Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 31 Jan 1884, p. 3

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“The settlers are ,picked men. .Those on the Primitive Methodist Resérve are mnstty farmefsfrom England. 0n the York Fnrmexs’ ReSerVe they are sons of Ontario Farmers,well equipped with money, implements. nnd experience. ,And then you ask tlm~ question. first; .9 Would not those mt-n haveaettled in the 'cox‘mtry if no we of tlmse‘ :Mmpmfias‘baii‘fever' existed 2'" ,â€" Winnipeg Times. .4 ‘ . ‘ _ wilt udmit in.=anawer.that some of these men mith have so settled, but the lung-r number have ‘lnc‘aled through the tinflnnnce and by the aid of the Colonizatmn C mpnuies. The Primitive Methodist Co!- Qg-uizmion (‘ompnny organized a very effec- trot. l'n.” whose mnntuetnent l control as an instance. Uur trnct of land lit-s uttth nn nternge ubout 60 miles north of il‘liitr- ét'ood Station on the C. P. R. Enrly this spring we made a trail. involving much lubor and expense. from this point on the tnilrond “crust the Qu’Apneite River (upon nhiclt we have n substantial ferIy) to and through the Company‘s lands. About eight u-n'mther day pass over this ferry. and the tmfliu continues to increase. The Unm- puny are running over the trail n stage \thich makes at weekly trip to the colony. L'dl‘tjlltg free of cost to the settler his letters and newstmpets. A postufllce and two stores are now in operation through the influence of the Company. A portable saw-mill stnnds ready in the colony to cut lumber at cost price for the settler as soon he he can find time to haul in logs {Or that purpose. Allouring mill is in course of erection in the centre ofthe Company's lands, and just now very many of the settlers re engaged at, good wages building the ’Sums on the Whitesttnd iiiver for this mill which will be rendy to grind next. year’s crop. The Company have employed the settlers to draw about 30.000 leet of lumber h-om the railway to this mill. paying them $25 per thousand therefor The Company lmve hurls; considerable quantity of land broken and buck--set during the season, for which they paid the settler $9 per store in cash. The Company have let it contruct to their settlers to burn 4’10000 btick nut. summer. pnying them in cash for labor ttlone $6 per thousand. The Company have lntd out Yntk (‘ity. and have presented a lot in it 50 x I40 feet in size to etch settler. The Cttlflp’nnv have loaned. and are now loaning. mme to the settler nt 6 per cent per nnntun to buy improved sew d and mullet buildings. and otherwise improve his farm and homestead. » ' ,N-HV. Sir. I ask Von in all fairness. What hunt is the Company doing to the settler? Is the avttter. under the circnmstances winch l have faintly enumerated, not. better ofi'tu-tlny than if no company ,hnd been plaged between him and the Government. ltntnrstvnd and prr-emptinn entries. and nut: cm-n-spnndwtts in the North -Wt-sl ’t-H’H ci-erl runny (TAKES where intendith set» ttvrs. mtvr travelling lung distances to the lnnd : Hive. t-itner t'uund their chosen home- StPnd warm-d tor snme purpose, withdrawn from smtlvnwnt. or previously entered for. émj tlttnt tiisgustcd,.tlte disappointed land hunter nuns his face to the fertile fields of lhl.nm, swvnrs nllegiunce to Uncle Sam, und in lust perhaps forever to the Dominion nt' (Inn (in through the negligence at its rulers. an the Colonizuion Company pclteme obviates all this. As for instance, I Will take the workings of my own cmm puny. the York I‘Varriret's’pns an illustratimt. Uur tract of land consists of about. l75_000 acres. and during the past season We have had four resident agents, who are pnid u (-ummisstnn by us fur each entry they lztlit', busy pilnting intendinér Pullers tht'nuult these l-tnds and guiding tltettt tp n' Cltnit‘é nt‘ any untuken homestouds. “hicn uln-n nmdu. the agent at tince takes the settlm's lt’Jnl unt'y and gives him in printed intuim Lun‘enlrrngenls. 111% do We not GLIy bring rnlmsinlothe cunnlry but. by ul- lmding (hem facilities for inspecting and e-xpluring Ihe lands and becnming legaliy mun-ed for a homestead and pie-’nnplim', do We: letuin lheln as ClllzenS of Cull“.th Again you ask in the second pluce. " would Hier ( lhe selllms) not he beller ufl‘lnud'xy if no eumpuny had been plnced belwegu “mm and the' Government. 7 ” I awake", " Nu." litus'e_,slto\vn thin many M" the iu-Hlers would tmt have béun located at nil lXcepl Ihmugh Ihc influence of the Uvmu tantra. Let-me now prove thnt thuse who Ire seated urc much better off by havng 1 a Cutupnn) between thétn'ml‘d the (invert:- meant, 'J‘uke again the "York meH-s (30L Cu.” whose mu .rement I control as c-(‘ripl wilh lhe Government slump thereon. Mun-me: we Pum- outside agents. bl'uluing in sutllvx's and handing them over to these '1 he York Farmers Co}. Co., it is true, lave not (XEI'lM'l such ’n widcly ramit'ying influence in getting settlers. but still they new well reptéaented in Scotland last sea- a m by Mr. Alex. “egg. late ofthe Ontario Immigration Dépurtment, who claims to lmvt‘ sent out several Scotch families with g-npital, who were intending to go to South- EIt-n Africa, but are now comlln'tahly settled It the York ((nlony, N. Will‘. A Scotch ’eWPPflpeP, the Otknny‘ Herald. of recent «jute. contnins u very interesting Ivttur Writ- hm hy nne of these settlers detailing the trip and its amusing incidents from Scotland to their present home. l caulxi go on, If necessarv. mud stale further facts which are \i'illlin u'v 0m- knowk-dge concerning the working of Col" unizutiun Companies, and lb? exertions ixhicll they are compelled l0 make in Older 1.: 891th and make prnfiluhle llneir I‘eswc- live lrncls. but lot we ansmt llml evvn it the C(‘Ilnpnnii’s had no! ‘rlong nirny llw Lire-going wmk In which I‘ have referled. they have lncule‘d selllers who. willmnl their Mgenc)‘. would have been lost to Ihe country, and iH‘IICfi‘ such {firming should b0. Credin for Ilwir efl‘urls. Ytru have again charged 1h? Government. find very justly mo. Wilil {ailing In prnvide llw rr-qnisne and newssmy 1cm im. to Hmhle Selllers to make [heir Cunsideratiou for your much occupied space forbids my further presumpfion of its use only It) say that I have reason to beleive that all the colonization companies in ex- islance 10-day are doing their extra best not only to fill up their respective tracts in ac- cordance with their contract with the Gov- ernment. but also-m 1hei‘r own *-iuleresls Ito make the sealer contented and prosPerous. agency under the management of the ltév. Mr. Rec. 01' Toronto. and that gentle mnn himselflwont. to England. delivered lrctttres tl-ere, distributed liternturc, wrote l‘ttc-rsto the press, and succeeded in orâ€" yutnzing a party of representative English tutnwra. whom he had ('ond’ueted to and settled upon the tract 'of land nllotted by the Government to his Company. Mr Gilâ€" lespie, Mnnnger- of the Dominion Lands ('oloniz-ution Company. spent the whole of lust winter in Great Britnin, influencing: set- tlern and arranging for their chenp‘. spm-dy, and comfortable transport to the lands. of his compnny in the Q-J’Appelle Valley. N r,John T. Moore. of the "Saskatchewan" Land and Homestead (3-0., either goes this Minter. us “an emigration ‘agent. to the United States. Ett'gltl'ltd,"lltla' Germany, or he sends nn ,uhle representative of his com- pany it: Capt. Allen, late of the Toronto l"??? l The FoH'oWing letter was ferwardefi fo’ m, sometime, si|)ce,;wil_h a refines! that. we firm-Id publi h it. We have hitherto overâ€" }uoknd inbnt now do so with much pleasure, A FEW Diaries for 1884 {hr 131}: tail shc' HERALD Book Store; ’ JAflES‘ARMSTHONG; Managing Director fiYfijk Farfi‘mys’. Col’. 00. Colmaizaflon Companie LARGEST STUCK Lani Clerk, M'Tct fy RICHMOND HILL ivaNET BAND.â€"N’U'-HÂ¥"rvr prim- tics in the Temnomnce Hall every Tuesday ~vcn- in; m 7A3)a‘clock. A. Laird. Leader PIPES MINVmE run 3m. CHARLES MASON. MECHANICS INSTITUTEâ€"Library of mm r006 volumes 9 Km every Tuesday evening, in the‘ abohic 111$}, from 7 to 8 o'clock. \Vm. Pugs: le», President. ’1‘ F. McMahon, Sec. 1?. E Lam; C Librarian. cmors, I (“x-051w, H F Hopi-vei-fx Hobaieja“ Ev Law. Clerk, M Tu fy SHORTEST NOTICE This Housr- is my.“ 01 the 13235: found notch oi 'l‘oI‘C-‘ntn‘ Even in First Ginsu Styi‘e. Sample Rm» ciul Travellers. Ubud ‘itubliu; hostlern. Terms, 5;] per nluy. leaves this Hote'l'fin é'omlecn wi‘ 11 Trains going Northund' South; at m.‘ 5.10 15 m. Ehd 7.30 n m * I’RESBYTEBIAN-Services M 11 a m, mxdeao p m Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7 80 Rev I Campbell, pastor FIRE BRIGADEâ€"Regular mominu first Fri’un' of every 1nuuth,he1r1m the Council ("InxvzxL'GL 11157 p. 11). Membership Iron. CM'Iificntm '«su. 1 t-c members entitling: blmm to C°l't.‘kin 1n- an-l vxempfians. J H Sanderson, Captain. H. A. Nicholls, Secrctur '. COLD WEATHER This Hotel has bee'n returnished, renovated, and fitted up in fii‘st-classfityle, and is now the loading Hotel north of To‘ronto. The bar is sup- ll'ed with firsbclasi brand of liquor: and cigafla ‘xcellent accommodation for Com merciul Trn well-are. and the General Puhh’c. Creed 8mm: mgde on Lihrmirvn “(JS'FBT' ROMAN CATHOLIoâ€"Services : Thornhill at? a m and Richmond Hill at 10 30 n m ; the following Sunday at Richmond Hill at 9 am, and Tharnhill at )0 30 m m, Rev Father Egan, Pastor. ST MARY’S (EPISCOPALJâ€"Services at 3 p m, exâ€" cept the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament me held at 11 n. m Sunday School at 1.30 p m Rev \V Bates, Rector h. '1‘. 02" '1‘ flt’E‘RANCi,‘ Rich-.nnnd IIitl “mm- ci], N0. 43‘, , eta m the 'I‘er'nlrbrmzcv 1211.1]. 0 all nltcrnymijivc 'I lcsdng evmxitr’g MS ‘ ’clw-k 1: - Benefivizuy rlvfiificares ism‘red m :zwu'flw‘s ‘3 r sue-n: or in ( e (if dean-1| '00, mm lllll' p ‘ in case (-1 c mldlity. J. Ii. harriurrkm. Councillor. CHEAP FOR CASH. THE 13‘. I»; K BTCllM-WTVL J” Palmmfl RICHMOND HILL. JOHN}. POWELL. Prop Mnrnommâ€"Servfces at, 10.30 a m, and 6.80p m Sundns School at 2 30 p m Prayer meetin every Thursday evening M 7.30 p m. Rev. J. BethJ’us- tor. Rev J. E. Slur, Assxsttmt. I O G T.~flhis Lodge meetsiu the Temperance Hit“ every Weenvsduy evening as 8 o’clock p m. J H Sanderson, W C. ,‘fi 5‘ f ;..j y “j fir, 3. ' « ’. x h" {25; ‘I ~ 1512. . g n" in; :74, - K. . "33' ‘5 l a _ _ STOV GRAN]! CENTRAL Hfi‘ffib SOCIETIES RICHMOND LODGE, A. F & A M. No 23, G R Câ€" Meets in the Lodge Poem, Masonic Hall. on the Monday on or before) full moon, at 8 o'clock. pm A. J. Rupert, W M; H. A‘ Nicholls, Sec. DY LODGE; No. 114 -M~et‘s i'ii thn Committee Room of We Magsunic Ilrll. evmv seéond and fouth Tue:th 0! enth month, M. S o'clock.p. m. Boneficury cdrtxficatn .m‘m n rne' $3,000 in case ofdent-h. J.A.]<). SMtzd‘, 13‘: Her Workman. R. E. Luw, Secretary. Mr. Abjohn, who gourd as deputy return- ing rfiicer at Rm Portage, daring the Algoma Election. has been fined for refus- ing five voles at the 1701M The case wiil be sipgeqlgfl. ‘ ' Send six cnfits for postage, and 19-- ceive free, acostlv box of goods whieh willhelp you to more money l’i ht away th‘un nnything else in t is world. All, of either sex, succeed from first hour The broad road to fortune opens before the work- g‘rs. qboobtely (sure, At once address, TRUE 5’. Another Witness A. Chm-d. ul' Storling. lkst‘lllvs lo lllz- rm? ency of Hugymd's Yulluw 0H,, wlnch he used for a badly injured, knee j’)inl H. It IS :he grenl household wufiredy . fu' inflamma- lion, pain. soreness. lamenrssvelc , land ls used boll] Internally and cxlernally with in- fallible success. A malic‘fi'in the County Council to separ- nIelhe Coumy 01 ank for n” purposes. has been voted down» in xh‘e County Coun- cil 0! Wood and Coal Stoves ever shown in Rich- mond Hill. B chmond Hiu. Sept. 12th, n83 VILLAGE COUNCIL â€" Rem-c, J-Brown; Conn ,1 PREEMAN’S WORM POWDERS.‘ . Are pleasant to take. Contain that own' Purgative. I451. safe. sure, and effectual legtmyer of worms in Children or Adults Evetroughing and repairing done on the WWW @irmfwry Agustu Orders promptly attended to‘ % @mfih IS COBIING I Maine‘ CHURCHES \Ihuual ‘ r V .. M rcgmu e marshes. ammvs. moves 3%.. Don’t W9“, prices ' gram a, Ewes a“ 'm- NH‘0§§‘ ,' H. “V. 0 u H Â¥i€ . ‘ V' . I!" 700.. Chicnno ‘\‘ fl I HAVE THE 211er nttrmwe l’mctor‘b Mb all the I»! R R ESE Sanderson & 80118693)? Bufidsters, Atmn‘nej sâ€"ub-Luw, ' Solicitbm-lh- Chancery. Conveyanuers, etc, ()mces«lmperinl Bunk Buildings. Wellington-straw, Toronto HOMAS FEB pSON. QC. JOHN FAIR \‘VM m‘rox GEO F SHIPLBY Sir Wm McAI-t‘hur. K C M G, M. P, ex-Lord Mayor cf London, " President. ‘ ' W W Baynes.Esq,F I A‘Socz-etary Reserve Fund . . . . . . . $10.000.00(. Annual Income . . . . . . 1.000.000 Tnvvslrd in Canada 111200.000” Demh chums [mid . . .. 10.000000 '1 URHN’I‘U licrulucrscn-rs John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Campbell, Esq., Hon. Scmum'McMuster A. M. Smith, Hbq. Jmues Metuulfe. Esq. Rev. Enoch qud, D. D Loans made on security of Company's Policy at 5 11 1"‘Clltilltfll‘e t. Loansmarle mChumh Trustees, at) a low rate of interest. Send fur prospectus. F‘féfguson, 3am, Cordpn a.» §hipl§y, Assurance Solc’y THE STAR WWW ‘ ‘ ' SURGEON ])r:1\“ns'r,hus. removed to 87 King street East, Toronto. Best mineral teeth inserteiriir 2- might» er to suit each puritans. P‘u‘ticulur attention given to the preservation and regulation oi the nntura.) teeth, cnmfully avoiding [L11 unnecess‘ nrv pm‘n. Office hours from S n. in. go 6 p. In. Private residence 209 Jarvis streut. G. H. HU ~B -\ N 1‘), L. I). S DENTIST, NgnijrONBnoOIixoriT. ' W” visit the Yollow‘fixg places professionally .â€" Unim mg, ........ lst Monday Ff ouch month. \h-sc :‘xw ..D:.11 and 21“ do ‘ Mum-u, ..... ...1(}:h do Richmond Hill. 19:11 do \\'<\ «fhridge..m ...22ud do My Hualzzmd w‘illbo‘ - ml in his office, at ~ nnl.rm)k,every Sat my, except when Sutur- ‘ mils «n L113 above mite. -' ‘ ileum," A. [-A 1 FURNITURE, PICTUREFRAMES. PAIN;PI}OI)LSg Artiflcnl Tecthmppex‘ m‘ 1m,r],elr.$5.00. Pain- less extracting by use of E1hu‘lzgd Air The only firm in the Dominion execjuting first-class work M: the above prieex ' swimmer: DENTISTS, . 208 Quee'n- St WeétLToronto The Peopl‘éas StorE RIGHMON I W, rmnnvm mocncluns, PROVISIONS, HA1: 11W ARE, 3 Great Dry-goods 4- andi‘" Clothing. House. _ : -â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"47-o-' OVER 2000: S13 8.3419506 OVERGOATS. Parents shoutdtst‘ud' fhéi‘t' it'ttvreéts t" L " r" t tr V ' l ' - reliable Clothing Househv . v t ‘ 3010mm" for the” boys {hm-1. d »'[‘hey should also take into cous‘i‘derafiotlsrthe re‘al position in which that housé §tands ; if they are maIntaigturors‘?‘a‘ndiif manufacturers ifvtheir clothintr is reliable arid 1f mach: for a firstchass city tr‘ttdf‘o~ fiitfflfsf’t‘llgfsufbms, Stock of'SonieDWhOIesaie marm- fucturmg concern who Citrl'y‘0-il’il5rtjfiin brztntqllw§rxlerBJLV to dispose of the balance ‘I‘o'r refuse? of stock which _is le‘ft outheirhands afte‘réthoy‘ have finiShE-d thPiI‘ ceason’x' trade throughout the country. v ' H A ‘ " =‘\:~‘”"' v 4 V L L ‘: . ,m x , ' v ‘ b W hét we'ask is : 'l‘hgtg pigrqhasitj'g“'Cil'otllihg,iof filible f0 purchase, ‘ sfla‘ll visit our stores and examine 691' Sfé‘é'kgafnd if‘cjfifi'ptices age not lowemhan those of any other first-class, reliable hou§g1ptthé fici‘t’ykcjpnftibqy, ‘ " ' ‘ All our Clothing is cut fitifi‘nfafaé”;()ju fh‘eiprétfi‘l‘ls'es by first-class Comfietenf wmkg- men. and is qmte anfi‘l In every \tvay‘t‘o ,1th .best New York Clothing, being man'u'filc‘--‘ lured expressly fur a first-class (1N I‘mdfi " r V v .- Specialsalé-df mowing @oMMENOING TOEDAY AT A W Lauder. 820‘. a Trcas. fnr Canada. 15 King St, East, Toronto Canned G‘uod:I em, at Prices that-‘WIH astonisb you? A. complete stock of .rook. June 13th, 1853. Dr A KQBINSON. R . SURGEON %ENTIST, AURORA CHEMISTS" ~&' DRUGG’ISTS; P.‘ 0. Box 2527. Of Lonépn, England, PETLEY? PETLE‘Y; 128 TO 132 KING ST. EAST. TORONTO. Ru” Pupgr, &c.‘ Glass cut‘élwo-r-dur.‘“Every‘lhniz soLD‘ .-, An: . CIT-Y -.fW?RfCES. LIFE firgul. Or. ADAMK, _L.D.S., .2151: 231 (1 26th ,28th 2%}: Dec 15:, 1883‘ Has On Ham] hAchnice lot of My ' ' .I‘ntentfiiglxfistjisposed01;: ' ‘SYND;CATES FORMED . VDNE)’ 'I‘U LIL-l N :5} - , See our rcduéed Poms table ‘For fuybhag infnr" mation typpr m. the (III;er of the (igu‘pany Mm ey wvé-wvd mu «hymn; and. paw”; pit) able h’i‘alf fem-Jr 01' (:‘uu'uphfi'nd'tv‘k .Ofiices~â€"No 70, (‘hiu‘chtstbeetg Tormin HON qufw gummy Sean‘j’x esgdgnt, Guam}; ‘ofonmmu' .7“)... :K'Vicoigefiideglt ;~Dumcmn[bâ€"Fimuel Plait, MP, Alfred; Goodm- bmu,»Geuf\V Lewis, Thos H Lory, {$03 D L Mucphérson, Senator ion” 00 ottil Ass’etsz Western. Canada. Gnadwills Bought and Said ! Foi‘ Manufacfiuripg and othér purpose'g. S ock ' ‘ and Shun: Brokers, etc, etc. Toroufo, J an 9th; 1883 SAVING’fi 12m BflXAN-uxx = r r Member College of Phy‘slclanu a Burg-coal. " (LATE OF STOUFFVILLE.) 013mb)". HOURS,â€"â€"From 8_to 10 a. m., 5 lo a p. n ' ' ' _ nxsmmi‘cr. ’ "FINANCM AGENCY [)RAIN TU:E;_OF ~THE- BEST mfiAYY'I‘V am Bps'filgnca, Yonge Street, Richmphd, Hill Rib-hmbzlld H111,qu 23rd. 1582. ‘ ‘ .; I] Graduate : of Toronto, A University. M‘ C. P. & 8.. Out, Two Years Resident, . As‘sist-an't Surgébfi to Torohto Géfiérdl fiaspitafl omée und 1V35idence,â€"â€"One door south of P. 0. OFFICE HOURS+A8 to 10.3, m, &12f0 ’2 p m Thorphill Ffitb 14th, 1883. Fax-n} p'rhggrd E1:bp91't3‘, AL. England (Late Oilondom- England ‘ Q’Eurblc- ‘ I ‘ ' L‘s-mm'e'm'urs 8 1:09.30 am. and I to 2.80 pm ' ‘ END V] > .- ;, v1, . ., '. ‘ fir ‘ ERNEST F. LA GSTAEF! 131.23 9 " :(iie I)“, ‘W. J. WILSON, ‘ MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. my I iMlES 137(me :- B. 011ny B.” tind’ First’ Silver Mo'dvilist University of Toronto, M. C. 1’. S. Ontario. L S (In u‘a K he erv . . ‘ 1 I e , .V , S! W H 5] £9 000 _ . . ._ 0 ‘ S , . F n u u s 0 y YonkeJ S'iigé'i; Richmond Hill. Richmond [-1111, Oct. Path, ’82. minimums .,msTA1.x~En - Linen and Sayings Company QUALITY A1" WALTER 3' LEE; Hotblg‘ Ta‘verné [and Btu'sx’fl‘egs‘ GENERAL AN D QR. 6’Rfi’,’fwA§LE; 1,. Go EG J. I. EVANS & co, 33.8.0 5 ‘ filG‘ifiri‘NéAbfirs, miomz KILL, psi gamma. 0786‘ Leader Lane, Toronto. Signed T . 531,0xford street, London1 Thousands of’persons have ‘estifie'? that by thein us}; alone they hnue been l'OSlO!‘8d Jo health and slim-ugh, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. The Trade Marks of my said Medicines are re. gistered 111 Ottawa, and also at Washington; and sold at 15. 1.951., 28. 9a" Is. 6A., 119a,. 2:1, 1mg] 333 each Box and Pot, and in Cmmdn at 36 (3011‘s, 90001118, and 5541.50 cents, and the larger sizes in nrovortion; I {If} (TAU'NUK‘~} have "0- Agrpnt in We Unilad Slmr‘a’. nor am my Medicines 31>th ihere. V Hui-chasma shuuid therefore hmk m lee lflhel on the Pots and Huxes If Ihe udKrPss is nm 533, Oxford Street, London lhvy are spurinS ' pilgh's, Sore Thr'oata. Mommy-a, ~and mi dimd gm of the Throat, unclflmésfi, 1. , Rheu- matism. Scrofulu. dnd‘ ofher‘ kmd of skin diseases m a :3 o z :0 lemfac’mred only at prrx‘bSS‘ in" Ha] luwav’s i‘lsiahlmenf. 533. ()XF(§RI) STREET LONDON. will be fauna invaluable in every Household in the guru of Open Sqrqs. Hun! ’l'mw-uts. increase the secretory powers of the Liver, bmos' the nervous system, and thr‘ow into the circula- tion the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frumsa - This 1h‘c'omphrablc Medicine has swung]I ud I'm itself an. jmperishable fame thronghou “be “’0er Tdfr me aflbviafio‘trj and cure of most. diseases to" which humanity is heir. BA‘D LEGsmLD wotmnsfmmé purifv. regulate and impfogi'é fhe qualify n}. the £100 . The; assist the digestivaurgnut, chumse Pills & Ointment} Wotth their ‘Neight in Gold I ! Became our prices are so low as to- scam won-- deriul when commuted with those 0 {other first- class denhists. I do not Wish you hog infer that. my'es'mblishm'entis confined to the manufacture of Q’etl. »I do averything or anything that any Toronto dentist wxll do, and do it on approved modern. scientific principles. guumnficemg satia- fwtion in all cases. No pain caused by, the ex-â€" traction of teeth ‘ Best - 38‘ ‘ ~ ‘Béltevfng the people will mpprecinhe‘u; Scale of V prices for}; an éfiqr class of urtifiqml teeth, have determine on reducing the price at feast 58 per ‘cent. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ _ mmqu D EN ’1‘ A L S U. EON; U151 YDNEE 51, mamas: LTQBQNTOC-v' Vimmzw ‘ m mmtfiwfi STOMACH AND BOWELS, ARTIFICIAL TEETH: ON r. unswggog, Pmpraeibiis Every bottle guaranteed to giie satisfa‘c- tion or mgpcy refunded. APPLIED EXTERNALLY FDR RHEUMATISZII, l NEURALGIA. CHILI LAINS, CALLOUS LUMPS SWELLINGS, STIFF JOINT‘S, (BALLS, FROST BITE, LAMENESS, CORNS, CONTRA CHONS BRUISES, LUMBA G o, ITCH, DEAFNESS, PAIN IN BA 0K, SPRAINS, PAIN in SIDE, ‘fic. GROUP, 012.4 MP5, ASTHMA, TQDXSEAszs, COMPLAINTS and 'AccmgN-rs which HAGYARD’S YELLOW OH. is nann- tecd to cure or relieve eith‘cr in '1\ AN or BEAST. - DIREBTIORS \‘IITH EAGH BOYTLE. PRIDE 95¢. emu} Paws. fig 9 $80. ., " / C u U B .36 'RaU ‘B '13 E,R. ALUMINUM» CELLOLOID. 5.1310. TAKEN m'raa'mhu Eon. COCGES,‘ { ‘ 5, ~ some, THROAT, 4, COLDS, dZ-a TORONTO, (in. THOMAS HOLLOWAY Jan. 5th ‘88} ipg cum; 1 by‘ bf tone, pleas nt touch, «Sac, aré such, that there seems 170 be no necessity to planing} foreignxinstrumenm, when 9111- hom‘eeuterptise can produce such Pianos, and at one~tbird1ut can I .I am glad to hear thmmhe axmusxve salepf your instrument: shows than you. are meeting with his; success that I think Von just) deserve; ; " ' ‘ U I am, Gen amen. Your Obedienfi Servant. won'. stfmirfii‘u‘u bu. Mnmns.R. R.WXLLIAM5 & BoN’s. . t , ‘ ' . ' ., 'l‘onomro, Apxil 12th, 1151. GENTLEMENâ€"I have much pleasure in testifying to the great excellehce 6! your Pianos. I luv. put them severelv to the test, and find them possessed of those qualities of .tona and touch no vm- ceptuhle to the true musician and lover of classicalvmusicâ€"n‘ charming siqgingtoue, easily grad» mm from the most delicate pianissimo to e‘ver’y degree of loudness und'fumess. and a. touch which t . answers readily to every shadé'of féelixgg. _ _ V _ _ A ‘_ . “3353121355 h3g0, fléfiifixfiniefis’ifirédfacqxusition in municiulisohiety, and 531* much planed 'm (11.;ng a. 1:3qu which I gun xpgoqumnd-wigh perfect. ccnfidpnee. :-~ v 1am,Gcntleman.youvs veryltrq‘ly‘ 2' _ CHM! W.EWING, «3(011' ’ don. England.) ; «,’ “4. . : . " * ; . - :Organist of 86 P‘ . ' r's Church. Cobm-g, on e a v r - ' ' ‘ V hassus R. S. WILLIAMS ti: Sovaw ' ' . r a Tgnm'ro,‘}sov. 4th, 1832. y, - GIANTSâ€"Having thorbughly'examined the W0! manship otgyour P4111105, -I have no hosimtma in stating that, in m y opinion, they are eqmfl to those of any others of the bgpt Makers that Ihave sun. 1 I can only speak in the same high terms regarding thelr’musical qualities ; for their fine'full line ipg capability of tone, pleasant touch, &c, are such, that there seems 170 be no necessity to pandas,” foreiznxinstrumentg, when our homueuterptise can produce suck; Pianqs, and at one-thiyd lulu eon, make ms’pégasfis‘vze ofvvbiésfmi Elfin-{'65. (112:9 flick; and; tofthqm1ayq :01. to at J c'eptionafilly low rates. ,gyments arranged to suigthu convong‘anoe of pich an $15018 W8 I: term oiydm.‘:Fori\iilparticbluxs‘writé'to . - ‘ "’ "" v ‘ ‘ ' ' i“ '* ‘ w" ‘ » .. Regg- Win31+x4p®e5 I n a! ‘4 ‘PianoSz Pianos 2* SPRIGHTAND % th-TARE -' ,.‘;, [$1663 List of Rubbish Published ('0 Catch the Enwmy. Only liepfox; Hand. The public are invited {9' AN INSPECTION OF STOCK AND‘ P‘Ri‘dmsg 65606118, suitalee': iy'd'r‘flhe filfesén‘vtl‘seago‘n; _ Fine new Valentin. Raisih'é. Londofi Lé‘iyorc; I, bempr ,Orap'ggs, Lemon Qigybn. Peel. Nuts of ailkjuflé,‘ Candies by an ' I - Bilrrel, Choice Cigars, whblesale and than. OYSTfiRs FRESH EVERY Wifiififi; POULTRY OF‘ ALL- f Again». the Fore FOR. l éASHS Rifli‘m’ofid-HHL Dec. 1901,1883} J_ BROWN & Song; LAEGE "AfSig‘SRTMfiifirf Goods of the Besf' Quality G001} VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. WNTER GOODS TGN E,' TOIfmIi 985 m‘mfim'LlTY : Direct frog} Baltimore. Wedding Cakes in all styles and prices. nod ' LNJJJ-fl A“ > . 35!. 9W V :43 Yonao St. Tovdntoy 6a 356 Duncan: at: Lfindon CHEAP FOR CASH. In fact, everything that is good tovgal you ea» get To the high priced American'Inurumems. TESTIMONIALS; Am] J. meh .55 Son: have jhst reoeiveda A Splendid? AsSortmenf of PIAfiOS 1' AT THE ISAAC 0120813721

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