No less of any kind nccurred. tither from _ qarclesaness or diuhuuesly. in the mqnifeslug “f'fiim ()fthe above amount; which".80’mewhnz exceeds two millions and a. half 6? 'Z'dullaxs. “he total increaw in the yeaxj’s b‘uaihesl war that of 1882 is in the neighbm'houi of $250,000. and marks lho rapid growth of; lb. why. The branch (-ï¬icurhave proved to be “a great couVenienc‘e to tho public. who haw largely Mailed themlves '3! th’ ' opponnn‘ ity chred of dying postal 'V u qulaeI'i nearer their hm than Hum 030. it. During the year pan impurtanc additio'na but» been minder In the mmhcr of alumna with which Cunadu iuutete'kcugel the bone- hï¬lï¬ of the mouvy on!!! Upton! J ' "They any ‘n tolling atone gnhorl no tnoss.’ and no one who known It hintory con douht the truth of the am. There wero only thirteen stars on the blue equal-o tn the American flag when I wu old enough to know anything, nnd the only feeling with- in me that can he called nï¬â€™ection. which has grown stronger yoor by your despite the ndversities and trouble! and lritll tint In". met. me nt every turn. ll lhelovo eftho In: und of the country which it. repreunlt. I won 'a devil in a printing oflico ot the op of 13. and a wandering competitor unn yuru later. Thete are few newlpopu oï¬ieel of any account in the largo citiu in which I have not at onetime or another no! type. I imagined then that I (re. Bohemian lil'. mu lhe only life lit for n I'm-ton to load. and I must acknowledge now tin I :puud muny pleasant days wand'cring from villogo to village, from town to town. Ind from‘ City to Cll)‘, stopping only long enough hero nnd there to earn a few dollar: ‘ st my trod. and then starting lorth tug-in in mrclt' oft - new scene's and adventuru. If I hd-oettled l > down in one Kpot {might not hon «all any money. became my diupooiï¬om I hog- lieve. would not perm“ mo loiothio‘. but I ‘ Would cerlainly hove gained 0m friendl. 1 _ who. perhaps, would no thorn? UH holly l reeeived. at lent, a decent buried. I VIM W)": to and me somewhere!!th m biting hold of winter will not own .0 Ctorlni. l ngerbaps I will 'not no India " " and ‘ fit before I go I would lih to .Otd «(advice 19 I“ Awho-tnsy hear “me. The 1 hit] man ‘heolï¬aed for I moment, and that ha‘rttllmted in 8 “mm :_“Bl"u|lli“} in your hirth~pllcn ï¬llint'll b“! ’0“ Jill ‘ whatever wnlkin life you urn (to-Lid." Blri†hutch-r tn sectim nu hone-t “Sump-“thin I, hunk atmunnt..,,_aqd. uhn’y’e all; ,mqï¬ry, th'ut u'lwu your limes com†00 tile jyunf w'lll _ lgmvv mtnlgonébohind w mourtl‘yuhr 'de-~ ‘ put‘lureâ€: I r ‘ l l" ' h in douhlful if John in“ recover, u he suffered lerribly while lying in tho holo 'in the Show over night. Tho young men woro hone“ and indusmoul, and hum; and some money [lurch-pd 3 null tuft which they intended Io all non uni-Or. The hï¬â€˜ah has lhrown a gloom our flowolnllnd. The number of regilleued Iflllflll‘rullrfwafda ed from [hr ‘l‘umnm pmmflico dur'iug uh: pas! vmr w‘ns 320 665. the largul number in any (my mouth being 32 240 In Decem- ber.- uud Ihe small.“ numbu 21.130in Sep- iemher. The numb" nl' racism-ed Intern recoivml ul Iho pontuflico In 363,45? {pUUém mam, ii yini viii LRhJ-iiz’w'vï¬ih , either sex, dung or o! .ean make nut may a!) the tima a work, ablotuto car- , . minty, write for pmioulul‘ mama‘s», Pm‘fln‘nd. Maine. During the your a“ Do. II “It. til-r0 wen- im-ued (rm: “a Toronto pmtoï¬co I7.- 73! mm." mckfl,‘ "howling to ) 82 .173 and from [In- hrmncbu 2 nut. 1,99 ». - uluo $24,074 {mm 5â€. n1" “30‘: nor": 1,-- 014. vulur 312.814 ; Yorkville 10â€Â»; VIII. $14,634. I grand Ioml of 32,369, VAII It 1340 964 Tin-mum ’1: 1h» , oflice 61.259. valued M 81,282,333...†'1! the bruncsz won, .133. “ham†1 m. 38. walls- 759; willâ€, Vdmtmh onrk- The mm»qu of pout-10‘ Ilamnl told reached $213.977.35. bu! do» not "pro-om- more Ihm: 70 per cunt of tho sump: md in the city. ville 3‘0. value 6349.1, ms gtnd,_’1ylul‘ .of, 6i,822,_v_alnod‘au ï¬ljiLW; . ‘ n? There werelihc’you‘ in 11,. my. the sa‘viipgshpuk‘ (hrad’ oflim 8474.9“). wirhdmwn. $376,110; and Ibo inunchrs: wmn 328.387, wivhdmwh $19. 26] ; Pas! $8557. Withdrawn $7920 "(ï¬rth 811 692. wnhdwwn $7963; Yor’kyilgh, 818.. of $541012 deposited and $431,279 Withé d rnwn. > , fl ‘9 1' » 3" in E,J\§m$~éd . . > - I, ; ~ . Kmmrnx, Jam {inâ€"The duaflyoffi it Very s‘nljigccurmucu inchgdgahy (my Lofdnya Ur: Wedn «3: last Win; sud 'John 81191;: Cock, two {we ynung men nf Home I'i‘und} wet}! In (3121311323 Via-11w i6e70 make a. in“? menl ("my . s:;,i199ucr Lwhich . wax bubflu there recenfly. . The, .‘ém’imdnmsnm-g arthatplace'mrd 31M!!!†1' hnnmlnle mil indrum'g. "Abel-Arm} hour‘fllvt‘iJm-y ' ion, the Amen-6cm: Bhan thurh'c‘tm be"! «M» storm (sinus on. and it. intuhï¬ldmg gm um mm!er m age “money «a wing. gm 6mm;‘lheir.u&y..wmz lawn? lug nhï¬ut lxll dequunIh’ «era-~qu and than unit in Ch “0! hunted. , 1 1 ‘ Another What-I. A. Chard. ol Stu-ling. «aim to the efï¬- cncy of Hugy-rd'a Yellow Oil, which be mad for a badly injured knu joint. I! in the meal huuaehuzd rend, for inflame- ï¬on. min. mrenrn. lam-0n. Ole, and Xi. and ulh "Neill-ll] and unnatural: iu- fullillio aucceu. * 466 WIIh\1x-aw11$l9.l5ï¬.1l}a 'gimi' [foul solutely sure. No rink. and“! not to air- ed, Render, it you vac blame" I! w in]: m'ihnr a-v vnuna nv nhl nun- mn‘rn up--. $68: week at home. 85 outï¬t (no. P-y ab- The rep"; 1, of [he and nfl‘nir spread mound the ccunlry and such for the naming mun was at nc'e umiluled for dip, without me- crâ€"ss. Only yealfn‘lny wu the body of Wm Shercuck found. frozen Ilifl'. The wind had removed a purcion of the wow on" his then]- Ell-r. m (I by this menu. tho corp» wu dia- coveted. When momiu g brokc, John. “Chill 3 huh- in due pmmbuni; ind crap-lag m it remained lbere ill night. M list I. "Ii about l0!) yards from a home. which in ll - caled ml the Hhuro of tho Grindllono lllunll. and lw cmwird from [he cold I)!!! and IIIII‘ hgei l0 amaul NIP allonlion of tho innate- of line houulé. who went [1me [luv ico and look him in chum-e. be poor follov’u feel and lugs ahuve uh. uuklu. lain hand- und :5 portion ul' li'l nec'k mute badly fruun. h is said lxls feel and hands dronpld of in "It! house. He told a pitiful ulo n‘boul thir Willidrrlnfl. how than William left him [0 an n llvxle In one side for lunch, 0nd mvur [nude his awe-aunt. nun. He callmx loudly hut «lure yrs: no rupquu. As he left Hm rial! lb; work-Muse. {by “MW duya. a ’ECOI‘? zof gniryinx 951,»: foï¬owed-him.» IV .YqurnaL' “You are on the of gran." his Honor told Iain, “6nd. I marry that your youlh and nonhood in brought you a compotency in tiia tho termnf ynur life." The-old man’s eye! gnw moi“ II I!" plieéj He claimed to be ‘up’ard o' 8010-“ éld,‘ and no one in court felt inclined to dilblu his statement. He mumbled Ibo popular representation of Rip VIII Wlnuc. Ifllf hil long sleep. more than lnylhinz OI.- Bil palsy-snicken hand: IfllPOd tho 0nd ‘0! a furmidnblevlookin Cum._ Upon *kiclx ho lnncd heavily as its pludod guilt? in (nub- ling lone: to a charge of ï¬shy]. qud-iin' mg anwï¬i g Past Elghty Years. win- lh f‘m Cinder-gr Wm: v ,“1 1,3,. '5 angry}, 1.:u..‘.,v ‘ 6 ‘ï¬uxanéï¬l’bnmrn h", » removed to :7 King meet Em. Toronto. Stamina-.1 magi) inserted in rm munn-_ er to can on): “but, I‘tu'ticulur attention given to ï¬nd pmervaflonnnh regulation of the: pawn. mgpmmfly ,qmiding‘ml mmeceqsv 13‘ c p. m. r .ggrgfldquosanjnm- m I - V .iéti' _, gs ~ . ......... 229d " ‘ V I ; 11* Husband wmbg-flmmd in‘hiu own-e, u Mmbrookmvery’Sa-ï¬uduy. exocpt. when Satur- day hill on the 390w gum I . , , Thquful for 1211': luau o! Hm. put you?! 11' Ly still be mummiï¬ed in any branch of tho pro “Onion, 1.: follow: a ‘0. - ‘ _ ; Richmond Hill... '61:. [a 24th»! nub month (at Palmer Roam, . 8th, 16611. and 2211:! do . 2nd . _ r do do 6: \ do Thornhlll ...... do Maple ...... ' do Woodbridgo . . . . . . . . . . . . ...28th do Kieinburg ...... ...29£h do Noblehou ...... 11 80th do Ann-thouâ€, u Nitmm Bad..- g't'c" IIOd who: “dated. and non. but the best mnnrisl uud G. HQHUaBHA NJ), L. I): S - : Damnlmmtoom GET: 3 V >_ win «in mbflma‘mim ï¬rsfegaio'ml‘, f Unioivilld .. luf'min‘dly' 6! each mdnua. (“Muir-n ~81» do ..-m»lhl)~a unguup-jnulh, do mwse .~ .._Ivo'RY~ -.-..__. ... . v-.uv_ r â€". J’K'ï¬dï¬rbï¬j wvc. ' . to. U. in, In Label, No. 114.419..“ in the Mï¬tmhoom of the Masonic Hall, everv neond and fourth Tuesday of each month, at I o'clock.p. m. Bonoflcar certiï¬cate given for $1,000 in can of_ death. . A. E. Switzer, Muster “mm. 1:. MW, "Bursary. ‘ ‘ ' CHARLES, :MA‘SON. S H C) R'l‘ EST‘ hwnxoxn. o . A. . kt)! N3 mi} .1 Hoots in ch. {403? Mp‘poï¬jq 1-33)], 9111‘: %Q I Hendtyon or M artful! ximo'n, a! l dolock, pm ‘A. J. Rupert, W M ; R. A. Nichonl, See. mi“? 17.33111 ‘ 6 ‘ï¬uxané » » removed 90 I? I IRA?! ' i LARGEST" STQOK PIPES» mm; [flaunt . lvomumoid rbpgirin Y o o VILLAGE Cotmdf. â€"- ’Beeve, J Brown ;' (infmi “flan, I Crabby; H’ pr‘p'or, J’ H Smulzta‘uu Wynn!†Glerk,M"l‘o.fy 1.‘ C"-EMP~I:Q;A m": :ï¬wassmm COLD WEATHER up. the third Sunday of wok-g month, Vthxi tho Ionics md no he] at 11 I m Sunday School at 1.30 p m R" w Bates, Rector JUL 0rTmamcn.â€"-â€"mehmond mu Cour;- t! , No.43. mugs it; an Tamxmuuce Hal}. use]: . _ but“! Tueldiy evening an o'clock I). m. ofldm eminenteaissuad~ to members for mm or in one of do“): 621300.01)- half payable «on o! Mummy. J. H. Sanderson. Select. 9°fl2°m°t ‘ _ . unwnomuâ€"Servicos at 10.350 u m, and 6.30): lunch. School at 2.80 :11 1’11er meeting ovary Thur I ouni ï¬t. £0~ ._ Rev. LBottlJ’um tor. luv E. 535?. Aa’si ant; ' I O G T.â€"Thil Lodg- mewtlin the Temperance KI“ every Woemmily ovonipg .: 8 o'clock p I}. 1 u u___1-_‘_~_ :- n as.†Bmflunrnogulur meeting ï¬r“. Féiasiy of every month,held in the Council Chamber; at 'I p. m. Membeuhi »' Heal Ckrnmcutes Issued to mambo “triad: Ric-uh!!!) HiLL COD"BTB§ND."MOHR fm lll‘BiGs tiem in the Temperance Hun ownrv Tuesday 1mm}, mum {.390'919ck. . A. regard/gigging 25- é 7 mufï¬n“): ot‘ ,m at awn V \ ‘ . K ' , CHURCHEQ; Roqu cunomcmikrvieu : Thomhill It 9 u m uml Richmond mu It 10 80 an: ; tho folloiln Bunch. at Richmond Hill at 9 um. and Thornhu n 10 I m. 1:" Father Egan, Putdt. PIIIIYTEBHH+Smicel 3t 11- a. m. 35:"!!! p m Pnyor nae-tin on Wodnut‘hgvy ":0 n 5! '1 to 19v I Cmpbo 1. pastor NowtonbrookyJ us my, )8“. ‘ My on. 1 0! Wood “d Coal stove- our in M- , ., , mend mu. ..._ ‘ V ,v.‘ will help 'you to more xix-one} 133E? n I ‘lu-Li'umf mm twain: obs in thin lorlgl. All. of _I thgr qnx, Iucooonj {gong lint hour A Pflllf Richmond Hill, 809‘. mu. I'll! s'r Inn's (Emmmhsmiéos nt 3 pin. ox- Dpirth. third Sunday of every month. when tho STOVES. _.__~¢ .â€"â€"â€"-_.... mung: gummy 1' so? A Roimsdï¬z' a summon DENTIST. diam 3 R'l‘Fzï¬'T" " N‘ :‘TICf- li‘. Order. prawn); awful-d {0. V ad: IS COMING 2 SURGEON DENTISTB, 59 L15; mm {at cm mind an unï¬lng ff:é,‘ajii§t’ï¬ï¬‚v )0! good: which] st'gni‘iï¬sd unper or n: erorn 'er. 6. . Pain- “ ‘Y ' Ahtrail'bdqï¬pir 'Tho :1in£m‘ executing ï¬rst-clan swdudï¬féaï¬Ã©iiii D‘A 11519. w W tin" T‘Wést‘érn Canada John Mahmud, Es . Hon. SmmtoquMls r A. M. 'R‘nit , m‘qn f Jnmo’a Metouun. End. Rev. Enoch 00d, D. 3) Loans mane (m aennfity of Com‘puny’l Policy 8!; 5 pt? cent intern t. [mm-made toChureh Trustees, at»; low r“,me interest. Seqdflur prospectg‘s. 1 ‘ (A W Lauder. C. J. Cam bell,f}§sq., “ IA W mm g Assurance y 2 .‘ 3 'A " ' 3 2!.13'5 ‘ ‘ dl'xonaominM' . Sir Wm McArxh‘ur,‘ X C MG, M. Prix-Lord mayor of London. President. . w w BaynesJCsï¬ E1 aï¬sackiir'y. Mmewas;333$ng SAVINGS BANK ‘om Aï¬btfoajnoï¬oo THE STAR in our reduced loan mblo For further inf-r nation apply It the omcou o! ‘b‘e Company Money lecelfed ojlrdeposil. and ~inlerefl payable hllf jean-1y 0r eoquouudadl. I rImam “damn†“may a U Gm v omuan-M‘Ehmh-Itreetf Toronto ‘ HON‘Gno wunugsvmeoryxeaiaom . ‘ j § Gluing: Goontmrxn‘r. 'VichPtoqident y “his! 1) cm" 3â€"8 min t. P.Alfi’ cabal} "i “may mu, Tm. mm 32‘. 3;; llophmn,3¢ham " V ' v - ‘ mun" 1 pair: TM), 6'? THE is'EsT can!!! u _ . , A V THO! ‘MGXTLNGALE'D, FINANCIAL AGENCY ~ .44.»-'._....._ . mammws ' «mm-mi) For Wigwam; and. 9911911 purposes. 5 oak, H _ : and u yup IKi‘rii.xers. C’tflv‘stcniv ’ ‘ ' RICHMOND HILL, 1 ONT. 'l‘ytpwx,1.gnx; w h, 1 Farm 80 (ï¬ber Propel-1y, ‘Hotels, Tavern! nud Buginoss. , - '1 H. Sanerson &;L‘Soijns f . Q:pi§nl._sl,9901{\00 _mu’ Fund. £456,000 (iinpésefl of; ‘ ,. INJRMIGD. SYNngéLF Roam-Va I’uudg. . ' 3%") 000.0014 ' 0 ’ AnuuM-Iuc‘ulm ' l 600 000 Y'H'Pfllrd in (.‘nn:uln.. 1 200.900 ’ Deu'h chums paid ' 10 000.000 _ ' 'luuns‘ru , “Rum-moss ' ‘ Parents should-flatly dtheir, intéreï¬-tsr b‘fpuMhaéi‘ngANaming for their ‘b'nysi' “from a reliable Clothing-House; = :1 ' ' r " I ' I They Should also take info (*‘thidMatimini-e ,j'mi 'p0sition ' in which ‘ that house stands ;' if they aru- manuals-Tamers,-atad-‘»ifmra:ntxï¬ztfv'u2-: rs if their clothing-is reliable am} if made f0" ii ï¬rsi'clflbs ('ii'y lirad'e';;or Kit is \ho- m pin»: Mark 0! some \vhullesulv rp‘zum- fin-tuning concern who carry on agretgruil brancl‘lj- "rim-NV Am (i'i‘hbx'mn'nf {me balance a «or wï¬b’seâ€: «if stockwiihjch. isle?! on beéiip haridkaaitfiijf'mt) Law ï¬nblr d tlwifr'ézeén.~'0u’s trade throng;le the“’«-um.1ry;‘ 3- ~ V V . , , ‘1†In ‘ 13913. , .II' "1 ’ Great Dry-goods 331i: clothing \*{"H‘v§use., . OVER 2600 .SUL s z&:_15;00 OVERCOATSQ ""'F""""' f“ "9" _ v_ ‘ I V ,. ' _'__ . , “ ' ‘AH‘ our f‘lntlung 1s out and, made onfhv Lpréuu.Ȣ:¢¢5\r ï¬rstwlasxe‘ ('nmpt-‘fent worko- men. and is quite equal ill/every Way to _t-he bat- Vuw’YSrk' ‘Cldtbing; being manufac« tured expresdy ï¬r}: ï¬r_.:t_-cla'ss city trad‘et‘g‘: . r r r 7 ‘ What we. ask is': That persons purchf‘a’sizug ('lulhil'lgyor a~b0m.1;0 pumh.ase,, Shaw visit‘ our stores. and. examine our stock, and if ogr prices are not lbwer fhanvlthSe of any other ï¬rst-class, reli‘abléehouse in the city, don’t: buy: WALTER S LEE, GENERAL AND anMIs'r‘s 85 DRï¬GGIs.TS, Sic. 7k Tn». 191‘ Gianni!!!“ .peCi a1: HONEY 7'0 LOAN. PETLEY « db -_ 128 TO 132 KING! ST. EAST. TORONTO. waits co; 3‘. i714 d or 11537 ï¬ectu's.’ ‘ ‘ :" ’ IL ’d‘flmd“ ’h’ï¬ï¬tlbmï¬s emwuï¬ï¬‚ “3 no,“ “The ded’eimrk; of MV said M dic'nes . q '1 p p ‘3 ‘ ‘ 'lmding Ho e1 nrmth oft’i‘oro. wane buns g ï¬xiï¬â€˜ï¬‚ed “atrium,in @155“: ‘susï¬mgtgf re ‘4 {Hr , ~ ; 1' a «sh rat-class brde Tliquqrswid-oig‘x: s . . V r 253.}01‘ Canada. 2 , , ’ï¬rzenelm n éccouiu‘qujuï¬ionf 110': , Conï¬neraiv ~“‘ in algm‘l I (' 'A THOMAS HOWWAY II King St... East, Toccata. Trnmï¬e'r’g, an‘dthe Gene‘ml'Puhlic - Gdoé scam m Mammalian homing“ v 'um- .‘ .‘ ' V Dec “mm, ' iuaaï¬dhpmtefltive'flosflw . ‘ : . . 3 , _. « 13 3 LIan 5m. 1w an a» «w; w 3 P' SAVAGE; Leaderluugv. 3101-0th Yorkvih :31}, " BELDNGS coummmwxfla‘i'érdiF-ï¬ï¬iï¬l‘ill ‘ u 2-: thy 1'7 _,.m.*,g~.x._ benfl‘ï¬sq†‘2 ‘, ‘99.; f cod, D. D Manage; ire?" e - IHHI'P. l’urc' asvré r ,r v ‘ _ w , ‘ 1. ., I “Pr?†1': m l-hwtmnhe JGHN I Powlah <‘ilurlda=essimam-5513’; .,,.:;,y :1 N . This Kptel has. beep refl'li; ï¬lled,.l‘9novmd}i€2'fl§§v m.†Wumflus ‘ npd‘flt‘bed‘ yin ï¬rstl'cldaselrrï¬ié,‘u}ifl irnow gym“, TmaoMarks 01 lcf-Aldjng‘ltlouel myth gn'rogw}; The Wf‘iï¬ Em’xmismed xa‘mtuwmm ' egg :gtra‘ggmémwaf Hm. 23A‘dtjggx," 1 13" l J. guqd zztglth Magenta, 8;. F16! ‘ an 9.1, I ' ‘ nudity-Vt) l‘lh‘ ‘ood rm ‘hoatlol‘k. man, $1 139‘. h [61in mill-10%! it?) aim: in: «WM. ' 2min: goinxm ‘ mflwn " ' m “10 pm ~: e]- , [Ridmm‘NmmU-E - _ . 1 ngrgqson, lenl dordpn’ a: shipi'éy', Inn. claims it. m 011*, M.- “nu ma mpsum Modulist ; . Univrrshy. at WH.M.*C.P. E. Ontario. Ems V “F , V. . ; A L,Euglnnd a...“ wtmm, gnaw ï¬rgï¬oï¬dfln. ::‘-‘ .: a: x 1m Wï¬em nww-«m u-mew ’ 4': Jx‘ : , Rf": 2‘25 ï¬â€˜z: - ï¬omhï¬t’ 601119;" 'o'ti' ï¬yni'mpo & Smilgoanl. (Lather gi'yvmwa r OFFICE KOUBwâ€"Frggp you _,..‘m.‘, 5 1.028 p. a, . Barvx‘iaterd, HAt‘coruoys-abLaw, Solicitbre-i Chancery. Conquanc’ars, etc, Omceswlmperial Bunk Buildings. Wamngoon-imot, Toronte noun Fmausox‘, (1.0:. , v‘ Guns Bay WI: waex ngnox, . . ‘ GEO F 531mm: 453mm 2o manta Gepm’ï¬pspltfl, " Qflicé and Reéiaeï¬cegï¬bho 40.9} l0h§1136§ I". 0‘ OFFICE 1190.383! .to 10 a.» n. am to p, m Thornhillanbgdth, 1m, ., ,. . , l 2.. Graduatgiqt Taro'nm‘ ï¬gï¬ï¬uy; W; {1" .r: .' p1 :4: :(Qn‘o: Symon" :quhï¬vond Huif 3an i Warm; 1m; J, mow, ' ,- ' t '_.v‘-.“. y" " Dinah-'1- 6011914" 'o'ti‘ thfl'éinni & gala-ran... nichm'ona mu.:00€12th,w 1 »_ a .;.-L ’2» x " "’5,- '- .. ~~¢ 8.. flat, TE Yam Resident, .; Mic?- TV‘W‘iï¬igviozï¬il’Eu @9311, 411w». l’urc' asr‘ré shuuld, lbw-(«fore ï¬lï¬k ‘quhlmflh'hd mvï¬hei’uls and Boxes H‘ [be «i51|rl(~f|4>‘983 f84rn1;55¢3"“0xf0rd Street. Lolldun inorganic the secxa'tg; j powers of the Liygtbtaca 'thénervofus system: ud throw into thef éircula- non 1th». purest Elsnwnts for‘ï¬uommug and repairing the» fram‘m L z ‘ ‘ p.365 1 / »' i <_ :4 ’will 1)., mum invaguqme in evety ,nouaehoiq the pm'e'of Open Soresfflum Tumnurs. This Tn®mimrable Medicine lia'a'seeiiré ed for itself an imporishable fame throughoutthe World for the alleviation apd curglgf mos; LaisqgscsԠt9 Whig!) ,hujmnigg $1116“ka ' r - ' ' 'v ' s: 2;; id} iii/Ti i “A ., .3 - : .regulpte nan-1 iilu ï¬oyc‘tlw quality of @110 ’Ilgeyrgx‘a‘gxist t ‘ a" 4%39Sï¬i'vé organs, clostyse STOMACH AND BowELs, Thousands 'of persdhé hé‘vé‘ "Emma?! ¢ that by iï¬Ã©â€™il- uéb'uloné they haue been. resmred to health undv‘slreugth, after evéry other means, Egd moms} uuapccgssfu}. BAD LEGS. OLD womns,~ CULDS‘ 1' {toxemia ghe flintment ’;T."'MILBURN ,& £40.; Worth their Weight in Gem 1' ! clmudenliists. Izd'o'ï¬lit win you hi ‘i'ufoir Whit my estnb'lis‘hmegnt ig pnflped to 13.139 ulap‘uchture .,: -J... . ""6113. LENNOX, DENT A 1, SU RGEON. A151 YDNEB- 51, mama.†- "" sln‘uu "‘l! JUI‘UL‘JUQ “ ALUMINUM.’ ' $15; I ' CELL-OLOID, I , ‘1!)1 n gnUBBERJ “Best $8 ' Believing the people will upprenintr‘ a.“ ï¬nale of low prices for a superior class of artiï¬cial teeth, 1 have determined on reducing the price rat least Wï¬iér cent. - . v " ‘ ‘ " L ,w ,, w, - ..... ..- of sets. I (10 acerythmg or anything that [my Toronto dentist waLdo, and do it (in approved modern. scientiï¬c principles, gunmntcemg satis- tactic!) in n.“ parses. No pain caused by the ex» tmction of teeth , .7 ' 130631159 our prides are so 101m; ()0 seem won-- R‘erfuh‘éhen coiplmred with flmse n iother ï¬rstâ€" .VE'E'AiEZLeQ. .5: lwv'LL- (:URE OR RELIEVE ' Bil/098N588, x DIZZIIV'ESS, 19191353710111, ‘ ‘ FLUTT£RINO 4 JAUNDIC .- - £1. (01:- THE HEAIW, ERVSIFEL/TS, ‘ ACID/TY 0F SALT maze-.1, , v A THE sromcm {IE/mmvm, MWVESS {IEADACHQ - , OF THE sKIrI’, (War-V Sp‘bdcz of disease aflsing fr'o'm dilnl‘doref} UVCR; JGDN'EYS, STOMAUH‘ - _ .-.Bowe:.o on- BLOOD; ‘ In ARTIFI‘CML TEETH ON :13.) 1 a u 5.41 g; GELLOLOID ' 95510. *' I Again in I Proprlgtfj , Mmssns‘ 11.5. WBfLIAMS'ï¬z $931â€"- , ‘ . _ A ‘ Tenure. Nov. «mun. ; G m-rsâ€"Hawng thol‘mgghly examined the Workmanship‘ of your Pianos, Lhava no hesitation s; ' stating thmtrin my opini‘oh‘, they are equal to 911039 of unyothara of the best; Makerslchnt Ilmve Man I can an} .nspeak in! thé name high terms regarding their muaiml qualities; for their ï¬ne full sing- ‘ in: cavabl 1W 0‘ tone. Elegant touch, 620, are such, thahthgrp seems to be no necessity to purchas- I foreian'instmm'ehtn, W 6!) our home enterprise can prom’fuc ’luch Fianna. [ind uh o‘nwthird lens colt f ‘ I am glad to hear that. the extensive sale of I I , . your instruments shows- that you are mating with tho 8110085! “3‘5 13511135 Von jumy deserve. = « V , , . I am, Gentlemen. Your Obedienb Ser'va'nt, ~41- __ _._ Mnssns.R. 8. WILLIAM & Sox’s. . r _. _ TonON'ro. Al)ij with. fut. . , Gunmmumqel have much pleasure m teatlfying to the great excellenca oz ycux Pianon. I. hug put them severelv to thtest, and ï¬nd them pousessgd cube-e qualms! 0‘1 tqn'e' and touch lo “1 captahle to the true m gamma. 3mm} lover of alas-159.1 mus'ibdâ€"a. ch’armia'g siï¬jug pone. etiqin gratin. sited from the mostdehcate pmmuss’imo'to ovary degree allowance and ' a. and a “such which answer readily to avery_shadq 0} 133111;; _ ‘ E V j 7 » 7 V, r ;., ‘ . -154» Lu';.._ :L‘_L._.-_ A. 1 wnsmet mass msuumems a great no uisibion. in musicial a ï¬nding a piano ï¬hibh I can recommend wi poï¬ect' commando. vAv‘vu. uuu (luv "nut-nu; mun mu uncu Luau: at “- ooptioï¬ully 16v} rates. Payme‘lié‘s arranged to suit the consonienca at purchasers and amend over A» tennm' years. For full particulars \vrite'to ' ï¬rst. :3. WI m [/10 VAHNA Cl- Tn..,~...‘_ Ann n. AND SQUARE! Ham‘s PiaznOS Y I m sawmnmm ea Sm ma‘ko‘ a. special S ,., ,u, . '19 of O’rgans in Hula? gliqptgtxe; and {we therefore inhle 1.20117?“ th'em“ it u- CHEAP cAsxâ€"I. Rieï¬mopd mu, Dec. 19:11, 1883. ; J.‘ BROWN & I SONS. 0T Goods, suitable for the} present season. Fine V)'xf:w Yglonlia Raisins. Hondon Layorl. mf ,Ifggu‘ogs, Oranges, Lemon & Cilrdn Pea, Nuls of all kinds, Candies by the -' ' ' Barrel, Choice Cigars, “holesnle and mm“, OYSTERS FRESH EVERY WEEK, POULTRY * OF ALL KINDS I 6w \ V' I . ,. ‘ ; < N 13, TflflUH dz DURA-nl-LITY 1k No Hide List of Rubbish Published (6 :Catch‘j ‘the Umw 1 (Only kept on hand. The public are in‘ï¬stléd to AN; .INSPECTION' 0*]? STOCK AND Pauaus WINTERIS HERE Are constriiflpd ffozï¬-‘il‘ie‘vsfy 1323!. Mmgï¬ais 1'51; eipéï¬ehée? Workman. ï¬nd "i M!†. a; . - _ equal in point of -‘ 5W FIRE PROOF Goods 0f the “BeSE‘LQQaIity i am. Genuinely y’éurï¬'ï¬ry, trap. bins; W. qwmg LARGE ASSORTMEN T GOOD YALUEâ€FORLf6ï¬k WINTER} _ GOODS ! Tï¬Ã©â€˜Ã©ï¬ï¬: Direct from Bullirï¬qre, Wedding Cakes in nllrsiyvles and prices. _ u...“ w «w.â€" -.a. ~-_ ms Yonao 5t. Tammi)". 'osfheé 'Dundas 8:. Lemma. In fact, everything that is good to eat you can get CHEAP FOR' CASH. TEQ-riï¬onmnsa fl’q me high priced“ Ameriéan Inflrumpntl‘. And J.,l)rown & Song have just ‘rcc'c'i‘vod‘n Splendid AsSortment of â€"-- A'l‘ THEâ€"a.» ISAAC CROSBY. ilkâ€"a. clialrmia'g 5i cone. es‘uil grain; 9110mm, 'Wgaganda which iusicioi ' {1: sad m m‘t‘wh‘ 531i“ 0‘! nfldendo. Ԡ1' v p EWING“ ( 021 En ’ “1 Orgdnift o!‘ I ,bor'a éhur$a&bm,m .u, we. W. s'maé'rHY. Mus Du. MON EV .