Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 24 Jan 1884, p. 2

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The Parkdnle News says :--“0ne of our most respected public non remarkâ€" . ed atneoeill [tethering recently. that there was more politics to the square inch in Purkdnle. than in any other place with which he was acquainted, and he was right. People may any lhnt‘ politic] should he iunmrd when choosing‘ men to ill munit-ipal vice]. and as a rule thou who opr-nly venture that opinion are the first to support the min _ whose party proclivities coincide with ~ their own. Mr. MacMatlt. In a circular ileued to the ratepayers prior' to polling du‘v; deplored the exhibition of party homes by those who were opposed to him, ’lhe "electorate," who were not behind the scener‘ must have perused his 'eentimeute with a glow of admira- gigm A; a matter ot'fact, that gentleâ€" man Wan brought out to oppose Mr. Atkinson at n Netting of the Reform Aseociation. no that the statement: eon- tained in his addrssl must be accepted for what they are worth. If they' brought him the twelwe vote- th-t sad tented his election. his crocodile regret: - Mere not published in vain. Let ml thotpe. for the good of all, that he will we! carry the deception into the Coun- -eil chamber. The Globe think! tffe sdmimbh aperclrnf‘ M r. Blakejin the debate upnn the Addreps in reply to the Govannr General‘s spa-och. will produce a profoflnd impression Mary where. It is annnuncvd that Col. Clarka will be the Guve’nnuuut nnmllme im- the Speakerélnp of the new Untnrlo Parlia- 4201'. Boiling. by In increased major- ity. Jul been returned for South Relâ€" frem Tho Globe Blyl : “Tho Lilian!- of the Dominion one to Dr. Dowhng I)me than for the plucky manner in which he fought the compiruy formed against him." I! we recollect night. the Doctor barely saved himself frnm‘beine uhelved fgom running an ek'cnon again, by this piig’bf hip (nth. ' Sir John Macdonald has entered upon his uvenlieth year oflife, having been born Iixty nine yours ago, nmely, on January lllh. 1815. The old ehiefuin bids fai: lo emaplete what In In new! towed to call the allotted Ipan oflife.-eud to lust some time longer. He might ex claim with Michell) that hie “way of life hes fallen into the peer, the yellow leaf," lut he 'cnnnon echo the cry of the crimemtnincd than that he is bereft of 'hbnor. low. olwdience, "cope of friend-’1 Sir John in It the urn-it of his power, and he num be I very “generous opâ€"l gaunt. whn will not wish the veteran‘ flue-ici- “many happy returns." A Bill has been prepared by the cattle men at. Washington. for the eupâ€" preuion and extirpation of pleura pneu- monia, and other contagion dieeaeee, union: domestic nnimale. It providee for the organising in the Agricultunl Department, of a Bureau of Animal Inâ€" dustry. with a chief, a clerk, and three agents, who shall keep statistic! of the cattle in the country. investigate the but means for their protection from disease. and the beat means for their transport:- tion and care. The Commissioner of Agriculture in n’uthoriled to adopt such measures as he deems best, for the speedy suppression of fineaee, and to quaranâ€" tine n Ilnte (where web dieenee is known in exist. Railroads and net-ell are pro hibitmi from treneporting cattle known to be a‘fl'cetod, under eevere peneltiee. Bellcvillo. w Welllud. Huron. Wellington. Kent. Wenmorth, not Lunbton. inclnd. Hamilton Lanna-k. York, not includ- Leeds & Grenville. ing Toronto. Luna: & Addington And the electoral Lincoln, Including Dimict of Al- ' 8t Cuberineu. goml. ‘ ‘ Also Hamilmn, Kingston, London, Ottnwn and Toronto. An order of the Gout-nor in Council ins pat-led on the 11th J :tuunry, direct- in; that the districts hereinafter muted In intublilhed u "Ltcense Districts," {mutant to the prnvi-ions of "Tho iquor Lioonle Act. 1883." known as “to McCarthy Act. The following are the territorial countiel for Ontario :â€" Bruntl inelgding city Mindlgaextnotjn- of Bflntford: ' cludingLoudon. Brim. Norfolk. . Carleton. not includ- Northumberland. in; Oman. Ontario. anerin. Oxford. Dlndu. Peel. Durban. Perth: Elgin. Peterborongh . Eaten. Prescott . Frontenac. not includ- Prince Edvard. in Kingston. lenf'rur. Glengarry. Russell. Grey. Simme. Haldinand. Stormnnt. Hilton Victoria. Hula i321: including Eurgrlqo. Ito. Ii: Wink 30.1331: Volume 26. Tho date printed on Each paper denotu an “in when the nublcription expinc‘ LicensedDistricts 1n Ontario. THURSDAY, JANUARY 24. 1884 Wm York L. c. A.â€"â€"W. 15 Atkinlnn. NOTICE TO SURsORIBEBS. 'un’v ADVERTISEMENTO. am: 9501:! gnaw. Richmond "III. 0:“. Krupp, HIE [rut gun munnhcvu'w hm: taken om l pnlent for u flu’-hv'udrâ€"d In" fw- tilo Thin nun] farm has Own gmnn m n with a View «of preventing -ts_ gluvcy-z “a on III-ikilm the tumor plate of a Vrsurl at a grunt angle uf'iuclinulinn. The 15mm "-114 fuhhm bun uduplo-d wilh HIP ohj- cl nt' [culminating in ohip‘u armor beluw 1hr mur- biuo. an mun-Minn hitherto nnnuded wnh but hulr yum-em, owing to the pninIed head of the shot. In urer no! lo mm a In)“ of vo-qu-im. a paint of Mun! or thin iruu plus in numbed. which an nlriking is ‘mâ€" mediutel} shanmed, and. m Ihe same limo, hem: fill“ whh ml. which m to gmnse [hr prujoclile. u laid ta incmu its power at mamfim‘ THURSDAY. Jan. libâ€"Credit Sale of Stock. Implomenu, Furnitnru, etc I the property of Mr. F. Whillnck, I! his residence. Richmond Hill‘, Salt to commu- ul 1 o’clock. Iharp. Tan“ : -- Ior the horse, tow, knife», Ind allI sums of $5 gnd under. Icaoh‘; over that amount 4 months' credit will be givon on furnishing Ippmvpd jqiat notes. S. M Brown. Auet; ‘ TUESDAY. Jan. 29th._â€" Credit Silo of Farm Stock, Implements, Furniture. am. the property of Mr. R. Ruthcrfind. at Lot No. 48. 1.: Can. Vaughn. Sale to com-once an 12 o’clook. Terml :_,-- All runs of 310 Ind undor. euh ; out than. amount 8 months’ credit on furnilh- mg approved joint not“. J. C. Staten, Aunt. Wu :will give $20 00 m lhe person telling In which ll tho Mum-II venue in 1114: Old Tutumvm Scaipturut by Februarv Will. 1884. Should two or more correct nuaw» era ho xeceived. Ibe'rowur‘ will he divudml The mmww Will be fnrwnlded to the Winn-â€" er Feblunry Iblh, 1884 Parson: trying tor the rev/mi mun pond 20 cum in lilver (1m postage Ilumpl taken) with tlnir unmo- m. {or which Hwy will recezve the March Monthly in which tbn n: mo and addxen of [he winner oflho rrwlrd Ind lhe correct answer will be publilhod. and m Which uverul more vnlunbk rounds will be off-r- ed. Adam- lira-una- Puusnma Con- mm, Eaton. Pa. Ind Dralnntzo There is Iimhinz more pmduclive of di- leug in a neighborhood lhun bad druim‘ne Open the culverts Ind Iluicowuya and purify tho locality. Tho obllrumiunu m lhe hu- ntn aynem mg be remedied in a similar mnnncr bv Bur oek Bland Binm. which open: all the outlet. of disequ through the Bench. Lin-r. and Kidneys. The publisher; of Rulkdgq’: Monthly offer [ml-Ive valuable rrwmds ni their N117”)!- Iy for February. among which in the Mal-- luwiug : A Wrong Oplnlo». Mnnv a dullhr is paid for prPSCIiplinnl for aulnr disease [but never Irnuhlo‘d Ihv palimn, and when the soled fliculty ii; wm-ms which a few of Freeman’s Worm Puwdvrs would remove. These Powders nre plea:- cm, safe and sure. contain their own cathar- tic, and am adapted for children or uduhl. ,The annual meeting of tho above society look place at Bnltan’l Howl. limiter-'5 Cornevs, on Wednudny, 16Ih inll., whau the following (vfficérs were elected :â€"Pn-- Iidnm. Thou. Hood ; Vicc-Prnidem, John Craiford and Gnome Luv-on ; Dir-emu r ~â€"H (3 Mnrr. John Lima, John Gur‘mioy. Altx Flour]. Wm. 'l‘reudwav; C W I‘rp’w- fmd. J D Slotn, 'l'bol. Gibson. Jaeuh Bmmwell. Secretlry. Jami-s Robinson. Audnou. F K RPOIOI’ and WE Hall. _~â€"‘>04¢â€"-â€"â€"-â€" CnA'ruur, Duh, Jan. 22nd.~'1‘he nomination of:cn_ndldams for the House of Commons for Want Kent was I held here to-dny, Shexif Melcer' returning oficer. Henry Smyth, ex-M. P , Unnâ€" servaiive. and'Dr. Saméo‘n, Reform. more nnminnted. The nominatinn Wus fnxm Ii. There were no speech”, both can didatel being absent canvassing. h Fluid Lightninz‘ for Neuralgiu. Head ache. Tauthnch'e. etc. It doe: not blister or discolohhe akin; "quire: but one applicuiad‘to ham-h a" pain magically wilhnutfiaing any gran-y linimom or carry- ‘ing‘ ybur head in I poullico for weokt Try a twenty-five cent bottle from H. Sande-Ion & Sons, Drnlgffll. Snecnfalion is rife as to who will be the late Dr Todd'e succeonnr as librafian Tho names ofManiu J Grifln and Mr Bourinot, clerk of‘the home. are 'men- tinned invconneofipu with the position. Should Mr Grlfi'm be a~ inted. it is stated that Mr'Edward arrar will be offered thn editorial chair of the Mail. -â€" World. Replying to Mr. Blake's enquiry, Sir John Macdonitld gave tome explanation regarding ministerial chug". Hr Me- Phorson was token from the spenkerahip of tho Senale and created minister of the interior to relieve Sir John. who asâ€" numed the presidency of the council. The Indian department, instead of being under the charge of the minister of in terior. was now controlled by Sir Jul"), who would give any information regard ing it. He also has undertaken the charge of the mounted police departâ€" ment. Regarding tho mini-tar of rail- wave. no ministerial chenge: had been wage and no explanation was ,uegennary. Mr Charlton's seduction bin was I'ld a first lune amid jeerl {rain the govern- mnt benchu. OTTAWA. Jaa’. 22 â€"It look: at if the governmnt did not intend to push business, and it is predicted that neverâ€" 21 days will be contained doing little or nothing. The Home at only .twenty minutes toâ€"day. Mr. Cameron (Huron) introdmd' a‘ not In consolidam Ind l-Ond the nu respecting tho election of- numbers of the I] one of Conmonl. A cllue in the not provides for the punishment by imprisonmen of members convicted of bribery. The bill was read - 'firn limo. Mr Blake coinramlnled Sir John 6n the change, is he deeed the damn of first minister nuficienc for one'man to Peliwm- _ b y _ The Government at Ottawa. yul "n m The genata met and adjourn‘w to at; tend the funeral of Senator. -Bourinot. Thf remfniqa w_ere_s_ent to Sy'glney, The Quickest Thing on Record E. R. Y. Agricultural society. A no fun: "all. Sale Noticos. WEST KENT. posmge, and we will mail you Free,- a: royal. valuable box of sample ood- that will nt yvu in the way of ma in: more money in a, yew days than van eve-x thought ‘ msible at am Lupine“. Capital not required. a will 5 art you. You M) Work all the film , or in spare time only The work is universally ‘ ldn ted to both sexes. young and old. You can ‘ en‘s! v earn lrom 5" cents to $5 every evening. That all whn want work mnv tebt ilx- bunmon. we mat. (his nn crane.le on'er : to all who no not well nutisfie no nil] send N to puv for flu» Unable of writing 11:. Full pmriicnlnrs, directinuu etc" nut free. Fortunes will has made by then who give their whole lime to the work. Gum mags" absolutely mm. Don‘t delay, Stu-t new 49m 697119: 4’. 0:», remind, Mun. Gulni’or the working clnsa. Fond 16 can to: A Good Intmufllon. ' J Kunmdy. I mcrehunt in Dixie. about thru ynrl ugo inlroducod ngytrd’l Pu- !ornl Balum to hit cullomrn by trying it in hju own fun“, for Cough: lad Colds, Baing pit-and wnh xuulls, largo Isch fol- lmu-B. und'ir is mm the favorite “and; in m: nahhhorhmod Toronto is dirgurt‘ed at the exhibition made by the Fm- Depamtment It. the fire in Ihat city on Sunday lust. The way the farmers are told. 0n Suturday a farmer sold a Church street, Town-m. pork dealer a hug. from which. on being Weighed by v'no weigh muster, there was dedncled the usual two pounds n the weight of the millet. 0n the hog being delivered our the dosler deducted eight pounds More for thogfllet, making in all a deduction of Ion pounds. The farmer'yrotutod,‘ but the manhunt re hated ehhor to pay over the money, or to deliver hack the hog. The matter ha been brought before the Police Court A Quay An-worod People oft-u nu when to Ibn bvll lime l» {Ike I blunt ply-ii» 2 W0 amwor. the heat umuil now. Burdock Blond Bitm- dou in vmk of purifying. rouulauinz. and Innng Ibo Iyotom n I” limn Ind Imman- Purity in all IIu'ngl il ulna]: in m-der WM“ nqniwd. The Salvnlion Army has prnvod Mu much for I man namcd B-uckwtll in Now- mn-kn. The pnor_fcllow has gam- fllrk mud nnd‘wo understand m Mn! to [in asylum during the for. pm of Iho week. Mr had fullnwod‘firming for I livolihood and saved a cuinpctoucu wivh uhivh he re Her In vamarket to our) hil day. in pent-c- and quivlneu. A Newmnrkeler in - fmms us mm more Ire’ twu 0r Ihreo otherl um mr rrmond from the am nnfonmme prrdicumcnt. A Cure for Gun. Corn. In. 1 The fluent healing compound under the‘ sun in McGrogor & Pnrkn’u (‘Irliolic Verne} Thu. u no sore but will succumb to in} wunderfu‘ healing propnrliel. It iii In 'm-r‘ valuable drening‘ For M'an (Merl. et’c Price Im-nly-five cums I! H. Suki-non 8 Surf Drug Store. The Fire Brigade envmmphflc holding an oyster supper on the 301h inlt. Twenty-five below sure “in the I'hnde’r is quite good mung): for In. Some 9! our Mahimhn vilimr. recognised the ‘ sump” on Tuesday morning In I pirco 01- the blizzard Ihry Icfl in lhe Wem’n Proviuci Iome h'mc- Ago. a ”' The inaugural meeting of the Coun- cil ofthe County of York was bold in rllo Gout-t House. Toronto, Tue-day afternoon last. 'lltirty-aevcn members, mmwred the rollvcull County Clerk Eakin took the chair and announced that he‘would receive Maximain for Warden. Warden Jackson, of New- market, and Reeve J. E. Daviapf King, were the meman whomiâ€"t was under atoodthe contest would lie Emmett: 0n the first ballot .Mr Davis received 22 votes and Mr. Jacléson 13: Mr Davis was then declared elected. The standing coumtltteea were appointed and the sounoil adjourn-«1‘. Reeve DuvisElocted Warden. Atnd yourpetilimrs, u in duly. bOnnd, will our way. ' Signed by members of tho “and. Richmond HI", Jan. 1451!), "8‘ The Council adj‘nnrned to meet on Monday, Feb. 4th, in the Council Cham- Ber, I! 8 p. n. Pursuant in the Itatuto, the followâ€" ‘ . , ing members gleaned w 0pm so and T“ L'lllhu'o. 5530mm) form_tbe Muniéipal Council’o the Corâ€" w'dne'd'! r9? WNW: pmjntion of the villain of Richmond M . T l ’ l- .00, f ‘ Hill. for the year *1834, viz. :â€"-â€"Beeve, i, mine}, :03: 23;?3“ L363: John Brown; Councillqu, Henry F. undone, for m. Cami” of for Huppfur, Alexandnr Noodle, Baht. Lav, ., m. Mccu‘w A“. umin the'Coflcifi Chamhr thin thy,” . - at 11 a. In , and having neural], made TIA ! TIA 1'le P-Elkti and Iuhcribed their declarations of Black, Greta aquJapan 5:93.. qualilcati‘on n& of nice, took thoir team. The white: of the I)" muting of" 150 lite Council were read. The foilnwmg mme‘n‘iere inserted in the blanks. vil :â€"J A E Swiller, High Schwl Trunee ; J K Falumbridge and Parker Crosby. luditors; J W Elliott,- Assesmr ; W Brickneli. Inapeanv ;= J. Freek, D Hopkins. and J W Elliml, Fence Viewers; Matthew Curr, Pound Keep“ : and Francis Wiley, Bell Ringer. That wur pHiliouera- having no suitnhlo room wherein to practice ; and not feeimg. able to rent the snme (M n in “pensive buying inllrmn!nÂ¥l Int? music. as vnll an hiring u leach-r) â€"-hunb|v ask your Bonfir- nble Body to mm the Temperance Hall for the use of mid Band for one your. ($16 per unnum) and we bureby pledge uuru-lvol to play. 1': re 0! charge. at concerts 0r evening t‘nlortninmentl in connection with our vxE- luge Inuivmiouo, whenever culigd upon. Councillor Hopper ashd leave to in- Induce B -lnw No 102 for the :ppoimt turn! of {ugh School Trustee, two audi- tors, and othér ofioern to turn the Col» poralion for the year 1884. which Wan read a first time. Gunmanâ€"Thu puition of Iha undsr‘ signed members of the Richmond Hill Cur' noLBnnd humbly rahewevhrâ€" Ths following manding commiueu were smack vi: :-Fire and Water, Menu. Moodie. Law'and "oppm’. Fi- nnnce and Assessment, Brown; Crouby and Law. Smeu und Sidcwtlh, all the member- The Clerk read l petition from the member: of the Richmond Hill Cornet Hand, dated 16th Jam, whi’dl road‘ as foflows :â€"- Unto [he Honorab‘le Council of the Municipality of lhchmond Hill $-~ T'he By law was lhen réud 3 398635 will;qu {flag and ,pna‘gd. > M. Tnn._Ckrk, Richmond Hill. Jan. 219:, 1884. Richmond Hill Council. AURORA -B OBIALXI . Onnn SUPnn.-â€"â€"Tltq enter up per tendered to Menu. Cook and Elliott by the electors uf'Vnugitun at the Do- minion Home in this v‘i'laae. on Thu"- dny eieuing lint, was a urnnd success ‘in every respect. Ahr-ut twnhuudrvd were prmut, a gondly number being "midmts of this villain. and purto’ttk' hé'at‘fily nf‘. literary sampling and ‘duliciom viunds which the tables were loaded with, and reflected great credit on mime Ito-t, Mr. B. Brillingor P. Putterqon. Enq'.,' oe ; oupied the chair. and after a few short and appropriate rrmarku. Mesm. Cock and Elliott came forward and thanked the electors very kindly {or 11133 pn‘rt lmnnra conferred on them. Short bnt pithy speeches were also made by Mr. I E. Dams, Iiccve‘of King; and Mr. Jamar, Reeve nf' Mark-hum , 1.6th Our Fun Tun â€",â€"T1m‘-r- are waning, Ilwighlnz agenii ' flaw-Hing: lulm’wilh sl‘mld} cloth some with {wine}: malarial. nyln us with Boéfiflfifimr be deceived by line bargaim 051ml ynu. and dgnnl gun-cop! an agency or give you: rimm- ; he um: and Sign no ads-4r thafiwi a la" of willth 'sluficn’ ll ‘llmt ia inlendrd l0 cmch you. Many farmâ€" erl haw bepn fraudulently treated by agents. The law does prom“ farmers {tom fraud but the farmer is «m Mien afraid muleth m. of being draggvd inton law enurt. The law still allows the»: unscrupulous travellels tn ply their owculiunu. The) uhbuld be no! p- 1 Wnnmse TRIP â€"-\.'r. J J Comrove t and wife nrriVeé-ih this village on- Tue-- jdny eveninu Inst; after spending: a two-- week wedding trip in- fiio States. Just before tlieir’arrival‘the Cornet Bend struck up a live};- tnne; and John was weieomed into his native vii‘iage in a right: royal manner. After thanking the Boys very kindly. Inc} presenting them with I 35 note, Mr. and Mar Cou- ‘grove took their departure, amid the pfeuant ntrrins of? the Band and the kind wish“ of'tlie many friendiconere- gated, to the 2nd Con M nrkham, where the hyppyjonple intend ethyng for a raw day: with their friends. ANNIvnsAM â€"’I’lw first nnniver- nary oflhe opening of flu M E Church. 3t Headfnrd, will be held on Sunday and Monday,Jan. 27th and 28th. On Sunday, Jan. 27th. nerumm will be preached by’ Reva. Leek, at [0 30 a. m ; Totun, at 2 30 p m. ; and Simpson at 630 p In On Monday '(8'l1 am excel. lent supper will be ion-ed lrnm 4 t9 7 o'clock, c-nsisnng of Fowl and other delicacies ; after which n grand enter tainment will be givn, con-mire of ad- ( b} R0475. Starr. Tollen and Leek. also choirs: Vmul and Instrumental mime Chair taken by T \Vlllinmmn. Esq , at 'Z 30 p In. Adlniuiun ~30 mi.- ;'Ohildf€h under 12, ‘10 cm. Magnum: CARNIvAn.â€"’l'fie Em masquerade Carnival 0F the wasnn was held in the Skating Rink, iwthia village on Saturday eveuih: last. und‘was a fair menu. About 20 masqueraders krpt possession of the ice untit 8.30 p. m , and glided gradefullv around to the 01"â€" eellent Mrn‘im of the Comet Bend. Mata-v of lliieonmmnlmkad very pretty and ion. The ice was in good candida?) and the brand a! Ipmlatou seemed to enjoy the plea-urale some very much. A number of Ihdin nnd gamrlemen from- ’l"fiprnfiilT. Wfilowdule, and- wife: places were prcaent. DEBATE The nwmfinn nf':tfie Fire Brigade held a dt'bnu- nu} Friday. even?an 12m; 0n the iubj-ct. “Rvs'nll'ed- “HUNG can be extinguished ensiw by fnliowing it up than by faring it." Means. Bi Reddjll and Wm. Pugsley acted as the captain! of that nflimmiu and of the numth side! reu‘pecfively. Afmr some exm-Hrnt and interesting vitws Had been displavrd nn but}: sidmi. the judges endoauud to sum up rho 1 unit but could came tn rm dreision Messt‘sz‘l‘L Mcflnnaghy and H B'Dewsa bury acted as. jutigetl: Tn Luigi-five Assembly um on chnelday for {mail-Ii, Mn. T1103. Williamson, of Markham, is likely to be appointyd Linea-o (Jam--~ mmioner fur the County of York, and-- or flu MoCnrthg Act. '__'I‘_IA Tu I?” I&El;£fl.iglxl_e jg Gm’s CAnmnrms â€"~T‘he nieefi'ngt nf’ Tilley and~ Cavtwri'gh-t is a may nfi'lficfi'lig scene after the long! separatirm. 'l‘lie jnv with which thov In?“ into and: other”: arms is as Gregg) any], buyout! the power of'poncil my depict. Tbs, lvsme‘ person of Jami-IA). is fopresnnmd .8353”!!ng Her .‘lujésiy'k l’iadhqmmuw 'l'hémre. Guava, , Gm'p-thnh Ilfg mm- agepem cannot, am all “mull; plaad Hm they have no man-rial for sin ink-Nesting show. ' and fr'agram, Prim- cut fine at the Chap Casi rBouIeJâ€"Snogth & Grgnnan Fox. SALl.â€"â€"Mr. James Outer, of Concmd, bu I large trunnqu of Cedar P‘ogl' fur nib at the "Thorul-‘ill Stiti‘dtt, in; punitive fa unit purchasers. Par- ties n-quiring them till and it to their advantage to leave their orden at once. ' REVIVAL 9‘13th s.-â€"â€" Serviceu are now being held in the M. Church, in this village, every eyeni’ng, and will like- ly continua for three or four weeks. The Rev. J 1] Betta is conducting the ser» vices, and tlu-yharc nightly attended by large unlit-tings. (lumen) HAM): â€" We underutmd-, upon good authority, thatMrMcMnfioa. lute Pri'uci‘pallof the Public School in this village. has purchagcd' lll‘e Liberal Office. We can but offer him our best wishes. He ls a deem! fellbw. and'llfl‘lr ever much we may differ polit'iifial‘l‘y. we mm pensomrl‘l‘y fo hear each other no ill will. - W151! Ymm’ Pg. 8. Ami-The afinn‘al‘ meet‘ifig of the West Yrrk Liberal Con- servative Association, fegthe election of 050ch and the transaction of other im- portant, burimss; will be held' at Eagle’s Ha“. Wet-tun, nn' Wedtnr'sday, Feb. 6th at I o’clock. p. m A, full attendants. is specially rcqnestedi. LOCAL ITEMS. Mum McDonald and Edward, Scotch deivgu‘rer of Lady Cathcnrt, who visited Manitoba last summer, have on behalf'oftiim lady purchased 500.000 acres of land in the Turtle mountain country. on which ii in proposed to lo- cute croiterslfrom the Highland estate! of? Lady Gathcnrt. A dispatch from Victnrm. H. C _ Says . . I Ilia! a stringent inmLCJIiuese bill will In: I imrndu'céd in the legislature. dt'clming . "' “"1"”! h" Chm” '0 e"'" 8""‘h‘ Best value in Teas, Sugars, Curr-ants, Raisins, Figs-r Peels, Cnlumhia. and imposing an annual lax , on all Chinese overfnurteenyearsnl’ago. Spices, (Tannvd and l’ackagefi Ggodsi Cr‘ocke’ry, GlaSSware, Mr. Frechene. Conservative M I" for M‘egamic,‘nnseuled. and J J Hawk ini. M P for Boll-well, “would, have bmh resolved to claim beats in Pauli» nest ponding the result. of their appl all George M ofi'att. of Turnberry, county of Huron, has received several letters from friends in the old country intimam ing that u lrgacy of £330,0‘.‘0 sterling, by heirshlp. avails him. He is lukillg the nvccssary steps to establidt his cinim * 'A novth on the (J P K at Winnipeg, "Mm,'m dungz a lrnin mmâ€" prising sixteen can containing nothing 3m; snow The railway lma been kept running with vgry‘ Iriflin’g deiayn. (The Montreal city cmmcil has passed a réaol'utinn authnrmng the Muyw to sign the gal contract for ten )cm's. The 'lezulitv o! the proceeding will be mated in court. . A London hptclkeepcr is wry proud 0! a canary that hatched out triplets in one day. He oluiml tint. it is the first cane on record. A lively time is expected injhe Rocky- Mountain region when Ihe ruilwut cnn- structwu is resumed The mining, Mock and lumbering industries are expected to undergo a great beom. Female whisky defectives-haw- succeed- cd in getting several connctiom uf‘ groc- ory men in' London. Ont., for sailing liquor in‘ill'egol quantities. The Winnipei‘bmrdj of trade at _u recent meeting heartily endorsed ‘he Hudson Bay railroad scheme. The Election Appeals of Prescott, Eennbx; South Victoria. and East Nor- thumberland, have all-been dimmed: It cost: 8|5 a day to keep the immi“ punt-qu kitchen living at Winnipag, Hnmnww'a" 01mm” AND P)L:.I.- Div am" of Women -- Medical uci‘auce up ull ngel hnn horn diweved m allevmle lht- [Inn] mllhdil-l inculc-ul m lemnlcu, but l'rofos-ur I‘lullonny. by diligcm sludy m-d nut-4m" observation. was induced to ibvlio-ve ‘thnl unturo‘ hurl pruvinud‘ a' remedy for thou Ipecisl dim-1m After vul renuu-h he 'Incvecded in wmpuunding hil colebnled Pl'll pnd (linlmom. which ambody tho plincl'plo nnluvally duigncd for lie teliaf Mud cure ofrdlmrdm prculiar In women of all we! and cor-litumml. wlmher raiding in mum or cold clinmtrs. Thoy hm. re- D'M-o‘ly' corrpcmd diluldv-ed l‘uv-ctinm which had defied the usqu dnul macrle by medical men. and with [In mill morn umfucmrfruult Ihnt the malady has been ,cumplctoly Ind permanently removed. A Wondcrful Result. A single bottle of Dr. Low‘s Plenum Wowm Syrup has frequently destroyed hum A FEW Diuien for 1884 for file u. 100 to 200 wnrml. h in pleasant to take-â€" tho Han1.» Book Storm. {Ino other embanic being required. Tme 1 1mm: have also bean "moved by it, of 15 Connnspoxplnrs will have to a“ I no 35 feet in length II in efi'ucl'ual for .u gently ,mb Puma.) mflge" w in“. yum-tie- of worms amicling both children insertion. .and ad’t'ln. f ‘ . J J Hawkins will carry tho Bothwell elecliba' cue m the supreme court. H‘Mn; KIEP’IRS writhing: m" 2'?er IlojieLhegpQ-[for “Haw/“7W! Ruling of York, was link} in this Village on than» ‘duy hm, for the pmpnse 0f dis'aussing the merit! ind-demerits oi rhv hm Un- come Am, that. is the (Tm kn Am of the Ontario Gavernnwm. mm the Me- Carthy Act, 06' the Dominion Governâ€" ment. when the‘pfim wav- uiwu in Favor, of the Crm-h. Withunt’ “fun going in ta-the merit. of the case. We wnuld say this ought to be satisfactory to thoée gentlemen who annr a' stringent Avg. arsd cause them to be satisfied ttiintf Sir J'uhn in o c ahead of' the Hon. M r. Mama. We believe the meeting was calla-(F at the suggesfii n of the Head License Commissioner,-under the Lam-h Government;- TALK about! dunningf on of our“ mhnnnl make: no leu than in . apâ€" pnh for family scattered through a halt! column of local new. The bank a‘câ€" con-at is evidently low. GRAND Soun.â€"â€"The congreguinu‘ of 'lv'rmity Church, Thornlfill, intond giving an onlortainmenfi'ot’ a My 7!â€" rllnch'c chnracter, in Victoria Hall. on 'l'imndiy. 3h! inn. Several ladiea and gelnlc-men'frfim-Thronlo, Aurora, and l‘lmrnhillfllaw‘k'mély sometime to favor (he‘nudl‘ence will} fil‘erary and muaicnl mxleeliom of‘a high order. ’l‘ea will he. served from 5 m 8 o’clock. 05 Her table: will also be prov-id‘vd for those who- prefer them-to-tlle lea tabla '3 he com minoe will spare nu pains to make this the euleliuinmntmi'the roam": Tick 91‘s 25 cent! ;( dildren mud‘w l2; 1‘5” cents. Tn: Lunar Outâ€"Young ludiev. ere always on the look out for something in lhe form of novelties fur ouciulp, and no doubt they fill Be gltd to hear elm the lalut out in "Wheelbarrow Socials." An exchange explain the programme as follows :â€"-“’Hifiiamm wheelbarrow; holding enough in! two; are distributed to the ladies. The uen‘llelm'n‘ Math purchases of tickets, each ticket c‘omk' pending to one of the wheelbarrowg, and hunt up their barman, who dividb with them." Mann”. CAINIVAL.â€"Tlle In Palacn at Montreal is to be a mammoth afair. The central tower is already fortyâ€"six feet highflm‘d the walls twen- ty-six feet high. The application from cities in the United States. for aocornoâ€" datio'n. are‘trebll' what they were for the Eat Carnival, The date hal bneu filed for the week commencing Feb. 4th. One ofthe principal features of the amusement: will in an attack uptih‘ the Ice Palace, on Wednesday evening. Feb, 6th. by the Snowâ€"shoe Brigade, comprising L300 strong. Dominion Notes. ET; CLOTHING! CLOTHING E ALL AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES.- Agenfs for Harpers’ Bazaar Patterns. Terms Cash or Exchange Clothing! Men’s and Boys" HeaVy.‘ Sum and Overcoatsv Hats, Caps, Ties, Shirts, Hosiery; Gloves; Heavy All-Wool Shirts and Drawers. Invite your attention to their fine Stock of Flanrwls. Blnnkvtsg. Shawls, Clouds. Dress Goods and Trimmings, F'lwx. Faun-y Woei‘ Goods, Hosiery, and General Dry Goods; ’I‘ronlnrer'u omce, York Gntmtv 'Doronto, Jam 2m!!- 1884. Joseph Furnworth G.A. Griffith... William Bye. John Corbetti Alexander Fm: John Ellstqn;.-.; .. Sarah Suniker. .. Stu] B. Goldorich David Gordon ...... John Lehoney. .. John Grieg . Inrnel‘Wnlf ._ .. Morri- Goldnk I Juqu Scrivener... D.Gnrofsky .. Benjamin G'ow. CASH“HOUSE ~ Home Plant.- Man, | brnnliiul rune has been nippedhin “infirm! bum undiscovered wgrm. and many A' young life has been sacrificud In the de- strucfivevpower of worm. in the human sys- tem. "36:: would nave than orer lender h‘oone piantl. ‘ymr-childron, giw 139m Fien- ‘mnn'! Worm Powders. they are smile and piennm, and are warranted effectual; ‘ GA mam.- uel . VVilflnm inho Fm do nsr mom. . 17 per 1L0 m ’J‘UVkeyn [mph 7. Bursar. I") rnlhfi may: to Lubdair R;p§3,fre8h, (407 . l‘o‘mtom, per hbl Awpius par ham-o} . Oni , per)” , Cal? ageqie'fd “I' Celerypor do} .. Tami I. par In: . Cmo l,, per. do Beet-,1»)- bu Putnam-ant flay por.t¢n.. glint por,_ton on! up: 1b.", The late Mr thloway was a thorough believer in the Virtues of adverfi’sing. Tlle' sfnl‘fi' eoefitbat Mr Gladstone havulg mentioned him in one of hi; speeches, the zralnf‘ul und‘_ gratified" compounder of pflls fnnhwitb sent 5; large _d'ma'tion to a charitut‘rle i‘neti'mfi‘nn' presided omr by Mrs Gladstone. This was an ndroit arl'ieftl’anment. Tlle whole cureérlof Mr Holloway rides fa sllnw how much can be done by means nfjndicions, persist- ent and withal hnnnrablc advertising}, The late Mr Hollow’nyalwaysrpni‘l a fair price for advertismg, and that without being solicited. ‘ Fxsntt.â€"-At Concm‘d‘mn Mondaysmomina 2|st inst. Robert, son a! Michael Fisher; aged 24 yours and 3 mgpths. > The remninn were inferred ii the vmyt at Maple on Wednesdny, ' John R. Vort. 'Hnmilmn.» [an : “Mcâ€" Gregor’l Spud, Cure for Dyspppsin and In- digealinn in cheap at fifty. times «the. price naked for it. I am a cominnrcinl man. and final continuallv, and wme no more think ’Mimfihg home without 1} lmlfle of Mcfigegr or’l Spéedy f‘un-V'in my Vii-lilo flu ti I would of having my 0mm at homo and (oily: ‘oh‘ foot." Free trial’hollhs n? ". Snn'd'r‘rsoq & Sonn’ Drug Stare. ' Regular iiz‘e 'fifiy cam: and one l’nHar. " ‘ > 1 1!. L. Vuunm . N J Amman. Paul Leppn H. J Enrold' . W H Mnjor Thomas Panther . I M Brown ...... Willitm Brown . Jun" O'Brien . Jam" 0 St has Rdfiort Bro MI .. Th0!!! u Atkiunon Sulem Ecku‘dt Jamal Kavunagh J an) as M. Patton-on Jnmph Bogart Rel-on Smith A‘ddm Arm-hon; . ‘1‘; heat for“. anti» hflh fir-Hm: {is} . .,; or LICENSED ’A'Ut'YFIONEERS AND PEDLARS‘, SNEATH 8‘. GRENNAN. Published by authority of County Council‘ THE M ARK E'I‘S' T()R ()N'L‘l)‘ ' THUMIMY, Jnt.‘ 24', m4. PXH'JZI AT Funds-Ir muniter {ck Cr‘nd ulc- AT" PW THE COUNTY OF, YORK. RICHMOND HILL KANE NAM/E; THE CHEAP Lamps] &c., &c.,l&c. AUQTION EERS 2 3160 $105 .106 109 PEDLARS : If in ii do“ 'I‘ 7-1 6.2 7 so 7 so 0 oo' That cqnveninntStorr mud Dwalli-uz, sisluti‘d‘ L on the corner (:1 Yongo and Dufl‘ez'iu Ski-mu} in" ‘ ." ‘ the Villa-[3a of Richmond Hill. Firnhnln‘ns hon", l "0 nearly new, containing 11 moms Good brink 09-: cellar. Hard un" 5 ‘1’: water. Also Half an Ant" of Lund. Good ntubling. Every connnionoo. , Bent moderate. PossessionJuant, 1554. Apply“ U‘7F Thomhill Toronto . - dd ' 'I‘homhill Toronto . Toronto '"‘ Mulvern Everslev Toronto ‘Laskuy ‘Scnrboroy Toronto Emu-Is; RESIDENC E ‘yAhrorn. . Newmarket . 1Allrora . Brougham ...... :Victoria Square IEglingmn ...... Htonfivme 'King ‘ ‘Stoufiville Newmnrket Uniouvillp Newmnl’ket Bloomingf-ou N'ewn’mrkeb Ringwood Multan Stonflville wanted for n11 the-Tho Liven of Preii= , .. . dem- o! the U S. The In: est, hund- ' ‘ ubmesc. best book ever so d {or loll than twice our price. The ink“ caning book in America. Immense profit: to won”. All intelligent people want. in Any on- can become 1. auccesllul agent. Terms fret; Bu,- LE'M Book 00, Portland. Maine. The Annual Meeting of this Association for tha election of Officors and the transaction of 0‘ 1' important business. will be held at " EAGLE’S HALL, WESTON, _0 N_. Weéngsday. Feb, 6’91}. 1884,11t Ono O'Clock p,m. A full atteedt’ncc is Ipecmlly requested. Prelident. YarkduXeJfi'n. 29nd, 18F STORE‘ AN?) Dwm WEST YORK Libetal Conservative Association. If not disposed of by private sn‘la. will be pvt‘ up It. Eckardt’s Februmy Auctimv Sale at, man... mom! Hill. PATTERSCN’ do BRO} Patterson, J-‘an.’ Sid, 1834. wt liranl" fgr‘n‘gr. W. P. Atkinson, Wo have on hand the followmg articles, all in good rapnir, for sale, cheap. as we'lmvo no further’ use for them :â€" 2 Horses, l éony, 2 Cutters. l Cov'o’ cred Buggy, I Open Buggv. 2 Light Spring Waggons, suitable: for. mar-vw ket or'sewing machines", ac“ I Li'ght’ Pair" 3015' Slelghs, 3 Sets Single Haw ness. I Set Double Harness. Rdti'ce is hereby given that It meetiing 6! “15-7 scribe” to the Cupitll Stock of the Central ' Bank of Cunadu, will be hold on At tbs hour A! two o’cl‘odk, n. m., at the nfliou offing Bank, 5'! Yonge Stu-ct, Toronto. for tlw election of Directors, and for other urpones‘ conâ€" nén‘md with my: nrgnpizntjon of 37m Bunk. By Order ohthe Provincial Board, Monday, Feb. 11334-4 Tbrbnt'o, Jan. 15th, 1883‘ CENTRAL BANK OF CANADA? ., FOR SALE. 5" neihmend'fiill. Dec. 5111', 183‘} 31m gantrtimum. néSIDENcm do Two-horn Foot J K MACDONALD 10m 116119 i do 1 do Two horse One Horne Foot One Horse ‘ Two Foot; Description of License J. BR'O'W’N. Truman-er York Cmuny n. BMI'N‘. Apri'l 81d , do my do wrd‘ do 27th do 30th ‘Mny 14th June 5th do 19th July 17th do 24'!!! do 271:): do with Augunt “'11 do 21nd November 3m 1 do 15M: ‘Decemher 4' h ‘ do 22nd iJnnunry 27th ll“ \Februaxy 12th 1 do 16!)! do 19“! u I do 21!" March 7th ‘ do 21“ do 24th April 21th ‘Mny l‘lih' } do 28th 1 (10 30th ‘Auszuat 0th lAuszuat \Oczobor Date when Llunu’ Expires. Data when Lhonoo' Expiru‘ November ~ 2721! Decombn‘ It“ 544' Richmond Hill. Chairman“ Secretary. in 15th

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