His Excellency, by and with the adâ€" Vice oftle Queen’s Privy _Uonncil for Canada, has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered Iliat the waters of Lakes Simcoe and Couchiching, in the Counties of' Simeoe. Ontario and York. and Province of Ontario. be"‘and the same are hereby set apart for the natural and artiï¬cial propagation of ï¬sh during the space of three years from the let May, 1884, John J. McGoEe, Uicrk, Privy Council, Ko. 88: WholoQVNo. 13%;} \_Yelme 26, On the recommendation of the Honor- able the Mtnister of Marine and Fishâ€" eries, and under the provisions of the 15th section ofthe Act passed in the Session of the Parliament. of Canada, held in the Slat year of Her Majesty’s reign, chaptercd M) and intituled “An Actfor the regulation of Fishing and protection of Fisheries, "â€"â€" The date printed on each paper denotes the time when the subscription expires. It is stated that the Swedish turnips which We sell to the United States in such large quantities at 15 or 20 cents . a bushel, return to us in the shape of. putejam, under various fruit names, at l 20 cents per pound. The Globe, com- menting on this fact, says this is “too. (road a business to remain forever an American monopoly.†Which is to say, in other words, that if raspberry, apple or jam can be successfully made out of' Swedish turnips, Canadians ought to do the business themselves instead of alâ€" lowing the Americans to do it for them. Why, is not this the very cream and essence of the National Policy ? But to carry out the Globe’s suggestion, and in order to make the conversion of turnips into fruit jam a paying business it would be necessary to shut. out the American article by means ot’the tarifl'. When we do that with other lines of manufacture, however, the organ sets up a frightful howl. We once heard a ‘ gentleman from Nova Scotiu talk in the ‘ following strain :â€"â€"“How ridiculous it is that Canadians do not realize their rwn natural resources more than they do. In my Province, the water-pails, tubs and wooden utensils of all kinds it' we are made in Massachusetts out. on lumber imported from Nova Scotia and , New Brunswrck. We have all the materi- l als for this large manufacture at. our own doors,†continued the speaker, "Yet we in blind folly employ foreign labor to malts what we want, instead of' making it for ourselves." This ts the N. P. in a nutshell. The above was said in 1873. In 1879 the N. P. went. into operation, and now Canadian lumber is being worked into tubs and water pails by Canadian hands. In the matter ofiam the same argument is admitted by the Globe. The “ Algoma Scandal †is about the worst thing yet brought to light. against the Mowat Government. It. appears that during the Rat Portage difï¬culty last summer a trap was laid to see what telegrams,nnd possil'ly what letters. were passing between the Ontario Gov-â€" crnment agents at the Portage and the Members of the Government. The con- tents of these private telegrams were carefully copied, and are now being used to the best advantage by the. Leader of the Opposition in the House. and by the organs of the party throughout the coun- try. It may be a nice thing for the Ottawa Government to consent to send a man to a particular postâ€"oï¬ice on pur- pose to intetcept private communications passing through, but whether that was right or not does not affect the case so far as the Provincial authorities are con-- cerned.-â€"â€" Truth. Dominion License Actâ€"J. J ones. Public Noticeâ€"J. M. Lawrence THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1884. ' Tire items underihe heading of Agri- cuiture, Arts. Literary, and Scientiï¬c amount to $150,290. Hospitals and Charities 392,869. An appropriation of $i99,259 is asked for public buildings. The amount required for public works is $49,965. Colonizatinn roads are cstiummd to cost $122,550. Crown Lands $79 400. The estimates of the expenditure of the Province for the present year show a total estimated outlay of $2,647,073. The total estimates for last year were 82,559,283; the increase being 887,-- 790. A new bending of “ maintenance and repairs of Government and Depart- mental bnildings †appears, to which are transferred items which were formerly given under other heads. The amount asked for under this heading ls $38,090. Civil Government calls for an expendiâ€" ture of 8:78.895 as against $190.30?) in the estimates of 1893. The antici- patted cost of Legislation foot up $110,- 350; an increase of $8.000; $6.000 of which is in the item of indemnity and 'milcnge’to members", and 82,000 in the sum voted to sessional clerks, writers, messengers and pages. The outlay on the administration of'justice is ï¬xed at $299,001; the increase being $5,099. Education was down in the estimates of 4883 for 8312.833 ;' this year it is tnâ€"‘ creased to 3518.496, the augmentation being mainly under the head of inspecâ€" tion in Public and Separate Schools, which, is going to cost an extra $5.305. " Unlorsccn and unprcvidod " expen- ses-ml] absmb the usual 350.000. To cover sundry unf'm'seen expenditures of 1883391295. shows lhat the estimates for last year were exceeded. The N. P. in a. Nutshell. Eh: mm: £21m. N 0 T I 01‘) T0 S UBCCRIBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Richmdnd Hm. Ont. The Estimates. Judgment was delivered on Saturday at OSJOnde hall quaahing the conviction reâ€" cently made by G. T. Denison against E. King Dndds fur advertising a bean lottery. The facts of the case are well knnwn. Mr Dadds itt his paper. the Canadian Sports-- man. tidvertised a at-heme whereby a $2!) guld watch and other prizes were to be given to the nearest guessers at the number of beans in a buttle, which was planted in the windnw ot P. C. Allenâ€: stationery store. Dndds was convicted under our Canadian Act. respecting lotteries. for luv-- ing advertised a lottery. W. G. MurdOck moved laet week to quash the conviction, and the Court have done so. agreeing with his cnttletxtion that the offence is notlegah 1y wrthin the statute. and that the scheme is not one of chance but of skill. COStI‘ were asked for against the private prose-t o’utom, the Society for the Prevention of} Vtce, but they were attired. ‘ Probably there will be an understandâ€" ing of some sort between the leaders of both parties at Ottawa and Toronto on a question of such general importance as this. If females are to be given the franchise at allâ€"and that must come some dayâ€"let the wives and the mothers, the mothers especially, be given a fair share of influence. They have interests at stake such as unmarried women have not, and they are quite as liker to guard as well those interests. In case ofman and wife there is not much (time- cultv in regard to the matter of property quallï¬cation, if the two are treated as two male partners are now treated in case there is a sufï¬cient amount of pro- permâ€"give each a vote: The Municipal Council of the township of Vuughun met. at the Town Hall. on Tuvsdny, the 12th day of Feb., {884,31 )0 a m. The Roevoin the chair. Members pren sem, Messrs Cook, Human, Malloy nnd Elliott. The: following petition was presenled :â€" From Donnld Benton and 18 when. asking tu have part oflots l7 and 18 In vhe 7uh con. (alien from School Sectiun No. 17. and annexed In School Section No. 9 lip-Law No. 465, appointing Mnsm. John thmer and John Natlress. Auditor; By-‘Law No 466.:1ppoiuting Fence Vien- ers and Pound Keepexs. One of the telegrams sent to the Hon. Commissioner of Crown Lands from the Government Agent, was for the purpose of informing the Minister that his Agent was bargaining ‘with the local paper to support Ontario‘s claims in consideration of $500 in cash, to be paid down Another Agent telegraphed that. he was on his way up the lake! from the Portage. He wanted $1,500 of public funds. A Great Source of Evll. Evory farmer will admit. that ï¬ne of llw most destructive evils to good crops in lhnl of worms or parasites that prey upon vegetable lll'e ; other species of worms in.“ fest the human system and are prcducme of much suï¬â€˜ering and ilI heulth. Free-- man's Worm Powders will effectually rid the system of this trouble, are pleasant to take and contain their own cathartic. By-an No. 403, apportidning terest accrued from the Clergy fund. The Hamilton Spectator remarks that the News doesn’t want to see the floods of the South introduced into Canada. The Spectator is right. But tin- floods in the South are not. as the S] rctator seems to suppose, the result of the American system ofGovernmeut. They are caused by the reckless destruction of forests. Canadians are doing their utâ€" most to destroy forests, and unless we at once take measures to protect the trees at the headwaters of our rivers we will have floods as disastrous as those of the South in a few years. There is no question of greater importance before the Canadian people. It is a question which will not wait. We must act at once, or in less than ten years a great part of the country will be under water in the spring time, parched by drought in the summer, and exposed to extremes of cold in the winter. We’pwceirs by the papers thst it. is more than likely the intention to again protest the Election of Mr. W. I]. Hammel. his very unwise and in- judicious on the part. of Our Reform friends to subject Mr. Hamuiel to another expensive pretest especially as the Conservative candidate was elected by an increased majority at the lust elrcâ€" tion. The Advocate published at Cooks town says 2â€"119 must not be asked to undergo the expense of another pro- test, and advises the circulating of a subscription list with the object 0! rais- ing a sum suflicient to meet the expense of the protest. The minutes of the last meeting readand animation npprovedi V Moved by Mr Elliott, seconded by Mr. Malloy. that the Treasurer pay the follawn in: accounts :'-To 1). Todd, tar halts, Weighmg 37 lbs.. $2 22; T, Ridden {at putting in same, 1.50; and charge the name to District Nn. 2â€"Carriod. Moved by Mr Reaman. seconded by Mr. Cook. that the clerk be and is instructed in nolify the trustees of S. S. No 17. that there is a pMition presented !0 this Council to luke 962 acres from S. S. N0. 17, and annex it 10 S. S. No. 9.â€"â€"Carlied. The following BynLaws were passed :â€" By-an No. 458, making appropriation for roads and bridges for the present year. The Council they; adjourned until Tues-- day, the Hub day of March next, to meet at 10 a m. Conviction Against E. King Dodds Quashed. By--an No. 464, apportioning the in-- term. accrued from the Municipal Lean Fund. Do Not be Dupod. A recenlly advertised and highly puï¬'ed temody for deafness has lalely been expoa» ed as an unmhigmed fraud. No so with Hagyard’s Yellow Oil , none name it but In praise. John Clnrk. of Millhndge, tea- !iï¬es {1131. it cured him of denf’neal. The Franchise Question. Vaughan Council. J. M. LAwnsxcz, Clerk. the; in-- Reserve Caution. We A†who me Lfliicnd with n omuzh m cold to immune of («mime-8 and all medicines that smother and check a cough suddenly, as serious results surer follow. Hugynrd’a I’ecmrul Balsam loosen. and tweaks up r-oughe mad colds in a save and efl‘ecmnl 1 («Hum r. g It being some ‘ime since you have had any new: from here, I take the liberty to send you a few items which 1 may be ofinteresc to some. "I had Men for Piuhi months 1: mble to work. and fail aslhongh I would an lief die as live. through indiges'inn and Dys» pespia. I weighvd at Ihe Iimn of gelling a bulllm of Mt-Gmgm's \‘peedv Cum. 130 lbs: used 3 bottles. and now weigh 165 lbs. and never was better in my life II, was McGregor’s Speedy Cure that h ought um around†So Suva Wm. Fell. Humiimnllu to H. Sandvrson Jr Suns‘ Ding Nora and gut a free hill bottle or Ihe reguar sizgi'ur ï¬fty cems and one dollar. Teston forever ! Last. Friday quite a commotion was raised in our quiet little town. between the Constable of' Hurd- scrabble and “Shorty, jr.," of this place, over a wood sawing race. The Mayor of Ramsavville bet 85 against our old “sports†35 that the Constable could buckâ€"saw two cords of hard wood in less time than "Shorty" could. At 1 o’clock p. m , on the above mentioned day, the start was made. and an agreeâ€" ment was also made to the effect that the Constable was not to use his "Club" in breaking the hulï¬sawed sticks in two, but this agreement was not fulï¬lled on the Constablc's part, {or at -thc rixth or seventh stick he was seen to produce his club, but the bystanders made him conâ€" ceal it. again, After this he began to loose ground, and in 2 hours and ten minutes from start "Shorty" had every stick sawed with the Constable in the rear, with a good half cord. Cheer after cheer went up from the immense crowd that was present. The Lawyer also ï¬gured conspicuously in the affair, and was: relieved of a few days proï¬ts in the boot and shoe business. He "claims" the Constable is not as good a man as ho took him to be. The last seen of the Cop was when picking up his saw-horse and saying he was going Ome. The Zoo, I am sorry to say, is on its last feet. and is completely broken up. The animals and cages are all going to be sold in a couple of' weeks. Of course a great many animals have escaped, but the most proï¬table ones, such as Jumbn. the Whale., &c., are still here and exâ€" pected to bring high ï¬gures. The cause of the sale is that one evening the keep- ers being absent. some of the animals got to ï¬ghting and scared a few of them so badiy that they ran away and never came back. Teston, Feb 20th, 1884. The Sabbath School was rc-orgnnized here on Sunday lust. Quite a large number of children. together with grown up men and women, were out. and all seemed to be willing to try and make it interesting and proï¬table‘for the young folks. Warhear‘a good deal from Grit poll- iicians of depression in bulincu through- out the country, caused by the N. P , but it does not apply to Sherwood, as everything is booming. Our blacksmith and waggon builder! are working day and night, making newi cutters and ileigbl. Things also look; brisk at. the store, and the proprietor, E having to give up businesl on account of ill health, is giving great bargain. at‘ present. Sherwood, Feb. 19th, 1884. The Oyster Supper which came nfl at Mr. Taggurl's Hotel on Thursduv trial-Hunt. 14th instâ€, was a duciued succetss. Quite a number of the Reform putty took an active part in the speztk~ ing. The Editor of the I’unmsawitlc Times was the hi2 pusher of the evenâ€" ing. About 125 Look supper. The young people of this place had a little party to your village on Thursday evening last. Some of the boy: got there with their " gala, †tome without them, and some net at all, on account of being disnppoiuted in getting their rig. We sympathize. with them, but it will be all right, for they say they Will have a rig of their on some day. The Cambellitel have been holding so-ealled gospel eervicee in the M. E. Church here, during the past fortnight, and, judging from the speaker, immer- sion mama to be their gospel On Sun- day evening he deï¬ed any one present to show, in the whole Bible. one instance of saving by faith without immersion. I will not attempt to quote‘passages this time, for they are too numerous. all through Christ’s teachings, to give in a communication ofthie kind. On Friâ€"- day he gave his hearers an account of God raising up Martin Luther to teach the doctrine of justiï¬cation by faith, Calvin to teach predestination, and then Wesley to teach holineu, and that was as far as God permitted them to go ; that the world was not prepared to re ceive any further teaching, but now they had come forward to teach the whole truth. Viz, immersion. Now, the con- clusion is that all who ever lived before Cambells time are lost, or that immerâ€" sion is not necesnary. for if Luther’s Culvin’e and W'esley'e teachings will not save now, it never would. and if it was suï¬eient until Cambelle time, it is at the present also. Hail to read in the True Bible anything about a new Dispennution being ushered in durng the 19th nentuty. , In flUO'llCl‘ lelvtervI will try and give you proof. from Scripture, that they are pleaohing false Doctrines. Yours, &o., WI do not hold curlelvu responsible for tha (minions at our Correspondents. (From our own Correspondent.) (From on: own Correspondent) Sherwood. TESTON. Ever Yours, Snon'n', SR. JEFF A. O. F. VISIT T0 WoooBuIDGE.â€"| A number of the momhera‘of‘ Court, Rieumond A. 0. F Lodge. of this vilâ€"’ lage, drove over to Woodbridze on Fri- . day night last, to attend a concert andl supper given by Court Star Lodge. of that place. About. one hundred momâ€"4. hers ofthc various lodges of Toronto, accompanied by n large number of ladiel, arrived hv special train at 730 pm. The Concert consisted of' vocal and inâ€" strumental music, readings. etc., and. was highly appreciated by the large} crowd present. Alter the Concert, the visitors adjourned to the Commercial Hotel. where supper was served in flutâ€" elnss style. for which mine host, M r. Gilmour. is pattioularly noted. After. doing ample justice to the good thian provided. altort addresses were delivered by several ot’ the Toronto brethren. who utgerl the necessity of every man enjoy- ing good health. connecting themselves with some beneï¬t Snoietv, such as the Fort-stern, also the good Finatxnial stand- ing: that body now holds, and the large increase of members every year. The visitors left for home about 1.30 am; all seemingly well plowed with the even- ings enjoyment Prcrunnsonn CANADA.â€"-Parts 27 & 28 ot'this work are to hand. The character of the work is well sustained. It will be a splendid book when bound, and we warrant. to say that the majority of subscribers will be well pleased that they have laid out their money in so worthy a manner. The parts treat on eastern and central Ontario and southâ€" eastern Quebec. 'l‘he plates in the parts are as follows :â€"“ Buy of Quinte from above Stone Mills "; “Entrance to iron ore Mines, Madoc â€; " Madoc and iron ore Mines "; “a view in Bellville ;†“ Charles street. Believille †; “ Barley Harvest †; “ Lake of the mountain, Pictnn â€; “Lake of the Isles, Thousand Islands â€; "Kingston from Barrieï¬eld â€; “ Among the Thousand Islt'nds"; “Head of Grenadier and Sport. Island and near Alexandria Buy â€; “Bottom Pass.†“The River-side, Brockville,†etc., etc. SPECIAL N OTIGE ~To Subscribers â€"Please observe the date opposite your name, and kindly remit the amount you owe. POSTPONED.-â€"The debate in connuc- lion with the Fire Brigade which. was to have come omen Friday evening last, wnp postvponfla on pccount of a number of the speakers being absent. thsmrxn READERS CAN ofu‘l‘l and rasily do n himdl} and encum-nging act to publishers. such as many would el-ecri'ully do when it ia‘ suggested. When a business advertisement attracts attention and lvuds to business corresâ€" pondent-e or personal intetoourse with the advertiser, kindly mention the paper in which you saw it. Such references are often alike encouraging to the Adâ€" Vertiser and the Publisher “Tth scatter seeds of kindness.†of this class, dear tender. about 9 paper mo modest to dn more thun throw out, a friendly hint tn rogutd to the matter. TENDEnu.â€"Tonderl will be received up to the 8th day of March next, for the printing of the Minutes, Accounts. Voters’Liat, and what other printing that may be required by the Council of the Township of Vaughan, for the year, 1884. See advertisement. PUBLIC NoTlCEâ€"The Municipal Councilof uto ’l‘nwnshtp of Vaughan will meet at the Town Hall during the rcmuindvr of the currvm your. as folâ€" lnwazâ€" Tue~dam March 11th; April 8th; May 27th; June l7th ; ' July 8th; August 12th: Sept. 9th; Oct. 14th; Nuv. 11th; Dec 16th All perâ€" sons having: petitions. [accounts or unv other matters to lay bef'ure the Council at. any of the meetings. are requested to leave the same with the Clerk. Mr. Jas M Luwvcucc. the dav previnun, or not Inter than twelve o’clock the day of meeting. REVIVAL Ssavxcns.â€"The Servmea in the C. M. Church here, are still pro- gressing favorably. and the body of the spacious Church is well ï¬lled every evening. Night after night new conâ€" versions take place, and it in a grand and glorious thing to see the young people of the village take such an active interest in the meetings. May they conâ€" tinue to do sand I Tm: RINK.â€"Tho Skating Rink wan We" attended on Saturday night ialt, and the ice was good, but the very soft weather during the fore part of this week, prevented it from being open. Jack Frost. has again struck the land. however, and made the ice in its uruai (xcelient condition, and thuse wishing for a good skate can be accomâ€" modated by going up to the Rink. T. O. G. T.â€" Richmond Hill Lodge I 0 G 'I‘. met in the Temperanco Hall last Wednesday evening an hOur earlier than usual; After initiating six new members, and receiving propositions from six others, to be initiated next week, thc members carried an early adâ€" journment, and repaired m mass. to the C M Church, wherea verv successfui revival meeting was in progress. MEETING.â€"The Lacrosne be†hnd a good attendance at their meeting on Fri- day evening last. A considerable amount of business was transzmted,and evervthingr in looking favorable for the advancement af'the Club durim.t the coming season. The boys intend having their. annual Concert. an the em:an of Good Eridnv, and an oxcclient Committee has been ap- pninted to make all necessary arrange- ments. CREDIT SALE -A Credit Sale of Farm Stack, [mph-moms. etc., will be held at Lot. No. 32.!‘031‘ 3rd Con. Mark- ham. 1% miles north of Vicmriu Square, on Tursdm'. Mulch 4=l1. 1884, the DM- perly of Mr. T Beymund. Salé to comnwncu at 12 o‘clnuk. Terms.â€"Sums ruf$10 and undvr cm-h ; over that amount 8 months cledit. Smck in god candiâ€" vion. Sale will-mu rowrve, us the ploâ€" prietm has leased hini farm and intends nmving to Toxouto. S. M. mem, Auct. Subscriptionn for the Weekly Mail and Globe received at this oï¬ce. LOCAL ITEMS. “u, .unhv i‘evéoncerf‘ the Mr. Coatigan had tendered his A mavemnnt is said to be on foot to erect a Monument to the memory of the late Thomas D'Arcy McGee. ol' the expense that is nnw incurred by courts of t'eVISlun uh account «if the property qunliï¬mtinn and will aVuid much bwezuing us It) the value uf prtmelty. which to thus» who hear it. lms all Ihe appearunee of p8!- jutv and cannot be otherwise Ihan demora- lizing. Give the franchise to all mrn but those who we imbeciles or criminals, any resugnation in the Ministry for personal reasons. but afterwards decided to with- draw it. M r. Blake's amendment against the C P R,was lost on a division of62 t0137 Mr Vuil’s amendment for 6 months hoist was lost on a division of 63 to 136 The nomination for South Oxford for a member, in place of Mr. Crooks, is to be held on the 27th inet., and the elec- tion.on the 5th prnx. A WARNING-An exchange in speakâ€" of one of the citizens of Ins town pays : -â€"Firat he stopped advertising. then he stopped bin paper, and now the aherifl‘ is elling out his busmess Who will say 1: does not pay to use printer’l ink 1 WOOD.â€"Parties who have promised to bring m wood for their sub>criplion to this paper, will please do so without delay. SALI.â€"Mr. D. Richards intends having an extensive Credit. Sale of Farm Stock, Implememl, c:c.. at Lot No. '29, 4th Con. Vaughan, near Teflon, on Fri- day. Feb. 29th. 1884. Sale to com- mence at. 11 o’cloek. Lunch provided. Terms :â€"For the cattle. hay, oats, and all sums of810 and under cash; over thxn 9 months credit will be given' S. Ecknrdt, Auot. We observe thm Sir John A. has again lnlt‘uduCPd his bill for nssimilnting In all the provinces for the Dominion Purlinntent. We hope he will see the desiralnthy of is adopting manhood sum-rage. coude with registration and residence. Uive a mnn a vote and you will elevnte him in his own esumutionâ€"you will make him A better man with at higher apptecintiou of his mnnr hood. Give him a voice in making the laws of his countrr and he will more cheet'v fully obey-he will be it truer patriot, for he willfeel thnt he belongs ton country which has a cure for him. wherein his man- hood is respected. and he is valued for his moral and intvlleotunl worth, and not for the land he ownm'the mnney he has in the bank, or the amount of" his income. Trust the people and give them their rights. and the [stability of Government and the safety of the nation will be more fully securvd, for there will be then no cauée for discontent. Doubt them. and withold from them their rights. and discontvnt will be chronic, and if its suppression is attempted by forca. it must culminate in revolution and bloodshed. Manhood suffrage will do away with much A FEW Diaries for 1884 for sale at the HERALD Book Store. LEAP YEAR -PARTY.â€"â€"The young: ladies and gentlemen in Markahm intend having a grand leap year Party, in the Town Hall. in that place. on Friday evening, 22nd int. A number of par- lieu of this kind have taken place there during the winter, and each one was successful, but judging from the names of the Committee this one Friday night, will head the list. What is the matter with the young folks in Richmnnd Hill? Do they forget it is Leap Year ? HULLOWAY'S OXXTMNRT AXD PILLS â€" Ttwsv reinvdivs ure unequalled lltt‘uughnul the- wurld tnr bad legs. wounds, foul sm-ns and ulcers. Usednccording to llll'lrt'lit'HIS-‘s given with them there is no wnun'i.l):td legs, or ulcernus sure, hnwc‘verohstin-MP or lung stan'lmg. but will yield to thin hvaiin: and (‘uvalivp pronPrlit's Many ptH)!‘ suï¬â€˜qms uhn lanve been patients in the lmge limpi- tals under the care- of eminent surgeuns, and have derivvd little 0| no bl‘lteil' t'mm tlwlr trraimnnt. have been thnruughiv out-rd hv Hnllowny’s ()intmmit and Pills Far grandular swvllings. tumnurs. scurvy. nml diseasunf the skin tltr-ro is mulling llml can be used with so much beneï¬t. In fuel. in the worst forms (If diavnse. dependent upun the condition ol tho- blond. thrse medicines. used cthniv-tly, are irresistible. As soon n8 Dnl‘kny fuund‘ nul there wm‘ summlung in NI? pnpr‘r uhnul him. h» aim-19d mu :0 Hell uli hha friends. and so-ni fur a gm.†at Once. Hr has nnl gone nï¬' yet. but anon WIâ€. ELECTION 01‘ Onionsâ€"Tho elec- tion of oï¬cers in Richmond Hill Lodge, I. 0 G T., for the present quarter, resulted as f'ollowszâ€"VV. C. T., Bro. J. H. Sanderson; W. V. T., Shch M. Wiley; W. S., Bro W. D. Atkinson ; W. A. 5.. Sis. H H. VVil'ey : W. F. S., Bro '1‘. Wright; W. T. Sis J H. Sanderson; W. M , Bro A. Wright; W. D M., Sis. F Fishbu‘rne ; W. I. G.: Sis. A. Soul"; W. O. G., Bro W. E. “'iley; W. 0.. Bro. W. T. A. 0001!: W. R H 8.. Sis A Kirbv; W. L.[]. S , Sis, L. Langsmï¬"; l“. W. C. I'., Bro. (lMcDonuld ; T. D.,Bl'o. Wm Harrison. BAD Bm‘ Ann-m1) Cranberry Marshvflle. Feb 19m, 1884. Tho- incuupmaliuu qm'slion is (Head) "Invan The host conch leliun in ()nmrm. is uwum] by Mr. I)‘ McMiHen. hf Ihis Vil‘use- Thr- samumill will sun" by in rlnuin: mdwr again m-d lbw. rverylhinu will hum Aceording tn urrwngemm's nmde at the dimicl momng heid in Bi-umpmn in Oct. Inez. lhr P. M (‘hmch in Ibiza village and Ihe 1‘- M. (‘hurt-h TPsmu Will hnlh be mw (‘il'CIliL whom the- uni-m mks-s place. The. gund Pnsmr and sume 0' sh:- members wnliifld to huh] 3 union qunrlerlyumm-I3:.2 wilh Trmun, :And iI w«.-uld Ila-VP hem: (Junta cm]! u gum] hvmher 'usc~ up “iih Palm cum - quunco and mid. “ “but wnuld Immune ul lhe: (‘uIIu-uxiun " lflhis Is univ-uâ€"mwe us from sun-h narrow-wontmcwd men. The Lillie (Hd Man hm] :\ number 1.! new male" from his pwmiwa (we night Inst mark Pans mmkwd Hm Ilaii-w-s a ï¬nal.“ Way. but a! Ins! gut off liw awn: S m» an" lilry wet-r slnieu fur a wedding-dinnin- I ihinii mmv pt†them WHUM be unhea- mugh fur the Lmle l)ld Mun any: one o! Ihvln was 13 36mm uld. LOCAL ITEMS. Cranberry Marshvflle. (From our own Correspondent.) Manhood Suffrage. .__â€".>o« lull†remais-e lhe Best value in Teas, Sugars, Currants, Raisins, Figs, Peels, Spices, Canned and Packaged Goods, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, &c.; &c., &c. FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES 1†A report is in circulation that one of our hotvlkeeneta intends introducing a billiard table into his hnuse. This rumor must be without foundation, as our license commis-- aiotters have winer made it a ru'e that no liqum- ticvnse shalt be granted to anv hotel which has a hillimd room in connection. ALL AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. Agents for Harpers’ Bazaar Patterns. Terms Cash or Exchange Aomcumvnu. MEETING â€"The direclnrs oflbu E. R York Agxicullural Snciely will meet at [he ankliu House. Markham. On Tucsduy. tho 26111 inst.. at [0 o'clock mm. The ofï¬cers of Ihu Markham Town - ship Socier are iuvitwd lo amend. Impor-- la‘m mullers W)†be discussed. MASQUERADE CARNIVALâ€"The carnival an the rink Thursday night was well mu landed. Masquernders were somewhat lenrce. but sovvral very handsnme costumes were In be seen. Th9 costume of u ynunu lady {rum Richmond Hill. dream-d to repre-- sent Winler. was pmhups the best. The you was gnod'and the Ikutexs enjoyed thum- selves lo the full. Invite your attention to their ï¬ne Stock of Flanrwls, BMnkets, Shawls, Clouds. Dress Goods and 'l‘rimmings, Furs, Fancy Wool Goods, Hosiery, and General Dry Goods. Send six cunts for pos mge, and xe- A Ecaive free, noosth box of goods which will help you to more money ri ht ‘ away than anything else in t is world. All, of either sex. succeed from ï¬rst hour The broad road to fortune opens before the work- ers, aboolutely sure, At once address, TRUE & Co, Agusm. Maine. SIXTY-Firm AxxtvsnnnYâ€"At his resi~ dence in Vnughnn. Mr Ross, ï¬tther-in-Jtttv of the RH. J. Catmichuel, Kin-g, recently celebrated thn sixty-ï¬lth anniversary of his marriage He is eighty-sate" years old. while Mrs. Ross is in her eighty-ï¬rst year. Sixty of the relatives. top esenting three goâ€"ucrationl. ware prosettt to congratulntei the venerable couple. Mr. Ross who wus horn in Niagara. watt the son of a soldier in the famous Unmarinian [li_'h1ll|ld('ts. H. mm twrvice himsvlf hnving been in a milittn regiment during the war of IBM. and was hrrsonl at the defence of Toronto when attackvd by the Americans. When a boy Mr Ross guthetvd bvushwuod where SI Jumvs’ cathedral now stands. and ered u bear on the grnuttd occupied by the Union station. He has many interesting rpm-- intscettces of Muddy Little York. Both he and his vmteutble partner retain all their faculties and we in vigorous health. CAMPBELL ~At Listowel, on the 12th February. the Wife of Rev. Isaac Campbell of a sun. l Us nneit, bust bo3k ever sold for laws than twine cur price. The fastest selling book in Amnricu Immune» proï¬m to ugpnts. All intelligent pPople want. it. Any one can bacomen successful agent. Terms free, Hun mam Boon Co, Portland, Maine. CLOTHING I CLOTHING ! Hear Luskpr, ihe distinguished German Liheml. whme sudden dmnh‘ in New Yuri.- u («w week“ ago cuilud l'm-ih nu man ex- pressiunn wf rwrw. was 1:111le durng his vu’ii In Anwrica with Ihe pNHH-Jnlily wnh which llw pe~plvnf1his coulineul um wast: iw lheir mn-gniï¬wnt hues! manna-Pa. Ac- L'llslumvd to :h.» rigid (iernmv: syslkm of" ï¬rms! preselvminn Iw was umuzvd a! Ihe want of reg-uni fur 1hr! fuluw i-nermals of Ihe cvunlr)‘ disu'mv i in wcxlnss rlenn'uctinu- nl' limbwr 'm rvt-ry hand \- ilk-ml may eff-I'll im in wplut'ermv-nl. Accwrriiug to 'he rule hhich pH'VHiN in GH‘vmuly. nu Ill‘e can he dmhnprl hn' a-xv l'urpnie HIIIP>8 mmth is planted In rvpl in" il Thy Ho his in uhiu .uxd F’ennsvlvu- in o mplmsize the puesvul Imirresily fur such mmsums us wili {Unit the 'lnalxucliun bel'ure Wen nurse results e-mue. Tried In 1oronto. Mrs. Mary Thompson. of Toronto, re. ports the removal of eight feet nftapo \vm'm by the use nf one bottle of Dr. Law‘s lem- unt Worm Syrup. This medicine is r9»- liable tm all kinds of worms that aflitct children or adults. Pimple; and Blotches. Call at H. Sanderson & Sons‘ Drug Stars, and gel :2 package of McGregor & Pnrke’a (‘mholic Cerute. h is compnavd 0f Vase- line, Calbulic Acid and CBI'HIP. and has hover failed 10 remove I’implrs. Blow-hes. Ulceraled Sores. Rough Skin. It cums when all oxhers fail, Tn it. PHRTLAND. Me . Fee'n. 7 -â€"-H. L Graves 18 {ulcer :mrm nwniliug mnl l} r usng the mmahu fradule-nt puvpnsra. He ndvvlu lised he wnuid furmah lemma-mike em- pzoynwnt m nnyune whu lent hm: lwnnly News. and 1“in tn keo-p hi5 plomise. Them mo 3 000 10:19.15 in the poet (fluo- ik): him. all “upward lo cnnluin sums of mam-y. The pnslnmsler ask-d Ille depart.- mem whofhvr ho- shnula dniher Ihe tuners 'l'ho- drpurnnent repHvd Ihal than is nu umhorilv of law for wilhholding the lent-n fl um G raVea. aolutely awe. No risk‘ Capitalnotre uir- erl, Reader, it you want business at w “ch either sex, young or old. can make great pay a" Lb“ time; they work. wit-11 uhmlute cor _ minty. write for particulars to H. BALLEJ‘ a Go, Portland, Maine. $663 week at home. $5 outï¬t tree. Pay ab- I AGENTSE CASH HGUSE An order was m: do on Salmng m ()symdr- hull unsealing Dr Ml-(‘nnnrli H8 RH we of l’denlp, on lho ground Ihnl he had not Ibo necessary qualiï¬vmion. Pm» lick Kenn s is the name of the applicant. A new election will be held. Clothing! Men’s and Boys’ Heavy Suits and Overcoats. at“, Caps, Ties, Shirts, Hosiery, Gloves, Heavy All-Wool Shirts and Drawers. SNEATH 8: GRENNAN. A Despicable Fraud. wanted f0 n11 thn’I‘he Livcï¬ of Presi‘ dents of the U S. The lm-gesh hand Markham. BIRTH. RICHMOND HILL, THE CHEAP Economs’r Barley ‘ do ..... Outs, m. .. Pens do . Rye do Dressed Hoe/5mm†100 lbs. .. Beef,hind quarters,per 1L0 ms .. Mutton, by the carcase, per 1001b: Chickens, per pair ....... Ducks, per brace .m Goe?e.ench...,.... Turkeys, each Butter, lbrolls .. large rolli.. tub dairy. Eggs, fresh, (102.. Potatoes, per bbl Apples per barrel Omens, per bag ‘Cabbnge, per dos... Celery, per (101 .. Turnips, per bag Carrots. per do Beets, per bag 4 Pursnips, per bag Hay penton‘...†Straw per, ton VVno] ner 1b,.. THURSDAY, FEB. 21, nu, Emma's AT FARMERH‘ W'Auamfl .8160 108 Wheat fail, new, per bush u Spring do ..... Barley do ti on Outs, m. .. 3‘ Penn do. 72 The application must be made by potitiqn of the applicant. addressed to the Board, prlyin {or a grant of license, and must be accompnme with a fee a! $10, the said unï¬t-ion, with fee, to be enclnï¬ed in a Sealed envelope, addressed to the undersignet, on or before the ï¬rst day of Mnrch,1884. Richmond Hill, Feb. 18th, 1884. Richmond Hill, Jam. 29613.1884‘ That convenient Store and Dwelling, situaiet‘, on the corner of Yonge and Imï¬eriu Stream, in the Village of Richmond Hill. First-class house, nearly new, containing 11 rooms Good brick csllar. Hard nn'i sufc water. Also Half an Acre of Land. Gnod stubling. Every convenience. jimt moderate. Possession Jnant, 1884. Apply ï¬ll-MINE!!!“ LIEENSEAET. T!“ RTY THIEUS H I} INHJ‘AM $3100“ at lowest cm-rmt rates. Secured by max-tango on land. In sums nntless than $400. Strictly conï¬dential. Apply' to J. K. FALCONBIDGE. STORE AN D DWELLING Every applicant who is not at the time of his nmvlicmion a licensee under the Provincial Legis- lature Act. m- whose premises are not now licensed, must forward with his application a» certiï¬cate signed by « ne--tliird o! the elcctors en‘ titled to vote in the pollir-g sub-division in which the premises sought to be licr-nsed are situated ( such polling sub-division will be the one used in laat_elc‘ctinii foi‘jho Hausa 9f Commynn). 8th Day March Next Public notice in hereby given that an applica- tionu for licenses mun-t be made to the under. signed not Inter than SATURDAY, the lat DAY MARCH, 1884. Tho Bonrd will meet on tth Mii’Mdecii to con. sicker npplipntig s. A Forrï¬s‘of cmtiï¬cute will he supplied upon apâ€" plication at my ofï¬ce, Court House. Toronto. J. T. JONES. Chic! Inspector. Court House. Toromo, Feb. 20, 1884. For the present year, 1884, Said tenders are required to be satisfacwry to the Council. By Order of the Council, License District ofthe County of York Printing of [he Minutesï¬ccuunls, Township of Vaughan! NG'HCE! Tandem win be received bv the undersigned. up to the Rcihmond Hill. Dec. 5th, 1883‘ Voters' List. and what other printing that may be required by the Counsel] of the TO LET! TO LEND! 31cm gflmtit-‘mumtï¬. THE MARKETS TORON’IO! ,3? .285 ri 9: a: 3.5:.“ w 3:? .5 6:5,.“an .J .3752 .u 3 can: aw E: E JAMES M. LAWRENCE. TOWNSHIP CLERK. PUBLIC â€"FOT€. THEâ€"â€" J. BROWN, Richmond Hill. $160 .1" .108 113 176 $00 L41} “'2‘ ‘1 BC 1 50 80 110