The Sun estimates the value of the new buildings erected in Winnipeg this year at $2,500,000; an expenditure which indicates at bottom the substanâ€" till prosperity of the city. Upon the new residence for the Lieutenantâ€"Gov- ernor $10,000 has been expended, new Parliament huildings costing $70,000 are in course of construction, a new Court House costing $50,000 has just been completed, and a new temporary post ofï¬ce, costing $10,000 has been erected. The foundation: ofa handsome city hall is now being laid, a market and police station have this gear been added to the civic properties, while of new churches, there are the Grace M vthodist, church, with a seating capacity of 1.500, costing $50,000 ; the Holy Trinity church, of solid stone, one of the ï¬nest ediï¬ces in the city, erected at a cost of 375.000 ; All Saints church, costing 810,000, Knox church, $40,000, and the Church of the Immaculate Concep- tion, $3,000. The Canadian Paciï¬c Railway Company has expended $226: 000 on buildings in Winnipeg this year, the principul ones being the station; “round house and shops, and car Works. A general. hospital, costing $50,000, has been complete , and the erection of 3 "ea s has preset!" 53 :3: a. We notice some of our exchanges com- mg out forcibly in favor of doing ‘nway with the systemâ€"too much in vogue nowâ€"of canvassing at elections. The ballot is supposed to be secret. It was ndopted for the purpose, more especially of securing to the workingman the pri- fllege of casting his vote in accord with his views, 'without being hindered from so‘doing by those who might try to in- fluence him in the manner of his vote. 80 long as canvassing is allowed in con- nection With the ballot, on long will inâ€" consistency and bribery follow. Have as many public meetings as may be thought-necessary ; address your econâ€" Itituents through the press. if'you think proper. but prohibit canvassing, mqu voting compulsory. and by so doing a step in the right direction will be reach ed. We trust to sea the law altered in this respect and that too, before very longâ€"So mate it be. We have taken the trouble to obtain the ï¬gures upon which the advocates for the removal‘ of the scholars attending the High School to the Masonic Hall, as a building more suitable for the pur- pose of accommodating the scholars and also for appointing a third teacher to the High School. We would recom- mend our readers, who may be intercitâ€" ed in this matter, to out it out. for future referent». I'm 2:: Whole N .1323: Volume 28. Although we are altogether in favor ofa national currency. we are not so sure but what the World’s poor woman might not have had pulmed off on her some bill ofa defunct bank instead of a national currency blll. There is no doubt in our mind as to the superiority of the American svx-tem to ours, and we trust to see before long the same mode adopted with us. Vth should the bank bills of one province be refused or at. all events shaved in another. when at the same time the American national notes be taken at par all over the Dominion. Mac to Bentâ€"James Thompson. TITIURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1883- The data prinï¬ed on each paper denotes the time when the subscription expires. The Toronto World goes in for Cana- dian National Money, and gives the,be- lowing case in point in support of its tak- ing this stand :â€"â€"“A poor woman who had a family to support found that all the money she had was a ten dollar_ bill of the Exchange bank. She started out to buy something, but had the bill re fused in several cases and a big shave wanted in others. She has held on to the bill yet, hoping that; it will become good- she cannot afl'urd to lose one tenth ofitâ€"though she has had to forego the necessaries she desired . †from s-cbolnrs for 1884.... . $600 00 Fixed grant received from Gov. 500.00 8 months of extra grant ...... . 40 00 Average attendance............ 30.00 ibof 8500 ......... . .......... v . 166 66 ~100 of $350 .................. 157.50 Gogngy grant ................ n... 894 16 Ben: of High School............ 80 00 It will be recollectcd that it. was stat- ed that an increase of teachers would so govern the Government grant that it would prove to be positively cheaper. It would almost seem (however strange it may appear,) that such is the fact Nevartheless we believe some other 'ar- rangement could have been made besides taking away from the villagers the use of their public ball. If they use it. now it is done at great inconvenience and trouble to everyone concerned, which could and would have been avoided if the trustees had not been so hasty ‘in their action, as an addition could have been grade to the High School building. rhich would have served all purposes and been equally as cheap as under the present arrangement. Salaries to be paid 3 teachers... 82.350 Rentfor hall............ ........... . 100 Fags expgotpd t9 be received Receipts and Expenses of the High School. ,NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.- My 921ml: 532mm. N 0 TI 0E T0 ,S UBS CRIBERS. Richmond Hlll. Ont. 82468.32 82,450 Great indignation has been expressed in this village by the villagers at. the temnrka contained in the Toronto Telegram of Nov. lst, in which it is Stated that two d‘fl‘m'ettt attempts were made to burn out the Liberal ofï¬ce. At a meeting of the Council on Monday night it will he noticed in the re- port in another column that a Committee has been appointed to ascertain upon what authority such rumors have been set afloat. The Committee is also authot-izad..ifthuttt_rht necessary. to take legal advice in the matter of tnwstigating the cnusc oi" such ï¬res. so as to give a flat dental of the rumors set afloat both in the columns of the Telegram and World of Toronto. Everyone livmg in the corporation is pHreCIl‘v satisï¬ed thnl the fixes that hum-9 OCCUI‘IPd itt the Liberaloflicte hove not happened through any agency of a. malicious diameter, but purer through accident or carelessness. it is. however. thought necessary. Im- the teputation of the village and its inhabitants. that the facts should be legally come at. and to thts and we undetstand a coroner's inqueqt Will be held. so that the truth may be unfolded and the "mySlBt‘lOUb" uatute of the hunting LBCcl’lBlued. Cured Free. Any render troubled wneryspepsm, Cos- tiveness, Hvudnche, hiver Cumplaim. 610., should cull M A. Sanderson & Sons’ Drug Store. and secure a free trial bottle of Moâ€" Gregor’s Speedy Cure at once, which will convince you 01 the merits of the medicine. 1: cures permanently where all other mediâ€" cines have failed. As a blood puriï¬er it has 5a} and. _ 'Rengember in costs nothing: THE nruvxzninmzl‘s noonâ€"anan our.â€" nauloxâ€"msoonnï¬w vocun'rs â€"â€" omen. yous. Kram's Fluid Lightning Is the only mulumaneous relief lor Neuralâ€" gia, Headache. Toothache. etc. Rubbing a few drops briskly is all that is needed No linking nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute’s application removes all pain and will prove the glen! value of Kmm’s Fluid Lightning. Twpnty-ï¬ve cvnls per bottle at H. Sanderson & Suna’ Dung Store. ANDREWS MURDERING MABONEY, and the exceedingly light sentence passed by the Judge 00» the murderer Saturday morning. Not only have the pros and cons of the subject been thoroughly ventilated and reiterated time and again in the street, but I venture torusert in every warehouse, workshop, and other places of employment. the nll-absorbing-question has been, "and what’s your opinion of Andrews’ sentence ‘2†That there are two sides to every question, and that this. too, has much to be said -for and against, is well known to everv intelli- gent person. There is no denying the fact that Andrews murdered Maroney. but it is claimed that if the latter had never insulted him no murder would have been committed. It is also alleged that Andrews was partiul )1 under the influence of liquor at the time and committed the act rashly. and to a cextnin extent. in elf defence. Had he been in his right senses it is questioned very much whether he would have spoken to Man-m ey at all. for he expressed his sorrow for him to the Judge with tears at the time of the sentence‘ Andrews has, however. to serve ï¬ve years in the penitentian at Kingston. and let us hope at the expiration of that time he will be a wiser and a better man. Your correspondent had the oppnrluuily of bearing l-he Rev. Mr. Stair, of vour vil- lage. pleach in Bloor "reel Methodist Church on Sunday. which be embraced. ll 18, lbeliave, always expedient. to gel the general opinion of a congregation of a. min- isler, and from my own opinion. as well v.5 from those who heard Mr Starr. the rave:- end gentleman has become quite popular Will) the congregation. Mr James Mackie, of the American Bowl. Toronto, has leased Haulan’s Island Hotel. _ The principal topic of conversation on the 31mm of the city tho lust dq or two has been 1116 story of NOT Bl. Theatre goers are favored this week with the play. ‘Tbe Galley S'ave.’ 'l‘l-uue who have witnessed the abuve play acknowledge it to be the bear that has been on Ihe bounds Ibis season. ll is leully surprising the num- ber of people who nigblly amend the opeua house, and to all uppemam-os enjuy the evening's amusement night after night. THE LUTHERAN CELEBRATION ()n the 12th inst., promises to be a. grand affair The united Protestant denominations ofthe city will take primâ€"the choirs in singing. the pastors in speaking. and the congtegations by attending. It is estimated that in the neighborhood of a thousand voices will comprise the choir. and undoubt- edlv the sweet strains of music Will be sue perior to anything of the kind-in the shape of church choirsw ever heard in the city. Special appeals for FUNDS FOR THE SUFFERING P008. are already being made in the city. There are hundreds of needy ones in Toronto that our charity institutions never come in con- tact. with. Residents Who know not how to get from hand to mouth, or where the next meal is coming from. abhor the idea ofseek- int: aid of our charitable institutions, while on the other hand there are others who cou- template living entirely on free offerings all through the winter. It is to be hoped this kind of people may he brought to under- stand that only help is given to those who help themselves. AKING STREET MERCHANT WM badly duped the other evening by 8‘ gang of conï¬dence men. He was coaxed by some means to Join the gamblers in a game of euchre at a well-known saloon. and before he left was the loser of 8500. After a few hours' sleep with a light head he informed a detective of his loss, who is now trying to ï¬nd the gamblers. DISCORDLNT VUCALISTB. The HERALD no doubt is anxiously per- used weekly by the fair sex of the village. and wherever the large circulation of the paper may ï¬nd a cordial welcome which un- doubtedly is in every home it reaches. The ladies are Simonâ€"it is a patt of their educationâ€"and those connected with choirs know that promotion from bottom to top is an established rule in all well-regulated; musical circles. Sometimes. however. par-t tiality creeps up. and it usually ends in ul general break-down ofthe choir. A easel of this kind has just appeared in Toronto, 1 in the Queen St. Methodim Church. Mr. Baxter, the organist and leader ofthe choir, placing his sister-in-law, Miss Lawson. who has been connected with the circle but. a short time, above the older alto members. This has brought. about discord among the choristers, many of whom seated themselves in the congregation last Sunday. A new choir for Queen Street Methodist. church is now on the tnpis. Toronto, Nov. 3rd, 1883 (From our own A False Assertlon. Toronto Letter; :4. v. net/Ls am“ 0 A.“ ‘1‘). 1: 51:9) v «ondenm Dr Smith’s small Latin En lish Dictionary $2.30 AnthonesLatin English A: ngliah Latin " 3.00 Select Orationea of M. I. Cicero .................. 1.60 Sullivan’s Geographigenemlized with map .75 Spulding’s English iteruture .75 Harkness’ First Greek. ‘30 “ Lat/in Gramm , .80 “ Introductory La .60 Arnold’s First and Second La 11 .80 Outlines of Natural History... .40 Mechanics, by Tomllnsun. .35 Maxwell's Militarv Series . .35 Elements of Algebra by London. .60 First Book of Anatomy, &c ........ .36 Ryerson‘s Lessons on Agriculture... .40 Pillars First Steps in Classical Geography... .80 White's Xenovhon Book V..., . .40 Virgil’s Eneid " II.... Cmsar “ 1V. Belcher's Latin Prose ......... Dunn's Bellnm Bl‘lmnnicum Smith’s Hydrostaticn.. Roscoe’s Chemistry ..... Collier’s Eventsof History. Whately’s Elglnentig of Rhetonq Shaka eare’n Tragedy of Julius Caesar. Latin 0x135 with notes ............... Elementary Statics by H. Smith. Cicero Pro Archim. Yirgfl's Eclqguem Lar'faSâ€"é ï¬Ã©bï¬e‘i.;...;.;m. The Animal Kingdom The following books will be sent by mail free of postage, on receipt of cash :â€" The Greatest Healing Compound Is a preparation of carbolic ac‘d, vnaehne and cerate called AVIcGregor (k Parke’s Car- bolic Cerale. It will cure any sore. cm, burn or bruise when all onher preparations fail. Call at H. Sanderson & Sons' Drug Store and get a package. Twenty-ï¬ve cents is all iv. coats. M r. Jol-n Elliott. a non member of the Brigade. was present and made a few remarks. stating that, as far as he knew. nothing had been done that was not necessary, and thought the Brigade act. ed well. 7 The Council met. on. Monday evening loaf. Reeve in the chair. Present, Messm San- derson, Pugsley. Hopper andCrdsby. Min- utes of last meeting read and adopted. Foreman Heddi" spoke at some length and complimented the members plesent at the ï¬re, for their excellent, Work, and particularly Foreman Savage, {or the manner in which he bud performed his duties. The following accounts were submitted and ordered to be paid :- N. Stevenson, $15.75 , Christie Ken- & 00; $171.09 ; HERALD Printing Ofï¬ce, 36 ' S Browulee. :17; w Bricknell, $31 35; ï¬re Extinguishing & Manufacturing Cot, $85 ; G. Glover. $3 ; A J Rupert, two accounts, $42 and $32 62 Capt Sanderson, in answer to quesâ€" tions, said that the members of the Fire and Water Committee are vested with power to look after floods, etc., and also controlling. "none of these are present the power devolves on Chief'of Brigade. and so on from one oflicer to another. Under Act of incorporation. the Brigade have full control at time of ï¬re. and could not be prosecuted for doing anyâ€" thing that was thouuht at, the time to be a beneï¬t. orawould prevent thaturther spread of' the ï¬re, and gave some advice with reference to stopping up gaps, &c . to exclude the rush ol'nir. He thought the Brigade had done remarkably wall, and deserved great praise. The petitizm of A J Rupert and 58‘othera praying that an investigation he held m reference to certain reports contained In a. copy of the Toronto Telegram of 315: Oct. and in the World oflhe lat Nov†to the effect that the ï¬res on two occasions in the Liberal nflice had been caused thnough nt- tempts to set ï¬re to the said 'building by parties unknown. Foreman Savage was called upon, and said he thought the Brigade deserved great praise and credit. for the manner it- which they performed that duty dur- ing the late ï¬re. Mr Crosby, seconded by Mr Pugsley. moved. that it is the opinion of this Coun- cil that the article published by the Tele- gram, which has just. been read, containsun unfuhndod slander upon the inhabitants of this village, in so far as the same relntea to the dumage done to the Liberal ( ï¬ice by ï¬re on two diï¬'erent occasions. and that the article referred to is calculated tn bring the character 0? the village into dimennto and thereby damage the value of pr'operty thera- tn.â€"Currrio-d. Fireman Trench was asked to give in account of the late fire at. the Liberal ofï¬ce, which he did. and in the course of his remarks suggested the propriety of someone being.' appointed to restrain the crowd and also the school children, as they hindered rather than helped. He also suggested that. an extra man should accompany the Brunchman, as ll: was too diflicull work for one man when going up a ladder with hose. He had heard that the ï¬remen were blamed for deb troying property unnecessarily, and as far as he was concerned he did not know ot‘anything they had done that could have been Well avoided. I! d that damnge done to furniture and store goods was done by outsiders. - Mr Crosby, seconded by Mr Sandérsbn, moved that the petition be received and rend.â€"â€"-Cnrried. Mr Sundersun. seconded by Mr' Hupper. mow-d that the RPere. and Messrs. Crosby and Teefy are hereby autbnriZed and in- Itrncled to take such proceedings as thev may Item) neoesury to make full enquinv with a view to procuring the name of the wui‘er of the articles in the Telegram and Wuald. and the source from whence the in fotmntion was received, also that thev sh‘a‘ll ohluin legal advice in regard to the same if the_)_':tllink proper so metaâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr Puzeley, seconded by Mr Sanderson. that the 'I‘Ieasurer be authorized to grant a refund to Mr Dubson for over- charge on frontage Ianâ€"'Carried. After some coï¬veraalion in reference to bad slate of the sidewalks in different parts of the village, the Council adjourned. Th’e regular monthly meeting of the Fire Brigade was held in the Council Chamber, on Friday evening last, there being no practice on account. of the muddy condition of the roads Some 33 members were prennt. Capt. Sanderson in the chair. wMr Crosby, seconded by Mr Hopper. moved that. the Committee on Fire and Water be and is hereby instructed to smk a large tank on the West side ot'Yonge Street opposite the Public School lot. and a med- ium size one on Yonge Street betweed Duff- érin Street und‘A' Wright & Sons’ Carriage Works.-Carried. Mr Pugsley moved, secondvd by Mr San- derson, that the expenses oftlie said Com- mittee shall be paid by the Treasuur ofthe village.â€"Carried, The meeting {hen adjourned. Richmond Hill' CdunciL Fire Brigade Meeting. School Books Cheap. .35 .35 .25 .20 .40 .65 85 65 .55 .30 .20 .40 .75 Tm AND Cancunâ€"The ladies in connection with the Presbyterian Church in this village, will hold their annual Tea and Concert, to-dav, Thursday, (Thanksgiving Day.) The Tea will be‘held in tï¬qutyre Room of the Church, and served from 4 m 7 30, m., after which the grand Concert. will take place in the Masonic Hall. The programme will consist of Solos. Duetts, Vocal and Instrumental, by the best Local and Provincial talent, Readings, Recitatrons, etc. The following ladies and gentlemen will take part. zâ€"Mr. Chas. H. Kelly, of Brampton, one of the best Bari-tone singers in Ontario; Mr James Fax, of Toronto, in his amus- ing Songs, Readings and Recitations ; Mrs. Burns. Miss Nichools, Mr. Hume, Richmond Hill ;vthe Misses Reid, Thorn- hill ; Miss F. Conner, Toronto, together with other excellent talent. 'l his will, undoubtedlv, be one oi'the best Conâ€" certs our villagers huva had the opporâ€" tunity of attending: for a long time. and as most of the performers have never previously appeared before 3 Richmond Hill audience, we hope a large attendâ€" ance Wlll greetthem. Tickets, 40 cts. ; for Tea or Concert, 25 eta. Doors open" an 7.30, p. mn‘Conoertr to commence s: 3 0‘9 sol-z. ‘ f Assrsnx'r â€"â€"h rs. Bulmrv thmï¬n. recemly Asnlsxzmt in Elum 'Y-iglg f‘chunl, has accvp'ed the pmizin- of mini teacher in our High Fchnnl :unl «Hen-a upwn her du'ies m mm" Mrs K h'-- lad :I long and vqrioal r-xrvrivnr-e i1: Puhfic and High Schowle inâ€! "-r 'hnvo M'vl's past has b‘en excwding'v anneal"!!! and popular as Assis'nn' in Hit-"n ‘r‘sae holds two oerriï¬cms, viz. “2nd ‘\‘ and ‘1“ C,’ and in addirim is an Undprgradunte of To- ronto Universizy where she ohtni ed lat class Honors! in Fm ch German, English, History and Geography, where her stand- ingin the aggregate was higher than of any other Modern Language student. and where her papers were adjudged worthy of the $150 Scholarship In that Department.â€"~Cour ' HOUSE to rent at Temperanoevmb. WANTEDi-SONO Elfdwood Wanted See advertisement. at thiaOï¬'xoe. PARTIES indebted to this ofï¬ce will _ AUOTION' 3810’ bills Printed' in All kindly oblige by settling. amen, ‘ nvles and at lowest rage: ut the . ‘. ,,- [HERALD Oï¬iee. BANK Nun: â€"â€"It is reported at: Ottawa Ihat 85.000 in one and two dollar Dominian flutes. have been Malen from the Gavel-mum, and almt, the bank-H" have been nmiï¬vd nut In accept them The numhors M'trm missing mm doll"; biIls nre from 505 001! an 508,000 andz of the 1mm f-nm 145 0 l‘! m [46 9N? and 1mm 155.000 11.153; 000. Sï¬OOTING MA'I‘crLâ€"A m‘unri shamh» ing match will be held at V‘Joudha‘idgg on Thursday, 8th i515}.a (Thanksgiving; Day.) 0m}, hundred game and. turkeys, also ducksaud chicksns, will be shot! for. Shooters to use Nâ€. 6 shot Every accommodatirm'will he provided for-all parties desiriuus of having a good days' sport. RICHMOND Lodge, A. 8‘. 8: A. M}, Will meet. in their lodge room on Monâ€" day evening next, 12th inst. Tm: OLD series of School Raiders can be supphed at the Book Store in anv’ quantity-M H Keefler, HERALD Store. EARLY.â€"~AB Thanksgiving Day hap- pens on Thursday, we iagn‘e the HRMLD one day earlier this Week. THANKSGIVING Ramonâ€"K union service will be held in the PresBVtorian Church. in this village. 30-day, (Thanks: giving Day.) enmmencing at 11 a. m. Rev'. J E Betta Will o'ccupy the pulpit Service wxll also be held iii St. Mary’s’ Church, 'ormmenoing at £0 a. at, when the.Rev. W. W Bum will deliver 8 5611110“ REMOVEDâ€"Mr Geo. Wright. our} obliging ‘wielfler of the scismrs,' has re-1 moved from his old stand, and is now" making hls headquarters at the Domin-L‘ km Hotel. Mn Wright has b've'n in the“ tnnsoriul line in this ViJnge for a long‘ time‘ and we trust the custom he hall heletofore had'wili not He lost. by his recéut removal. J CATTLE Ramâ€"The montth Cattle Fair was held on the fair grounds in this village“) Wednesday. A large number ofcame.-sheep. etc., were on hand, but prices were rather low. MORE Emmiâ€"Mr. M. Tecfy. our enterprising postmaster, is having a will- dow cut in the south side of his residence. for the p'u'rpose of havihg mor- lighc shed imd the Post Oï¬ce. This will be u do- oided improv‘eme'n‘t, Ii the oï¬be was rather dark, andthe lamps had to be lighted very oa‘rly‘.‘ Fair was held on the fair grounds ml JUBILEE su‘m-‘ms _The Hawk“... this villugecn Wednesday. A large! ‘ number ofcame £th em we" on ‘troupe of jubilee singers gave a concert . yin the Temperance Hall, in this Village» band’ but pnces were rather 1°" lon Thursday evening, last. The attend: GYMNASIUM CLU3~The Gymnasium lance was not very large, owing to the Club in this village is progressing nicely. 1unfavorable state of the weathers-it" The horiznmal bur has been put up and having snowed nearly all the evening.â€"‘ is now rend for use. The carpet and but the performance was excellent. The other f‘nrnis ings have been purchased, ' receipts amounted. to about 816, over and in a short time everything will beland above expensesywhich, is for the nice and comfortable. {beneï¬t of the C. M. Chuteh, Thornhilll MONDAY. Nnv 12 Extensive Credit Sale of Implements. Furniture, etc the property of the‘ lam Dr Reid, Thorn- hill. Sale to Commence at 1p. m, sha‘rp, Sums ol 3]“ and under. cash. over that amount 3 momhs credit. 8. Eckardt‘, Aim. MR, J0th Palmer in having the shop vgcatgd by Mr Geo Wright. barber. reâ€" ï¬tted in grand Rtyie. We hear that the genial Bertl‘A‘nd‘i-em ig about taking possession ofthe same for the p‘urï¬ose of keeping up the reputation of the pine for always giving a» elem shtv‘e. BEWAREâ€"The season of tflo y'e‘nr is now here for coal gas victims. Scamoly a day passes that I we do not read of snmeon‘e’ having been suffocated while sleeping. Great care should be exercis- ed by'coal congumers t9 see that damp. ere srn properly turned; add‘ neoeeury Ventilatioa secured FOOTBALL Maulâ€"The return roan} ball match hemeen Weston and‘ Ricki-'1 mond__ Hill High Schoolsâ€, will talu- pineal on Fridï¬'y’ next, at Weston. Nearly sir months him elapsed since tlieae elubl‘ met, and is both have been pncliaingl éiligentl'y’, an interestingmatc‘h is cx‘pectl ed to take place. LOCAL ITEMS. ! LOCAL ITEMS.» u burr Kirkmnn. Im 'Y-igla b‘chunl, of third zeachel‘ r-n'e’a up" her Mr Crosby. 8( conded by Mr Trench moved ll'mt the Head Master be allowed‘mr~rgnt {he Hail to the Presbyterian Chu‘rch to hold 3 Concert on Thanksgiving evening, mm m 1:» applied to Library of mfg-ranch, The Board adjourned MI: T-ench. secondé'cf' by Mr. Brown. moved ihm Messrs Cw‘Sb’y and Duncan be A Comminee to make arrangements with Mr. Cnuher for land in rear of Masonic Ball for IbP us» of lhe High School. also to sacure wood for Ihe High SchooLvâ€"Car- tied. Mr 'l‘rem-h. seconded bv Mr Boyle moved that the buck hall he wanted to the A 0 U W. for sev_enly-ï¬ve_cqn_ts pgr flight, Mr Trench moved, seconded by M :- Brown, that the 4th Department of Ibo Public School he rzï¬'ered to Miss Rulhrrford n a salnry of $225 -_9arrled. Muved by Mr Trench. seconded by Mr. Crosby. that Mr McBride be re-appoinlcd at a iahty at $1.200 per annum. to include the earmakiug of lhe high schuol huilding and expanses of . Inca! exnmumtionn for women, and for matriculmion examinations in Universily. Tommo Mr Trey-ch. sH-onded by Mr. BroWn‘ moved thm Mrs. Kukemnn ho- enz. ed a second assistant for the High School at a salary of $450. Mr. Teefy. sécondvd 5y VMr. Duncan. movnd that [he applicmiun of Miss 8pm“. be_ECc_epted: unlit): $400 Tquried. Mr. Duncan. deconded 'bv Mr Crosby, movvd that a fourth Ieucher be engaged for :hgpublic schonl.- Cgrnjigd. Mr. SwilZer. seconded by Mr. Trench, moved that the application nf Mr. Basin. thufgiielm Eccepted._s§lafy {Em-1L0». ‘ Another Witnou.~ ‘ A‘, (‘hhrd of “coding. "uniï¬es m the «G way of Hugyard'a Yellow (III, which“ if usvd'furu bule Injuwd knee joint. I: i' the great huusehuld rented? for inflam- 'mnrm’ux pain, sorenuq. lnmenosa. aka, and is usedï¬d’fï¬â€œ In‘term'H'y and externally with infulllbie sdécééé. Mr Bruwn. seconded by Mr Duncan moved that Miss Williams and M15. Wiley be re- enyaged at thrir present salaries, $250 per year eachâ€"Curried M r Bruwn. seconded by Mr Duncan moved that Mr. Burns be re-engaged as assistant in the High School)“ A salary ol'$700. 21") AND 350 Books of 8011001 Read; en, also lst‘ and 23d parts of the ï¬ut‘ books, for sale at the HERALD Store. Png'rIcn GAMEAA" practice glï¬h'e’ of Football will wheth hex-q today, (Thanksgiving Day) betweeti tlie High School club and methan of the Lacrosse Club and villagers. Any person wishing an afternoon of amusement should be on hand- Game to cummence at. 2- p. m' Thu .qugnl of quominn mm. in [he ,‘vUo'Simic “is†un Thurde Int.) R. Marsh In 1hr chair Pueflvm, Myst-n. Teofv. Pul- wrsuu, l‘umhy' Bfnh-‘g (‘umpbvln Bray". Jumes Trench“ S‘vilur. Suva‘ge' md‘ Don. ('un .Mr, l‘umrhell, secondvd-hy Mr Savage. ml-VPd Ilmt Ihe Svcrotnry mmwer the com- n-unicmiun hum M's: Hamilton. guncvrniyu halnncv of anlurv d:.e Hr He’r. mld smle :hut in will he paid as smm us pussihlr Re port "I" Committee whn visited the Schools was received. The Bridgewnter Timn‘ give: the diihlber of votes poiled' in Lumnburg opunty, N. S., in We recent election for a member of the House of Commons for Hint cmmty. n 3,703. of which the Gnvernment‘ audit!th cb'taihed 1991' with: Opposition 1,712; ‘ Mr" B. W Allison has been nominated, as the dé‘mdldénte m ’c‘onteat‘heumt in the Reform interest. Milllfll'h' rendf ' . Mr 'l‘vrfy. Beet-nde 5V Mr‘fr'c'noh. man-d IMI Iht 1mm" of yen: he entered in lam mi xuh'u. Many pen-p e suffer frmu dish-wait}: m- Iacks of aid: Huuduche. nuuï¬a‘ and oihor bilioua troubles. who might ailsin I» cured by Bu’fdbc‘k‘mund [linem‘ . h cured Loni- Howarrl, ol Bum-le N. Y . oftHis complain! :and aha praises i! highly; " , Accumumâ€"As a buicha-r 'frfsmf Vaughan township. named Taggart awn: walking in' the stable of the Commercial Hotel, Toronto, at noon on Mondnv. last; he was knocked down by a vie'ous horas which was standing in one of Ihe stalls. He was found u few mimitel after lying on the floor insensible and carried into che hotel ’J‘aggart’s face was terribly out ; one deep gash running from his left eye to his lip bled profusely. A doctor was summoned and his injurie’a' “tended io. He had a narrow coup. for his life, but a feW inches clam to the horse and his brain: would in“ been, scattered about the burn. Hoxlnown'a Oman nu» Pm camel bine boll: autumn and mud" pawn. in .1 high degree ; bv the fog-mu- Mr. is nudity stood their ability to preserve health. by lhoi lutlet their capability to tutor. hullh. ‘ Wuh those remedie- It had. In inulidl nee}? be at fault to guide bimulfoc has"? safely through the nanny trinll to whichl ev’e'ryone is subjected during our long and offline: inclement winan Congh. colds, ulcer-fled throws, quin‘uey; whboplï¬g comm can 110' aubc‘éufully Ivfltdtyvuï¬"mbbin¢1 lhin Ointment upon the chest. and by “king: the PIHI. During damp. foggy hawker-l ulbmuical,iuflenrl will uperionoe the ab; n‘io‘afpoaiible relief from the iuungï¬ou of the Ointment. and all lender clawed penmm.1 will In: tlldh.’ misery by flaming Halal _ A fluid: I Result. A single bonlo of r 1 ma": Pldnim Worm Sysop bun freTwntly destroyed from 100 to 200 worml. l in plenum u- take-â€" no other callinrtio’ Mug required Tupe dorm: haw- also bun removed by it. of 16 to 3b lee! in lenglh It in eï¬'eclul for all varieties of worms aiming bmh ch'iidren undeuns.’ Board of Educatxon: A' c‘ï¬'hmon Annoylm Raisins,‘201bs. for $1 ;Ch0ice Currants, 131bs. for $1. Cheap Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Rice. Etc. TERMS CASH OR EXCHANGE? Hosi'ery, Gloves, Wools, 860â€.- Wonderful Bargains in Felt Haifa, At 25, 40,50, 55, 60, 65, 75, 85c. and $1; Ready-made Suits, $6, $7, V$9,_ $10. $13, $14. O'VewOats, $5, $6, $7, $8.50, $10.50, $12. Grey Cottons, 5, 7i, 8, 9. 10c. ( Heavy all-wool- Tweeds, 50, 60, 65, 70, 80, 85c. Heavy Stocking Yarns, 55, 60, 65, 750. Men's Gnmse'ys‘, 45, 50, 75, 80, 95, 31.3%. BLANKETS AT ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES Plï¬in Winceys“, 9%., 10¢, 12§c., 13c. Plaid Winceys, 90., 13c.. 156; Beautiful Costume Dress Goods, 20, 25', 30¢}- ‘ Bléck 8L Colored Cashmere, 25. 30, 40, 49, 60,78, 95c: Black and Colored Velveteens, 35, 65, 70c., 31. Grey, Blue,-Scarlet-and W bite Flannels, 23; 30, 35; 40c; Check home-matte Flannel; aï¬ mohfl’c 1 White 8!. Grey FianneIISheeting, 1 yard wide. 40, 42c. Canton Flannel, 12;, 15, 17. 20c. fl A "We Bill by the Grand Jury has been returned ugainst John Strader and John Entwistle, for perjury in the East York election trial‘. Mr M‘u'yphy moved to quash the indictheut‘; M‘r. Britton, Grand Value In Table Linens and Tickmgé: Q; 6., rappeered ferrrihe Croivi‘hv. J entriee Gal: declined to try the ense,- which was therefore postponed till the next Assixes. SAVAGEâ€"In Vaughan. on Fddnyflnd but. the win at Mr. John Sun-go. of a son. [inlay 21%? . db . ,‘ Dressed nonmal- loo If»; ~"1,hmd dis-tormrporr no In .,.. o uflon. byqeha «smut. per 100 m... o Chickant . _ .. Ducks. ngxgg’aéo :83 Ducks, pé'r‘Bi’lé’o Geese. each ........... 'l‘uflwn. etch Butter, hpme lugs roll- _ cup (13:117.... FALL WINTER MODS? mannâ€"BonmloNâ€"At, mo residence of the bride’s mocha-.911 Wednelday. It): just, by the Rev. J. E. Stark“, Miss Mary Rnblnlon, of Richmond‘ Mr. Andrew Savage, of Woodbfldn. (13le of Patterson. Who-.8 Isnl, new, pet lbunh P TORONTO: Wnnxnser.Nov. ‘l. l mali- n nnnnnr \uuoon db do‘ . Poms-iv 3.: N)! Au-plea par ban-e! . 01110115. per bag . Cabbage. par ‘. Query. 9-1-de: ...... Turn; ", pjnr In; W Curbs-I, pet do ’ Boats,†in Plflnlpl. pot bu Hay wanton... smwp'or. ton. Wool to: 15.... CHEAP CASH. HOUSE The undenignod hu svflood home to‘ rent if: the ygliggg 9t Tpmpormcc 19. For particulars, etc., St. flawrenoe Canals. - VV_.._ V.“ .. __~ _-_V ' 21m. Wait-go" wili be randy for tax-- mlmutoun‘ m pheot previously ‘mantionod on Ind altar Tun-nu, the wau'rtnrn' day or anunn; For Oh. Work- at tho head 0! the Gnlops Canal. tendon will be received until TUESDAY. the EIGHT!!an day of Dtc'nwnm. Plans, 3 acid- «£10m. ML, can ba.u'een' at the plnool efore mu;ququ oft: n‘hd snot Tun-on the Foumn duyotDIolnnn. ' A. r. awn“. , IBan . «mum I word ‘ l ‘ Mum: 2w)! our. 15%?“} m House to Rent.“ TEE liking 0L 0 mark at the upper entraixce 01th. 0 RN ALHCANAL. and those at the upper anti 0! the RAPIDE PLAT CAN- AL. Id! to uk- plac- on the 13th day oflbvnhn nun, m .nnnvoxdnbly pan-- pogedgo thgufgllowing dye ' __ B‘amainsy Bargains ‘wlv Dâ€"IlV-‘-~ (vial-dng! will be ‘Kn'til WESDAY. the 1.";an d†Beams“ m}.- ’. SNEATH, 86 CS'rRENNAN‘r At the Lowest Prices in the Countv. are invited to inâ€"â€" spect'the following lines offered By the 35m gamtmmm. THE MARKETS limo. to Contractors. REYNOIDS’ OLD STA-NIL JAMES foio‘m PSON. Willa. Nov. sxd. 1883. MARRIED. By ordor. BIRTH. Those wï¬â€˜o are in quest ofBargains' in: RICHMOND HILL ‘50 .m) o on Win moo 1150 on m Socratm. it'l- A Good Introduction. . 3‘. Kennedy, a merchant‘ in Dixie. abouf lbreé years ago introduced Hsgyard'n Peed; loral Balsam to his customers by trying it in his own family for Coughs and Colin. Being pleas‘éd‘ with results large hole: NJ lowed, and it is‘ now‘ the favorite reme'dy SI that niighborbood'. M A Wrong Opinion. Mhhy a dollar is paid for prescription: {91 somé’disease that neVer troubled the patient and w’h'e'n the sole difï¬culty was won-nu, whic'h a few of Fre-emnn’a Wurm‘~ yonder- would remove. These Powders are plow" sum. safe and sure. contain their own 011-" tharlic, and are adapled fur childrca or adults. N. B.â€"~Afl perison‘dlindebted to flue Eat“. at the 1m Wininm‘ Focus. above nunad. by Not. Book Account or otherwise._ are herehy 0 upon to pay their indebtednesl to the Amid“ tram: before the 20th December now next our» mung. mm; the exath um? 59 w'onnd at. HE undersigned is authorized to give noï¬ou So the Butapaygrq‘p! the Villago of Richmond‘ Dated at Richmond Hui atmomd this Motth day of October, A. D. 189‘. an inmate vocal. ADMINISTRA’DBIX. s' Mahmoud am. y. o. n And he in instructed to allow 5 per centum Even? the races lo’vied for County, VillagQ,-High Ichoolh Public School and Railway pur osel. to Inch 33‘ will voluntarily call and Pay 3 bi: taxes to Mu, at bin. Oflice. before the ï¬ teem): any 01 Novombor’ Moresaid. _In the County of York, Gtocar and Coop"; Doceand, who died on or about the 19m :15] a! January, A. 11,1883, are hereby notiï¬ed to um! by post prepaid, on or before THURSDAY, 20'"! [MY DEC'I. New next ensuing, to the nndersi and Admin“.- u‘utrix eithe ersonul’esmte of t e laid Willis-u Po ue, theirc rintinn and surnames, addresses an descriptions, the full particulars 0! their claims, estatement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if my) held b then: and that immediately after the said 9% day «It1 December next ensuing, the assets of the all“. of the skid Winitun Pogue will be distributed among the vertiea entitled thereto. hum: refer- ence only to the chime of which untie- Dbl.“ have been furnished to the aï¬miniqtmtxix n ebovo requ‘irpd ; and the suit! administrau’ix will muse liable for the .seid' Its-eh or any port thereof to any person or'persons 0! when chime notice shelllnpt have been received by he: at the time of such distribution. V 1 L L A G‘ SCHOQL . u.“ “nun-ulsuuu .u nuuuuuuvu Iv u. a-vI-vw. So the Ratopayerqp! the Villago of Blâ€"éhmond‘ am, that he wnll recei‘v}? (£11119 Tn.on at hi. one. In: x e cmk'a Ofï¬ce} Eighmond ï¬nk; ud- VILLA EB 01' RIEHMIINII [‘59 Your ‘l‘axe. and Suva! pureomi‘ NOTICE. WILLIAM POGUE. Under and by virtue of Revised ltItntel of W tutu, Chapter 107. Section“, tho Creditor: o! un'u or ubvi'n'iléa’n “if x“- RICHMON-D' 1111:1415. :- gm: gxmrtimmmts. By order of the Council, AND†> OTHER TAXES: ADMINISTRATRIX' MnmbIP'AnITY 01'I Late of the JANE 13.;me WI- M; TEEN. Clerk tad Tm!“-