table For further infor- mation apply at the offices of the Company WALTER S LEE. Manager Reserve Fund, $450,000 I)rcss The Finest ’- l‘ Harvest: is Coming . And J. Brown has a splendid stock of‘ HARVEST TOOLS AT TORONTO muons. ‘A well assorted stock of Slippers, Boots and Shoes at'priccs that cannol‘fuil to give satisfaction. A fresh supply of AMDPEOVISI Li [it Good Family Flour-g. Lard, Bacon and Hams. Choice Confectionary and Cigars, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. use. or Farm Produce. Highest price paid for Butter, Eggs and all kinds of Produce. Call and Inspect Our Stock Before Purchasing ELS E W HERE. J. BROWN. . \NH RiChmoud Hill, July 211b, 1883. BEAUTIFUL Goods l 111th 818111 AT FIRE PROOF 1 THE 1 Woods In Town. See these Goods! Fresh Supplies of Groceries, etc., at the very low 0st ates. I. CROSBY. Pianos 1 Pianos , I’IANOS ! UPRIGHT AND SQUARE E I ,1 I .Adgvl ' _ gownsmwe 5’, immflflltt first-stun ultimatum “' . \_ y “ll . till i it ; it "l l I ml 1 llllt‘ (ltllltl‘l Will ‘ " 'iitiiiill Are constructed from the very best Materials by experienced Workmen, and are fully equal in point of U: s .. o . .: i, . . “033/ ., tit; 03 if.-.» ,. _. .1- C4 l Q9 , _, , TONE, Toners a; DURABILITY ! ,{Kg slight» . -_ 0â€"43,“ i ~ g m? 1‘; v a; useasssséssosssobsessions To the high priced American Instruments. -4.-. TESTIMONIfiLS. MEssns. R. S. WILLIAMS & Sox’s. TORON s o GENTLEMEN~I have much pleasure in testifying to the great exc To, Al“ 11 La], 188]. put them severely to the test, and find them possessed of those qualities of tone and touch so 11.0-- ceptuble to the true musicitm stud lover of classical musicâ€"u charm utud from the most delicate pinnissimo to every degree of loudness answers regdilyhto every shade of feeling. I consi or ese instruments 0. great acquisition in musiciul social: . and finding a piano which I can recommend with perfect confidence. y. Rm muCh pleased at CHAS. VV.EWII\'G, (Of London, E’nglundd Organist of St Peter’s Church. Coburg, Ont Mussus R. S. WILLIAMS dz Sossâ€" _ TORONTO, Nov.4l;h 1.982 GENTSâ€"Raving thoroughly examined the \Vorkmzmship of your Pianos, I have no hesitation in stating that, In myopmion, they-tire equal to those of any others of the best Makers that Ihave soon I can only speak in the same high terms regarding their musical qualities Lfor thei ‘notfull singâ€" ing capablllty of tone, pleasant touch, &c, are such, that there seems to be no nocesst foreign instruments, when our home enterprise can produce such Pianos, and at. one-third less cost I am glad to hear that the extensive sale of your instruments shows that or ‘2 ' ’ v ‘ Success that I think you justly deserve. y 1 {m main“? With the I am, Gentlemen. Your obedient Servant. t â€"â€"+ and fulness, mud it touch which I am, Gentlemen. yours very truly, GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc. .â€" â€"â€"‘.â€"-".__â€"_’â€" |“=-â€"-____â€"-â€"__:_â€"_-â€"_â€"â€"â€"- â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"- â€"-â€"- l I... mg. _._.__ -. .,_. ., . , “he make (J. Special style of Organs in large quantities, and are thorot’oro hills to odor t ception‘ally low rates. Payments arranged to su term 0! years. For full particulars Write to _ y hem at o);- it the convenience of purchasers and spread over a. R S. ""Wlfit‘fxislaiifihifltfifi? 143 Yonge St. TOronto. R 2:26 Dundee St. London. ‘9‘ 'o 1 l I WIN DOVV All New Designs and Colors. S HAD ES A Large Stock of I F . 111‘ Illllll' 6 , Oils and Painter’s Material. Bcst Brands of White Load. ‘ Do You Intend to Paint the most Durable, Economical and Beautiful paint made. It will not Crack Blister, Peel or Flower Oil, and we offer $100.00 IN GOLD gm every ounce of adultcration found in it. Usual stock of Groceries and Garden Seeds. P. G. SAVAGE. 1 'yr * GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY t 1110 it’l‘tliltl its 0 it“. 1 ll ll ll 0 N Farm (‘0 Othe 1' Property, Hotels, Taverns and Business. Gootlwills Bought and Sold ! c0081 THE P/ILMER HOUSE RICIIOIOND HILL. J Palmer. Prop. This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. .l'in-rytliing is nirtlntgod in First (Jlit 's Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good 'Stnbling and attentive hustlers. Terms, Sfl per day. Proctor’s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R it l Patent Rights disposed of; SYNI)! ()41’1‘138 1V()R1\II£D For l’lztnufacturiug and other purposes, S ock Twins '30ng Nmifllllnd South' at 8 "' m" m ‘L and Share Brokers, etc, etc. U D 11” “Dd “’0 l) m‘ , J. I- EVAIIS & CO, WETWVT’WW‘IWW'TT‘TWV ’7" ‘ LnadcrLano, Toronto. . Toronto, Jan 9th, 1833 : RICHMOND HELL. JOHN POVVETLL, Prop This Hotel has been refurnished, renovated, and titted up in firstvclnss style, and is now the loading llotol north of Toronto. The bar is sup. plied with tirstrhtss brand of liquors and cigars. PURELY VEGETABLE Highly recommended ' t ,, Bad Breath, Loss of Ap- petite. erndloe, Loss of Memory, Sour- Storuacli. Liver Comr- plumper any illness arising from the Stom- ach, Bowels or Kidneys. .The are safe mild and thorough in their action. rom 1 tell pulsisaflose. Pkwy; 95c. PER nox. M Edit-ritual. DR. ORR, MAPLE, R. B. Orr, M. I}. and First Silver Medalist University of Toronto, M. C.1’. E. Ontario. L. S $500 REWARD. AL, lilngland (Late 01‘ London, I We wlll pn y the above reward for any case of Surgeon, Etc. Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sic]; Headache, 1n- li-s’tmioo Hours 8 to 9.30 a.m., and l to 2.30 p.111. digestion, Constipation or Costivcness we cannot .. cure with \Vost‘s Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vogetuble, and never fail to give satisfacâ€" tion. Sugar Cornell. Largo Boxes, containing :50 Pills, cents. For sale by all Druggists. Be- wnrc of counterfeits and imitations. The gem unine manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST at CO.,“Thc Pill Makers,” (:1 6: SJ King St.,1<)ust Toronto. Ont. Free trial package sent by mail England) tilt. JAMEIS Lisss'ilr ‘ AND ‘ERNEST F. LANGSTAFF l " Residence, Yongc Street, Richmond Hill. F! prepaid on receipt, of u 3 cent stamp. RiChmODd Hill. May 231‘d. 1882. 1y Dr. George Langstaff, THORNHILL, ONT. - . l Graduate of Toronto University, M. C. P. 65 8.. Out, Two Years Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hospital. OtI‘Ice and Resideneo,â€"One door south of P. 0. OFFICE HOURSâ€"8 to 10 a. 11}, & 12 to 2 pm Thornhill, Feb 14th, 1883, on. W. J. WILSON, MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. Member College of Physicians Ar Surgeons. (LATE 0F s'rOUFFvILLF.) , OFFICE HOURSâ€"Trout B to 10 it. 111., 5 to 8p. m RESIDENCE Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Oct. 12th, ’82. alth 1's ' Wealth. Dr, C. West‘s Nerve and Brain Treatment. :1. gum‘untced specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Con- He vulsions, Fits, Nervous Nellralgiu, Headache, Nervous Frustration caused by the use of ulcohol or tobacco, Wakcfulness Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in Insmiity' and loading to misery. decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss ofPower in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Sperm ntorrnccrt, caused by over~excrtion of the brain, self abuse or over- indulgcnco. Ono box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month’s treatment. Ono dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. “’0 guaran- tee six boxes to cure any case. \Vit‘h each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars. we will send the puschrtser our writ ten guarantor: to refund the money if tho treatâ€" ment does not effect rt cure. Guarantees issued only by T. A. Hewitt & Co., solo authorized agents for Thornhill and Angus, Ont, John C. West 6; Co.. solo proprietors Toronto, Ont. 5mm TtLE, Gurus BEST r QUALITY A'I’ THOS NIGHTINGALE’S, Yorkvile cllenco of your PltlHOS. I have , ring singing tone, easily tirnrlu~ ‘ ’ to purchase ' i If you do, get the best, as it is the cheapest in the lorg run. Elastic Paint is for 0 '. I .] . client accommodation for Commercial “(.Rdligfintulifisfiz Travellers, and the Gonornl Public. Goo Stubl- ‘ Supafionflndiges. ingnnd on attentive llostler. tion, Dizziness; Heartburn, ' t ‘OIIOI‘JTO ll’l’i‘tldthB All: l’AltLtlllRS. I J a 1 have dcttrmined on reducing the price at least my establishment is confined to the manufacture ’ traction of tooth ARTIFICIAL TEETH ON 001.11 PLATE, '4 R U B B E R Beat $8 , {)0 per cent. Because our prices are so low as to seem won-u :of sets. I do everything or anything that any 1 Toronto dentist W111 do, and do it on approved 0. 1’. LENNOX, DEN T A I. SU RGEON. $30. Believing the people will appreciate [1: scale of dorful when compared with those of other first-4 1 modern. scientific principles, guaranteeing satisâ€"v 151 YONOB ST., TORONTO. R U B B E R low pricos for th superior clues of artificial teeth, . class dentists. I do not wish you to infer that 1 faction in all cases. No pain caused by the ex“ $8ALUMINUM, I CE . 0 la.» ' ' , he“ WtLL CURE OR RELIEVE ’ BIL/0 USA/E88, DIZZ/NESS, / D'I'SPEPSIA, DHOPSY, I.’t/0/G’ESTION, FLUTTE/i’l/VG‘ , .14 UNDICE. OF THE HEART; EF??8/PELAS, ACID/TV 0F . SALT RHEUIL THE STD/MACH, HEARTBURN, DRYIVESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKI/V, And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOW -Ls 0R BLOOD, r. attacks 8. a ., Propane”... Worth their ".Veight in Gold 1 ‘. 1?, Oz 0' l l. , . This incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an inipcrishable fame , throughout the World for the alleviation ‘and cure of most diseases to which (humanity is heir. ‘ purify, rogulrttc and improyo the quality Of $110 I; ood. They assist the digestive organs, cleanse th STOMACH AND BOWELS: increase the secretory powers of the Livonlvrum the nervous system, mud throw into the cireuht- ,tion'tho purest. Elements for sustaining and I'dplltrlllg tho irrtmo. Thousands ofpersons have testified that jby their use alone they haue been restored to health and strength, after every other ‘ means had proved unsuccessful. (will be found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores. Hard Tumours. BAD LEGS. OLD W0 UNDS. COLDS, Coughs, Sore Throuts, Bronchitis, and all disord ers of tho Throat and Chest, as also Gout, Rheu- matism. Scrotum and other kind of skin diseases Manufactured only at Profess- or Hollowav’s Establishment. .533. OXFORD STREET LONDON. and sold at ls. 12361., 28. 9a., 4s. 6d., 11s., 22, 833 ouch Box and Pot, and in Cnnudit at 36 cents, 90 cents, and $1.30 cents, and the larger sizes in proportion. (13“- CAtfrroNâ€"l have no Agent in the United States, nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers Sllullld therefore look to the label on the Pots and Boxes. If the (address is not 5513, Oxford Street, London they are spurious. . The Trade Marks of my said Medicines are re- gistcrcd 111 Ottawa, and also at VViLshingtou. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY 533 Oxford street, London. Jun. 5th 1881 and that on MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, we will Show will be the “Hundsomest Stores in Canada.” Foreigh Goods having been purchased direct fro Europe by our Mr. J. W. Petley, who is a resident of Trusting to have the pleasure of showing youthrouglt on ! plctcd, we remain Ti} 1 I t We beg to inform you that OUR NEW PREMISES will be completed in a few days, a Complete Stock of NEW SPRING GOODS in all the departments, in what we have no hesitation in saying Our Stock will,without doubt, compare favourably with any on this continent, our in the first manufacturers of MANCHESTER, England. 1‘ Establishment whom cour- IZi‘SSB KING-STREET EAt‘sT, TQRCNTQ.

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