Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Jun 1884, p. 3

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-=UPRIGâ€"HT AND SQUARE Mnssna. R: S. WILLIAMS & Sox‘s. _. TORONMO A nnl 1'7 GENTLEMEN«1 have much p10n§nre in testifying to the great excellence/10f. yclurl P13233188}. have put tb m severely to theltgst, and find them possossed of those qualities; of tone and touch so new 0330?) _e highs brute {nffiigmnfingl lpver‘gf classical music~a charming singing tone easily graduâ€" 3, mm g mos ( e Ian, 6 pmlnssnno every deutee of loudness L1 1 1" ’ ‘ msygrs rggdilx to eyery shade," of feeling. _ _ ‘ Dr W illness, and a toucn Whmh W I bongider Ehesg insi'mman‘zs q gl‘eutvnqquisition in musiciul socicty, and finding a. plane whwh I can recommend thh perfect confidence. 1am, Gentlemen, yours very truly. CHAS XV. EWING, (Of London, E11g1m1d,) \ Organist of SI: Peter’s Church. Coburg, 0n “3851‘s R. S. WILLIAMS & Sostâ€" _ , TORONTO, NOV. 4121], 1882. GENTSâ€"HENiDg thoroughly examined the \Norknmnship of your Pimms, I have no hesitation in [mung thuiz, 111 my opinion, they'ure equal to those of any others of the best Makers that Ihave seen I can only speak in the same high terms regarding their musical qualities Liar their fins full singâ€" jug Capability of tone, pleasant touch, «\‘c, :u‘g such, am: there seems: to be no necessity to purchase “reign instruments, when our home enterprise cm ‘ Filings, 'und at one-third less cost 1’ gm fl‘ot‘ fr. hnnv f'hnf f‘hn nvfnnaénn nn‘ln n? w... 1.”. .MN u ; “mun, um. uu uuu-uuuu was COST. "i131; glad to hear film the extensive suié‘df your instl unlents shows that you are meeting with the h t I think You justly deserve. . new“ t a I am, Gentlemen. Your obedient Servant, ‘ v , , ofifl __ _ w” a, “um um ».ICA‘IJ\7 uu1v LU ULN oepfionully low rates. Payments arrmggez to hul the convenience of purchasers and film of years. For full pnrtxculars Vince to» Norfr'ice List of Rubbish Published to Catch the Unwary Again to the Fore! f Organs in large qugpgtios, and urn t‘x Ai‘ecarnstrucled from the very‘best Materials by expenenced Workmen, and are fully equal in puint of MUST BE 0mm mm OUT BY AUGUST 1&1, \ Having Sold Out my I Streét‘s,‘Ricbmoud Hill, to Mr‘ GOODS AT Big Sale and no Humbug. . Terms Strictly Cash Richmond Hill, June 26th,1884’. J_ BROWN. SELLING OFF AT COST. FROM BUSINESS. I am, Gentlemen, yours very truly, Goods of the Best Quality G001) VALUE FOR YOUR Home Boots & Shoes at Cost, Crockery and Glassware at COM, ' Groceries at Cost, And many articles below cost. As the whole of the Stock Vii ‘7 E?) V: 3 'fifiififiififiw INSPECTION OF STUCIC ANI) PRICE TON E, TOUCH & DUE): ABILITY ! Only kept on hand. The public are invith to E43 Yonae St. Torbdg: QEEAP EVER CASH. The Public may Depent on Getting Great Bargains. TESTIMOEJIALE». To the high priced American Instruments. Splendid A ssortment of PEANOS ! RETIRING ’roperty and Business on the corner of Yonge and Centre . Joseph Hall, late of Victoria Square, 1 am now preparâ€" ed to offer a large stock of A'l‘ TI 1E CHAS W. EAWINGK ISAAXC CRGSBY. . 35;. WILLIAMS. 6% 226 Dundas St‘ London. 226 Dfifidiéisvgiondon. 3% GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc. qefm'eglble to offer them at ex- mu much pleased at spread over a. Artifical Teethmpper or under, $5.00. Pain- less extracting by use of Etherized Air. The only firm in the Dominion executing first-class work at the above price. V.“ A-..” removed to 87 King street East, Toronto. Best mineral teeth inserted in a mann- er to suit each patient. P'Lrticulur attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth, carefully avoiding all unnecess- ary pain. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Private residence 209 Jarvis street. ~ i wanted fmnll thoTlie Lives of Presi- Sdeuts or the U S. The largest, hand- I somest, best book ever sold for loss than twice our price. The fastest: selling book in America. Immense profits to agents. AU intelligent people wantit‘. Any one can become a successful ngenfi. Terms free, HALâ€" LETT BOOK 00,1’ortland, Mums. “ BROWN’S TJOUEHOLD PANACEA " has no equal for relieving 1min. lmfli intonml and external It euros Pain in the side, Buck or Bounds, Sore "llroat, Rheumatism, tontlmclie. Lumlmgo and, any kind of u l’uiu or Avhe. “ It. willmosb surely quicken the Blood nnd Haul, us its acting TMWL’I' is wonderful.” “ Brown‘s House‘hold Panacea,” hen ing acknowledged as the great l’uin RelieverY and of double the sxrengrh of any other Elixir m‘ Liuimr‘nt in the world, should be in every family handy for use when wanted, “ as it really is the best mmedy in tlle world for Cramps in the Stomach, and Pains and Aches of all kinds." and is for sale bV all Druggists M: 25 cents a bufhle SURGEON DENTISTS, 208 Queen St. W'eth, Toronto DENTIST, NEWTONBROOK, ONT. \Vill visit the followiugplaces professionally .â€" Unionville,.. ....lst Monday of each month. \Vestou,.... .,.E)Lh and 21% do Maple, . . . o . . . . , . . . . . . . mm- do Richmond H111 .19b11 do Woodbridge ......... .Qan . do Mr Husband Willbe found in mi office, at Newton'brook, ev'ery Saturday. except when Satur- day falls on the above date. Newt‘o‘nbrook, June 13th, 1883. 1-iy' Thankfulvfor the fa vors of the Ir ay still be consulted in any branch fession, as follows : Richmond Hill.... 9th & 24th ofn Haliqu Chambm- of Commerce. He was eighty -fom yea]: of age. RIGGS ‘8: IVORY, may smll be consulted in any bmnch~ of th?) fife; fession, as follows : Richmond Hill .......... 9th & 24th of each month (at Palmer House) Aurora, 1st, 8th, 1661], and 22nd do Stoufiville . . . . . . . . . . . . lath do Markham...,.. . 0th do Victoria Square... 215i: do Thornhil] .., 23xd do VVoodbridge 28th do Kleinburg . ...... ...‘.‘9th do Nobletou . . . , . . A . l , l . . 30th do Vitulized my always on hand at. appointment. extracting. filofiulancs of It does away with we pain in Mr William Pryor rm old and rnspecled cixiznn. of Hhhl'nx. died there suddenly on the 8th izm. He was it umher of Ihe Commissirn than thirty years ago- imâ€" :iuynrawd tho firs! rnilwuy in Nova Scoli’n, and was nlllhnr of probably the first pamphlm urging the cunsrruction of 1he lulorrnlnninl Hailwav. Mr Pryor was the head of the firm of William Pryor di' Sons, 5mma years uqn one 01' the lvnding houses in [he West India. 'l'rada. and for u. long time Imld the position of President of lhe G. ‘H. HUSBAND, L- D. Dr. Fmglgfiaimwflthcug 'l‘hiny years reliable for cholera morbus‘ diarrhoea and summer complaints. WW Since the appointment of Mr Rnbt Quinn us General Freight and Passsengâ€" er Agent, in succession to Mr Kerr, the following promotions hare been made on the. stuff of the North and Northâ€" Werterm railways.~â€"â€"Mr E A Munford to be Assistant ieneral Freight and Passenger Agent at. Toronto; Mr M Sellers to retain Charge of'rhe Elevator nn'l Corn Exchange Business, and Mr W McLeod to succeed Mr Quinn as Local Freight Agent, and added to his duties will be those of Mr Storey, the Train Muster, film retires. Mr Mun- Fordl-as been for six years the Chief Clerk of the Department and previously to that he was with G. T. R. and with the International Fflst Freight Line. His ripe knowledge of his business will he of great value to the Company. Mr. McLeod has been over fourteen years with the Company_ being for the past eix years its Travelling Agent. - IlIuil. 'VE’I‘ALH ZED AIR 2 Any render troubled wnh Dyspmsln, (Jnslivvnwss, lleadnchp, Liver Cnmplnint, etc, should call u! I] Sanderson & Sons Drug: Slam, andsecure a free trial bulllo. of l‘JcGrt-gm’s Speedy lure at. once, which will ennvinoe you of Ihe melits. ol' the medicine. It cures permanently where all olher nwdicines have failed. As a blood purifier it has no equal. llomelner il costs [milling to Iry it. livgulur siz", fifty cents and one dollar. Official Changes on the N. & N. W. R We make these ussm-t‘mpsâ€"bold as they may seemâ€"on solid grounds, We have warrant for them in the statements of stun - ‘durd medical periodical , in the published ‘ncknowledgmeuts of thousands of grateful convalescents. and last, but not, least, so far as our private convictions are con-- cerned. itt our own personal experience and observation. To the man whose profound research and practit-al skill in medical science have ten sulted in the production of such unequalled Cuill‘allw’s. and whose business energy and enterprise have diffused them through every inhabited region betw‘een the Equator and the Poles. the homage of the world is due. ~1Vcw Yul-k Sunday Dispute/72. a sphere for its exercise. We refer to Professor Holloway, whose desire to bone-- fit mankind,» nnsated by the countless euros his medicines have accomplished, is now actively engaged in revolutionizing the treatment of disease. Conquest and subâ€" jugation are its objectsâ€"the conquest and subjugation of the various maladies that ofâ€" flict the human race. The trophies of his skill are to béyfouud in every region of the earth It has heretofore been the universal complaint against even the most popular medicines that they were mere palliatives, relieving pain temporarily, pcrE‘prsi, but never reachingthe "materies morbi'e,” of element of disease in the blood: Holloway’s Pills, on the contrary. act specifically upon the primary cause of the malady in the fluids ofthe body, and from which they sprina. ln external disease the Ointment is used us‘ an auxiliary to the Pills, and its sunitive effects are scarcely less wonderful. n v . u... . v u Rest. And Comfort To The Sufiering. Said the .Scythian ambassadors to Alexander, “If your person were as vast as your ambition the world would not con- tain you.” We have new a conqueror whose ambition is as boundleen aq Alexandrer’b. The old world was too narrow A Glorious Ambition ! Respect Old Age: Dr A ROBINSON, _ SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA firm}, Cured Free. thirty years ago Ernâ€" rnilwuy in Nova Scoti’n, 01' probably the first the cunsrruction of the vav Mr Pryor was the --./ --.--. x, 11.4mm” SURGEON DENTIST, has to 87 King §t_;reet East, L_AL‘, - _. ADAMS, 'L.D.S £129 mask. years do do - do tho"pla.ccs of L we pain in l-iy' THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, 3' Palmer, Prop. ‘ This House is one of flier Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. E vm‘ytmug is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Staining and attentive hostlers. Terms, $1 per day. Proctor‘s Bus lédyes this Hotel to connect with all the N 11 R Tmin’é going North and South. at 8 a. 111., 12 a. 111.; 5.10 p m. and 7.30 1) 1n. See our reduced loam table For further infor- mation up}wa {LL the offices of the Company Mm 0y xoceived on deposit, and interest payable Imlfyeariy Ql‘ compounded. fififlfifi Eflééfifii MEL This Hotel 1111}; been refiumirshed‘,‘ renovated, and fitted up in firstâ€"class style, and is now the leading Hotel north of Toronto. The bar i‘: sup- plied with first-class brand of liquors and cigars. Excellent accommodation for Commercial Travellzrs, and Um General Public. Good Stabl- ing and an attentive hoscler. I RICHMOND HELL. JoHN’ POWELL, Prop Officesâ€"No 70, Churclish‘eot, 'lorouto HON G120 W ALLAN, Senator-,I‘lesideut GEORGE GoomcnnAM {Vice-President Inmm'ronsmqamuel I-‘mtt, M P, A Fired Goodm- ham, Geo W Lewis, Thus" H Lee, Hon D' L Mucpherson, Senator Capital, $1,900,000; Reserve Fund, $460,000 Total Assets, $3,500,000 SAVING’S BANK NOE Western Canada Adver qmepfs without written instructions will be inserted until foxbid and charged transi- on: rates. EVERY TUURELIAY, At his printing Oflice, Ynnge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Tarms of Subscripth :-3,~11 00 per mmum in advance. \Vhen not paid in advance $1 (:0 will be charged. Tran aitory a_d vertisements, first insertion, 119} line ................ r ’ Scents Each subsequent. insertion, per line. 3 cents Contracts fox time and Space mde on applica- tion. _ M. Est. KEEELER, VILLAGE COUNCIL â€" Reeve, J Brown ; Coun- cillors, I Crosby, H F Hopper, A Moodie, R E Law. Clerk, M Teefy UGHMOND HrLL CORNET BAND.-Meets for prac- tice in the Tumnemnxe all every Tuesday even- ing at 7.300'c10ck. C. S ge. Leader. MECHANICS INSTITUTEâ€"Library- 015, over 1000 volumes 011011 every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o’clock. Wm. Pugs- lev, PreFident. '1‘ F. McMahon, Sec. R E wa, Librarian Fum BRIGADEâ€"negflur meeting first Friday of every 11mnth,ho]dm the Council Chamber, at 7 p. m. Membership Iron. Certificates issued to members entitlingthem to certain privileges and exemptions. J H Sanderson, Captain. IL A. Nicholls, Secretary, Climax Cé‘wrnic’zfiWCOIhpany, .‘EGNTREAL. R. '1‘. OF TEMPERANCE.â€"Richmond Hm Coun~ cil, No. 43, meets in the Temperance H1111. each alternative Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock p. m. Beneficiary certificates issued to lllembera for $1,000 or in case of death $32,000, one half payable in cuss of disability. J. H. Sanderson. Select Councillor. And cver‘v species of disease arising from impure 131m>d,:&c. &c.‘ 1'! ARIEI) llY 'JIHYI Health 8: Happiness for all. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE. Biliousness; Headache, Dys- pepsia, lnd'rgesticn, Dizziness, Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering of the Heart, I O G T.~~This Lodge meets in the Temperance; Hal] every Weenesduy evening at 8 o’clock p m. J H Sanderson, W G. A. 0. U. \V., IVY LODGE, No..114.~Maats in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hull, every second and fourth Tuesdtw of finch month, at 8 o’clock, p. m. Beneficury certificate given for $2,000 in case of death. J. A. E. Switzer, Master Workman, R. E. Law, Secretary. RICHMOND LODGE, A. F & A M, No 23, G R Câ€" Meet‘: in the Lodge Boom, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon. at 8 o’clock, pm A. J. Rupert, W M ; H. A. Nicholls, Sec. METHODIST~Services at 10.30 a m, and :11 Sunday School at 2 30 p m Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7.30 p 111. Rev. J. Betta, Pus- tor. Rev J. E. Starr, Assistant. PRESBYTERIANâ€"Services at 11 a m, andflsi p m Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening m 7 30 Rev James Dick, pastor ST MARY’S (EPISCOPAL.)-â€"-Service§ at 8 p 111, ex- cept the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 u. m Sunday School at 10 u 111 Rev W Bates, Rector Are pleasmt to take. Contain their own ngntivo. Is a. sufa, Euro, and effectual definaer of worms in Children or Adults. ROMAN CATHOLICâ€"Services : Thomhill at? am and Richmond Hill at 10 30 am ; the following Sunday at Richmond Hill at 9 am, and Thornhill at 10 30 a m, Re? Father Egan, Pastor. FREEMAW’S WGRE‘Q POWBERS. The York Herald. 71.70am arid Savings; Company W A LT E R, S LE E9». é‘mlmm gmmm @mflfi. MONEY T0 LOAN. CHURCHES SOCIETIES PUBLISHED BY Munagér Op, SALES ma mu um. I. mm m, 190 to IRS Yonge St. In the Linen Department we always 'keep 11 large stock. We import direct from the mnnupacturem.~ We have always the Belfast linens in stock, none better. See the linen damask napkins, 75c (loz Bleached table linen 40 and 50c yd. Bleached double damask 80, 31 yard up,.sp|cndid Value. VITRLFZEFJ MRFABLBES C. P. LENNOX, DENTIST In this department as well as others we have made a general reduction. Those beautiful prints, large gingham patterns, we have reduced from 90 yard to 7%0. Very nice line fancy prints in light and dark colors, only 5c yard. Second mourning prints 50, cheap, at 7&0. We have a stock to select from, numerous patterns, so that every lady can be suited at E AsTONiS .The only Dentist in _'1‘oronto _usinz Hm‘ds av- paratus for Extracting Teeth Without Pain Toronto Feb. 13th 1883‘ FILLINGS WARRANTEB PER 13 Y’s CALL AND SEE ME. BEST SETS 0F TEETH $8, Extra value in White Q'ui’Hs this Week. both in Honeycombed and Mar» selves. 100 '(Yoloured' (Jotth Twigt Quilts, run size. at $1 each, worth $1.38 New Patterns. two ply Pattern on both sides. Canadian make, 86 inches mde, only 750. a yd. The most semieeâ€" able carpet to be had: ‘ L How we sell carpets so cheap puzzles a good many. but it iv so, and there it is. We me offering the same big 1'0â€" ductions in over 100 pieces of’ tnpeetry carpet. Twenty to 30 cents off every single yard. '1’. EATON 33 00. NEW WOOL 013 RPETS“ PRINTS Call al the Carpet Department and aeo'flsnmplés and prices. T. EATON & CO THE CARPE’EJSALE. The cheapest, the best looking, the easiest managed window blind that is made. For this reasonâ€"They do not requiré to he taken down to be washed, our when washing the windows. They require no side attachments or pullo5s. They give as much additional imprové- ment to a Window as a carpet does to a room, and they only cost about as much as an ordinary hoiland blind. To be had in 40 different colours, and in the same number of dado : pattem‘s. No' extra charge for putting “them up in jour house. T. EATON si- 00. WHITE Q‘UIL'I‘S AMERICAN wmmw minis. Best Material in the Market. Filling and all other operations neatly done My Gold Cream damask linen 45, 506. yd Unbleached table linen 25, 30c. yard" Sanderson 8280113 LARGEHSIQQKE or FURNITURE. Mixed Paints,‘miiicaud White-wash Brushes. A complete stock of Paint Material Usual Stock ofGroceries. Low Down In Price} All N ew Designs, 151 Yonge St, Toronto: Letter Orders Promptly Attended To; CALL AND INSPECT THE STG’CK. Wan-muted to be made from tho TORONTO By means of Vitalized Air. Window Shades and Borderings for 1884, at THE PEOPLE’S STORE CHEMISTS a; DRfiGGISTs, Cures Dissmcss, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion,Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, A ff actions of Ike Liver (ind Kidneys, Pimples, Blow/Les, Bails, I Tumors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula. Erysipelas, and all diseases! dii‘sihg from Impure Blood, Derangcd Slomach, or irregular action of the Bowels.’ ALL WILL BE scr‘LD AT LOWEST Pmbié And the Largest Selection ever placed before you 'I‘. EATON & CO. §S.Cottons. Bu ers, Attorneysâ€"ab-Law, . Solicitbrs-i'n; Chan . Conveyancera, etc, Officesâ€"Imperial Bank Buildings. Wellington-street, Toronto noMAs FERGUSON, QC. Jorm BAIN WM SETON GORD'ON, _ V. GED F SHLPLEY Ladies’, 34mhon Josephine Kid Gloves, light has and fawn colors, 750, worth $125 BLACK C'ASIIMERES ‘Fgrgyson, Balm Gordpn do? Shipley, Those goods are?” new uud regular s’fock,'ahd have bécnf iniported direct from the best European manufacturers Black Ca,§llmore§, all wool, 40 inclms wide, selling at 37%(3 yard. 46 inches wide, 47% 0, worth 600. Those goods we warrant all wool, and are sold at 15 per cent under lhe regular price at Eaton’s. Ladiég" Jockey Coats tfimmed‘ with silk: very pretty I GENERAL AND > FINANCIAL AGENCY Farm 85“ Other Property, Hotels,"1‘nverns and Business. Goodwiiis Bought and Sold! See the'CasHmere vests. for $6 50 reduéed from $7 50 Very nice line Lndies’ Zhuttnn Kid GInvos. light tans, 500, worth $1 50 7 M, 7#. W..." ,A“ ,-,r__ whim" TILE, OF THE BEST nruv 1mv A'fl « For Manufacturing and other purposes: S oak and Share Brokers, etc, etc. Toronto Jan 9th We Have not many of these Jerseys left. Ladxes wantiugto invest would do.wcll- to call at Eaton’s and see those bargains: - BlacE and colorâ€"ed: Jerseys, Vtrimmed with moo'nli‘gm braid, very pretty, $5 25 formerrprice $6 50‘ Black and colored Jerseys ba-éâ€" que and trimmed with satin floss $4 50, ioryerrrprice $5 2_5. 1 ere- J erse vs, black and co!orcd Braided Jerseys with basqub back, 33 50, reduced from $4 25 Black 2156 colored Jerseys, trimmed wnh gold brald, $4 25. former price $5 all“ new patterné. B'ig reductions in Jerseys, clearing balance of stock All white cottons by the piece at. Mill Prices.» Check shirtir‘gs, 10, 1215, 15c up. Oxford shirtings, 12%;. 15, 180 up. Wincey shirtings, 10, 12%, 150 up. Brown duck, 12%;, 15, 200. Blue and brown demms, cheap. Cottonades for pants, 18, 25. 350 yd. Allâ€"wool (weeds for boys’ wear 45, 50, 600 Heavy Twoeds, (30, 75, 85c up Double width coatings, 75, $1, $1.15 yards. yard. 23 yards Factory 31. Heavy Factory, 5, 6:}, 8c yard. Yard wide sheetlng, 9 100. yard. Flue Make, 9, 100 yard All factory by the piece at Mill prices White Cotton, 6, 7c yard. Yard wide white cotton, 7%. 9, 10. 110, soft finish. White fine cottons, 10, 12%, 140 yard \Vhite shirting cotton. 11, 12:}, 14c, SYNDICéLTES FORMED Mantle cloths, $1, $1.15, $1.25 yard MQRTGAGES OBTAINED JERSEYS. QUALITY AT Tatent Rights disposed of ; :5. o; Box-"2&7. J. I. EVANS & CO, THOS NIGHTINGALE’B, G LOV Ex P. G. SAVAGE. flaw; 1883 Leader Lune, Teronto‘ Yorkvile increase the secretory powers of the Liver. brace the nervous sys tem, zmd throw into the circula- tion the purest Elements for sustaining and numbing the frame. will bu found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open 801135. Hard Tumaurs, This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itseif an imperishabie fame throughoutthe “Tor-Id for the alleviation: and cure of most diseases to whilh: humanity is heir. urify, regulate and improye the quality of tho mood. They assist the digestive organs, clan.qu $333 @intmenta ,Thousands of persons have testifie “AM. by their use alone they haue been restored to health aanirenglh, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. Coughs, Sore Threats, Bronchitis, and all disord ore of the Throat and Chant, as also Gout, Rhea matism. Scrofula. and other kind of skin diseases and sold at 15. 2nd,, 255. 9a., 4s. 6d., 115.. 22, and 83! each Box and Pot. and in Canada. at 36 cents,. 90 cents, and $1.50 cents, and the larger sizes in pronortion. Manufactured only at Profess- or Holiowav’s Establlshment. 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON. My CAUT’ioNâ€"l have no Agent in the; United‘ States, nor are my Medicines sold, there. Purchasers shuuld therefore look: to the label on Ihe Pots and Boxes. V‘If the addless is not, 533, Oxford Street, Lohdon they £110. Splfliops. _ ,~ My. BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS. COLDSI “my urn SIMU'IL‘UB. V. j The Trade Marks of my sum Médiéines fife 1‘3’ gistered 1n Otmwu‘, xmd also at Washington. V Signed v. THOMAS HOLLOWX’fi 533 Oxford street: Londou‘ V. Worth their Weigh: in Gold 1' v Mona": 10 Loan on iznprdvsd furml. at 0 cent. Apply :0 J R. ARNOLD. Jmc 13'11, 1384 rafiozlegr tb' Loan; ma. W. J. WIquN‘; MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. Member College of Physician}; Surgeons. (LATE alr- STOUFFVILLI.). H _/ ‘é OFFICE HOURS,â€"Fram B to 10 a. m.. 5 to I p246 nnswnxcn - a THORNHILL, ONT. G “aduate of Toronto Univ'er's’lty,’ m. C. P. & 8.. Ont, Two Years Resident, . Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General mun." Otfi co and Residence,â€" One door Iouth 011'. O. cam-“mm 1IOURS~8 to 10 o. m, a: 13 toning" Thornhill Feb 14th, 1353, Members Collago Physicians 6; Surgéonsf‘ Residence, Yongo Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond EH“, May 23rd, 1882. 1y R. 13. (mm. B. and First Silver fiedm‘é‘fi University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. ‘L A L, England (Late of London, England; Surgeon, i‘liu. ks'Ofilco Hours 8 to 9.30 u..m., and 1 to 2,30 pan. DR LE ifiéiflg LANGSTKFF ‘2’ AND ‘ mioua H111, 0th 12th, '32, {page Street, Richmond Hlll.‘ iTHE 5 per cent interes}. I _. r Loans made to Church Trustees, at a low rats of interest. Send for prospectus. A W‘ Lauder, . ‘ Sec. & Treafi. for Canada. ' " 44, 16 King St.,.Emat, Toronto. UAW. Dec 15:, 1883. Loans_ madg 791} geggrity" 01 Company’s Policy at Reserve Fund . . . . . . . $IIQI.O,QQ,OOC Annual Income . . . . . . 1.600.000 Invested in Canada. . . 11.200.00Q, Death clmms paid. ._ . . 10,000,000 TORONTO Rmnnzxcts. .‘ John McDonald, Esqw C. J. Calm ell, Esq” Hon. SenntnrMcMaster A. M. Smit , Esq. ‘3 James Metculfe, Esq. REV. Enoch Wood, D. D STOM AGE AND BOWELS, Sir Wm MeArthur, K C M G, M. P, ex-Lorcl Mayror of L‘ondon. President. - W W Baynes,Esq,F If Afielcflretdryi AssuranCe if S'oc’y‘ ’18 G, LANG-STAFF l DR. GER, MAPLE, “I: Gorge Langstaff? Of London, England, fiiicxlic‘ul. LIFE mu. 5w 18m Richmond Hill.

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