Connecticut wiihin the past (our years has had no fewer than four murders of young women, under mysterious circum- stunoee, stud in no case have the murderers been brought to justice. They are so notorious an scarcely to need mentioning : That of Mary Stannard, of whose murder the Rev. Hayden was acquitted ; of Jennie Cramer, last seen with the Malley boys; oi a. beautiful New Haven girl, Phoebe Brush, found dead in a. bar-room a. few weeks ngo near Stratford, Whose diamonde were after- wards discovered in the hands of persons not her relatives, but the inquiry into which was satisï¬ed with a. certiï¬cate of death from a medical examiner and without 8: coroner's in nest; and ï¬nally the recent murder of one Ambler, as has been shown, which is even more mysterious than any preceding it. Rose Ambler was the pretty daughter of a. thrifty ï¬sherman named Clark, and mar- ried, a year or two since, to Norman Ambler « erweak, but not essentially vicious Character, addicted to much spreeing. and tho frequenting of a. prize-tightens saloon. He raised vcg>:tabies for the neighboring towns and cities, and employed William LGWis as an assistant. Lewis was sober, industrious, thrifty ; end while his employer wasted his time louï¬ug and drinking, henot only made and saved money for himself, but made love to, and was loved by, the neglected and naturally indifferent Wife. The consequence of which was the dismis- sal of Lewis, the departure of Ambler‘e wife for her father‘s home, her divorce, Lewie’ successful employment elsewhere, Ambler's total failure and disappearance from the town, and the expected marriage of Lewis and Rose Ambler. A week ago Sunday night these two stood talking near the house of Lewis’ employer. Lewis arose every morning at 2 o’clock to prepare for market, and had to retire early. 80 Rose declined his escort home, and in ten minutes Lewis, according to the testi- mony of his employer's family was in bed and asleep. There is no proof that he went out of the house again until early next morning. At 8 or 9 o‘clock next morning two boys found Rose’s dead body near an adjoining house, the people of Which had‘ been awakened at midnight by ascream which they mistook for the screeching of owls. Suspicion was at once turned toward her divorced husband, Ambler, who had frequently declared that Lewis should never marry Rose. Aiter three or four days he was found at atown twenty miles away, where he had been living for some time. He easly proved, however, that he was not in or near Stra’iford on that Sunday night. A colored rowdy and a village rough were alto connected, but no evidence justiï¬ed them being held. Where the body was ï¬rst found there were no signs of a struggle ; even the tall grass in which she lay was not trampled down. It is believed that she was bent backward across the stone wall near by, and strangled to death. As soon as the discovery was made known the whole village came troop. ing to see the body. The ground, the grass, the underbrush and highway were trodden and tracked in every direction, eï¬acing every trace and vestige of evidence servmg to point to the guilty party. The authorities mowd slowly; With provoking 'delay the selectmen offered $5300 reward. The greatest efforts were made to conceal everything by taking testimony in secrecy. The unsuccessful detectives 1n the Hayden case were employed, the services of the reporters were repudiated and apparently nothing done and everything omitted likely to throw light upon the midnight murder. 0f the ï¬ve persons thus far suspected every one Emma to have satisï¬ed the Con- necticut; awhonties that at the time the murder must have been commuted hacould not possibly have been at the place where Rose Ambler was killed. Up to this time the detectives appear to have been thoroughly buï¬led. Perhapsthe increased reward of $1,000 may stimulate their faculties and lead to some real discovery pomtivg to the perpetrator of this remarkable mun-fer. It is emphati- cally a. case, however, in which the lapse of time vastly augment-s the difï¬culty of detention. any preceding ib. The immediate result. of the testimony given at the inquest on the body of the murdered women Rose Ambler, at. Bridges port, Conn., is to strengthen the pre- sumption that has been constantly growing against ‘Villiam Lewis, the man who seems to have been un- willingly engsged to Rose Ambler, and who was responsible for her divorce from her husband, Norman Ambler. Unfortunately for Lewis, much of his conduct since the murder indicates a. degree of natural brutality, if not moral 9allousnees,thet is not inconsistent with the theory of his perpetrstion of an awful crime, ’ 'I‘he Sarnia Canadian says : Francis Holt, a farmer on the lake shore, Semis. Township, sends us the following account of how he managed to deal with stumps by means of dynamite cartridges: “ I com- menced on Thursday last“ and in four hours had blown fortyone stumps out, i about the average of from 15 to 30 inches‘ across the stumps. The timber had been 1 cut off them two years. One was an elm‘ tree, about two feet through, and about forty feet high, that it blew out and splint- ered into rails. I insert about a. foot of fuse in a. cap, and then insert the cap in the cartridge. making a. hole with a. gouge under the stump about two inches wide; I put the cartridge in the hole and about 9. ehov'el full of dirt, then set ï¬re to the fuse and run away about one hundred yards. In a. few seconds it goes cff with 8. report like a. cannon and shatters the stumps into stove wood.†Tr} m if)". tires-“1:1: Ebro 1;.er uhm‘iuts‘zy no ciues 30 mm m "'1‘":- 05 }.i.una;Aaxx . who am- ‘Lo hair :- m'a meet rcmirt: and mysterious manner near Bridgeport, Conn, At the inquest yesterday on expert miotoéuopist testiï¬ed that the examingyion of pazï¬oles found under the dead girl’s ï¬nger nails showed the traces of the skin of». run-Qurned person, not a negro. The examination of the body. indicated an attfmptodoqtmge. _. H ~ “ -‘ The ï¬rst notable event in the career of Mr. Shapiro, the inventor of the " Moshite" sheepskin deoelogue, was his great discov- ery of Samson’s cnï¬in. “A few years ago,†says the PallMallGazcttc, “ he made his appearance in London with this venera- ble relic of the period of the judges, which he endeavored to persuade the authorities of the Pales- tine exploration fund to purchase. The genuineness of the article was vouched for by the name of “ 88. on " legibly in- scribed on the wood in eic oharaetere. Mr. Besant consulted D eubauer as to the probable date of the inscription, and it was only when the Oxford savant pointed out that the Philietines had unaccountably miespelt the name of the Hebrew hero that Mr. Shapiro and the eoï¬â€˜in simultaneously The“, The Earl and Countess of Carnarvon arrived at Kingston on Saturday afternoon and were taken on‘ a. trip on the steamer Marquis of Lorne. They landed on their return at Sir Richard Cartwright’a country residence, “ The Maples,†and remained there until Monday. disappeired." ACinoinnnï¬i man was taken sick after eating thirteen ears of com. This sort 0! earâ€"ache occurs only in the summer. Extracting Slump: \Vilh D1namite. WRAPT IN MYSTERY. Slmpiln‘s Swindlem“ Ending 0;" :v‘ '1' l’rv‘.1y \\"o:m;u-. A St. Johns (Nfld.) despatoh says : The United States Greeley relief steamship Yantic has just anchored. The tidings am lamentable. No word was received from Greeley or any of his party. The steamer Proteus was crushed in an ice ï¬ne at the entrance to Smith‘s Sound on July 23rd. Capt. Pike, his crew, and the scientiï¬c party are passengers by the Yantic. The ï¬rst liltima.LlO-.l of the Proteus disaster was found on August 3rd at Littieton Island by the Yantic. Garlington left a record there when coming south, describing the shipwreck and indicating the movements of the ship's company. Search was insti tilted on the 4th along the Greenland coast, from Cape Alexander to Cape Robertson. Every point likely to bring up the retreat- ing party was searched till September 2nd, when Upernavik was reached“, and the whole of the Proteus party found. They had been exposed for thirty-one days and nights in boats, making some stoppages at intermediate harbors. The Proteus was crushed in afloe of ice at ‘3 o’clock on the evening of the 23rd of July and sank within four hours. There was sufï¬cient time to save clothing, provisions, a compass, and other nicessaries. On the 25th, the boats being equipped, a start was made. The disaster occurred eight miles north by northwest of Cape Sabine. Over six hundred miles of ice and frigid sea were passed before Upernavik was reached. The most un-‘ fortunate feature of the expedition was that no provisions were landed. All the stores intended for the Arctic colony went : down in the steamer. While the Yantic was at anchor in Danish Harbor on the 12th of August the Governor came on board. He reported that the Danish steamer Sophia had arrived from a harbor thirty miles north of Cape York, and the captain had stated that a native Esqui- maux told him that two natives who were with the Greeley expedition had arrived there on sledges last winter. and reported v the party all well ex- oapting' Dr. Pavy, who had died. These natives went back to Lady Franklin Bay. Another Esquimaux from Greeley Camp reported that all the ofï¬cï¬s had been murdered by the men. Neither of these reports are considered reliable, as the fondness of the Esquimaux for lying and sonsationalism places them in the category of ï¬ction. Captain Sink says that as far north as Cape Sabine there was no trace of Greeley or his party, and his failure to come south to Littleton Island to meet the relief steamers this summer evokes grave apprehensions as to their fate. The Proteus was retreating home when the icevnip overwhelmed her. She got barely ï¬fteen miles north of the scene of the shipwreck. The prospects of the Greeley colony encountering a fourth winter beneath the Arctidcircle are mourn- ful to contemplate. Henry Wilson, gunner‘s mate of the Yanuc, died of apoplexy during the voyage. The New York. Tribune’s account of the loss 0! the Proteus says that while she was endeavoring to force her way through to clear water she was caught between two immense floes ; those pressing on both sides quickly crushed her. rllhe hold ï¬lled with water, and it was soon eviclent that no efforts would avail to keep her from sink- ing. Hatches’were broken open and all hands set to work throwing clothing, pro- visions and other stores onAtheioe. The greater part of the cargo which was thus unloaded fell into the water and was lost, but enough was saved to ensure the com- fort of the party during the retreat, and also to make a not inconsiderable cache for the Greeley party, should it, as now Seemed inevitable, be forced to make its own way southward. All goods placed in the cache were rendered 8:3 secure as pos- sible, and the spot marked so as to be readily discovered. The Acting Chief Signal Ofï¬cer at Wash- ington says that everything possible will be done to relieve Greeley’s party, it there is noground for hoping that Garliugton landed any of his stores on Littleton Island. If he had done so his party after being wrecked would have wmtered there. Greeley had supplies sufï¬cient to maintain his party until next spring, but the great misfortune was the failure to provide supplies for him at Littleton Island Under his instructions Greeley would break camp in the latter end of September, and endeavor to make his way to Littleton Island, where he would count on ï¬nding stores. At several stations on the way he would ï¬nd supplies and boats tor use where open sheets of water were to be crossed. II he found no supplies at Littleton Island his situation will be critical. He might be able to send back sledging parties to pick up provisions deposited along the route, especi- ally a two months’ supply left by the Nores expedition at Cape Hawkes, and in this way maintain his party until relief would be sent. He thought that a sledging party despatohed from Upernavik might reach Greeley at Littleton Island it he got there before his supplies failed. Two days ego the Topsham Horticultu- rsl & Cottage Garden Society held its annual exhibition at The Retreat. near Exeter. One of the tents was occupied by the Devon & Exeter Beekeepers’ Assooiw tion, and among its exhibits was one which excited a. very great deal of interest. This was a. case containing several thousand desd drones, which had lost their lives in a. sangu- inary battle a. few days previously. A well- known spiurian was visiting a. friend’s house a. few ole}, s previously, and on com- ing to one of the bee hives it was found that there was 8. great uproar inside. Glos- er inspection showed the ground below the hive to be covered with several hundred deed drones, and hosts of them were still being brought to the entrance and bundled ‘ out by the workersâ€"generally by being seized behind the head and dragged along to the amt, where as a kind of farewell a. sting was given to them brim- instion of the slain revealed the {set that they had been severely handled ; many were headless, others had lost legs or Wings or both. and all bore evidence of rough usage. That the bees were very much the superior force was shown by the fact that only about ï¬fty of them had fallen in the frayâ€"a. remarkable dispropor- tion to the number slain of the enemy. The battle had raged from about 7 in the morning to the some hour in the evening. and seemed only to end with the utter en- nihilstion of the drones.â€"St.Jamea’ Gazette. Auothnr Unsuccessful Voyage of Discovery. No sue Hielmnt. ~5ceneâ€"Publio house : Tonalt and Tougal are “ liquoring.†Tonalt (smacking his lips)â€"“Hoch, Tougal, what could be as patter as a. glass 0’ whlskey an’ watter, Whatefler 2†Tougal thoughtfully, “ two glean o' whiskey. and no nae waï¬ter.†Extraordinary Battle Among Bees. THE ARCTIC EXPEDITION. The Position at the Europeans In the [Hundred Cityâ€"Bevolion ol Chin-so Sen-venue. A Hang-Kong cablegram seys: Tuesday was a day of great anxiety. A furious mob surrounded the foreign quarters of the town, bowling and threatening the destruc- tlon of all within it. The Chinese troops were by no means to be depended on, and had the mob attacked the settlement it would probably have been altogether destroyed. A typhoon which raged on Tuesday morning hindered the arrival of the gunboats, which did not anchor off the settlement until midnight. Their coming at once restored conï¬dence. At present the residents have all returned to their houses, and a thousand Chinese troops are encamped in the foreign quarters. There is still great excitement in Canton. Pla- cards are posted on the walls applauding the action of the people in attacking the settlement, and calling upon them next time to destroy the European devils as well as their property. ~The Chinese are awaiting the result of the trial of Hagar, the tidewaiter, accused of having shot down some natives in a quarrel some time ogo. If he is acquitted a mob is by no means improbable. As the evidence against him is weak, further trouble is ex- pected. The Consuls all admit that the situation is very serious and that the future of the European colony is gloomy in the ex« treme. It is now almost an open war between them and the populace of Canton, and it will be necessary to have ships of war hero for their protection for a long time to come. The Chinese servants in the foreign concession behavsd admirably, showing the greatest devotion. They saved much property at the risk of their lives. Three Chinese were captured while engaged in the work of plundering, and they. together with the Portuguese who was the immediate cause of the outbreak, are in custody in the prison of the British con- sulate. The Distinguished Visitors Who Have Now Arrived in This Country. A despatch from New York says: Last (Wednesday) night the Earl and Countess of R-ieebory arrived by the steamer Pavonia from Liverpool. Archibald Phslip Primrose, the ï¬fth Earl of Rosebery, suc- ceeded his grandfather, the fourth Earl of Rosebery, who died March 4th, 1868. He was born in London, May 7th, 1847. His Mather, Archibald, Lord Dalmeney, died 1 January 23rd, 1868, while the present Earl ’ was yet a child. The young Earl received his early education at Eton, and later iwent to Christ Church, Oxford. In the ’House of Lords he took a prominent part in the debates on the Liberal side. His ï¬rst public'spcaeh was made in 1871 at the opening of Parliament. Mr. Glad- stone chose him to second the address in reply to the speech from the throne. In 1878 he was elected Lord Rector of the University of Aberdeen, and in 1880 he was similarly honored by the University of Edinburgh. In the fol- lowing year he was appointed Under Secre. tary for the Home Department, which oflicc he resigned last June. He married, May 20th, 1878, Miss Hannah Rothschild, the only daughter of his old friend, Baron Meyer de Rothschild. Two girls‘ and a boy are the fruit of this union. He , has given great attention to the turf, and 3 his stable, which is a ï¬ne one, has been, fairly successful. Lady Rosebery was the 1 only daughter and sole heiress of the late} Baron Meyer 69 Rothschild. In 1874 she} assumed control of the vast property that , came to her at her father’s death. She: inherited the keen business nature ofi her father, as she showed by her solo and competent management of her‘ estate. On March 20th, 1878, she was: married to Lord Rosebery. There were 3 two ceremonies performed ; ï¬rst, the civil 1 union and then the solemnlzation aocord- ; ing to the Protestant Episcopal ritual; In i fact,a third ceremony was really per-i formed, for, when the Earl. brought his‘ fair bride to Dalmeny, his Scottish estate, his housekeeper broke an oatmeal bannock over the lady‘s head. This ceremony was held in 1851 by Lord Chancellor Cranwort to constitute a legal marriage in Scotland. Celebration at the Great Reformer-’9‘ Blrlhdny. A Wittenberg csblegrem says: Dela-1 gates from England, Scotland and Ireland ‘ to attend the celebration to-dey of the (lustre-centenary of Martin Luther have arrived. The celebration was a great suc- cess. Colossal hosts of Luther and Melancthon had been placed on the balcony of the Town Hall and on stands throughout the city. Portraits of Luther and mottoes from his sayings and writings were dis- played at many windows. The number of visitors is estimated at 50,000. The Crown Prince, with Prince Albeoht and Von Goss- ler, Minister of Ecclesiastical Affairs, at tended divine service at the Stadt Kirohe, when over 1,000 clergymen ï¬lled the church. Superintendent General Chultz. delivered the festival sermon. The party then‘prooeeded to Schloss Kirche, where the Crown Prince placed a splendid laurel wreath upon Luther’s grave. Along precession marched to Luther's house, where the Crown Prince, in a large hell. formerly Luther’s lecture room, declared the Luther Hell open. In an address the Crown Prince said: “May this festival serve as a. holy exhortntion to uphold the great beneï¬ts of the Reformation, and strengthen our resolution to be ready always to defend the evangelical creed of liberty of conscienee and religious tolera- tion. May Luther’s anniversary help to strengthen Protestant feeling and preserve the German evangelical Church from dis- union, and lay the foundation of everlnst ‘ ing peace," Lectures on Luther’s life and work were delivered this afternoon. The evening was devoted to banquets and fes- tive gatherings. ' RiCHMOND I HILL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 71:27, 81,883, THE little village of Cormeilles-en-Peris, so well known to every beetmen on the Seine, is the birthplace of Daguerre, the father oflphotogmphy. Daguerre’s memory has hitherto been honored only by an in- scription on the house where he was born. Quite recentlys subscription was opened for erecting a. monument to his memory. Small sums were collected from all parts of Europe and America. and a. bronze bust of Daguerre has been unveiled. Deguerre was born in 1787 and lived in Cormeilles until he was 12 years old. He left no family. Women are more economical than men. You never catch a. man saving the comb- ing: from hxs hair to make a switch with. THE LUTHER ANNIVERSARY. THE CANTON RIDT. [MED AND LADY ROSEBERY. †A blue; bonnet is suit-able Ody to a. fair or light red complexion. nor can it be allied to such a; have a. light tint of orange- brown. When it suits & brunelste it may be advantageously trimmed with yellow or orange._ V « 7“7 11:7 is the same with bonnets of a. broken orange, for which blue trimmings are very suitable. r “A iiolet bonnet; is†unsuitable to every obmplexion, unless we interpose the hair and yellow trimmings between it and the skin. ‘4 “ A yellow bonnet. suite a. brunette very well, and receives advantageously violet or blue trimmings ; the hair must always interpoae between the complexion and the headâ€"dress. 7 “A green bonnet suits fair and light may complexiona ; pink, red or white flowers are t9 he pgeierrgd: “Whenever the color chosen for the bonnet does not realize the desired object, evan when the complexion is separated from the head-dress by large masses of hair, it is advantageous to place between the latter and the bonnet certain accesso- ries, such as ribbons, wreaths or detached flowers, of a. color complementary to that of the bonnet; the same color should also be placed on the out ide of the bonnet." Fashions in [lend Gear. A round ham with a. stiff high crown and straight brim will also be a. leading feature in winter millinery. Derbya and turbans are still retained, because they are so con- venient; and often becoming to faces that are difï¬cult to suit. “ A white bonnet gives rise to the same remarks as were made ooncerningits use for the blonde type, except that for brunettes preference should be given to trimmings of red, pink, orange and yellow. rather then blue. Bonnets of pink,red and cerise are suitable for brunettes when the hair separates the bonnet as much as possible from the complexion. With the red bonnet Whiï¬e feathers accord very well; with the pink, white flowers with abund- ance of leaves are effective. “ A light. or deep red can only be recom- mended to diminish too warm 3. tint in the complexion. Never admit orange or yellow bonnets ; not violet, it avoidable. †For the type with black hair : “ A blank bonnet does not contrast 30 well With the black-haired type as with the light, yet is may produce a good effect, and receive with advantage trimming of white, red, pink, orange and yellow. We are all sad to learn that the pretty soft; pluehes, which in the past have made our many plam faces look pretty, are to be tabooed; not remaining admiasable for trimmings-even. 7 SmallRuud bonuets of the uoronet style, modiï¬ed to suit taste and style of wearer, will by populair. “ A pink bonnet must not be too close to the skin; and if it is found that the hair does not produce sufï¬cient separation, the distance from the bonnet may be increased by White or, preferably, by green. Awreath of white flowers amid their leaves has a good effect. “ A green bonnet is advantageoua to fair and may complexions. It may be trimmed with white flawera, but preferably with pink. Jockey-cap bonnebe, also, will ï¬nd favor with the young. They are shaped much like the cap itself, but are turned‘ out in the back to ï¬t over the knot of hair. “ A light blue bonnet is very su‘table for the lightAhaired type; it may be trimmed With White flowers, and, in many cases. with yellow and orange, but not with pink or violet flowers. Férlré Eats ï¬ixdia. noval trimming in dress cloth, of light ï¬ne quality and without luahre,whioh has the appearance of felt itself. The Art Amateur gives the following sug- gestions upon bonnets as suited to differ- ent oomplexions : †With respect to the fair-haired ty yo, 3. black bonnet with white feathers and white, pink or red flowers is euited to a fair complexion. A lustreless white bonnet does not suit a. fair and rosy complexion. bui bounete of lace, muslin or Grape suit all complexione. A white bon- net may be trimmed with white, pink or, preferably, with blue flowers. Old styles revived are cloth bonnets to match cloth dresses and the basket bonneta composed of strips of cloth and chenille plaibed together. The lanesu example is the “ Lillian Russell Poke," abonuet patterned evidently after the milkmaid bonnet the actress whose name it bears wore during her performances in “ Patience.†Feathers of all sorts‘ and kinds will be worn this autumn; flowers will be seen, too, but no one bonnet will snow a. com- bination of these trimmings ; it will be all feathers or all flowers. Milliuers will employ a. great deal of lace. There are already on exhibition for autumn wear velvet bonnets overlaid with ï¬célle lace in open patterns. Tinsel and colored laces will ï¬gure conspicuously on bonnets. Spanish laces this season show ï¬gures in velvet that give 9. rich and pleas- ing eï¬ect. Laces, used both on bonnets and dresses, are of silver net, with beads of silver wrought in them. Other Fashion Notes‘ The soft, loose curls known 9.3 the Lung- try curls are still the fashionable bangs. Some Useiul Recipes and Other Hints to Housekeepers. HINT5§ A8 TO READ- 'GEAR- Large buttons W111 be used again on the rich and heavy winter costumes. What Will be Worn the Conning Season. Gold thistlea in dull shades are used in clusters on the new small bonueta. Tan-colored gloves in the light and dark shades remain the fashionable gloves for street and full-dreas‘aocasions. Dull silver and black is {me (if the fash- ionable combinations for bats and bonnets. and for dresses as well. Red mutants 01' strawberries in clusters are worn eflectively with evening dresses of black lace or 1211110. New brocades show sheaves of wheat and clusters of lilacs of the same shade as the grounding. F&shion highly favors plaid skirts and dark jerseys for ohlldren and young ladies allke. Immense velvet and satin flowers are among the novelties for house decoration. THE DOMESTIG GIRGLE. Suggestions on Bonnets. (Compiled by Aunt Kate.) 0id Styles Revived. mi It is not a good plan to have the white lawn and cembric dreeeee “done up,†as the phrase is, to lay away for the winter, for the expectation that they will look fresh and be ready for immediate wear in the Ipring will be disappointed. Of course they should not be put away dirty, but the Marching and ironing may well be left till spring; only common oeliooea should be stumbled and ironed before pecking away Chili Sauceâ€"Ten ripe tomatoes, eight green peppers, six onions, one tablespoon- ful of salt. half a. cupful of sugar, one quart of vinegar; chop onioxm. peppers and tomatoes very ï¬ne, and boil all together for two hours. If a. larger quantity is needed, double the proportions. For a. Bruise.â€"â€"-To prevents the skin from discoloring after a. blow or fall, take a little dry starch or arrowrooh and merely momten it with cold water and lay it on the injured part. This must be done imme- diately, so as to pravenh tha action of the air upon the skin. However, it: may be applied some hours afterward with eï¬ecb. Short Pasteâ€"Take six ounces of flour; three ounces of butter; rub the butter lightly in the flour ; then add a. teespoonful of caster sugar; mix these well in. and make ahole in the centre, and put in the yolk of an egg, and six drops of lemon juice ; then takea. spoon and mix with suf- ï¬cient cold water to make it into a paste ; roll it, and fold in three ; turn it and roll again; when it is ready for use. This pantry is for fruit tarts, and it short pastry is required for meat pies, leave out the sugar. Poor Man’s Calmâ€"One leap of sugar, one cup of sour cream, one-half cup of butter, one egg, hali-teaspoouful of soda, one-halt nubmeg.grated ï¬ne ; flour enough to make a. stiff batter. Bake in aalow oven. Tomato Soup.â€"-A delicious tomato soup is made by trying some bits of beef and bum in a saucepan with a lump of butter and a. small onion sliced. Take a quart can of tomatoes. or a. dozen fresh ones (medium or small sized), add :1 coffee cup of stock and then put the meat in with it and boil; season with pepper and salt. This may be strained or not; of course it is In better taste ho strain in ; if the Hon; seems too thin after it, is strained, put it. back on the stove, add a tsblespoonful of flour rubbed smooth in cold water, and let the soup simmer gennly for half an hour. Moths can be successfully removed from carpets in the following manner: Wring a. coarse towel out of clear water. spread it smoothly on the carpet, iron it dry with a. good hot iron. repeating the opera- tion wherever the moths are eupposed to be. No need to press hard, and the ply or color of the carpet will not be injured, as the moths are destroyed by the heat and steam. Hints for seamstressea.~â€"It will rest you wonderfully to change your seat in the room ooonsionully it you have a. long day‘s sew- ing to do. "Nothing is better for whitening gar- ments, particularly those that have become yellow from being laid aside for several months, than a. teaspoonful of bomx dis- solved in the rinsing water. Sponges are improved by baing soaked in cold buttermilk. Tough mam; may be made as tender as any by the addition of a. little vinegar to t-he water when it is put on to boil. Bread or éake mus‘; be thoroughly cooled before bemgput in a box or jar. If not, the steam will cause them to mould quicklx. For Ro'ugh or Chapped Hands,;Thrt;.e oz. lemon juice, 3 oz. whim Wine vinegar, ; pmt whine brandy, 1 oz glycerine. Fruit Tartâ€"Take two pounds of apples, pare and core them; put them in e. stew pen with an ounce of butter and a. quarter of a. pound of sugar; stew these until they look clear ; then let them get cold, taking care not to mesh them ; put them in a. pie- dish ; add a. little grated lemon-rind ; cover with short paste (see Short Paste); bake half an hour; then best up the whites of three eggs; lay them on the top of the paste ; sift over thickly cestor sugar ; put back in the oven end bake the iceinge. pale brown to make it look like a merengue. This is very delicious. The above tart may be made of any fruit, or any tinned fruits, or orangesâ€"«in which case they must be peeled, quartered, em} all the white skin taken oï¬ them, as that is very in- digestible. Orange tarts require 9. deal of sugar in them. If these tarts are made of prunes, they must be stewed quite three hours, and be allowed to cool before making. Fish may be scaled much more easilyif dipped for an instant in boiling water. The fancy for black silk stockings has almost developed into a. craze. They are worn on all occasions, with dresses of all descriptxons, by children as well as by ladies, and the demand for them has so in- creased that they come naw in the very smallest sizes for tiny babies. Ilium to Housekeepn‘s. Plokles.â€"â€"Never put pickles in a. jar that has had lard in it. Lungtry tut-bans of heavy straw, with brims of valve: and trimming a. cluster of closelyrset blossoms or tuft of feathers, are much nï¬soted by many young ladies. At Westport market recently potatoes were sold at 36. per stone and under. The ratepayers of Dublin are to be taxed for the rebuilding of Green Street Court House at the coat of £27,000 Pansiea‘seem to 'be the reigning favorites, and‘oome in most: exquisite colors. One variety shading from pale yellow to deepest brown, and another style showing all the tints ranging from delicate lavender to rich purple. Several sizes are shown, thelergeat measuring nearly a foot from tip to tip. Corsage bouquets remain very large. and at pre‘senï¬ a huge branch of sweet peas with no foliage is a. fashionable variety. Mr. Peter O‘Neill, Secretary of the Drogheda Steam Packet 00., died suddenly of paralysis. The agricultural statistics for 1883, jusv issued, show that there is a. decrease of 2 9 per cent. in the acreage under crop as com- pared with last year. Too Many For llim. “ How db you enjoy the eotillion?" in- quired an Austin lady of an awkward dan- cer at a ball. “ O, I like the cotillion well enough,†remarked Old Awkwardness, “ but; the fact is there are so many people,a. regular mob, mixed up in it that they are oontmunlly getting in my way. Three or four fellows ran against me, and I got; tripped up and tore my clothes. Next time I help to make up a cotillion I'll go out by myself all alone and ootillion around on a prairie thirty miles Bquare.â€-;-Texas Siftinga. LATEST FROM IRELAND. WHOhENO.1,-316 N0. ,4 29. M Teefy The llei‘oine oi Tel-el-Kehir succumbs to Cholera. “Juno,†the heroine of Tel-el-Kebir, has been carried off by cholera. By a curious coincidence the brave old retriever’s master, Corporal Bull. died only two days previous of the same disease. Juno was an Irish setter dog belonging to the First Battalion Gordon Highlanders. His ï¬rst master was Lieut.-Col. Vandeleur, and on his leaving the regiment, Juno, who was then servmg in Malta, became the charge of a certain gallant sergeant, who, it is said, frequently shared his dinner with her. When the order came for Egypt it was universally decided that Juno must accompany the regiment. and accordingly she went through all the vicissitudes of that campaign, even to the trenches of Arabi’s famous stronghold. There, on the eventful day, a writer in Land and Water tells us, “ she bravely ‘ rushed ’ the entrenchments at the head of the Highlanders, and inside displayed a coolness and a. courage which elicited universal applause, no more minding the rain of bullets than if she were out snipe shooting. Whether she tackled the enemy we do not know, the rest we can vouch for. But even if her teeth did not meet in any Egyptian leg her appearance must have spread consternation in the rebel ranks. Here they thought, no doubt, was one of the 2,000 blood-hounds which Sir Garnet Wolseley was credited with keeping in reserve, and the dauntless pluck exhibited by Juno must have duly im- pressed upon their timid minds the awful consequences which would befall them if they waited for the arrival of her 1,999 canine comrades. They did not wait. but bolted for their lives, with Private Juno snapping at their heels, and as the wave of war rolled forward this glorious dog swept over on its crest until its force was‘spent, and the Egyptian army was likewise spent. Such, then, was the gallant achievement which has endeared Private Juno to the Gordon Highlanders forever.†After leading the Gordon High- landers, and. indeed, the whole British ‘force, into Arabi’s entrenchments, Juno became the recipient of many honors, the last being a silver collar subscribed for at home by some of her English and Irish admirers. This handsome gift reached her shortly before her death. It will now be kept, according to their expressed Wish, at l the ofï¬cers’ mass, as a souvenir ol the battle w in which the 1st Battalion of Gordon High- landers so greatly distinguished themselves. Ayouth who rejoiced in having attained his 11th birthday wasupeasrnger from Poland to New York about eighteen months ago, and on the steamer be attracted the attention of the other passengers by his precocli-y. He oonversed with the fluency of a. man Lwioe his age, and already had mastered four languages. The fact that he was coming to New York entirely alone, had no f1 iends here, and had given up a. oomfortable home in Poland because his father required him to work and would not permit him to study, added to the interest with which he was regarded. The boy was also a good singer, and gave his fellow-passengers much pleasure by 1 singing melodies he had learned in Poland. ‘When the ship reached New York some gentlemen who had become interested in him' placed him under the care of Mrs. Alexander, the President of the Deborah Nursery, in New York. The little fellow, whose name is David Salzman, remained there for about six months, during which time he had made himself a general favorite and inaugurated himself so much in Mrs. Alexander’s favor that she came to regard him as she would her own son. The boy frequently spoke about his parents, in Poland, and from what he said it was inferred that his life there had not been a very pleasant one. He had a little sister, however, about his own age, and he appeared to be absolutely devoted to her. He frequently spoke of returning to see his sister, but the fear of his father always acted as a check to this project. One morning, about six months after he had entered the institution, he did not appear as usual, and could nowhere be found. About two months ago he Walked into Mrs. Alexander’s room as unconcern- edly as it he had just left it. He said that on the evening he disappeared he had been thinking so much about his little sister that he could no longer control his desire to see her. He knew the steward on board the ship on which he had come over and who had assured him that any time he wanted to return to his home he (the steward) would furnish the passage money, and he went aboard the ship, which sailed the following day. He reached his home and found that during his absence his little sister had been killed by being thrown out of a waggon. His mother had also died, but his father still lived at the old home. David was treated well by his father for a short time, but the latter soon re- lapsed into his old cruelty, and David returned to America, his friend, the steward, again furnishing the money. He remained with Mrs. Alexander only about a month, when he apparently grew tired of the monotonous life he was leading at the Nursery, and again disappeared. He turned up in the Essex Police Court on Thursday. and asked to be taken care of, as he was destituteâ€"New York Times. A Montreal despatch says: Frederick Mann, the murderer of the Cook family at Little Rideau some months ago, and which caused such intense excitement at the time that the people threatened to lynch the ï¬end, will be placed upon his trial at L’Orignal Assizes on Monday next. For a long time after his committal he refused to aocept religious instruction, pleading that he did not believe in the truth of Bible teaching, although brought up as a Protestant. Recently he seems to have become repentant, as he admits he will be hanged. and sent for a Protestant clergyman, to whose instructions he listens attentively. An attempt was being made to bring witnesses from England to show there was insanity in his family, but that has been abandoned. The Government medical inspector from Toronto has examined the prisoner, but he has not expressed any opinion on the state of his Eleven Years Old, Master on Four Lan- guages and ‘E hrcc Times Acton the Ocean. mind. Captain Holloway states that ill-health was the reason of his resigning the cap- taincy of the St. Thomas Salvation Army corps. The little things make up life. The touch of a. hornet will move David Davis quicker than a. petition a. mile long could move him. A BOY‘S ‘VlDE VIE“) DEATH OF JUNO. The Elam: Murderer. The central upright case is 2:} feet high and 4 feet wide. At the top of it is a representation of the Bunker Hill mon- ument with an eagle perched upon it with outstretched wings. The eagle grasps in its right claw an olive branch and a bundle at spears. In its left it holds a globe, from which is suspended the pendulum, forty- nine inches long. At the bottom of the pendulum is a dial with the minutes and hours marked oï¬â€˜, and in the centre old Father Time and his scythe remind the beholder of the fleet passage of time into the illimitable eternity. Every hour the eagle calls out in hoarse tones the time. At the left of the Bunker Hill monument is a skeleton a foot high grasping a hammer, with which it tolls on a. bell the quarter hours. At the ï¬rst quarter a door in the upper case last described flies open, and the famous scene of the throwing overboard of a cargo of tea in Boston harbor is reenacted. At the second quarter hour another door is opened, and “ the cause of the war of 1812 " is displayed by the representation of Eng- lishmen in the conventional scarlet attire inviting an Indian chief to take up arms against the Americans, the palaver being delineated by clear pantomime. In the background are seen British soldiers taking American sailors from their ships; The ringing of the third quarter hour causes another door to spring open, disclosing Gens. Scott and Taylor enoamped in Texas. Each of the distinguished soldiers politely steps forward and takes off his ohapeau to the spectators, and then retires to keep a vigilant eye on the greasers. At the fourth quarter hour the opening of a door brings to view a scene emblematic of the late civil war. A negro is seen at the back of the aclove bound with chains. A {recession of eleven menâ€"representing the eleven seceding Statesâ€"dressed in the grey uniform of the Confederate army, passes in front of the unfortunate slave, each turning his back on the colored man as he passes. After they have all gone by, the emancipator of the down-trodden race, President Lincoln, comes along, and seeing the unhappy son 0! Earn. advances to him, loosens his shackles and leads him away. In addition to the airs that are played every ï¬ve minutes the period is also marked by the passage across the stage of ï¬gures which pass from the- fort at the right and disappear through the portals o! the one on the left. First comes Brigham Young and one of his wives, who are supé posed to be on their wedding tour. Next comes Gen. Grant on horseback; then a hand bearing the penknife with which Prof. Wegman carved out all the ï¬gures of the clock ; then the ï¬gure of a man repre- senting the manager who rendered matters unpleasant for the professor at one time ; then the ï¬gures of Garï¬eld and Guiteau as they appeared at the moment cf the assassination; then Gu‘iteau’s deity, who carries a sign reading, “ Cranks Wanted ;" then the Indian chieftain, Captain Jack, and ï¬nally the historical vessel, the May- flower. Only one of these ï¬gures passes around at each interval of ï¬ve minutes. The clock is operated by two springs twenty feet long and three inches wide. having a litting power of eight hundred pounds. Forced by [let Family to Marry and Then All-aid to Go Home. In the Jeflerson Market Police Court yesterday Ofï¬cer Nixon arraigned Dennis Guihan. James McCormick, a youthful printer, appeared against Guihan, who, he said, was his brotherin-law. The com- plainant said that he had‘been forced to marry Guihan’s sister by her family three weeks ago, and had lived with his wife at No. 409 Canal street ever since. The girl was but 14 years of age and he was 19 years old. They went to Coney Island on the 4th of July and returned so late that the girl’s family insisted on a marriage to prevent scandal. Since then. the young husband asserted, the Guihan family has tried to get his wife away from him. He charged Dennis Guihan with threatening to kill him if his sister was not given up. The defendant said he had heard that the girl was being abused by Mchrmick. Justice Patterson called to the bar the bride, who is a girl in delicate health. “ Do you want to go back home ‘2†asked the Justice. " No. sir,†she replied. “Are you afraid ‘2" “Yes, sir.†“Why?†“ Because they beat me." “Gnihan,†said the Jua tice, “ you are required to furnish $500 bail to keep the peace for two moflths.â€â€"New York Herald. Tribute to a Scottish Ilcto. Mr. J smes Gibson Craig, W. 8., Edin‘ urgh, has just erected on one of the pillars supporting St. Giles’ Csthedrel there a. brass tablet in commemoration of the author of the National Covenant of 1581. This tablet bears this inscription : “ In memory of John Craig, for many years a. Dominican trier in Italy ; embraced the Reformed faith, and was by the Inquisition at Rome condemned to be burnt ; escaping to his native country. he became assistant to John Knox at St. Giles’, and minister of the King’s household. He was author of the King’s Confession, or National Covenant of 1581. He died in Edinburgh in his 89th year.†The inscription is surmounted on the left by the ï¬gures 1512, and on the right by 1600 »- the dates of his birth and deathâ€" while in the centre is a. representation of a dog carrying a. purse in its mouth, with the words " My all.†I saw so much said about the merits of Hop Bitters. and my wife, wao was always doctoring. and never well, teased me so urgently to get her some, I concluded to be humbugged again ; and I am glad I did, for in less than two months’ use of the Bitters, my wife was cured, and she has remained so for eighteen months since. I like s;ch humbugging. -â€" E. (It, 8:. Pan1.--Piomer ess. Lord Carnarvon has refused to accept an address from the Masonic Chapter of his name at Montreal, but, will receive them as citizens on the 18th in“. A GIRL BBIDE'S BREAD. A CURIOUS CLOCK- llumbugged Again.