Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 16 Aug 1883, p. 3

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Probably“; is’so in unx Ali ate Be this as it mm, it is beyopd qmvil Lha‘ the Pills arrest the complaint as certainly and almost. as Quickly as the breaks of :1 rail ca; arrest the revolution (of its wheels. There'are no its or buts about the matter ; the cure is a. foregone‘ conclusion. Imagine What a. Godsend such a medicine must betothe (11g er- Possessed bf it h ‘ieels as if endowed wit another right airm. he very fact that his chest or knapsack contains such a. potent counterblasg to disguise, keeps up"his animal spirits and reflderé him Tess susceptiblé‘ of unhemlphy ipflueycesn H #7, * ~ “Leaves have their time tn fall,” says the met. but Wild Strawberry leaves are on the ise just now. being! utilized in such enor. mous quantities in making Dr. Fowler’s Ex“ true! of Wild Slmwherrvâ€"lhe infallible remedy for Cholera Morbns, Diarrhoea. and other Summer Complaints. Nolhing known to medié‘rfil \ éé‘l'ence can surpass llxe healing properlies of Dr Fowl- er’s Extract of Wild Strawberry in Cholera Morbus. Dysenlery, Colic, afid all Bowel Complaints. Sir Astley Cooper said that no man ought to know he had a stomach. Unfortunately, how- ever, the two extremes of luxury and nrivation tench a considerable portion of'immkind that th ' have stomachs, and very trouhlasome ones too. ‘he diggers utter goldfin our , gulchesrftho alluvial of our rivers and our dry plains, sufi‘er much from diseases of this organ, and of the livar and bowels. At presentY however, there is much less fear of these complaints than former- ly. All intelligent miners are swag/stigma“ they mm be l'emlily combated and cured by "the time- ly administration of Holloway’s celsbmted'l’llls. One of the lending’ forms in which'disease of the stomach and bowels exhibits itself in the interior â€"â€"nml we may and in tho cities tooâ€"ls a. debili- tating dinrrhceu. Nothing that has _ev9r been tried either in dysentery or diarrhoem in this country has uniformlygucceeded in pm‘ing thoSe maladies sxcvnt Hollowa. {s Pil s. It ,is stated that all cases in which the? we a fidminiqtered at the Ballamt Digg'ings, they am not fail in one. The omnm-y medical treatment of diarrhma. app_ears to _l)e wholly ussless in “this. plimatga. Woman's True Frie‘fi'a: . A friend in need is“. a friend indeed. This none can deny, especially when assistance is rendered when one is sorely ulfiicted with disease. morepnrlicula‘r by those complmnls hnd weaknesses so common to our female population. Every woman should know ilml Elecn-ic Bitters are wnmali’s true friend, and will positively restore her to hoallli; Ewen w en all olher I'erfieflies {'5in A single lri:‘.l always proves our assertion. They are plnasam Lo the taste and only cost 50 centé a bullle. Sold by R. E. Law. Clearing snow“ at Rideuu Hall. Fuel and light mlowuuce Stutionei‘y H4. ....................... ‘ Total .............. ..... ......... $164:61_;5 61 Or only about $451 a day, including Sundays. ]n addition he has thefree use of'a house and grounds that originâ€" ally cost the country $93,178.83. It seems to us the .above vast and unnecess- arv expenditure might be curtailed near- },y $100,000 without reducing his Exâ€" cellency toa state of starvationâ€"EX. Salary ................................... Secretary and Aides-de-cnm p. “$43,660 (mm: m. Elerks ......................... 4,175 06 Mussengerund Orderly. . 663 (3g Travelling expenses of Governor-(391161 5,C00 O Contingencies of his Secretary's Oflice... 9,365 8Y Guards of Honor of; Ottawa . 996 3 Guards at Rideau Hull .......... . 2,97! 00 \Vugps,_Labnrers, Gardeners’ 33135. i‘e-Z paii’s and petty accounts at Rideau Hall... 22.767 51 Paniturefp g., g 55, um, etc . 38,924 37 ‘Vnter supply (sny)......l..._ ............... ..... ‘5600 00 Ail; ration at Quebec fitadbl:fufi!lture,&c 11,825 00 :, Clearing snow at Ridenu Hall. {$85 00 Fuel and light mlowunce. . 5,000 00 Stationcijyn H4. . 7A3IA59 C] ulluemuuy Luuuuljuuan ".4 H I J (2‘? ‘ Miners bound to tne ore _.unhealthy dxggmé' usually prqvide themse ves’with an extra supply of both the Pills-and the Ointment. as they can always dis’posg of what they do not wan} at.” an énormous'profit. It is said, and. probably lwi h truth, that the importationé Qt thés‘e me i- J éin‘eg havé seriouly interferéd min .thé “prom; Mime drug merchants: Calqmel‘ ‘ ‘c‘i julap, and I an fihé lurp'atwes, ‘ albezgugivgg,‘ ‘5‘ govmca, ano- r'lyfi'éz'b are sadly at. H‘ dxsc‘pmkfl “ .1116 mp‘rlfielu l Hollowa s Pills and Oinufiez‘zl inf ghelx‘uplaéas. in public estimation. and more. he}; fill them beneficial Micahâ€"TEE Ixarmu; For a young cohbiry it cannot be gaid Canada deals niggardly With in Governorâ€"General. The folloi‘ving is expenditure incuryed 101‘ Life Mfirquis of Lorne during the year ending July Est, 1880 :â€" Expenses ofâ€" the Govar'fiar- General. A man nnmed Gasbiii asked the Arkansas uegislnture to change hié naifie, and it was; {one without. asking his reasons for desiring Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Tm; an1‘ Snvw in the World 151* Cu‘s, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt thum, Fever 3011‘s. Teller, Chupned Hands, ChilblainS‘, Corns: yd 1111 Skin Erhplions, and positive? Ly (‘41 Piles. It is gum'auteed to giVe berfect sutisfnclion. or mnn'ey refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Sold bv R. lfi. Law v The fish-ng here is 'sp'lendid. and as I new have n speckled [rout biting at my hook, I must close my crude epislle. H. v From the ébove yx u will conclude Ilmt I am basking in lhose elyainn fields of “green pastures and Slill watels" of which we read. Well. this is more or less him. except when one is occasionally reminded of the “Ihornv palhnl llf'c"â€"'Wllell brought‘in contact with the dragbn tonilh dfa {‘nhéda thistleâ€"of which I send you 1: sample, nol', hollvey‘er; {or dishihulinn among your consliluenls. Since my sojourn hérb x5e clifnéfle has been as mild and plfoé'sanb as May. The hig‘hls are unpleaszlui‘ly cool outdoors. lade‘n win; choxce fruit. The pro‘Jmction of ghrdon fuuils and berries of every ‘des‘cxip‘i- tion’is immense. Stock of e‘i'ery kind and o-f'the best breeds IS 10 be found herb in ubundance.â€"â€"lhe Clydesdale seems to 5‘: the favorite with the farmer's. 4‘ Crops ofevm'v 'deS'triptlon look well. The wheat exceedé any I haVe 's'een. Many fields will yielt] from to ‘40 hll'sh‘els to the acre. 'l'he soil here seems specially adapted to the growth of timothy uud clo‘ver. l have nei’er witnessed such yield in any at" the States of this commodity as I see here. lint little zit.- 1ention is given to the production of corn. But little of it is fed here. The mass are ‘fnttened on peas, the vines of which are fed (0 sheep in winter. Theflgrowth of fruit also receives its slime ofnttention. Scarce- ly a farm is to lie seen lhat hasn’t. P5 or?- Vehzrtrd of every variety bf "t weep, till Well 1:: w. I find everything much cheaper here than in the States. The best hotels in the city charge only $2.50 a day. and in the country towns the best 'of acacntmodations fire furnished at $1 per day. And the same may be said of nearly eVery purchasabte at“- licleâ€"so much for low tax'iff. I am now sojourning in a lovely region of 3361;, fruits and lirupid streams. sparkling springs and placid lakes, about 12 miles north ol'Tomnlo, on Yonge Street. Toron- to is a beautiful city. 115 streeis are broad, running at right angles and squarely with the compass. lls buildings are uniform in 'size and subslanlial in construction, and in good architectural taste. it is surrounded by a rich and productive country, and is doL ing a thriving: business. The population now exceeds 100,000. and it COHHHUEU to We find the following left-er addressed to the Editor oflhe Callaway 'Gmettc : ll ,_ Near Toronto, Cana‘fia, July 24, 1883. ED GAZETTE :â€"A copy of the Gazette greeted me this morning, bemg the first tidmga from home since I left on the mm. In this remote section where papers from the States are rarely seen, such thoughtful-‘- hessvon your part hue prover)» a treat. 7 DISEASE OV'ERMA‘I'CHED BY MEDICINE. Canada. Letter-° 'fflnfi‘k‘flil for the favors of the past years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro fessioix; n'é follows : Richmond Hill.,., 9th & 2415110168311 month (at PalmexH us ),_ _ _ Aurora, Tst,‘ 821’}, (ibflh, and 22nd do Newmurket, . , . . . ‘ . . . . . . 2nd do Stouflville . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. do Markham ...... . dc Victoria Square ...... do Thornhill ...... do Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . do Woodbridge ...... do Kleinburg .. . ...... . - do Nobleton . . . . . . . . ‘ ' do orderéd and none but the boat material used Best 88 , ; Believiane peopha Will's; “item” scale of low prices :or a superior class of artificial teeth, I have detaimined on reducing the price at least 60 per cent. ‘ 0 ' class dentists: I (16 hf“; \lw'irs‘h 3'3}:in filifelf film}: my establishment is confined to the mamflafitfi‘z‘e _ ' EVERY THURSDAY, _ _ Athis printing ofice, Yonge Street, Rlch‘ménd . , 1331],]. Ontario W, ‘ Térms of Subscriptions‘: $1 00 par unuum‘rin advance When not paidn advance $1 50 will be charged 1 Transitory_gdvertisg$m€nts, first insertionL fiééuhrsrévbfiffyrices' mfe ('4'?) 16? as toia’bm‘ W611" derful when comnured wit ,ghqsg. f other first- cluss geptjs‘ts. I d9 not yis Iyép o inf?! 34} of sets. I do everything or anything gym; guy Toronto dentist; wxll do, and do it. on uppx‘bved modern. scientific principles. guaranteem satis- fwction in all cases. No pain caused by the ex-- traction of teeth Unionville .. 15!: Monday of each month. Westo 9th and 2166 do Mnyle, .lflth do Ric 1m( ‘l9th do Woogigridge ......... ....22ud do Mr. Husband W111 be found in his office. at Newtonbrook, every Saturday. except when Satur- day falls on the above date. ,;,ETOHONTQ VIMLIZED AIR PARWU RS M. H. KEEPER. , Artifiem Teethmpper or under,$5.00. Pain- less extra'ctin by use of Etherized Air. The only firm in t e Dominion executing first-class wb‘rk at the above price. C. P. LENNOX, DEN “EA L SURGEON. #151 Yum s'r., Taxman .- per" line... ................... 8 cefits. Each subsequent. insertion. per line ...... 3 cents‘ Contracts for time and spake minds on applica- tion , 1m, V V 0 SURGEON DENTIST. has H removed to 87 King street East, Toronk‘). Best. mineral teeth inserted in a mann- er to stfit each patient. VP'Lrticulur uttentian given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teetll,ca.refully avoidiug‘all unnecess- nvry min. Office hours from 8 n. in. to 6 p. m. Pri§ ,fe residence 209 Jarvis stree . G“. Ijâ€"f. HUSBAND, L. D.Sa RIGGS & I";*()‘£‘cӤ*j _ SURGEON DENTISTS. 908 Queen St. West, Toronto ' ’A'EUMI'Q’J » $315., 6 CELLOBOID, M1“ . Adveffiasemems ‘mivhbub. firmer instructions be :nsex'ted unui forbld 6: charged transmnt EVERSLEY‘ John McDonald, qu. For}. Senator McMuBter ‘ tunes Metculm, Esq. X; J. Campbell; 1359., . M. Smith, Esq. Rev. Enoch \Vood, D. D {in percent of premiums returned in profits Loam: Made to Church Trustees, at a. low rate of interest. Send for prospectus. A \V Lauder, Sec. &V'I‘reas. for Canada. | Victoria Chambers ,Toronto Mm. Feb. 12th 1880. Assurance Soc’y W C , ‘ i . remnvnd bf L‘dhdon, Eflémnd, ‘ Alderfiian McArthur, M. P, Chair- man, a'pplv at thié Bifiéé THE STAR Do not delay. if sufi‘er'mz any farm ol‘ Bowel Complaint. however mild nnpnruntgi lv may be the attack, but use Dr. Fowler'fi Extract of Wild Strawberry. It is the oltl reliable cure for all forms of Summer Com- plaints that require prompt treatment Ask your dluggist and all dealers in patent medicines. If you desire to be held wise, be so wise in to hold your tongue. A syndicate has been formeti for the pur‘- chase of the bonds of the Southern Conrad-- pracy. Nawtvonbrook, June 18th; 1888‘ W. A. Edgn'rs, of Fru'ilki'illb. was cured of Liver and Kidney: Complaint after Me was) despaired of. "He had H‘e‘finined from len to fifteen days without, an a‘cfion of the bowels.â€"â€"Burdock Blood mum cured him, hnd he writes that he'is a beil‘er man than he has been for twenty years past. ‘ DENTIST, NE WTONBROOK, ONT. W fish the following places profe'ssibnixfiy Hâ€" There a’re persons who do not know how to waste their time alone. and hence become the scourge of busy people. Reader, it" you suffer from any disorder of the Liver: Stomach, Bowels. Kidneys. Skin pr Blood. try Burdock Blood Bitters, Nature's specific medicine for: acting on those organs for the omlet of disease. 25.- ‘ '0'0‘0 bottles sold in the last three months. i Wanted a, smgb boy for the Printing Business “4.. ,J u,- A ’Tfiéfim Herald, WANTED ! gm gantrtismmt‘z. Reserve Fund . . . . . . . . $5.000,BOC Annual Income . . . . . . 1.400.000 Invested in Canada . . . 850,000 Demh clmm‘s paid. . . . 7,500,000 ROGERS; At Maple 18th of every month Bafifnes,Esq,F I A§Secretary fir A IiOBINsou. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA 'J‘unox'fo I l CELLOBOID; $10. ffismsfififi Bi gentth LIFE C: ADAM§, has“ FEREKCES .1801 20th 215‘: 231 (1 26th .28th I P-Oi Hy :g/Harvest ES flaming Z “Nu” u ..w.. . “mum, .uw. uu UuU'UuILu lam: uunu "i Raglan t6 héaffihailbhé é‘xt'eifigirvefm e of yom mstruments shows that you are meeting with the success that I think Vou agatly dqagelfve-m ‘2 . v I am, entlemen. Your Onedlent Servant. Mmsmfi. R. SLWILLIAMS' & SoN‘s. ‘ . ‘ 'I‘tmox’ro, April 12th, 1881‘ r GENT EMEN~I have much pleasure in testifying to the great excellence of 3mm Pianos. I have put thé severely to the test, and find them possessed of thos‘é‘duuli lies of tone and touch so 116‘. cepmble to the true musician and lover of classical musicâ€"a ch‘urifiing‘singiug tone, easily m'xuluâ€" ated Iro’m tlie mostldelicnte iaaissimo to every degree of loudness mud fulness, and a. touch which nnswers_ readily to eve shave of feeling. I consider £15339 i‘hs mments a great, acquisition in musicial society, and mu much pleased at finding a. pim'lo which I can recommend with perfect confidence. - I nm,GentlenIen. yours very truly, CHAS. W. EWING, (bf London, England,) » ' ' ‘ ‘ Organist of St Peter's Church. Coburg, Ont MEBERS'R. s. \Vmi‘l‘émfi & Soxsa . ,_ . , ‘Tondzg'ro, Nov. 4th, 1882. GE RTEâ€"Having thoroughly exammed the \V’orkmunship of you! Pinning, I have no hesitation in stating that, in my opinion, they are equal to those of any 0 ‘of theioostrngakgrs'thgt I {Joye seen 1 Ann An'ln shun]: 1'“ 911A ammo va‘nh {Amman “Annuzhmq. u‘..:.‘ v ,1 1 7 ideas; onJy'speuk'iu‘the sa'me Eigh textmréil‘régardi’ng'ihei; 1;, qua] 13;”;A?61?{fi3i:‘llfii;r; F ing mpabflity of tune, leasant tench, &c. are such, that. there seems to be no necessity ,to {turch'dié’b . -ns w . v ' fl " ‘ ‘ “$3933.-.?"lini‘fl‘liszh“6393.933” “WADE? F351 “QAE‘PGERWRSv .‘md “t One'thFFd 168E. 0th ______._._..__,_ We make a. special st 14: o£.0rg&na in large quant 193A and are therefore able to offer them at exâ€" ceptionally low rates. - vments arranned to suit. Ugo counoni nee ef purchaeers and spread over a term of ream. For £111! rwyticulars . . k A“ fl\‘.\p’ . IA') V/_u~_ r; TA UPRfGHT AND SQUARE Pianos ? ' ignos ? rates; AT THE FIRE PRGOF: 1 The Finest Weeds Dress Goods! SPRING mm i‘m TERMS CASH, C611 and Inspect Our Stock Befoé‘é Purcfiasing ELSEWHERE. 12:53.:mnal nm mm mm 53." Are constructed from the very Bes‘t Materials by" oipenenced Workman, a‘nd we fully equal in point of ‘ a .’ HAR€7EST TOOLS AT TORONTO PRICES. Richmond Uin,JuIy 2m], 1883 Good Family Flour, Lard,13ncrm and Hams. Choicé C'onfectimmry ind Cigars A well assorted stock of Slippers, Boots and Shoes at pr’ices that cannol' fail’ to v giye sansfaction. _ A fresh supply of Fresh Supplies nfGroceries, 010., at the very lov‘sest :43 Yang; 5t, T02?és1+3."'or§ b A:. 4.68. -«'â€"W_’ Lendcn In Town. 800 111086 Gooiisi TESTIMONiALS. To the high priged American Instruments. And J. Brown has a splendid stuck of BEAUTEFUL m7 PIANQS ! or Farm Produce. Highest price fluid for Butter and all kinds of Producie. ]f. CROSBY- GEO. w. STRATHYV. Mus Ddc‘ Toropto, JnnVQt‘h, 1383 For Manufacturing and other purposes. S Oak and Shaw Brokers, etc, etc. GGOdWiHS naught aml Sold ! Patent Riqhtédisposed of ; Faun &' Othél' Property, GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY Dr. E. C. \‘.'er41'.~‘ Nerve am! In . mlmonl‘, TL guaranteed syea'ific fur Ilysior 1. vaxjncss, (lon- \'ul.slons. Fll‘ I\ ‘m s Ex'vnrulgin, Ilnmluclnc', Nervous l’rostrutinn (m. . all by the 5180 m" nlvohul or tobmtco, Wulael'ulnu: Mental ])($1V1'(‘:wfiil?fl, Softening ('1‘ (lie Bruin resulting in lnsnnity and hauling to misery. Llomy and (1 \ulh, Premature Uld Ag“. 1 arronue V Lass; of Power in vitha ' sex, involuntary {lb/gs“ xunl Sperm tr 1) 521115011 5w mm \m‘fmil nf .the lglgin, self :le u or over ygdulgen ,0. UN.- box xv .l (lure rmvnt can Ennh b x contains one month‘s .ttcatlnmyzh One dollar a 1;ox,orsix boxes for five dollars; Sent; by mail prepaid on recnipt of prim‘. We guaran- tee six boxes to cure {my case. With crmh ordfii‘ rncoivcd by us for six lmxm, ncmmnmniod with flvu dollars. we, will send the puschnsvr our writ ten guarantee to r< fund the money if the trout- }neu't does not offnc‘u lL curv. Gun 'nnteos issued only by T. A. Hewitt (Q (30., Sale authorized agents for Thornlxill nml A. ‘gufi, Ont, John C. Wer :5; Col. sole propriowrs ‘L‘uronto, Ont. l "We wlll pay th'o above reward for any case of Livéi‘Conmluint. Dyslmpsju, Sick Headuvlic 1n- digcsticn, (lonst' 'ution or Costiveness we CH inot cure with VVes'b Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are stvi "fly complied with. They are “purely Vegetable, D‘ld never fail to give summeâ€" tiun. Sugar Coated. Large Bores, cantuin‘j’aé; 30 Pills, 25 cents. For snla by ulL'DrnfzgiSts. Be- ware of cgmuterfoits and i1nltu€ions The gun- lvf‘ine numufwctured only by JOHN 0. WE S'l‘ it CO, “The Pill Makers,” hl A: 33 King St; East Toronto. 0gb. Free trial package sent; by mail prepaid on receipt of {L 3 cent stamp. mm, m High] for ‘ llx‘m‘; stipu tlon, Dizziness Raul. ,Bremh, mnd‘ln in...“ SYNI)1CA_'.17FSS H‘()R1\IEIJ H. Sandman & 80138 a mamas 52in! Fmrguzéa In Latest. [Resigns Geo W Lew! Thus H Lee, Hon 1) l: .K. T;\ 4 AJ ,1 , b, ;% fig, E {i £01! $ 1 § iglnugphersuu, Sulmtor ALL GOODS AT THE SAME REDUCED PRICES- _ 105311220 The Best Brands nf PAINTS, OILS, TINTS, [EMS and GmGHlNCS RANK e‘JC‘VD Fund, $450,000 RQQM PAPER m COST Highly recommended for Billousuess, “ma-Ache. Con- stipaiion, Ind lges- tlon, Dizziness, Heartburn, 1 “ml. ,Brealh, Loss of Apn petite. Jaundim, Loss of memory, Sour stomach, Liver Com- plaint.0r any illness arising from the sunn- ach, [towels or Kidneys. _'l‘hey are Bate A miid'and‘thomugh in their action. From 11:05 pills is a dose}: FURNITURE ALL STYLES MQBTGMES (WTAINED Health is Wealth. Our Trusting to have the pleasure of shbwing you through ‘é-T’é beg to huhrm’ycfi that OUR NEW PREMISES will be completed in 21 am days, and that on MONDAY, APRIL 2nd; wé will show a Compictc Stock 0f NEW SPRING GOODSM ail the departmen’ts, in what we havb 1er hcsitaiion in saying {Gill be {he “l’Iaudson‘jest'Stores in Canada.” $500 REWARDS Hotvls, Tuvc‘ys and Business. éi‘IEMIsTS & DRUGGIsrsg Stock Wilhwmwutdoubt, compare faVourably with any on this confluent, our Foreigh Goods having been purchased direct from the first munuilwturers of Europé by dnrfxir. J. W. Petley; who is a resident of MANCH, ESTER, England. p]etcd, we remain J; I. EVANS & CO, PRICE 256. PER BOX. pa v' ’ C - WIT PAINT BRIJSI‘iES AT COST 4â€"-â€"N0'W IS YOUR TIME F Louder Lune, Toronto :â€"â€"â€"a SUGAR COATED. 'or one month, 10 make mom for slock PURELY VEGETABLE A 1: Toronto Prices wnxwys 1328 T0 unAi'ri 7 r . ~ v.” ,. A*tornoymLt-Imwp Solicitors tn- 1 . CM) ovmycorsmztm ()mcosâ€"ulmperml Bunk Buildings. Welhngton-stroet, Toronto HHMAS l"191u_;usox,Q.U. Joxm BAIN’: WM {515mm GORDON, h G140 I“ SmrLEy Ferguson, Bain, Gordfm &r Shipley Member College of Physicians & Surgeons (LATE 0V STOUFFVILLE‘.) I " I OFFICE HOUlisffiFrom ‘; to 10 a. 111., 5 to s p. 1;”: :‘1 CE v ' Graduate of Tofonto Universitjr, M. (J. P. 6; S.. Ont, Two Years Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hospital, Oifiue mud 1105i<1mlca,â€"Onp door south of P. O. OFFI") 1) HOURS-«8 tn 10 a m, & 12 to 2 p m Thornhjll, Feb 14th, 1883. Mg. w. J. Wimso Resillenr'o, Yongo Street, Richmond Hill Richmond Hill, Muv 23rd. 1882. ly AND - A ERNEST F. LANGSTAFFE 11.3. Orr, WI. B. and First Silvéi‘ B'Ividtifist University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L S A L, England (Lat’é Cf I. ondon. England) Surgeon, Etr, _ LEI"()fiine Hours 8 to 0.30 41411., and 1 to 2330 p.11). This! Hate] lms [Ni x refm‘m'slmd, renovated. nnd fitted up in firstH qs style, 11ml is now 1.110 lending Hotel north of Tom: to. The DELI‘ is sup )inth with firstvclass brand of liquors and uig: . E. wllont accommodation luv Commo)‘ ll Trwvvllers, mu] the Gmwml Public. Good StnbL in: and {m attentive liustlelx I RICHMOND HILL. JO IiN LL, Prep BR. JAMES VLANGSTIEFF ! This House is one of the Best Hotels .151) be found mum of '1'01'9411‘ Everything: is managed in First Class Style 11119 Room for Cemmexu ciul Travellers. Good Stabling and nttcntivo hostEefs. Terms, $1 per day. Proctor’h Bus leaves this Hotcl to connect wilh all the N 1‘» R Trains going North and South. at 8 a 111., 12 (L. 117., 5.10 p m. and 7.30 n m. THE :PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, 3‘ Palzlier/ Prop; E Q MVAGE Yonge Stree:, Richmbfid HHI Richmond [1’11], Oct. 12(1), ’82. MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSWY. 33:2 KENGuSTREE’i‘ EAST? George Langstafli DR. ORR, MAPLE, P. O. 303(2527.‘ l‘EIORNIlIIJI, ONT fiflrclic‘m. gar ‘ 0136 031' ’Ii o 'i‘i'zfifo Marks of my sum Medicines m'p 1'02: gistcrcd 11k ()Ltuwu, and 11.150 at \V'zw‘uingtbu. Signed ’ ’1‘ IOMAS HOLLOWAY 533 Oxford street, London. amino (1 at 1s.15‘3<1‘,?s. m, N. F 115., 2‘1, and 33S CRCHLOX nu(1}"ot,nndin (‘rtleltLL 211‘ :76 (561115, Wennm, nnd .' 0 cents, and tin; larger sizes in pronorbiun. (if? CA "maxâ€"1 have no AQ’Pnt in ‘he United Slates, nm‘ are my Mmlicim's sold theye.’ I’ln'chnsm-s shnn‘d [hm-Mme 1001: to the lube! (m 1110 Pots and How‘s. Iflhe addxcss is nui 533, Oxford Street, London thow'ufa ‘spux'inns. H Mahnfactnred only at Profess- or Hollowav’s Establishmelm 533. OXFORD STR an LONDON. Coughs, Sore Thrnnksz, Th'nnohitiq, run] all diso'rd 91's of the Throw and Chest, (LS also Gout, Rheu- matism. Scrofulu. and othm‘ kind of six in diseases Will be found invaluable in every Housahold 4 it} the cure of Open Sores. mel Tumours. incresz the rrm-obory 1‘ .‘tnws: m” the Livcrhrnce the, nervm‘; IL) mum, mm 11mm mm the pin-111m tiuu the purest, 3910111511” for sustainng and r iring the frame. " BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. CULDS, Timusnnds ()Fpm'vmms’hnve testifiel thnt‘ 1w lh . use alone Hwy haue hoen restored to 1101th and sfrenglh, after 'every other means had proved unsuccessful., ‘. Rood: ., th STCEMACH AND BOWELS, aurify, rozmlute run] impr yo file quality (31" the This lncmmpnmblc Medicine has scour: ed fur itsz-H' nu imperishuble famu‘ throughout the World for the alleviation‘ and cure of' most diSca'scs £0 which humanity is heir. WES 5% Miami Worth their ‘Ix'eight in Gold! Establishment whom (tom _ [See our reducer] 1mm table For fxu'Lher infor' nmtion; apply at the offices of the Company .115qu fly recuivwl on deposit, and interest payable hulfycmuy or (zuxnpounded. Dmxc cms~$umuel I‘LLH, h L‘,A]f;‘ml Gander. 1mm, Geo W’ Lewis, Thus H Lee, Hon 1) L Mucphersun, Sumter 1Loém am; Ravi" '7‘ Company Oflloesâ€"No TO, Chm?“ sires}, Toronto « 110x G130 \V ALMN GEORGE Géomm'u 01mLonl‘rosjdont .. Viee-Presiflcnt I}RAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST > QUALITY AT THOS NTGIITINGALE‘S, BIUCAUSHES3 DVJPEPSM, ’ HEAR/"EU HEAD/4' (LL/L, 31%" WILL CURE RELIEVE And every disordered Ll V WALTER 8 LEE, BRA§J§TCX~E ',~“‘ r: amfimw 1, asunzmd HON/JP 7‘0 LOAN: tern Uanada; Jan. 5th 1881 DEE/MESS, ' . mops y, ‘TTERING 0;: THE HEART, Acmiry 0; women, :J 6" THE SKIN, vile TORONTO. Manager

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