Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 12 Jun 1884, p. 2

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RICHMOND 1“ LL POST OFFICE. PIIST flFFlEE NflTIIIB! Until further notice, Mails will be cldsed at the above Ofiicc as follows :â€" MORNING. Coin g North, South, Easi, and West, at . . . . . . . 7.40 Going South, East, and West, at . . . . . . . . . . . 6.30 Mail for the North, via. Railway, leaves once a day, in the morning, as above slated. Morning Mail from South, West and East, by Railway,arrives a! Evening Mail from Toronto by Yonge street Stage, arrives at. Night Mail from North, by Rail- way, arrives at ................... Torontol Thomh'i'n, Richmond Hill Kin g. Aurora, Newmuket. Holland Landing, Richmond Hill,‘ May 12M, Holland Landing, Newman-lief, Aurora, King, Richmond Hill, Thomhill. Toronto, Dry Goodsâ€"rEaxon 6x Co Notice l-W Pugsley. m2: THURSDAY, JUNE The date printed on each paper denote: tho “me when the subscription expires. Tho Liverpool Daily qut of the 7th ult., contains a long editorial article re- viewing the annual report of tho Canaâ€" dian Minister of Agriculture, with speci- al reference to the export cattle trade. The article concludes as follows :â€" “Not content, however, with being the means oflnaugurating a trade with cattle between Canada and England, the Canadian Government agent at this point is now turning his attention to the ‘ establishment ofa trade in horses beâ€" tween the two countries, his opinion being that no part of the world stands in such a good position to supply horses to England as does the Dominion of Canada. This proposal is to send over firstâ€"class stock to Canada for breeding purposes, and if the proyect is taken up by farmers and others in the Dominion, there is no reason to doubt that the ex- port horse trade to this country will in time‘assume considerable proportions. In the meantime the prospects of the cattle trade increasing year by year enormously are very great, and it is to be hoped that nothing will occur either in this country or in the Dominion ‘to interfere with the progress of agreat trade, the stoppage of which would be nothing short of a national calamity." TRAfN‘ TIME. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. Purlnnnt to adjournment the members of the Court of Revision assembled in tho Coulcil Chamber. Member: presentâ€"Mr. John Brown, Chairman, Messrs Hopper. Law and Moodie. The minute! of tha 30th May were read and approved. . -.. ... n The Clerk read a copy of the letter he 1nd written to the Minister of Education in regard to the Asseument of tho Masonic Hall to which no answer had been receind. Mr Moodie‘moved, Ieconded by Mr Law. that the item of $l200 allelsed to Mr A L Skule for the Freemasom’ Hall be struck off the Assessment Roll.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr Law, seconded by Mr Hopper, that the ASsessmont Roll as amnnded be now passed an finally revised, and the'Clerk’is hereby instructed to cortify the same, Ind it shall I). valid and binding on all parties concerned, notbwitbstanding any defect or error committed in or with "pl-d to said Roll.-_â€"â€"Carr1ed. 7l'he Court adjournod. Jun. 9th, 1884. Pal-want. to adjournment the Council met. The Reeve in the Cblil‘. Present, Cogpcillqrs Hopgeft 153w: _and Mqodie: The Export Cattle Trade. 7 The minulu lo? Bbth May, mud and ap- proved. The account, HERALD Oflico, was rut! 35151 pguegi, for.$6._58. _ Mr Maudie introduced a By-lnw No 104, to suthorizo the Reeve and Clark to sign a note for tho purpose of raising a. temporary loan to defray the current expenses of the Corporation. The By--Luw was read a first and sscond time. The amount inserted in the Bynlaw was made two hundred dollars. The Bylaw was read a thiid time snd WW; \a 1. ,,. , .lo ‘ The Council adjourned to meet on the first Monday in July, at. 8.30 p.m. How to Cure a Cold. Take some gentle opening medicine, bathe the feet in warm water, adding a spoonfuil of mustard ; remain indoors ; equalize the circulation with warm bath and iriciinn ; drink worm ginger tea, and take Hagyard'l Pectoral Balsam, the most per.- i‘ecl and the safest cough cure that can be procured. 3m»: 1mm 33mm. NOTICE T 0 SUBSCRIBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Jun. 9m, 1884. Richmond Hill Council. Richmond Hlll. Ont. ARRIVALS. EVENING. Whole No. 1354 : COURT OF REVISION. comb mm! 1.5 847 857 910 M. TEEFY. ‘ Postmaster. COI‘KCIL M EITING. G DING BOUTH‘ 9 3'1 8 60 9 03 9 12 10 05 11 ‘5 H 57 )1 50 12 05 1‘2 IO 13 48 12 57 2 00 ll. 205 M. Tun, Clerk. 12, 1884. Volume 27. 10.00 7.00 717 6.8 5”]! ‘777 I00 902 The York County Prohibit'ory Alliance and Scott Act Association: met at Aurora. on 511: June. The President, Mr John Milne, iu ihe Chair. Devotional exercises by Rev Mr Rohortson. Minutes of last meeiing read and adopted. ‘ p , SCOtt Act Association Meetmg‘ _Â¥Kéinfir;§;d;iit call'ed for reports from the different Municipalities. which, were nâ€" ceived and read. YORK TOWNSHIP. Mr P 8 Gibson, Willowdale, reported byi letter, thnt on account of busineus engage--l manta he could not act, and therefore, did‘ not call I meeting, and added that he had grave doubts as to the success of the Vote in the County as after the Dunkin Act Vote he had hoped that the Conservative Tam-- peranco men would have used their in" finance to have candidates favorable to the Cause out forward at lutnre Parliamentary Elections, on the contrary they seemed to favor the selection ofthose who would re-- ceive the undivided support of the Whiskey Aslocintion and friends, and 30 up to the present time the Conservative Party have worked hand in hand with them. He talked with a great many throughout the County, Ind they_were of the same opinion. Mr J B Sheppard, of Willowdula. sent the following report, that many of the lead- ing people of the Towuship wmo not favorable to hurrying on the mensme till théy I" how It worked in other places. KING TOWNSHIP . Reported by Mr J. G. Manna. ihll u meeting hnd been called at which lhe fol-4 loiing were elected :â€"J G Mnnns,Pieaidel; G W llnmbly. Secretary; and that from two to four Anismnt Secretarial Were apâ€" poinled for each polling sub-diviuion He mu of the opinion Ihero would be no trouble in hlving 1 good majority {or the Act. Reported by Mr J Mnginn, Wexford, that I [urge meeting mu held at which over 150 porsonu were present, whom the follow- ing ofiicerl were elémed :-â€"Jamu Mnginn, President ; J63 Lntler, Secretary. The meeting was unanimous in favor of the Act. MARKHAX TOWNSHIP. NORTH GWILLIMBUBY. MrJ Merritt reported nothiug had been yet done, but was satisfied with a little work,tho Act would carry in that Town-hip. 950nm“. Mr J Fraser was appointed President,and Mr Peter McLillen as Secretary, Mr Frnler mu satisfied that, the Act would carry in this Tuwnship. ETOBICOKE. Rev. SC Wright, of Ialington, wrote that a. meeting had been called at which J C Ferncr had been appointed President and himxelf Secretary. Thing: looked favorablo in this Township for the pulling of the Act. ' About forty persons attended a meeting. J C Lundy was appointed Prelident and A Haightfiecretary. Reported that all the work Was done,and money collected for the carrying on the work in this Municipality. A meeting was held at Weston. at which Mr May was Bp~ pointed President. Mr Storey Wfll elected President, and Mr Ferguson Secretary for Wood’bridze. Thing: looked favorable. VAUGHAN. The officerl and canvauieu were selected _ mcnxoxn mm. Mr J A E Switzer reported that he thought the Bill would give a good vote in favor of the Act. Mr D Fotheringham a: President, and H W Lundy an Secretary for Aurora. Thing: were reported favorable for this Mnmcipal» icy. A meeting was held in Newmarket. at which officers had been appointed. but the pronpecis for the Act carrying was not hopeful. Mr H B Roenor, of Markham Village, stated that a yery large meeting was held at which officers were'appomted, and thought the measure would be sustained. STOUFFYH‘IE. Rev J C Willmothof Stoufl‘ville. laid the prolpecta were very good for the village. and the Act he thought would be sustained. Officers were appointed. EAST GWILLIMAURY. Mr Hughel, of Sharon, Bald there had been nothing done, and thought the time was not favorable in East Gwillimbury. The following gentlemen were nam’ed to act. in connection with the Executive to meet. in Committee during recess to report on further organization, viz :â€"â€"H B Reeaor. J G Manna, Rev Mr Garbutt, A Haight, W G Fee. Nothing done. H B Pearson after recess reported as fol- lows: That the Executive be and is here-- by instructed to take immediate steps to have Ill the Municipalities that are not organized to organize immediately, and that the whole be left in their hands.-â€"Carried. Moved by Mr J Maginn, seconded by C Hollingshoad, that all persons present be allowed to speak and void on any question. Carried. Moyed and carried that twenty per cent of all Alsensmcnls be handed into the Treasurer by the first of July, and that the balance be left to be dealt wnh at a future meeting. Accoun:s were presented from Secretary for prinlmg. Stationery. Postage. etc.. of $19.86 ; also from W G Fee, for organiz- mg. $24.20. The following gentlemen were appointed to Audit Accounts: H B Reesor, C 1101-- lingahead and J Merging. r It was moved and seconded. lbat a Fmanco Committee of three be appointed, and that all bills and accounts be aid by the Treasurer when signed by sai Com-- milieu, and Conutersigned by President. â€"Cnrried. Heved by C Holhngshend. seconded by H B Reesor, that the present President and Treasurer be appeinted to hold ofiice until the petitions are in.â€"â€"Carried. . Moved by W Stong. seconded by 0 Hal-- linguhead, that Mr J H Sanderson be re- quested to hold the office of Sectetary. nnn til next meeting, and that he be and is here by empowered to secure an assistant at the expense of this Association.â€"Cnrrled. After a few remarks from Mr Spence, it was moved and carried that the next meet-- ing be held in Aurora at the call of the Ex- ecutive. Are yougiatuflped at night and broken at your rest byje. sickchild sufiering and crying with pain or cutung teeth '1 If so, send at once and get a. bottle of Mes Wmsnow’s SOOTHING SYRUP Iron Cmbymx TlnTnmG. Its value is inoelcul- able. 1 It 11111 relieve the poor little sufferer inn-- medietely, Depend upon it. mothers, there is no mistake about it, /It cure: dysentery and diar- rhoea, regulates the atom mob and. bowels, cures wind colic, soften: the guml, reduces inflamma- tion. and gives tone and energy to the whole system. MR5 Wmsnow‘s Soomrme SYRUP FOB. CHILDREN TEETEING “pleasant to the tastemud ie the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States. and is for sale by all druggists through-a out the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. The meeting adjourned. ADVICE TO MOTHERS PARKDALI, 8w . ECARBGRO. MEWMARKET. WB‘J‘CHFRCE. MARKHAM. AURORA. The Municipal Council of'tbe Township ofVaugban, tug: at the Town Hall. on Tuesday. May 27th,- at 10 3.111., as a Cour't‘ of Revision. v1 1" . ......7. Members present, Mels'rs Porler, Cook, Reamnn. Mulloy and Elliott. The man- be" having sublcribed to lbs with of office. the Reeve, Mr Porhu- took the chalr, when the following appeals were heard :â€" Appelllntl, respecting whom, matters complained ofz-Jacob Bennett, self,» wrongly assessed; Michael Harvey, self, wrongly assessed for adog; Donald Mal-- by, self, wrongly assessed fora dog; Jacob Smith. Ielf, having killed his dog; John Wright. self. having killed his dog; Archxbald Cameron, self, dog lost ; John McKinnon, by Duncan McIntyre. to be assessed for a portion 'of the property. Moved by Cook, seconded by Renman, that the following alterations be made in the Assessment Roll for the present year:â€" Thst the whole of the White property oco- cunieu by Jacob Bennett be assessed to him. Ind that Henry White and Joseph White be entered as owuers of one and a quarter acres each. and that the Assessment of saidl property be reduced from $l050 to $800,1 and that his dog he struck from off the Roll. That Michael Harvey‘s dog: he struck off That Donald Malloy’s dog lre struck off. That Jacob Smith’s dog he struck off. Thst John Wright’s dog be struck off. That Archibald Cnmeron’rdug be muck 1 off. That John McKinnon's Assessment be changed as follows :’â€"The was! punt ofi Lot 18, 5th Con . 98 acres be reduced to 9H. and the value reduced from $49 to $46.50, and that Duncan Mclmyre be put on the roll for acre of the west half of lot 18. in the 5th Com, valued at $25. "-fivlcii'e-ti Cook, se'conded by Renman. Hm the Court of Revision do now adjoin“ until Tuesday, l7lh June next. I COUKCIL MEETIKG . The Council then mqt for ,generr‘al bani-- ness. Members all present. The .Reev'e in the chair. Minutes of last. meeling read and on motion approved. ' ' fox-1.11}an killed by dogs was preggnteq _by john Blough. ,‘JLAD . _ _ , fl _ r Moved by Cook, seconded by Reamnn, xhnt Peter McNaughwu be Pathmuter for road beat No 26, instead of‘fhos Rumble, A Gordan instead of J McBride for road beat No 15; Henry Brown inutead of Wm Mc‘Dougal. jr., for beat No 29.â€"-Carried. Moved by“ Reaman,seconded by Cook,that Ju Shuter be appointed Commissioner_ to collect the Statute labor of the villagoi oft Thornhill, Ioutb of the side road, for side- walk pnrpones, as far back an Martin‘s Property to the west. Ind that John Mnrtin be appointed Commissioner to‘ collect the Stntute labor on the north, to expend for sidewalks purposes, on the north side of Thornhill line to the west line of Mr Hdrd's property except John Rankine and he in to have the privilege to do his lubov on old Yonge street.â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Cook, seconded by Reaman, that the Treasurer be and in hereby author- Ized to pay the following mud account :â€" Dist No 1 H Rumble, for 120 loads of grnvel in roud beat No 17. $12; l’. Holland for lumber Ind repairing bridge on lat. Con $3 62%; Dist No 2, G Hamilton, for re» pmring culvert on 9th Con. $2 ; Dist No 3 .1 n- Carried Moved by Elliott, seconded by Mnlloy. that the portion of road running easterly through lots 9 and 10, in the 7th Con. be annexed to road division No 54. and Abel! the seal of the Corporahon be anached “ureter-Curried . Moved by Malloy, seconded by Elliott. that the Trans be and is hereby authorized lo pay the following sheep cluim,being mo- thi‘rdl their value :â€"To John Blough; 2‘ lambs killed. $5 Eliâ€"Carried. Moved by Renmnn, seconded by Cook: that (here be refunded to the Trens {he sum of $8.32. being amount over-credit“! ‘on the Collector's Boll, Div No 2, in 1883.â€" Carried. The following By--laws were then passed : â€"By--law No 468, closing up the following streets, viz :â€"'l'oronto St. Hnlmes St. Annie St. Richmond St, West, and Stniion St, West, as laid down on a plan made for T Holmes of the nonhuweu quarler of Lot 2!, in lhe 3rd Con. on the 2x.d of October, A D, 1853. V Byultw Na469, changing the boundaries of School Sections Nos 9, 11. and 17. h The Cémncilrtrhénr udjofirned nmil Tues-4 day, the 17:}: of June at 10 a.m. q u '- ,.__ nv_..l_ On Saturday last it was the painful duty of placing in his last resting place. Mr J H Wright, the last of the memâ€" bers of the Firm of Messrs Wright & Son Carriage Builders of this village. The remains were followed to the grave by a very large concourse of the citizens. The Pall-bearers being: Thos F. McMahon, D Hopper, G Lnngetafi'. W Proctor, Leti Gaby and .0 Mason. He was confined to the house not many days before his death, the result of his sickâ€" ness, in the years of his young manhood, being only thirtyâ€"one, caused a severe shock to his many friends. He will bo‘ largely missed by his family as well as‘ by the villagers at large. His self- sacrificing endeavors to assist a widowed mother with a large’family as also his cerdiality of disposition made him reâ€" spected by all. From pressure of busi-- ness he did not take an active part \in the affairs of the village, but always on- doavored to aseist every object for the moral welfare of the community. The occasion was imprmved by the Rev. Mr Starr of the C M Church, who preached from 11th Chapter of St. John’s gospel. 'Mr A L Skeele superintended the funeral. The late Mr Wright was a member of the Temperance Order, and the Members headed the hearse to the Cemetery. More dog: on the track killing sheep. One of our farmers had several killed a few days ago, and as he in a very plucky kind of a person, we wonder, if he is going to let the malter drop without doing anything. has he professes to know to whom the dogs be» long. V ()n Friday evening last, a very inlereating debate took place here. the subject, being Resolved :â€"-â€"" That if the Scot! Act in car-- med in the Connty of York. it will be u benefit to Temperance." Messrs Harvey, 'n ,1 of Thoruhill, and J P Rupert, J P., of Maple, comprised the affirmative side, and Messrs D Kinnee and John McKinnon. J P., the negative. After a very_ hot discussion on both udea,the decision was given in favor of the nogatin. We were a little surprised It the aide talren by Mr thnee, but after hearing the subject 'lhoraughly diséusSed were forced to change our opinion. Teslon, June 9th, 1884. Ij‘Eanka, repairing scrnpe'r, $1.25.â€" Vaughan Council, GOFRT 0F REVISION. (From our bwn Correspondent.) OBIT UARY. TESTON . J MVLAWRENCE, Clerk 3m? 'SUNnAr.â€"Divine Service will be held_ in St Mnry'qkfihnrch, in this village,'on Suygay gki£,']5lhiuat., at 11a.m..ith§}wg thesfbird Sunday in the month. "I ’H . THE CHORAL, SOCIETY did not meet on Monday eveningvlast, on account of {hovel-y unfayogableiweathcr. CRAZY J’IQTI‘QH'W'ORKreA‘ piecp of. frazy PatchWofk was ‘10:: at the Ex- hibition, om Saturday, 243!) of May. The finder‘iiflf p1ease’~return it'to Miss Campbell, of thmohd. Hill. SPECIAL Mannaâ€"A ‘s‘pccial meet- ing of the Fire Company ‘will be held on Friday evening next. l‘3lh inst. A large attendance is requefitedv-as businoa of special importance will be transacted. OMITTEDâ€"We uuinfentionally omitt- ed the lat,-=~2nd and 3rd primer; for the best Fat Ox or Steer, from the Prile List of the Richmond Hill 65 Yonge St.. Spring Exhibition; published a short time ago, the three prizes being taken by Mr Robt Marsh, of this village. Noncntâ€"Mr W H Pugsley havign sqld out his interest in the business lanai-yearpied onyuipf _t.his village under (He'namevandwfyl’élof Pugsley 5L .00., to Mr W H Glass, gives notice to all parties indebted that they must same on or before the 15th July next. Sec ‘adveflisemént. 1 PnnsoxALs.â€",Frauk Turner, Esq, C E , was in town’ on Friday last, and called on us. ., _.‘ ' We regret to hear that Mr James McNair, of the 2nd Con. of'Vauglmntjsfiseriously ill. * * * Mrs. Mulcahy and ‘children, of Orillia, left for home callednesday evening, last. last, after‘visitingvfipr a few-days with her parents in this village; A LARGE Knownâ€"The. citizens of Toronto ilwvflmbscnbed very liberalâ€" ly towards hakfirgiho'Sémi-Centennial Celebration, wEioh‘j commences on. the 30th of June nljdylcontjéuos for one week. a grand success, The City Council have 31mm. 8.1m, andAhe. citizens 84,900, ma iné‘ii'fbfal (#314,900, and a number of aubsdfip‘tioua will yet be re'ceived. :5, "-No MORE’EERMITSthy a recent regulation it.i,s .‘ggacted that “holders of third~olau certificate: who desire in re- mov'al or extensicn of such certificates are "required to. present themselves at the. _ nonâ€"professional examination for third class on July 7th, 1884, at the County Town, “otherwise the Minister will .grm‘t ncgv‘éxtension unless under special circumstances and then valid only until the next examination.” LACROSSE .-MATGILâ€"The Young Canadian Lactosae Club of this village, will play a match with the Maple Leaf Club of Palfkdale, on the Exhibition grounds, Toronto, on Saturday ncxl, 14th inst. V “The following will represent tli’e£.ri,illjéam :'-â€".-A,.' Pugsléy, WIhM'agcr, G erry, S. S. Scarle, W. E. ,Wiley. 0. Savage, B. Brown, T. Young, F. Powell, J. McConaglzy, J. Piper. and mid player yet to pick. Mr. M. Wilson will fieldâ€"captain the team. CHURCH Picâ€"NIC.â€"â€"Tlie Congregaâ€" tion of Trinity Church, Thornhill, inâ€" tend holding their annual entertainment on Fridny, June‘>13th,in the picturesque grounds of John Langstafi', Esq,close by the recently discovered and now famous Hawthorn ‘ 'Minernl Spring. Amuseâ€" ments. consisting of Racing, (for priles) Croquet, Swinging, Foot Ball, etc, will commenee at 2 pm, Ten served from 4 p m, Lemonade, Ice Cream, etc; will also be on hand The‘ Committee will spare no pagins to make this entertain - ment replete with quiet enjoyment. All are heartily invited to come and enjoy themselves; 'an'tf'drink of the water, and go home delighted: Tickets, 25 cts; Children lasts. , GRAND C:L,xBnA'rtox.-â€"The great,â€" est attraction of the Season will be held 0n the Fair Grounds; 'VVoodbridge, on Dominion Day, Tuesd‘ay‘,J_nly lst,1884. consisting of Running Races. Trotting Races. for Horses any. age,and for Colts, Bicycle Races, Foot Races, long and short distances, Hurdle Races.‘ Men's and Boys’ Steepleâ€"chase Races An excellent Quadnlle Band and Platform for dancing. Brass Bands, Boat and Tub Races. ‘Grand Tugs of War, Woodbridg vs. Vaughan. and Woodâ€" 'bridge vs. Gore'of Toronto. Challenge Base Ball Match, and a host of other amusements. The Committee will spare no pains to make this celebration the most pleasing gathering of the season A GrandConcert will be held in the Orange Hall in the evening. Admisâ€" sion to tho grouidaaud Island free to all. FIRE BRIGADE MEETING.â€"Thu monthly meeting of the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade was held on Friday evenâ€" ing last, and about twentyâ€"five of the members present. Account was presented by Fireman McMahon, amountlng to $3.25, and on motion was ordered to be paid. A tender of resignation was reâ€" ceived from R EgLaw, and on motion the resignation was accepted . Mr. Law thanked the Company for the kind way l he had been treated by them while a member of the Brigade, and expressed sorrow that he found it necessary to withdraw, that when called out to service he found that be injured himself. being of an excitable nature. notable to work moderately, and by so doing he i knew he was setting a bad example to i the younger members. Upon the resig- nation‘of Mtg-Law; the ofiice of Stewart beeameiwaca-nt, when. Mr T F McMahon was elected unanimously to fill the oflioe. Foreman Redditt wished to know if the Brigade as a company intended to par- ticipate in the Tournament to be held in Toronto in September. it was movâ€" ed, seconded and carried, that the Bri‘ gade as a Company take part. in the Tournament. A Committee composed of Capt Sanderson, Lieut Pugsley,Foree men Redditt and Savage and Sec N icholls were appointed to pick out the men‘fO‘r the several contests and make other arrangements. The meeting then adjourned. LOCAL "ITEMS. I AT‘fzflhFâ€"The membm of the I. 0.1 G. T. Lodge are {equated to attend the ne‘xt mee'tibg, dfi the 18th inst.,- fot the consideritipn of important businesu relating to the enfotCement of thé Crook's Aotjn this plan. A full at- tendance in earnestly desired. Soccnsswn Pumaâ€"W. are pl'e‘asé‘d ‘6'” "a" 9‘“ "1°" “"9" :15} "7", to note that the ex pupils of our High‘ °."“’-" h°w'."r’ Well"? .9". m“ .-° ‘ School have been auccenful at the re- Ichmc. lb“ n m" be a 290d ene' as he )5 g cent exlaini tionii’n the U i e 'c - ssh-"9‘ M” "’31 ‘39-'3‘V7‘3‘“ °f‘<”°°d “"51 u“ n V "l 3: ° A gres! ‘cxcxlomenl vyad _¢ansfld a few Toronto. Mr Joseph Gamble takes the ‘days ago about a number of sheep reported Degree of B. A., Ind {h’e Silver Medal to hove bun killed which helongéd to the in Natural Sciences, obtaining In Class fink-$113“ 'Bgackimlilhi ‘Hfifi hirfd “In; H ' 11‘ 't .B'] ' _ “I! a om, “too 1 em or we ve‘sian °"°‘"' "‘ L em" ’3 ‘° WV, M‘E‘" lwiId-Jrish m", with a club in é'aé'h hand,aIOgy and Gedogy' ’Mr E’A Side, followed llu-m for about” of a mile to paeud Every crediubly his ‘hird year 3 ‘ I. . . . when the dogs balonged, When h'lé lurivn‘ “WWW” “king 'h'flh Swond-olm ed, he found outhis millake,and told the Honours in Montal and Moral sclIncClpropr-iotor ih-t they had killed 14 Ihe‘ép', and Civil Polity. but it has since mer out that no sheep . . . were injured. Tho.Mayor ll going to pre- ‘ CONFERENCEâ€"‘1‘!“ h“ m“tmfi of not him with o leather medal for being (he lthe manual oonferenco of the variouommm m“ i. mm CONFERENCEâ€"Tho 'lul meeting of: the annual conference of the various uniting Methodist Church" have com- meneod. The Toronto Conference will meet in Toronto on June 12th, the Niagara Confarénoc in Humilton on June 12lh,the London Conferenco in London on June 12th, the Guelph Conâ€" ference in Clinton on June 181b,- tho Bay of Quint. Conference in Napame on June 19th, and the Mani'loba Con; forence at Brnndon on June Hill. 0n Juno 19th the new Toronto Confercnu will assemble in Toronto. ‘ GRAND Frommâ€"The grand annuull Picnic in aid of the R C UlmrchI will be held in the grove of ‘John Lungs-tiff, F.qu Thornhill. on Thfifndayi June 19th. A good Programme of amuleâ€" mcnts has been arranged,lnd a competent Committee to carry out the arrangements, has been formed Prof Marcicnno’s Or. chostra, Will be in attendance. Dinner served from 12 to 1 o'clock. Mr Lung- stafl": Grove is decidedly the most ploarant and picturesque noflh of Toronto, and'no pains Will be Ipared by the Committee to make this the most. enjoyable Picnic of the beacon. Tichu lo grounds and Dinner, 30 ct: ; Clfildren 15 ctu. 1101.1.own's ()ISTIIRKT tsn PILL! =~Old Wounds, Soru_ and Ulurl.-â€"Dnily lit-4 pericnco confirm: the {not which bu triumphed over all opponilion for forty yearn. viz , rim no mum are known equal to Holllowny'l remedies for curing bud logs, Iorea,woundl,diuuul of the lkin,ernipélnu,l abacus", bump. lcnldo, and, in truth, all mn‘adiu whore the skin in broken. To cuioi the-e infirmiliu quickly in of primary imporlance, u compnlmry confinement in- donrs weakenl the gencrnl bullh. The ready means of cure uro- found in Hollowny'l Ointment» and Pllll. which’heul tho lore: and expel their cause. In the very wont case: the Ointment Iran auccooded in effect-- mg a perfect cure nflor ovary othor mum hnd fmled in giving my rtliof. Delparnto diaenlen bell display its virtuel. A Fact. There Ire oils while, and oill black, Put. up-in bolllu Ihorl and lull, BM Bugyard’l Yellow Oil for pain, In the nry but oil of all. A _‘ It cures rheunuuilm, nun-12in, denfnou, Ipmins - Inuit", contracted cordl. Ion Ibront. front bites. hurnl md I" soreness ol the flesh. It is {bi-external and intgrnnl use. (From Our Own Corraspondent.) Dominion Day will be crlebrmed lure You a large scale. The Commitibo inlend spur- ing no pain: to have iho celebration I sue-- coal. Tho punters Will be on! in a few days. ""r'he’wnédbridg. 13m Ball Club is now thoroughly organizod, 3nd all prolycctl of a strong lum. ’- begin to practice regular- ly this week. A new Elevator is to be built It the Our village Conlmble in hlviug the streak cleared off. No Vto'od, wszgonu. lumber. (£0, allowed lo Mind un \ha highway. A good uct. ‘Whilo driving 9 can to pound m-duv. the Cm.alnble m" met by lhe uwner of the dumll animal who quickly led her home by the horns. Tho Constable Ivan he'll have hit revenge. Station A union Excursion of [he ltlhodil; Sabbmh School andth Sons of Temper-- ance here. will lake place on Sunni-y. 215! inst, to the Fork: of the Credit, returning via. Tomnto. “Er‘JB'lifirmwrvfiantouh intends inking a clip to the N. W. 'I‘. shortly. V ’ Mr John McClure’s {not in in a bud slnle at present. Ed in in Toronto and notable to return home. The probabilities no that more will have lo Leiakfll ofl‘. " ‘jleIe-Ié‘i-tlérfinlk lvading to Ibo English Church is in I had stale at pruent Onlv one of our cin falbexa attend paid plan. of worship. n u A “iedding will take place here to - morrow morning a! 8 o’clocklth'e happy couple being the Rev J B Mend. of Dover, N J. to Miss Maggie E Fielding, of Wood* bridge. They am: for Dover on 10. o'clock train. The ceremony will take placv i‘n‘ Chrilt Church. The Scott Act question is very quiet now. Tm O'DAY. Woodbridze. June 101b, 1884. John R Vort, Hamilton, nan: “Mc- Gregor’s Speedy Cure for Dyspepua Ind Indigestion is cheap at fifty time! the price asked for it. I am a comnorcill man, and trnvel continually, and would no more think of leaving home without a bottle of Meâ€" Greaor's Speedy Cure in my valiso thnn I would of having my team at home and going on foot.” Free trial bottles at H Sanderson & Son'l Drug Eton. Regulu- aize 50 cent: and $1. The will of the late D D Calvin, of Garden Islnnd, ha! been admitted to probate. The property in divided equalv- ly among the five children, four of whom survive. One of (hens in the wife of N G Bigelow Barri-fer, Toronto. The estate is worth about half a million. About $325,000 of the property in in Ontario, the bulance boing in the Unitod Status and the Province of Quobeo. postage, and We will mil ou Fm, a. royal, valuable boz of lamp 0 and: um will ut you in the way of ma. ing more money in a ew days than vou over thought oauible at nnv business. Capital not requind. a will smut you. You can work III the film. or in spare time only. The work is univornlly ads. ted to both sexes, young and old. You can easi v sum lrom 50 cents to 85 every cloning. That all who want work may test the buslnou, we make this nn nmlleled ofier : to all who are not well satllfie we will send gl to pnv fur the trouble of_wnistln_§' us. Full ggrfmulau, dimctlonu - __.I- u- a“..- for the working class. Bend m can“ lot uruuum u: "an... . - .... ,..--.-___.“ _,, etc" sent tree. fortunes willbe made by those who give their whole time to tho Work. Grew success n‘bsolutety sure. Don't delay Start. now Address {imam 8: Co, Portland Maine. LOCAL ITEMS. Woodbridge Jottings "783ml 10 cent! 10 . k”. u_-_ ‘ Shake ! Big-low ! I W‘ nib ple‘a ed to notice that Daily. of Toito‘fi. camfi ofl' H36 {It prize for his [ gulf 'old BonduerPCoit at the Richmond ill 3: Yonga _Sé. Spring Eihjbition, on the f4!,h_Mn'y. IJN well desc‘nied it. an ,,,-__. .-;i‘.lla:"i;a'chofi; it‘hiir iiil‘lbaze in 3(le pies-'- pering, and many young tidied in {bid He'd- [ion have got. their gla'sqg'a aJélE for_ “him; Crnnberry Marghville, June 1011:, 1884 A Celebrated Case. _ The remarkable case of W A Edgau, of Frlnkville. who lufi'erod from disease of the liver end kidney 10 badly the! all hope of leeoyory WIB'Ibundor‘md. Ho rpm-inod {oh and thirteen day! willmm action of the bunk. Four bpnlu of Burdock Blood Bitters fiifbfed hir’n perfOc‘t health, which he land not known for mé'nty yearn before. Said fix china fox" pé'ltdaé‘. Ind uh caiu roe, a. costlv box 0130de which will help you t9 more mpnci'myi ht V away ,than anything .‘plse Mn tr jg world. All, of eitbéi’néx, succ'eed from flrét hom- Tho broad road to fortnno open: bolero the‘wbrk. on, nboolutnb' sure, At one. sddxeu, Than 6! Co. Aguntn. Maiho. Romarkahlo ‘Roétor-tlon. Mr. A. O’Brien. :4le ExChnnge Street, Buffulo, wad tinppoléd to be dying with con nnmption and abandoned by her physician. She suffered terribly and was "dacod in flash to ninety pounds. In this condition she rnqrted to hurdock Blood Buttrrn. and now enioya perfect health Ind weigh. one hundted and forty-six. She will gladlv nnlwor enquiring sufferer! oh Mc‘eipl of U. S. put-go lump. an‘am.-â€"M Richmond Hill, on mummy. mi inst. John Wright, used 31 years. His and nmey ‘ ao- Data, at Peas do Rye do M Dressed Hognmor 100 tbs. I oo Beef,hind quarters,per ino lbs O 00 Mutton, by the carcass, per 100 mm, 0 08 Chickens, per pair 9'! Dncys, per brace 90 Geeso,ench.... 0' ankeysmanh . 0 00 Butter, lb rolls 1.4 lnrge 1- no tub dairy... "0 :Eggquenh. doz 15 Potatoes, per bbl 1 to Angles per barrel . I 75 On one, per bag - . 9“ Cabbage, par don... no galaxy, pu- do: 0 00 lpp, pot bag 0 9° Carrots. per do .. 0° Beets,por 13mg ..... 1 00 Pawnipl, per bag . 1 25 Hay penton ...... 7 00 Straw per, tan. 6 50 Wool nor lb, 00 . ,. THE MARKETS Tnunsn‘tr, JUNE 12’, ISM runs u flmnnu' wuncmtl Win-Iii {311, new, per bulb ............ t 1 00 Spring 519 . l 10 All. Having sold out my intarent in the business lltely carried on in this village under name 1nd style of Puglley & Co. to Mr W. H. Glass, 111] part-ins indebted are requested to unl- with him on or before the 15TH JULY next. W. H. PUGSLEY. Richmond Hill. June 1061:, 1884. HALL, FU LLERT ON & COOK NOTICE W M Hall. J SFullorton PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN Toronto. May 29th, 1384. "€63 SALE 1 ‘At the Richmond Hill 6: Yonge St. Exhibition held. on the 24th May. 1384. Apply to . WHURRAH FOR OUR; SUMMER GOODS 1! Frasvr PRIZE Thomhlll, May mini-.1314, Cranberry Marshvflle. CHEAP CASH HOUSE We have a fine Assortment’of Hosiery, I : Gloves, Silk Ties, Laces, Embroxderâ€" ies, Corsets, Hoopskirts, Parasols, &c.,&c. We have a good Assort- e : ment ofReady-made Cloth- ing, Hats, Silk 'l‘ies, Gloves, Braces, Silk Hankerchiefs, Col- lars, Fine White and Regatta Shirts, 8Lc. COME ONE. COME ALL. SN‘EATH & GRENNAN. RICHMOND HILL. Away Down Prices, was poleo‘ Ens-filters, Solicitors, &c. Ofl'wos Is King Street East, Toronto gym advertimmxtfi. (Fran: .If °wn Correspondent.) BLOOD j HORSE Is the place to get all your wants supplied for the coming Summer at Two years old for Halo. He took the Yourl, etc.. DEATH A DARK BROWN Tm: Bu BOY Animm. 'A. ARNOLD, #100 nm _ 1 m 1 u o as o 60‘ 43 +4 73 77 Thomhill‘ W. Cook l y-pflm THE 44 77 O 00 I 25 60 00 10 0 00 14 00 8 25 0:0 00° ill 000 00 10 60 WOOL WOOL NORTH END WflflllEN-FABTUBY ‘ Whemyou may have your wool manuhflnfll ifi impurity into any style of goods you ml, Kestr‘é‘. A ' ‘ . .' ’ ' ' The‘ infidel-signed have purchaiofi hon In." Keys 4t qulqttfihe above mention-d mm, with the intentiofi of éstubligpjg: a purmsmom bus-- no" I .And trust that the wool grower ' of, LNG ' mi. rou‘fidfflg country will give us a 1i ml Inppori. IN WOODBRiDGE. We fnahufacturo evary kind of woollen condo unually made if! aflustom mill, and In working to establish a, buiméigwim the (ax-men, nut! is- tumined to do so it fair dealing win. Immwml it. Bonn Carded. 0mm Dresaod, I'pi'x'miu don. Cloths, Twueda, Shirtinxs, B‘lnnkéta. Yarnl, ht. manufactured, and 311' Warn:th TO BE FIRST-CLAfiS In the Market is the time to ban ii ma. up for home we and realize its full vlluo. . u We are all practical man in the budncll, unl will not fail to satllfy our cnutomerl. KfinLLJmLL-mmsm Farmers we respectfully solicit your pnh‘on’u age at the By Milkey Free, by Irish Bixdcstahpr; Dun Maria. Hampton bv Wagner. MILESIAN Tho Ibnvo Stallions will “and for In their own Itublel. Oak Ridges. Man: “to: to pasture and carefully “tended to on roalontblo 'term 3‘ vquu. H. QUETTON 8T. GIOIOK. on Ridgoa,Apri1‘23rd.1m. o ,By Erln Chief; Dam, Morons by ImpoM Taster. CENTRAL BANK OF CANADA. DAVID BLAIg; Esq, Pr sident. SAMUED TR Eamq ' icé-Presidont. 39*}.er gamma-mum. K. CHISHOL , M. PJ’. H. P. DWIGH'1,, ESQ‘” D. M. MCDONALD; ESQ. C B. A J ROBIN RONV E SQ. MCLEAN HOWARD,vEEQ.' . GINTY, ESQ‘. Deposits received ,filid intenst allowed char-on at current rates. N6 néiiée of withdrawal to}- quh‘ed Drafti- ‘on all pdx‘ts of Clnldl, Unltoi States and Great Brittm bought and loll, .1. M. LAWRENCE; Hunqn'k Woodbridge. May 27th. 1334‘. kidnmafln HILL SAVING’S DEPARTMENT Richmond HilT, April‘ 0th, 1834. GIVE Us A TRIAL! NOTARY PUBLIC, &C‘, PRICE or wooL 1s Low RICHMOND Iâ€"{ILL. MONEY T0 LOAN 0N FARE SECURITY; MARRIAGE REAL ESTATE SECURITY. FIRE, LIFE AND Aflflmfim ' I N s U 1-1 A N a 151 z In the Town of Brampton flunk the plies fir u‘ retired farmer‘ C. J. AGAR. MONEY . TO LOAN Woodbridge, March 26th, 1884‘ Tflflfiflflfifliflfln STILL!“ Richmond Hill, April 8rd. 1884‘ I‘m-mu preferred. Correspondence confidontl‘y M. TEEFY, LOT FOR SALE! NO. 1 COMPANY ONLY. ORIOLE! TE") TROTTING BTALLIOX DI’RECT‘O‘R. â€"AND Issvmfi 613â€"- Now while the A E0 UR Acxd: »IN Aâ€" LICENSES. L'R. ELLEN. Cum WOODBRIDGE a nit-l"

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