Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 17 Apr 1884, p. 3

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OFFER TH}: FINEST QUALITY; ! LBWest Current Market Price I make it a‘ point to' select the very best homgs grown seeds wish it to be understood, I will not be in any way respohsible bought from me must be accepted on these conditions. In TERMS CASH Again to theForél Seeds! Seeds ! Seeds! Thankim: therpublic for past favors. I still solicit a abate of their patronage. Richmond Hill, April mm, 1884. J. BROWN. FIRE PROOF-3‘ Pianos 2 Pianos 2 Of Clover, Timothy, Flax, UPRIGHT AND SQUARE! EARGE ASSORTMENT GOOD VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. SPRING GOODS Goods of the Best Quality “sum. 1!. H. WILLIAMS & Son's. Toxozéx‘fo A' r' 12 ‘ ' GnN'rLEMEN-I hzwe much pleasure in testifying to the great eXcéllence of ycgrllriagltsl.”% have put them severelyv to the’test, and find them possessed of thosa qualities of tone and touch no u:â€" eeptable to the true musmmn and lover of classical musicâ€"a. charming singing tone; easily gradun ated from the most delicate pianissimo to ever de' ee of loudn - cnswers’ regldilx to eyer‘y Shellie of feeling. y gr ess and miness' and 8‘ touoh. Which ,l._ A All--. .. annualâ€"nu consider V . . . . . . I these mstruments B. great. acqmsmon 111 mUSIOIEl socxety. and am much DIOMOd It finding a plane wblch I can recommend chh p91f96l confidence. , aver trul CHAS W.EWING, (Of Iondon, England,) ‘51 m'Gonflemen your y y. Organist of St PJeter’s Church. Cobur‘. 0n_ I . LWmLLuu a Soxsâ€" T9n0NT0,Nov.4th, 188?, i ‘ inlafizgs-Efiaving thoroughly examined the Workmanship of your Planes, I have no hesfixafigm jg mung that, in my opinion, they_are equal to those of any others of the best Makers that Ihave seen -A, ‘4‘. u. ;L- Mu”... hunk hm...â€" «mun-Ah... “Cm.- unfihnr "2.310514; . ‘nv‘kn:u A“- an“ _:_â€" III-vu- vuwv ----., -:-â€"--â€"â€",rw.,_r 7,, ,7 7 ,,; 77‘ in? “ 777777_â€"W_"_ Ion; on1 'gponk in the same mgh terms regardmg thefi- muslcal qualifies ; fortheir fine full sin - inc 051mb iw of bone. leasant conch, 429,-qu such. that there seems to be no necessity to manage “Elfin inhuman“. W 611 Our hem}: enterpnse can_ produce such Pianos, and at; one-third ass out I am glad to hear thacfihe extenuvelsaio of your matmments shows that you are meeting with m Inecesa that I think You lustly deserve. ' - I use, Gentlemen. Your Obedlene Servant, -â€"Wc make a. gfiebiul style 0! Or am in km quantities, Ind are therefore able to offer them at ex- ooptienully low rates. Paymen 5 arranged to nu“ ma convenience at purchasers and. spgead over a. m of yours. For full putieularl write to ‘ R- _§-.SZ‘Z'II-IEIAMS. Are eenstructed from the very best Materials by experienced Workman, and are fully equal in point of Price List of Rubbish Published Only kept on hand. The public are invited to INSPECTION OF STOCK AND PRICES. R. WEEMAMS Siam SEED TIME IS COMING, and J Brown: is prepared to Groceries, Provisions, Flour and Feed 3 Specialty. CHEAP FOR CASH. us Yormo 8t. TOMHET' 017 “156 ‘DGETMEESWdEVQI TESTIMONIALS. To the high priced. American Inslruments. Mangle, Carrot, Rape, Turnii),_and £11 kinds of fluids Garden Seeds at Splendid Assortment of PIANOS ! ‘AT THEâ€"â€" ISAAC CROSBY. " .me grown seeds, and mike same time. I way responsible for the crop. All Seeds conditions. In Boot: & Shoe I have é. to Catch the Unwary. PRODUCE GEO. W. sTxA‘THY; Mus Doe; Markham Township Council. The Mirkh'am Tofinsflip .Council met at Smith’s hall, Unionville. on Sunday, the 5th inst. Th‘o {nembe‘rp wag-é gl‘l p'rés’eflt'; T56 Roefie in {he éhai‘é. The minutes of km meeting were read and confirmed; ' > couuumcmoxg. . Fme M. Jones, E5111, re Mpiffing giiurda qn bridge on tojwnline béuieon Whitch’urch and Markhamj,‘,8lh Can. ' 7 - 2 - From J'.‘ W;,'Co‘1fins,- Chi]? of"Whit-r church, re O'pé'fifizg townlino Ann of QM Con. and ad'psting‘ snmo‘ . __ From J K ranortViClerk pg ‘Scarb'o‘ro. re' uceo‘unt of Gates-y for dal’hfigefld buggy ,bn tovnline. . ‘ ' 7 From J. G. Hodzinp, Dominion Minister of Education. re By--law for uniting part of Lot35-in Com. 9 and 10 with S. 8. Nos. 22 and 23. ~. .: . i By Mr.Lundy frqm S. Wilson and 17 othérn, asking mgrant'for the imprqument of the hill on townliue of Markham and York. at 3rd Qon. . By Mr Rees'or from D.‘ Eaken and 15 others, asking it gram. to send Wm. Bell to the hospitll to be treated for inflammatory gout. _ ' ‘.' .... - - rs , v Mr. Fbruer from Isaac Renma‘n. ask - ing avgrant for gravel for put. of division No. 3. Mr Lundy from E W Harper and i6 otheys, {asking a grant to improve hill' in from of Lot 3. Con, 2., ' . uvv .5. “v.5, "vii; Luudy‘ f'roxg'Fi'n'giki Helmkayiand‘ 14:0ihers, asking a gram, for improving raid in frqnt of Lpla 1'17an 18,_Cor}. 2. By Mr. Bruce from ~ Robert 'Haylea and 10 others. asking that Janaihan Nigb be appoimhd‘pathmaster of road division No. 42. Mr. Bruce, seeoniied by Mr Forster, movad that '1‘. Helmkay. John Helmkny and the Reeve be and ‘are hereby appointed commissionerllo oversee the cleaning out of ditch in-front of Lots Wind 18, Con, 2, and that the Trams-gr pay the 3qu required for the unme'on orderof acid commissioners when the work is 'com'pletrd. Mr Forpler,ueconded_by Mr Brucgmnved that Ihe Ree'vo, H W Harper‘and J R. Robinson be - and me hereby appointed commissioneruo improve bill .in_ from. bf Lot 3. Con. 2, and that the Treasurer pay (heaum required for lhe name on order pf commissioners when the work is complelgd. Mr. Repsor. seconded by Mr. Lundy. moved that the Treasurer [my ‘Jmnmhan Glam: $4 being half of damage ausguined by him hnvmg his buggy broken oh the townline between Markham and Scarboré, near Lot 4 in Seal-born. Mr. Bruce, secohded by Mr Forster,mov- ed Ihat $1 be paid to John Widcmln for lepairing 9 road scraper used on mad divi:6 sion No'. 32; payable on cider of the mover Mr Lundy,seconded by Mr Réesor,'moved that Messrs Cunningham. Slater, and the mover bé~ commigsioners to grade and otherwise improve the road in. from. of Lot 7. Con 4. payable on order of the com- missioners when the work is completed. . Mr Forster, seconded by Reeior, moved that the Treasurer pay Wm. Armstrong lb. sum of $2, being part of amount for drain-- in; across sideline between Lots ‘0 and 11 in Con. 10 . A Mr. Forster, seconded by Mr Lundy, moved that'the Clerk be instructed to notify the overseer of division No. 59, instructing him to repair railing on towniine at King-4 wood as soon as possible and report by bill at next meeting of the Council, Whitchurch haying oflered to pay half of the amount. Mr Lundv. secou'ded by Mr. Reegorl moved that the Treasurer pay the following account for sheep worried by dogs, the owners of which are to him unkriown, as teslified on oath. viz.: Jacob Homer, 4 worried. $9.33 Mr Reesor,seconded by Mr Lund y,moved that $50 be granted to gr‘ayel 9th Con.. division No. 65. and that Jas McConnochie and Mr. Forster be commissioners to ex- pend ghe same, payable on order of the commissioners when Ihe work is comp‘etrd; Mr Reesor, seconded by Mr Bruce, 'moved that the Treasurer pay Corson & Son 827 for priming nuditors’ reports of township accounts as ordered by the Council. Mr. Forster, seconded by Mr Reesor.‘ moved that $40 be granted to be expended in drawing and putting gravel on division No. 73,‘ and that the overseer, Geo. Hop-- kins. an, and the mover b0 commissioners, said amount payable bj the Treasurer on their order when the work is completed. Bur Bruce,seconded by Mr Forsler, moved that in the matter of '1‘ Bell, who is unable to maintain his family through indiaposilion. and who, it is heliuved. might be henefined by a course of treatment in the General Hospital, the Council agree to maintain the said 'TV Bell in the said hospital during pleasure. . Mr quster. seconded by Mr Lundy. moved that the Treasurer pay '1‘ Burkhnlder $2.20. being for 22 yards of gravel put on division No. 7'2. Leonard Kpsler, overseer ; also pay Joseph Lapp $1.90. being for 19 yards ofgruvel put. on divmion No. 74, W C Rilkey,~oyersoer. Mr Lundy, seconded hy Mr Forster. mnwd that. the Tx-Pnsuuer pay Robert Cox $5 60. being for 56 yards of gravel furnish- ed division No. 2. Mr Reesor. seonnded by Mr Lundv, mov- ed tlmtlhe Reeve, J G Freeman. J Lap‘p and vhe mover be appointed a committee to act with a like committee appointed by Scnrbnro Council to improve. if deemed advisable. thé hill on south lownline at the ('00! of Con. 8. Mr Bruce asked leave to introduce a By- law to appoint road ovoseer in the muni» cipalily for 1884. Leave giVen, and By-Iaw- rend i first time. On motioh the ByÂ¥law was read a second lime, and the Council went Inl‘o' Committee of the Whole. thereon, Mr Reesor in thé 'chalr. 'The Committee rose and reported the Bylaw, with blank: filled as fellows :â€" (w B Wilson 3 Albert Quanta 4 John Hefmkaf 5 David Lynn“ 76 Peter Finnie '7 TIM s Dobson 9 John Cox * 10 Samuel Cummer 11 Geo McDowell 12 David. Nich'dl 13 F Boynton 14 Joseph Comisky lb Geo Welmam i6 ’ ' . 53 J A Mitchell 1., { Dilmau Wldemnn 6° Arch Malcom 18 J amen Cherry 6} John McCKfirey 20 Jan Galloway 62 Dutch Mill's? 21‘Wm Culvert: 53 J05 Ende 22 Henry J ennihgs 64 John B Hoover 23 Robert Stoutenboro 65 J as McConnochio 24 Benj McDonald V 67 John Milroy 26 John Gibson .68,Henrv Lama 27 Jon Lunau 69 J onahhan Jarvis 28 Wm Lumu 70 R '1‘ “Hawkins 29 John Patterson ‘ 71 George Tran ‘ 30 J mob Stiver 7‘3 Ludwi Vanzant 31 Vusorge McKay ‘ 73 13am: eaman 32 Chris Hats 74 Samuel Shank 34.W A Morgan 75.Ja.s Dimma i 35 Jesse Noble , 7,3 Wm M Button 38 John Webber ‘1’! Jonathan Turner 37 Thomas Lyon 78 Geo Lehman 38 Wm Robinson 79 W '1‘ Howard Mr. Lundy, seconded by Mr. Forster, moved that tho' Reeve. Wm. Hood and‘ Samuel Wilson be appointed” commissioners to improve hill on townliae‘ béEWeen York and Markham, at the foot of the 3rd Cam. and that the Clerk notify the Municipal Council of York to that efi'eéf, asking them l to appoint commissioners to act in conjunc- ltion with those appointed by this munici-- pality. and that the Treasurer pay oneâ€"half the amount expended upen order of comâ€" ; missioners when the work is completed and 1 Jan R Robinson 2 1 Matthew "Dean, E r’Ic-i'i'noxs Flinn-ma. ROAD OVERmRS. 39 Wm Cnn'uthers 40 Jonathan Nigh 4? Wm Boyubon 43 Hugh Canning 4b Morty Gleason '46 B G Reesor 47 John Peach 48 Joseph Pipher 49 Abram Hoover 51 Wm Poole 52 George Robb 53 G E Reesor 54 Chas Webb 55 S P Raymer 56 C B Hoover 57 S B Hoover 58 J A Mitchell 60 Arch Malcom 6} John McCSfi‘rey 62 Luton Miller 53 J05 Ende 64 John B Hoover 65 J as McConnochio 67 John Milroy .68 Henrv Lapp 69’Jonahhan Jarvis 70 R T ‘Hawkins 71 George Tran 7‘3 Ludxyi Vanzant ' 731311.216 eaman 74 Samuel Shank 75,.Jas Dimma is Wm M Button 17 Jonathan Turner 78 Geo Lehman 79 W '1‘ Howard Mr Bruce: seconded by Mr Forster, .movJ ed that the oyerueers of highways of; the non}: townline be in future abalislté'd and t‘l'inl said townline be under the onus of the o'erneerp‘ acting on‘ the conceasxon lines no,th ;' the I‘munl amount of labor to be ex- pended on said townlme, and 1h“. 1139' schedules b9 amended accordingly, andifié‘ teal pf {He d'o’iporali’on-be‘ attachetl-io .013: rel‘bluhon. _ '_'~ ‘ ' " a Mr Reoaor, seconded by Mr Fdrstef; moved that Méqfri’Bruee' and Lundy be appomted a commiuee :tq meet a similar cemmittee from Whitchurch Council to ukerimo comideralio‘n‘ the advisability of improving the Markham ,ari'd Whitchurqh townline at the head of the 2nd Con._ oh c naitfon that the York Towmhiy Coun' cil h' 'evii‘i’é pay oneuhalf of fi'x‘e gxpenle of the said improvemgng.' ~- â€" ‘1 n, J.” A-_' Mr Forster asked» leave to introduce a Bylaw to amend By-law No. 331. Leave given, and By-lnw read a first time. On motion the By-law was rend a second time, and ilk Council wont; into Committee of the Wh'ol'fi thereon, Mr Realm in the chair. The Committee rose and reported the By-- law, clause} rescinded. and the following inserted : Eiéry mnlé inhabitant of the. township, who in not 'otherwiso assequ to any amount (who I! not exempt byfilaw from perforfhiug statute" labor.) shall be liable to‘perfonn an day’s statute labor on the rand: and highways fu'the township, of may commute the lime by" Buying the over» seer of the division where a may reside the gum of $1 at the time or’ w‘xthinisfx~ days after being notified by the. ovmfil'gf: such divmion. ‘ I u Mr Bruce, second’Od by Mr Forster, mov- ed lhnt the Clerk communicate wnb’ mad our-sears who have naglecred to make re- turns. informing them that returns must. by furnished ihia Coimcil before the 10th of May. and Ihose’ who neglect to do so Will begunisbod an the) law directs. ' . an! ‘r,, a. week at $6 either lat pny' a“ the time tuinty, write 101' Portland Hum. homo. thnutfltfi‘ee. Pay lb- solutoly, sure. No risk, Capital notre uir- ad, lander,“ you wan t' business agg w idh , any: 91' old. can makc' {mat oy’avmk. with nblolnm ;cer-.- partial“: 00H. muugk Co, To mam the lungs by n‘lnck ofvital food contained in pure nit; _,1f the may ‘are obstructed by coldu'em'in the accm‘r’mlated phlegm with that cuff and "ple‘ua'ét 111mm and lung remedy.‘ Hagyhrd's _ Futon! Bnlsam. H I V CHURCHES Ma?- _ Roll“! CAmomdâ€"Borvim : 1'11th ltglm Ind Richmond Hill.” 10 80 gm ; 'the' follonvinfl Sunday at Richmond Hill“ 9 mm. ‘andll‘h u 10 30 a 113, [new Father Egan, Pastor. " anuirmmâ€"Sorvicas at 11 a. m, 3.1111880 p m Prayer meotin on Wednesday owoninx at 7 30 Rev ICampbe ,nnstor : ;; ‘ 81‘ Mum's (Emsodflmâ€"Servipea at 8, p m, ex- cept the third Sunday 01 every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 a. mmunduy School at 10 a. 111 Rev W Bates. Recth I, METHODISTâ€"Services at 10.30 a m,_ and 6,301: m Sundu. School at 2 30 g) :11 Prayer meeting every Thurs a. evening at .30 p 111. Rev. J. now, I’llâ€" tor. RSV .I. Start. Assistant; 7) _ SOCIETIES RICHMOND LODGE, A. F A: A M, No 23; G R C;- Moets in the Md Baum,L Masonic Hall, 911 the Monday on or be are full mbmr,’ if 8 Unlock? m~ A. J. Rupert, w M ; H. A. Nichofls', See. : I 0 G ELIâ€"This Lodgo’ineetlin the Temp xan‘ae Hall every Weanesday evening at. Bdcloc -p m. J H Sanderson. W 0.. v «_ e’ ..: ‘ A. 0. U. W., IVY LODGE, No. 114‘..â€"Moatl m the Committee Room at the Masonic ,Eglu1vaxv second and fourhh Tuesday of each month. at '8 o'clock,p. m. @gnegcarz gegiflcate. giyen .101- ___A , , a__u...-.. 11......â€" o'clock.p. m. Beneflcm' certificate. giyen ,mr $2.0001n case of death. . A. E. Switzcr, vuuatsr Worxman,B.E._Luw, Sacretury. ' ~' 3. T. 0!" TM Agnrmchmond Hm Coun. cil, No. 43. meets in ’e’ Temperance Hall. each alternative Tuesday oven‘l‘ng at 8 o'clock p. m.. Beneficiary certificates issued to member! for $1,000 or in case of death $2.000, one half payable in case 0! disability. J. H. Sanderson; Select Councillor. . - . . . Fun: Bmmnn.â€"Reguhn- meeting first Friday of every month,held m the Council Chamber at 'I p. m. Mambershitg trod. Ceniflcatepi. supd to member: entitling em to certain prim age} and exam tions. J H Sanderson. Captain. ‘5. A. Nichol a, Secretary. . v. ' Mnomnucs Murmur-Library ot- pver 1000 volumes open every Tuesday ovens» ._in tha Masonic Hall, from '1 so 8 o'clock. m Pugs: ley, President. '11“. McMahon, Sec. 1: 135 Law. Librarian. VILLAGE COUNCIL â€" Been, J Brown; Coun- cillors, I ,Crosby, H F Hopper, A~Moodio, R E Law. Clerk, M.Teefyv. a 'r'EJEBliaéir {a'jghrned till 10th May. Rmzmoxn HILL Comm! Bumâ€"Meets got prac- tice in the Temnerance Hall every Tuesday evan- ing at 7.800’clock. A. Laird. Leader. “ . ' IVER! manhunt, . At hiu'printing omen, Yongn street, finichmond p Hm, Ontario. , 3 a: , Terms of Subscriptwmâ€"SI 00 per annum in advance.” When not paia in qdvnnco $1 to will be charged. Transitory advertisements, first insertion,‘ porlino.... Bccntl. E 5011 subsequent 13 cents. 'i Contracts for time and space made on applica- tion. Advertisements without writton instructions will be inserted until forbid and charged tnnsi» cut rates. ‘ ’ ,per line... M. H. KEEFLER, Western Canada and Savings Company OfllceIâ€"No 70, Church-street, Toronto . How Gno W ALLAN, Senatorl’resident 620mm Goonnmnx ..................... Vice-President Dmnc'ronsâ€"Snmuel Flatt, M P, Alix-dd Gender- pgm._Gpo W_Lev_vh, Thou H Lu; Hal D L ..._...., _-- .. wahe'rson. Seineâ€"r! l‘éifiliikté. 33,300,600 SAVING’S BANK Money received 9n deposit; and ‘i'nterest‘ payable half yearly or compounded,” Boe‘our reduced loam table For further infor- mlfion apply at the omo‘es o! the Company will)!!!» i.--§WW THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. .1 Palmer. Prop. This House is one of the Bat 3012911150 ,be found north of Torontq, Efrem is managed in First Class Style. Suhaple Edam or Gnmmer- cial Travellers. Gdod Stamina and attentive hoshlers. Terms, .$1 per day ‘ Proceor’s Bus leaves this Hotel to eonnecfi'wttfié all the NB. R Trains going North and Bow! it 8 a m., 12 a. m.. 5.10 p m. and 7.80 wm‘. - GRAN]! CENTRAL llll'l'El. _qa1‘aig:glr,r‘gt,goo,ooo:§nuexn Fund, yawn n um um This Hotel has been refumlshed. ronofiated, and fitted up in first-class style, and is now the loading Hotel north 0! Toronto. The bar is sup- lied with first-class brand of liquors and cigars. xcellent accommodation 101' Commercial Travellers. and the General Public. Good Stabl- ina and an ntteutivo’ Hustler. . v RICHMOND HILL. JOHN POWELL, Prop The York Herald; Bad bub ..8tiivafl_b‘n‘. WALTER 3 LEE, finffifiarfla. MONEY T0 LOAN. i’ufimsnnn '11! 5 Hanger H. Sanderson & RIGHMOND. HILL," . "WWW? Low. RA ' fit,er Gombined with fiheapness. mw mm W THE _ m ~A'r 1TH};â€" “HERALD”,,;<0FFI;GE, RIGGS- 8: IVORY, 208 Queen St, W'est, Toront_0_ Art-mom Teeth. upper or under. $5.00. Pain- less extruotiniby use of Etherlzed Air. The (1an firm in I a Dominion exgcuting first-class WEEK 11;; abBié price; , r . . m ‘V O SURGEON DENTIST, has removed to 87 King street East, Toronto. Best mineral teeth inserted in m manu- or to suit each pafi‘ietm' P'vrticumr gttqption given .t-o the preservation and regulation of tha natural teeth. carefully Mowing all unneceas~ at}, pgin. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. hive. residence 209~Jatfvis street. '4- , y .. ‘ Y,‘ '1'. V," ‘r- . I I G" H‘ HUSBA ‘ ’ ' A ’ nxmduatexof Toronto Unlversity, _ ijszt‘fifmf“ - "K" 7 ‘ M. c. P.&S..‘Ofit, Two Yearnkenident, 1 vis c‘o owiu" ' ‘ cm" ‘ I ' . _ - .7: ? Unionvme. ........ 7‘ . . , . . .Imtant Surgeon to Toronto General Hog-pita], a. and 'rzmlencerOne door south of P. 0. Ma Ie,.f...... Rio mend 'fihii d th'WiU be {mud in his office, at 43‘7er Saturday, except. when Satur- -. .10 gbovednte. Kg "‘9. ~15 W. ram nvn WY v11 ,2, z m) 7 A a s: Thankful for'l‘e favors of we past year” Kay still!) connulted in any "branch of the pTJ lumen.“ allows: Richmond Hill... . 9th 5: 24th of each month (at Palifier House), Aurora, “6,8131. 16th, and 2, d dg Etopfiville...... .m'l Hi d6 Markham ..... j. ‘ . .2 With dd Victoria Sqfiaf .. . “21". do Thornhill ...23)d ' do ‘Woodbridp‘a ...28th do Kleinbm‘g ...... ...29th do Noblston . .BOth do Vimnzed mr always on hand at the places of avpointmeut. It does away with the pain in extracting. 3514 3, AM). il'NSPEUESx Tun; w'fiiwyn. 'P‘i Paix:ts,'P-aint Ema Whiteiéfish‘ Brushés. v A complete etpck of Y’ath Material, Usual Stock of Groceries. ’ 1 ltwrneybafi-Law, Solicitbrs-ih- Convevlmcers, eta, Ofl'icesâ€"«Imperinl Chancery. a Bank Bulldjngs. Wellington-street, Toronto HUMAB FERGUSON, Q.C. J'on HAIN‘ _ GEO F SHIPle WM Sm'on Gofmox, Egrgygon. figln, agryon a. Shlpley, -1: .3“..â€" 4... . STQCK OE jgggmunn. DRAIN THE, OF THE BEST Q‘é’Am‘fi AT ‘ GENERAL AN]? > FINANCIAL AGENCY VJ une 13th, 1993‘ Farm 85 Other Properfiy, Hotels, Taverns and. Businéss. ‘ Gaodwills Bought and Sold! Patent Bight: diipond of : SYNDICATES FORMED For Manufacturing and other purposes. S Oak and Share Brokers, etc, etc; Toronfio Jan 9th 1883 ‘Yoynge Street, N Richmond Hill. MORTGAGES 0BTAINED q‘fim‘fi éHEMtSTS '6: DRUGGfSTS; SURGEON DENTIST S, Every- Desoription of P. 0. Bax 2527.‘ J. I. EVANS & CO, genial, mes NIGHTmGALE’B. And ibe'iLargeei Seléeziqng 7MP flamed beforb you‘ A15: WILL BE sum) AT LOWEST PRICES. AM). V-"fl'NSi'PEUEJ TURNED OUT IN- THE £25111. fâ€"roamscu, DENTIST, AURORA c. ADAMS, L.D‘.‘S;, in?! 1 Leader Lane. Toronto. Yorkvilo l-Iy '\.r 1884, at THE PEOPLE'S‘S'J'ORE. V i411} New DeSig’ils, R. B. 011,11. B.‘ and First sn'vor Hemp: University of Toronto, M. C. P. 5. Ontario. L. S A L, Eilgland (Late; Yo: London, England“ Surgeon,~Etc. [3011mm Hours 8 to 9.39 a..m., and, 1 to 2.30 pm. . AND V _ r ERNEST F. LANGS'Z". 122'" 1 Residwgp, Yonge Street, Ri‘chaa. Richmond Hill. Mayzard, 1882.. Member Cflege of Physmiani & Surgeonl. .: 1 m of su‘cmvfimu.) FICE EQLJRS.eFr6m e to 10 81,117., a to 8 p. m EEBXDENCE! C) ’11 Epfiga o". B O O K S, mummy, woons,&c. FOR SALE ‘ â€"AT THEâ€"4 “Mam.” mm mm. Y'cmgo Street, Rlch'mohd Hlll. Hickmafi. mm, (M. 12th, ’82. a. and 'r 2-.xdence,â€"0ne door south of l". 0‘ 7E H.377 .{5â€"8 U010 a m. 651350 2 p m n. " '5‘ ‘ “411.1883. ' mm Tom-ire vmvmsm. SCEGOh THE WEKE £53K. JAMES ' LANGSTAFF l P. G. SAVAGE. DR. ORR, MAPLE. George Langstafi', AND OTHER amical. :‘aonxmn. ONT} 0. 'l‘h's iny Defiant in 139m 5 415sz 111:1:de up: _ parutus or ‘ “f j; Tum; 12:),7F0b. 13th, 1883. mamas warmAmnn m m Y": STAR Assume 39$ Sir Wm. 3‘Zcz‘mth'ur, K C M G,“ M? '_P, exâ€"uord Mayor of London; N org-aside rt. . ‘ ' ‘ “ " W W. Baynos.E5q;F I‘ A;Seoretary_ , Reserve Fund. . . ‘ . ;‘$10,'000,000 ' _Annual Incmne. . . ;, 71,600,000 Inves_le‘d in Cans? .. 1,200,000 Death Mamas mix; I, . . _1‘0,000,-000’ TORONTO REFERENCES. . Wafimniad to be mnfla'ftom tbs Best Material in‘til‘e market: John McDonQid. Es . :C. J. Campbell} Esq., Hon. SenuthcMas er A.M. Smith, Esq. » James Memmlfe, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood. D. D Loans made on security of Company’s Policy at I ‘ 5 er cent interest. _ , Lam: ade‘tpo Church Trustees, ta. 10W mi): of interest. Semi for pro’spectus. fliaciia‘tg T3311 WiihouH’airf ' by'émnsatwamad Air, EASY. Filling and a.“ other operation/a neatly doué’ , hinOhl BILIOUSNESS’, D YSPERSIA, INDIGESTION. JA UNDlCE. ERYSWELAS, SALT {Hi-7W, HEARTB URN, HEADAOHE, Worth their Weight in Gold l' 9 And every species c’r‘drso: Srisingwfrom disordered LIVER, KlDi‘_"'S, 6T0 AGH,’ BO‘NELS OR 155.000, 'i'. EILBURH 8: £04 Pills & fiimmeni‘ This 1ncbmpamble Medicine has-secur- ed for itself an imp‘erishable fama‘ throughout the World for the aHevi'a'ti‘dn and cure of mast. dim-asses to ‘rhich‘ humanity isheir.“ " ' " “ »‘ inoreaie the secr’ebory powers r ‘3 the Liven'bx’aco the nervth system, and thw‘r‘" mm the; circum- tian the purest Elements tor sustaining and repairing flue frame. . , . G ALL‘AND SFE ME. ThouPn‘lds of persmxé have {estifiéd .that by thgi'r use alovie’tln:y ba'ne ~been‘ reitered to heaInh and strepgih,‘ ai'tér edér’ry ember means had proved nns-wccmsfu‘l. - ‘ ‘ will be found irvalx the cure at 0pm- Sor 8136.041! disord h gout, Rheuv ‘ :kiu diseases” Coughs, Soré T'hroui’l, Erna ors of the Thr. A ' and Ch mutism‘. Savanna. and other k. Man-fifaCfurér" only > Tiroi‘eSs? or Hollow.- Estabiwhmenf. 53-3; OXFORD STREET. LONDON, and’sold'at 19. 1155., 25. 9a., :s. ed;,m.,‘2i mid 335* 9301130: and Pomondiu (Maw-1n, at 36 cents, oooents, and $1.50 cents,‘s.nd'thn larger sizes in‘ proportion. h , r CAUTIOE- ' '7 wt: no Age-1E 31' die ‘Upitgd States, mg .m my Medicine's‘ ’ éold there. Burchau' . n _ shun? .thrirefore look' tothe label or 1w I " ~1_1d Boxes; ’LIf‘Ihe address is n05 " "treat, Lo‘n’doh they are a}: BAD ~LEG~LOLD . firms. Cows; Tim Trade 121 ' giscered 1:) 0m 563 (hi nix-ifs], regulate and improye the r" of thq‘ foo . They assist tho digestive v M ,clemse t: 15};Â¥6figr~?tsfv? STOMACH AND . BOWEES. A» W Lagder,_ Si ‘91 :éégzi‘s 6E? TEEN! $3,- fiée. (55 Trans. for Canada. ‘ ' , .16 King quEaatzToronta Citinndo‘rn, Englgmd; Lle DIZZINESS’; / DROPS Y, 4 ‘ FLUTTERIfl/G' ' VOVFWTHE'HEAm"; A0!D_IIZ.0F n-I-AI- rnll TIIE'ETOMAOH, onmess 1 OF THE SKIN, m no Agra-1i i‘n' the no my Medicine's‘ ~‘ éold shun} .thrirefore look' " xud Boxes; ’LIf‘Ihe ‘r'tmet, Lo‘n’doh 3T3)1‘Qn',tw Propflefors. -A..- mrcr 1 y Houg'ehold ' in' mom. Dec 15b, 18834 ‘TBR'émo. miner}. m‘ ‘ ‘ 'ingtou FOLLOW. .‘é

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