Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 14 Feb 1884, p. 2

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am $9.!” Wheh 310.1337: 7M!!!» 26. The in.“ gins-d on each paper denotes the the when 0 subscription expires. Sir John Macdonald’s In reply to the Manitoba Farmera’ delegates. Sir John Maedonald said,thut he would first reply to the question of representation in the Cabinet. Sir John said," in forming a Cabinet the tint Minister’s éuty wan to find men pone-u- ed‘of’ ability and capable i other ro- epecte to fill the petition with credit to the country; secondly, men who could bring the largest following. In the United States, Ministers were chosen in- éiseriminately without reference to the claims of any particular State. Re- specting the Hudson’s Bay Railway Company he would remind the delega- tion that already very large concessions had been made to the amalgamated companies or double that given to any other road except the Canadian Pacific Railway at the nominal price of fifty cents per acre. The Government were alive to the importance of it, but it would take time to accomplish it, and the country as yet did not. need two roads for their products. When it did, the Government would doubtless conâ€" sider the necessity, hut in view of the aid already promised any further con- cassions in favor of the route on the part of the Government could not he expected. Referring to the monopoly clause there was nothing to prevent branch lines built to connect with the Canadian Pacific BailWay. even parallel lines to the Canadian Pacific Railway might be built. There could be no objection to any lines in the country being built, provided that they did not interfere with the trade of Canadian Pacific Railway, which the Government were bound in honor to protect and to see that the "deaf this country was not carried to the south, connecting with the American system. The M inister of Railways had already stated in his place in the House that as soon as the Canadian Pacific Railway was completed from ocean to ocean that the Company would no longer seek to enforce the monopoly clause. As soon as the road was put on a paying footing the Government would see that excessive rates were not imposed. Hitherto the Government felt that it would be a hardship to the Company to insist on low freight rates. The Govâ€" ernment could not reasonably be expeeb ed to make an exceptional tariff. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 18843 The annual report of ,the Minister of Education for 1882 ison‘ly now placed before the people. It appears, the total sum raised for Public School purpose: was, $3,469,990; an icrease of, 8210,â€" 7510ver1881. ,The total outgoing: was $3,026,974; being. increase of Sl 82.702. The average cost per pupil was 86.03 in rural districts, $6 86 for towns, and $9 81 for cities, making an average for the whole Province of 86.42. Children between five and sixteen in the Province in 1882, was 483,817; a de- crease of 407 as compared with 1881. The total number on the registers of the schools was 471.512; a decrease of 2,648. The total average attendance was 2l4,176 or 45 per cent. of the aggregate, the percentage for run] dis- tricts being 43, for cities 58, and for towns 53. The registered number of boys in school was 246.966; the number of girls was 224,546. In the 5203 schools, 6857 teachers were emâ€" ployed. The average salaries of male teachers in rural districts, towns and cities respsctively, were $385, 8576,1md $742; and of female teachers, 8248. $273, and S331. _ The average is. especially for females very low. Educational Minister's Report. An exchange states :â€"“A committee (1‘ the London School Board has arrived, after con=ideration, at the extraordinary decision that it is better for poor child- ren’to know how to draw 'than‘ to be able to new. Atlcast they recommend that drawing should be made’ compulsory while’the EducationKDepartment is to he asked to modify the requirements of the needlework schedule. One would have supposed that a girl who is des- tined probably to be the wife of an arâ€" tisan or laborer would find the knowledge of how to mend her husband’e and child- v'en‘s clothes of more use than a feeble smtt‘ering of drawing." 'For High School: the expenditure was $343,700, the number of pupils 12,478,311 average of $29.30 each. Number of school: reported was, 104. The attendance at University College for 1882â€"83 was 380, including 60 students of the school of Practical Science, who got some of their tuition from the professors of University college. The latter portion of the report is taken r-p mth statistics of the Mechanics’ In- stitutes and art schools. A good deal of dissatisfaction is felt among teachers with reference to the income tax. They are much too senâ€" sible class of people to object to pay their fair share of the country’s expen- ses, but they fail to see the justice of taxing their incomes when those of judges, ministers, and civil servants are exempted. These olasua as agenerul thing are quite as able to pay an income tax as the average teacher, in cases a great deal more able Certainly, if it is the important nature of their duties and the tcnuitv of their salaries that determines the exemption or otherwise of H‘COmCS, the teachers have a good right to claim immunity. Sindhi Gdaâ€"Patley & Petlay. Toronto Vitalized Ari Fallon-C. P. Lennon Mt]. gm gamut; Ilohmond Hlll. Ont. Juiw Aqvafirlgsuzurs. mm: T0 SUBSCRIBERS. Reply. The pupils of the High School may well feel proud of the successful issue of their entertainment, last Friday evening. The weather was most unpromisiu; all day and before night the heavy mist,[ rain and icy streets made the prospects of even a passable attendance quite ominous. We were made all the more glad that they were agreeably disap- pointed. The Hall was well filled and their receipts must. have proven most. satisfactory as the concert certainly did,_i to all who patronized it. They had an; eficient chairman, and the rendition of their programme was oncored at every point so heartily that the High School pupils ‘must have felt that their concert was giving more than usual satisfaction. The chairman, C. J. Arthur, M. A., of :Oshawa, late of Elizabeth city North Carolina, opened with a short speech very complimentary to our present Head master, and then introduced Messrs. A. G. Morphy P. W. Mackeownâ€"Duet--â€" Instrumental; this was followed by a ,chorus from the Glee Club of University College, Toronto, numbering 24 voices; a reading by Mr. H. Hendersonâ€"ox- . tract from Pickwick Papersâ€"the adâ€" dress of the Plaintifl's Counsel to the liury in the Breach of Promise Suit was iadmirably rendered. In the 2nd Part 'of the programme he gave the fall of Inhermae with equally telling spirit. A W. Frost gave a reading and a * pantomime representatiOu which was most excellent. We must mention a solo by T. F. Brown and one by G. A. Mercer each giving evidence of no or- dinary musical talent. The Glee Club Choruses, and there werejust half- dozen 'of them swelled to more than a dozen by the cneoriug of the audience whom they were compelled to gratify, were the main features of the entertainment. IThe last, the “Regular Army ” was fitt- lingly reserved to cap the climax of the levening’s enjoyment. It was eomical enough and rendered with such vim and spirit as would have made a hypochonâ€" driac laugh in spite of all imaginary ailments. The chairman, while they were getting their regimentals on briefly sl- luded to some of tho superstitions of the Southern darhies and told a negro child story in the vernacular of the Southern States negro which was very interesting. After the Concert the Gbe Club, who are all undergraduates of Toronto Uni- versity, the chairman and a few friends partook ofa sumptuous and munificent banquet at the Palmer House. From! there they went by special invitation to the residence of ll r. Sisley, when the young ladies, the beauty and fashion of Richmond Hill and vicinity were gath- cred. l I I Victoria Square. area- on Occasional Correspondent.) Our little ciessic village seems to be in I perfect turmoil of eacitement, the last three or four weeks, ovpr the actions of a few of our most popular villagers. and, we are sorry to state. they are actions which will not contribute much toward the moral standing of our village. and those parties who participated. no matter how brilliant a reputation they have previously had, have won for themselves the contempt of all moral thinking men, who found their con-- fidence in them misplaced. It seems that the secret was let out by a certain gentleman driving a certain charit~ able lady to Toronto and back. than arena-- ing the jealously of certain other individuals who squealed on him. Now, we do not think there was much in the drive, but we would advise him not to do so again, if he would wish to retain the confidence of his friends and customers. There is another gentleman whose non pollution is sometimes watched. and who comes in for a share ofcriticism. and seems to be doing a great. deal of nightwatching down back streets and in private gardens. He was fortunate enough the other night to meet the object of his soon-h. when a revolver was drawn and there was a scene upon the public street in which hlnad would certainly have been spilt. bad it not been for the severity of punishment for murder in the first degree This, air, is one of the nighllv scenes which adorn the streets in Victoria Square. on ! that these men would consult their better nature, and in'ftead of indulging in immoral controversy upon the public streets tny at. home with their generous and noble- henrted wives. Trusting they will do so in the future, Yours, etc. , A ViLuosn Victoria'Square, Feb. llth, 1884. m 'I'rled In 1oronto. Mrs. Mary Thompson. of Toronto, re- ports the removal of eight feet oftape worm by the use of one bottle of Dr. Low's Pleas- ant Worm Syrup. This medicine is re-- liable for all kinds of worms that aflllct children or adults. ' m Cranberry Marshville. [From our own Correspondent.) Cranberry Marshville has been fur- veyed, and the survey is ratable by the proper authority, although Daisy is not satisfied with the award, but I guess he will come too, in time. If the required number ofinhabitants are found within the limits. legal steps will be taken at once to have the village incorporated. I will inform you more about it next week. After having a merry time the Uni- varsity boys left next “ morn ” with happy impressions of Richmond Hill, its High School Principal and Pupils, the Chairman, the Landlord cf the Palmer House, Mr. and Mrs. Sialey and the Richmond Hill ladies. To each of whom were given three hearty choers, as the van was leaving the village. Evory farmer will admit that one of the most destructive evils to good crops in that of worms or parasites that, prey upon vegetable life 5 other species of worms in» fut tlw human system Ind are productive of much suffering and ill health. Free-- man’l Worm Powders will effectually rid the system of this trouble, are pleasant to take and cantnin their own cathartic. Caution. V We all who are ufliicwd with a cough or cold to beware of opiates and all medicines that amolher and check a cough and lenly, as serious results surely fallow. ‘ Hazyard’s Pecmral Balsam 100mm and breaks up coughs and colds in u sgfe and e-fl'eclual yam-aw. The following is a statement of re- ceipts and expenditures of Richmond Hill Methodist Church, for the year ending Feb. 8th, 1884. Special Collections............. $132 07 Paid to the Treasurers of the several funds for which the above was collected..... ..... 132 07 GENERAL CHURCH FUNDs’ RECEIPTS. Bal. from last audit ............ 143 41 Pew rents ..................... 336 35 Collection anniversary opening 15 14 do Dedication ........... . 16 55 do Regular Sundays. .. 267 94 Concerts ........................... 113 82 Ludiea’ aid, Ann. Opening“, 72 73 do do Dedication 49 97 do do Corner Stone 147 16 Sale of Shingle: ............... . 21 00 On account of Subscription... 416 00 The Humber Relief Committee have lr-- ranged with the widows of some six of the killed to procure the Taronto Genera! Trams Company to accept the position of unardians for their children. In Saturday’s Ontario Gazelle the Trusts Company gnve notice that. after 20 days. they would apply to the Surrogate Court for letters of guardi~ anship for the infant children of John Aggett. David Carothers, Hugh Cunntngâ€" ham, James Kelly. Frnnk Boothroyd, and John Rowlelt. It is understood that the company will be entirely guided by the advice of the Citizens’ Committee in mak» ing their demands upon the Grand Trunk for compensation. Whatever ,suma of money may he received will be catei'ully invested and applied for the maintenance‘ and education of the children. 1 Concerts........................... Ludiea’ aid, Ann. Openin¢.... do (19 Dedicatioh do do Corner Stone PAYMENTS. Fuel, light caretaking 5; other runniâ€"ng expensea.. Building new shed.“ Insurance................ Interest On account of debt... . Total...........‘.........$1482 45 Balance on hand..... . 117 62 Total amount of liabilities.... 4600 00 do Ansell, including all Subscriptions not yet paid 1555 27 Ba]. of Li-b. over Aucts....83044 73 High School Concert. Gurdlana of the Children A Great Source of Evll. Methodist Church. Total...... RECEIPTS. ................ 81600 07 344 75 287 70 30 00 320 00 500 00 Our little c'lulic villnge seems to he in I pox-feet turmoil of eXcitemsm, the lut three or four weeks, ovyr the actions of a few of our molt popular villagers. and, we are sorry to stnto, tbev are actions which will not contribute much toward the mural Itnnding of our village. and those parllt‘l who ptrtieipated. no matter how brilliant a reputation they have prefiously had, have Cranberry Marshville has been hr- veyed, and the survey is rutable by the proper authority, although Daisy is not satisfied with the award, but I guess he will come too, in time. If the required number ofinhabitants are found within the limits. legal steps will be taken at once to have the village incorporated. I will inform you more about it next week. Shorty, your Teeton correspondent says the young'man that the constable had to draw his club at. came from the vicinity of Cranberry Murehville. I think. if Shorty would make close observations, he would find he comes from Ramseyâ€" ville. He also advises me to draw it mild, but I believe in giving the fact just us they are, plain and pointed, and I did so especially'in Darkev’s ease. I expect the poor follow will he married before this comes out. - . » It seems that the'aecret wnl let. out by a certain gentle-man driving a curtain chnrit~ able lady to Toronto and back, thnl prom-- in; the jealously of certain other individuals who anenled on him. Now, we do not think there wu- much in tho drive, but. we would advise him not to do so again, if he would with to rat-in the confidence of his friends and customers. There is another gentleman whnpe up" pollution is sometimes watched. and who come: in for a share ofcriliclsm. and "amp to be dmng a great. deal of nightwatching down back «mean and in hrivuw gardens. He was fortunate enough the ovhar night to meet the object nf his "tut-ll. when a revolver was drawn and there mu 1 scene upon the public fired in which hlnad wnnld certainly have been spill. bad it put bean for the Iewrity of puhiahment for murder in the first degree Thu, air, is one of the nighlly scenes which adorn the street! in Victoria Fqunre. Oh ! that these men would consult their better natuFe, and im‘tead nl' indulging in immoral controversy upon the public struts my at. home with their goneroul and noble- henrted wives. Trialling they will do so in the future, You", etc. , 'I'rlod In 1oronto. Mrs. Mary Thompson. of Toronto, rt- porls the removal of eight feet oflnpo worm by Ibo me of one bottle of Dr. Low'n Pleas- ant Worm Syrup. This medicine in re" liable fox all kinds of worms that aflllci children or Idaho. ' Do Not be Dupod. A recently advellised and highly plnfi'rd remedy for deafness has 19.1er been expns-- ed a: an unmitigawd fraud. ' No no will: Hngyard’s Yellbw Oil , none name it bui to pra‘se. John Clark. of Millbndge, tea- 1ifiei that it (uer him of deafneu. The election of offices then took place, the following heing appointed for the en~ suing yearzâ€"President, Mr. E". Turner; Secretary. Mr. W. P. Avkinlnn ;’ Treasurer, Mr. \V. J Smithson; Viceâ€"Presidents for the éifi'orent polling subdivisions :«Brook- Ion, Mr. Gulthrev; Parkdale. Mr. W, Hamilton; Wnndbridge, Mr. J Morrisey; Weston, Mr. Wm. Tyrrell; Richmnud Hill. Mr Jno. Sanderson; Vaughan. Messrs. A. Kefi'er, A. McNeil]; Elnbicoke. Messrs. J. Clark, sen, and Dr Savage; YorkMessrl Jno. Golding and R Clark. Cranberry Marshville, Feb. 12th, 1884. A Common Annoyance. Many people suffer from distressing 31-- Inch; of sick headache. nnuxen, and other hilinua troubles, who might easily be cured by Burdock Blood Bitters. It cured Lmtie Hound. of Buffalo, N. Y.. ol’thil comâ€" plaint and aha praisn it highly. The Innual meeting of the Liberal£Conf Dervative Auociation of the west riali'nz of the County onork was hnld in the Council Chamber, Weston on Wednesday evening, 61h inst, Mr. Frnnk Turner in the chair. There were also amongst. thuse present Messrs. W. P. Alkinson, W. G. Smithson, J. Armstrong, W. Hamilton, J. F. Wallis. Dr. Orr, J. D. Evans. R. Gutthrey. E Lindnor. Andrew Collins. Robert Clurk, William Clark, T. S. Humbermon. Henry Taylor. Genrge Jaclason.‘ Wm. Jackson, John Golding. All" Kefi‘er. F. Gibson. [3 Willmnn, Fl. '1‘. Ide, H. Matthesm). A Mc- neill v J McNeil], J. Morrisey. and others. West York Conservatives. After transacting routine business it was moved by Mr. James Armstrong, nnd‘ seconded by Dr. Orr. and carried ununi» mously:â€"“'J'hnt in the opinion of this‘ meeting the determination of the Dominion Government to aid the Cnnndinn Pacific railway, under the pruent circumstances by an advance of money, is a wise and patriotic one, and the Liberal-~Cnnservative Association of West York hereby express its continued confidence in the policy pur-- tuned by Sir John Macdonald and the Do- minion Government in connection with this great national work. and that a copy of this resolution be sent to Mr. N. C. Wallace. M. P, the member representing this riding in the Dominion Parliament at Ottawa.” Mr. W. P. Atkinson moved, sec‘nnded by Mr- W. J. Smithson. and carried unaniu mously 2â€"“ Thaththis nasocintionm public meeting msembled desire to express their continued satisfaction in Mr. Meredith and the men of her Majesty’s Loynl Oppnlition iu the Ontario Legislature, and are satisfied that by the result of the late general elecn tiona the strength of the Liberal-Consent»- live party in that assembly has been Ina-- leriully increased. This association does hereby express its determination to use every legilimate means in its power to strengthen the hands of Mr Meredith, and to support him in his elfort to establish in the Provrnce of Ontario 3 Government. whose policy will be more in accord with that ofthe Government at Ottawa. and thereby putaswp to that friction which serves to harm the working of the confedâ€" eration of provinces which form our noble Dominion." We do not hold ourselves usfiondbk for the opinion. of our Correspondents. BAD B07 ABROAD. Subscriptions for the Weekly Hail and Globe rec-ind at this ofice. W00b.â€"Paniefi who have prominqd to bring m wood for their snbneription. to this paper, will please do no without delay. Smomuxmu Sun! I Gnu: n.- duction on Clhthing during thin month at the Cheap Ualh Home lâ€"Sneath & Grennnn. To-dsy (Thunday,) in St. Valen- tino’s day. .1 . Momma Snth.-â€"8ervice will be held next Sunday morning at 11 mm , in St Mariy’n Episcopal Church, In this village. wh‘m Holy Uommunlon will be colebrnted. S'rocx- TAKING SALn! Wu have a few pairs of Ibo-e fine-4'00] blanket! left. which we ire offering at con ; also lne wool sheeting ( yard wide ) for 36 cents.â€"â€"Sncath & Grennnn. qu..â€" Toronto seems to be having a great many"expchsive'firea lately. On Tuesday evo‘rihiz lust. Mum Morrison, Taylor &; Cnl’s Snap Factory was utterly destroved. The loss will reach 365.000, about 840.000 being insured. EXPLANATIGN.â€"â€"In reply to enâ€" quiries, we beg to state that we have asked permission to copy the minutes of the Vaughan Council on several ocu- sions, and have not been allowed. PUT Our Yntm OWN Flat â€"A lump of m“ brimetone about the size of n walnut. m- ag‘lime flour lulplmr thrown upon the flam'rs‘ in the stove Will I!- tinguish the fire in the chimney or pipe Tunnâ€" Mr. C. P. Lennox. dentist, oftho Toronto vitaliled air parlors, in the only dentist in the city that extractn teeth without pnin by means of vitalind air. All cold fillings warranted for IO years. See new advertisement. SALVATION Annaâ€"The Salvation Army are talking of striking this village e're long forthe purpose of continuing the good work they but been doing in so many neighboring towns and Villsgss. Report says that the Army opened firs in Aurora on Wednesday last. and ox» poet to do s great amount of good in that village. WARNING.-â€"â€"Prinling' Oficu Ind boner take care. if they do any printing far the Tennessee Jubilee Singern, that their pay is car-lain, as they are good hands to order but rather backward in paying. So find we from experience. Sunnisâ€"K few evenings ago Mr. John Ellslone entertained mean! of his friends at a superb oyster supper. Amongst those present were the choir avid rector of Trinity Church. Themhill, of'which Mr. Ellstone in a most efficient and hardâ€"working Wurden.â€"Con. about $60. NOT So 'NICII.â€"-The bicycle sled by began pirfc'otved- in Canada: Thg rider sit: o-n (“jhu'pl whiph is changed 10 «fish che-ice, and? there is. a frame nhod with Tom- hiades of' steel Iikcordm- nry skate runhorn, upon which the machine glides along. Still. it in said not to he so pnpnlar an dunes. Then i nnbody's‘hands to hold. 'l‘mnn ANNXVIRSARY.-Sormons were preached in connection with the opening of the C. M. Church in this village, on Sunday last, by the Rev; J. E. Sanderson, of Aurora, both morning and evening to large congregations. On Tuesday evening last the usual tea was held in the Lecture Roompf' the Church, and was served in a stvle which plainly showed thatthe ladies were not losing any of their wellâ€"merited r'eputltion in providing delicacies, After the tea, the large audience adjourned to the church where interacting and amusing speeches were delivered-hr Revs. Messrs. Roberts, of Toronto. Jones. of Aurora, Scott, of Headford, and J. E. Starr, of Richmond Hill. The speaking was interspersed with solos and duct: by the Mines Reid. Thornhill. in their usual excellent style, and were greatly enjoyed 'by " the audience. Miss Sanderson and Wm. Atkinson also gave one of their fine selections. Misti Nicholle and Miss erieon played the accompaniments on the organ. Rev. J. E Bette occupied the chair. The receipts amounted to I. O. G. TAâ€"The members of the TndependenLOrder of Good Templar: intend making a visit to Victoria Square on Saturday evening next, for the pur-- pose of re organizing the lodge in that place Mr. J H. Sanderson. of this viilntze, has been appointed P. W. C: T., and also County Deputy. which places him in a position to organist lodgol in my put of the County. LACROSSE Mu'mto -â€"â€"All Pmien interested in the game of Lacrosse, are requested to. meet in thI'Lm‘ne Hall. on Friday evening next, “37.30 ,p.m.. for the pnrpos‘o offlorganizing the Club of this village for the ensuing year. Our boys were so, successful last seasonJhat it is without doubt. it largo attendance will be present. at the reâ€"orgnnization meet- ing, as considerable interest is taken in the manly sport. SLEIGH-RIDE.~â€"Tho teachers .and scholars ofthe English Church Sunday School, in Aurora. visited our village on Wednesday last. on their annual sleigh- ride. The party was composed of seven or eight. sleight; well packed with the little folk. and a number of single rigs. After stavingl’or In short time at the Palmer House,nud Grand Central Hotel, they started for home. all seeming to enjoy themselves to the greatest extent_ CHORAL Sf)ClETY.-â€"This Society is progressing fiery fovorably under the leadership of‘Prof. 1‘l’ilkinson.of Toronto. There are yet. a number of young people in the village who have not attended. and we think that an institution which is a benefit to all, should be better sup- ported. The Society has a membership 'of about 40, but there is still room, and those who haVo not already attended, Ire losing excellent chance: for the «thin- tiou of music. LOCAL ITEMS. Srocxu-nxxxa hm! M (In Chap Gun Hogan 10 per cent. discount of all Dren Goodl during this month. Call nrly and «cure barinm.-â€",Snu¢h k Grennan. Stun Paulineâ€"On Wednesday evening last, a large number of converts of the Methodist Church. Aurore. visited our village for the purpose of sin- Listing in the good work which in now being carried on by protracted meetings, in this village Shortly after their arri. ‘ul. they formed into prooeslion and marched through the villige. hooded by several horns Large crowds throngrd the street, and as the procession marched along. singing “The old time religion ” “ The sunny, sunny shore," and many other belutiful hymns, the eight. wit- nessed was very Imposing. After the plirade, the people crowded to the meetâ€" ‘ing, and hv eight. o’clock, the body of ltho church was packed. The Rev. J l E. Starr conducted the services assisted ‘by the friends from Aurore. A number from both rill-ge- gore grand experiences, and» tryed to induce many who were present to live e batter and more right- eous life. The meeting wss very suc- cessful. end showed “at religion wu lpragressing favorably in this rill-go. A nw Diuiu for i884 for n10 n the Hun.» Book Store. ' Gri’ réuhed u on Tnfiday morning. Ruhr hut TnAnxs.â€"We understand a grand Oyster Supper was held at Thornbiil, on Saturday night last. We do not think it. advisable, however. to gin the names of the Indie: Md gentlemen who ware preunt. than all the use to our correspondent. SflAflnâ€"UP.-â€"A “mash-up oceumd on the Midland on Wednesdly, st Milli- keu’s Come", by the apron dashing into two freight ears that had bun lefl landing on the main lim; Over sixty passenger-u were on the trnin, bmnfl for Toronto. bit fortunately, none of them were injured. The apron Wu thrown off the muck. Iud the two freight can were smashed (o splinters. Homnwn'a Ptt.m.â€"â€"Nervounnen and vim of Energyâ€"When 6m the nerve- feel unstruug, and ,Iiatlonneu sum-lent! energy. the time has come to take some such ulternntird an Holloway: Pilll to re-» strain a dilorder from developing iteelf into 5 disease. Thole excellent Pill: correct all irregularities and wenkneu. They not no kindly. yet no Qtlevgoticully on the luncâ€" tinns of digestion nnd Inimilnliun, that the whole body in revived, the blood rendered richer and poorer, while the muscle-- become (inner and ltronger, sud the néern Ind absorbent lyetum nre invignrued. The" Pills are suitable {qr all c‘nuel Ind nzel. They have a non mnrrvellotu eifect on persons who me out of condition; they soon rectify ‘wlutever in in fult. rutore strength to the body nnd confidence to the mind, The Volt] ulosud valun of lands in the county in $27,111,335; the wqunliud value of real estate is 329.530.329; equalide value of peraonll and incouc, $1.372 975. The equalized value of land in the township. per acre, in as follow-:â€" Emhicokn, $52: Geargiml. $20.41; (v‘willimhurv Nofi-th. $33 25; Gwillimburv south. $35; King.$40; Markham. $56; Scarboro. $52: Vaughan, $55.50; Whitv church, $39; York, $82. ""I ' 'than twice our price. Tho fastest selling book in America. Immense profits to Igonhs. All intelligent people want it. Any one can becomo u successful agent, Torml 1r“. HAL- LITT Boo: Co. Pol-fluid. Mains. “I had been for eight months tumble to work, and felt as though I would M lief die as live. through indigestion ud Dye-- eepia. I weighed at. the time of getting a bottle of McGregor’l Speedy Cum, 130 the ;uned 3 bottles, and now weigh 165 lbs., and never was better in my life. It was McG regor'e Speedy Cure that brought me’around.” So says Wm. Fell. Hamil» Ion. Go to H. Sanderson 81 Soul Drug Store, and geta free trill bottle or the regular size for fifty cents and one dollar. AGH I The mofliug w“ called for the pmpou bf hdiding u consnhaiioa wich the cm!»- minec of the Couxny Council in ieYorv-nce lo we selection of 1' site for 1h. now (hurl Hume. The Inner committee mu com-- posed of Mum Dam. 'Wnrden of the Cnnmy. Rowen, Duncan, M-Janu, Jul: Ion, 'l'yrrcll,‘ Rich-lawn, Eum, JIIIQI. and Pnrler. 1%. mm i‘ififlifiofloâ€"‘WW on Friday l'fievuunn he! Preuntâ€"Ald. Walker. chairmln, Davina, Hutingl, Deloo. Turner, Allen Ind Ln". Wardm Dania mud that they had come together to try and settle I vexed question extending over three yearn. He was tit-~- airoul ot'nn tunic-Able nnd ittlthnt nettle“ ment of the question. and while- thv inter-- but: of buth Councils were to be int)de “war, he hoped a quick solution ’of the difficulty wnttld he arrived ht. HI! rent! the report ofthe City Council an consideved and amended by thtz county member-II. In thP fimt clnule the wmd “judicial” was int- kerted in refinance to the future-growth of the country and city. The wound and third clan es wete' uduptnd without amend-- ment. The fourth thl Mt out for dis-- cussion. Thr tit‘th, classed an the fourth, wan amended to read to follows :- "That competitive Maxis for the prupmtt-d new Court-Hump he called for by _ndvertiIe-- tucnt with full detutll. t-attmnte of (out "'I‘he muting than “jam-India! Friday, 15m inst. Mosm Williams. City Holiciior. and Enkiua. (‘uunli ("lork. were n'lm prfu-nl. The.\V'nrdenlhought'lhore could in no objfiction to thy _A discunsim ttrou on the rropmed 7th clause :-"Tltat the untv‘ (‘t‘mrl-Hhuse. when erected. shall not be used by either munim cipnlity fnr any other than judicml par-- poses.” It was ht'ld by snma that. if the meelingl of [In (‘ounty Council could net be held there the Diviatnn Gnarls of the city would he in the same position. It wu anggested to add the word: “not to tn- cludv the holding of Division Courts,” which was carried. The mention OfI sight wu then taken up. Ald. «foe united ifs lite were chonen would the Council object tn the city buy-- in; a-parcel of land on the “no block whgreon to built] a City Hull. in? To In:an $200,000.” The sinh and sew-nth clauses. clauid A! fifth and sixth, were adopted without nmer’fdmem. LOCAL ITEMS. The New Court House. W. A. Bdgurl, of Frnukvillo, WI. | terrible Iufi‘unr from Chronic Kidney and Li'ver Comphint; and n on. tin. Wu .0 bid that hit lifo wu flap-ind of. 80 VIII carol by {our bottlol of Burdock Blood Biucn. The Coroners Jury in tin can of tho murder of Sunn ()1be brought in a verdict “The the deemed came to her «hath on Friday morning, the 21" day of December iul. at her hours on Stock'n aideâ€"rand, in the township of Elohicuhu Thu tho paid Susan Gibb: wu wilfuly, feiontomly. Ind‘ with mnlico aforethnught, murdered by party or pnrtiu unknown. The Guelph Herald given the names of in or Ii]! "min-ms who" conduct became so unburnble chm 1hey bid to be exprlled fromthe Agricnllurnl College in this ch}: “ Lent term, we underetend. the crdet In the college boarding house and the penerel conduct of the ltndente were unulually good'; but, all the while, there were some teree among the wheet. and. in the course of e for monthe. the Intent. characteristics of three became so prominent. and ofl'eneive that the president had to seperate them from the wheat. In other word! the president found it necessary to rid the college of five or n! etudents whole conduct become “It-- bearable. Three student: were expelled; Ind. if In! justification of the viflnroutt and definite course ltd-)pltd by President Mills towards theee young men were necewm'. it wee furnished openly by their black-- fluidly conduct. tn the etetinn before they let!” It requires :1 strong held to control enoh wouldr-be gentlemen as those. end that the immcent'may not out?” with the guilty. it is just as well that the citizens of Guelph rhould know the humor: of those who were expelled from the college and behaved an badly at the ration. and film the name: of‘ the four or five who were there to lym- pelhizo with them and usiat in their din-l graceful conduct. Such young men should not escnpe publievceneure': and ellhough‘ we are opposed to the Ontario Government.l we ehell elweye’ supportâ€"u we he" on former oceneioneâ€" the president ofthe col-- lege in the moet drastic meeaurel lo perifv end keep the college pure. and to memmin the euthoritv of those who are placed in cherge. The names of thou who were exe- ‘pelled eo fer ea we cen eucertein. ere B. Mev‘or. from Englend ; E. Welsh. from England; E. A. Begbie. from England; I). L. Herbert. from Scotland; 6. [1. Partner. from Toronto; T. G. Willon, near Berrie. ' The names of their Iympalhizorl and 33-- uialants n! the Ilgtinn In: B. Anhworth from England; T. Jones, from Wain; E. P~.Sumb. frum Pout ngo; Afinith. from nenr Simcoe. counIy, Narfnlk: H. Vin-n. from Brnmfurd. The iniliu'l in their mmu may nM b0 correct in every can. but Ihry are no! fur “tr-y: Ind the object in giving “mm in to clear Ihe gnu mnjurity who are innocent. And leach other: [but Inch conduct cannot go Inpunilhed. The Provincin'l Board of Health bu been requealed In prop-r94 Next book on By» giene for the Mod?! Ind Nurmll Ichouoll. Mr. Silva: Mom fuller of Lady '1' upper! died a! Pun-ah. N. 8.. on Thundny night H. In: ninety-anon you" of ago. .leplot' and Ilotch C.- C.“ u! H. Sanderson & Sonl' Drug Slam, and not a package of McGregor, & Parko’l Clrbnlic Cerule. II in cumpnued of Vne- line, thnlic Acid and Carve, and but never failed to remnro Pin-pita, Blolrheu, ‘ Best value in Teas, Sugars, Currants, Raisins, Figs, Peels, Spica-q, Canned and Packaged Goods, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, &c., &c., &c. r Sir Edward Archibald. who for min yigrlfillrdihp potilinn of Btihch Consul at New Yet}; in dud. Hr. B. Wright. Tron‘uare of tho Grnnd TrunkR. Comp-M, hu loft for England upon I holidny trip. Invite your attention to their fine Stock of Flanriels, Blankets, Shawls, Clouds, Dress Goods and Trimmings, Furs, Fancy Wool Goods, Hosiery, and General Dry Goods. FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES [I ALL AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES; Agents for Harpers’ Bazaar Patterns. TermsflCash or Exchange ' A dnpatch fro'm l’mnd‘o’n import: the! tic-nth 'of Cutawayo‘. the famous Zulu chief--I Quin. who in mid to'havt- died “1' hurt din~ cane. Ila shrouded hi! father. Panda, Is! King of the Zulu: in 1872. Thu-e ‘ yemtl‘ lam his nggwuive policy and ill! persecuu tinn! (If the tniuionmie: inanw-d him in a dispute wilh the gnvornmout of Natal, and a wur vaulted. In January. 2879, hit dominion: wre innde by the British, un ~i I’er cnmmnnd of Lnrd (Thelmaford. Al Gut, tho valor and discipline of the Zulus onnhlqd yhnn to inflict, several aerinuu checks and one nverwhvlming defeat upen‘ the invaderl, Butt, llwe willful-cements m-re sent out from ‘ etewnyn'al army win uttarly ()vrrthmwn nnd hil pnwor‘ hrnlwn heynnrl vecnvery tn the great battle! of Ulundi. llo Hail to th: bush whore hel was t-nntnrod fly a scouting part7 under Maj. ! Mnrter. The captive king was sent to Capo Tow“. and kept there for it time an a state primner. After»: detention of m'tlrl)‘ two years. he was permitted to visit. England. and. RI. Ihe result of his Visit. hil kingdnm, or rather the centr-l portion of it. was re» ptnrod to him. llo was rein-ta:th as king of Zululand on January 31,1883. but Win at 'nnce involved in hostilitwl with hi: brnther Ohnm and a nartltorn chief nnmed Usibepu, and since then his reign has been a troubled; out. Clothing ! Men’s and Boys’ Heavy Suits and Overcoatys. Hats, Caps, Ties, Shirts, Hosiery, Gloves, Heavy All-Wool v Shirts and Drawers. ' , aloud“! 806i. Rough Ski: when all other: fail. Try it; CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! SNEATH & G‘RENNAN. BASH,HOUSE A Remark-bl. Recon. Death of Cetewsyo. RICHMOND HILL, THE CHEAP mi 311 the tin. 9 work. w! shell!“ '0'“ ty, write for p Main-I w .- 3335 A! I 004 Portland. Id“. ' - ' - . solute‘ly um. No rial. CI not in ed, Render, it you was b not! nl w either sex, mm: or old. allme no. ___ .1. AL-“__ .3“ __L A. _ _A s 6!. week u bout. .5 one“ 1 " .3 PW It: Tux-hymns}: .. . Ian/or, |brolll Jug. rolll. tub éwmu Ramiro-h, d‘o‘tu. Pontoon, per hbl . ‘ Ar- In par bum .. On 011:, per In; ..... Csbblgo, poi: dos. Cd. , pat’ en . Tum I, per In. ..... Carlo I, per do ‘Buumar In; ; Dummy?" bug Hay per. 0')! ..... Ignw pot, tom. Wool not 111.. Junior Judge Me'Douglll and: Williamlon, Almirn, have bun appiiqhd lit and 3rd Cnmmisrionen for Xotk, under tho McCu'thy Licome Mt. : . Tm: Baumâ€"Tho Cir-aim" jittfi'tod (he Icc'ountl for the flame onMona'n’L! .- the total amount. pluod footdflp‘i‘p $5 99.0 84. Thin amount includes over $100 for con] and wand. $172.86 in far 'hréigdjror Dficember and January. 87626 n thé‘n'lou «tenant for Jnnumy. and quite I Inn: for extra bed clothing. which nuke! ‘n'b'o'lfl tho hardest month in the year on the funk. During the month at Jununry' the um 01 .13 96 mm recenod from the Inle'ofE'vor- lasting Flowers. Thorium ll pxuont in tha nome 89 inmate]. divided an iolléwu: 53 men, 26 women. 6 boyl und 4 zirli. Tho Salution Army open fire mt tho m every Wrdnuday al'lernoon.â€"-Era. Buloy ' do 0-". no POM do Ryo do . Drosuod Hot-Imu- loo m. . lie-1,11in quarton,por 1w nu .. Muttondvy the ounu, per 100 I'D Chickens, per psi: Dnokl, per bru- “acmnmfl THE MARKETS TOR ON TO:- Tn’unnu. In. 1‘, II“. nqu n "mun-r unann- . Wham toll, now, pd: bush 0 1.092 . ' nth; do ..... . l 0‘ do .. I to _ ' FARQUHAR a. co. . 1 194 George 86.. TORONTO. Toronio, Feb. uh, 1884 1H] CAnnoxâ€"LAwnmâ€"M the reudenco of .tfu bride's (Idler. 7th.Con. Vaughan, q: Wad-â€" nesdny. 6th inst“, by tho Rev. D. Cnmeloi, o! Mlplo, Duncan. oldest son,“ Donald 6 “up on, of the Township of Kincmffli‘h,” ln'y Johann... second daughter of David Lu. W! STORE AN D DWELLING _â€"-o.<-..._â€"- Haring purvhnnsd at Auction 6119' Stock of the late Toronto Wagon 00., we are offering .thn wond work con}le of gear and wheels for L lumber Wagon. together with the arms 3nd Helm mounted. all ready for ironing The urmsdre 3; inches with truss and under axle, which are_ stronger than 4 arms ordinary pnitorn. Addxjess or call imnié lately on J. K.’ FALCON-loci. Richmond Hill. In. 29th, 1884. ' up That chvonienc Store and Dwelling, qitunhd on the 'c'drner of Yonnb and Dnflerin Streets, in the Village of Richmcmd Hm. First-0):." house, hourly new, containing 11 room! Good brick cellar. Hard and soft water. Also Hal! nn‘ Aer. of Land. Good stabling. Every eonvonionu. Rom modernto. Possession J uant, 1884. Apply To Blacksmith’s & Farmer's. THIRTY TflfllISAND WILLA“ WAGONS. 835,000 at lows-t current rates. Boouioi by mortgage on land. In sums 110‘ Jun thn 3M. Stricin oonfldonthl. Apply to ‘ to solute‘ly um. No rial. ‘ ed, Render, it you was either sex, ounaor old‘ 7 611 the tin. t. y work. wi‘ noihmond Hill. Dec. 5th, 1883. gm gamfimum. TO LEND’! TO LET! aim.‘ .â€" ‘ w u 3.38 new. firmer...“ hike WW8» gran “03.335 .nH I<D~E< F. E : 53F:- 2:00 B 25 m 05 I- nSsm 3:31.â€" innâ€"mu“ ix.â€" 3 an x..â€" MARRIED. ,Eco Eve :3 631:: .0~HHI< oâ€" uErâ€"na WW. f: . Femâ€"W00 .n .5 8m .3 5w 233:0 Em 05¢ Mn v V d... Egg luci<vna r5 nanâ€".30: £55.18? “done: norâ€"anus 25... noon Jadaâ€"IO .5 03.5. 58 1‘8 I12 cl FUN and}: .60 a KID: 563 .05 «o _ 2: cu BEE .u a 05%; BPSâ€" 95 .24“ .OO £1293. .Euo .351. Sam .30 i 35m 3.5.- 9 >40 .3553; E E4 0% V .03.“ as: 500: 53..- .vcfl m .5: 39:9 ~03». Earring. 35.30 35 .08 £5! a... . .92.! .2... Slurâ€"h OD .- 55.: and 3 no .8 i 2 J. BROWN. 830 IS .03.“ a: :00: .E can. m , Richmond um.

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