Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 31 Jan 1884, p. 1

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Five l'lcn Instantly Blown into Eternity â€"eranv others Severely Injured. A last (Friday) night’s Rochester, N. EL, despatch says : One of the boilers con» nected with the shoe manufactory and tannery of E. G. & E. Wallace blew up this afternoon. killing four men and injur- ing several others." The machinery was run by an engine and three boilers. This noon, there being some trouble with the salty-valve, Engineer John Grimes weighed it down with abiick and disconnected the middle boiler. At 1 o‘clock, it being fouLd that there was not sufficient power to drive the machinery, orders were given to shut down. About fifteen minutes later the disconnected boiler burst with a detonation which was heard for miles. The killed are : John Grimes, engineer, aged 40. leaves a widow and five children ; Angelo Haitt, fi'eman, aged 30, leaves a widow and child ; Wm. Cleveland, aged 26. leaves a. widow; Louis Depre, aged 30, leaves a widow and child. The wounded are Joseph Garnier, aged 23. unmarried, will probably die, thrown 100 feet and cut by glass; Thos. Downing,aged 40, arm broken ; Joseph Davidson, ribs and arm broken; Frank Hurd, aged 29, hand and arm broken; Wm. Grimes, aged 24, badly bruised about the body; Patrick Barry, aged 29, is missing. and is supposed to have been killed when the explosion oc- curred. The boiler penetrated a brick wall in the rear of the leather house, passing through the base of a 90 foot chimney. The chimney fell, burying Haitt in the ruins. All the bodies were badly disfigured. The tannery is partially demolished, and the buildings in the vicinity are badly shaken. It is currently reported that the boilers had been previously condemned. Mr. Ingram, the founder and proprietor of the Illustrated London News, made his first fortune by Parr’s life pills, as Hollo- way did by his. Mr. Ingram used to any that he always noticed on market days at Nottingham. that general purchasers gave the reference to goods which were adver- tise with cuts. So he put an imaginary picture of old Parr on the front of his ad- vertisement 'with good efleut’. Holloway followed his exampie. He‘conflued himself to money makinghowevermhereas Ingram was socially ambitious. eager for admission to society, and was M.P. for Boston at his death. He had a very handsome country seat adjoining his paper mills in Harts, where, on Sundays, be entertained large parties of brother M. R’s. He was in some respects very democratic, dining in his shirt sleeves every week day at 1 with his printers and employees at the Rainbow, which was near the office of the Illustrated News. During the contest for Midlothisn, at the last electim, feeling run very high. Some of the village folk had drunk to Gladstone’s success so often in the hope of thereby get- ting him to the top of the poll that they were very often down themselves. This was very true on the polling day, and when the news came that the Liberal cause was triumphant 9. small butloyal party rung the hell and ordered “- another round ” to honor the occasion. One was so far gone that he could not get his “ doon.” so he hieeuped. “ Dxiuk up. chaps, drink it up. This is a. gloriuus triumph. I osnna hand ony muir. but pour mine’s on my head and let it Book through to my brain.” The excitement created over the confes- sion of Edmund S. Tappan is more intense than at any previous stage of the history of these crimes. The confession is not believed by the majority of people here, who think he and not his brother com- mitted the Maybee murders. Edmund Tappem has produced two five-dollar bills composing the ten dollars he says in his confession John gave him from the money taken from Maybee and Townsend’s houses. John Tappsn is left-handed. The blows on Mr. and Mrs. Townsend's heads were evidently struck by the left hand. Bloody finger marks on the overalls found in the woods were on the left leg, as though wiped by a left hand. John and Edmund are respectively 57 and 51 years. The latter has a wife and nine children. Tappan made his confession unsolicited. He says he believed it to be his duty to do so. Blood-Curling Couiession 0! a has mrdlv Crime. A last (Friday) evening’s Oyster Bay, L I., despatch Bays : Edward Tappau, who is under arrest on suspicion of being im- plicated in the Townsend ou-‘rage, eon. fessea this morning that his brother John and himself were concerned in the murder of Mrs. Maybee and her daughter. Tappan says : “ My brother was in the barn on the owning of November 17th when Mrs. Maybee came in. I was at the front of the ‘ house when he want in. feeding the pigs ’ When John choked the old lady to death I was out in front of the barn. I saw him. He choked her to death on the barn floor. He caught her by the wrist with one hand and took her by the throat with the other. Iwas looking through the door. It was light enough for me to see in the stable. When she came in for leaves John was standing in the stable where the leaves were. It took ten to fifteen minutes to choke her to death. After she was dead John picked her up and laid her in the back stable. I saw him throw some leaves over her. John said, ‘ I am gorng to wait for Annie. I am going to choke her, too. No one will know about it. Then I can go to the house and get the money.’ Annie opened the barn door about two feet wide. When she sttpped in John grabbed her by the right arm and threw her down. 1 was on the floor about three feet from where he grabbed her. He held her by the right wrist, put his knee upon her left arm, and with his right took her by the throat. She tried to get away. and grabbed at his face. I saw her hand close over his nose and mouth. She said, ‘Let me go.’ That is all she, said. Then he held her by the thrOat until she was dead. She died in ten or fifteen minutes. He carried her to the stable near her mother and covered her up with leaves, and said, ' Now I am going to the house.‘ We both went in the kitchen door. 01d Mr. Maybee said, ' Who is there?’ John said, ' It’s me.’ They went upstairs to Mrs. Mayhee’s roomywhen Maybee knocked on the floor. I stood by the door. Then John came downstairs, went in front of Maybee, ran his hand up‘and down Maybee’s breast, and said, ' I want that gold watch you had two years ago.’ Maybee said, ‘ I ’ain't got it; I am blind and cannot see to get it.’ ‘ I know that,’ said John. John then said, ‘I must kill you.’ Then he snatched the cane out of Maybee’s hand and struck him twice on the head. John went upstairs again and came back. I said, ‘ I have all I want.’ We came out. He went to the Cedars by the spring and went home. He gave me ten dollars in bills. I have it now. John showed me a pin and wa‘ch by the doorputside. He got them upstairs. He did not tell me how much money he got. I have not seen my brother alone since. After John showed me the watch and pin I went home. It was about a quarter to 6 My wife asked where I had been. I told her down the road. She 3065 not know I had a hand in the mur- er.” The Japanese Premier, Prince Kung. ad- dressed Gen. Grunt,» when he was in J span, in El glish, so called. Endeavoring to qom hment him by assuring him that he was In to command, he said : “ Sire, brave Generals, you was made to‘order.” FE A BFCL BOILER EXPLO§ION Fortunes in Pills. A Place to I'll! it HORRIBLE TALE _ E. 0! a In“ byster Bay, appun, who I being im- l-‘rage. (you- rather John the murder 91'. Tappau mun on me THE Man and Wife Lynched tor a Brutal Grime. A Denver, 001., despetch says : Mary Rose Mathews, a bright little girl of 10, who was adopted from the Denver Catholic Orpheus’ Home by Mike Cuddihie and his wife, living near Carey, a smell mining town in the southern part of this State, suddenly died Saturday week. Suspicious were aroused and the body of the girl was exhumed and found to be covered with knife wounds, one leg broken, the skull crushed and the. imbe frozen. Cuddihie and his wife Were arrested, tried and found guilty of murder. About 1 o‘clock this morning a. bend of masked men went to the hotel where they were in custody and over‘ powered the sheriff’s guard. They then took the prisoners outside of the town limits, where the woman was hanged to the ridge- pole of a. vacant cabin. Her husband was strung up to the limb of a. tree on the op- posite side of the road. The bodies were out down and buried by the coroner today. This is the first instance of a. women being lynched in Colorado. A last (Wednesday) night’s Fall River, Mass, despatch says : About 10 o‘clock this evening a gentleman passing the house of Chas. P. Stickney saw a blaze in the upper room, and, giving the alarm. entered by the side door. Those who entered the house met a horrible sight. Just Inside the door on the stairs was Stickney. his clothing in flames. At the head of the stairs lay Mrs. Stickney dead, her clothing burned 05. The flash on her limbs, body and face was horribly burned. Her face showed that death was preceded by terrible agony. Mr. Srickney had one hand burned almost completelycff. Mrs. Stiokney had been engaged in saturating the carpet with benzine or naphtha, which igLited. and in an instant the whole room was in a blaze. The flames communicated to Mrs. Stick- ney’s clothing, and she ran out to the head of the stairs and fell exhausted. Her hus- band’s clothing. in the efiort to savehis wife, caught fire. At latest reports he was in a precarious condition. . A Waverly (N.Y'.) despateh eays: Carl- ton Dunlap, a carpenter, lives with his wife and two children at Branch’s Station, a few miles from this city. One child is a bright little girl 3 years old, the other is a baby about 2 months old. It is fretful and cries a great deal. Aiew days ago the baby was more than usually cross. Its mother had been trying in vain to quiet it fora long time. At length the little girl Nettie said : “ What shall we do wiz baby. mamma, if he don't stop his tryin’?" “ We'll have to sew his mouth up, I guess, Nettie," the mother thoughtlesely replied. The next day, while the baby was sleep- ing in its cradle, Mrs. Dunlap ran to a neighbor’s on an errand, leaving Nettie playing on the floor. She was de- tained longer than she expected to be, and while hurrying back home and on entering the yard she heard her baby shrieking as though in great pain. She ran into the house and found Nettie standing by the side of the cradle and bending over the baby. When Nettie heard her mother enter she rose up. Blood was running from the baby’s mouth. Nettie held in her hand a darning needle containing a short piece of yarn, which Mrs. Dunlap had left sticking ina cushion on the table. Mre. Dunlap took the screaming baby quickly from the cradle. “ Baby waked up and tried,” said ‘ Nettie, "and me jes’ doin’ to sew him’s mouf up." She had run the needle nearly through the baby’s underlip in two places. Fearlul Burning at a Man and Woman The London Advertiser tells the follow- ing: Geo. Thurlow, who will be 8 years of age in March next. weighs 110 pounds, and sports a moustache and side whiskers ‘thnta young man of 20 might not feel ashamed of. Although he is not much over the height of the average boy of 8 years. yet his shoulders, chest and back are wonderfully developed and are as large as these of a youth twice his age. He is pos- sessed of marvellous muscular power, and can pick up and carry around any man not weighing over 225 pounds. To-day on the market, a reporter saw him pick up a gentleman weighing about 210 pounds, and walk off qulte ‘easily with him. His parents live in Nissouri, and are'well-known and respected. Mr. John Burns. the bailifi, 1 just now has the loan «f the hey, whom he takes quite a pleasure in showing around. It is said when George was only 3 years of age he astonished his old mother one day in the kitchen by picking her up and walk- ing away with the terrified lady in the direqtion of the wood hm:- A 3-year-old Girl Attempts to flew up the [noth ol fler Baby Brother. In a. letter to the London jounnals, Lord Waveney bears strong tribute to the beauty and suitability of Irish poplin for Wall decoration, for which it is now being used by the Queen and in the best English houses. He also proves that it is economi- cal, which is the most important item in the question. In 1844 he had the drawing room of his London house hung with Irish tsbaret, yellow, with white stripes. “The color and brilliancy," he says, “ remain un- diminished in intensity after near forty years’ wear in London. A ruby taberet has lasted equally well." SILENCING A SQUALLING BABY. As early as the 6th century extensive monasteries were found in Ireland, in whiah religion and learning were zealously culti- vated. From these establishments mission- aries were sent forth. carry ing the doctrines of Christianity to Scotland, England, and all parts of Europe. A horrible murder was committed in Liaburn, County Auhrim, on December 17Gb. James Doherby. while in an insane oondition,shob his steter-in-law dead and wounded his wife. At erbartstown, on Daember 18 11, David Conner, while under the influence of drunk. attacked his wife with a. hatchet; and killed her on the spot. On December 18th Mary Murray, said to be over 100 years old, dropped dead in Castle street, Athlone, amidst the noise and confusion of the market. Mr.John Parke, for many years post- master at Ssraudhul. Sligo, in dead. J runes Hamilton, once a wine merchant i": Dublin. died recently at his residence, Eden, Ardara. Pat Moylan was shot dead on December 19511 at Cuboolan, seven miles from Galwzw. Rev. Peter Galligan, Killenkere, died recently after a. few days‘ illness. Wm. Kelly, ex-Mayor of Waterford. has been appointed High Sherifl there. SHOCKING TRAGED Y . VOL. XXV. Lalest from Ireland. A Wondc-rlul Youth. BE'I‘BIBU’I‘loN. A Washington correspondent, visiting the Treasury Department, noticed that many of the women employed in counting bank notes looked ill, and had sores upon their hands or heads. The superintendent gave the following account of the trouble : “ Very few,” he said, “ who spend any con- siderable time in counting money escape the sores. They generally appear first on their hands, but frequently they break out on the head, and sometimes the eyes are affected. We can do nothing to prevent this. All of the ladies take the greatest cars of themselves in their work, but sooner or later they are addicted with sores. The direct cause of the sores is the arsenic employed in the manufacture of the money. If the skin is the least abraded, and the arsenic gets under the flesh, a sore will appear the next morning. The habit that every one has of putting the hand to the head and face is the way the arsenic- poisoning is carried to those portions of the body. “ See here," said one of the oflicials, stopping by the side of a young lady, and picking up a glass vessel containing a sponge “ this sponge is wet. and is used to moisten the fingers while counting the money. You see how black it is. That’s arsenic. Every morning a new piece of sponge is placed on the desk of each em- ploy é, but before the day is over it is as black as this. I have known half a dozen cases where ladies have been compelled to resign their positions. There are three ladies who were here six years before they were afliicted with sores. About three months ago they were so visited by them that they had to quit work. They have been away ever since, and the physician’s certificate in each case says that their blood is poisoned with arsenic.”â€"L<mdon Medical Record. “Adying man may be burned with a} red‘hot iron and not feel pain," Dr. Craw- ford said to a reporter for the Mail of‘ Stockton, Cal. “ Consciousness may re- main to the dying almost to the dissolution, but generally they lose the power of thought long before actual death. In cases of death in which there seems to be suffering the writhing and spasms are due to reflex muscular action. Fear weakens the us:- vous system and consequently hastens death ; and the reverse of rear may prolong life." The Doctor cited a medical report concerning a Methodist minister. He lay on the verge of death, cold and pulseless. and friends around his bed sang his favor- ite hymn. As they ceased. and while the physician stood timing the death, the minister’s hands moved, and he whispered, “ Glory 1” Restoratives were administered, and an hour later the man had recovered. He lived many years after that. He said he understood every word spoken at his bedside. Under the nervous excitement and enthusiasm wrought by the hymn, he had exerted his muscular strength, and ived. Mr. Freeman,acting0hairman. intimated that the Board had no power to carry out the second and fourth propositions but that it was competent for Mr. Mitchell to move the first. Mr. Mitchell accordingly confined himself to the proposition as to the’hours for opening and the lighting of fires. Miss Taylor seconded the proposition, and ques- tioned the decision of the Chairman as to the power of the Board. At the endof a discussion the matter was referred to the Works Committee without any special in- struction. Strange Proposals In the London School ‘ Board. Here is a list of propositions moved at a meeting of the Landon (Eng) School Board by a. benevolent member, who wished to en- courage poor people to send their chil- dren regularly to school: " let. That all Board schools ituated in poor localities be opened at 7 o’clock in the morning, and that all necessary fires be lit for the reception of the children of poor parents who'are compelled to go to work. 2nd. That afi‘ohildreu of parents unable to pay school (see he provided with one meal per day. 3rd. And that'it be an instruc- tion to the Works Committee to make pro vision for carrying out the same. 4th. That any h. master or mistress of such schools ah}; e, empowered to select any children ’11an attend through went at bootemnd shalrhave the power to order the came through the Board, the coat of which shall not exceed 55._ per pair. A probationer was ofiioiating in the par- ish church of Kinglassie. with a. View to his becoming assismut to the incumbent. “ May I ask your name. air ‘2” said the handle to him at the close of the service. “ I dinna’ spair'h for ony curiosity o’ my ain, but for the justification 0’ the people." One or the Item'- that lllake Coal Io Ex- pensive. A coal-dea‘er said in a Cleveland inter- view: The abundance of coal in the United States ought to render it cheap. but mine operatcrs claim that it cannot be produced any cheaper, and point to the fact that a ton of coal in England, which has been wrestling so long with the coal problem, costs about as much as in America. ".Take, for instance, the Hooking coal,” said a railroad man to-day. “ The miners charge 80 cents a ton for mining it. (In the Maesillon region they charge 95 cents, while the Brier Hill men have been getting only 65.) The dead work costs 60 cents a ton (down in the Massillon region where they have to pump out their mines it is 50 l cents a ton), the freight will amount to $1 40. and it will cost 20 cents to load and unload it. That swells the cost to $2 60 a ton. The freight cannot be lowered much. It amounts now to but % of a cent per ton a mile.” Few of the coal operators have gotten rich. Down in the Brier Hill region they pay as high as 50 cents a ton to farmers whose land they have leased for :mining purposes, while in the Massillon region from 15 to 20 cents a ton is given. Then there are horse-backs. Horse-backs are rock projections which are met in a mine where they rise up and shut off the coal. It is an expensive task to remove them. Price, the Pittsburg miner, once struck a horse-back which cost him over $60,000 to get through. In England, where capitalists are more patient than we, they run a long shaft from the mouth tothe farther and of a side-hill mine and begin from the rear and work forward. Here the operator, unable to wait so long for a return from his money, begins at once to take out the coal, opening rooms each side of the central shaft and leaving great pil- lars of coal to support the roof of the mine The pillars, which are very large, contain many tons of coal, which are not ayailable , till the mine has been exhausted, when ‘ :hey are taken out and the roof allowed to all. The Disease of the Money-Counters. GDING HUNGRY TO SCHOOL. Consciousness ol the Dying. RICHMOND HILL THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1884. A $60,000 “ HORSEBACK.” The steam tug Nellie again attempted yesterday to visit the wrecked steamer City of Columbus. The tug had on board a large number of persons, seeking the remains of lost friends, but owing to the rough weather they could not approach to within aquarter of a mile of the wreck. It was thought three bodies could be Been hanging to the ratlines of the mizzen rigging. The Nellie ran within an eighth of a mile of the wharf, landing at Gay- head lightI the sea running so high that the tug could not approach the wharf. A yawl was launched, in which a number of persons set out for Gayhead, the waves running twenty feet high, but all were landed safely there. There were found ten per- sons who had landed safely from the wreck, all of whom were alive and doing well. They are Wm. Spaulding, of Boston, purser; Henry Collins, Taunton, second assistant engineer; John Hines, Boston, fireman; Thomas Butler, Prince Edward Island, fireman; Wm. N. McDonald, Bos- ton, quarter-master; Thomas O Leary, see- man; Michael Kennedy and Edward O‘Brien, St. Johns, Nfld., waiters; James O'Brien and J. '1‘. Tibbets, passengers. The Visitors were then guided to a meeting. house and other places. where the bodies that had been picked up had been brought. At the meeting-house, a weather-beaten structure, in one of the wildest places on the coast, were found five bodies. four men and one woman. Of these Mrs. Alice Atkinson was identified by her uncle, A. S. Belyea, of Lynn. He recognized her as he entered the building, crying out: “ That is my dear niece, Alice." Her remains were dreadfully mangled. Another body was identified as that of George Kellogg, of Fitchbnrg. The remain- ing three were not identified. Kellogg left the vessel in the boat with Quartermaster McDonald, and worked at the ears until he dropped dead from exhaustion and exposure. A body lying on the beach was identified as that of Henry Batchelder. Six bodies were found in a hut; there were four men and two women. One or the women was recognized as Mrs. A. B Belyea. The other woman was a mulatto, but neither she nor the men were identified. Along the stretch of shore from the but to Gayhead light nine more corpses were dis- covered, all more or less disfigured, the face of each wearing an expression of horror. None were identified. During the day the bodies were removed to places of shelter along the coast. The natives wouldn't allow them to be removed unless the ex- penses of recovering them were paid. The remains of those identified wc econveyed by a yoke of oxen and cart to the wharf, wherg they were placed on board a tug. A New Bedford (Mass) despatch says 2 Capt. Wright said that about 12 o’clock he steppedflinto his room to warm himself. It was very cold. Everything was working well. Went below for a short time. Soon after I heard the second mate in the pilot- house with the mate sing out, “ Port the helm." I jumped out of my room thinking we had came across a vessel bound down the sound. I then cried out, “ Hard apart," and in the moonlight saw the buoy on Devil’s bridge on the port about two points forward from the beam and about 300 yards distant. She immediately l struck. I ordered the engine reversed, and ' she backed about twice her length. She immediately stopped, and I endeavored ‘ to head her to the north. but she filled ‘ forward and listed over to port, so that the plankshire was about four feet under water. I went aft and told the passengers to keep cool and get life-preservers. Inext told the officers to get the boats ready. The steamer settled down aft and righted. It was blowing very hard and a heavy sea running. We launched a boat, which was immediately ca sized. The sea was breaking over the stea er's deck, and the stern being entirely under water we were forced to go up on top of the house. I stayed there aminute,but we were quickly obliged to take to the rigging. The mate, second mate, chief engineer and fourth engineer took to the raft. I think the steamer struck on Lone Rock. The captain is positive that he struck out- slde of the buoy, and, in tacking, drifted inside. The officers of the cutter Dexter say that the wind was blowing a gale, and a terrible sea was running as they ap- proached the vessel. She sank in about four fathoms of water, the railing on the bow being the only portion of the hull visible. It was impossible to reach the rigging, as the boats would have been pounded to pieces. The men in the rig- ging were forced to jump into the sea, and I, We caught them as they arose to the surface and pulled them into the boats. Some of . the men could not swim. but nearly every one in the rigging was saved. Eugene McGarry jumped from the rigging, and Lieut. Rhodes sprang for him, but the boat was lifted fifteen feet on the crest of a wave, and it was necessary to go to the starboard to avoid being capsized. Capt. Wright was among the last to leave the ship. Two men, frozen so stifi that they were unable to relinquish their hold on the rigging, . were at length the only persons remaining on the steamer, excepting the captain. Lieut. Rhodes asked him to jump. but he shouted. “Save than men first." H are tmzan," was the answer. The capta u then Jumped, although he could not swim a stroke and was rescued. Lieut. Rhodes, at the peril of his life, rescued the last two men in the rigging. One was Mr. Richardson, who died before reaching the cutter. - ‘ A. F. Pittman, chief steward of the steamer, said : “ Was in my birth when I the vessel struck, and was not awakened by the shock, nor until the general alarm was given. The greatest excitement prevailed, women rushing about the cabin in night I dresses. In about 20 minutes the steamer A listed, and the houses were carried away by l the sea. Almost immediately, as the pas- ‘ sengers came on deck, they were swept i ovor by scores. The scene was terrible. After the vessel listed I made my way along the windward side up an inclined , plane, and into the rigging, where about 40 ‘ persons, all men, had taken refuge. There we clung for life, with fingers benumbed, and With floating corpses and debris at our feet." A Boston despatoh says: Captain Hem- mond, of Goldsborough, who 1 as among the saved, after clinging about so ven hours to the wreck, says that betwreu 7 and 8 o’clock in the morning the steal: a: Glauous passed to the westward. but it look not the slightest notice of the terrible tragedy enacting so near. He says from his out- look in the rigging of the City of Columbus PITIABLE TALE 0F SUFFERING AND DEATH Captain Wright’s Graphic Story of the Yessel’s Disaster. THE 0er OF COLUMBUS. The Year’s Crop, its Condition and the Prices Realized. Making allowance for accidents and the amount used in home consumption, there were fully two millions of‘huehels got ready for sale by the farmers. Of this amount. about 1,000,000 bushels have been purchased by the dealers, so there still remain proba- bly over 1,000,000 bushels undisposed of by the settlers. It is rather dificult to arrive at any idea of the approximate value of the wheat purchasedâ€"that is. the amount re- ceived for it by the farmers. Probably the nearest approach to accuracy would be to estimate the average price paid at 55 cents a bushel=(including frosted wheat). which would show that about $550,000 had been paid out by the dealers for wheat. At pres- ent the prices being paid, are somewhat higher than they were a short time ago. Here, in Winnipeg, the price for No. 1 hard is 80 cents, and for frozen from 50 to 55 cents. At Brandon they range from 65 to 68 for best quality and 38 to 40 for that damaged by frost. Tho sellers at Manitou get 70 cents for No. 1 hard and 40 to 45 cents for frozen. At Emerson and Gretna No. 1 hard is heir g sold at 70 to 78 cents, and frosted wheat at 50 to 55 cents. The recent reduction of rates on the Canadian PacifieRailway to Port Arthur will. it is expected. have the iffect of raising the prices, as much wheat will undoubtedly be sent to Port Arthur for storage in the eleva- tor there until the opening of navigationâ€"â€" Winnipeg Sun. It will probably astonish many to know that three-fourths of all the chickens brought to this market are consumed by the Chinese, and that nine-tenths of all the tame ducks brought here share the same fate. The longer one lives the more he finds by jimminy out, and instead of the Chinaman feasting on rat pie, as he is popularly supposed to do, he has just three times as much chicken pie on his bill of fare as the white man, and nine times as much stewed duck. The Chinaman is peculiar. Geese or turkeys he does not care for, and wild ducks or any other game which has been shot are an abomination in his almond- shaped eyes. “ Heap like ’em alive " is John’s remark when any dead (owls are offered him. His taste in fish is also peculiar. He avoids salmon, but goes his last niekle on suckers and sturgeon, or any salt-water fish which has been long out of water. Well, the salmon is a royal fish. It is death to dogs and does not seem to agree with Chinamen. The massive brain of the Caucasian is the only one able to cope with and successfully assimilate the phosphorus and phat of the luscious Chinookâ€"Portland Oregonian ABoston despatch says: The City of Columbus was one of the finest vesaels on the coast, and was built in 1878 by John Roach & Son. She was built of iron and thoroughly equipped. She was rated A 1, was valued at $300,000, and insured for $250,000. to be the body of Morton, of the Boston Globe. Another body picked up was that of a. women, probably 40 years of age. She was badly bruised, probably by eontact with the floating debris.‘ The fifth of the bodies was evidently that of e seamen. The captain of the Nellie reports seeing other bodies which it was impossible to recover. the see being so high. Nearly all the bodies had on life presexvers,’ and were floating on their books. Of all the victims reoovered, Mr. Morton’s tees hose the most Mr. Edward Nicholson died last week at his residence, Beechhill, near Derry. In early years he left; his home for Men- eheeter, where he amassed a. large fortune. and gained considerable eminence as an architect. He afterwards purchased the property on which his father had lived as a. tenant, and was appointed a magistrate for his native county. --,I.._ ;..‘._',mm'.\“ In“. g'nVJWEA;-;aril:; purpose of identificanion W‘ 'aifiéTflarly and. All the five victims pi e up by the Nellie were identified, except the young woman, as follows: The blonde man is J. May, of Boston ; the elderly woman in Miss Beach ; and the seamen, Richard W. Sullivan. There is also an unknown young Women. There were 520 fewer failures in Eng- land and Wales in 1883 than in 1882, and a. ieoreaae in bills of sale of 29,915. A New Bediord, Mass., despatch says: All the trains to this city yesterday were crowded with persons coming here with the hope of being able to identify the , dead which might have been picked up and brought here by the cruising steamers. The tug Nellie returned about 5 o’clock, and thousands lined the wharf while the bodies rehe here were slid up planks to the wharf. All the bodies were frozen stiff, and the arms were all stiffened in a position in- dicating that the victims were frozen to death while clinging to the wreckage. Among the bodies picked up by the Nellie is that of a well dressed young woman, found about two and a half miles eastward of the Devil’s Bridge. She was apparently about 22 years old, had long, dark brown. wavy hair, and dark eyes. From her dress pocket was taken a package of jewellery done up in a handkerchief, consisting of a gold brooch, ear-rings. necklace and locket. as well as a little steel puree containing a small sum of money. No papers were found on her body. In her lap was found a tiny' pair of baby shoes. About a mile from the wreck the body of a blonde man, with full, sandy beard, was picked up. The Nellie next picked up what is supposed A Woodsholl, Msss., despateh says: The body of a. lady. 45 years of age, was found at Cedar Tree Neck to-dsy. The tug Storm ‘ King visited the wreck of the City of Columbus to-day. The steamer appeared to be hung on the rocks by the bow. Most of her hull is under water, and the cargo is washing out of her in great quantities. The wreckage has drifted ashore along the Sound, and it is behaved that while most of the bodies were washed overboard there are still some in the hull of the ship, and if smooth enough to-morrow an effort will be made to find them. Cspt. Wright said in reference to the statement that the pilot lashed the wheel and went to warm himself at the smokestiwk, that the pilot house was heated by steam. was very warm, and ‘ there was no necessity to leave it to get warm. he could distinctly see a man standing against the house of the passing steamer. and can’t conceive how a crowd of human beings in the rigging of the wrecked vessel should have been overlooked. He criti~ cieea sharply the want of discipline in the management of the boats. The mate of the steamer Glaucus states that his vessel passed the wreck at a considerable distance. eight or ten miles, and he avers {that atter a. prolonged scrutiny through a glass he could discover no evidence of any human being. W but John Chiunmnn Eats. WHEAT IN MANIToBA. WHOLE NO. 1,333 NO. 46 Almost every day and night in the winter tramps in the vicinity of Harrisburg, PE" seek the cinder-piles at the iron furnaces to keep warm, the cinders being taken thither when red-hot. Oue morning re- oently a carter at one of the furnaces took a load to the edge of an embankment and emptied it on top of a trump who was sleeping on the pile below. He uttered no cry, and the carter drove away unconscious of the acci- dent. Some time afterward another oerter noticed smoke arising from the cinders, and detected the smell of burning cloth. He made an examination and discovered the tramp, whose body was rapidly being con- sumed. Summoning» help, the charred remains were removed from under the load of hot cinders. The man’s head and face were crushed. and his body burned almost to a. crisp. Nothing was found on his per- son by which he could be identified. He was about 23 years of age, well built and muscular. The body was buried “at the almshouse. It appears from gathered statistics of the world that women have a greater tenacity of life than men. Nature worâ€" ships the female in all its varieties. Among insects the male perishes at a relatively earlier period. In plants the seminate blossmns die earliest and are produced on the weaker limbs. Female quadrupeds have more endurance than males. In the human race, despite the intellectual and physical strength of the man, the woman endures longest, and will hear pain to which the strong man succumbs. Z ymotic diseases are more fatal to males, and more male children die than females. Deverga asserts that the proportion dying sud- denly is about 100 women to 780 men; 1,080 in the United States in 1870 commit- ted suicide, to 285 women. Intemperance, spoplexy, gout, hydrocephalous, affections of the heart and liver, scro'fuia, paralysis. are far more fatal to males than females. Pulmonary consumption, on the other hand, is more deadly to the latter. Females in cities are more prone to consumption than in the country. All old countries not disturbed by emigration have a great majority of females in the population. In royal families the statistics show more daughters than sons. The Hebrew woman is exceptionally long lived; the colored man is exceptionally short lived. The married state is favorable to rolongation oflite among women. Dr. ough pro- claims that there are from 2 to 6 per cent. more males born than females, yet there are more than 6 per cent. more of females in the living populations. A Female Skeleton. They are exhibiting now in London a Neapolitan lady of 25. Signora Vanatelli, as near a parody of the living skeleton as is possible to look at. She is about middle height. with a hatchetledged face, ridged with a no a large enough for Goliath. This is her great feature, and suggests that she has run into proboscis as the Thibet sheep run into tail. She might be packed in a section of water pipe. She is shaped from shoulder to too like a tour-square timber joist. The exhibitor says it is necessary to stuff her ankle boots with cotton wool to keep the bones from slipping or grating at the joints. The 5 h Royal Scots, of Montreal, are going to adopt the head-dress similar to that worn by the 42nd Royal Highlanders, viz., a. cloth helmet with a. plume up the side. The feather bonnet is no longer to be the head-dress of kilted regiments in the British army. At the pleading diet of a Jury Court at Kilmarnock lately. Sarah 30er pleaded guilty to a charge of bigam y, aggravated by previous conviction; The circumstances are of a. rather curious nature. In 1875 she married a miner named John Reddock. He only lived with her a. month, and then enlisted as asoldier. After a. lengthened interval, believing him to be dead, his wife married another man named John Smith in 1880. Raddock, however, turned up last year, and his wife suffered two months’ imprisonment for bigamy. In April last Smith died ; and in November she married alahorer named William Agnew, her law- ful husband being still alive. It appears she was under the impression that, having suflered for her second marriage, her utnerin this ill alcom t bei dead Emi- her huebancegm wlnhpjfi: nu hfvgu any: thing to do with her.sl1e was quite atliberty to marry again. The Sherifl, taking a lenient view of the case, inflicted the same punishment as before, two months’ im- prisonment. A peculiar case has been before the courts in Scotland. Rev. Dr. Bain, parish minister of Dathil. sued Angus Stewart, bookseller, Granton. for £12 damages for slander. The slander consisted of a state- ment that the plaintifl had defrauded the Highland Railway Company by causing to be sent as ordinary luggage from Strome Ferry to Dingwall the remains of his late father. It was shown that the occurs? took place eight years since, and t 3 remains had been then buried nine years and were merely disinterredland shipped for reinterment. The curious part of the case is the decision that a railway could not refuse to carry a corpse at the ordinary rate. When they charge more it is because of agreement. Judgment was given {or the clergyman. George Dunbar, 3 Waterloo veteran, died at Gal-mouth the other day. He was in the square at Waterloo. where the Duke of Wellington and his staff had to take shelter three times from the fierce charges of the French cavalry. On that day he was wounded three times, but was able to take part in the last charge when the Guards drove back the celebrated Old Guard of Napoleon. At the Glasgow Circuit‘- Court a few days ago, before Lord Dean, Alexander McIn- tyre, an elderly man, was charged with hav- ing caused the death of his wife, at their house in the Gallowgatzepn the 19th or 20uh November. He pleaded guilty to culpable homicide, and was sentenced to ten yeure’ penal servitude. Mr. Moody, the American evangeiist, is expected to visit Edinburgh about; the and at this month, and wili prebide at the open- ing of the large hall in the new building in the High street being erected for Can-ub- beu’ Close Mlesion. The Senate of the University 0! Glue- go'w, on a. report from the Faculty of Theology, have resolved that the degree of DB. be conferred on the Rev. Dugeld Mae- kiohen.B.D., missionary of the Free Church of Scotland at Bombay. The Brechin round tower is the oldesb complete building or stone and lime in Scotland which can be approximately dated. Female Tenacity 01 Life. Lal est from Scotland. be}; Crtmnlion Death to Undertaken. Cremation would be death to the under- takers. “ Cremate,” said one in New York, “ and half of my profits are gone. Cremste, and where is my percentage on a. casket costing all the way from $25 up to 81,500? Where is my profit on flowers coating :11 the way from $10 up to $10,000 7 The floral display at Alex. T. Stewart's funeral cost $10,000. His coflin cost $1,500. Ors- mste. and‘what becomes of the six factories in this city, each employing from 25 to 150 men at cofiiu-making and making shrouds and other things pertaining to the grave ? Cremete, and what becomes of a. score of marble-cutters whose sole business it is to sculpture monuments for the cemeteries around New York? " Undoubtedly creme- tion would destroy a. lucrative business. but it is a business that is destructive, not productive' Among moot people the erroneous idea. exxste that youth is the only season when skating- can be advantageously learned. Many a. men would incl-same health, and both intensify and prolong life. if he could persuade himself to acquire this accom- plishment, notwithstanding the tumbles and the irreverent jeering from his juniors which he would be sure to meet with. For skating is to walking what swimming is to bathing. It exercises the whole system in a. more energetic manner than mere pedes- trienirm does, and by the energetic in- bteathing and out-breathing which it in- duces rapidly purifies the blood. That it is so seldom acquired when the person ignorant of it has passed boyhoodâ€"or girl- hood, for we must include female skatersâ€"â€" argues nothing against the potentiality of the adult who sets his ambition in that direction. EASILY PROVENrâ€"It is easily proven (in malarial avers, constipation. torpidity of the liver and kidneys, general debility, nervousness. and neuralgia ailments ield readily to this great disease conqueror, op Bitters. It repairs the ravages of disease by converting the food into rich blood and it gives new life and vigor to ' e aged and infirm always “I wonder,” said a young lady, " why Hyman is always represented as carrying a torch.” To which her bachelor uncle sneer- iugly responded: “ To indicate that ho always makes it warm for people who marry." The great heiress of England at present is Miss Hamilton, whose mother, Lady Nisbett Hamilton, has just died. The large estates in Heddingtonshire and Linoolnshire, the annual income of which is estimeted at $620,000, have been for some years, owing to the lady’s incapacity, under the management of the Scottish Courts, and an immense sum hes accrued. Miss Hamilton‘s father, whose original name was Dundee, had the agreeable fortune to adopt no fewer than three additional family namesâ€"Christopher, Niebett and finally Hamilton -esoh change bringing a. large increase of fortune. Her mother, just deceased, had been first married to the Earl of Elgin, father of the Earl of Gene- disn memory, and of Sir Frederick Bruce, Minister at Washington, but was divorced from him. . , No living monarch, European or Asiatic, not even the Czar of All the Russiss, can boast of such a. servioe of plate as that owned by Queen Victoria, to whose guests it is often exhibited on huge buficts at either end of the banqueting table in St. George’s Hellâ€"veses, platesuxhoups and candelabra. all..wrought in the precious metal, the net value of which is said to ex- oeed two millions sterling. Conspicuous among the trophies are the mimic lyre-bird and tiger’s head, taken Irom Tip 00 Seib eighty years ago, and presents to Her Majesty’s grandfather, King George III. The lyre-bird‘s body and tall are composed of solid gold, richly studded with brillisuts, rubies, emeralds and earls. The tiger’s head once served Hy er Ali's masterful son as s. footstoolt It is s. life-sized model. fashioned in solid silver. richly gilt, its tusks of rock crystal, and its tongue of pure gold. Like the lyre-bird, it fell into the hands of the British at the storming of Seringspatem, where Tippoo, its velorous owner, met his death. who A “nanny AND A'nnnomn. It's Never Too Late to Shane. A Girl Worth hooking After. Queen Vinorin’l Gold Plate.

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