Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 27 Mar 1884, p. 2

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IIEIMOND HILL POS'l‘ OFFICE. MORNING. Going North, South, East, and West, at . . . . . . . 7.45 Until further notice, Mails will be Mr I': the above Office as follows :â€" HIST [IFFIIIE NIITIIIE! EVENING. Going South, East, and West, at ........... 6.40 Mlil for the North, via. Railway, luv» once: day, in the morning, as nbon slated. The Agricultural and Arts Assoâ€" ciltion sink that further importationl of cattle, sheep and pigs into the Dominion be prohibited until such time as the foot end mouth disease in abated in Great Britain and the United States. In Km.- thil disease has assumed pro- portion: to come no little uneasiness. 4st I convention of cattle and stockmen, hold at Emporia, at which the Gnvernor and many prominent citizens were prmnt. the infected district was reported to extend over a large area of territory 3|. 9: Whole No. 1343: Volume 26. THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1884 Honing Mail from South, Went Ind East, by Railway,arrives at 10.00 lgning Mail fiom Torqnto by Tendenâ€"Fred White. New» to Cflditorsâ€"Daniel Quantz a; J Lack. floaty to Loan, kc, &câ€"C J Agar. Nounâ€" Janus M. Lawrence. YongZ-slrcet Stage, arrives at: 7.00 Night Muil from North, by Rail- - way, arrive! at ................... 9.00 Reports were received from twelve Counties, signed‘by Veterinary Sm geous who 1nd been commissioned to make a thorough investigation of the disease. all of them confirming reports previously nude. They urged the killing of the nnunnls and destruction by fire of the arcane: and all forage and everything connected with it. It was argued at the meeting‘of the Agricultural Association in Toronto. tint Canada having so far stood unsur- puud u regarded immunity from cattle xii-ease, it. was desirable to maintain tint. reputation bv every means. As to the ' origin of the disease there are various conjectures, but the best inform 9d Kansas stockmen are reported as sayâ€" ing there is no doubt, whatever, that it has been imported there from Europe. Richmond Hill, March 3rd. 1884. delivered a leclure on the subject of' Lind Transfer, before the Canadian Inâ€" stitute in Toronto. The lecture is now publiilied in pamphlet form, and placcs “before the reader a brief account of the method used in'Australia for the regisâ€" tration and transfer of titles in land, and Low it could be made available in Canada. Mr Mat-on is an authority in all matters relating to loans, mortgages,. elc, etc. Bis plmphlel, no doubt, will be very intereating to all parties in the line of“ burinoss. He thinks that in the new territories of the Northâ€"west the system should he at once put in force, and in the other portion of Canada it might be introduced. In New Jersey and in Massachusetts, 'in 1873, foot. and mouth dISease was prevalent, and some $2,500,000 had to be expended before it was exterminaled. We have no particular love for Buntâ€" ing, but wo don’t. believe in‘ a Govern- ment or any one else laying a trap for a man an Mount and Fraser seem to have done, if Maxim hasn't cotracIed such a bad cold that he can't tell the truth. As far In the evidence goes. if Bunting has ainned he is as much a victim as a con apirator. But. further the evidence is not wfieient to convict him or to excuse the Globe for its attempts to ruin a rival nonpapor by endeavoring to black“ ‘ho character of the managing dirk“ of th (“Lu-NW». Without going into the merits of the bribery case, it is worth suggestinging that Mr. McKim’s evidence in proving aliogether too much. In his eager anxiety to make out a case of conspiracy against Kirkland Wilkâ€" insdn, Bunting. and Mack, McKum, in to a considerable extent, making out a can of conspiracy against McKlm, Bowling, Mowat, and Frasvr. or whatâ€" ever members of the Government planned yith the said McKim and Bowling the Echeme for emra'pping Bunting into some act of bribery Menu Mowut and Fraser may not haxc compier with Dowling and M cKim for this pupae, but McKim’s evidence certainly makes it look like it. The (info tinted on each paper denotes the no with he subscription expires. Foot and Mouth Disease. Mr. J Herbert Mason, of Hamilton, 8h: flax]: %2mlfl. N0 TIOE TO‘ _8 U BS CRIB ERS. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. McKim‘s Evidence. Richmond Hm. Ont. ARRIVALS. Land Transfer. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. Rector; and 11mm TEXTâ€"1 Cor. IX. 25. "Every man that strivexb for the mamery in temperate in all things.” The people of Corinth were familiar with what are known as the Olympic Games, which were celebrated not far from their city, on the first year of' each Olympiad, in honor of Jupiter. They are said to have been founded by Hercules; and, after a long interruption, to haye been revtved by lphitus and Lycurgus, circ. A. C. 900. They consisted chiefly of gymnastic contests and horse-races, lasted for fire successive days, and were closed by sacrifices,banquets, and processions In time, hmvever, the principal exercies came to he simply runnâ€" ing, leaping, throwingthe discus, wrestling. and boxing. Victors at these Games wee rewarded with Chaplets of wild olive, or of parsley. or of pine leaves; they had statues erected to their honor in the Grove of Allis, and upon their return home they received still more substantial favors. E G t, Athens is said to have rewarded her vicâ€" torious sons with a lriumphnl entry and maintenance for life at the public expense. Now before entering into any of the con - tests at the Olympic Games the candidates underwent a regular course of training, in which nothing was more essential than temperance. To this the Apostle alludes in the text; and those to whom he wrote would understand him to mean that us the runner in the Olympic Games. or the wrestler. or the boxer. had to be “ temper- ate in all things ” it he would be successful. so an analogous temperance was necessary for the Christian if he would run success-- ‘fully along the stadium that leads from i earth to Heaven. if he would be victorious l over all his spiritual enemies. A sermon preached in St. Mary’s Church. Richmond HI” on the Second Sunday in I_..ent, 1884, 13y Rev.;W. W, Balesl B. A.. There are so many things in which the I Christian should he temperate-should rule ‘ or govern himselfâ€"that only a few of them can be considered at present: and perhaps the first that would present itself to an ordinary mortal, looking at a Christian congregation, would be dress and personal adornment. There is a vulgar notion that richness and expensivoness in these things indicate pride, whilst plninness and coarse- ness are equally indicative of humility. But prideâ€"sinful prideâ€"does not neces» sarily lie in the shape of the bonnet or the material ofthe dress, in wearing jewels or doing without them, in the cut of the coat or the colour ofthe cloth ; but in seeing a cottage too lowly to be entered, a mun too poor to be acknowledged. a woman too low to be aided and reformed. A man in patched full--cloth may be, and often is, as proud as another in glossy broadcloth; a woman in common home; pan. and destitute of a single ornament, as proud as a duchess dressed in satin and decorated with jewels that have been in the family for centuries No reasonable person who gives the matter due consideration would wish to see people divested of all richness of attire and never expending monev in ornaments for the per-- son. When one reflects upon the checlt that would thus be given to the pursuits of the miner, the pearlâ€"diver. the diumond-~ seeker, the jeweller, the weaver, and a host of other; and when one thinks of the vast number of poor men who would thus be thrown out of employment. and with their wives and children be deprived of bread; and when one thinks of other till more serious evils that would ensue in the blow that would thus be given to certain arts and sciences ; no philanthropic or public-- spirited man can wish that plainness should be the universal rule. that, there should be no gayety. no magnificence, in personal a!" tire. Moreover, the Almighty has made everything very heautil'ul; though, for ought man knows, everything might have been just as useful without the beauty 'lhen. too, there is no reason to suptmtse that the devil is less proud now, in all his hideous repulsive-noes. than he was when. as an angel of light, he rebelled against the God of Heaven. Now it has been too much the fashion to accuse women ex-- Clusivelv of being extravagant in this mat-- ter of dress and adornment. Men are equally intemperuto. If in any communin where fashion prevails the amount which the former expend for dress, and bonnets. and caps, jewellery, and feathers, and flu" belows. and all the rest of itâ€"including even those mysterious things in connecn tion with ladies'dressrs which 'rnen are not supposed to know anything nbotttâ€"hs placed on one side of the ledger; and the sums laid out for fur coats, and caps, and brenst- pins, and finger rings, and mnssive watch guards, and heavy seals, and diamond shirt-- studs, and gorgeous neck--cloths. and re»- splendent sleeve buttons, and all the ct cetcra that go to the externnl mtlliennp of a. lashionahle man, be placed on the other pside of the ledger; it will be found thnt the men are at least as extravagant as the women. But neither men nor women should be intstnperate in this matter, and 3 very good rule for all is to be governed here by their means nnd their social pnsi-- tion. It would be a most unwise thing, as well as an unseemly, for any family him an inmme. say, of a couple ol‘ thousnnd , dollars a year, and occupying a place in the lower middle class, to attempt such expense in the adornment ofthe person as would be quite suitable for another family thing the some necessary outlay. and an nnnunl in- ‘ come double the size of the other, and oc-- cupyingnhigher social position. It is a , cause of thunklnlneas that in Canada during _the last few years there have not been nearly so many business failures as in the same length of time proceeding; but even in the comparatively few that have occurred in recent years. if they could be. investigated and their causes ascertained. it would be found in all probability that they were due more to intemperance in dress and such like thth is commonly supposed. Mr. and Mrs. Merchant and their family dress in such and rich astyle. and wear such and such things. therefore Mr. and Mrs. Baxter and their family must do the same thing, and make just as imposing on appearance. Excellent reasoning, very cogent, very logical; but ll would be u. happy thing for many if its power in reducing to beggaty were no greater than' its consistency. Another mutter which wonid strike the man who goes through the world with his eyes open is the necessny that extsts in the present age for temperance in worlr. whether of mind or body. Sloth, eithur mental or physical. is bad. and is properly enough classed amongst the deadly SIMS; hut. wherever theelugians may place it. they should put oven-work injuxmnpasilimt. True it i~ that sloth and idleness often had to such crimes as robbery. arson. murder. and so on; but overnwmk just as often leads to bodily sickness, organic discus», lunucy. suicide, disgrace. and misery. And the people will say that it was a utyaieriuus dispensation of Divine Providence, when there is no mystery whatever about it ; and the gondunatured preacher at. the funeral will say that the dear brother has been taken away by God in His great goodness. wherens tho man has worked himself into his yruw, has committed suicide, by over-- work Just. as surrlr ( though not just as rapidli ) us it he had taken a deadly poison. All this is done. too. becausn people will he rich. because they have such an ium-dinute desire for this world’s goods, that they den votetheir whole time and hilenllnll, and ability to wordly pursuits; and frequently. too, fromvona of the most contemptible of cmfinuedonthixdpsge. Fempegnce Sargon. Since my lat letter appeared in your paper, a great many changes have been made around here. I will try and be as brief as possible. The Son; of Temperance Division, No. 361, surrendered its Charter a few weeks ago. A young man from the vicinity of Bells Lake, made himself very popular by breaking the door, entering the hall, taking the furniture away and leaving it at a farmer’s barn. A big row followed between the exâ€" Mayor and the young man. The Mayor gave him his breakfast, and the yotmg fellow went home kind of down hearted over it, because some bones the Mayor gave him to pick. stuck in his throat. Another Division has commenced. "Justin Time” is the name, and a large number became members the first. night. They are boundto put down whiskey one way or another. A torch-light procession took place here, headed by the young man from Wells Lake, on Thursday night at. 11 o’clock. after which he brought back the furniture. The boys cheered hun well and he felt very mean. After leav- ing it in the hall he had to go fifteen miles home and getting nothing for his trouble. Very obliging l Mr. Taggart has rented his: Hotel to a gentleman from Bolton, and he intends going heavily into the bulchering busâ€" iness this summer. We wish him sucâ€" cess, The "Long" man above here keeps dark of late, and he has a good Treason for doing so. as a blessing ii awaiting him when he shows up. The Salvation Arm-y bus runs regular to Cranberry Marshville, carrying lots of Egopltg who are thing good _work. ‘ Thé Cornet Band isxbrbspering. We wish it success. Thev intend having a big picnic on the 24th May, if all goes well. “Strap Oil,” of Maple, had a short letter in last week's Liberal. Lund’s works are very busy just now. getting out ordered work. Nothing but first-class wed: is turned out by this firm. ‘ ‘ Sleighing is all gone now and 01d Sol brings forth glad tidings to our young- stars. Our Granuers are not doing much just. now, business they say is kind of dull. Your correspondent “Jeff,” of Sher- wood. was in town last week and gave me a call. He reports business brisk in that locality. The ‘Bad Boy Abroad’ takes the cake Onr town constable is about leaving here and moving a little nearer Cranâ€" berry Marshville. and the office is now vacant. Who will fill it ? Two young lads nearly met their death bv setting: mo roosters fighling. The father of the lads took an active part in the procnodings with a whip Mr JamES Kirby has taken up quart: m am“. We an welcome hlm m a cifizen, and wish him success. Eggs are only fifteen cents per 602. at the exâ€"Mayor’s. Wonderful drop in them. The Sabbath School is larger atâ€" tended, about. 45 being the average. Teachers seem scarce. The painter had friends visiting him from Chimlgo, a few days ago. The school teacher drinks a sidewalk should he laid down from here to Uranâ€" berry Mnrshville. The snow is still two feet. deep on the sidewalk in the south \Vurd. It should be shovelled elf for the sake of If any of our readers are suffering from chronic disnnse 0! I'm stomach. fiver kidneys. or Mood. Hwy should inwstigme the merics (If Burdock Bland Bitten;~ I! is making some of the most remarkable cures on record. A young man living in this village, was kind enough to take a lead of furniâ€" ture to the city of Toronto, for a neighâ€" bor It. wasavery high load, and he fixed a comfortable seat in an arm chair, and on his way down the chair became spiritualised or else the young man went to sleep and dreamt he had his sweet»- hcart on his knee, and thought; the old man was after him to scald him. and as the old man was entering one door, he made bound to get, out of’ another, not thinking: he was on a sleigh load of furniture-L he {ell to the ground with a thump almost breaking his neck, and the rest of the company picked him up. and seated him in the chair again, and then tied him fast so that, no further trouble would ensue. The snow is going very fast, and the roads are in a very bud state at present. The farmers arejubiiant thinking of an early spring. I am not a fighting character. but a litile dog cannon scare meI if it. is a 'l‘arrier. The Constable is well su'isfied will) the appointment, and he says he expected it long ago. BAD Bo? ABRpAD. Cranberry Marshville,March 25thQ‘1884. The. gentleman who occupied the position of Deacon has been prnmnted to Captain, and the Mayor’s nffice has been a scene of bustle and excitement. and crowded full of office-seekers Smarty. of ’l‘eston, presented a petition to be ap pointed Deucon in the room and stead of' the resigned Blacksmith, but the Council could notcntortain his applica» tion, as he did not live in the coporation and ihe Dcacnnship remains vacant yet. The painter nndJesse James are hanging around for the ofi-ice. but they are well known as notorious characters. How does it come that. the Village Council met over at. Teston on Saturday last? Was it a regular meeting, or was it to take stock ? I hope some of the ralepayers will answer the question. We do not hold ourselves responsible {or the opinions of our Correspondents. Tcston, March 26th, 1884 It Should be Investlgated Cranberry Marshville (From our own Correspondent.) (From our own Correspondent.) TESTON. Your Friend, SHORTY THE ScientificAmerican can be had at this oflice. EASTER Care's for Sale at the HER- ALI) Store. tIe Fair will be held in this Wednesday next, 20d April. THE Pictorial, containing an account of the conspiracy case, with portraits, for sale at the HERALD Book Store. LACROSSE CONCERT.â€"Our Lacrosse boys have almost nompleled arrangements for holding their grand annual Concert in this village, on Good Friday. Further particulars next week. MUD! MUD !â€" Yonge Street is in a very muddy condition just now, and the book roads are almost impassable, so there is nothing but. mudv everywhere ; mud that make: the dimes for the shoe-- blacks, and mm: the liveryâ€"men sick. G001) Canonâ€"Parties wishing to borrow money on real estate security, farms preferred; take a Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Policy, in A No. 1 Company only, or purchase a four acre lot in the town of Brampton, will do we“ to look at our advertising columns. and not lose a good chance. OPENING.â€"â€"Tlie opening of the Rich- mond Hill Branch of the Central Bank of Canada will 'ake place on Wednesday next, April 21d, Mr James M Lawrence is the Manager, and has his place fixed in a very convenient and safe style for the carrying on of the business. The bank hours will be from 10 am. to 3 pm. KCREDITABLErâ€"Father Tecfy’s un3 ammnus elcclion to the Presidency of the University College Literary Society is creditable at once to him and to the Society. H2 will by no means weaken the traditiom of'a very brilliant body. Father Teel'y is one of the most scholâ€" arly and eloquent ofthe younger priests of Ontario, 1nd his work at St. Michael’s College is work well done.â€"- Mail 4 1 teachers and pupils, and remarked that the latter must be working hard. as they had acquitted themselves satisfactorily in every subject. He endeavoured to impress on the pupils the necessity of earnest application. in order to be suc- cessful with their studies, stating: that. I he had known pupils who indolenth exâ€" pected their teachers to prepare them for examinations without, making any exer~ tion in their own behalf and afterwards endeavored to make their consequent failure reflect on the school attended. He knew the teachers were earnest and painstaking, and hoped that the pupils were willing: to do their part. He said that his personal observations proved to ‘ him that it was not the clever-est, but, 1 invariably the hard working, industrious pupil ol'less ability. that. succeeded best in after lif’e, thus showing that the mind as well as the muscle is strengthened by tcrmtiuued and systematic exercise. In lclosing. the Docror gave Friday or Mon~ day as a holiday. He promised that, at midsummer, aid would be given to - the Library of Reference by the Edu- cation Department, provided the trustees tin the meantime contributed a similar amount. The school has an attendance of over 90 pupils. ‘ NOTICE ~Notice is given that all school children or any parties found damaging or trespassing on the property known. as the Skating Rink will be prosecuted according to law. The Rink closed on Saturday evening last. and has been stowed carefully away for the sum- mer months, so that our village “sports” can now put their skates away until next fall, and in the meantime oblige the corâ€" poration by driving down the nails in the sidewalks, Linc. PERSONALS.â€"â€"Mr5. McBride, wife of the late Head Master of the High School, left, last week for Strntford. Her pleasant ways endeared her to a large circle of friends in this village. ‘ , ‘ Mr. Hamilton of the Collinszwood Post Ofiice Department, and wife are visiting friends here * . ‘ Mr and Mrs Dewebury, of Manatewanl’lichignn, have been visiting for a few days at the residence of the Reeve. ,* >k * Mr, $2 Mr fifHdllunds. “WAR NOTEs."â€"â€"Sucl1 is the martial lille ofa wl'eklv campaign paper just started for the benefil of the general Scott, Act Campaign, inaugurated by the Dnmininn Alliance. It is issued by the ll’i/m-ss Publishing; Hnuxc. Montreâ€" al, at balch cost priceâ€"20 cnpies “'l'f'k ly fur six months, for mm dollar. War Notes has, in fact, as well as in name, the ring: of ballle, its amicles be,ng crisp and keen, its news grit up in a pointed style. and ils headings trumpet, blasts well designed lo rally the temper- ance clans. It gives news nf the work» ing of the Scott, Act whore it, is in oper- ation, as well as Campaign news. FIRE BRIGADEâ€"A specml meeting ofthe Fire Brigade was held in the Council Chamber, on Friday evening last, when about twenty~five members were preaent. A communication from Brampton. respecting a tournament to be lwld there on the 24th of May. was read, but. was decided not to take any part in it,nn account of the Spring Show being held in this vi'luge on that, day. Thudubnte then took place and Messrs W. Hurrisun and T. Palmer appointed judges. Mr H. A. Nichnlis captained the Affirmative side, and Mt: T. F. McMahon the Negative. After an intereming :md langthy discussion. Mr Hurrian gave the dectsion in f'm'or of the Negative. and Mr Puhner in favor nfthe uflirmutive. consequently the 'deâ€" bate was not decided. After a vote of' thanks was tendered to the judges, the meeting adjourned. SCHOOL INSPECTIONâ€"in the beâ€" ginning of" the present week the Senior High School Inspector, J. A McLeliun. M. A.. L L Di. made a thorouuh exâ€" amination st’eur High School, spending the whole of Monday and the forcnoon of Tuesday in hearing the different sub- jects taught, asking questions, 8m At theelose ofhis inspection he made a short address, stating that he was well pleased wilh the work done by both MONTHLY FAIRâ€"The monthly Cat- LOCAI ITEMS. ninja, ofib‘un Franciscg in this village, on v i-si tâ€" { LECTUREâ€"The Lecture on " This ‘ Canada of Ours ” delivered on Monday ‘niaht last, in the Canada Methodist Church, was fairly attended, and was well appreciated bv those who were there. 1| The proceeds left $25 for Church purâ€" poses. Monocco LEATHER. Note Paper for sale at the HERALD Smn. PERFORMANCEâ€"«Three men with two bears struck this town on Tuesday umrninglast, and gaxe a performance which seemed to greatly amuse the school children. There was nothing very modern about the tricks however, as they were the same that have been done years ago. CLEANINGtâ€"NOW that the snow is about. (zone, we think it would be advisable for our city fathers to pay a little attention to the street crossings, and see that some of the mud and filth is removed from them. At present they are in a very bad conditionmhich makes it incor venient for pedestrians,especially the ladies to cross and re- cross the street. _ BIBLE SOCIETY MEETING.â€"â€"The Annual Meeting of' R. H. Branch Bible Society will be held on Thursday even-- ing, April 10th in Presbyterian Church. commencing at 7.30. The Rev. J. G. Manly, permanent Agent, with resident ministers, are expected t9 address the- meetings. The collectors will have the pleasure of calling on the public for their annual subscriptions during this kind next week. Collection will ‘be taken up at the close of the public meeting. R. Marsh, Pm, r W _ WCIU u": Danna uuuu uuvv .mvâ€" a! |Il€y ione years ago. CLEANINGrNow that the snow is about. (zone, we think it would be advisable for our city fathers to pay a little attention to the street crossings. and see that some of the mud and filth is removed from them. At present they are in a very bad eondition.which makes it incor venient for pedestrians,especially the ladies to cross and re- cross the street. CLOSE SEASONS FOR FISH.â€"â€"The fol- lowing schedule of the close seasons for fish in Ontario during the year 1984, which has just been issued by the De- partment of Marine and Fisheries, may be of'interest zâ€"Pickerel. 15th April to 15th May :_ Maskinonze and Bass,151h AprilA‘to 15th May :Salmon Trout and large grey Trout, let of' Nov. to 10th Nov. ; White Fish, ‘lst Nov. to 10th Nov. ; Speckled Trout, 15th Sept. to I Mr Lieb came hnme,took in the situntiomi 'suw how he and the situation had been alike“ taken in. and neath fainted or made a feinti of doing so. and then made a quick run for the stove in which his valuables had been placed His fortune was stove in doubly, literally and figuratively. The nshes when taken to the Court House were found to be unable to bring comfort to hts mind or cosh to his pocket. But the Court House was not the place to seek for aid in such a ense. Had the expected burglarl made the haul | the Court House might have been of some 'ute. but the oflicinls there don’t deal in ashes. The proper place to have visited would have been Barnum's Curiosity office where a year's engagement might have easily been made with the man who secreted his L’reenbacks. etc, in tho parlor-"oven, land didn’t tell his wife. Such a combine-- ,tion as that man. With the futul stove. and the ashes representing the cash. would have puoved Well Worthy oftho attention of the crowd who visit Barnum’s curiosity and monstrosity departments every year. 1 However, if he intended to keep the stuff last May. SEMION.~-â€"A fair congregation at- tended the C. 5]. Church in this village, on Sunday evening last, to hear I)! Mcâ€" Lellan, M. A , L. L. D., of Toronto. The honorable gentleman took his text from 1' Peter II.17.“llonor all men,”nnd kept the congregation in spellâ€"bound ail-- once for over an hour with his eloquent anti plausible remarks. We trust it may not be long before the Doctor will again favor the village with another treat similar to the one witnessed last Sunday evening, and which was so highly ap- preciated by all prssent. Harry Collins. Yonge street. Toronto. offers the handsomusl line of babv carriages in the trade. Mnlhers who Wish to give the liule Ioutsyuwuolseys a comfortable vehicle for out of door exercise should patronize Harry. Comfort. elegance. and clieapness are combined in one. A baby looks his vex-v stt in one of Harry’s cnnvvyancesnnd mothers sh'mld bear this in mind. No matter what. the baby is like, whelher he is big or little, fat or thin, dark or li2h1,preny or ugly. he will look well in hurry’a carriages. “THE WEEK."»â€" This journal has now reached its sixxeeulh issue, and is making steady progress in public favor. Of late several new foulures have been added, and some vf'those included in Ihe initial numbers have been dropped, www.mafiug it; carrlages. lGROUERIES‘, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE- angelir‘i"?.ff:! 32.3.9123??? ’ FlNE TEAS A SPECIALITY. rheumatism will find no mule rendy relief orbem-rcurethanHnsymd's Yeliow Oil. Whitefish Trout, Codfish, Haddies, Herrings, Canned and the pcpuiar household remedy for exlernal ' . and inlernul use in all painful afi'ections. l Pdeaged GOOdS' ___._WV IOUR MOTTO ISâ€"“The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices.” 3 wlwete}; at homey $5.» cfiutgt 121w a_b- so u e y sure. 0 ms . 8111 :u‘ no re 1111'- neu‘demmwm businessm ma TERMS CA SH on either sex, young or old. can make great £3,511 11119531315 they. work, zit; absolute gear. 3 N E H & G R N u y. wn or W .mnw 0. I Remind mm. 1 v I the general reader. Articles on special subjects, “The Churches." “Legislative Nntas,f’-“Spnrting Notes," etc., have already appeared, and the proprietors announce that arrangements have been made for others by alcle pens. on art, the mode and legal professions, com merciul subjects. and social subjects. A chess column will alsn be opened at an early date. The addition of several columns of general matter. under the heuring "Here and There," in which current topics are treated in a light, chatty manner, is deeidedly to be enmâ€" mended. and we understand has con- Fidu‘uivly added tn the popularity of' The Week. The contributed articles maintain the highstnndurd taken by thisjnurnal frnm the first. the able notes ol"'Byst:mder” (Professor Goldâ€" win Smith), nl‘cnurst‘, being a leading and everintprt-sting feature. The re~ crptinn which our Torunto ctmtempnrâ€" nry has alrondv met. abundantly jitnitiâ€" fivs the belief of' its prnj,»-cmrs that there is a' fir-ld tnr an independent jnurâ€" nul such as The Week has so far proved itself to be. Weather Probabllities. Fortelling the weather is uncertain at the host. but it is eerlain if you cmch culd in this changeable climate \ou can best break its ill effects with Hagyard’s Pectoral bal- sam. the most reliable and pleasant remedy fur coughs. colds. bronchial and lung com- [)luilrls. It is so agreeable that. even a child will take it. Cure for Rheumatism. Sufferers frum eilher acute or chrnm'c rheumatism will find no mme Handy relief No risk. Capital none nir- ed, Reader, if you want business at w ich either sex, young or old. can make great pay w thgtigle theywqu, "Wig absolute can a week at home. $5 outfit free. Pay ab- $ 8 8301mer sure. m d evvn lil'eâ€"dvyvnds. These Pills strengthen lhl‘ nmvrs. :md axe lho safes! uexwml [\nriht-rs of lllr‘ h-lcmrl. Nullsr-n. lwadachu. giddmpes. nnmhm-ss. and mental mnmlly yield lo lhtlm. They dispalch in a rllnlmill'y manner lhnse- dishessing dvspec-- tic syrrptnn‘ns, slpmm-hi‘c pains, fullepr ut Ihe pi! of lhe stomach, nhdwmiugl dislvn« aim), and regulate like capricious uppuli‘les and' cmffiiwd h0wela-â€"lhe commonly uc- cnmpanylng signs of del'eciive or diminish-- ed nerve tone Hulloway's Pills are par-- liculm-lv rvcommended to persons ofstudin nus and sedmxmry lmhlls. who gradually full mm a nervous and irritable mule, Inn-- less some such restorative be occasionally laken. Houuwn‘s PILLS {~N0rvnus Yrrilubiâ€" 1in â€"No pun 01 NW lnumm muchine re- quiles more cnnsumt snpewifiiml mun the navvuus sulemâ€" fm upon it « nr henllhâ€" LOCAL ITEMS. Baby Carriages. L? For: mm HERALD.â€" Down at West Mill Creek. PL, live: Mr. Jacob Lieb. a cautinul manâ€"very, Hie caution procured for him the other evening one oflhe mnsv. expensive suppers for two, on Ibis year’s record, but he did not. seem to enioy it and from the published account. of the spread, we npine that. it was not even mated by him. Fearing a Visit from rnhbers he deposited his fortune to the amount of $5.000. in the parlor stove ovenâ€"generally unused unlil the advent of winierâ€"and left home with-- out. telling the President. Mrs Lieb‘, of the newly inaugurated bank-ivault A snow-- storm coming on, Mrs. Lieb prepared sup-- per. spread it in the pnrlurund wanted the return nfthe absentee, first kindling a file In the aforesaid move to add to the success of the entertainment. IOASH HOUSE Hnwevei', it" he intende to keep the stuff locked up, he can put the ashes in n Iin--box and carry it around with him withnnt fear of being robbed, and it will be just as good. But, he mustn't hlame Mrs. Lieb for she simply did her best to make things comm fortable for the. tpaster,and if he got uncom» tortably warm it was nu more than was to be QXIxected from $5.000 worth of fuel. The chances are that he will he roasted for many a day to come when he goes out amongst his netghbors. The Parlour Oven Bunk proved an Exchange Bank and :1 Consolidated too to him. for all the ascnrin tles were exchanged for ashes and the various kinds of valuables were consolidated into one small uh houp. He mny be thankful that he ha: no double liability! Salt Rheum Cured. Are you troubled wilh Salt Rheum. Rough Skin, Pimplen or Canker Sores; if no go at once to H. Sanderson d: Sona' Drug Store nnd gr! a package of McUregnr 65 Pnrko’a Curbulic Ger-me. Price :I'enly» fibe cents. It wnl never known to fail. World. All, of either sex, succeed from first hour The broad road to fortune opeulbefnre the work- ers. aboolutely sure, At once address, TRUE a Go, Agusm. Maine. DAvxs.â€"-At Richmond Hm, m1 Sunday. 23rd inst, Zilpha, Olive, wife 01.1. M. Davis, and mother of M11. Currivr and Mrs. James Newton, in the 12m year of her age. A PRIZE Mens’ and Boys’ Suits, ready made and made to order, in; the Newest Styles and at prices that defy competition. New Hats, Shirts, Underwear, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Braces, Gloves? Hosiery, 8m , 8L0. Whewt rm, new. per bush .. Spring do Barley do .. Outs. 41c . Peas d'o . Bye do . Dressed Bowman-100 lbs. Beethind qua.rters,per 1L0 lbs .. Mutton ,-by the carcass. per 100 lbs Chickens, per pair ..... . Ducks, per brace Geese, ouch ......... Turkeys, each Butter,1brolla .. large rolls" tub dairy... Eggs,f1"eslx, dnz .. Potatoes, per 1951' AI-ples per barrel Onions, pay bug Cabbage, per (102... Celery, per do: ...... Turnips, per bag .. Jarrnti, pm‘ do . Beets, per fmg ..... Pursnipa, per Bag . Hay pen-.ton”. fitmw per, ton: W001 nor lb. Barley Outs, Peas B ye New Dress Goods, Prints, Cretonnes, Hollands, Towelings, Cottous, Shirtings, Ducks, Denims, Cottonades, 8m. NEW CLOTHING ! Thu Richmond Hill Brnneh of the Central Bank of Canada will be opaned for business on v and after Richmond mu, March 27th, 188L Wednesday. 2nd April NEWSPRING GOODS AT THE CHEAP NOTICE ! next. Bank Hours from 1011. :1]. till S'p. m ‘iimv atlvprtimnmiz. That Costly Supper. THE 7' 1W3 RKETS TORON'PO- PIKE. AT FARMERM‘ WAUGONB Send an c'mts for pontage, mad xe- ceive free, a costlv box of goods which will help you to more money right away than rmything_ else in _this James M LaWrence, THURSDAY, MAR. 27, 1834. DEATH RICHMOND HILL. $100 108 058 39‘ 75 00 8 (10 8 ('10 0 00 51 08 1 1‘2 60 1 00 1 00 ’f 00 h 60 1 50 3 no 9 9K) 1' 0') 1 00 0 4f) 90 25 Manager 1 (0'? 2 00 25 BO 20 HM... «G- 503 900‘ wlssooto 70.2.00? 889° EALED TENDERS, m’n‘rked “For Mounted Police Provisi ns and Light Supplies," and addressed to the Honorable the President of the Privv Council. Ottawa.“ will be recelved up to no_oz} on SAURSDAY. Ist MAY. PrintedtoirEs’6f18§1é§fééfiéainingtun infer-- nmtion us to the articles and quantities required,- mfiy I35 hgtd orta'nlwplic'acion'go Lye Dopmftment. _ No tender will be received unless made on 5110‘?- printed folms. _ ‘ The lowest or any tender not necessarily acu- eepted. Each tender must be accompanied by an and cepted Canadian Bank Cheque for an amount equal to ten per cent of the fictnl value of the articles tendered for. which will be‘ forfeited if the party declines to enter into a contract when called 11mm to do so, orif he fails to complete * the service contracted for. It the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned. No‘paymenffiirflfifie 1355;) 16‘ hegvépnpera {:17 serting this advertisement without authority having been first: obtained. Ottawa. 17th March, 1884’. $11 CREDITORS Daniel Leek, Deceased Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario; the Creditora of the late Daniel Leek, of the Township of Markham. in the County of York, who died on or about the Tuesday, 15th ApriI,’84, About 65 acres of the farm are cleared, and there is a good house and burn on it and on it is a good orcnurd, The pnrr‘hnser will not be en“ titled to the produrtiou of any title deeds to (my abstract of titln. and if he shall make may objection or requisition ILS to the tiila which the Vendors are unable to reman or comply with the Plaintiff is to be m; lihorm‘. by notico in writ- ing to the purchaser, to rescind the sale, in which case the purchaser will receive back me deposit without Interest. ; he shall have no claim upon the Vendors for the expense of investigatingtho' ‘ title. or for other expensns or for compensation. Ten pvr cpnt of the purchase; money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance in' one month thereafter, without interest. Tho' other clinfliticns of sale are the standing conch-- i tionx of the Court. _ _ Their nnmes and surnames, a. statement of their claims, and the nature of the security. if any. held by them ; immediately thereafter the asset: of the mid estate will be distributed to‘ the parties entitled thereto, havng roam-d ‘only (,0 (he claims wheyqof (jug nogice by; been given. Daniel Quantz, Buttonville, DANIEL OUANTZ. JOHN LEEK, Dated at Buttonville, this 13th day of M arch, 1884* m V } Exxcu'rons. 7 All personé indebted to the Mid estntE aro‘ hereby notified to settle the mme it once. MONEY TO , LOAN REAL ESTATE SECURITY.- HEB, LIFE AND AEEmENT I N s U 1-}. AN 0 E z 15TH DAY OF JULY, 1882.~ In the Town of Brampton ; just the place for a. retired farmer. C. J. AGAR. Woodbridgo, March 25th. 1884. Valuable Farm IN VAUGIâ€"IAN. Containing 90 Acres. more or 1655,128ng the East half of th No 29, in the 2nd (Ion. of the Town-- ship of Vaughan. (1655 ten acres at the south- west comer of the 561i" half lot) which farm is now in the nccubution at John and Thomas O’Henrn, und‘er Muse at the rental 0! $1223 per zmnum, nnd will he sold. snlijrct to the mid lease, whvi'ch will be_p_rodu_ced at the sale. Pursuant to a Judgment of the-High Court of Justice. Chancery Div1sion, in the m utter of Slaney.â€"â€"Slanoy vs. Curran, and with the unprov- M of the Minter in Ordinary of the Suproma Court of Judicature, there will be sold by Public Auction, by 'lhempxgpcrby WE]! he offered for sale nubiact’ to u reserved bid fixeq 1537 the Mastgy. &‘s‘fA‘ii<fEi€. inii'MSésrs O'SULLIVAN & KERR ,. Solicitors. Toronto. Duterl this 11th day of March, 1884‘ SALEM ECKARDT, AUCTIONEER, AT THE PALMER HOUSE; In the Village of 2nd Day of April. next. grew gantrtimmntz. Fn‘ms preferred. Correspondence confidential;- LOT FOR SALE !’ At 20‘clock. p. m , in one lot, (but Valuable' Farm Owned by tho to Messrs BOYD" TENDERS! NO. I COMPANY ONLY. Are hereby notified to send or deliver to RI 0 H 1V1 ()N D I“? I LL ! LATE [DWARD MANN. JUDICIAL SALE Posh Ofl‘me, on or before NOTICE TO 0N W ‘ DNE SDA~Y‘ A FOUR ACRE NEIL McLEAN, Chief Clerk, Musters‘ Office. â€"â€"0F A-m ~IN A- -03- FRED. WHITE, WOODBRIDGE .- Comptroller.- 111 1

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