Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Aug 1883, p. 3

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pality. a special rate of one hundi'edth part. of a. cent in the dollar shall, over and above all other rates be levied (in the same manner and at the same time as taxes are levied) #Ron the whole lrateable property in the said 1 rage of Richâ€"â€" mond Hill, after the date of the final passing of this By-Lew._ He not delay, if suffering any form of Bowel Complaint, however mild apparent-- 1y may be lhe attack, but. use Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry. It is the old wliuble cure for all forms of Summer Com- plaints llml requn'e prompt treatment Ask )our druggisl and all dealers in patent medicines. applv at this Office strayed into the premises of Mr. “'11:. Vander- burg, Yonge Stu et, A LAMB. The cwuer can have the same on paying expenses. To providelfox' drainiu certain parts of the Village of Richmon Hill, for the purpose of better perserving the health of the in» hnbimnts residing in such parts, and forlevy- mg the necessary rates for the payment of the expenses amending the construction of said drainage. . Provisionally adopted the sixteenth day of July, A. D., 1883. WHEREAS it ajoxity in number of the own- ers, us shewn by t 9 last revised assessment roll, of the property hereinafter set forth to be bene- fited hv the drainage have petitioned the Coun- cil of the Village of Richmond Hill, praying "that in the interest of the saniterv condition of the Village, and for the prevention of Typhoid and Malm‘ial Fevets It‘nd other diseases, you would pose a By-Lew to levy u. frontage tax sutficient‘ to lay a box drain, not less than ten inches square, in the ditches on each side of Yonge street, item the North boundary of A. Wright and Sons south to the stone culvert crossmg Yuuge street, 0 )posite Dufl’erin streetâ€"and on the west side 0 Youge street from Richmond street north to said culvert, and that the work he proceeded with as soon es posstblne'“ The Reeve and Council of Richmond Hill. Gentlemen râ€"Hiwing received instructions to make a. survey of and estimate of the cost of constructing certain drainage works in the Vii-- lags of Richmond Hill, said works extending on the west side of Yonge street; from the south side of Richmond street to the noth side of 0. lane on the north side of Mr Wright’s shop,â€"u.nd on the east side from [L point opposite the said north hide of a. lane, thence south to the south side of of Dufferin sireet. Also a drain across Yonge street to couvev the drainage from the drain on the said west side to the hang] of Dufferin street. And whereas thereupon the said Council pro- cured an examination to be made by John T. Stokes, Esquire. being a arson compatont for knob purpose, of the suit] ocnlity proposed to be drained, and has also procured plans (hereunto annexed) and estimates of the work to be made by the said John '1‘. Stokes and on assessment to be made by him of the real property to be benefited by such drainage, stating, as nearly as he can, the proportion of benefit, which, in his opinion, will be derived in consequence of such drainage v every road and lot or portion of lot, the ssessment so made. and the report of the 5', John '1‘. Stokes in respect thereof, and of the said drainage, being as follows :â€"â€" .Torqnfiq. June. 131th. 1883- “I beg to say that on the 8th day of the present month. I made a, survey of the proposed works. I found the length of drain on the west side of the street to be 1.330 f4 eh long and that on the east side 892 feet, of that on the west side 4335 feet may be an 8 inch drniu, while all the remainder should not be lees than 12 inches internal diâ€" ameter, excepting the 31800 crossing Yonge street being an additional ength of 50 feet. which should not be less than 15 inches. I think, how- ever, the culvert crossing Yon 9 street. opposite Dufierin street, may, by a 11 Me dcnpcmng, be utilized as an outletdrraiiu.’ 11 works should not exceed, for straight drain $7‘ Am per ard‘, if constructed of wood, and the gnllies at t- a north and, if con-- structh of wood with iron grating, should not bxcecd $8.00 each. the wood for said gullies being bedarfi inches think- therefore estimate the ‘cost of the Works at tie above rates. , The expense or cost, I am of opinion, should be levied as follows :â€"For all those parts crossing streets, in the village at large ; for all the remain- der on the frontage olfafosite said drains, that is on the owners of said 'ontage in equal proper-- tions per foot of frontage all being equally bene- fited,â€"for that piece crossing Yonge street (if any be used) in the Emportion Which the said side streets bear to t e whole length n the Village at large, and the remainder on the frontage of the west side of Yonge stre t it; proportions equal according to frontage, a lpeing equally houeflteq. Chief Juslix'e Coleridge is efficin glinr'dled: by the police, his life Having been thieat" ened_by the Fenians. BY-LAW’ NO 99 As regards the owner of the lane on the north side of Mr Wright‘s shop, his lane should be con- sidered a part of the frontage and assessed ac» cordingly. he being as much benefited as others adjoining. ll of which is )jespactfullv submitted. (SiGNED,) JOHN T. STOKES, C.F.." , Afid filial-ens the said Council are of opinion taut the drainage of the locality described is de- 5 ab e,_ . . .. .. .~-. .- .n 3 Be it there enacted by the said Munici a1 Coun- cil oi the said Village of Richmond Hi1 , pursnn uuqto the provisions of the “Consolidated Muni- cipn) A512, 158:?" . lsTâ€"Tlmt the said report, plans and estimates be adopbed,nnd the said drain and the works connected therewith be made and constructed in accordgncq theyewith. _ I ‘_ mmâ€"fl hat for the purpose of paying the sum of 3313.680., being the amount charged against the said lands so to be benefited as aforesaid. othert an roads belonging to the Municipalitv. the fa wing special rates over and above all other rates, shall be assessed and levied (in the same manner and at the same time as taxes are hivlied) upon the undermentioned lot! and parts D obs :â€" Bucklen's Arnlca Salve° V Tm; JmST mm; in the World nor Cuts, Bruises, Smes. Ulvers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sons. Tater. Cbnpped Hupds. Chilblains, Corns. and all Skin Eruptiéns,' and positive- ly cures Piles. IL is guaranteed :19 give pelfuct wlisl'uclion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Sold bv R. E. L'aw , annvAnd fo'r blié purpose of, paying the sum of $15.07 being the total mmountussessed as afore- saig against {.119 said ryads 91' fly? ggid Munici- fume St” (W. side) Youge Sh (E. side) '7 Rena a. first, Second and third time, and ro-- ylgpfly passed on the sixteenth day of uly, Byszw provisionally ado ted by the Munioi al Council of the Village of ichmond Hill, in . Tie1 County of York, on the 16th day of July, A D, 1883. and was ordered to be published in the‘ Yon): HERALD, of Richmond Hill, thereafter for lour consecutive Weeks before the final pass‘ g thereof; and all persons are hereby requit‘e to take notice that any one intending to apply to have said By-me or any art thereof quashed, must within ten days a ter. the final passing that: of, serve a notice in wzitmg upbn the Reeve, and upon the Clerk of the Municipality, of his intention to make application for that ufpose to‘ the High Court of Justice. at Toron 0. during thelsittings next ensuing the fins} passing of this 5 shew; , . 3” M, new. ouem ~ Take notice that the above is a. true“ copy of a, gym“; pgqyisionully {34(33ng by 13th .yuploigu \Yant‘eq‘a: 3213531; boy for the Printing Business Richmond Hill, August 6th, 1853. gm gdvcrtizj-‘mumtz. WANTED ! NOTICE! STRAYED ! 'Richmond St. Crossing. 36 on 47 37 on 47 38 on ~17 Wright St. 39 on 47 I 40 on 47 3687-38 on 48 35 on 4'8 33 on 43 3'). on 48 31 on 48 30 on 48 28 on 48 on 4 5 on 48 G on 48 7 on 48 1 8 and 9 on 48 10-11-12 on ~18 N part ‘27 on 47 part 27 on 47 l 28 on 47 29 On 47 IDufieriu 892 Chargeable Lo Municipal roads Village Lot: 47 ' 47 op 48 48 48 48 4 8 48 48 street JOHN BROWN. Reeve. M. TEEFY, Cferk. No. 01 lineal feet front-- m; 133 168 96 1 47 100 2 n2 63; as 17 S‘J Esti- mute, ‘cost per . foot, : cants; fly for' 10 10 10 17 17 17 3,313.68 Value of im- prove ment. Total apec‘l rate {828.75 15.07 1.1.15 13.30 26.86 10.88 3.40 13.72 11.48 12.16 18.44 20.5% 15.26 76.67 10.64 10.54 10.79 2.89 4.62 4.48 John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Cmmyil ell. Esq., Hon. SeuatorMcMuster A. M. Smit , Esq. J tunes Metcslfn, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. D 30 per cent of premiums returned in profits Loans made to Church Trustees, at a. low rate of interest. Sand for prospectus. A W Lauder. Sec. &Treas. for Canada. Victoria. Chambers ,Toronto E.A.W. Feb. 12th 1880. Assurance Soc’y Alderman McArthur, M. P, Chair- man. . W W BaynesJizqus‘ I A,Secretary Reserve Fund. . . . . . . 36,000,000 Annual Income . . . . . . 1,400,000 Invested in Canada... 850.000 Death claims paid. . .. 7,500,000 Tonomo REFERENCES- EVERSLBY. P.O. RIGGS 8: IVORY, W. ROGERS, summon DENTISTS, 208 Queen St. W'est, Toronto, Artifical Teeth, upper or under, $5.00. Pain- less extractin 11 Use of Ethenzed Air The only: flymjh i} e anginion executing flraMluss wofk at the above price.r m ‘ V 0 SURGEON Dunner, has removed to 87 King street East. Toronto. Best mineral teeth inserted in a. mann- er to suit each patient. P'u'ticulnr attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth, carefully avoiding all unnecess~ my pain. omce hours from 8 e. m. to 6 p. In. Private residence 209 J urvis street. (at Palmer House) Aurora, 130, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Newmm‘ket, . . . . . . . . . . e . 2116. do Stoufiville...... ...... ..‘.18th do Markham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d . 20th dc Victoria Square . . . . . . . . . . . 2131: do Thomhil] . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .231 (1 do Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . ......2fith do Woodbridge ...... ...28th do Kleinburg ...... ...29th do Nobleton. . . . . . . . . . . . . 80th do Anasthnbice, as Nitrous Ogde, eto., used when ordered and none but the best material used Ben-gough’s, Cosmopolilafi Shorthavtd Writer which commenced its" fourth volume in May, now publishes with each number a finely finished portrait. of some prominent stenographer. . . Its June number contained a portrait. of Miss G. A‘. Fraser, the pioneer female stenograph'er ot‘Canada, . The July number gives us a portrait ol M1r George B_ Bradly,‘ chief of the Hansard stat? in the, .House of Commons. There also appears in‘this’ issue a specimen of Mr Bradley’s stenqgraphy, together with a tidmber of; pages of Isaac Pitman's Phonography, two” pages, or origiual illustrations, and eight ‘ pages of letter press relating to the pro-- fetsi in. Fromnthe latter 'we learn that] the Canadian Shorthand Society, organized last August. will meet at the Rossin House; Toronto, on Wednesday, 15th of Angustfl for the election of officers and the trans-g} action of business; and that on the two? days following, the International Congress.» of shorthand writers of the United States 3 and Canada will be held. This event. is one ; of great interest and importance to the; whole fraternity and promises to be the largest meeting of the kind ever held on this Continent. The program forcasts a n happy combination 0! business and pleas- ure, embracing discussions and music, speeches by Hon. Edward Blake and other eminent persons, a drive round the city for the purpose of visiting the principal build-- :ngs. a garden party and a conversazione. Railway rates have been arranged at. a fare and a third over the Canadian railways. The Grand Trunk tickets will be good from the 13th to the 28th of August, inclusive. The London, England, Times reports ghat {he wheal and barley craps will be be» Thankful for the favors of the past years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro fession, as follows : Richmond Hill... . 9th & 24th 01’th month low the average. THE STAR Gr. H. HUSBAND, L- D- S. , . EVERY THURSDAY, 1% life printing 03‘ as, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Ontario Terms of Subscriptions : $1 00 per muum in advance When not paid in advance $1 50 will be charged Trausitory advertisements, first insertion. per “new...” ............................ .. 8 cents. Each subsequent inserzion. per line ...... 8 cents. “Contracts for time and space made on applica- on. . WKdvertisementa without written instructions wig be hunted until forbid a: charged transient m s M. H. KEEFLER. Fgrgugon, B_g_ln, Oomph &_s__h§plqy, Bafidsters, AttorneysaabLaw, Solicitbrs-i'nl Chancery. Conveyanoers, e66, omensâ€"Imperial Bank Buildings. Wellington-street, Torqpto IOMAS FERGUSON, (2.0. J our! BA'm WM Enron Gannon, 630 F Bmur Western Canada - Loan and Savings Company Officesâ€"No 70, Church-street. Toronto HON GEO W ALLAN, Senatorfresident GEORGE Goonmt‘mu ........ ........ Vice-President DmEo'ronuâ€"Samuel Flatt, M P, Alfred Gooder- ham. Geo W Lewig, Thos 13 1483, Ron D L waherson, Senabof Capital, $1,000,000; . Total Assets, $3,500,000 Shorthand. Matters in Canada. Money received on depot'n; and payable half yearly 6r compounded SAVING’S BANK BRANCH See ofir reduced 1mm tnblo For further inter mation apply at. the omega 0! the Company Newtonbrook, J une 13th, 1883. Capital, _$l,990,000 .Reserve Fund, “60,000 I. 1 The York Herald. WA LTER S LEE, At Maple 18th of every month Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA MONEY T0 LOAN. Of London, England, P. 0. Box 2527. PUBLISHED BY genial, LIFE £95131}. q. ADAMS, L.D.S., l-ly Manager interest rates. Dress. GOML: 7 SPRING mum ‘ ' AT TH E ‘ FIRE P3001?! ‘ V The Finest Weeds m. or Farm Produce. Higfxest firié'e paid for Buttel‘; Eggs and all kinds of Produce. Pianos 2 Pianos! I UPRIGHT AND SQUARE"? AND PEQVESEQMSE Call and Inspect Our Stock Beforé Purchasing ELSEWHERE.- M m... ,. J. BROWN. HARVEST TOOLS AT TORONTG‘ PRICES: Harvest is Coming! Mums. R. H. WILLIAMS & Sox’s. . I TORONTO, April 12th, 1831_ GENTLEMEklfl have much pleasure in testifymg to the great excellence 0! your Pianos. I have put them severelvlto thetest, and find them possessed of those qualities of tone and touch so ae- ceptable to the true muexclan an‘Q )qver of classical mueicâ€"a charming singing tone. easily gradu- ated from the most delicate pianismmp to every degree of loudness and fullness, and a. touch which answers readily to ever .shade of feeling. ~ I consider these ins fuiiienls a great. acquisition in musiciel social; and am much leased at finding a piano which I can recommend with perfect. confidence. y' p I em,Gent.lemen. yours very firmly; CHAS. W. E_WING, _((_)1' London. Ehgl‘efi‘d) I em,Gentlemen, yours very tram CHAS. W.EWING, (Of London. Englufld) ' ’ Organist of St Peter's Church. Coburg, Ont Mnesns R. H. WILLIAMS 6: Boxsâ€" Tonon'ro. Nov. 4th, 1882, ' GENTSâ€"Having thoroughly examined the Workmanship of your Pianos, I have no hesitation in stating that, in my opinion, they are equal to those of any others of the best Makers thaf I have seen I can on] speak in the some high terms regarding their musical qualities ; for their fine fullzrsing~ ing capab ity of tone. Eleassnt tomb, &c, arersuch, that there seems to be no necessity to purchase iogeign instruments, w on on: home enterprise can produce such Pianos, and at one~third less cost .._.LAL___ALALL___Li_;,¢i_, , ,. , i_. . . .. .i . -v- -â€"_ -_V_ W V __.__ -V V-.. V.. -......V-., u. “I 13â€"57:“! «Them- ihaIfiné gxgngfx‘ré saleréfâ€" your tars-$335133 shows that‘;3uwavr‘éu$tji‘;g‘:;i2hugfg success that I think vou Justly deserve. _ ‘ ‘ .. I am, Gentlemen‘. Your Obe‘dienfi Seerfl, We make a, speoial a le 0! Organs in lugs qua Names, and m theiemrg 5.1516 torofléifiifiem at ex- ceptionally low rates. ayments arranged to suit the convenience at pumth and spread over a term of yam. For full particulars write to _ h , I R. S: WILLIAMS, I43 Yonze St. T'Ororatcnl OR 226 Dundas St, Landau-k Are constructed from the very beg). Mam-Ms by expenenced Workmen, and are-{uny- ‘ équnl in point. of ‘ ‘ Richmond Hill, July 24th, 1883 Good Family Flour, Lard, Bacon and Bums. Choi'c'e Confecti'onary and Cigars, A well assorted stock of Slippers. Boots and Shoes at prices that chnnot fail to give aansfactiou. A fresh supply of ‘ Bi. WEEIQMMS & SQKM’SJ Ffe’sh‘ SupplieS'uf GroCe‘riea, etc., at the' very 10mm In Town. Seo theSc Goods! TESTIMONIALS. To the high pricgd American Instruments. And J. Brown has a splendid stock of PIANOS ! I. GROSBY. GEO. w. STRATRY. Mus D06. ‘ 5:”: I ===..-_-_-_...--= » .mnnm’s I WORM Pownnnsa Din E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. a. guaranteed a eciflo for Hysteria, Dizziness. Con- vulsiens, Fi s, Nervous Neuralgin, Headache. Nervous Pz‘oflrMiqn caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Waké'ffflness Mental .Depzesai?, ‘ Softenin _of the Brain resulting in Insanity a d leading .é‘misery. decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermatormma,caused by over-exertion of the brain, self abuse or over- indulgence. One box will cure recent cases , Each box contgiqs one month's treatment. Chg dollar a box, or" sfx boxes for five dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We aren- tee six boxes to cure any case. With sac _ urge:E received by us for eixlzoxes, mcompented. vnth five dollar‘s. We will send the puscbaser our writ ten guarantee to refund the money it the treat- ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees leaped. only by T. A. Hewitt & 00., sole authorized agents for Thornhfll and Angus, 01m, John C. West. 61 00.. sole proprietors Toronto, Ont. Patent Rights disposed of ; SYNDICATES FORMED Fdr Manufacturing and other purposes. 8 00k and Share Brokers, etc, etc. We wlll pay (110 above reward for any case of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Ix;- digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the dizectious are strictly complied with. They are barely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfac- tion. Sugar Coated. Lur 6 Boxes, containing 30 Pills, 2.5 cents. For sale y all Druggists. Be- ware of counterfeits and imitations. The gonn unine manufactured only by J OHN 0; WEST 65 $9., “The Pill Makers," 81 & 86 King St‘, East Toronto. One. Free trial packagegent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp; Goodwills Bought and Sold ! Toronto, Jun 9th, 1883 Farm & Other Pro‘pert'jr', Hotels, Taverns and Business. RICHMOND ’ GENERAL AND‘ FINANCIAL AGENCY Dd You Intend to Paint ff y'ofi do, get the best, 11's It i5 fine cheapest in the lorg run. . Elastic Paint is the most Durable, Ecoppmical and Beautiful paint made. It Will not. Crack, Blister, Peei or Flower Ofi‘, arid we ofiex" H; Sanderson & Sons Furniture, _ Are pleasant to take. Confiain than 015 fixative. In a. safe, sure, and ofl'octlall Jena-o’er 6! worms in Children or Mimi For every ounce of adulterntiun found in it. Usual stock of Groceries and garden Segds. Heal/sh 1s Wealth. MORTGAUES flflTAINED We beg TO Out Stock will, with‘om doubt, Compare faVourably with any Oh this confluent", 0m? Foreigh Goods Having been purchased direcf from: the first manufacturers Of Europe 13y ofir' Mr. J. w. Petlyey, who is a resident of MANCH ESTER, Eh‘gtand'. Trusting _to haVe the pleasme of showing You through our Establishment Whem com: $500 REWARD. CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, o‘ns an'd Pu‘iuteks Material. Best Brand; or‘ White Lead. beg fo'i‘nfom‘i yo'u’ (haf OUR NEW PREMISES win He completed in at few days; and tffat on MONDAY; APRIL 2nd} We wm show a‘ complete" “stock of NEW SPRING GOODS in all {he departméhts,‘ in Whaf we have no hesitation-in Saying! will be the “Ha‘ndsomest Stores in Canada.” J: I. EVANS & co, pleted , we remain ANDW WINDOW SHADES 2 PA?ER ! All New D'ééigué aha Coloré. A Ldfgr'e' Stock of $100330 IN 'GOLD‘ PETLEY Leader Lane, Toronto. 1588 T‘ mama? mama umvmmr. Member College or Phy’nlclanu a: Surgeons. (up: or s'roUFFVI'LLE.) OFFICE HOURS,â€"From 8 to 10 a. m., 5 to 8 p. In amsmmxpny Yongé Street, momma Hlll. Richmond 3111, Oct. 12th, '82. Restd’eh’c’é. Yonge Street, Richmond mu. Richmond Hill, May 33rd. 1882. 1y Assistant Surgepn to I‘m-gnu General Respital, 013109 and Residence,«â€"One door south of P. 0‘ OFFICE HOURSâ€"8 to 10 a. m, ck 12130 2 p m Thornhill, Feb 14th, 1853'; R. B. Orr, M. B. and lEirst Silver Medalist University of Toronto, 2T1. CcP. Ontario. L. S A L. England (Lute or Londoh, 2351‘s“) Surgeon, Etc. 30mm Hours 8 to 9.30 a.m.. and l to 2.30 p.111. ERNEST r. LANGS'I‘AFF! Grticfuate of Toronto University. 'fliis House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Eve thing is managed in First Class Style. Sample com for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stebling and attentive hostlers. Terms, 31 her day. Proctor's Bus leaves this Bowl to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8 a m., )2 e. m.. 510 p m. and 7.30 n m. _ This Hotel has been mfumished, renovated, and fitted up in first-class style, and is now the leading Hotel north of Toronto. The bar is sup» lied with first-class brand of H nets and cigars. 'xcellent accommodation or Com mercinl Travellers, and the General Public. Good Stabl- inz and an attentive Hosuer. RICHMOND HILLy JOHN' POWELL.;‘1~ Prop THE PALMER HOUSE J Palmer} Prop. EflflNfl EBNTBAI. HflTBI. W. 011 .., n V BR. JAMES LANGS'I‘AFF! DRAIN TlL'E, OTTHE B‘EST" nnrrJn-vv - ru TORQ’NTOg QUALITY AT RICHMOND HILL. J. P. as 3.. Ont, Two Years Resident, gamma @mflfi. DR. ORR, MAPLE, George Langstafi‘, TEORNEILL, ONT. amos NIGHTINGALQ'a, Ydik‘vuo fitcditzfl. E Thii Incomphrablé Medféin’e Has securf ed for itself an imperishable fame fihmuglnout'the ‘W‘orld‘lfor tHe a‘fieviation' iand cure of most diseases £6 whi‘c‘h’ humanity is heir. ‘ Coughs, Sore Throats, Bronchitis, and all disord .ers of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, Rheu-i matism. Scrotum and other kind of skin diseases‘ I ,: Because our prices are so low as to seem won‘- ‘ (lawful when comuured with those of other first~ 1 class dentists.’ I do not wish you to infer that ‘ my establishment is confined to the manufacer | of sets. I do everything or anything that any ' Toronto dentist, w111 do, anddo it on approved ‘ modern. scientific principles; guaranteeing satis-. [action in all cases. No pain caused by the 93-- ‘ {faction of teeth . Manufa‘cmred only at Professw- or. H0] lowav’s Establ‘l'sh'm‘e nt.’ 533, OXFORD STREET LONDON, lCAU’NoN-J have 179 Age-rut, ii) the‘ nited Slates, nor are my Medicines sold increase the secretory powers of the Liver, brace. the nervous system, nud throw into the cireulm tion the purest Elements for “sustaining and rapairlug the frame. ' Thousands of persons have testified that! by their use alone they haue been x-esMredk 19 health and sh-engtb, after ev'éry’ éfi'fer‘ means had proved unsuccessful. and sold at 15.9911, 23. 9d,, ‘5. 6d., 115., 22, and. 88f gush Box and Pot, and in Canada. Lt 36 cents, manual, and $1.50 cents, and the larger sizes iii pronortion. {milled Slates, nor are my; Medicines sold there. Purchasers shuuld Vther‘efore 106K to thglabel on {he Pots and Boxes. If the ud'diess is not 533; Oxford Street, London‘ thgy are gpngious. ' -_ _ 'I‘fle' deeMaxks of my said Medicines are re; entered. m 0ttawa,.and also at V‘Vn‘shington. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY 633' OxIOId street. London: BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. COLDS, finrfii. regulate and improyo the quality of the mood. They assist the digestive organs, cleapse Pills & (fintment Worth their 'Weight in‘ Gem": 2’ Bast , $8 ‘ Believina the people wm appreciqu scale 01 low prices or a. su rior class of artificial teeth. I have determine on reducing the price at least .50 per cent. ‘ . mm;on, D E N T A L UR, GEON; #151 mm 512, mum.” .u.‘ an, nui|u§xnun 7 A LUNTI N u M, I 4 $15. CELLOLOID, dh1 rx VITALis’ZIED Alli. “111.0131:ng ARTIFICIAL TEETH: ON: . .“GOLH’ PLA’HE;$ 1 ~ gUBBEB, _ $61 ; 111 be found invaluable in every Household hiA 3'5 cure of Open Sores. Hard Tumours. STOMACH AND BLOWELS,’ R U B BQE R TORONTO CELLOLOID $10. Jan; 5th 1881

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