“ However, she will come round," was his thought, and the opportunity to bring her round was his now. The father was in his favor, and that bughear, Bob Ross, was not on board. He congratulated himself most cordially on that circumstance. He did not care by what lucky accident it had been brought about. There was the fact, and that was enough for him. It was something more than that the absence of Ross left him free to woo Annie; there had been certain wild thoughts in his head “ You’ll no be fashed wi’ heavy seas, ony way,†answered the captain, busy minding his own business and unconsolous of what was going on. Cargill did feel that slight movement of her head and insttention to his words; for, like all small natures, he was content so long as attention was paid to him, but spiteful always, and wrathful sometimes, when he was treated with the slightest neglect. "Ah, you are weather-Wise, Miss Mur- ray, and I ought not to have dared to my a. word on the subject. I ought to have asked you to tell me how in was to be. But we may be happy in the most unpleasant weather when we are with those we like best in the world." “ Whatis the day to be, father ‘2†she said, turning her head away impervious to thia'yerz _broa_d cpm_pli_men'q. He-only observed the smile and was unconscious of the playful allusion to his gorgggus ralment. †It looks pleasant enough at present,†she 'anawered, smiling at the weather-pro- phet; “ but its is a. West wind, and those clouds yonder may bring us such rain as will spoil the niaeatplothes.†“ We shall have a. pleaswt day,†he said, with as much warmth as it there had been something very particular in the re- mark. _ “ I has use time to speak to anybody the-n00,†was the sharp response, as Cap- tain Duncan hurried to his post on the hurricane deck. Cargill quietly followed him, because Annie was there. “Are you going to do without your pilot. ?" he said to the skipper as he ap- proached him. _ Ha saluted his hosts, but they were too much occupied to give him particular attention, and he had grace enough to recognize that fact. He applied himself to the arrangement of his berth, ï¬tting up in it all the newest oontrivnnoes for securing comfort at sea. Having done this he went on deck. The boat was just casting off. He looked around: Captain Duncan was doing every- thing and Bob Rpss was not there I ‘Annie laughed at the sight of him, and the captain felt disposed to bid him “put some clues on†as quick as he could. But recognizing in all this the height of aristo- cratic fashion, he held his tongue and met- velled. Captain Duncan would have been agreat toady if opportunity had offered; for he had a. vest reverence for the “ no- bility," and deep respect for anything which even remotely represented it. So. with all his absurd airs, “Jeems†Cal-gill impressed the old man as being something out of the common~just as poor old Bell Cargill was impressed, and consequently permitted her money to flow at his com- mand. Hie ï¬gure was grotesque: imagine a stout man six feet in height, with heavy jowla and sleepy eyes, dressed like a. lad of ï¬fteen! This was Mr. Cargill, who had an unbounded faith in the elegance of his ï¬gure and the skill of his tailor. Annie, with her sailor‘s hat and pea- jmkot on, stood on the hurricane deck over- looking the bustle on board and on the queys. Her father was moving about every- where; now scolding. now encouraging, now lending a. handï¬o move some pile. Ab lengtlfeverything was on boxird, and only two people were wanting to complete the equipment of the ‘Mermaid’ for her trip._‘ “ He‘llvjoin us on the road ; be baked me to let him go out last night and I said, ay, it he would meet us in time. Nae fear 0’ him.†She had no need to ask where was Mr. Cergill, for a cab drove along the wharves as far as it could, and that; gentlemen appeared in a. faultlessly fashionable vulgar check tweed tourist suit. He had only a. small hand-bag to carry, for his portman- teau had been put: on board the previous night. CHAPTER VII. “ MEmuAm, may 1†Donkey engines rattling bales of goods from the quaya aboard ships. or vice versa; barrels, boxes, hampers, all flying in the air and alighting safely in their places amidst a. Babel of tongues and a. great smell of tar. Th_a._t wgs the par}: of Leith. I heard a. footstep brhind me. And the sound (;f a. merry laugh, And I knew the heart it came from Would be like a. comforting staï¬â€˜ In the time and hour of trouble. Hopeful and brave and strong, One of the hearts to lean on When we think that things go wrong‘ I turned at the click of the gate-latch, And met his manly look; A face like his gives me pleasure, Idke the page of a. pleasant book. It told of a. steadfast purpose, Of a. brave and daring willâ€" A face with promise in it That God grant the years fulï¬ll. He went up the pathway singing ; I saw the woman's eyes Grow bright with wordless welcome, As sunshine warms the skies. “ Back again. sweet mother," He cried. and bent to kiss The loving face that was lifted For that which some mothers miss The bantam-like ‘ Mermaid’ nestled at its moorings. but panting and pufï¬ng as proudly as its neighbors, trying to make itself appear as big as possible, and continu- ally asserting its claim to equal considera- tion with any of the huge rivals which lay to right and left of it. The bantam was noted among the people of the port for its neatness and sea-worthiness, and for the pushing character of its commander. Goods put on board the ‘Mermaid’ were considered as safe as if they had been placed in the hands of the persons to whom they were consigned. Thus the credit of Duncan Murray stood high, and he valued it more than his lifeâ€"truly more than his life, for it was no mere phrase with him, it was atact. He valued that credit more than his life, more even than his daughter’s 'ife, and that meant everything human he cared about; it included the ‘Mermaid.’ It had come to be a saying, “as safe as though it was with Duncan Murray," and that was as much to him as if he had been made lord high admiral of the fleet. ‘7 Where is Mr. Ross ?†asked Annie, afteilqggepnsideratipn with herself. That boy will do to depend on, ' I hold thaw this is trueâ€"â€" From lads in love with their mothers our bravest heroes grew. Earth‘s grandest hearts have been loving hearts Since time and earth begun ; Agd the boy vyho kissed his mother The fact was remarkable that in the whole course of his trading he had never lost the smallest package intrusted to his care; and as years went on the pride of this fact grew in its proportions in his breast, until it seemed as if one failure would have killed him. She sat on the porch in the sunshine, A I went down the streetâ€" A woman whose hair was silver, But whose face was blossom sweet ; Making me think of a. garden, Where, in spite of the frost: and snow 0! bleak November weather, Late fragrant kilies blow. A MAIDEN FAIR. Ii every {nah a. man A Scottish Love Storv. The Boy “'ho Kissed Ills ivlother. BY CHARLES GIBBON. Hadennie seen the curious grin on her i f‘ I wish there hadwbeen some vistcéf father’s ruddy face as he made hislittle It.†joke, perhaps she would not have been so “Would you like some now? I’ll send uneasy. She had not seen it, but; remem- it to you.†bated what she had told him- that she “Thankyou,1‘ll be obliged to you." would take no man without his good will I -" All right," and Caz-gill moved oï¬ as it Annie turned away her head, making no reply. But she was thinking much. What was she to do if her father insisted on this marriage with Cargill? He had said that he would not insist; but she knew how obstinate he was once he had got an idea. ï¬xed in his head. Kind he was, and fond of her as a father could be of a daughter; but in his anxiety to see her “ a grand leddy," as he called it, the conviction might be borne in upon him that he was proving his affection most by forcing her to do what he judged best for her future. “Ay, ay,†was the jocular observation, “ye say that, but I never ken’d a lass shat didna. want a mam unless she had ane already.†Intact they were all getting on in such a pleasant way that Captain Duncan began to think that Cargill had succeeded in win- ning the lace; and he said to his daughter when they were alone togetherâ€" " So. you’re to tak’ a man after a’?†“ I’m no wantin‘ a man," she said very decisively, knowing to whom her father referred. But from that moment Cargill’s bearing toward Ross altered strangely. He became quite friendlyâ€"not patronizingâ€"in talking to him, and he praised him in the cabin‘. So cleverly did he manage this that Ross said to himself, “ Well, he is not so spiteful as I thought he was;†and Annie’s eyes brightened whilst she said to herself, “Well, there is some good in him alter all. I never thought he could say a kind word about Bobl for although she spoke of Mr. Ross, that person was in her thoughts plain Bob. “ Oh, yes, -I mind'; and I can give you good news. From something he said to me, I think he’ll may be no much against it-i’ Cargill walked away with teeth hard set and frowning brow. Once, standing by the open skylight, he heap}! this pagt 9f bheir_convqrsation: “ You mi-nd, Annie, that when this trip is overl’m to sp_aa.k_to_your gmiher.†She was too happy to be annoyed by his attentions, and he was not mistaken as to the immediate source of her good nature. He saw her speaking frequently to Ross, and although he could not hear them, he could easily guess the purport of their conversation, and he was several times successful in interrupting them. He noted with what glee she waited upon him at meals. on which occasions they were gener- ally slone together in the cabin, for, of course, when Ross was below, Captain Duncan was on deck. The answer and the manner in which it was given apparently afforded Cargill much satisfaction, for he did not at that moment further attempt to impress upon her that the yacht he spoke of was to be bought for her it his suit prospered._ _ which made him specially glad that the mag; wag away. Then he had a particular piece of grati- ï¬cation. Annie went down to tho deck and be accompanied her. They walked up and down, and she listened to bias empty chatter about the grand nights and grand people of London and Pmie. He tried to make her understand when delights lay before the women who shculd be taken to these places by a. man who loved her and “ lgqew his way about." “ But supposing you were to see a man makmg a. dangerous mistakeâ€"he might know his trade but be drunk perhapsâ€" you would not stand by and permit it to continue at the risk of the lives of all on board ?" “ Ay, but the man that got drunk when at his work would not ken his trade," she answered, in a. tone of contempt for such an individual as had been problematioally suggested to her. She said llbtle in reply, but she listened, and he fell: assured that he was making rapid progress in her good graces. She halted occasionally and looked out to sea. or towards the shore scanning the waters with eager eyes: he did not observe their expression, and did not guess what she was looking for. And at such times she would say “Yes†or “No†or “That’s ï¬ne,†in a. low voice which ï¬lled him with the joy‘ol triumph. “ Uertainly not; but the somebody is quite able to do itâ€"only of course she would not require to do it. She would, however, control our skipper, whoever he might be, and see that he played no larks with us. As, for instance, keeping us in port for his own purpose when we want to go out by pretending that the wind was dead against us; or there was a storm comingâ€"and so on. She would know all about it and set him right.†Still she would not understand. “ It is not usual for any one to interfere with the skipper," she said, without the slightest alteration of tone or manner ; “and no man that ken’d his trade would allow it.†But in the midst of his triumph, the “Mermaid†suddenly Blackened speed, and then the engine stopped altogether. Annie stood still, looking at a. smack which was sailipg ï¬owards tlxem. _ “ Isvthere anything the matter ‘2†inquired Cara-ill in surpriaq._ There was such a change in the manner of the girl! And yet it was a change of so quiet a nature that it was only perceptible to the eyes of jealousy. Dull of wit as Car- gill might be. jealousy made him keen of vision. From the impassive listener to his rhodomontade, courteous because he was her father’s guest, she became buoyant in mood and bright in face, answering him briskly on every subject he mooted, giving him with singular cordiality more than all the information he desired as to the man- agement of the vessel and the various points of the coast which they passed. For as it was a clear day they were enabled to hug the coast-line, and even the houses coufld be distinguished with the naked eye, so er. And he looked at her, meaning that she should understand who the somebody was. She did not choose to understand, but an- swered as if she were interested in the project. “ It would be a. ï¬ne enjoyment for you to go sailing about wherever you liked ; but I hope you would not think of managing the boat yourself at ï¬rst." Cargill looked aa ifnuhe shadow of the blackest cloud which had followed them fallen on his face. Then there came a. about from the dis- tance of “Mermaid, ahoy l" and presently the boat glided up beside the steamer. A lithe ï¬gure climbed up her side and Bob Ross szood on the deck. A wave of his hand to his comrades below to signify “ all right,†the boat dropped astern, and the paddles o! the “Mermaid†moved again. Then he turned to shake hands with Annie, but did not stay to speak more than a. few words of greeting to her. He hastened to thepaptain. “Oh, I am not afraid.†he said pom- pouely ; “ but I wanted information in the management of a boat, as I think of buying a yacht, and your father is to arrange the matter for me if I shouid decide upon it. But that will_ depend upon somebody else." “But suppose now if the men at the wheel happened for a. little while to neglect his duty and you were passing a. rocky shora,whs.t would be the consequence?†he inquired, as one anxious for informs.- tion. “ Well, if the wind blew landward we should come to grief,†she replied, smiling. “ But you need not; be afraid of that with my father and Mr. R093 9n board.†“Oh, nofnothing the matter; only bhgre’aylg. Boa}; comiggQ’ CHAPTER VIII. nocxs AHEAD. He drank, and Cargill slowly put the metal cup on the bottom of his flask again.†“ Capital stuï¬ that, I can tell you. Got it myself from a. friend in Campbelton.†" Ay, it’s strong,†said Ross, gasping. " I wish there had been some water with “ It is against all rules to drink when on duty ; but seeing what there has been be- tween ue and is likely to be, I won’t reluse to_n_i_rin_k yqur heglthj’ He poured out i dram from his flask as he spoke and held it up to Ross. The latter hesitated, but; remembering the trouble he was to cause this manthe said, “ You have never known what it was to work for your living, and that’s a pity for any man.†“ Ah. Do you smoke ?" “ Very seldom and never at work.†“ That's a pity for you; because I have senile splendid cigars hereâ€"cost a. shilling eao ." “ Then I should not like to smoke one.†“ You would if you knew what they were. Well, you won‘t refuse to haven drink with me? If you do, I shall think you are keeping up old scores ageinet me.†“ You seem to be taking things easy, though, with all the perils of the deep be- fore you.†“Whiles,†answered Ross laughing. “ Wish I could do that,†and a cloud of smoke wgnt up from the cigar. “I suppose you ï¬nd it troublesome enough at times ?†“Than is to be expectedâ€"v.11 work is troublesome at times.†“Ah, you like the work, I suppose, and that makes all the difl‘erenoe.†it.†Cargill seated himself on a. coil of rope as he spoke. » “ Of course, I like it or I wouldn’t be at " Neither cold nor ‘auu, Mr. Ga'rgiu," was the cheegy answer. Cargill came on deck, lit a. cigar, and took a. short turn up and down as if aur- vaying the darkening outlines of the coast. He spoke a. few words to the man on the look-out. then he walked slowly aft to Ross, who, conï¬dent of his course in such a. calm sea, and feeling some sorrow for the man whose disappointment he expected to be so great,a.nd who had become so friendlpwith him lately, had no objection to exchange a. word with him. “ Cold {work this, Ross, and oonfoundedly dqllljsyit it 7" p9 said gpogngguregly. When they were about opposite Slain‘s Castle, the lights were up, and there was no one on deck except Ross and the look- out. The captain was below, resting in perfect canï¬dence of his pilot's Bklll, and Annie was engaged with some papers in the cabin. It was getting dark when the heavily laden little steamer reached the rugged coast of Buchan, and the pilot, knowing the dangers of the Dun Buy Rock and the Bullets, was keeping well off, but not so well off as one less acquainted with the coast would have done. So far, this had been the most rapid passage the slow “ Mer- maxd" had aohieved,and Ross had good reasons for desiring to make it a remarkable one in his career. and would not take one against her own. She would hold to that. She went toward Ross, who was at the wheel. He amiled as she approached, but there was no answering smile on her face. She past-ted him without a. word, and stood Wlnh her back towards him gazing at the long track the little steamer hurl mud-3. R035, graepmg his wheel ï¬rmly, glanced round in surprise ; but iï¬ wan only for an instant. for he had to turn his face quxokly to the course beiore him. He could speak, however, although he could not look. for the coast of huge rocks is one of the most dangerous known to mariners. The “ Mer- maid†was a. very slow veaeel, although a. sure one, and to save time. the weather being ï¬ne, they were hugging the shore, and constant watchfulness was requisite on the part_of the pilot. She stood silent: for a. while,the wind whistling round them and the engines panting as the “Mermaid†toiled her way along. At length, Annieâ€" "fa there aï¬ynhing wrong?†he asked angjously. She adswered, also without changing her position. " I am feared there is something wrong.††Can you tell me what it; iiiâ€"can I help yogin it ?“_ “ Do you mind that day we were at the gate 7†“ I shall never forget it.†“Do you mind that when I was saying there was only one time when I wished I might leave father, I did not tell you what that time was ‘2†It had been his purpose to make his pro- posal to Annie before they reached Peter- head ; but he had soon seen that the time was not ï¬tting. and he did not mean to ask her to marry him until he was pretty sure that her answer wouldbe yes. And that time would be soon. “ I mind every word you said, for every word was like gold to me.†“ I am going to tell you now.†Her voice {altered a. little as she spoke, and he listened with his heart thumping against his side. Then came the low. sweet voice like a whisper of the windâ€" “ It was when I thought of you.†Hie grasp tightened on the handle of the wheel, as if to keep himself from forgetting all sense of duty and turning round to take her in his arms] “ I ken‘d that, Annie, and that was what made your words 88.6 dear to me. Nothing can ever take the joy of that minute from meâ€"I hae felt it in my heart ever since, and it has comforted me whenever I thought of the possibility that you might be given away toâ€" eombody else.†Bui _oh’! the happiness that thrilled through the man as he stood at his post, guiding the little “ Mermaid†safely to he: pogt. Cargill, however, had no intention of being a. loser in this game he was playing. He, too, could hide his time, and he felt assured that his time was usarer than that of Ross. There was again a. long silence. They were full of the glory of their love and could not speak. Annie was the ï¬rst to ï¬nd voice. “ I doubt my father is against us. He is taken up with that man, and his grand ways and his fortune and his promises, and I doubt he will never hem-ken to a. word from you. That is what is wrong, and I’m sair troubled.†“But you will never give yourself to him ‘2†Ross felt as it he could have steered the “Mermaid†against the wildest storm that ever blew. He was no mere man now, he wssa. giant with all a giant’s strength. She had told him that her thought had been like his own long ago. She had pledged herself to him and the future was safe. Now he knew what he had to do. He had to satisfy her father and he would do it. There might be alittle delav,but the time must come when Duncan Murray would own that he was worthy of his daughter. As for Cargillâ€"poor chap lâ€"it he had any right feeling in him at all he would suffer by the loss. Even if it were only his vanity which was hurt, he would suffer. So, for him there was nothing bu kindly pity. “ Never; that is what I came to tell youâ€" I shall never take him; but I shall never take you either without father‘s will. And I want to tell you more: that it I am no H; be yours, I shall never be anybody 6 59’s" She scarcely heard the comforting words, for she had turned quickly and hurried away, half ashamed of the confession and the pledge she had elven. “ I am content. I can bide my time, and it gill come._ Do no_t you femj.†_ The Legislature of New Yétk has ,oonterred upon the Mayor of New York city absolute appointing power, making him an independent as v. monarch. A Shanghai despntch says advices have been receivea here of a. great ï¬nancial panic at Pekin. Many native merchants and banks have failed. The bank rates for silver are rapidly declining. Merchants in the interior have stopped all trading van- tures. The populace throughout the coun- try is greatly excited. Nerviline may be tested at the small cost of 10 cents. Buy at once a. 10 cent bottle of Nerviliue, the great; pain remedy. Sold at any drug store. Nerviline is death to all pain, whether, external, internal. or local. -Nerviline cures bromptly the worst cases of neuralgia, toothache, lumbago, and sciatica. Polson‘s NERVILINE curesflatulence, chills, spggmstgmd cramps. She could not understand. It was strange: that was all she could say, and in her bewilderment begin wondering again. And as she was wondering there came suddenly a pain in her breast and a dull aching in the dry eyes, for was not his shame hers? And she was wondering. How could this miserable ehame fall on Bob Ross? In all that she had ever heard of him there had been no hint of this. Quite otherwise: one of the qualities for which he had been specially noted was his sobriety. Then how should it come now in the hour when he was most anxious to please her father? There was one thing more. She called him by name; but he made no sign. Whilst doing this she became a. little more con- ecious of the presence of that something besides the fumes of whiskey, only she was too busy in her efforts to rouse him to give it particular heed. Meanwhile she got a towel, dipped it in cold woter and laid it on his head. Next she shook him roughly by the arm; but he made no sign. Then that was all she could do. The ï¬rst sickening sense of dismay over, she became calm again, and bebhought her that something ought to be done to restore him to consciousness. Who was to help her? .She dated not speak to her father and she would not speak to Cergill. By- and-by she would be able to get one of the men, but none of them could be spared at pregent. There was the one horrible fact ; he had been drinking and so had imperilled all their lives I to fulï¬l his promise. He threw his cigar overboard and disappeared down the cabin stair. But the water did not come. Ross felt his throat parched and some thing ï¬ery flew up toahis head, making his eyes start as it they were to come our: What oouiéi this he? Susi); one :zl whiekoyoouli ueverhuve such in: sffe:_.'r. dyv . mm. It; must have been very strong whiskey indeed. What a. £001 he haul been to touch it! They were approaching the Dun Buy Book and the Bullers, Where he should have ell his senses about him. But no! his senses were becoming confused. his eyes dim, and everything danced before themâ€"a devxl’s dance of flashes of ï¬re and black huge rocks. What was the matter? Could he not pull himself together? He had only to hold the wheel as it was and all was right. Steady, now. He set his teeth ; he would master this demon that had got possession of him. She drew back quickly and her face flushed. His breath told her that her father had spoken truly. And yet she was dimly oonscxous that mingled with the fumes of whiskey there was something else, which she did not understand, and whigh at the moment dld not impress he: mm . There on the floor lay the man she loved, the man to whom she had pledged herself, and who had so nearly destroyed them all â€"a. senseless. ugly piece of humanity. She approached him, bent over him with a. ten- der hope. He tried to call out, but his tongue was paralyzed. His senses were becoming more and more confused, his eyes more and more dazzled. Then a. sort of frenzy seamed to come upon him. He would defy these de- mons. He would hold on and carry the vegel safely by the rocks. The captain heard the cry and hurried on deck, followed by his daughter and CaLrgill. _ Annie had been by her father’s side all the time, so white and calm that she was more like a statue than a. living woman. She watched every movement of the ves- sel, how obediently it answered the helm under the master’s hand, until at length it took them out into safe water. But her mind was busy seeking the reason for this strange occurrence. Her father in his rage had said that Ross was drunk, but she could not believe in. Her mind leapt to the thought that he had fallen in some ï¬t: and at her father’s ï¬rst words she moved swiftly away, down to the cabin. There was' a. moment of bewilderment: on the part of the lookout. Then he shouted in terrorâ€" “ Save us! what’s wrang?-we’ll be on the rocks in ï¬ve minutes 1" He fell, still holding to thewheel,111u5 altering the course of the “ Mermaid†so that her nose turned suddenly straight to the Dun Buy Rock. IS an instant the captain's quick eyes book in the terrible position. He rushed to the ghee! and 59w Ross 1yjng_grpstra§e. “Tank? {hah'arunken villain out o’ my sight,†he roared, as he stood panting and guiding the vessel. “ DrunkI-and curse him I†he almost: screamed as he grasped the Wheel, and with a. vigorous effort wrenched it: round so that he turned the “Mermaid†into safe watt}! again. All Hands were on deck now, Annie stauéirgg apart, gale _a.nd b9yvi_ldered. Except the engineman and Ross, who had been put on the floor of the cabin, all remained on deck. But no word was spoken until they passed the grim Bullets. They were like people petriï¬ed, pale and dumb, watching the soowling ï¬gure at the wheel. When they knew that they were safe there was one great breath like a. sob of relief, and a silent prayer of wondering thanks. Then the power: of motion was restored to them by the loud voice of the captain giving some brief commands. ALL FOBLOBN . The huge rocks called the Bullets o’ Buohan rise high and jagged above the see, which dashes and churns white against them. falling back moaning as it with dis- appointment that it cannot overthrow them. But it has made inroads at their Let, forming curious arehwaye, leading to great caverns, once the haunt of smugglers. Still the rocks: stand ï¬rm, proud guardians of the coast, and a. terror to mariners and ï¬ehfymen when the win_d_e blow high. As for Duncan Murray, his breast was full of wrath. The reputation for care and skill which he had earned wiwh a lifetime to be jeopardized at last, and only saved by a. miracle? Jeopardized by the man he had trusted as he trusted himself! There was no penalty heavy enough for such a villain i The little “ Mermaid†looked like a speck on the water in contrast with thesa giants of nature. As it steamed slowly and safely by them there were some on deck whose hearts beat quick at thought of the peril they were so narrowly escaping. All were grateful to the captain, who had come so timely with such skill and strength to their rescue; only one pitied the man who had led them into the danger. The New Pain King. (1‘0 be continued.) CHAPTER IX. Weston, the pedestrian, is now on his last 1,000 miles, having covered 4,000, and the English papers report that he is in ï¬ne condition. Inmllible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic; for giaverisgueas, restlessness, worms, constipa- on. c. MOTIIER ‘SWAN’S W031“ SYRUP jeobed the propos'ed rules to 'regulate ooiléée athletics. *For years Mrs. Lydia. E. Pinkhem has been contending with the terrible hydra. known as Disease, with what surprising success manywho were in the serpent'e coils will testify. Often has the powerless victim been snatched from the open jaws of the destroyer. In emiting the heads of this monster Mrs. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound is far more efllcecious than the processes of potential and actual cautery. To tell man that they (munch help them- selves is to fling them into recklessness and despair. ligDon’t wear dingy or faded things when the ten-cent Diamond Dye will make them good as new. They are perfect. Never too late to mendâ€"Bomefolks wouldn’t need to be late, they need such a deal of mending. *ï¬ " A fair outside is but a. poor substitute for inward worth.†Good health inwargly, of the bowels, liver and kidneys, is sure to secure a. fair outside, the glow of health on the cheek and vigor in the frame. For this, use Kidney-Wort and nothing else. Nathan J. Shraus, of New York, has sold to Valentine G. Bush, of Minneapolis. Minn., the chestnut gelding Palma, record 2.221}, for $5,000. Nervous Weakness, Dyspe sin. Impotence, Sexual Debility, cured by " ella’ Health Re- newer. $1. Of the countless good stories attributed to Artemus Ward, the best one. perhaps, is one which tells of the advice he gave to 9. Southern railroad conductor soon after the war. The road was in a. wretched con- dition,end the trains, consequently, were run at a. phenomenally low rate of speed. When the conductor was punching his ticket Artemna remarked: “Does this railroad company allow peteengcre to give it advice, if they do so in a respectful manner ? †The conductor replied in gruff tones that he guess ed so. “ Well,†Artemus went on, “it occurred to me that it would be well to detach the cow-catcher from the front of the engine and hitch it to the rear of the train ; for you see we are not liable to overtake 8. cow, but what‘s to prevent a cow from strolling into this car and biting a passenger?†flow a Member of Her Majesty’s Service Escaped Deslrnctionâ€"llls Graph! Accounl.‘ (Hamilton, Ont, Spectator.) Sum-v 1mm; UHUInmi :3; was «‘lccaezione'}. sevcml mcnmu saga: regurdmg we experience n1 ,jehilmlnan wen known in’ this city, and as the t-imu 1113 master was a subjech of general conversmion. In order to ascer- tain all the mats bearing upon the matter, a representative of this paper was despatched yesterday to interview the gen- tleman in question with the following result]: Captain W. H. Nicholle, formerly in Her Majesty‘s service, is a man well advanced in years, and has evidently seen much of the world. Endowed by nature with a strong constitution. he was enabled to endure hardships under which many men would have succumbed. Through all privations and exposure he preserved his constitution unimpaired. A number of years ago. however, he began to feel a strange undermining of his life. He noticed that he had less energy than form- erly, that his appetite was uncertain and changing, that he was unaccountably weary at certain times and correspondingly ener- getic at others; that his head pained him, ï¬rst in front and then at the base of the brain, and that his heart was unusually irregular in its action. All these troubles he attributed to some passing disorder, and gave them little attention, but they seemed to increase in violence continually. To the writer he said : As the writer was returning home he re- flected upon the statements of the noble old man with whom he had converged, and was impressed not only with the truth of his assertions, but also With the sincerity of all his acts. As he could not but wish that the thousands who are suffering with minor troubles which become so serious unless taken in time might know of Captain Nioboll’s experience and the manner in which he was saved. And that is the cause of this article. “ Very little, if any. I th’ought they were only temporary in their nature and would soon pass away. But they did not pass away, and kept increasing. Finally, one day. after more than a year had passed. I noticed that my feet and ankles were beginning to swell and that my face under the eyes appeared pufly. This indication increased until my body began to ï¬ll with water, and ï¬nally swelled to enormous pro- portions. I was afflicted with acute rheumatic pains, and was fearful at times that it would attack my heart. I consulted one of our most prominent physicians, and he gave me no hope of ever recovering. He said that I might live several months, but my condition was such that neither myselt nor any of my family had the slightest hope of my recovery. In this condition a number of months passed by, during which time I had to sit constantly in an easy chant, not being able to lie down, last I should choke to death. The slight pains I had at ï¬rst experienced increased to most terrible sgonies. My thirst was intense and agood portion of the‘tifne I was wholly unconscious. When I did recover my senses I suflered so severely that my cries could be heard for nearly a mile. No one can have any idea of the agony I endured. I was unable to eat or even swallow fluids. My strength entirely deserted me and I was so exhausted that I prayed day and night for death. The doctors could not relieve me and I was left in a. condition to die, and that, too, of Bright‘s disease of the kidneys in its most terrible form. I think I should have died had I not learned of a gentleman who had suffered very much as I had, and I resolved to put- sue the same course of treatment which entirely cured him. I accordingly began and at once felt a. change for the better going on in my system. In the course of a week the swelling had gone from my abdo- men and diminished all over my body and Ifelt like another man. I continued the treatment and am happy to say that I was entirely cured" through the wonderful, almost miraculous power of Warner’s Safe Cure. which I Consider the most valuable (covery of modern times.†“And you feel apparently well now ? †“Yes, indeed. I am in good health, eat heartily, and both the doctors and my friends are greatly surprised and gratiï¬ed at my remarkable restoration, after I was virtually in the grave. My daughter. who has been terribly troubled with a pain in her back caused by kidney trouble, has also been cured by means of the same great remedy, and my family and myself have con- stituted ourselves a kind 0: missionary society for supplying the poor of our neighborhood with the remedy which has been so valuable to us." “Inever for a. moment; thought these things amounted to anything serious, and I gave them little, if any, thought: but I felt; myself growing weaker all the while, and could in no way account for inâ€, “ Did you take 110 steps to check these symgtomg?"ï¬ . Thfa 'Univeraity 9f Eennsylvapia has 7 re- one of Arlcnlus’ B DEOLIN E OF MAN. A CAPTAIN SAVED. G lemâ€"u steam engineering and earn $100 per month. Send your name and 10a. in stamp: to F. KEPP! Engineer, Bridgeport, 0t. Sensonnble Jottings tor Rural Renae ls Oats, thirty-three pounda per bushel. Timothy-seed, eighty-ï¬ve pounds per blirhzl. Can. is Selling m Csntml Illinois at ten cents per bukhcl, in baing no Wucthless and immzuure that It will not keep, and is of lime value for feed. It; is a. goud rule to go to the bottom of wings. and, therefore, deep ploughing and enough of ih-all the better it it be a sub- soii plgugh. Real poor ground will not grow clover, and a farmer is throwing away money to now his seed upon it, until he has preceded thg sowing with on application of mafnuro. Raw manure fresh from the stable is injurious to young fruit treea. Use wood ashes as a fertilizer where they can be ob- tained in sufï¬cient quantities. Apply boguyifully as far as they go. Cultivate only as much land as you can manure well if your land is thin and poor. Remember that experience of all good fermera is conclusive on this point : That one acre of ground thoroughly pulverized and well manured will produce more than twg acres only halt-way prepared. Forty lady students have, during the present year, entered upon a. course ofstudy at the Paris hospitals. Of these only three 0 Ifour are Frenohwomen. There are some English and Americans, and even a. few negresses ; but the Russian is the national- ity most numerously represented. Three female candidates have been successful in the examination for professorships. Habit is 9. cable. ~We weave :3. thread of it each day, and it becomes so strong we cannot break it. Poultry houses should-open: towards the south-should be whitewashed inside and outsideâ€"the nests should be cleaned out once a. week, when possible. and an coca- sional application of kerosene given the sides and bottom of those nests the bone have been using. Give your chickens a chance to help you in accumulating a few Shekels. They will respond promptly to every attention given them. Sheï¬ield houaeE, owing to the increase of duty, have advanced the price of cast steel for Canada. one cent per pound. Now is an excellent time to greasa all gear and harness on the farm. There are two good reasons why this work should be attended to at once. The farm hands are comparatively idle and there is no dust to settle upon and injure the leather after it is greased. Wash every strap and rub every buckle until it shines like a. silver dollar. Castile soap and warm water are good for oleansmg harness preparatory to an application of neatsfcot oil and lamp- black. Dr. Billings says that one-half {discolored children born in Baltimore die before at- taining the age or 2 years. Seem to constitute the very essence of life The little drops 0! water uniting form lhb mighty ocean, and a. hundred rm .uples might be cited to prove how important after all are the little things. Now, cams are small affairs. Little sympathy is ex- pected, though they should be a source of agony to the unhappy possessor. Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor is a small affair, yet by its perfect, speedy and painless action it has gained the good will and kind words of thousands who have used it. Don’t take the dangerous substitutes offered by some, but see that it is made by Poison & 00. Kingston. Safe, sure. painless. At all times sheep ought to have daily access to salt. It is one of the greatest preservatives of health. It keeps them clean, sound and strong; it braces up their appetites to the consumption of coarser herbage than they would otherwise eat. For lambs, the ï¬rst year of their lives, add one-tenth of ï¬nely pulverized copperas as a preventive against the insidi- ous blood-sucking parasites which cause paperskin. A good Baptist clergyman of Bergen, N. Y.. a. strong temperance mun, suflered with kidney trouble, neuralgia and dizziness almost to blind~ ness, over two years after he was told that Hop Bitters would cure him, because he was afraid of and prejudiced against "Binters." Since his he says none need fear but trust in Hop 1 crs. At the dinner of the Princeton College Alumni President McCoah advocated the study of Greek and approved of “ ahhletica †within reasonable limits. The points in favor of dairying are: First. a. dairy fer-m costs 10 per cent. less to operate than grain-growing or mixed agriculture; second, the average returns average a little more than other branches ; third, prices are more uniform and more reliable ; fourth, dairying exhausts the soil lees; ï¬fth, it is more secure against changes in the season, since the dairying does not suffer so much from wet and frost and varying seasons, and one can, it pru- dent, provide against drouth. Geo. Smith, of thtaburgh, PAL, is out with a. challenge offering to run amy man in America, from 75 to 100 yards for from $1,000 to $5,000 a. side. Ask for †Rough on Coughs,â€for Cou he, Colds‘ Sore Throat, Hoarsenesa. Troohea,15c. iquid, 50 JD APPLIANth are sent on 30 Days’ Trlul T0 MEN ONLY, YOUNG OR OLD, who are suffer- ing from NERVOUS DEBILITY. LOST VITALITY, WAs'rING WEAKNESSES. and all those diseases or :1 PERSONAL NATURE, resulting from Anusxzs and OTHER CAUSES. Speedy relief and complete restoration to HEALTH, V160“. and MANHOOD GUARANTEED. Smul at once for Illustrated Pamphlet frm. Address Voitaic Be1t00.. MarshallLMich. so my“? TL \ DR; T 4/ / u '{A LT and on “on hn ELECTRIC m...“ mn Does a lame back or disordered urine indi- cate that you are 9. victim ? THEN DO NOT‘ HESITATE; use Kidney-W ’ort at once, (drug- ginta recommend it) and it will u peedin over- come the disease and restore healthy action. For complaints peculiar I to your sex, such as pain and weaknesses, Kidney-Wort is unsurpassed, as it will act promptly and safely. Either Sex. Incontinence, retention ofurine, brick dust or ropy deposits, and dull dragging pains, 9.11 speedily yield to its curative power. 43- SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price 81. KIDNEY DISEASES. HAS BEEN PROVE-JD The SUREST cure: for FARM AND GARDEN. “ 1:0le: 0N COUGIIB.†Lillie Thing; manahi at the SPENCER . A IAN B BINESE CODING! com um: Circulars tree All kinds of Ho: Products handled, also Butter, Chinese. Eggs. Poultry, Tallow, etc. Pat. Egg Carriers supplied. Consign- ments solicited. 83 Colboma street Toronto. to be had only from authorized agents. It you want to get agency and make moneyrapidly don’t let; some one else get ahead of you and‘ secure your town or county right. Too good to go begging. Particulars 3 cents. Very suitable for ladies. R. B. YOUNGER, Agent for Patentee Gananoque ESTABLISHED 1860. GIBB & GALLOW ROBERTS PERFECT WASHERS to be had onlv from unhhm-izna ammo. n ._ â€"â€" â€" ... â€" Wheï¬saï¬re L do not mexm merely toï¬opmm gr 3 time and t 611 have them return again, I mean a radl. cal cure. I have made the disease or FITS EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a. 11m long study. I'warmnt my remed to cure the warm (2 m. Because others havo failed Ki no reason for n‘ um revolving n. cure. Se dat once for D. treatise an u I4 m Bottle or my infn Hblo remedy. Give Express nwl Just Onlco. It costs you nothing for a trkfl, and}: ' um ytm. I [IRE FIIS' When sav euro 1 do not mmm mm-nlv n n nn llmm n _ c u R E s , _ . ‘Rheumatnsm, Neuraflgla, Smallest Lumbauo. Backache. Headache. Toothache. -â€"-â€" y r . Lumbago, Backache. Headaé’he, Toothache, Sore Throat.Swellincs.SprulnFBruim Burns. senldn. Frost Bl es, AND ALL 0mm: 110mm I'MNS Arm Ann-:5. Sold by Drugglsts nud Denlersevcr where. Fifty Gama n In Directions in 11 mngungcl. m.‘ v. ‘7 n.- V &. ‘ THE GREAT “MAN REM ,rtl ’ ‘1‘... Ask the most eminent physician 0! any School, what is the best thing in 11 world for quieting and alluying all irritation o the names and curing all forms of nervous com plaints. giving natural, childlike refreshing sleep always ‘2 And the will tell you unhealtatingly ' ‘Some arm of Hops l" Aak any or all of the most eminent physicians “ What is the best and only remed that can be relied on to cure all diseases of n e kidneys and urinary organs ; such as Bright's disease. diabetes. retention or inability to retain urine, and ullthe diseases and ailments peculiar to Women "- “ And they will tell you explicitly and em phatically ‘ Buchu.’ " Ask the same physicians v “ What is the most reliable and surest cure for n11 liver diseases or dyspepsia, constipation indigestion, biliousness, malarial lever, ague etc., and they will tell you : Mandrake ! or Dandelion 1" Hence, when these remedies are combined with others equally valuable And compounded into Hop Bitters, such a WKIDNEY COMPLAINTS ofEiihcr Sex Find Great Relicfin Its Use. LYDIA E. PET-TKIIATQI’S BLOOD PURIFI‘ER will eradicate every Tesflge DI I'lumers from me Blood, at the same time M}! ’ ive tone and strength to the system. As marvellous in msults as the Compound ï¬ran the Compound and Blood Puriï¬er are pro pared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mn.“ Price of either, 31. Six bottles for $7. The Compound is sent; bymil in the form of pills, o. of 10201130», on receipt of price, 31 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Enclosesccm stamp. Send for pamphlet. Mention this Paper. Q'LYDIA E. mennz’s LIVER PILLS cure Consflpgv Mon. Binousnesu and Torpidicy of the Liver. 25 cents. EPleasant to tho tuste, efllcacious and immediate in its effect. It is a great help in pregnancy, and w lieves pain during labor and at regular periods. PHYSICIANS USE 11‘ LED FRISCRIBII l’l‘ FREELY. EFFOR ALL WEAKXESSIES of the generative organ: of either sat, it 13 ;.::: and to no remedytlmt has eve: been Lc'bre the public; and for all dim'vos of the llmxm's it is the Greatest Remedy in the 7. 1 ‘ A Sure 6}an for all FEMALE WEAK- NESSES, Including Leucon‘luna, Ir- regular and Painful Menstruation, Inflammation and Ulcernlion of the Womb, Flooding, PRO- LAI’SUS UTERI, &c. LYDIA E. PENKHAM’SS HELP YOURSELF. THE DIIARLES. A. VOGELER CO. (Buuauuon to AA VOUELER a: 00.) Baltimore, nut, l1. s. ; F’OR PAIN; firm a trial,'upd I M]! vuro ynu. ddress Dr. 1;. ‘2‘ R00†,33 Pearl St. New York. VEGETABLE COMPOUND. #80111 by all Druggistsnwu (aw I). I) N. I“ ll. 84. (Concluded next week.) PLACE to secure a. Bushman Education or B encerian Pen “11311123143 gzgyggg Vila] Questions ! CHAPTER I.