A statement has been issued by the Department of Immigration showing the number of arrivals and departures of immigrants at Ottawa, Toronto, Kingston, and other places, for the ï¬rst seven months of the year. During the above months there landed on Canadian soil 65,564 immigrants of all nations, of whom, 21,881 arrivad by Halifax and St Lawrence River, and 43,713 by New York and other American ports ; of those who entered the country by way of the States a yery small proportion settled in Canada, the rest having been merely registered at Immigration Agen- cies on their route through the Western States. The above return shov‘vs a decrease on that of the same months in 1882, in which, the total arrivals amounted to 69,998 persons, of whom 24,111 came by Halifax and the St Lawrence, and the balance by the United States. Out of the total arrivals for thi year 40,150 persons, or nearly two-thirds of the whole passed through. and too‘k up land in the States; of the remaining 19,574 have settled in Ontario; 5,661 in Manitoba; and the remaining 179 in Quebec. There has been an increase in the influx of settlers in Ontario, and the total arrival for the year, so far, exceeds that during the corresponding months of last year by 4,383 persons, showing an increase of nearly one-third. The predominating class of settlers in this rovince have been English yeomen who have come out mainly For the pur- pose of hiring as farm hands, with ulti- mate object of securing homesteads of of their own. The moneyed class have heen well represented. The English settlers in Ontario this year, number, so far, 8,168 persons, as compared with 7,158 during the corresponding months of last year. Irish, number 7,331 ; against 4,278 of last year; Scotch. 1,859; against 2345; German 941; against 599; Scandinavian,]77; against 166; Swiss, 8: against, 12; Icelandic, 24, against no arrivals last year ; Amer- icans, 574; against, 540. There has been an increase in this year’s immigraâ€" tion among English, Irish, Germans, Scandinavians, Icelanders and Ameri- cans. N6; 1!: THURSDAY, SEPT. The date printed on each paper denote: the time when the subscription expirel. Foundr-A Moodio. Seed Wheat For Sulaâ€"J. E. Lnngstaï¬, New Fall Goods.â€"-I. Crosby. The Council met on Monday lust, 3rd inst. The Reeve in the chair. Conn- cillors present, Messrs.‘0rosby. Happen Pugsley and Sanderson. Minutes of 131]] Aug. read and approved. The Globe charges Sir John A. Mac- clonald with inciting the Orangemen to bring up their Bill in the next legisla- ture. Probably it will come up, but it is not. necessary that Sir John should urge the stop. If those who blame him for not passing it over the heads of Mr. Blake and the French Catholics are sincere, they will only be too glad of an opportunity of voting for it in a House where there are no French Catholics. The Globe has made a. mess of this Orange question, and had better drop int.â€"â€"Evevzing Canadian. The fchlowiug accoun'ts were read and on motion ordered to be paid : W. D. Powell, Bricks &c. 833 20 Da_vid ggnsgpj‘ ghpvelling snow 50 W. D. Powell, Bricks &câ€". 833 20 David Benson; shovelling enow 50 Dr. W. Oldright. chairman of the Provincial Board of Health of the Proâ€" vince of Ontario. being present, was re- quested to take a seat at the Council Board. He stated to the Councll that complaint had been made to the Provin- cial Board of Health of the existence of certain nuisances calculated to be injur- ious to the health of the inhabitants of the village, and called upon the following persons to state what they know on the subject : Dr. Joe. Langstaff; William Trench ; John L Harris ; Henry Miller, Jr. ;.Wm.‘ Bricknell, Village Inspector ; Dc. W. J. Wilson; David Hopper; W. Storey ;7 l3; Redditt ; Wm Cook ; Wm Harrison and Henry F Hopper. After hearing What all the parties had to say on the matter of complaint, Dr. Oldright addressed the Council and recommended that a By-law after the fashion of .No. 1‘2,’ suggested by the Provincial Board of Health, be adopted by the Council with a view to preserving the health of the inhabitants and the suppression of nuisances. Councillor Crosby moveJ‘, seconded By Councillor Sanderson, that the thanks of this Council be presented to Dr. Old- right for the valuable information he has so kindly imparted.â€"â€"Carried. The Dom-or rétumed thanks and the Council adjourned to meet. on Monday, October lst, at 8 p. m: Millions Given Away. Millions of bottles of Dr King's New Dis- covery for Consumption, Coughs and? Colds. have been given away as Trial Bottles of 1119 large size. This enormous outlay would bé-disaslmus to the proprietors, were it not for the rare merits possessed bv the w0nd'er~ ful medicine. Can at I}. E. Law’s Drug Stone and :9! a Trial Home/7's», and My for yourself. it never fails to cure. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. We $011: 34mm. Richmond Hill Council NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Richmond Hlll. Ont. IMMIGRATION. Whole No. 131% ; M. TEEFY, Clerk. 6, 1883. Vohune 26. After s prolonged psuse which none of those present cared to interrupt, the Home was gently broken by the words uttered in a dreamy tone of voice by one of the party, ‘Kmher nice little thing. that, B-’ ‘What do you mean 7’ 'The little pink and white arrangement that was on your right at din- ner.’ ‘Yes, pretty well ; when: does she re- mind you of R 7' '1 fancy she looks like Miss [3â€", whose father's place sdjoined the old college grounds.’ ‘Exactly ; a very striking iesemblauce indeed. Remember the serenade '1' IShall I ever forget it I How corn letely we were sold by that mis- chievous â€"' 'Yea. her father had the laugh at N that time.’ ‘What are you two fellows talking about ?’ saidï¬enother of‘t‘he party of smokers. _ ‘Oh, a little reminiscence ofour old col» lege days. You must know that close by the college grounds an old gentleman lived in a charming cottage situated in a perfect gem ofa garden. He had several fascinat- ing daughters ; and many a harmless flirta- tion was carried on with them by the boys in the western balls. from the end windows of the corridors. Well, one of them had been away for some weeks, and was sadly missed ; for, being the most provoking little coquette of them all, she was the greatest favorite. One day C. came into my room. and said, So-and-so came home last. night; wouldn’t it be a good thing to serenade her ?’ 'Just the thing,’ was my reply. Arrange- ments were soon made. ‘Home again l Home again l' Home. Street Home,’ and other suitable melodies were run over; but when the time came 0. excused himself on the plea of sudden indisposition. He was the best tenor we had ; but we were com- pelled to go without him, as he declared )2, was impossible for him to accompany us. 3 We stationed ourselves in the garden, be-, neath the lady’s Window. We had not ï¬n-‘ relied our ï¬rst song when the sash was gently raised, and two or three sylph-Iike ï¬gures appeared. Our efforts to please were re- doubled, and we were just in the midst of, our most sentimental effusion, and were i throwing as much pathos into our voices asi possible, when a tittering was heard proceed-f ing from the midst ofa little grove close by 1 We stopped, and a roar of laughter from the grove followed, and 0's voice was hem-d exclaitning, 'Oh, it’s too good l Oh, I shall die I I shall die 1 Just think of those fellows serenadirrg the servant girls l’ Well... we had been completely sold 0. had heard that the whole family had left town for a day or two, leaving no one behind but. the domestic servants, and knowing how great a favorite the young lady wals that was ah- sent, knew that it he told us she had return- ed a serenade would be the result. How- ever, we paid off Master 0. afterwards.’ ‘How? What did you do with him ‘I' ‘ We tried several things, but he was al- ways too much on his guard to be caught. However, after several weeks had passed by and the serenade Was forgotten in more recent scrapes, we accidentally heard that C and two or three of his set were going to have a jolly time in one of the fellow’s rooms C’s contribution towards the affair consisted of a pair ofduclrs and ball a dozen of Guinness’ XX in the event ofa tutor or professor coming to the room during the progress of the feast they had supplied them- selves with a strong cord and basket, by means of which the viands might be sas- pcnded outside from the window, and drawn back again when the inconvenient visit was over. Well, the Ierenaders heard of these arrangements and determined to have their revenge. So just as the party was about to commence. everything ready for operations. they stationed themselves in a room just below that where the convivialists were assembled. whilst one of them run up. knocked at the door in a great hurry, and said, 'See here, fellows, I heard you were ' going to have a little time here to-night, and I thought I would just run up and tell you that Old-â€"â€" is going the rounds. He is at the last room in the next' corridor, and will be up here in ï¬ve minutes.‘ The v ruse was a success. The viands were placed in lthe basket, suspended in the darkness out- side the window, and the boys were very in- dustriously engaged preparing for lectures, I all inside of three minutes. In the mean- itime their informant had taken his depart» 1 are. Five minutes passed, six, seven, eight and no professor made hrs unwelcome ap- pearance... Then they came to the corr- clusion that their friendly visitor had been fooling them. They looked out, found the coast was clear, caught hold of the rope, and pulled in the basket. What was their surprise to ï¬ndâ€"not the good things they lexpected, butâ€"-a note: A week Inter; n medico’s ‘den'. post-ptnn‘ dial pipes, the two friends, two or three cas- ual visitors, the sound of a dreamy waltz from the piano in the drawingvroom at the other side of the hall, all combined to prot duce that feeling of contentment and quiet pleuure whtch can be experienced in in completeness by thone only who enjoy pert feet physical health. and who“ balance at the banker’s is on the right. side of the led- ger. ‘True. but. it is élmosl sunset, and we have three miles ofa was": before us. and the dressing ball will have rung hofote we reach home‘ if we gm; any longef.’ Scenes and Reminiscence: of College Life by “Fidus Achates.†‘A very happy termination to what might have beenâ€" and what in many other initi- luliona would have beenâ€"a vex, awkward nfl‘air for the delinquenll.’ Yours, &c., Tm: Snnzmnnns.’ 'But. how did the ‘Serenaders’ get ponees' sion at the basket ?’ 'Oh, the window of the room in which they had secreted them- selves was direcfly under the window from which the basket was suspended ; and so nothing was easier than for one of them to pull it in, remove the contents, put. in the note, (prepared beforehand) and let the bas- ket swing out again.’ ;Much obliged for the delicacies, especi- ally the ducks and lhe stout half-dozen. Should be happy to receive some more in the. same way. Gallus tuus oculus e! fgnis ma. Is the only instantaneous relief for Neal-Ll- gia Toothache Headache etc, Rubbing a few drops briskly is all thnt is needed. No taking nauseous medicines for weeks but one minute's application removes all pain nnd will prove the great value at Krnm’s Fluid Lightning. Twenty-ï¬ve cents per bottle at H. Sanderson dz Suns' Drug Store. Mr OW Smith of Kentucky. U S, has purchased from Mr Wm Rennio, mdlman. Toronto, 3 pair of clydesdnlo mares, which he intends to use on his farm for breeding purposes. He also secured a young draught- stallion from Wm Teasdale. of Markham. The Greatest Healing Compound. is a preparation of carbolic acid, vaaeline and cerate called McGregor & Parke’s Carbohc Comte. It will cure any sore, cut burn or Bruise when all other preparations fail. Call at E. Sanderson & Sons’ Drug Store and gate packags, 'I‘wentyrï¬ve cents i= all it- r-osr5, FOB THE HERALD :â€" Kram's Fluid nghtnlng. (To me Coxcnunnn.) (GORTINUEDJ‘ Reesor, leconded ‘by Lnndy. moved that Mr Forlter and the mover be and are hereby appointed commiuionern to examine end, if deemed advisable, lo repair roadway on sideline bemoan lots 15 and 16, Con. 8, and that the sum required be payable on order of commissioners when work in completed. Forster, Ieconded by Lundy, moved that the Treasurer be and it hereby authorized to pay Sumac] Miller the following account: for gravel, viz :81138, for 292 yards at 8c, Div. No 40. A Spofl'md, overseer; $5.60, for 70 yard. M 8a., Div. No. 39, F. Lister overseer; $20.96, pay-bio lo order of lbs Reeve. Mr Fort-fer, seconded by Mr Reeaor, moved tbs! lhe Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay Jon. Grove the sum of $22, for 220 yards of gran! at 10¢ per ylrd. S P Rumor. overseer. Mr. Former, n‘econded by Mr. Roesor, moved that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay Mrs. C. Rersor the sum of $5, being for gravelI put on D". No 69, J Pike, overseer. ' Mr Jamel seconded by Mr Fowler, moved lhat the Treaanrcr be and it hereby author- ized to pay J E Rowbotbam $6 for reptir- ing road Icmporn for Div. No 3!. Mr. Reesor, seconded by Mr. Forltor, moved thnt Ibo Trealurer be and is hereby authorized to pay Comon J; Son $113.24, for_priu1ing Voterl’_ ‘Lisjn, ï¬e. Mr James, Ieconéed 5y Mr Lundy, mowed that the Treu. be and is hereby authorized to pay Jno. Stephenson the tum of $23. for ï¬lling washout and building culvert ‘l the German Mills hill. James asked leave to introduce a 'by-law to appoint a Board of Health Leave given. Bv-law was lead three times and blanks ï¬lled with the names of George Langstulf, M. R, Dr. A. Pingle. Wm Law-on, Thou. Williamson and A Forster. 'Lundy, 'aecomled by Forum. moved Ihnt the Treasurer pay the account of J Burke} for gravel furnished various road overseen, amounting to $81.04. 1:013 ydsu M Sc. ayd. James asked leave to introduce a Bylaw to assess and levy rates for township. county railway and school purposes. Leave given. By-law rend three times and passed with blanks ï¬lled as follows: That the following sums be levied upon and collected from all ratenble property of the Tomhip of Mark ham for the year 1883. County purposes, $3561.64, by a rate of 1.040 mills in the dollar ; Township purposes. $3.773.48. at n rate of one and one-tenth mill in Ibedoll-r; balance of '1' k N R Debentute debt $1.- 375.18. at a rule of four tenths of a mill in the dollar, Communication was received from the Provinch Board of Health reameting the entiblighing of a quipfpal Bourd_ Health: Mr James uedonded by Mr Forster. moved that the Treumer be and is hereby author»- ized to pay Chas. Spoford the Inm “818.27 for 8,106 feet of lumber for ‘he mo of thin mvï¬cipality ; also $10, foryeight. Mr Rector: secondgd by Mr James, moved that the Trans. 5‘0 imd il htreby authorized to pay Patrick Carro} the sum of $2, for re- pulnng two culverts in Div. No 43. Forster, seconded by Lundy. mnved that the Treasurer be and is hereby amhnrimd-lo pay Rubt. Goodyear the sum of“ 80, for regairing pile-driver faiths municipality. Jamemuaecohded by Lundi, movgd lï¬at the Treasurer pay R. Harrington $2.72. for lungbar furn_i3h_e‘d for repairing pile-grifer. MrJamea, seconded by Mr Recsor, moved that Ihe Trans. be had is hereby Authorized to pay P W Boynton, or order, $7.16, for 650 feet 01 lumber for culveru in Div. No. 12. The above Council met at the Council chambers, Unionville. on Saturday. the 26th nlt. Members all present. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and conï¬rmed. Lundy. seconded by Reelor, moved that the Treasurer pay the following account: for gravel. as certiï¬ed by various tend over- seers, viz: Robt Stiver. 192yds.a.t 10c. $19.20, J .Webbor.0v'r David Eyer. 86yds. " 8.60. G. Baker, “ J. Widemen, 36yds. " 3.“), A. Duncan, “ Mrs Peterson,26yds. " 2.60,P. Boynton. †“ Hyde. †7.50. . T. Hood, " M Fiexheller,1mydu " 1 .00, J Stephenson “ labydu. " 13.50, M. Fierhenor Lundy, seconded by Forsber, moved that the sum 01 $1 be and is hereby granted (,0 pay Joe. Donor for placing Iupport to bridge on sideline between Lots 80 and 34. Con. 4, payable on orer of the Reeve. V Markham Township Councfl. Union Sec. No. I . . . . . . . . . $2“ 93 II II 2 . . . . . . 15376 " †3.......... 25626 “ " 4 . . . . . . . . . . 124 52 “ “ 7 _ . . . . . . . . 91 00 ††15.......... 379 75 “ " 23 . . . . . 30010 Sectionï¬o. l.......... 360 00 “ 2.... "4.. 462 00‘ “ 3 . . . . . . . . . . 400 00 “ 4.6. . . . . . . . 375 0.0 “ 5.... . . . . . . 37500 “ ..... 33500 “ 34000 " 440 00 “ )0 . . . . . . . 67500 “ ll . . . . . . . . . . 440 00 " 12 . . . . . . . . . . 325 00 " 13.... . . . . . . 400 00 †14.... . . . . . . 300 00 †16...... . . . . . 410 00 †28000 " 18 32000 †19.......... 37500 †20 . . . . . . . ... 375 00 †2l;.. 48000 †22.(6009pee’l) 826 00 Reno:- Mked leave to introduce a By law to appoint Collectors Leave given. By-law introduced and read three times and passed, and blanks ï¬lled with the names of John lnwnsborough for the was! half, and Jan. Eckardt for the east half of me lawnship ; said Colleclora to give bonds to the amount of $16,000 each. that? this Municipalitv has levied a. rate of four- tenths of a mill on the dollar {or 188:: on the rumble Droperty of the townsbi to pay off the railway debenture debt. requel ing them to levy a similar rate on that portion 0! Stoufl’vllle for- mgrly g 11qu of_this_mu_nic_lpalï¬y. _ _ _ Lumiy, Seconded by Ream, moved that the Reeve and mover be and are hotaby appoint/ad commissioners to mm a. culvert ï¬nd grade the road in front of Lot 1, Con. 4, the same to be paid for on 01-69! at commissioners when the work is Mr Glaï¬stone is spending the Beginning of his vacation at his place at Hawarden in Wales where he is putting in his pastime of felling trees cutting down a heavy oak. Forster, seconded by Booger, moved ti“ the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay L. B. Boyle): the sum of $6.60, for building a culvert an 10 1: Con., Lot ‘26, also $37.28 {or 466 yards of gravel at 80. per yard. _ ".féï¬iéé; Eeconded bv Reesor._moved that whom this Council adjourn: (0â€"day. LG «and: unlianâ€" ed mytil Saturday, the 13th day 0! October next quumz. 7 Forster. seconedd by Lundy, mod that the Treasurer be and is harsh authorized to Day Richard Ackney the sum 0 $7.25, being for un- loading and piling a. car load of lvmber. and for extra. work in putting the name on the 6m Con. The Council adiournod. rjdxiueuJecBndéd'by' Earner. moved that the Clerk be audit-1 hex-oi)? instructed to gouty the Qorpqutign o_i the†quicipality of wgnyilln Fofster introduced a. By-lnw to amend By-law 110.358, flxjngthe salary of each Collector of taxes at $85. lay-law read three several times an}! passed. James, seconded by Recent. moved that t e indenture as propel-ed by the Clerk and In - mitted to this Council, between this corporation and the village of Stouï¬villo, be executed in duplicate, and that the Reeve sud Clerks of the respective municipalatiea be authorized to the same and have the seals of the corpora. ion attached thereto. 7 swelling the 6th Con, opposite Lot 1‘, and that he Reeve end Mr Lundy be appointed comâ€"- missioners to expend the same. and. mm ply-- nble on order of commissioners when the work is completed. ébyiplemd‘ wIiv‘itrirstcar, secondéd by Reelor. moved that the '“m 91370..“ ï¬â€˜ldls hemby . $539“. ‘0 3111131? SCROOL nun. Union See. No. 1.. . ll H u H I... .o... 3.......... n.- 4....... . . . . . n u n I I . . . . 4 . . o o - . . . . . . . . i a 0 I I . . . . . n u I I I 75312 . . . . . c u . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . o . . . . . . n . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . m . . . . . . ~ . u . . . - . . n . . o . . c . o u . . u o . u . . . - u . . . ~ . c . ,n u . n . . . . . . . o n . . . . . . . . . . a . . . 3456780‘23 6789 no. In the afternoon a mud Lacrouae match was played between the Orillia Lacrosse club and the “Young Cane- diam†of Richmond Hill, our boys being successful in carrying of the victory, taking the lat game in 30 seconds ; 2nd in 4 minutes, and 3rd in 70 minutes The Orillia team, in our opinion, were the heavier and larger by long odd: No doubt the fact. of playing upon new round and among strangers mode I di dance with the loejng team. Ml clubs pluck an‘exceptinnnlly Snegame,‘l and many applause: were noticeable furl Bno throwing, expert dodging, etc, and without doubt we: the best game ever played on our grounds. The “Young Conadianl" are delighted with their vim? tot-y, are we“ they may be, and not only? have the honor of keeping the Silver1 Cup. which is a beautiful one, but al- so of calling themselves Champion! north; of Toronto. Abont one hundred and twenty of the members and friends of th# Canada Metho- dist Church. Victoria Square, assembled at the residence of Mr. Joseph Perkins. on Monday evening Aug. 27th. with their bas- lteta well ï¬lled. and arranged their tables on the lawn belonging to M r. David Eyer. After partaking of the good things the indies had provided, and spending a most enjoy- able evening. Mr. Lawson, in behalf of the Church, presented Mr. Perkins with a hand- some Walnut Secretary, coalin r menu-eight dollars, accompanied Will] the following Address :â€" SUCCESSFUL ll. PLEASANT TIME. We, the members and attendants of Wesley Church, Victoria. Square, in appreciation of your vnusbla services as Organist of our Church. pra- seni. you with this Secret†a s. small token of our ens-gem and regardtfor your tmusimi erformauces, which have been rendered regu- Miy and cheerfully without remuneration, and often depriving yourself of the rest which over- taxed nature requires, and would have formed a. just excuse for loss faithful services, even if such services were purchased with a. liberal salary. Yet, with a. devotion worthy of the good cause of religion. and the Church, of which you are an honored member, you prefered unrewarded labor ingoqis sexyicefo your owgesse end Apomforh‘ In the morninglin' exciting Football match took place between the married and single men of the village, and when time was called each side had scored one game, after which a Lacrosse match was played between the 2nd twelve of the “Stars†ofMarkham village, and the 20d twelve of the "Young Canadiana.†three straight game: being taken by Richmond Hill Time, let. in 4 minutes; 2nd in lliminutes, and the 3rd in 33 minutes, The silver cup was carried in Che torch light procession at night by two mom- beta of the team. Th8 Band addéd much :6 the pleasure ofthe day by rendering many choice selections of music, and also put the ï¬nishing meo the Procession in the ewening. We will give the particu- lars of the races. em. next. week. We are unable, owing to our going to press early, to give a very full report of the proceedings of Wednesday, snï¬ce it to any, the full program was carried- out, the day being pleasant and enjoyableund a large crowd from neighboring villages and elsewhere bem present 7- .L- __’_-_:_.; _'_ -..-:.:..._ 13-..â€...1) All thanks are due to the Firemen for the success of the day The dis- play by the Brigade reflected great credit upon all parties connected with it, from (he Captain down, the turnout nt‘night being particularly noticeable. We therefore have you will receive this menu» siderable token which we Dreaent to you, not as remuneration hr the services you have done our Church, but as a. souvenir presented by us to van in remombmnno of our admiration of vour musl- cal talents, and unselï¬sh devotion in the cause of our Church. In conclusion, we wish to congratulate you upon a. late, and what we sincerely hope, will you; a hop y event. (we refer to your marriage.) sy you an your esteemed young wife be long “urged to [rowel ll_f_e's_jou~.3_zey _h§rmnnioo§ly Opâ€" {gather} and may Wesley Church long continue to beneï¬ted by gout musical entertainments, and if unrewm-ds here, may you be xecompens- ed in that world when are heard sweeter strains of music than ever mortal heard or mortal mind conceived. Dear friends of the Canaan. Methodist Church, chtorin Square :â€"1 would any in reply to your Very kind and flattering address. th at I am very ha py to welcome you here this evening, and ougy sorry that I am not better able to entertain Ypu- . I heartily thank You got the valuable present which you have brought me this evening, not alone tor its intrinsie worth but more es ecislly because I believe it to be an expression 0 regard and also a. token of appreciation of my services as Organist durin§ the put eleven veers. Believe me, dear friends. have ever considered that one essential part of public worship was the service of song. and I have ever been willing to render what assistance I could, thinking. that as we sang the songs of Zion, We might lead some wmderer in the way to that home above, where they sing to Him that has washed them in His own blood. The hours, therefore, that I have thus agent in our weekl'v pmtice, in preparation for Se. bath worship, have been hours of , . ever ï¬nding the other members of the choir ever ï¬nding the other members of the choir agreeable, faithful and willing in the discharge of their duties, making my burden very light in- deed. I therefore trust. that as we have no oft new! Mother in b no below. we may one day join with the gran congregation of the Redeem-- ed_. and tiger-e sing the _L_anqb £31 113139))! above. In conclusion, 1' would allo heartily thank you for u- kind mention of Mrs. Perkins, and 1, vi you, trust. um our union ma prove a. happy one, and when we are culled he to put, may we agdn moot in heaven, when puma“: unknown. East Riding of York Fall Fair at Mark- ham, Oct. 4th and 51b. West Riding of York and Vaughan Full Fair will be held at \Voodbndge on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. H311: and 17th. Boston is very lively this month. Two Exhibitions are to he held there under the auspices of the New England Manufacturu era and Mechanics Institute, and the Foreign Exhibition Association. The show exclusively of foreign goods will take place in the building of the Massachusetts Charitv able Association, and opening the 3rd of thin month will continue until next March. The space devoted to this display in about, two-thirds as e‘xtenain u that of the Centennial at Philadelphia. Mccregor's Speedy Cure- From the many remlrkuble cures wrought By nine McGrezor'e Speedy Cure lor Dya- psio Indigestion Constipation and Afl'ec- lion oflhe Liver and from the immense ulqof it. without any udverlisin; we haVe concluded to place it extensively on the market so that those who suffer may have a perfect cure. Go lo H Sanderson :1: Sons’ Drug Store anti get a trial bottle free or the regular 517.0 at ï¬fty cents and one dollar. Pickering Agricultural Snciety wfll hold their Fall Fair in Ihe villuge of Brougham, on the 9111 and lOIh of October. Provincial Fnir at Guelph. Sept. 24th to 29th. NorthYork Fall Fair at Newman-RH, Oc'. 2nd and 3rd. Imiuslrial Exhibition at Toronto. Sept 1111; to 22nd. Dominion Exhibition At St. John, N. 13.. Oct. 20d to 5d). OUR CIVIC HOLIDAY. (From an occasional Correspondent.) Presentatlon. Fall Fairs. REPLY. PARTIES indebted to this oï¬ice will kindly oblige by settling. Mn Anlu'rloNG, manager ofthe York Farmn' Colonization Company, left Toronto on Tuesdny last, with Mr 8 James, D L S. to lay out York City, on the Whim Smd River. RETUBNlb.-â€"M . Tufy. Esq.. reâ€" turned on Monday last from his trip on the Muskaka lakes, which it is needless 10m he‘ajoyd very much. It seem to have agreed lid! bin, {a ha is look- ing Well and hearty. FINE APPEARANCEâ€"«T, K. Falcon“ bridge, Esq, has greatly added to the appearance of his shop by putting in new glass and sashes. Messrs Sheath & Grenv nan haVe now a good front, four good size pane of glass in each window doing the duty of thirty-six in each frame mdpr the old style of doing things. They do not intend to hide their light under a bushel. WE ARE always glad to remain: aflyl INVALUAB'I‘IErh-To coal purc’l‘msers l'oca] items of news from any of our it is oftentimes a puzzling question to friends. . determine whether the requisite amount . V I . of coal has been delivered. There is a: HGENTfLEMEN I 601331th “sag 09:: simple rate For determining the quantity & gggngnwm new 4‘ m- m of coal in a bin, shed or box, which is [inValuable in settTiug this vex'ed question THE REGULAR practice and meeting ' A: ton of coal contains from thirty-sever? of the Fire Brigade Will be hold on Friâ€" :0 Forty-one cubic feet of hard can], nc~ day evening next, 7th inst. loording to its condition, as to site, . Ielewmneaa and dryness. Clean. dry nut. mm mm 3†Books of sehml Md. ' coal ‘od‘ght to contain thirty -SeVen, cuï¬td er: also 1st and 2nd parts of the ï¬'ut f . ' cet to the ton ; while coarse; range or books, for sale at the lian Store. legs can]. "in mum“ nearly “my or Housnxupms I Go to {he Chcnp‘hore. If there is a good deal of dirt in Cash House for Fruit Jars and Preserv- Yam eual, and it is wet, it will weigh iug Sugars.--Sneath & (human {more pai- cubic i601: than cie‘an and dry REV. J H Sum, of Newmarkot, with his lady, passed through the villagc on TMIday......Mr McGregor, "pro-entâ€" ing Messrs. McGregnr 83 Parke, Hamil- ton, culled on us on Tuesday. WE have to acknowledge receipt of the New York†Daily Sun. InnovaP‘Capuin McConuefl In brightening up his premises by gfliï¬y his house a cost of whim plint. More power to 11in elbow. FALL Gownâ€"The Fire Proof Store is receiving new lull goods daily, Sun- days excepted, comprising new tweeds, new prints, new dress goods, new cottons, 8m. &c.. which are all ï¬rst-class and cheap. Groceries. hardware and crockâ€" ery,n large anomneut. See new ad- vertiaement. THE LAST on THE SEASONâ€"Thai members of the Teston Cornet Band in‘ tend holding their grand annual Harvest Home and Monster Picnic in the beauâ€"' tiful and picturesque grove of Mr. Isaac Murray, on the afternoon of Friday. Sept. 7. 1883 The grove is in a splen- did locality, and weil adapted for Picâ€" nics, as Mr. Murray, with the assistance of In nature, has made it one of the prettiest and most picturesque to be found in the West. Riding of York The Teston Band has met with such success on former occasions, and as they are not ed for supplying the public‘ with an abundance of luxuries, this Pic-nic. no doubt, will be up to the average. Games such as Quoiting, Jumping, Running, etc., will take place, for which liberal" prizes will be awarded A large platform i will be erected. and an excellent Quaâ€"l drille Band engaged for the occasion. A big time may be expected, as the com- mittee are sparing no pains to make this the "Boss event of the season.†Dinner served from 2' to 4, p. m. The public are cordially invited to attend. Tickets, including dinner and platform,- 25 cents ; children 15 cents, Lonamâ€"Tï¬e regular manthi‘ incu- ingrof Logga. A. F" A M., will be held OI Moudiiy evening 10th inst, at 8 p; m. 01M†Farmâ€"The minutth Cattle 9353;, held an Wedneaday Int, Ill not vary lagon nth-dad, and the stock of mint}! Vin-mall. WE are verv {ï¬nd to understand that our esteemed friend. Mr James Munn, of St Paul's Ward,‘ Toronto, is greatly improving his premises by putting in new fronts. Business must. be highly flattering in old Yorkville to insure such a departure. Goon STYLE.-â€"We have received a clvpy of the prize 1list of the East Riding of York and Markham Agricultural Societies’ annual Exhibition The list centaina some thirty two pages, and is got up in good style by Corsou &4Son 0f the Economist nï¬ice. The Exhibition takes place at Markham on Thursday and Friday, October 4th and 5th. AN INTERESTING Mannaâ€"Dr. Oldright chairman of the Provincial Board of Health, attended the Council meeting on Monday night and addressed them and a large number of ratepayers at some length upon the sanitary conâ€" dition of the village. It appears some complaints had been made in regard to the state of certain parts of the village not being properly looked after from a sanitary point of view. Hence the cause of the Doctor’s paying us a visit. The meeting was ofa. very interesting nature. A Byâ€"law was recommended to be passed to meet the object of the vrsit cf the Doctor Whether or not the mere passing of the By law will have the desired effect remains to be seen. Dnsnvcnvz ANIMAL.-â€"â€"Mr. R. Marsh caught in one of his wheat ï¬elds the other day, a ground Squi‘nol. havv ing in its mouth 29-1 grains of wheat. Itvis astonishing the amount of damage a h’nle animal like this is capable of per forming. CHANGE or FIRM.-â€"-We understand the ï¬rm of Barber & Ellis paper and envelope manufacturers of Toronto, re- cently underwent a change being now known as the Barber & Ellis Company. We have had considerable dealing with the ï¬rm during the past. seven years, and can cheerfully bear testimony to its upé rightness and thorough business manage- ment. On Monday of last. week, the employees and their friends, amounting to several hundreds, held their annual excursion and pie-nic to Youngstown, LOCAL ITEMS. Gents’ Furnishings! A quantity of see} wheat for sale. See advertisement. A small leather satchel found. See advertisement. Mrs. A. Russell and Mrs. Lunny of Port Arthur- are :11. snubs of Mrs. Bernard. mach“ 11.11.01 02mm. in making a. short vlnit with friends in this village. Mr. 8. Savage. of M i1waukee,Wis., arrived home on Tnoadny In.“ for a. short visit with his parents Ind friends M: Patterson. Mr. Ju. Reynold: arrived in town on Wednes- dny In: from St. Thomas. . Xr. Thou. Newton. 018:. Thomas, is spending I. few days here. Mics Scott, of Ban-1min visiting Mend! in this villngo and neighborhood. Mrs. Dicker, of Aurora. and Miss Schoï¬eld, of Toronto, are visiting Mrs. John Palmnr. in this The following copy of a minute of the Department of Education, dated Sept. 4th. we take from to-day’e (Thurs- day's) Globe :â€""Upon consideration of a report of' the Hon A S Hardy, Acting Minister of Education. dated August 30th, the Department of Education doth hereby order that the ‘Royal Reader’ seriesvoi readers be adopted by the De- partment for use in the Normal and Model Schools at Toronto and Ottawa, and in those of the Provincial Institu- tions in whole or in port educational in their character in which school readers are used. Honours Ont-rum Am: Pqu-T-Slffl ly and Securelyâ€"When the novel-hie: of winter hm yielded to the genial nprin‘, in- nliï¬â€™s tshptfld nuke I determined effort tO' reg-in their lost hellth : 'when through con: ï¬nemont indoorl. want of appetite, and dia--’ turï¬ed steep; m entire system has been weakened; end the lpil'ils have been broken dorm. Holloway'a remedifl are equal to the ooeuion The Oirit'ment rubbed over the region: oflhe stomach and liver, aided by flu interns] adminigtntion of ht: hug, will rectify the digestion, regal“: the bile. Illd purify the bloodâ€"three sanitary actions which will speedin confer renewed vigor, brace up the failing met-vet,- conï¬rm the flaccid mmclee. and restore to the ailing cheerfulneu, the greet charm of existence. Hm Stevenson. of Toronto. is waiting Mrs. P 6. Savage. in this village. Mr. T. F. McMahon. Principal of our Public Schools, returned from Winnipeg and other parts of the Northwest, last wnek. where he has been spending most. of his holidays. Best Value in Teas, Coffees. Sugars, Currants, Raisins; Spices,- Peels, Canned 8L Packaged Goods, Crockery, &c., 81::- QI}, A Call Respect-fully Sol'icited'. NO TROUBLE 'ro snow Goons , Farm Produce Taken in Exchange. EHEAP, & NEW & SEASONABLE GOODS, We would call attention to the following lines :â€" Fancy Dress Goods, Biack &. Colored Cashmeres, Prints, (In the New Fall Patterns) Shirtings, Ducks and Denims, ~ Grey Cotfons at 5, 7, 8 8L 9 cfs. Corsets, Crinolines, 8m, &c., &c, GHEAP OASH HflllSE ! Brought fo Cash in the Best Markets, and will give our Castomers every Advantage of the PIesent Low Prices. 0111' Stock win be found We beg leave to inform our friends and the public gener‘ ally of Richmond Hill and vicinity, that we have purchased the Stock and Good Will of the Business formerly carried 'on by MR. JAMES REYNOLDS, and have added largely to the Stock With SNEATH 8c GRENNAN, 06â€CLOTHING~,=§JI3 LOCAL ITEMS. GROOERIES! CHANGE OF BUSINESS. Hats, Shirts, Ties. Ordered and Ready-Made PERSONALS. (Bargains on‘ Old» Stock.) The ihland‘ revenue 199wa Mr the tricl of Torohlo for Aï¬gun amonm to $73.- 629‘. August of Ian! year 882,244 or de-‘ crease’ of 89,214: It is reported aroumi police headquarters; Toronto that J T Nude“ clerk at. the police' court is to swim the whirlpool.- The most miserable mortar in exme'nce‘ is probably the conï¬rmed dyspeptic. Bur-1‘ dock BIOOd Bitters cure D'yipe'piia and 311’ diseases of the Stomach. Blood, Liver and‘ Kidneys. Do not mm our word simply, but addreSs the proprietors for proof. A «We disease termé‘d’ tï¬b Moody mine" has broker‘roul on a farm near Newbnrg U. S. bum‘ing tï¬Ã© «Eons of Veterinary Int" geons. Barley Outs, Peas Rye Six Irisï¬hï¬â€˜Ã©â€˜n sdï¬pecl'ed‘ of having been‘ connected with the dynamite attempts In: Jnnual‘y when the lh‘rgest gasometer in‘ Glasgow was blown 11p and qther property d‘es‘t‘royed, Were arrested Friday? night. Richmond mu; Sept. «15,1385: The Executive'Cpmmittee'of t’He‘ Inter-I nnritnnal Fisheries Exhibition have sent a circular to British' seaports recommending that the United States method‘ e!‘ wetting mackerel and hartings‘b'e diam: in a pmc“ tic-l manner. large rout tub ery.... Eggs, fresh, doz Potatoes, per bbl Anpies per barrel .‘ Omons, per bag .. Cabbage, per doz... Celery, per do: Turnips, per bag . Carrots, per do Beets,per bag .. I’m-snip», per bag Hay per.ton.....m.. Stmw per, ton. Wool var 1b.. E Han Seed Wheat for Sale In J . E. Lungu‘ at». . on Lot No. 36; 130 Can. Mark am. Markham, Sept. Wu, 1883. 11K Contnlninga. small amount of money. The' owner can have the name by applying at the‘ St re of . _ , . ° 5. Hobbit.- SMALL LEAT H ER. SATGH‘ELr DUNCAN‘POn Bunduy, suit-2nd, on the 3rd Goï¬l: of West York. Sarah Mullhdlllnd, wife ot‘~ Wm. Duncan. J.P., in the 78rd yam- of her ago. ~ The funeral took place on Tuesda. Inna w Mount Pleasant Cemetery. and was mantle guy I. large number of narrowing friends and 11919.qu SEED WHEN! F01! SALE i Betwgn Wright's Carriage Work: and Elgiiz’ lll;-on or about the 24th August. a, Interesting Items. FOUND! gm gavettismmm THE MARKETS TORON'F()- RICHMOND HILL: .ID’EATH s 1 03 91 1a; . l 10' 1 19' 0 60 0 65‘ . .'. 42 oo .. 66 1o