The English Workingman comes out with an exceedingly useful and practical suggestion, which meets with the anprov a] of the World They want the polling dsy extended ior their accommodation. They want the hours extended to 8 p m., so as not to interfere with their dinner. Many of them in cities live a consider-l able distance from their places of work, l and consequently they have not time to go to the polls and return without conâ€" siderable loss of time. There seems to be some force in the objection to the present hours, and it is suggested the hours of commencing the poll be 10 or 11 o’clock instead of 9. and extended to 8 o’clock. No doubt it will be a popu- lar move. and for that reasen we would not be surprised at theesme being adopt- ed by the Dominion and Local 7 Goverm 1:101:98. .' Elsewhere appears the advertisement of publications issued from thc Montreal Witness Oï¬ice. The day has gone by when theirlocal paper alone satisï¬es inâ€" telligent country readers. Once some alarm was felt in country journalism at the encroachments of the cheap Weekly edition of the city daily. but it is now being found that the city weekly finds its richest pastures where the local paper flourishes most, and that the latter is better appreciated in communities where the former is helping to create a taste lor periodical literature than in those where the visit of newspapers have been of rare occurrence. Both city and country papers have become so cheap that the price asked for the village journal some years ago will now .secure both it and a city weekly. with one or two dollars to spare for other literature. All the publi- cations emanating from the Witness Oiiice are essentially “family papers†such as may be introduced into any household with full conï¬dence, which is no unimportant point to be considered in these days of cheap flashy periodicals. Rs. 21: “019130.13â€: ï¬lm 36. Burg-ins. BargainF-Bneath t Gréimm Advanqu to the subscribers-“101m Donal! a THURSDAY. OCTOBER 25,1883. Tho dab prinud on each papa dom- an than when the lubsoï¬pï¬on oxpirol. Says the Milwaukee Sentinel, in a recent article '01: “Patent Medicines.â€_ “It is advertising that is the secret of success in the case of patent medicines, if there is any secret about it. There is not a patent medicine which is super- ior to the preparations provided for by the standard medical publications. It is much simpler, however, for the person ‘ who wants a medicine to ‘fbuy a bottle of patent medicine, good for every human ill, than-to :go to a physician. 15y advertising a patent medicine exten sively and persistently the people are brought to iecognise certain common and simple sensations as evidences of a disease which this particular remedy will cure. About all that is required to succeed in the patent medicine line is money and nerve to use it in adverâ€" tising. It makes no sort of difference what medicine it is,â€" the combination of drugs is the item of least importance. It is well, perhaps, to put the drugs, if any are new. in spirits, so that a man can take his whiskey with a clear con- science,â€"indecd, with a sense of his own worthiness, in taking care of his health. Occasional changes in the name of the medicine and of the maker are desirable, for after a few years the pub. lic demand something new- The same medicine may be used, but a change of name and of the character of the illus- trations is demanded. After a long run of a patent medicine as a cure for lung troubles, a new run may be established by calling it a remedy for stomach troubles. When a fortune has been made out oflung pads, they can be cut down in size, and another fortune made out of them as kidney pads." Some time ago the Evening Tgl‘flm had an article wherein it let forth that certain Irish informers by the noes of Kaunsgh, Hanlon, and Smith. were thr- biddea to land in Australia, and no de- termined were the public and Governâ€" ment of the Australiau Colonieaiu the denial of their being landed there that Commodore Erskine, by command of the Imperial Government, took them on board Her Majesty's Ship. Nekon. The people of Australia, Irish and all alike, felt it to be an outrage that these men should he sent into their midat by the British Government, and determined not to allow them to stretch their limbs with in the scope of Australia. men. We ï¬re, however, loth to believe that the thing can be true. Ind nothing would give no greater pleasure than the satisfaction of having it in our power to stomp the whole Mary as a base fabrics- ution. We can hardly bring ourselves to , think that men who, to save themselves from the gallows, betrayed tbeircompsn- ions, could or would be allowed to ssâ€" eociate themselves with others in the Civil Service of the country. We can- not but imagine that the Telegram has been-fabricating. or at: all events been misinformed, and thereby a sensational story out of whole cloth has been manuâ€" factured, which served to ï¬ll a certain spseo inf‘rtheoolumne of that journal. The article goes on to state that our own Dominion Government have very kindly not only allowad them to land up- on the shores of our Dominion.bnt much more with a benevolence hardly credit- able, introduced them into our Civil Ser- vice. The Setvice is. supposed to be the legitimate object of the ambition of a largenuAmbel‘ of honorable and educated Eh: 511mb ï¬stula. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBEâ€. new Avah‘ï¬â€™sEuaurm Richmond NIII. Ont. ltu'. m be 30. le les and Blotches- Ct.“ at H.pb‘msderson J; buns’ Drug Store and got a package of McGregor (t I’awke'I Curbalic Cerale. It is composed of Vase- line, Carbolic Acid and Ger-me, and has never fisiled to remove Pimples, Blotches, Ulcmalcd Sores. Rough Skin, 15- curm- ‘11:?“ :0} rvl‘r.01r'2hi7, '3.\ ll. The Canadian American, ofMinnenpolis, has a very interesting biographical sketch of a resident, of that crtv. Mia. Elizabeth Klinck, who on the 24th inst" celebrated her 101st birthday. Her present residence is Princeville, Peoria county. “L. where she removed about 30 years ago from this neighborhood. She is smart nnd active. and in the almost unimpaired. posspssion of all her faculties, and has regained her eye- sight so as to dispense with the use of spec- tacles for severnl years past. She comes from a family neted tor longevity, her ser- ' eral brothels having attained great agesnnd her grandfather living over a century. Her father was a British soldier of the Revolution who, at its close. settled in Pennsylvania. She was born Oct. 24th, 1782. at Upper Mt Bethe], Northampton county, Pa., and moved with her family west, when but a young lady. to Fort Niagara, on the (‘anada side ofthe Falls. Here she became no i quainted wilh. and on December 25th. L800| at the age ofeitthteen years. became the wife of Calvin Grant, who was a brother of. Jesse Grant, the father of PreSrdent and General U S Grant. By Galvin Grant she bore a son and daughter, the latter the mother of Dr G. Emerv at" Minneapolis,and ï¬rst cousin direct of General Grant. Her son, John Grant taking a very prominent part in the canadian rebellioniof 1837 under Mackenzie against the British Government, was among the illustrious exiles to Van Dteman‘s Laud, now Tasmania, but returned ’ to Toronto in impaired and shattered health from exposure and privations, and after a few years died suddenly leaving a widow, ‘daughter and son. Mr Geo Grant now a prominent. merchant of Toronto. After the death of her ï¬rst husband she married Leonard Klinclr, a farmer of Ningarn town- ship,by whom she had eleven children, Mrs A Law, of thts village (where her father ones resided) being one of themt ‘Chamim- on Thunday last at 2 p. 1.. Mr End: in the Chit. Present. Menu Baylc. Tufy. Trï¬nch Browm; Switmr Crosby, Bangs, 03mph“, Duncan and i’a".mn., Migptes of last fleeting read and adopted. The chairman slated Ibo report inhéi either be received or rejected before any further action could be taken. The Secretary reported from the Commiti tea appoimed at the last meeting of the Board, m the mane;- of High Sc‘ï¬ooi ac‘comé modation, kc. , Trled In Toronto. Mrs. Mary Thompson. 05' Toronto. re- norls the removal of eight feet nl'lnpe-worm by the use of one bottle of Dr Law's Plen~ mm Worm Srrup. This medicine in reli able for all kinds of worms Ihat amicl children or adults. 3“. Duncan, seconded by Mr. Savage, flayed that the report be accepted.â€"Car- n . Mr Boyle objected to tho chairman's rui- ing. l_lr.Campbell though: tho ruling was right. Communication from Mr. McMahon, Principal of the Public School, resigning his_pomt_ioq, {as lead. ‘ . . Mr Trench. seconded by Mr Savavfl. moved that. Mar-er Trefy, Crosby, and Switzer be a committee to visit the school‘s snduscermin as to whether the teachers wish rt engagement, also how the schools are being conducmd.-â€"Carried. The Board adjaurnPd. communication from the Educ-lion De- plrlmem in reference to 1!]. gram of night, dollan wu received. I Mr Duncan, seconded by Mr Trench, maved that the chairman and secretary be a committee to carry the motion into efl'ect. -â€"Carried. Mr. Boy‘o took the chair, Mr. Marsh be- ing called away. Mr. Crosby. seconded by Mr. Teefy. moved that ytr. McMahon be given n. recom- mendmion from this Board. be having re. signedâ€"Carried. Mr. Trench didhot believé this was an amendment it was merely moved Ior the purpose of barking the; vghule thing. A etindn from certain ramp-yer- op- posecfm the removal oflhe High School to the Malonic Hall, n being too bum] in ncxjgn {as preleuled. Mr Duncan seconded by Mr Trench moved that the Secretary rend the law on the sub- ject . -Car§:ed . Mr Crosby moved secénded by Mr Trench that. whereas it is necessary to aecare mnre nccomnodation for the High and Public Schools, that the Iowa hall of the Masonic buxlding be highered lor High School pur. poses. and that the present High School building be used for public school purposes, at a rental 0! $80 per year, provided the chlmge meets with the consent of the In- spector of the High School sectiomâ€"Car- ried. Mr Duncan, seconded by Mr. Teefy. moved that the ratepayers be requested to provide Ihe necessary accommodation bod: for Public and High School purpO'ea. M;- Duncan, seconded by Mr Teefy. moved that Mr McConagby be heard on brhalf of xhq peti!ionen.-gCar;igd. Mr. McConaghy addressed the Board, I: Illa did Mr. Joe, Powell. complaining oflhe increase oftaxea, and the want of respect shown the ratepayers m not. earring their com-em before removing the school. Mr. Marsh thought the ratepayerl could lefer leave ICbOOl matters in the hand: of the Truman. Mr. Dun-can, seconded by Mr Brown, moved that Mr McMahon’I relignulion be accepted.â€"~Carried. _ ' Mr Marsh mated that the outsider: were as much taxed for High School purpmes as those in the village. Mr Brown did not believe in the ramp“- erl having their taxes increased After further discussmn. Mr Teefy. lec- ondod. by Mr. Boyle»; moved the fullowing motion : That this Board are of opinion that it in not desirable to make a chunge in the High School site. until the County Council has passed a Bv-Iuw to that. efl‘ect. and ap- proved by the Lieut. Governor as provide by_lba Revised Statutes of Ontario.- Lost. The following are the yen: and nlys :. Yen,â€"Palterson, Savage, Crosby, Trench. Duncan and Switzer; Naya.â€"Teefy, Boyle and Brown. Mr Crosby did not care where the High School was as long as there was suï¬ciem accommodaIi-on. ll. was not true that he was going into the school book trade, as a tramâ€, n was not. lawful for him to do so. After considerable diacuuion, Mr. 'l'cefy would the following motion. which, how- ever, was not Seconded : That the proposed removal of the High School pupils {o the Muonic Hull involves a change of school silo therefore it is desirable to apply to ihe municipal council of Richmond Hill with a view 10 having the consent of lhal body, amziof the ratepayers below the change in ma 0. A Iong‘diacunion none upon the motion. which was withdrawn. Mr Duncan spoke concerning the high standing of the school under Mr McBridc'I tegqbing. ‘ Thg above Board? my! in 7111‘ Conny}! A Canadian Centenarian. Bdard of Educatlom Sunmxsâ€"Boar over one year wm uc- : Clare, R DorSey. Sow over 1 year having ! had pigs in 18831 wm lcClure, R. Dorsey. f Boar under 1 year wm McClure, R. Doraey. Sow under 1 year wm McClure, R Dorsey. Yonumnz, on 0mm LARGE Burns-â€" Boar over I year T Boynlon Sow over 1 year having had pigl in 1883. T Boynton. Lievi Elliott. Boar under] year, Wm m:- Clure. G weldrick. Sow under 1 year John McClure, T Boynmn. PIGS. anxsnmssâ€" Boar over 1 year, w A Newhoune. Psauc Davina. Sow over X year having bad pigs in 1983. w A Newhuuae, P w Boynum. Boar under L year Jan Gurd~ house, P w Bbynton Sow under 1 par la! and 2nd, w A Newhnuae. FATâ€"Two Fat Sheep, Ewes or Wuhan ~â€"-'I-‘ Cells], R Marsh. Sunovsmnx, Hummus nan, 0x303!)â€" samn Downsâ€"Ram 2 about: Ind over F‘ A Fleming. Ram Lamb. F A Fleming. Two Brood Ewen, 2 shear: and over. F A Fieming. Pen of! male and 3 females, 1“ A Fleming. - SuUTnnowxâ€"an. 2 shears and over, [stand 2nd Rub! Man-3b. Shvarlinz Rum Is! and 2nd R Malsh. Rum Lamb, Let and 2nd'H. Marsh. Two Brood Ewes, 2 shear! and overâ€"Spams! presented In McIntosh and Taylor. lat and 2nd I! Mal-uh. Two Shearling Ewes. R Marsh. J w Russell. Two Eve Lambs. Is: and 2nd R Mush. Pen ofl male and 3 fvmalel R Marsh. Conwmmâ€" Rum. 2 shear. and over, G weldrick. John Mnnrn. Shearhng Hum: Moore. G weldrick‘ Ram Lamb. lst and 2nd. '1‘ Com? Tum Brood vas, 2 shear: and over. J more. T Colley. Two Shear- ling Ewen. Is! and 2nd .1 unure. Two Ewe Lambs J Home, 1‘ Bnynmn. Pen ofl male and 3 females. J Moore. West York & Vaughaï¬ A311}~ cultural Societies. Bmon,-Filly or gelding 2 yrs. 0k]. G. Muhinton. Filly or gelding 1 yr. old, J ch A Stewart. IMPORTED Duncanâ€"Mare with Foal by her side or evidence of havmg had one in 1883, lat and 2nd, D. d: A McGelchy. Colt, entire. 2 yrs. old. Amos Shank. Colt entire, 1 yr old. Jno. Hewgill ; 2nd and 3K! in. Cherry. Filly or gelding 2 HI old, J. Glrdhouu ; 2nd and 3rd,__Jno. Jacklon: SB EEP. Lsxcss'rkn. must be ‘ pnre-hredâ€"Ram 2 and over. In and 2nd G weldrick. Sheurling Ram G wrldrick. Thou Boymnn. Ram Lamb G weldrick. P w Boynlon. Two Sheurling Ewen. Is! and 2nd G weldru-k Two Ewe Lambs Gen weldrick. T Boynlon Two Brand Ewes. 2 sham and over. Thou Colley. G Weldvick Pen of! male and 3 female-n G Waldrick. Cum!“ DBAUGBT.â€"Mllr0 with Foul by her side or evidence of Wing land on. in [883. In priu, npecill by the Lendlay t Barber Knitting 00., _Woodbrid¢o,~ J no. Cox & Son. ‘8. hillbék‘, Wm. Komy. Colt. en- tin, 2 yri old. Jno. Blouzh, Geo. Leaf, J. Cherry. Colt entire. 1 yr. old J Pugs, J. Ju'clnon. jr. Spring Colt of killyâ€"Ipeciul bij. Haystend. Woodbridzpâ€"Kobt. Dob- =i6n, Wu, Kerry, 1“ Sleightholm. Fm, or gelding 3 yro old. I“ Fenwick. Goo Wol- drick, In R McGeach’y'. me‘ o‘r' gelding 2 you. old. Thou Dobaon. V Filly or geflinz X yelr old. J. Ton-mace. Wm. Keraey, D a R. McGeachy. Spun Hone: m Hum-u. J. Jackson, jr.. D Bowntree‘, In. Nauru- Bron. Draught Shad Harrie", exï¬ibitea in name of Shoer. J. Jackson. H. '1‘. Ida. Fm Cnnn AND [Innâ€"Fm 0x. Cow or Steer, Iauuc Lawrence. Herd of Cattle, â€"1 male and 4 l'enmlenâ€" Special pl'PSQIIlPd by Hugh Miller & Co., Toronlo, wm Porter. Giuliaâ€"Cow. any age. in milk. \Vllh evidence of having had a cnlfin 1883. Wm Porter. Wm Porter. Geu Bell. Heifer. 2 your: nld, D Lawrie. 2nd and 3rd, Geo 'v'eldrick. Heifpr. 1 war nld. G Woldrick, John Peacock. wm Ellrrhy Sprint: Hulfer Calf. John R Lawrence. G Beâ€. G weldrick. GENIBAL Postmanâ€"Mare with Foal or evidence of having had one in 1883. D t R McGenchy, Geo. Pearson dz Son, '1“ Witty. jr. Colt entire. 2 yrs oldâ€"Special by E. B. Ennisâ€"E 8 Harris. 3 Wilt-rm. Edward Burker. Colt entire. 1 you old, 1!; Hillock, H. Smith. R Bowman. Springl C’olv. or ï¬llyâ€"Special by Thou. Haymeé‘d. Wood- bridge-G Pearson & Sou. Jas «I; T Moun- Iey, Michael Rummy. Filly nr geldidg 3 yrs old. J Cox & Snn. Wm Dayton“. Filly" or gelding 2 Yr! Old. JOIiVer. E Hillock, J Marshall. Filly er gelding 1 yr uld. J Buy lnn, M. Mondv. A Huge. Spun Hone- In Harness. W Dobson. J Moore, AP Fletchin. Ros-Mus. Under lfi'hands.â€"Mnrg wxih foal at side or evidence of having had one in 1863. J Oljw-r. E GnllOD. T Black Coll entire. 2 yr! old. W Porter. 1:. Brown. Colt entire. '1 yr old. J Thoma-on. R Wind. Spring Colt or Filly. E Jnrritl. :. slownrt, W Capner. Filly or gelili‘n'g Syn old. J‘nu. McDonough. 'l‘ O'Neil. M Brown. Filly or gelding 2 ms old. F. McFarlnne. .r. ll'ewtrl. J cook. Filly or gelding lyr old, J Worm. G Manon. WCnpnér. v Single horn in hII-'_ 1193-. F Gray. E Gollop. '1‘ Coin. Span borne: in human, 8 Shank. jr. J Brown» ridge. A Cesar. Saddle horas. J Human. Dr Pntullo, T. Binck Special bv Wm. Cnpner. for heat Spring Colt or Filly by "Young Ensign." J Bolton. M Fisher. jr. Srnnmo.- For futon. Trotting Single hone in harm-l. C Armo'trong. F Gray. J. Rowntree. Faun! Trolling Tannin Bar. neu. T Bllcli. Dr Grunt. Panel! Trotting 3 yr old Filly or Gelding.â€"Ipocisl by Dr Mchenn. Woodhridge.â€"-A Langmuir. Al". Creighton. J ucnnnou-gh. The hen Rig-ad, fumes! span of horses in harnens.- apeeiul by G. Gilmour. Woodbridgr-Dr Grnnl. J Goodfellow. Fasten Trolling none, 4 time: round ring, both (inn. 0 Armstrong. F Gray, A Proctor. Fastest Running horse 3 limes round ring.â€"Ial prime upocinl by R. Robson. Wfoodbridge»: Huston. Hugh Mc- Cutcheon. J alonwhoune. Bat and most skilnt Ladv Driver in ring, Mrs A 0 Smog. Mia Goodfellow. Dvnam. not. imporled.-Bul) Zyrn old. B Kaiser, W B Line. Bull 1 year old W Porter. G Wvldrick. (Tow, any age, in milk, 13!, and 2nd. James Gardhnuse, 3rd W Porlvr. Bull. 0an. under! year, J aard- housc, G Bell, W Porter. Heifer culfundvr [veal J LuWrem-e. Wm PurlPr. G Belt. Heifer 2 yrs old. G Bell. w rmler, J. R. Lawrence. “Firm 1 yr aid. 0. Bell, wm Pofler, a Woldnck. HEREFORD -nu§| 2 yrs and over. F' 4“- F'leming. Heifer 2 yrs Md, Is! and 2nd F Fleming. Cow any age. in milk; F Fleming. Bull call under 1 yr. [It and 2nd FA Hem- mg. Cannonâ€"Mare with foal bv" side or evidence of having hld on! in 1883. C & J. Brown. S McDouga‘ll. G Gondm'ham. (‘01! entire. 2 yrs old. W C & F .I .Brown. T Monan. Spring Colt or Fillyâ€"apech by T Heyllead.â€"S McDou'gull. G Gooderhsm. T Lnndy. Filly or gelding three yrs old. â€"|pecml by R Willis d: Song. P‘lne Grove, -J Brownridge. R Willis & Souk, Wm Porter. Filly or gI-lding 2 yrl oldâ€"Ipe‘clnl by Jan. Addison,â€"â€"'I‘ Maher. J Ream-n. M Human. Filly or gelding, 1 yr old. Wm. Porter. Span Horses in harness. J Good- fellow. Single Horse in human. Dr Gram. lll and 2nd; 3rd T Black But shod Roadsm- or Carriage Hutu. J Brownridge, Hugh Kennedy.~ Jansn‘ â€"nui!, I \‘r nld, silns n-n-‘lmnh Cow may age in milk. S Hartman. minncd (m mm MIR“ PRIZE U811 HORSES. CATTLE. ' Scnoox. REMOVEDâ€"The HighSohool pupils have got into their new premises and. we understand, are extremely well pleased With the change. One drawâ€" 1 back. however. they have to eontend with is that of having no playgrouni We believe they have the privilege of using thefair groundâ€"through thekindb ness ofthe ownerâ€"for the purpose of playing foot-bull when so inclined. It is said that the 3rd and 4th book division will be removed into the High School building, and Miss oWilliams’ division will occupy the class-doom now occupied lu- pppfls under Mr. Mel'shon’e tuition. SPORT.-â€"The sporting young men of 1 this village and neighborhood have ‘ formed a Gymnasium Club. and are ‘ nightly indulging in athletic amusements of various kinds. They have purchased :5 Horizontal Bar and several pairs of In- dian Clubs and Boxing Gloves, and in a short time will have everything arranged for healthy and enjoyable exercise during the wl-u ter months. A large number ‘ haVe already joined, but we trust to see the list greatly increased and the Club carried on: is a successful and businessâ€" like manner. AN OLD EMPLnYEE.â€"â€"Mr Rmuioiph Manley. at onetime an opproniice in this oflice under Mr A. For)â€. but now occupying! a posilion at. Montreal on the Toronto Globe srafl', droppvd into the old spot a day or two ago to view ‘the place he once occupied when working at the case. He tells some thrilling stories of the hard Work he had to do wlmn a boy He looks well and We are g'ud to understand from him that he is doing well. Puma indebtedto this 0500 v Hindi] oblige by limiting. Man. J. Monty», of Cdifmis, on a visit «3 her sister, Mn Holiand. WM. Warwick 8: Son, Publishen. Toron‘o, ndvertise that. they continue to publish the old series of Readers. Tm: OLD swig! of 8(3th Readers can be lupphed at the Book Store in an quantity.â€"M H Keefler, 11mm Store. Tnnxsmvmo Innaâ€"Tho. Gnvor- n0r General at Ottawa has appointed Thursday, Nov. 8th an a day of" smnr'râ€" a] thanksgiving throughout Hm Dominâ€" ion. Tht'peuple of' Canada should be duly thankful this war for the many blessings the Lord has sent. them, in having a boun‘it'ul harvest. and in many other ways. and shou1d look joyoust forward In the special dav set apart- to return thanks. Mn. BMLLINGEB, of the Dominion Hotel, is having his stable brick eluded, which will make it considerable Wanner thin winter. Tan Bishop of Toronko intends hold- ing Conï¬rmation Service in Woodbridge and Clearvifle on tho llt Sunday in November. WI stop the press to announce an alarm of ï¬re from the Liberal Oï¬ce. It appears that in the act of boiling pitch in the b'ack kitchen for the put-pone of pitching some new addition that had been put to hie premises, the pitch boiled our and cenght ï¬re to the build‘â€" ing. Serious lose by ï¬re and water. Arromrunyr.-â€"Thp Bighhp' of Tor. onto has conï¬rmed the Rev. W. W. Hate: in his appointment to the rectory of Thornhill and Richmond Hi‘ll'.‘ Mr. Bates ha; conduct‘ed- the services if! she ream-y f0?! am We momhs pm.- Inrn‘o'vmnur' 6i tn: Gum» cw: TEALâ€"The Gm‘ï¬d Ccmrai; Hotel in thin village is uh’d’erznihg a decided m- provement, by béi’ng fie-painted and tuck- pomtred. Mr. Powell‘ ï¬rq‘hp having the dï¬ï¬ngphed and stables br’i'c'lilélad, and when all is completed, the place wil? present a ï¬ne appearance†HYIIINIAL~AI will ‘be seen in another column, Mr. Alex. LarisBorough, of this Village, was uuiied in tlie' Wave 0! matrimony to Miu'lnvery. of Milton. The luppy event took place oti‘ Wednes- day oflut Week. and Alex. has already returned to busi‘fl‘esa. and is “one of the boys" no longer. We wish them pros- parity and 3 full cup of matrimonial bliss. Box DRAW w-Ti-e hunt drain “9?: he» ing laid down M the norlh and (IF the viilaue. is progrersing rapidiy. Mr H. Miller has secured the cnmrncr. and tlw work is being done in a ï¬rst-class man:- ner. We trust there will be no more room f'nr complaints in regard tn stag- nant water. and the danger of disease, and hope when the job is compherml it will gure snlisiuc'ion to the ratepayers. Nzw RlsmmclroMr Wm. Proctor imendnlmoving into his new rcsidcnné', Iituatedlon Kmdld Street, the ï¬rst of next veg}. The lion's; presents a ï¬ne‘ uppearanét; both inside aï¬d out,‘ prid‘ showi'of to .great advantage. Wheu' Mr. quétpgketsï¬ï¬‚kd in his new home he win 5an eï¬Ã©rythi‘ng convenient and com forublo . (War the gal-den wall," for supplies of cabbages, &c. It will be well for parties to attend‘mtheir gates. shutters, 630., and see that they aï¬â€˜eaecure, if they ever wish to make use nf'tl’uem again, nï¬â€™ef‘ Ihelmys have had their fun. Pam: meTâ€"We are glad to be able to give our readers a dolly 9f the. prime list of the West York and Vaughan Alli. Societies Fair which was: held at Wood- Bridge on the 16th and l7lh inst If my errors. on our part. should' be'mpde. we shall be willing to r'nnke' ï¬drre’ctio’ï¬i; won our attention being calle& to the name‘. BAnaAle.-â€"Ail those in quest of Bargains in Full and Wintnr Goods. at the lnwost prices in the cmmty. are in- vited to call In the Cheap Cash Home, Richmnnd Hill and umpect the large stock that is offered so cheap. anath & Grennnn always lump :1 large and first- class stock on hand, and parties desiring good ant} «he-hp “Mich. had better givn them a can. See new mlverï¬semcné'. HALLowz‘xu.- Next wed-:th yin be All Hallowe‘en, Ind'tbe ï¬nally boys {Taggmm ’1 Will Clerk’s Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hilm Octol'ér 10:11. 1883., J And. he is instructed to allow 5 per centum upon the rates levied for County, Village, High School, Public School and Railway purposes, to such as will voluntarily call and my their taxes to him at his- Ofl‘lce. before theï¬ teenï¬ldayoiNovembor aforesaid. HE undersigned is authorised to giva notice to the Ratepayers of the Village 0 Ribhmond Bill, that he will receive the Taxes at his 613w until the i l 1‘ l The rat-move of th'oï¬ortlt‘. hiding of the Emmy .0: York, held a' uhlic meeting at ï¬eivt‘nnrket on Tuesday not ,to .diacnu tho quoltion, of «partition. Wnr'don Jacluon preeided. The opulï¬tio'n Ind amend value of North ml: were compared ‘witlx jother counties. The claimant: said“ that 2 Weird 6130 the rilt’te oi the ménuble pro- perty of the county of Bolton was 87.0005 000, while I“! of North York mu fllï¬ï¬‚d W0. Mr N Gorhum, laid thut‘ oiling to the I of tho county it was very inhonveu-l ‘iont tor thos’e living in the northern port 1 to ottend to public business ut the preunt icounty not end if thby were lop-rum? front i the city they would not have to contribute I towards the erection of on oxpemivo court Home in Toronto. After Iotno discus-ion ; u reuolutlon was pans to tho efl'ect tint on ’the proportion North ork Would hue to{ contribute toworde the erection‘ of tho prov posed Court House in Toronto would mrly equal the expense of erecting one in Now- mnrltet it Would be in the intereltl ofNorth ‘ ' York to be formed into I upstate munici- V pality for municipal and judicial purpr-Iel ; ‘ that ol the population wealth und “soiled value of North York equal. that of many of the existing countiel in the Provincu it - would be udvnntngeoul if made In independ- ent county ; that the member for the riding he requested to use his influence to promote - the pussuge of 1 bill to carry out the» ob- jqotnf‘ltnll uloo to obtain o bill to enable West Qwillimbury to form port of the pro- posed‘ï¬en county , that the Warden Mayor : of Newmarket and Mr D rmmp.‘ be i corn- . m l ittee to 'urge the plunge of the bill. The meeting then odjourned. Separation of York County. Pay Your Taxes and Sans per mm. ï¬lc'éiluod iiv flogth York Ratepayers VILLAGE, SCHOOL JOHN DOUGA LL & SON, This is an sighs-pugs weekly newspaper, con- taining the world’s news for each week in brief and readable form, markets, and also all that appears in the Now: mans Mnesnnann. The Canadian edition has from one to two pages deâ€" voted to news of the temperance ' societies. of the Dominion and their work. and editorial discus sions oi‘ temperance questions. It is remark- ably cheap, FIFTY OBITS A YEAR, with reductions to Clubs. Sample copies will besent with pleasure. The Montreal markets apge r, in the Canadian edition, and the New 0; market: in the American. is the baa-t paper for its price in the world. It is fully illustrated ; contains the Sunday School Lessons ; is replaï¬e with general information of various kinds, and is a. paper equallgndgptcd tor the week-day school and Sunday Sc on]; guitar young or om. Price. 30 cents I m ‘ ‘ - has four Editions daily, and contain! 9“an 01 interest to the general or commercial under. 1:: name and reputation are too well and wide. ly known,and ï¬rmly estubllsed, to need Iny ex.- tended comment. Single cppiaï¬ ORE CERT. Subscription price. 53 & Your. Postage Free. All the News ofthe World for Dno’conti-l. fly? THE BAX“ WITNESS In" or NOVEMBER usxf “17335 VWEi‘kL’Y‘WITNEé; {rifle HIE:- of the ‘Do- minim. and the Family Paper 0 the Continent HoLLown'l 0mm“? um PILLS.“DÂ¥- hiligamj ï¬kmufimtioamâ€" When climate. an o‘r hurdlhipl, havi'é'lsndexmined tbq health. 5km disenuel are pruiié'Ap min and augment existing weakness. fl'oi‘lpwny't MiG-H me‘m’n' d‘n’i‘ly prove mos! nrvicubh "in under the moat untoward circumnancu. Thin vial-know" Mikhail!) ulcequ un- guenlj possum-8' the ï¬'mi'fl, Min-mic 'tflDQI. whicï¬'auolhe and haul ï¬ï¬â€™l'l'é‘éx i'nfl‘uminl o: irri’l‘ufinu thug d‘dh‘l'l'ender I'kin ur mun unali- liv'e some. ï¬ulluwuy’i Gimme-m and Pill: are infallihlc for curing bud legs. vuicou veins, swath-d mnklel. eryaibt’ln‘i‘, lé'aly skin. and n r, Vgrivlv'of Ikin disease. (Iver I" rhes‘é‘ 33mm Holl’m‘v’u’y'n remu’diu oxen a quick and {svovublc Action. mud. when cure in pouihlé} gridually hull dun-mild, uriyo n! that consummfliuu. T153, #6 iuï¬'fdhble in It. can of awful. and «3qu . I ( -thÂ¥'1"a"ari’ nnlweï¬ edAbv Mr Jamey yengufll of Windsor, Ont. ; V 'Qu'ms'nons ON LEGX E‘ï¬xmé I :56 uns'wored byhnu eminent Qgeen’s Counsel. of Mougronl ; VQUESTIONS on SUBJECTS or Eénii 7171717383" arh mgwered by comlmtom aymxprities. Quns'rx'oxa 0N Auiucun'z‘uxu’n SUBJECTS no an§wemd by "Blistin an‘nionduanâ€"LnnX-um thenflllonud am 1‘. angrx. Milmn, y! t_ho 333v D L Brieï¬ng}. McCunnz~met~?n‘flii 2‘ In». b the RovJ HunterJflm IKinm, mound «ugh- ts! Daniel Emma. Elm “W. of you; ‘96 3nd Magnum†Bu McC‘ny,‘ Qumnoï¬s 0N BEE KEEPING ire answered Mr D A Jones, of Beetun, Ont, President of the Netinnnl Bee Conveyinu ; 'Qï¬ksixons ABOUT 0min! AND Pm:- ar‘e an.- swgred by Dr Andqes, Montreal; 913.4 Y o;~: Vu'mnmnw Sun on are at! gwm‘ed by Dr. McEnchrun. F R C S, Priuc‘i al of the Exlnutreal Veterinary Cullen. and the 0‘ minim; Inspucniof live Stuck ; v is now thirty-eight years old, and has not caused to gain on the public conï¬dence. It liven only to witness for right and ‘ruth in every mutter, 1.5m: can}: n6 before tho pub'lié, regardless of pw ‘ nr uvm‘. O of its {Gamma which is much valued in its SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS. when) Whini‘bilh aï¬gsériptionn are non. tenth" in one envelope the price to ouch wm‘be IEVENTYi l-‘IV GEE s. qr'ssrin p.112 , ADVANfAGES STI’LL are as follow: hie ï¬ri'ce ot'tha Wan: Winn" xi on V053:- Poflesslrse- . ' Wim'n THREE dubscripuonuluvro unt together in one envelope,the pride to each will be EIGETY CENTS. or $2.!†in “.11 Whey; rl‘Eï¬'iï¬BsE}i;ï¬;£s'mo lent; together" in ono‘anvglggthq-price to each wfl be SEVENTY one envelo e the 1 cents. of in Ill S U BSGRIBE.- HE publishers of the Montreal 7m“ hu- ing found that the clubbing mth given last year were most satisfactory in every respect. are" induced to repeat. them. Such CLUBBING RATES MUNICIPALITY or RICHMOND HILL All Subscriptions Payable in Advance." THE NORTHERN MESSENGER By order of the Council. M. TEE‘F‘Y‘, é ifï¬ï¬h’iiï¬ï¬ bxi" Weiioldnflï¬iï¬f Mu Lugdsbomnxh. of Richmond Mile Chufl'ouo E. Waxy. at Hilton. THE WEEKLY MESSBNBBR. AND OTHER TAXES I Tm: wnnfï¬ï¬runss PUBLISHERS. MONTREAL. MARntï¬b'. gavmimmt‘g. “70! Clérk'and Treasurer. Hosiery, Gloves, Wools, 8m, RaisihsyZOlbs: for-$1 ;Ch~oice Curramsé, 13le2 for $1 .’ Clieap‘ S‘iiga‘rs, T‘éas’: befées, Rice; Etc; TERMS“ EXbHANGâ€"E‘ A crest Salli-ca of Ev'n. Every farmer will admit (but one of the most destructive evils l0 good crops is that of worms 9r parasites t‘l't’t'n "r63; upon vege- table life; other ipeciea 0% worms infest the human system lnd arc' productive éf much Inï¬ering and ill bbï¬lth}: Freemall’d Worm Powders will efl'ectu‘a'lly rid the sys- tem of this trouble, are plenum to take and contain their own cathartic. , in. following book. will be gm _by mail (rd; of post-g3; oi'i receipt of cash :- Dr Smith's small Latin Engiilh Dioï¬léi'ahfy $2.30 gamma. Latin Englilh a Englil'h 1mm 1‘ 3.00 , Mt Ofuionen of M. I. Cicero .................. 1.50 Sullivan's Geographilgenerllixed with mnp .75 B slang'l English “suture... .. .75 nknen’ First Greek......,... ‘3. thin Grammar... . " Introductory Arnold’l Fm, 3nd 7 0 Outline! of MM. Mechanics, by Toni] anoli'l Military Serial... Elem-nu (mun-bro. by London {int BookLI: Anatomy, ac enou'l ‘ mm: M I ,.,.:. .g... P um Fint Stopi igpéinluï¬d 3231231515," Whitc'l buonhon Book Y .................. 3 =5 9'0 l" 382222332223 Re ndy-made Suits, $6, $7, $9, $10. $13, $14. Overcoats, $5, $6, $7, 138.5% $0.50, $12. Wonderful Bargains in Felt Hat‘sy‘ At 25, 40, 5‘0, 55, 60, 65, 75, 85c. and $1. 'v ‘ Grey Cottons, 5, 1%, 8, 9, l‘Oc‘.’ Heavy all-wool Tweeds, 50, 60, 6‘5, 70, 30; 85c: Heavy Stocking Yarns, 55, 60. 65, 75c; Men’s Gumseys, 45, 5o, 76, 80, 95, $1.25c; BLANKETS AT ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES? 17mm Ends ' ' â€"_"â€" o‘a Calu- 1V.. Bolcher'l man he» ........ Dunn'I Bellum Bflunnicum Smi‘h'l Bydroltnï¬cn. Roscoe'l Chemiltry.... Collier'l Events of Etna Whnbly's Element: of B «om Shnka Me's Tragedy,91 Juliul Cunt. Lulu extl with nomad...“ , . Elomentuy smuc- by 3. Sum. Cicero Pro Arch}. ...... . Virgin Eclogun. Lam Roche .......... Tho Alums! Kingdomâ€..................... Adm-up, Grand Value In Table Linens a‘nd Ticl'n-ngsb ‘P‘lain Winceys; 9b., 1'ch 13256;, 173%: plaid Wincays, 90., 130., Me; _ Béautiful Costume Drï¬â€˜sng'oods‘, 20, 25, 36?). Black & Colored Cashmere, 25. 30, 40, 49, 6.0.;- 951‘.†Blh'ck and-Colored}Vélkretééhs, 35; 65; 70‘C.,-$l. ‘ G‘rey, Blue, Scarlet‘and' u Hite Flannels‘, 23,30, 35; 40c. Check home~made Flannel-in" W'ool, 35c . 9 White 8L Grey FlanneliSHéeting-yl yard Wide. 40; 42c. Canton Flannel; 12}, 15", 1‘7; 206.- 00")“: In nap-d. A recently ndVerIind and highly puffed remedy for deufmu but lately been expound :- an unmitigated fund. no! In vmh Hug- yard'l Yullow Oil ; none name it but lo prnin. John Clark, of Millhridge, tesliï¬es lb“ it cured him of deafness. Krnm'o Flute! nghtnlnx. Cure. Toothache and Neu'nlgia quick as flu). relieves any will imtanlly. the cheap. at and quicken applicnlinn knovm. Why Iul'er IIIh 'l'oolhnche. Neurnlgin. Emul- ache. Rheumlnsm. Lumbuzo, Sciatica. Sure 'l'hroul. or Acute Px-ins of am! kind whan you can 20 la 8. Sanderson ‘ Som’ Drug Slow 3nd get In perfect lad immnmnmun gun for 25 «nu. Ads for Kr-m'n ‘ Fluid By. , 1g: .. so Dre-sad Idhl‘wdt‘ 1h. 800 Beethind gamma»: 1W lb- o no Button, by :1» 0mm, per loo DI... 0 on Chick-us, per psi: ....... .. 45 Ducks, -pér brute 55 Gnu.onch.m..... Oi Turk-yummy . 1 00 Bang, 15mm g! m1. 8â€. WINng Em. fmh. d . Pontoon, pe‘i‘lï¬ï¬‚ Ar-plos pot burr-l . Omonl, pot baa gubbqo. p0! don... 010". 1m 4: (it'lEAfs CASH HQUSE Barains, Bargainsï¬ SNEATH’ 8b GRENNAN; III? Wn‘ ‘ool be: . At the L'owest Prices in the Count}: me invï¬terd to inâ€"7 spew 1m: fullbwinglliheSofï¬wcd by the $015061 Books Cheap. uing. THE M A RKE’I‘S TORONTO.- Tillman. Oct at. ma. fluct- u nnxx‘nr wmaom m‘m. pox; bul‘h ....s o 93 REYNOLD’S OLD STAND; HERALD STOIE. r611- Those whcfaré in quest of'Bé‘x'gaizm" in do do RICHMOND HILE 375.? odd um‘. $095 6110 :35 c6 '4":- .40 .50 8'6 NOTICE. WILLIAM POGUE. mm}: m" __11_mqmm _ 1m, THURSIMY, 20'"! DAY DEC’B. In the Coumy of York. Grocer and Coopot. Deceased. who died on or about me 19th 413, of JunI-ry, A. 20,1883, are hereby notiï¬ed to land by you prepaid, on .or baton Now next ensuing, to the undersigned Ad hiss- matrix of the enamel estate of t e laid may: Po e, their c ristien and surnames, address“ an descriptions. the full particulars of their claims, a statement 01' their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held b them and that immediately miter the said 90t- day ni December next ensuing, the assets of the ontp‘ 1 of the said William P a will be distributed among the parties entit ed thereto. having refer- ence only to the claims 01 which notice shall have been furnished to the ndministratrix II above required ; and the said administrem‘h ï¬ll not be liable for the said assets or any {mt thereof to any person or persons 01 whole emu“ notice shall not have been received by he! I! the time of such diatributiun. Dated at Richmond Hill ntoresaid this ï¬fteenth day of October, A. D. 1888. N. B.-All persons indebted to the Est-eta n! the late William Pozue. above named» Note. Book Account or otherwise, an hen‘h 5 Wind upon to pay their indebtedness to the Aiï¬inil. tramzbefore the 20th December now next 03-- “magnum. the estate m‘uy' be wound un. St.- Léiï¬ffence Canals. Under and by virtue of Revised statutes 01011 undo, Chapter 107. Section 34:, the Creditors of D signed and an arsed r. ender for St. Law- rence Cnunll," will be receive ï¬rth“ ofï¬ce until the arrival of the eastern nub 5!): mill on TUEQDAY. the um; day of Noiéxgï¬, r_ many fot the construction or uloqk and 19% as feix and the deepening and emergemet‘. A. Upper entrance of the Cornwall 03M). . Alsofor the c(mstmgï¬ofl_ of}; fang“. haiku SEALED TENDEEsxmuéwd to the under- signed and endowed “Z. render for 5:. Law: wiï¬a ther enlargement and deepenihg git-1&9 unper entrance of the Tmpide Plat Cm’z_ or middlq divisign 9! the Willianqsbnrg 9!: nl_ Tenders will also be received until TUESDAY. the 27th day of November next. for the extension of the pierwork and deepening, 550., 0! flag gpnngel at the upper entrance of the Galan A map of the head or upper entranqe of 913% Cornwall Canal and the uppar ant-rupee 1’ the) Rnpide Plat Canal, together with plum In a’peél‘v floutious of the resgective works, can be seal M: this ofï¬ce, and at. y 9 Resident Eugineor,s oflioe. Dickenson’s Landing, on and after Tuesduy, the 301.]: any of October next, where minted found of tender can be obtained. Can al‘ D6 t. of Railway: and-Canals; "munch Septrï¬sst ' The cheque thus sent in will be returned to th‘ respective partial whgsg tenders are not accepted. This 1):: 33mm»! dime not. however. bind 11.501: to umpp‘gi “gent or any tender. A map, plans and speciï¬cationl of 9113 workl Io b9 done stgho head of the Gnlops Canal gun he lhéfl at thi {W109 and M the luck keeper' hon 5 near the p; w, oh and utter TUESDAY, 'a 1361i flaw of No ember nexl, where pxï¬hed tbrml ox tender on. ,be obtained. ‘ wuuet UNHrUH uuuuxuuu. x Contruckrg are requested to hear in mind that tenders wil bt be considered unless made strict- ly in accordance with the minted 101ml. andâ€"in the case of ï¬rmsâ€"except there are attached the actual siggaï¬urea, the nature of the occupation and reï¬ll] we 0! each member of the same ; Ind‘ further, un‘ accepted Bank cheque tor ‘the sum‘ of Two THOUSAND, DOLLARS must downwinle the Tender‘, which's‘ï¬ln eliall be forfeited if the nth; tendering declines entering into conï¬rm: or the works at the rates and on the terms stat. ed in the oï¬er submitted. 7 7 ~ 3M 9.1m: flflvtrtimmmtï¬. ADMlNISTRATRIX' Mama £6 Qbï¬tnctou. JANE IALFOUR ,POGUE. ADMINISTRATBIX, Ric:th mu, 1'. 0. $323; Late 01 the JANE BALFOUB POGUE. A. P. BRADLEY. 35°35er?