,. WW. ..u.._ _.._.__ FORESTRY; Simâ€"Perhaps you will allow me the use of your widely circulated journal on a topic not uninteresting to many who view with concern the too complete distresting of older settled Ontario. At present, according to much corresâ€" pondence I receive on the subject, very many of our farms have no l'orest left, while a great number baye but few acres. In many neighbourhoods the average is not more than 10 acres of bush to the 100. and while of course other sections have much tow the axe is eVer at work, and the small average ï¬rst mentioned will probably soon be that of a very large portion of our country indeed. One fatmer is apt to think his hush will lost his time. another thinks he will clear his and buy wood of his netgh-t borer, a third that he will cut his and use,‘ coal†Verv muny admit that it is a pity | the woods are going so fast. but think that unless some general effort were beitn.r made to parser-ye theta their own individual asâ€" ‘ sistance can effect little, so that they them- selves might as well chop down nearly their , last ten acres which is itt wood and might i grow wheat. , A letter writer in your columns lately was ‘ kind enough to desire on article on political economy from my "ready and facile pen,†instead of a long dissertation on trees. i which he thought of lesser consequence. must (l: cline his request and dlflufltt’t‘. with 1 his eStit'iate I get hali-a-tivzzcn such long dissertations by post I-vet-y morning. and '“uVH wish lllt‘ti. int-:9: and more or L. t... .r 1,. in“ Il-t‘ lit-.c take -lit< I ttl'l't‘tltlll“ iiu! my (‘lll‘lt‘iltttl dvnls tor the ltJt‘ ux‘ n d, trouble. ihov latte 'l'ltvte art: now.- of warning these lt‘iturs it might bt‘ “oil to reâ€"et'hti En nit“ futon-ts who. out oi' wood. ill't'. thing! coal, i find the lll'ltlltll bill g't-Httet and i fort lot-s than lll"\ tittlltflpttlml. in lilt‘ comâ€"Z Soot" t" m-‘ plain tho: t \'I‘\-t‘.iPHl'ltt;_’ now -Xpt>.\'es lllt‘lti' to “'ltllty trntm-sts. severe to can t! and: consumptive of to :tler, blowing the snowy Covering oi the wtntnr wheat from the' centre to the sides of the ï¬eld, ftf‘t'ZiIIL' out , some pottinns oftlie crop and drowning ()lllt’lS. rendering all human life loss Ct’lll-u' fortnble. and that of the dl‘ilil-ltllttt‘ded traveller peculiarly so. Many. too, state that lll Consequence of the same Opemtion the living springs on the farmsâ€"once their greatest comfort and satisfactionâ€"tire fast drying up. The Untatio Tree-planting Act of la°t session is being adopted itt many tections, and the tesultam Iiws of trees Will do much to provide wind-breaks, but they will not provide timber -'l'he toadside wind-break grows well, indeedâ€"densely branching of head. and excellent of shadeâ€"but the for-- cst is the genial birth-place of the forest tree. which dran upward by the forcing process of its own attempts to reach the light above the high, Over-shadowing foli- ag , rises rapidly. tall. straight, and til-- it Vt t hranchless. till you will often see healthy and beautiful young trees sixty or seventy feet in height, while but five or six inches through at the ground. These tall columns. then, iti a few years enlarge into your burn-timber, your cord-wood, l‘your tail-cuts, your anything that the forest will give you. llut the tree of the road-- side. Would never have done this. Then: are yet small patches of timber dotted over the whole of Ontario. and every one of these, or a portion of their. would form an excellent nursery for forest re-nroducIiOn. It is but a small matter, it is but, it it could be done. to induce farmers to fence in and tttterly exclude cattle from n portton of their woodlands. and a young growth will presently cover the soil. Though ever leaflet be now bitten to the ground, iti four years you will have a mini-- ature forest. perhaps a couple of yards in lieightâ€"â€"little httsswoods with trunks of red and olive. small beeches. white and blur), , black ashes. now beautiful stems of yt’llnw- grey, white oaks, now rods of mottled whttlebone. elm. hickory. maple. and many another one, all crowding together. ,emulu ously risittg to the light above. These also preserve the older fat-est, for at the edge these trees will be like those of the road- side, grown in the sun, immovable by the wind and acting as wind-breaks to the inner trees. â€â€˜ For the continuance of the forest in a Viz-productive state. the presence of this un- dergromh is absolutely necessary. With" out it, £18.88 gets in, ovetspreads the earth, injures the larger trees and prevents the growth of any smaller ones. The drying winds sweep through the bush, the roots are loosened, the soil appeats to shrink from tin-tn. and many trees fall. Tho-re is no more vivid contrast than that of a piece of forest left unfeticed, and, another better protected. I had opportuui‘ Mltttely of seeing many such as they sturd side by side. On one side of the fence all was in the bright strenth of fer- vtd life. meiywhere the small buds of in- Cmtsanlings just t'hlltjf trout the earth, "1 We tllPtvti ltt‘ l..lt-t-'.t»'.~ti»i«_r ,Utldt‘t“ 2‘ ti, it - ‘li'.. .! :-tt tifit .lt mo ‘ t ' ,.. (l n; l it ‘ wt. :1) ‘t‘itr ‘ Z. innit, ,..,.-.., lit; ill‘}, I‘llltlt' mm ‘ "r't'.’ soil was tt-t‘t‘ ‘ :llEFElltfjj lof - iitwn t'lt‘hl'tt't'tli, t. , uind \Llitnli shtilly n\'-“.' llltt tlt' .tivlmf groumi and Anion-J the tints. weird trunks of the old tit-ts; for the, e was nothin: but old‘ trees: ‘tltlllI own: but? grown to tcpluce: tint! litt‘t'. themselves, the eatth bl» w deprived of its ontu-nl covering. seenird sickly and many oi them tottering to their fall. ll every farmer could be induced to pre- serve rigidly in fort-st but tett acres of hlEl hundred. besides what bush (it need not he ‘ much) he WlnllFS lot lits cattle, the good resulting to tiimsvlf and to the country would be incalt-ulahie : for a few acres ot dense fotes: thickly undergrown holds and distributes much moisture, and is of more climatic beneï¬t. «specially to the surround-- iog farms. than a far greater surface of woodland dried up and impoverished by the destruction of its undergrowth For his own beneï¬t. too, and that ot his successors, especially in the too plobably coming scarc- ity of lllltl)t-‘l‘, it should be remembered that this patch will yield a valuable amount yearly of timber of many descriptions which may be taken front it, tree by tree, as needed. and yet the remaining bush be all the bet. ter. Yet. in the face of this knowledge. ‘it; destroying their last patch. ltt could do much It is indeed cipal benefits to be obtained can only be so cured by the co-operntion of many individu- alsâ€"a co-opetation which legislation, even if only permissive, would give him’. Let us think of the manner itt which thi might be secured. .connty councils, nsl their“ them‘ we find many farmets. itntead of preserving, this state of affairs it is probable that legislative aid the farmer‘s wn interest to preserve a portion of the 0 'iotést, but he is apt to think that'the prinâ€" A suggestion has been a considerable sum. to preserve this portion properly, and yet. he could by grumble. for he would actually have received ,the monev. He would in fact have accept- ,ed a certain amount on condition that he should do himself good with it. This would. of course. slightly reduce the amount of assessable ptopcrtv in each town- ship, but nobody would. at this day, object; itt fact everyone who understands the matt- er would be well pleased if the Govern-- ment had reserved some timber land in each township for this very purpose, which reserved land would not have been assess- able. Then, in the newer and better forest" od sections. the assessment on wild land is light; while iti the older counties, nearly. at the end of their timber (for how they could replace their barns. many people- write to me, they do not know), the bene- fits resulting would almost immediately be very great. We should shortly have on every farm. a reservation closnly teacmliiing the original forest. retentive of moisture. proliï¬c of timber, and of great climatic beneï¬t to the country at large. These reservations would answer another purpose. which would please many who re-- member former Ontario, who like life in a landscape. at d do not care to see the country becoming destitute of every un- tamed thing, game, and many birds bene-- ficial to the farmer would live there, a , thing which. in the absence nf‘ondergrowth. but few offhem can do. I would be much obliged if any persons throughout the country would Write me their views concerning the suggestion, or any changes they think might profitably he made in it. and l w uld be much gratified to see the subject discussed at the various intend shortly to no means l own oHéAn FOR casut‘ A GOOD STOCK OF GnoéEI-tfms FRU Tosupply thétrade at Bottom Prices. i i V I‘JQ‘S. '» SOMETHING NEW IN ‘ ï¬ A LARGE COLLECTION OF iChromos. Floral Mottoes &. Picture Frames. 0: all sizes. Also an excellent stock of FURNITURE KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. 1’. G. SAVAG E. 11' Sanderson & Stills mks the liberty of asking the various ("-tlllsy authorities their opinions in the' matter. it. w. l’HlPPS, i233 Richmond-st.Wtâ€"st.'l'0r0tito,Jan. 3,'84. Send six cents for postage, and to- A H oeive free, acostlv box of goods which will help you to more money ri ht. away than anything else iii t is world. All, of either sex, succeed from ï¬rst: l‘our The broad road to fortune opensbefore the work- ers. abnolntcly sure, At once address, TRUE a C0. Agusta. Maine. (‘RI‘ELTY- Lately at Montreal a dry goods ttwrchnnt caused the household effects of a poor honest man to be sold out by the liuilzfi‘for a debt of about $13, the man at the time being on his death bed, dying from I the cï¬i-cts of amputation of one of his legs. The bitilid‘begged his principal to allow him to put over the sale on ‘the plea that the case was one of peculiar hardship, rt. ‘ serving the kindest consideration. The goods were bought in by a kind hearted citizen, and nothing was removed. The shylock of h merchant, it is said. is urging his own creditors to give an extenston of time for the payment of his debts. atrium @lttttdxï¬ CHURCHES Restart CATHOLIC»â€"Servides : Thornliill at? am and Richmond Hill at 10 30 am ; the following Sunday at Richmond Hill at 9 am, and Thornhill at 10 30 I. m, Rev Father Egan, Pastor. PnEsavTEmANâ€"Services at 11 a in, audoao p in Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7 30 Rev 1 Campbell. pastor ST MARY'S (EmscoPAL.lâ€"Serviees at 3 p in, ex- cept the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 a in Sunday School at 1.30 p in Rev W Bates, Rector Marnonis'râ€"Servlces at 10.30 a m, and 6.30)) at Sunday School at. 2 30 p in Prayer mooring every Tliursda evening at 7.30 p at. Rev. J. Bette. PM- tor. Rev . E. Starr, Asststunt. SOCIETIES Ittcumoxo LODGE, A. F 6: A M. No 23. G R 0- Meots in the Lodge Foam, Masonic Hall. on the Monday on or before full moon. at 8 o'clock, pm A. J. Rupert, W M; H. A. Nicliolls, See. I O G T.â€"Tbls Lodge meets iii the Temperance Hall every Woenrsday evening at. 8 o'clock I) in. J H Sanderson. \V C. A. 0. U. W.. Ivv LODGE, No. titâ€"Meets iu the Committee Room of the Masonic Hall, every second and fourth Tuesday of each month, at I o'clock.p. em. Beneï¬ccry certiï¬cate given for $2,000 in caseof death. J. A. E. Seltzer, Minter Workman. R. E. Law, Secretary. R. T. 01* Tsmumucn~thhmdnd til Cotta- oil. No. flannel/s in the Temperance: all. each alternative‘ruosday evening alts o'clock p. m. Beneï¬ciary certiï¬cates issued to me, hers for 61.000 or in case of death $2.000, one he, fpa. able in case of disability. J. H. Sanderson. loot Councillor. Film Bmoaom.~â€"Regular meeting ï¬rst; Friday of every month, held in the Council Chamber et7p.m. Memberslii nice. Cert-moath lssugd' to members entitling t on: to certain privilege and exam tions. J 1-1 Sanderson. Captain. A. Nichols, Secretary. ' Miscitait‘ics flatwormâ€"Library of over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o’clock. Wm. Pugs- lev, President. T F. McMahon. Soc. B E Law. Librarian. VILLAGE Carmen. ~- Reeve, J Brown: Coun- cillors, I Crosby, H Hopper, J H Sanderson, W Pngsley Clerk, M Teefy RICHMOND HILL CGRNET Baumâ€"Meets for prac- tice in tho Temperature it all every Tuesday even- ing at; 7.300'clock. A. Lain]. Leader ,‘cTLt'REanEU ATi_s_M_; , PREEMAN’S WORM POWDERS." , Lire pleasant to take. Contain their own Motive. II a. safe. sure, and ethanol (omni- at mm: in Children or am STOVE-S. «â€"â€"â€".>o<‘â€"-â€"-~â€"- IS COMING i "4,â€"â€" I HAVE THE mond Hill. 5 ALSO .___. _ _________._..â€"â€"-â€"â€"‘â€"â€"â€"ï¬hâ€"â€"â€"â€"Wâ€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€".__~_.__________ . GOLD WEATHER GEST STOCK Of Wood and Coal Stoves ever shown in Rich- CHEAP Fol: CASH. CHEMISTS & DRUGGISng-ve RICHMOND HILL, our. ' GENERAL AND gtlctlital. l DR. ORR, MAPLE,-' . â€"â€"__.. I it .. a V1 ' ' - R. B. Orr,M. B. and First Silver Medalist. University of Toronto. M. C. P. S. Ontario.» I» 5 A L, England (Late of London. England Surgeon. lute. Li’Ofllce Hours 8 to 9.30 s.m., and 1 to 2.30 p.m. ittittrttitssâ€"tiitiiititi 0 )1 Farm & Other Property, Hotels, Taverns and Business. Goodwills Bought and Sottl ! Fatent Rights disposed of ; SYNDICA'FES FORMED For Manufacturing and other purposes. S ooh I and Share Brokers. etc, etc. J. I. EVANS 6; 00, Leader Laue, Toronto. nit. .iiitss mastitis: AND ' ERNEST F. LANGSTAFF! Residence, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Toronto, Jan 9th, 1853 Richmond Hill,Muy 23rd. 1882. ' ly Western Canada D1“ George Langsta’ï¬? THORNHXLL, ox'r. Loan and Savings Company omcesâ€"No 70, Church-streets, Toronto Hort Geo W ALLAN. Senator.Ptesident Gthtfli Goons.an ..................... Vice-President. DmECToRsâ€"Samuel Plath, M P. Alfred Gooder- ham, Geo W Lewis, Thus H Lee, Hon D L Mocphorson, Senator Graduate of Toronto University, M. C. P. & 8.. Out, Two Years Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hospital, Ofï¬ce and Restdence,â€"Oue door south 'of P. 0. OFFICE HOURS-8 to 10 s. [11, (S112 to 2 p in Thomhill Feb 14th. 1583. DR. W. J. w usury, MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. Member College of Physicians & Surgeons. (LA'l‘i-Z oi“ h’l«>l‘l‘l‘\‘lt.l,.l£.; Capital. $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $450,000l Total Assets. $3,500,000 SAVING’S BA. BRANCH Morey received on deposit, and interest payable half yearuy or compounded. VONEY7'UiL0/1N. See our reduced loan table For further tutor motion apply at the omens of the Company V . WALTER stats ,,,,,,, .4... r I Ferguson. Baln. Gordon 6:. Shipley, OF BEST . Barristers, Attortio actiow, Solicitors-iti- ’ I Chancery. Convevane s, t'tC, Ofï¬ces ALnyiei'lal , Batik Buildings. \Vcllizigmit-strcet, Toronto . nouns szoosox. QC. Jotix Bar): 1 \VM SETON GORDON, P. 0. Box .2527. RESIDENCY? Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Oct. l‘ltb. '51.. i goat. i Manager tyltAlN Ttlllt} qtnm'rii AT TEOS NIGHTINGALE'B, Yorkvile t ._,.._...._ __.._._ ,4...“â€" A STA LIFE A ' ' S ’ 0! London, England. Sir Wm McArthur. K C M G, M. P, t x-Lord Mayor. of London, Prestdent. CV ‘N Baynes.Esq F I aï¬ecz-etary Slll tlflt).lltlt. l tint) (too t 2H» (too to non (llltt~ THE PALMFR nou's‘i lilCl'lMOND, ,Hlllll‘, i J Palmer, “Prop. This House is one of the Best Hotels to he found north of ’l't,-i~onto. , Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for CfllllHlDT- ciul Travellers '(loocl Stttliliiig ‘tmtl intuitive Tot ' «lay. Proctor's Hus " 71 ..ll tlieN RR mi. 5 n. 1‘..., l2- its. I hustlers. lit-serve Funfl. . . \- ntittl inc ‘1!â€- inn-sit (l in \‘nnn: “(Milli t-lattns tint -' 'l on -..\"r=i .ltlill McDonald, Esq. Finn. Sontttorblcblaster . .1\l.h:ii1l .. . _ , Limes Metcalfo. Esq. 1 av. Enoch Wood, 1), I) 2 Loans made on security of Company's Policy at _ Jt ) H N 5 pt-i' vent: intern» t. toausmade toChureh This interest. Band for A W Lauder. I lilac. d: Treats. for Canada. 18 King St... East, Toronto. Doc lat. 1983. l l l .- .,. .c.†I’i‘oy, tli!ll$h€ll., i‘ennv :‘ . ' -, and is w The li tees. atalow rate of ‘- TlliF Hotel) prospectus. and ï¬tted up it) 2 fending ll. tel i plied with tirstc. .qllt‘rSAllllu - z w .xcelleut ticcominottation for Uoni. c): Travellers, and the General Public. Gotttl Stnlii. iith and an attentive Hostler. _ _ > ._ , EJV TIME 1 l OFFICE HOUltR,r-»7Frmn S to ltl a, m., 5 to S y. is: V ‘ the nervous system. ttlltl throw into the circultn GLO F SlIlI‘LEY . -. .,, .ssesso* VITALIZED TAllt l’ARLtllllRS ARTIFICIAL TEETH ON 63$ $6 RUBBER Best $8 Believing the people will appreciate a scale of low prices for u. superior class of artiï¬cial teeth, 1' have determined on reducing the price at least. 50 per cent. Because our prices are so low as to seem wonâ€"- derful when compared with thoso 0 lother ï¬rst- ‘elass dentists. I do not wish you to infer that ‘ 1my establishment is conï¬ned to thomanufacturs of sets. I do everything or anything that any Toronto dentist Will do. and do it on approved modern. scientiï¬c priiiciplos, guaranteeing satisâ€" faction in all cases. No pain caused by the tax-- traction of teeth , ‘ i c. P. Linwox, DEN TA L SU RGEON; - .151 Yllllltlll sen, TtlltllNTll. , Ell ll _, TO'DISEASES, COMPLAINTS and Accmzx‘rs v which HAGYARD’S YELLOW OiL is guaran- teed to cure or relieve either in MAN or BEAST. .t.‘ , TAKEN tsTEttitALLvrcs .' GROUP, COUGHS, . CRAMPS, some THROAT, ASTHMA, COLDS, .cc.‘ 'APPLISD EXTERNALLY rstt RHEUMATISM’, l NEURA Lam. . r CHILI LAINS, CALLOUS LUMPS sWELvaGs, STIFF JOINTS, CALLS, FROST 121m - LAMENESS, coznvs, ' CONTRACHONS gnomes, LUMBAGO, ITCH, ._ DEAFNESS,‘ I'AININBACK, . SPRAINS, PAINiu SIDE, .ec. _-Every bottle guaranteed to give satisfac- tion or money refunded. t DIREBTIOHS wmt ma sums. PRIDE 950. ’ a. T.MILBU’RN& (30., Proprietors ; TORONTO, our. W'Ot'th their ‘.Veight. in Gold l l i Pills & Ointment This incomparable Medicine has seour , cd' for“ itself an it'nperislitthle fume [throughout the World for the alleviation to which l l l l l and cure of" most diseases humanity is heir. i ï¬ltl‘lfy, regulate and improyo tlte quality of tilt thood. They assist. the digestive organs. cleanse STO M ACH AND 130 WELS. increase the secretory powers of the Liver. brace tion the purest Elements for sustaining and I repairing the frame. Thousaan of persons have tostiliel that by their use alone they hutm been restored ,to health and strength. after Mary other " means had proved unsuccessful. " will be found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores. Hui-.1 'l‘ti:rmttr:.~. BAD LEGS. OLD \‘v'UCNUS. CULDS, Coughs, Sore Tlll‘OntS, Bro: ,- and all (liSOl‘ll 91‘s of tho Throat and tftin.‘ Tit, [thou- - tourism. Scrotum min other ‘ lzi diatom 3Manufnotnrctl only at l’rofbssï¬ or-Htillt)\vui".~s i‘ltï¬ltlllliblllllclll, 533'. oxsonn STREET LONDON, attr‘Lsoltt rtt ls. llth 29,. 9.1., 1a, fill, 119.. 2‘2, and 33s ‘ ~t'\' and Pot, and in Canada at Ni cents, . titl $115!) cents, and the larger sizes in promo: tioii. 0’? N ‘.\l'1‘lt|Nâ€"l linvonn lintl d Nouns,‘ttot"‘:trtttitt‘ Mt‘ll|('l‘-t(‘3 sold tlt l’tttc' asr-I‘s should then-fore look i x 1w litlll’l on tlit'I Pots rltltl llnxes If the -ititl't ss is not 531’). Oxt'oid Street, London w my are sntiri- us The Trade Marks of my said Medicines are ro- .;ii=terr-d tu- Ottawu. itiit'Lttlso at “’nnliiiigton. Signed of“ ,(lxloi'tl Sir/Jot, London. Jun, 5th Ag?!†in. tho not l g l limit) Ptiit'l‘ti), ;, ' ’ a... - l R U B B i; ifl 6 . ‘uiiouss HOLLOWAY SpeCial sale “f BOYS†Clothin CDMMENQING EEO-DAY AT M-*â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"»-w w-..‘_.___. Parent's shoul study their interests by purchasing Clothing for their boys from a, ,ntetl 1mm the ntostdelicstc reliable Clothing llouse. They should also in stands; ifthey are. manu' if made for a ï¬rst-class city trade ; or if it is the sur factoring concern who carry on a retail b‘nncli l'tlt‘l‘t’ly ke into consideration the real lecturers, and if manufacturers i throughout the t'ountry. “ Glothig use. refuse†of stock which is left on their hands after they have ï¬nish: ~ ~! ‘1' OVER 2000 SUITS & 1500‘ OVERCOATS. position in which that house ftheir clothingis reliable and to dispose of the balance “or d their season’s trade made that. a Government enactment. might permit any farmer to say to the assessor. "I intend to fence and keep Cattle from this; piece of bush. ï¬ve, tett, ï¬tteeu acres or so, as he might choose." Let it'tben be the duty of the assessor to look at this portion every year- As long as it is properly fenced and cattle excluded, let that portion be free of taxes ; but if the farmer choose to cease preserving it, or to chop it down, let it be understood that he is to pay the back taxes which were remitted It) him. As years passed on each other of such, a portion would ï¬nd himself bound, tinder patioth of ’ Richmond Billi‘Sept. 12th. 1853- PlPl-l llllNWlllll lllll†Still. Evetroughing and repairing done on the SHORTEST NOTICE Orders promptly attended to. CHARLES MASON". Lu: Allotir (‘lotltiitgi men, and is quite equal lured cXpt‘es-sly for a ï¬rst-class citv t‘ndc. ‘What we ask is: 'l‘ other ï¬rSt-class, reliable PE TLEY _ 128 TO 132 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. in evvry way to the best \t'w York hat persons purchasing (‘lniliing house in the city, don’t buy. cfl! PETLEY, l plus stock of'soriio Wliola‘sttlt- iiiziiin-, s cut and made on tho promian bv ï¬rst-class (‘tltl‘ltl'dt‘nl work-n Clothing, being ttlltllllfdtï¬" FIRE l1? WINTEnisHER l And J. Brown & Sons have just received 2). LARGE ASSORTMEN‘? Of Goods, suitable for the present season. Fine new Valentia Raisins, London Layorl, Lemons, Oranges, Lemon dz Citron Peel, Nuts of all kinds, Candies by the Barrel, Choice Cigars, wholesale and retail, OYSTERS FRESH EVERY WEEK; Direct from Baltimore. Wedding Cakes in all styles and prices. P'OU LTRY or" iaLL KIN be t' i In fact, everything that is good to eat you can get CHEAP FOR cASH. Richmond Hill, Dee. 19th,18.83’, J. & A Spltét’it‘litl Assortment of WINTER , ~â€"â€"â€"â€"A'l‘ 'l‘lllrlâ€"ï¬â€" t’lF CHEAP Gross oases. No l’rice List of litl'lJblsll intuit.»th m than-i. the unwary. ; AN . or about to purchase. shallr visit on]r stores and examine ourstock, and if our priccs'are not lower than those of any i Goods of the Best; Quality Only kept on hand. 'l‘li'e public are invited to INSPECTION Mitosis.- ISAAE CRGSBY; OF S'IWHJK AND .2m. m m lanes _ 1a p lbs . †PIANGS r. UPRiGE-T Ann SQUARE? will,“ ’llll l till Are' constructed from thr- very lit-st Stuart-its hr if‘xpPYtNlC‘F‘d Workman, and are filly (Hyttul in [mint t-f .,, R9: ‘ tillg TON E, T017635 «EX. BET ERA EEMJ'E‘Y sit. . fl 7%.}..ï¬vwvé... . _ f: â€'\ (,3 7‘ 752 ï¬g /::3_ 39% 33v, 29v. G, to? so®ybéjsavsoosbstés Ensist To the high pticcd American Instruments. â€"-<r« TEesTIMONIArJEL MussnsiR. S. WILLIAMS & Ron‘s. V , TortoN'ro. April 1201,1881. , GENTLEMEN'vI have much pleas-Tut's iii testifying to the great (’XC-(‘lJ'liï¬r-i of ycur Pianos. 1 1",. put them severelvto the test, and ï¬nd lit-tn possessed o". thoso q‘tttl_ittcs_ot tone and touch so 3.0.; ceotttble to the true musician and lot-or (ll clitsstrttl “UNIS-ll. counting singing tone. easily grad“. ‘ pinniwirno to every dogrcc of loudness and (moose, and a. touch which shade of fooling. , rent acquisition in matsie‘ntl society, and am much pleased at iid With perfect conï¬dence. CHAS. VV.EWIN G, (Of London, England.) Organist of St Peter's Church. Coburg. OI. TortoNTo, Nov. 4th. 1832. a'uinor‘l the ‘Vorltmnnsliip of your Pittnos. l have no hesitation it, re cq \tll to tlioto of tiny othcrs pi†l'llel- ltiost thkat‘tthétt Ilfnttlye IO... 1 ii the some high ter ll§l‘r)‘1itl'tlltlgl’Jlliill‘anISLCI‘h qll‘l. 1 tea : or ieir no u 313;. iiiivibiitxiighiil‘it;pgiitiodo. pleasant. touch. 03 *. Mi} SEICllv mm“ were 59â€â€œ? t†h†n†“Q'i‘essnv i’o punk“. for-‘eien instruments, when our lionie enterprise can produce such Pianos, tmd at: one-third less cost I ttiiti glad to hear that the extensive sale of your instrnitients shows that you are meeting With the success that I think you jtutly deserve. I am. Great answers readily to eyei‘y I consider these instruments a a ï¬nding a; piano which I can recomme I am, Gentlemen. yours very truly, Mussus Rs. WILLIAMS & Sove- G ‘NTsâ€"Having thoroughly ex stating that), in my opinion, they a lemon. Your Obetlinnt Servant, GEO. W. STRATHY. Mul Du. .M... _.._. ._â€"â€"-â€"i“"'*â€"' u:'--«"’ â€"~â€"-â€" and. are therefore able to offer them all ‘- t._. We make a special style of Organs in large quantities, l , l i oeptionallv low rates. Payments arranged to suit the conteniciico cl purchasers and spread" a“ a. ,terus of years. For full particulars write to ' [0%. . TILIxiA __ I43 Yonsse St. TOrcnto. OR 226 Dundas St. London.