Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 8 Nov 1883, p. 3

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There is novhing more' productive of diam in unfig‘fib’drfibod than had drainage 1 Oprm'me culverts and aluicowau and puri- fy Ibe locality. The obstruclions in 'lhe human system mav be remedied in a. simi~ lnr manner by Burdock Blood Bitters, which opens ml the outlels of disease through glge Buwcls. Liver and Kidneys. ' ' A Yule mnved. seconded by Mr Tracey. that inasmuch as the separation of the North Riding of York into an Independent County would necessitate the building of two 80” of County Buildings. the cost of and maintenance of which, together with the extra expense of keeping up two sets of County oflicialn. would result in a large- ly increased and burdensome tax on the ratepayers. This meeting is firmly opposed to the separation of North Youk into a nepmnw County for judicial purposes. On Soturday, 24th ult., a; petition was circulated about Aurora‘, requesting the Reeve to callfia public meeting. that the feeling of theZpeonle might be obtained regarding the separation of BNertli‘ York ;' accordingly Tuesday evening of last week was named. ' A‘ very fair representation of of the electors w‘oa present. The Reeve you gelled to the chair, and B. D. Lundy Ippomted Secretary. After explaining the object of the meeting. several gentlemen ‘werencalled to the platform who all apâ€" peared decidedly opposed to the separation of the gonna. Messrs. Robinson, Yule, Funghner and others spoke at considerable lengthV showing most clearly the disadvan- tages under which we would" labor with the change. Among other resolution: the folâ€" lowing were adopted :â€" ~ Lying beneath an apple tree Sir Isaac Newton 52;.“ an apple {all to the. ground. His enquiring mind led him to investigate the cause. and the result. was the promnlu gation of the theory now known as the law of gravitationâ€"4| syntem which at OHCF won the assent of the learned world, and 'by menus at which the motions of all the nown heavenly bodies are explained. and those of the yet unknown can be determine ed. A singularly comprehensive princrple is that prepounced and carried into practice by Holloway. He divides all the usual diseases into two classes~those arising from imperfect netiou of the digestive organs. and those proceeding from impuri-- ties of the blood. These two classes of diseases he trentl by means of his celebrat- ed Pills and Ointment. two skilfully pre- pared remedies which have been most suc-- cessfully used in all the habitable parts of the globe. His unparalleled success has r'nade his name a household word not only in his native land. but throughout the length rind brendth of the world. Countries Where proprietary medicines are forbidden by law have relaxed their stringent regu» lotions. The rich and the poor, the learn-- ed and the ignorant. physicians. statesmen, monarchs. it vmtion of enlightened t'reetnen‘ haw- snnt-iimwd. Used m d extolled them The-y nwfiled l'dmn in medical history. ls hut this in nee- thm: h wing light under a “M! i worth knowing it ‘h. it (tit. ,: lipid « rir ix v F‘lllv ktmwn. St) tin-"u ‘Hvllrrw v w-t-luims the virtues pt‘h ("hit-Haw ti! -'-n:h the press. and at if mt. fivt’t": ,\ . w t! m: gratitude of millions hurt - t -: {rd In making: these 318?": = m t u ~31“de by an earnest wish I in iti‘ 'lyf- suck and-suifining of all l’Illlit-ms‘ : an” 1. din cting their attention to mmymngNâ€"Servioes at 11 a. m, ands?!) pm Prayer meeting on Wednesday evenihg at 'I 30 Rev I Campbe I, pastor Br May's (E'leo'mLJâ€"Services at 3 p m, e;- eopt the third Sunday 0! every month, when the I_el:vioe and Wage are hamlet 11a 1;: Sunday wish u h .ir 'lyf- suck and-sixtfieuing of all l’lllliums‘ : .ww 1: (h:- (‘Iing 'hPiI' nuenlinn to tho um; :11‘-sh‘d cumliw- properfios of Hulinw;.fls w m- (1195. we nuly reiterate facts gm! minfmm uhwh nrev patent to three- {nun-1m nf' the civilli'ed' world.-â€"Lammas Indicator. ieivioe and Wait are how at 11 a in Sunday Gabon! at 1.30 p n; .3” W Bates. Rector mmofiisrâ€"Servioes at 10.30 a. m. and 6.801) m d...:.. n-L--‘ -L n on- .._ - 1L.-_L-_ ___-u_.. __-.._ mun“..- w. m.-- .. m... .. .u. m... MW , .. in“; Sohoolatzso m ' I’my'ermootdngeyew gugnfipvening st 2 m. ’ Rev. J. Batu. Pu:- . v . E Starr, Assistant. SOCIETIES Among Ihe recent. ingenious attempn to trap the guileless Canadian farmer may be cited lhe cnbinel organ fraud. A firm in Mnasnclxusets has flooded the country with advertismg mnuer. ofi'ering to give a cabi- ne: organ for the "small sum 0' $ll and a list of ‘25 mum‘s." The organ duly arrives and has to be taken out of the custom house for which a further sum of $1! 6015 required making a total of $22.60 for an instrument but worth $5 in Canada. Moved hv H J Hartman, seconded by Gwrge Bishop, that Dr Widdifield, M. P. P.. the member of the Ontario Legislature for this Riding, be requested to use his in- fluence against the passing of any bi}! brought before the Legislature. that may have for its object the separation of Notth York into an independent County for Muni- cipfl purposes. Froin ihe above it will be seen that Aurora has at last become fully alive to the fact that Newmarketers are reallv in ea‘rnest regarding separation. and are mak- int material progress in that direction. Although apposition II ofl‘ered At a ratheij late (late : by persistent effort and unity lbereisevery prospect of defeating the proposed severing of the County.-~Bmealis B. T. 0F TEMPEBANCE.â€"â€"Richm0nd Hill Conn- (:11. No. 43, meets in the Temperance Hall. each alternative Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock‘ p. m. Beneficiary certificates issued to members for $1,000 or in case of death $2.000, one 11:11pr able in case of disability. J. H. Sanderson. elect Councillor. Moved hv Mr Lepper, seconded by Mr Cnnnnr, that the Reeve and Councillors of this Mun'icipulity. then in oflice. be a com- mittee. with power to add to their numbers, to uppose the pnuaze of any bill for the leurution of North York into a separate Cuguly. that may be brought heron-a the Uncariu Legaslumre, and to urgo upon the anmm'eut the necessuy of allowing the Cumin nf Yurk to remain intact. RICHMOND LODGE, A. F d: A M. No 23, G R câ€" geéts in the Lodge Boom, Masonic Hall, on the onday on 9r before full moon, at 8 o‘clock, pm A. J. Rupert, W M ; E. A. Nicholls, Sec. A. 0. (9. \V., Iva? LODGE, No. litâ€"Meets in the Committeelkoom of the Masonic Hall, every second and f’our'th‘Tuesdav of each month, at 8 o'clock.p. m. Beneficur certificate given for 2,000 in case death. . A. E. Switzer. Muster orkman, 3‘. .Law, Secretary. V 11'an BRIGADEâ€"Regular meeting first Friday 01 every month, held 111 the Council Chamber, in 7 p. m. Membership tree. Certificates issued to members entitling them to certain privileges and exemptions. Salary :32 er year. J H San- derson. Captain. H. A) Nic olls, Secretary. Mmcnmws INsmUTE.7Library of over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hall, from 7' to '8 o’clock. Wm. Pugs- 1ex, Prgsidenb. T. F. McMahon, Sec. R E Law, VILLAGE COUNCIL 'â€" Reeve, J4 Brown; Coun- cillors. I 01‘0st H Hogper, J H Sandexeor. WPugsloy Clot ,MTee y ‘ RICHMOND HILL Commr Emuâ€"Meaty for prac- tice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at '41::‘3 O’clock. J Powell, Leader. 10 , Presia L bruian. A Kick againafl Separarafiion; Role CATHOLIC-v Services : Thomhill'ut 9 aria md Richmond Hill at 10 80 um ; the followin lunday at Richmond Hill at 9 am. and Thornh‘ .t 10 80 a. m, Rev Father Egan. Pastor. Millage gummy The Law of Gravitation. CHURCHES Bad Dralnage. "Elm WEEKLY menss is the afier of the Do- minionmmd the Family Paper 0 the Continent. where 'chs'rxoivs on BEE Knnrmb Ere answered by Mr D A Jones, of Beaten, Ont, President of the thion 0.1 Bee Convelltion ; "ambiguous ABOUT Pour/in! AND YET!) are an“ swpred by Dr Andyes,Montreul ; WQUEsmoN's on Fnum 'mn meu no aniwér‘ ed_bv Mr James pouganh, of Windsor, Ont. ; V "théTIONS 0N LEGXL S’trnméii 7 itr'e 7 Eiia'weréd byAsm eminent Qggen'g Counsel: of qugreal ; AfltheNewslooWoeru-Ono Suntan”. has four Editions daily, and contains everything 01 interest to the general or commental under. Its name and reputation are too Well and wide- tly known, and firmly ostablised. to need any ex~ tended comment. Single cppiea, ONE CENT. Subacriutlon price, 53 a. You. Pagan Pr”. This is an eight-page weekly newspaper, com wining the world's news for min week in brief and readable form. markets, and also all that appears in the Nomaznn Mnesnuonn! The Canadian edition has from one 1.0 two pages de- voted to news of the temperance societies of the Dominion and their work. and editorial discus alone of semperance questions. It is remark»- ably cheap, FIFTY GENTS A YEAR. with reductions to Clubs. Sample copies will be sent with pleasure. The Montreal markets appear in the Canadian edition, and the Nov York markets in the American. LARGEST STOCK Goodwills Bought and Sold! For Manufacturing and other xii-poses. S 00]: and Share Brokers, .‘Ute. 7 iWhenVFOUR sdfiséfibtidfis [fire sent twetb'or in’ one envelbpe. the price to each will be SEVENTY- Elly) CE S. qr$3_in all. , I cents. or $7 in an“ in now thlrt -eight ears old. and has notlcoaséfi to gain on t e nubl a confidence. It lives duly to witness for right and truth in every matter that can come Delete the public, regardless of party or favor. One of its features which is much valued is its Qvnsmons ox VETERINARY 80mm m an- swered by Dr. McEncln-an, F n C V S. Prim _ of the Montreal Veterinary College, and the o- minion Inspectulof Live Stock ; W'QVtilVEBTI'oNB 0N Adhiéiifl'rfifiin Bmdrn' m anpwered by “Bastions ;" is the heat paper for its price in the world. > It in fully illustrated ; contains the Sunday School Lessons ; is replete with general information of various kinds, and is a pa er equally adapted for the week-d}; aghpol u_m_i unday School. and tor JOHN DOUGA LL & SON PIPES MM} CHARLES MASON. GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY ! Believing the people will appreciate a. Beale of low prices for a superior class of artificial tee th., I have determined on reducing the price at least 50 per cent. _ ‘ . Because our prices are so low as to seem won~ derful when oomnared with those 0 jotlmr first- class dentists. I do not wish you to infer mm. my establishment is confined to the manufacture of sets. I do everything or anything that any Toronto dentist wnl do, and do it on approved modern. scientific principles, guarantcemz satis- fuction in 11.11 Cases. No pain caused by the ex-- traction of teeth 7 __ V HE publishers of the Montreal Wm" h“? .1118 found that the clubbing rem» given last‘ year were most eatistwm? in every respect. are Induced to repent mom. u h CLUBBING RATE 3 are as follow: The price ottho WEEKLY Wmus' is $1 3‘.’ Wm. 1303932 32°- .. ‘ ' Wliéxi Tfi’REEfiéubscfiptiohijre sent to ether‘ in one envelo e.theprice to each will beEI HTY CENTS. or $ .40 in all. _ _ M61; i‘iflN sufiscnptf-SEI are aé‘xit together in one‘envcigpg the__price to each will» BEVEN'I‘Y young or old'. Price. 30 cent. '0. your; COLD WEATHER SH ()R'l‘ EST Tdfontb. Jud 9th. 1333' A Query Answered.“ Peeplo often ask When in the best time to lake 9. blood purifier 'I We answer, the' best time is now. Burdock Blood Bitters does its work of purifymg: regulatilig, and lonidg' the system at all times aud‘all seasons Purin ih all th‘i‘ng's‘ 38‘ always in-‘ordgr when required. ‘ Farm & Other Property, Hotels, Taverna aid Business. TORONTO VITALIZED AIR PARWURS w'Qruiiza'r'xo'marorur'Sunmc'i‘xé 6r" Emil?! m6” are mjwered by comgeteqtg nymprities. CHEAP FOR CASH. u; vac-m: "f“"7"b. l’. LENNOX, DEN TAL SU RGEON. H.151 YUNEE 5T.,.TnnuNTu.A S UBSCRIBERS. ADVANTAGES STILLai‘ ’ I XLU Mn N u M. $1.55. ' i CELLOLOID, 63"!“ 01 Wood and Cost! stoves ever shown in Rich- mond Hill. Richmond Hill, Sept. 12th, 1883. Patent Rights disposéa of ; SYNDICATES FORMED ‘ All Subscriptions Payable in Advance. THE NORTHERN MESSENGER ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N gm gdfimwmmtz. STOVES. Evetrouching and m; :-: Maximum «mummy THE WEEKLY MESSENEER. THE wnnxfwmns's” T7113 “DAILY AWITNRSS Orders promptly attended to‘ PUBLISHERS. MONTREAL. SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS. IS COMING ! RUBBISH- J. 1‘. EVAITS & cq; Leader Lamb; Toroflto. I HAVE THE $10. FOR SALE. 4m Thankful for the favors of the past years‘ n‘ ay still be consulted many branch of the pro tension, u follows : Richmond Hi] 9th 6: 24th of each month ihirfialmer HouseiV . Aurora, 181;, 8th, 16th. and 22nd do Newmurketw... ...... 2nd do Staufl’ville . . . . . . . . . . . . . do Markham ...... dc Victoria Square ...... do Thornhill ...... do Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . do Woodbridge ...... d0 Kleinburg ...... . do Noblotnn .. ...... 30th dQ Anast’hetics. n8 Nitrous Oxide, etc., used when ordered mu] nnnn but, thn host. material used Bi {m ‘ ‘ - SURGEON DENTIST, ha? ' removed to 87 King street. East,‘ Toronto. Best mineral teeth inserted in a mum» er to suit each patient. P'Lrticular .attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teethmarefully avoiding all unnecess~ ary pain. Ofline hours from 8 3.. m. to 6 p. In. Private residence 209 J m'vis street. G. H. HUSBAND, L- D- S BAGMNS IN GROOERIHS PICTUTES and FRAMES In Latest Besigns RIG-GS & IVORY, SURGEON DENTISTS, 208 Queen St. West. Toronto work at th? 8.177094; fiiéé’.’ The Best Brands of PAINTS, UILS, TINTS, [EMS and COLORINES EVERSLEY. P.0g RICHMOND ‘ HILL, ONT. Room PAPER AT COST Artincal Teeth‘, Miser or uhdér. $5.00. Palp- less extractin by use of Etlur’med Afr Th6 only fixjnlln _ o Dominion executing first-clth Sanderson 8580118 my - , _ V mumms wonm POWDERS.‘ Newtonbrook. June 13th, 1883. ' Are plea-mt to take. Contain their owfi Putative. II 3 Info,' lure, and stream! Jenny"- 0: mm in Chum-en or Add". FURNITURE IN ALL STYLES DENTIST. NEWTONBROOK, ONT. We invite the large number ef persons who daily come to the city during the I-Ioilday Seasori to visit our Stores, and Will consider it no trouble to Show them through Our Immense Establish-‘ ment.‘wh10h ls" admitted by all to be‘the‘ Finest of the kind in Canada. LATEST _ ’ TORONTQ.h - ; THE LEADING HOUSE IN: CANADA PUB. DRY 80038, SILKSr KNEW, M ELBT'H'E'HSV‘} giant, R O G E R S, Try our 25 CENT TEA. At Maple 181:): of“ Bur} ni‘o‘xiui Dr A ROBIN§6N. SURGEON DENTIST. AURORA VISITORS é‘fiEMIsTs é'finfiéex‘s‘rs; PAINT BRUSHES AT COST -â€"-NOW IS YOUR TIME FOR c. ADAMS, L.D.s._. NOTE THE; ADDRESS, FETLEY a“; Penn, SUGAR, 14 lbs. for . $1.00 an. Goons AT am mum rams ' ’ For one month, to make room for atO’ék At Toronto Pdrices ran THE , PRESENT SEASON; 128’ 130 a: 132 KING-:STREET EAST, W111. fimf Our stock replete With alI the’ l-ly P. G. SAVAGE THE PALMER HOUSi RICHMONII" HIL L, This Housois one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First C1455 Style. Smnpl‘e‘l’lboxn for Commer- cial vaelk (iond Stubliug una‘ attentive hostlers. 'I‘ ' 3H pey any. Pmctor’b 1m» leaves t}1i<‘7.4m0_ mn’ ' wi h. 11,11 the, N I; R Trains arm)»; NI mum. at 8 u. m., U -a m. h )1 UL Barristers, Attorneys-nt-Luw, Soliclt-ors-i'n: Chancery. I Convevancers, etc, omenâ€"Imperial Bank Buildings. Wellington-street, Toronto xoMAs FEaGusoN, Q.O. JOHN BAm G20 F SHIPLIY WM SETON Gonnoyx, RmHMOND HILL; JOHN POWEILL. Pf'op Member College of Physician! & Surgeons. (LATE or swounvmu.) OFFICE BOURS,â€"From 8 to 10 a. m., 5 to 8 p. m RESIDENCE an‘gé 7 Street, NVRichmond Hlll. J” Palmer, Pr This Hotel has" Beeli refurnished, renovated, and fitted up in first-class style, and is now he lexding Hotel north of Toronto. The but IE sup~ Elied_yvith first‘class brgxngl of liguorsfland cigay Eiéelhnt accommodation for Cdufifiéf‘cirni Trnw 1! rs, and the General Public. Good Stubl- mu m d :m attentive Hoscler. Fgrgyson. Baln. Gordon 59 Shlpley, VResidence. Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. RichmondHill.Ma.y’231-d. 1882. ' ly Assistant Surgeoxi “Toronto General Hospital. Oflfce and Rasidence,â€"0ne door south 9! P. 0‘ OFFICE HOURSâ€"8 to 10 a m, d: 12 £3 2): m Thornhill Feb 14th, 1883. R. n. Orr.M.;B. ma mr'qe Silver Meduflst Univonity of Toronto, M. C. k 8. Ontario. L. 8 AL, England (Into Otiioéd-on, England: Surgeon. Etc; ; ‘ 30mm; Hours 8 to 9.30 3.111.. and 1 1:02.30 p.m. ERNEST F. LANGSTAFF I lug. ‘W. J. ylmmv, MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. V Dr. Gep‘r-ge‘ Langstaff‘, Graduate of Toronto University. BR. JAMES LANGSTAFF: Richxfiond Hm. Oct; 12:211. '32. M. C. P. & 8.. Out, Two Yahrs Resident, éfi’mm WWI-Kn- an. can», MAPLE. P. 0. Box 2527. f’aonumm, our. fittdical. firgai. increase the secretory powers 0! the Liver, brace the nervous system, and throw into the circular 121021 the purest Elements for sustaining and inputting the frame. This Indomparablc Medicine haa‘sécur- ed for itself on imperishable famo‘ throughout the World for the alleviation and cure of most. diseaSes to which humanity is heir. Manufacfured on’I‘j‘r at' Pr’oi‘es‘s‘é or Hollowav’s Establishment. 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON. The Trade Marks of my said Medicines are re- gistergd 1n Ottawa, and also at Washington. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY 533 Oxford street. London: _ ‘ Coughs, Sore Throimts, Bronchitis. and all dién'rd ers of the Throat and Cheat, as also Gout, Rheuv matism. Scrotum and other kind of skin diseases and mid nt1s. 11M” ‘25. 9a., 45'. 8d.,.lls.. .22, and 335 men Box 1i]ir11’oh,ay11_(1 in Canada. at 36 cents. 2:0 cams, and $1.50 Cents, and the larger sizes in wrouorbiou . fi'} (‘AIY'I‘T‘UKâ€"l havs no Agent in the U‘iiiu-d Slams, nor aie my Medicines sbld thin-e. Purchasers shqud therefore look to me lubiel on Ihé Pots and Boxes, If lhe address is not 533, Oxford Street, London Hwy are spu‘rinu‘a‘. , Thousands of persons have testified that byvtheir use alone they haue been restored to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. will be found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores. Hard Tumours. Pills & Ointment BAD LEGS, OED WOUNDS. CULDS, Worth their weight in Gold r 1 See our reduced loan table For further inlet- mutiou apply at the omoes of the Company Loan arid Savings Compahy OIfléeE-No 70, Church-street, Toronto Hon G120 W ALLAN, Senntorfreaident GEORGE GooDEnaAg ..................... Vice-President. DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Plait, M P. Alfred Gooder- ham, Geo W L‘ewis, Thos H Lee, Hon‘ D' L Mucphersou, Senator Western Canada; Total Assets}, $3,590,000 SAVING’S BANK ' fiiécANon: Money received on deposit, and interest payable half yeariy or compounded. “RAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST DT‘IAYJ’I‘V A'v “113'. regulate and impmyo the quzility of £1313 L00 . They assist the digestive organs? clgnnse Qagigal, .351, '000; Reserve Fund, $450,000 STOMACH AND BOWELS. '1. 3mm 86 00. u APPLIED EXTERNAL” rot Rum 113M, NEURALGIA, CHILI LAINS, CALL 0175 Lmurs SWELLDVGS, 81111? JOINTS, GALLS, mosr 31m LAmmss, _ . CORNS, CONIRA moms 1312171535, LUMBAGO, I'm _DEAFNESS, PAIN LN BACK, SPRAINS, 241N111 SIDE, ‘0. Every bottle guaranteed to give satisfm. tion or money refundcd. GROUP, cums, Asmm, I‘D-DISEASES, COMPLAINTS and Accmm which HAGYARD’S Y1:me OIL is ann- tecd to cure or relieve either in AN or BEAST.’ DIREITIDIIS VIITII EMII BOTTLE. HIDE 956 QUALITY A'P WALTER S LEE, MONEY T0 LOAN. INDEX. TAKE)! Intel:er For caucus, s, 501212: 11171041; 4, ‘ OOLDS, a: T308 NIGHTINGALE'B, mx&oo.,rm ' TORONTO, on. Jim; 5th 1881 Yorkvi‘le Manager ! We make a. special st 19 of Orgasm large quintitiu, and are bheiefoxeiabie 6503;; at 6â€":- 1 «913023.113 low 5ates,-__ aynq eqts usage; 00 5mm conveyance a: mm W m 613:: a ‘pegm or years. my: $12.. pamma “2.36 to - M . > J “015. 4-way. ! V» :» ,s m «*V uufi'ix‘yus w...‘ -53.“? I. \r,‘__>, .. Av- . a. .‘...., 6 L3. 1v:v D "- MfiSShd. R. R. WILLIAMS & Sox's. ~ . . , TORONTO. A rfl lit 1 7 Vi GENTLEMEN ~I have much pleasure in testifying to the great excellence ofycgr Pianist”? have put them severely to the-133:“, and find them possessed of those qualities of tone and touch so ac.â€" ceptable to the true musmmn and lover of classical musicâ€"a. charming singing tone, easily , "mu. ntsd from the most delicate pianissimo to every degree of loudness and fulnesa, and a. touch'- which answers regdilx to eyery ahadq of feeling: "W I éonsidér £11929 insfiruments a great'acquisihion in musicial soeieby, and am mu'ch‘ pleased at: finding a. piano‘ whmh I can recommend with perfect confidence. , 9 ma CHAs.W.EWING,‘ (6i Landon. England.) , I am,Gegtlemen yoursv ry Y. Organist 0: Sb Peters Church. Cobum'om ‘ .sSWanus & Sm‘sâ€" - ‘ L ' » Tonox'ro,Nov.4th; . ., . MESgfi:§gâ€"Having thoroughly examined the Workmnnshlp of your Pianos. I have no hesx atlon In stating that, in my opinion, they me P al to t 9913,13}, otheys 9f the‘a'pgst 345L119” .thggellgajye seen M, 1.;_L A. ,,_, Egg églyfspeak' in‘the mime fiigh tefms regarding théif‘ muisireinr afimtiieis} qrvihfifin; ffijvgfg'; ing capability of tone, pleasant touch, «to, M9 such. that there seems to be no necs;_' y to urehu. foreign instruments. when our home enterpnse can produce such Pianos, and at one-third ens coat I am glad to hear that the extensive sale of your instruments shows that'yodaii’d meeting with as 111603353 that I think you jthl deserve. . . I am, Gen amen. Your Obedient Servant, I ~._4 _L _“ a .um P 1131108? Pianos!" UPRIGHT AND SQUARE Richmond Hill, Oct. 3rd,- 1883 TEE HARVEST IS PAST! THE SUMMER IS KNEE]! ! Ready for the Winter, at Prices that cannot Af‘d‘iilf’to‘ GIVE E-NTIBE‘ SATISFAO'I’ION: A Fresh Supply of STOCK OF BOOTS &- SHOES GrO‘Ceries82: Canned Goods FIRE PROOF Groceries; Hardware &- Grockery, A LARGE ASSORTMENT‘. New TWeedS, ,, New Prints, New Dress Goods, New I Cfo‘t’tons“, 866.- Mfll GHEAP.‘ ()RGANS £333 Peas, Oafs, B‘ran and' Sliorts. Bakery in cmméétiongbhpice' 'onfe’cfi‘one'ry and Cigars, Wholesale and Retail. All kir‘n’d’s‘ of Farm Produce Taken at} Market'- Prices. Remember the Place,â€"Comér NEW FALL COODfi 8e Lard, Bacon and Hams; ("31101013 'FMiILY‘. FLOUR;- RECEIVED DAILY, (Su~ndéys‘.E'xceI’)lfed.l) TESTIMONIALS. To the high priced American I‘nshunfi‘eutl. And J. Brown- h'as a Spléndid' PIANOS ! df Yonge & Centre Streets, Richmbndtfiiflli THE ISAAC cR-osni‘; GEO. vi mum. Hus J. BRO WN;

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