_. The guard is said to have simply perform» ed his dutynractiug under instructions from the department which controls him, and consequently he is not guilty of having taken the lii'e ofa_ fellow creator-e. It would have. rebounded much more to~ his credit if the ball had missed the mark. Just calmly look at, the case. Here is a young man in enjoyment of health and strength suddenly ushered into the presence of his Maker be- cause a “prison rule" givesthe guard power to kill a. prisoner who attempts 'to escape. If Harte is not responsible for murder the authority under which Harte was acting is. Young Scott wasserving a nine months’ term atthe prison, and sent to do some work at a distance from the prison together with several other prisoners. in charge of an entirely inadequate guard. Liberty is dear to every one. especially a young man, and it was a moat natural thing.r for Scott to make a dash for freedom , and “the prison rules" to the contrary it is a lasting dis- grace to a civilized age that. Scott should have lost his life as he did. To send a squad of men improperly guarded is offering a premium to the prisoners to strike for liberty. Suppose that the squad all dart off~ at the same time in so many different ways the guard is powerless; he. may. as in the ease of Scott, take the life of' one of them. ‘but the rest of the gang would have no difï¬- culty in making good their temporary es- cape ; the escape can only be temporary after all. and even were it otherwise, had Scott never been recaptured. that would have heen fur preferable to his loss of' life. A prisoner who is guilty of or charged With a criminal offence should not ' be afforded the opportunity for escape that Scott was. and no one's life. short of such a criminal. should betaken on any consideration. There is no doubt that this case will have the ed‘ect oftnnking a change in “the prison rules" which have the sanction ofthe Lieut.~Gov- grnor in Council. {in the Maronev case there was even a 'worse failure ofjustiCP. the Judge interprets the'law as he ï¬nds it, and gives it such a color as seems to him to be right. and as he sets in the absence of “malice more. thought†a person is not guilty of murder. This may be true, is true, but nevertheless we think that. in this case there was ‘malice aforethmtght,’ not against the victim, not against any particular one. person but. words; there was ‘malice aforethmmhl‘ against any one and everyone who dared to cross the tpoth of a drunken bullv. a man who carries 1i loaded revolver in his back trowset's-pocket ready to he produced on the. slightest prove; Cation for the purpose of shooting down his fellow man, is just. as guilty of deliberate murder. in our opinion. as the man who. sit-ting under a supposed wrong. which has probably so excited his brain as to make him atemporarr lunatic. takes down his fowling piece and pours the coritents into his en'ei‘ny, and we would feel more disposed to take a merciful view of his case than of a man who stalks red-handed through the land with the deathcdealing instrument ever ready. Iftwn men cen be shot dead in the capiv tail of this Province within a few days of each other, and the majesty of the law In- voked in vain, we think it is high time that eleps should be taken to change the law or we might. just as well reside in some of the lawless Western States where life is held of no aeequnt, and the revolver is in constant requisition: A Notwithstanding the results 9f the trials in these two cases, we feel con- yinced that the proper term to be employed in both of them is murder. Th'e Quickest Thihglon Record. Is Kram’s Fluid Liglnninz for Neurulgla, Headache, Toothache, Me. It does not blister or discolor Ihe skin : requires but one application {:0 banish all pain magiCnlly Mignon! using any greasy linimen: 0r carryâ€" ingxobr head in u poillhce for weeks. Try a 25 mm! bottle from H. Sundensun 4: Sons, llnggis'la. One who giiin‘ed great success wrme this: L--"13‘dhl{r:ily is innney. This has corï¬e to be recogniéed n5 a. principle in business. «pompetilipn‘js so keen. and W9 live in such busy timés that a man’s only chance of suc- é¢ss lies in .pgm'llniming-the merits of his wares fur find wide. up and down the mar-- ket. He njï¬s'l keep a 'rumpeter. the public pnemim» lï¬hst bé‘ arreslvd. and he who beél succééds in this has Ihe best chance of' inuking a fortune. In lhis convxctmnlevery- 7bne of spirit. advertises IL is not sufï¬cient to put a sigi: over the door : signs must b: éem out fur and wide, ‘and people made to see and rem Haber them m spite of them- éelves, and l 'e only way to (30 it. is to wimop it up in the newspapers. Two onset of shooting which have lately taken place in Iorpnto underipeo‘uliar cir- cumstances, though of an entirely different nature, have created a good deal of-rema’rk and thought. On trial the offenders in each case have been freed from the more serious charge of murder, and the Central prison guard Harte was exonerated from all blame for sltootlng the young man who made an attempt to eScape from his custody v - T‘â€" l, . l A Fortunaté Escape. Mrs. Rerkenslmw, ‘26 REIDhl'OkQSL. To- fomo. at one time was about [0 Submit, to a ghrgical operation for bald lumeneés of lhe knee jaint. all thr tresfllmt‘nl having failed ivhen Hugyald's Yellow Oil was tried, and épeedily cured her‘ \_ ROMAN CATHOLIC~â€"Services : Thornhill at 9 am and Richmond Hill at 10 30 um ; the followin Sunday at Richmond Hill at 99m, and Thornhil at 10 30 a. 111, Rev Father Egan, Pastor. gm 'ayé meeting on Wednesday evening at; 80 Rev I Campbell. pastor . ST MARY’S (EPIBCOPALJâ€"Services at 3 pm. ex. cept the third Sunday of every month, when the unicq and monument are held at 11 u m Sunday School at 1.30 p m Rev W Bates, Rector Msrnomgfrâ€"Services at 10.30 a, m, and 6.30p m Sunday School at 2 30 p 11) Prayer meeting every Thugsdag 61613ng at‘7.39 p ml. Rev. J. Betts, Pas- .an 1})? , ,Nâ€"Services at 1i i. Ii, mdéso Thursday evening at 7.30 p m. Rev. . tor. Rev J. E Starr, Assistant. s‘OCIE'ruzzs §ilfe§e§ WEEEEE'eâ€"v'éï¬iï¬i ifs o'cldék‘ p m, E Henderson, W C. . A.0. U. W., IVY LODGE, No. ILLâ€"Meets in the Committee 00m, 01 the Masonic Hall, every jooond and“ ‘urth‘Tueeduv of each month, at 8 Wonk“). m; ‘Bgmï¬cm‘ certiï¬cate given for s 4000 in case of.“ path. . . A.E_..Switzer, Master Workman, R. E. Law, Secretary. ' I R. T. or TEMPEnAzwm.â€"Richmond Hill Goun- oil, No. 48, meets in the Temperance Hall. each alternative Tuesday evening “8 o’clock p. m. Beneï¬ciary certiï¬cates issued ‘to members tor $1,090 or in gene of dent? $2.302, 0130 half payable .,..u,, N.--“ 24-x-..e - momma: LODGE, A. E & A M, No 23. G a 0â€"- lleets in the Lod 3, Boom, Masonic 3511,93; the Monday on or beéme full moon, a 8 o'clock, pm A. J. Rupert, W 4 1-1. A. Nicholle, Sec. Councillor. _ FEW: BRIGADE.-â€"â€"Regula,r meeting ï¬rst; Friday at every month, held an the Council Chamber. 19% 'L p. m‘ lMdmbership flee. Ceniï¬cates issued to members entitlin§kham to certain privileges and exam lions. J Sanderson, Captain. E. A. Nioh s, Sect-em, .Mmcwms mamâ€"Library oi pm:- 1600‘ volumes ï¬lm: every Tuésday evenin , in thei Masonic_ all. ‘I to Sup’clock. , m.PugS-i 191. Prgudenh (F. Maugham, Sec. 3 15 Law. ; mum Codxcx’b â€"- mmâ€, J mom: ; conu- aflhn. I Crosby, H Hopper, J E Sanderson, WPugsloy Clerk.MTeefy RCKMOND Hum Comim" BAND.â€"â€"Meete for mac- gice in the Temperance mm every Tuesday even. mg ut- 7300’cloc-k, A, Land: Leader‘ 100 G T.â€"iljhis quge meeps in the Tom 'efgg‘cg éï¬mmge gummy pf, aisabï¬iï¬'. J.'Iii. Sanderson." Seieot What is Murder ? We‘ve} Forget This; CHURCHES a. week, and has made, in four months. no less than 417 pounds and two and three-â€" qmmer ounces of butter. During the last official test she made {our pounds and one- half ounce-of butter per day for thee days. This is the second ofliciul test of Ibis cow, and on each ocCasion she has surpassed any previous lest. ; Mr Valancy EX Fuller, of Hamilton. has subjected Mary Ann, his celebrated Jersey cow, to another test, which was supervised by a committee of practical men of the Canadian Jersey Breeders’ Association. The test begun on the 23rd ult., ending on the evening of the 29111. The cow was milked twice daily in the presence of the committee, who watched every operation connected with the milk until it was churn- ed, when they weighed the butter. The result. of the week’s test. was twenty-six pounds and nine ounces of ‘unsnlted butter and twenty-seven pounds nine and three- quarter ounces of sulth butter. an amount which has never been equalled by any cow in the world. Mary Ann is only four years old. and was bred near Montreal. She wns purchased by Mr Fuller last spring for $500. and he has refused an offer of $10." 000 for her. She has been continuously tested since May, the milk and cream nlwnys being retained and churned separately twice The Conservative M. P. P. for West Middlesex was unsealed on Saturdgy. EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing 03’- Ge, Yonge Street, Richmond V Hill. Ontario ' Terms of Subscriptions; Sal 00 per unnum in advance When not paid in advance $1 50 will be charged Transitory advertisements, ï¬rst insertion. LARGEST STOCK w}°;(J.vericisemenit; without written instructions will be inserted until forbid & charged transient rates COLD WEATHER SHORTEST NOTICE CHARLES MASON. Farm 66 Other Property, For Manufacturing and other purposes. S 001: and Share Brokers, etc, etc. Toronto, Jun 9th, 1883 peruline... h Scents. Each subsequent insertion. per line. 3 cents Contracts for time and space made on applicaâ€" Lion. PIPES mmwfaE ma 3m. GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY ! M. H. KEEFLER. CHEAP FOR CASH. Goodw‘ills Bought and Sold ! TORONTO VITALIZED AIR PARNURS STflVBS STOVES. ‘ Best $8 Believing the people will appreciate a. scale of low prices for a. superior class of artiï¬cial teeth, I have determined on reducing the price at least 50 per cent. The Champion Butter Making Cow. ï¬ecaum our prices [we so low as to seem won-- derful when comnared with those 0 Sother ï¬rstâ€" class dentists. I do not wish you to infer that my establishmentis conï¬ned to the manufacture of sets. I do everything or anything that any Toronto dentist W111 do, and do it on approved modern. scientiï¬c. principles, guaranteemg satis- faction in all cases. No pain caused by the ex-- traction of teeth ARTIFICIAL TEETH ON ' 80M) PLATE. ) $30. ‘ .R U B 131:) R!‘ $6 "WELT. LENNOX, DEN T A L SU RGEON, .151 YDNGE 51, TflRflNTfl.A 1 Reserve Fund. . . . . . . $5,000,000 Annual Income . . . . . . 1.400.000. Invested in Canada . . . 850.000 Death clams paid. . . .1 7,500,000‘ Tonosm REFERENCES Immald,Esq. ’ C. J. Campball, Esq., A. M. Smith, Esq. Ema. senatormmm 1 Rev. Enoch Wood. D. D JambdMemlfl-i. Esq. . ‘ msraturned in proï¬ts 30 per cam 01 ' hum-J: Trustees, at a, low rate of dummadeto interest. Sand for prospectus. > A W Lauder. _ > See. &Treas. for Canada. > | Victoria. Chambers ,Toronto Fab, Nth 1880 RAMA THE STAR A LUM I N u M, $15,- ,. . CELL-OLOID, . d111f Assurance Soc‘y Alderman McArthur, M‘ P, Chair- man, W W Baynes,Esq,F I A,Secreta'ry E4 Nb. Of Wood and Coal Stoves ever shown in Rich. moud Hill. Richmond Hill. Sept. 12th, 1853. Patent Rights disposed of ; SYNI)ICATE.’ F()RMICL‘ @2111 gantrtissmmtz. Evetroughing and repairing done on the MORTGAGES OBTAINED The York Herald, Orders promptly attended Hotels, Taverns and Businosrs‘ IS COMING 1 RUBBER J. I. EVANS & CO, CELLOLOID, $10. of London. Eingl'aind, I HAVE THE PUBLISHED BY LIFE Lender Lane, Torontu to. ma, om. ERWEMES W. ROGERS, RIGGS 82: IVORY, ~ ‘ ‘ - SURGEON D12xn‘ru,hus removed to 87 Kng rtrveb Unï¬t, Toronto. Best nmlerznl touthiusurtediu a mann- er to suit euch patient. F'Lrtitzulm‘ n‘ttmnjfan given to the preservation mm rewuizxtiou of the natural teeth, cumhzlly :u'oidiuk all unnecess- my puin. 01110911011 from S u. m. to 6 p. m. Private residence ZU’J Jguwis nlrcu‘d. , Artiï¬cnl Teethmxppm‘m‘undor.$5.00. Pni - less extrucling by use. of Eflnrmcd Air Tie only ï¬rm in the Dominion executing ï¬rst-class work at the above price. Will visit the followingpluces professionally .â€" Unionville, .1le Monday of each month. \Vescon,.. 9th and let do 11111310,...“ 16111 (30 Richmond Hill 1 0th do Woodbridge ....... 22ml do Mr Husband will be found in his ofllce, nt wa1 onbruok, evnry Suturdu y, except when Subm- (lay falls on the above rlum. Tlmnkful for the favors of the past years n‘a,y still be consulted in any branch of the pro fession, as follows : Richmond Hill... . 9th (S: 24th of each .mont‘u (at Palmer House) Aurom, lst, 8th, 16th, and 221161 80 Newmmket, . ‘ ‘ . . . . . . . , , 2nd (In Stouflvilla ...... do Markham... , ...... Cc Victoria Square ...... do Thornhill ...... do Maple .. du Woodbridge . do Kleinburg ‘ H . . do Noblcton' ‘ ‘ n th do Anasthetica, ms Nitrous Oxlde, etcâ€. used when ordered and none but the best material used PICTUTES and FRAMES In Latest Designs SURGEON DENTISTS, 208 Queen St. West, Toronto SUGAR, E 4 ms. for 5351;00' ALL GOODS AT THE SAME REDUCED PRICES The Best Brands of PAINTS. OILS, THUS, LEADS and EOLflHINGS H. Sanderson & Sons EVERSLEYE. P.0. G. Iâ€"IUSRANID, L. I). S RGOM PAPER M" @031“ W ‘V .4 u. ' . - rem 0Y0 Newtonbrook,Juno131]), 188.3 \ FREEMAN’S I WORM POWDERS.‘ Aré pleasant to take. Contain then- own Purgutive. Is a safe, euro, and effectual destroyer on? Worms in Children or Adults; FURNITURE IN ALL STYLES DENTIST. N171 WTONBROOK, ONT Speciai @319 ()f‘Boys’ Gï¬ammg COMMENCING EEO-DAY AT OVER 2000 SUITS 85 1500 OVERCCATS. .a reliable Clothing House. They should also take into consideration the real position in which that l)0l stands ; if they are manufacturers, and if ma’m‘iï¬icturers if their clothing is reliable and if made for a firstâ€"class city trade; or ifit is the surplus stock of some Wholesale main,- facturing concern who'carry on a retail branch merely to dispose of the balance "or refuse†of stock which is left on their hands after they have ï¬nished their season’s trade throughout the country. All our Clothing is cut and made on the premises by ï¬rst-class competent work-- men. and is quite eqqu in every way to the best New York Clothing, beirior manufac» tured expressly for a. ï¬rstâ€"class city trade. 0' ' 0 i What we ask is: 'I‘het pcrsons purchasing Clothing, or about to purchase, shall visu our stores and examine our stock, and if our prices are not lower than those of any other ï¬rst-class, reliable house in the city, don’t buy. Try our “35'; CENT TEA AL Maple 18th of every month CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DESTIST. AURORA Parents should study their interests by purchasing Cluming for their boys from :1 128 TO 132 KENG ST, EAST, TQRONTQ. flaw, f C. ADAMS, nus, PAINT BRTISFIES AT COST â€"-â€"NOW IS YOUR; TIME FOR-â€" For one month, to make room for stock At Toronto Prices 1-]3‘ MVME .ï¬ â€˜ Residencn, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill Richmond Hill, May 23rd, 1382. 1y 'I‘HORNII‘ILL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto University, M. (J. P. & 8.. Ont, 'Ilwo Years Resident, Assistant Surgeon tï¬'Tqron‘ao General Hospital. Ofï¬ce mud Residencs,-â€"One door south of P. 0. OFFICE HOURS~S to 10 u. m, 6%: )2 to 2 p m Thornhm Feb 14th, 1883. Member College ofPhysiciatï¬ & Surgeons. I (LATE 0F su‘oumvvtpmn) OFFICE HOURSrFrom 8 to ‘10 3,111., 5 to 8 p. m RESIDENCE Srvlicitbrs-m- us iln'merlul Burlisters, Attorneys‘ut-Luw‘ Ch:an<‘l‘)K (ionveva‘uL-ors, 0m, om Bunk Buildings. WeHingtou-strem, "m‘untu rmMAs menson, 0,0. ' Joux Bmx‘ WM SETON GORDON, , GEO F SHIPLEY IL B. Oman. B. and Firsbiflver; Medalist; University of Toronto, M. C. Ontario. L‘ S AL, England (Late Of London, England Surgeon, Etc. . [$011109 Hours 8 to 9.30 u.m.. and 1 to 2.30 p.m ERNEST F. LANG-STAFF! THE PALMER HOUS RICHMONDHHILL. J Palmer, Prop. Du ‘ ' (1601 g6 Langstafï¬ l) “r. (I. W ' MEDALIST Twonom'o UNWERSI’N. This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First (:lnss Style. Sample Room for Commer- (:iul '1‘1 vellm‘s. Good Stubliug and attentive hostlv . Terms, $1 Der duyy. Proctor’h Hus lezwcs this Hotel to conuvr'c wixh 1111 the N 11 R ’l‘j'm‘ns going: North and South. at 8 a 111., 12 a. “1., 5.10 p m. and 7.30 p m Ferguson. Sam, Carolyn 81.7 Shipley, CEMTEEL ï¬rflw J()THN 13(JY7V’ELL, Prop '1‘] " Hotel has baen refurnishe‘fl, renovated, mu] fed up in ï¬ 'tâ€"clnss style, and i< nmv :he lv-uling How] mn‘th of Toronto. ’l'hv buy is‘ sup plied with ï¬rst-cluss brand of liqnnrs and riqu . «3011mm m-vommodntion for (fommeruml (menus, and the General 'Puhlic. Gaan Stabl- x z: and 4m :Lttvutdve Houflor. l} Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond H111, Oct. 12th, ’82. J AN DR. ORR, MAPLE, RICHMOND HILL. P. O. Box 2527. M ES LAN GSTAFF ‘. AND woman. j gurify, rggumte and immpye the quality 9f This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ml for itself :m imperislmble llume illmuglmut llle “Kn-M fur tlxe :zllL‘YlsHiun ï¬nd cure of most. diseases m which humanity isheir. â€"». ~ ~ 4 « 1 . t the digestlvo organs, cleanse goodf iTBéyiissm STOMACH AND BOWELS, Wis 51 @mmm increase the socretory 100‘:va of the Liver. brnce the nervous system. and thrmv mm Hm cix‘uulnâ€" Lion the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frmuo. Thousands of persons have mstiï¬er! that by their use alone Hwy huue been resumed m health and strength. after every other means had proved unsuccessful. will bu found invaluable in ovm’V Household in the cure of Open Sores, Hard Till‘nnzl Coughs, Sore Throufs, Rr'rmchit‘iq. 3.1M nll disord ers of the Throat and Chesh, 3.4 also Gout, Rheu- matism. ScrofuLa. and other kind of skin discasus Manufactured only at Profess- 01‘ Hollowav’s Establishment. 533. OXFORD STREET LQNDON, and sold at Is. 1M†‘25:. 0a., 4s. ï¬tL, 11s., ‘22, and 335 each Box and Pot, and in Cmmdzl. n1: 36 cams, 900011ts, and $1.50 cents, and the largur sizes in nromortion. DIRECTORSâ€"Samuvl Plutt, 1\I P,A1f1~cd Gooderâ€" ham, G00 W Lewis, 'l‘hos H. Lee, Hon 1) L Macpherson, Senator Worth their “Height in Gold ! ! (‘AI'meâ€"l hnvpnn Armnf Unilvt] Nun‘s. nor an: my Mmiivin thew. Purcrznsvvs Shnllld lhewh In the lulwl rm Ihe l’oh‘ and Huxvs address is not 533, ()xf'm-d Street, Tim Trade Mairkq of my said Mnfl' inns urn. rv gistored m ()LLiLWIt,LL11CL also at \Vn :zmqtun, Signed THOMAS EIHLIAWVA‘.’ 533 Oxford street, London. Western, Canada ‘0th Assets, ‘ 500,000 SAVINGS BANK 'BRï¬NCIfl: “ Money I'm-PEer on deposit, and interest payable halt'yeariy or compounded. See our reduced loan table For furthor infm' mation apply at the omces of the Company BAD LEGS, OLD WOUXDS. CULDS. Hwy Hm epux'iwus Loan and Savings Company Ofllcesâ€"No 70, Church-street, Toronto HON GEO W ALLAN, Senntorfresidem; GEORGE GooDEnHAM..., “(Viceâ€"President DRAIN TILE, OF THE BE'T n11\‘r vmv AW' Capi‘ml, $1,000.900;â€Resurve Fund, $450,000 APPLIED EXTERNALLY Fun RHEUMATISH, NEURALGIA, K CHILI LAINS, CALLOUS LUMPS SWELLINGS, STIFF JOINTS, GALLS, FROST BITE, LAMENESS, CORNS, CONTRA CTIONS BR RISES, LUMBAGO. ITCH, DEAFNESS, PAININ BA CK, SPRAI'NS, PAIN in SIDE, m. Every bottle guaranteed to give satisfac- tion or moneyfefundcd. DIREBTIDNS WITH EACH BOTTLE. PRIDE 250. EMILBURN & 00., ï¬aprietors TORONTO, ONT. LAMENESS, CONTRA errors L UMBA G o. DEAFNESS, SPRAINS, on 0 Up, ORA ms, ASTHMA, QUALITY AT WALTER S LEE, MONEY T0 LOJJV. TAKEN INTERNALLV FCR COUGHS, 5, some THROAT, 4, COLDS, (Ea. 'I‘HOS NIGHTINGA. Jan. 5th 1881 Yorkvile Manager in H19 4 $0M U look [2' the .mth the Hi 1 I am,G'entlemen, yours very truly. CHAS. W.EW1NG, (Of London, England,) ’ Organist of Sb Peter’s Church. Coburg, On ‘ ' ’ 1 Msssns R. S. WILLIAMS & Sowsâ€" ToEONTO,NOV.4th,183€J. i (Emma‘sâ€"Having thoroughly examined the VVm-kmanship of your Pianos, I have no hesitation in U r l stating that, in my opinion, they are equal to those of any others of the best Makers‘that Ihswe seen d0 ‘. I can only speak in the same high terms regarding their musical quxuities ; for their ï¬ne full singâ€" ’ } jng cznpmbiliiy of tone, pleasant touch, &c, are such, fhatlthere Briggs to be no necessitv to purchase ‘ †' ’ {10 } foreign inscruments, when our h m9 enterprise , ‘A AA.“ anus, and {Lt one bird lass 003‘s . ...A AL “41. ALA .imms‘? Pï¬nos! WE MEWS? 13PM! THE WEEK i3 ENflEfl!‘ Peas, Oats, Bran and Shorts. Bakery in connectiongChoice‘, Confectionery and Cigaws, Wholesale and Retail. All kinds of Richmond Hill, Oct. 3rd, 1883 We make a. special style of Organs 1:1 luvga (uuntitlcs. and ‘ captaonally low rates“ Pu Nuts. the coma: term or years. For hm paxwulars V71†Ready for the Wihfcr, at Prices that cannm fail toé GIVE} ENTIRE SA'rxstAOTION: A Fresh Supply of UPRIG-HT AND SQUARE STOCK 0F BOOTS & SHOES- Groceriesï¬c Canneï¬; Goodsi MID SHEAR Greceries, Hardware Brecke’r’y, A LARGE ASSORTMENT. New Tweeds, New Prints; New Dress GOOdS‘,‘ New Cottons, 806; MEssaR. R. S. WILLIAMS (it SONYS. TORONTO April 12th 1881 Gun'rLEMF ' -I have muvh p1 mum in testifving to the great excel‘ence n\f,ycur Pinnolq I‘ have put them severolv to the, tnSb, and ï¬nd them possessed of those qualities of tone and touch 80 3.0â€"- cept‘uble ta the true n’ulsiciau and lover of classical musicâ€"a, channiny sin’rin" tone easily gradu‘ sued 1mm the most delicate pianissimo to every degree of loudness uni} fuliesus and’a. touch which answers readily t_0 eyery shade of feeling. ’ . I , .,.‘ A,†uunnuxo “mmâ€, w v ‘l H V " . . ‘ . . ‘ , I consider these instruments a great acqmsmon m musmm! socxety, and am much pleased at. ï¬nding a piano which I can recommend wmh perfect confidenca 101mg†Auaux unnuug, .. I am gl‘ld to hear thin o A ‘1 k success that I think You justly desen e. - I um, Gentlemen. Your Obodien’a Servant. .- ï¬ii§6u3r A-†"v ~~nunww .,,__“A, Are constructed from the very bPST Materials by expenencod Workmen, and are fully equal in point. of ‘ Remember the Placaréâ€"Cnrncr of Kongo & Centre Strcéts, Richniond Hill; mm E; TOM)“ ï¬n; DE :13 A m mTY ! (9% 3:] E FA L L c000§ Farm Produce Taken at Market Pride‘s‘. k Cï¬EGHCE FAMILY FLOUR; RECEIVED DAILY, (Sundays‘ Excepted.)z 9r? D'meé 3:, Lawdb‘vi 'EEGï¬TIE/IONILXLï¬. To the high priced American Instruments. And J. Brown has a. Splendid Lard, Bacon and Hams, PIANOS I THE ‘ w“; a ISAAC CROSBY; G50. ‘77. STRATHY‘ Mus D63 I. B R0 WN;