Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 3 Jul 1884, p. 3

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fining Sold (‘ut my Property and Business on the corner of YumrP and (‘Pnh'e Sheen, Richmond Hill. to Mr. Jaseph Hall. late of Vicroria Squale‘ ] am now prepar- ‘ ed to offer a large Block of GOODS “AT CGST ! Pianos ? Balms Y AN INSPECTION OF STOCK AND PRICES. FROM BUSEN ESS. SELLING OFF AT COST. No Price List of Rubbish Published to Catch the Unwary. MEET BE mam mm OUT BY AUGUST 15:, UPRIGHT AND gQUARE SUMMER GQGDS Again to the Fore: Big Sale-and no Humbug. Terms Strictly Cash Hum. 11. s. Wmmms & SbN’s. Tofi'fi'fo A ml 121; 13 GENTLEMEN-I have much pleasure in testifying to the great exceueé’ce ofV vclur Piniflfi‘. 8I1 ' htwe put them severely to thefigst, and find them possessed of those qualities of tofie and touch so we» coptnble to the true mtgammn any! lover of classical music-a charming singing tone easily gradu- ated from the most dellcute piamssimo to every degree of loudness dud fulness und’a touch which usyel'EIrgsgdilx to oyery shade of feeling. ’ “VI coflsid‘erifihéiaeririsgruments'a gl‘eatvacquisition in musicin society, and am much pl'eas'éd at finding a. piano which I can recommend with perfect confidence. f Ium,Genfiemen, yours very truly, CHAS W.EWING, (Of London, England)» Organist of St Peter’s Church. Coburg, On linens B. s. WILLIAMS «2 beéâ€" TORONTO, Nov. 4th, 1882. ~anin thol‘ou hl examined the VVorkmanship of your Pianos, 1 have no hesitation in itatgléstll‘nsué, 1n mygopiniong y ‘9 equal to t ' f In} theirs ‘of th'eavl‘opst hfnkgrs‘thlx‘tt Ihave sgeu "3.8;; Bafyv'spefiilifi‘fh Vaiajm'e fliél‘artéfifié’fégfidi'hg ilieiii 1; ‘ ai(1{1711i£i12 {for thei} {16 1i sing: in; capability of tone. fileaaunt touch, &c, art? such, that there seems to be no necessity to purchase foreign instrume to. w en our ho tgrpm - pr d e such Pianos, and a‘ ne-thiyd 1es_s cost ,,AL,AU_A "4A 4 kg. n,,;,,,, "fl-.E-grlnd to i163; 'thmt'the extensive sale‘of your ifmtrumefitsrshofi’s £11416 yduréfgrfinégtvffigâ€"Wfihugflé lucceal that I think vou Justly deserve. I am, Gentlemen. Your Obedient Servant, LQRGANS!, ifW. ~111le a. special style of Organs in large qugntitieu, nvnd [Lre therefore able to offer them at ex- captionally low rates. Payments arranged to suit ah» canvemence ef purchasers and spread over a film dye-rs. For full particulars write to ‘ Ra S: WILLIAMS. M3 Yonue St. mama. GR 926 Dundas St. London Mahmoud Hill, June 26th, 1884. 'Arc constricted from the vefy blest Materials 133* expenenced Workman, fir‘xd are fully " ' equal in point of Goods of the Best Quality Boots 8L Shoes at Cost, Crockery and Glassware at Cost, Groceries at Cost, And many articles below cost. As lhe whole of the Stock Goon VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. a. gm wmmm Only kept on hand. The public are invited to CHEAP FOR CASH. The Public may Depent on Getting: Great Burgnins. TESTIMONIALS . A Splendid Assortment of To the high priced American Ins1ruments. RETIRING â€"-â€"-AT THEâ€"â€" PIANQS ! ISAAC CROSBY. mm GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc. J. BROWN. The Senate of the United States has just psSSed a bill dealing witn the Mormon question in Utah that is certainly one of‘ the most stringent measures ever assentedl to by a representative body. Practically this measure annuls the constitution of the territory, in so far as it has power to deal with the Mormon Church. it. annuli all mensures of the Legislature incorporating the Church of the Letter Day Saints, and it espectnlly nnnuls any acts of the so-called ‘ General Assembly of the State of Deseret incorporating this church. The President of the United States is authorized to .apâ€" lnoint a commission of fourteen person who are to be trustees of this church, and this commission shall make to the Secretary of the interior for the United States an annun‘ al report of all the property, the business ‘ affairs and operations of the church. It nnnuls all territorial laws, creating or rev- hitting,r to the Perpetual Emigration Fund Company, and confiscates till the property in its hands, devoting the proceeds of a general sale of its assets to the use of the common schools of Utah. Morever, from a this time onward. any corporation or nose-- ctation, having for its object the bringing in of any person for any purpose whatever, is made unlawful. If these me-tsures are practical they will put an end to one of the worst evils of the Mormon Church, the addition to its numbers yearly of thousands of the most ignorant of the population of Europe, who are beingr constantly enticed to Utah by the agents ofthe "Perpetual Emigration Fund Soâ€" ciety.” In addition to thisthe board of trustees willâ€" f they succeed in doing any- thing. which is to be doubtedâ€"be in a pOSltion to discover whether a portion, at least, of the power which the Mormon Church wields over its followers, is due to the fact that the greater part of them are always in debt to the church. Tth portion of the measure dealing with the question of polygamy in especially severe. When this crime against nature was declared “to be a crime against the law of the United States. it was found,’ impossible to enforce this law as the women swore that they were not, the wives of their polyâ€" gnmous hnsbnnds. and when an attempt was made to indite these men for adultery. the. territorial legislature passed a measure providingthtt no action Could be taken arainst sn aduiterer except by one of the interested parties The present measure provides that this territorial act shall be jannulled. and fixes a greater penalty for lthis crime than for polgnmy. It, also pro-V irides that the lawful husband or wife of a person indited for polgamy, bignmy or adultery may be compelltd by extraordinary methods to nppear as n witness. and prosecutions for these offences may be com- menctud five years after their perpetration. A” marriage ceremonies. not only in Utah, but in any territory in the United States, must he filed l‘cfore the United States Courts. the pt-nnliy for neglecting to do this is a fine of not less than one thousrnd dollnrs or two years’ imprisonment, or both.- This does not by any means exhaust the re-- pressive clauses of this» measure. The electoral divisions of the territory are to be rearranged by the United States officials. :tnd all territorile measures for the number- ing of votes in such a manner that their ballots may be identified are annulled. The power of appointing the superintendents of common schools is to be vested in the United States. Women are deprived of the franchise, and laws of Utuh conferring rights of inheritance upon illegitimate children are annulled‘ This bill has yet to pass the House of representatives, and be assented to by the President before it bf“- comcs law. nnd if it does it is hard indeed to ~see by what snbterfuges the Mormons will be able to evade its stringency Mor- monism is n Stern evil to contend with, one thnt threatens the future of the entire wesâ€" tern portion of this continent. and certainly it has been sternlv dealt with. It is alt-- solutely impossible that in any country n section tony be allowed to band itself togetlterto break the laws and defy the nnlhority of the central government, as the Mormons have done. The United States ltjovernment has so fur done nothing to interfere with liberty of conscience, but only Will) gross license of conduct. Modern Magic. ThP magical power over pain lhat Um!" ynrd's ‘i’cllqw Oil posspsses. outrimls the marvels of anoinnt time’s. It acts in a natural manner to subdue inflammmion; euros Rheummism. (‘I-nnp: Dealness. Sore Throat, and painful injuries. wmmpd to» all thaThe Lives of Presi» Sdanta of-the U S. Thelargest, haml- smmeat, best book ever sold for less ' mam twice our price. The fastest selling book in America. Immense profits ‘to agents. All intelligent people want it. Any one can become a successful agent, Terms free, HAL- LETT BOOK Co, Portland, Maine. ” BROWN'S HoUEHoLn PANJ‘CEA "hm no equal for relieving pain. both intPl‘nn‘l and external It cures Pain in the Hap, Puck or bowels, Sow Thrmt, Rheunmfiqm, toothache, lumbugn and (my kind of a Pain or Avho. “ 11' Willmcst surely quinlien the Island and Haul, as its acting wnweris won larfulf “ Brown‘s Household Panacea," he» ing uckmnvlsdgcd us (he urmc Pain Reliever. and of jumble the sh‘pnmh of any other Elixir or Linimenln in the world, should be in everv fnmily hzmrl‘.‘ {or use whml wanted. “ as it roully is the best remedy in the world for (,l'mnps in the Slommzlx, and Pains and Aches of all kinds," and is-fm' sale bv all Druggidts at 25 cents a bottle RIGGS 82; IVORY, A‘rtificm] Teethmpper or under, $5.00. Pain- less extracting by use of Etherlzed Air. The only firm in the Dominion executing flrst~class work at the above price. SURGEON DENTISTS, 208 Queen St. W'est, Toronto “LU” removed to 87 King street East, Toronto,, Best minaml teeth inserted in a. mann- er to suit each patient. Particular attentisn given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth, carefully avoiding all unnecessâ€" ary pain. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 6 p. In. Private residence 209 Jarvis street. “H11 visit the followingplaces progessionally :â€" Unionvillepu. lst Monday of (Each month. Westonw ..9th and 2131: do Maple, ..... ...16th (10 Richmond Hill. 19th do Woodbxidge”... 22nd do Mr Husband willbo found in hisoflice, at N ow tonbrook, every Saturday. except: when Satur- day falls on the above date. G. H. HUSBAND, L- D- S W. 03‘ removed 1 Thankful for the favors of the past years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro fession, as follows : Richgopd :.. 9th dz 24th of each month (mt Palmer House) Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Stoufiville . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . ....18th do Markham . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2%}: do Victoria Square ., .2135 do Thornhil] . . . . . . . . . . . . ..,231d do Woodbridga . ...28th do Kleinburg .. ..,29th do Nobleton .. . .. ,soth do Vitalizad air always on hand at the’-’places unpointmem. It does away with me pain extracting. VITA LIZED A [R ! Best. And Comfort. To The Suffering Newtofibrook, June 13th, 1883. The Mormon Problem. DENTIST, NE WTONBROOK, ONT‘ Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA genial, SURGEON DENTIST, haé Itol§7_ King gpreet East, »._ ADAMS, L.D.S., do do do do do do do do the’-’plaqes of l-ly‘ PREEBYTERIANTSOYViceg at 1] a. m, ade 30 p m Prayer moetmg on Wednesday evemng at 7 30 Rev James Dick, pastor ST IMARY’S (EPISCOPALJâ€"Serviccs at 8 p m, ex- cept the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 a In Sunday School at 10 u 111 Rev W Bates, Rector A. 0. U. “7., IVY LODGE, No. flakâ€"Meets in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hull, everv second and fourth Tuesday of each month, at 8 o’clock, p. m. Beneficary certificate given for $2,000 in case offloath. J. A. E. Switzer,_.flaster Workman, R. E. Luw, Secretary. 15.13.01? TEMPERANCE.-â€"Riclimond Hill Coun- cil, No. 43, meets in the Temperance Hull. each alternative Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock p. m. Beneficiary certificates issued to member! for $1,000 or in case of death $2,000, one half payable in case of disability. J. H. Sandersou. Select Councillor. METHODISTâ€"Services at 10.30 (1. m, and 6.3017 121 Sunday School at 2 30 p m Prayer meeting every Thursday evening M130 1) 111. Rev. J. Betts,1’ns- tor. Rev J. E. Starr, Assistant. RICHMOND LODGE; A. F & A M, No 23, G R Câ€" Meets in the Image 13.00111, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or hoflm: full moon, at 8 o’clock, pm A. J. Rupert, V: 1.1 ; II. A. Nicholle, Sec. I O G T.*This Lodge meetsin the Temperance Hull every VVconvsduy evening at 8 o’clock p m. J H Sanderson, \V C. FIFE BRIGADE.-Regu1ar meeting first Friday of every month, held in the Council Chamber at; 7 p. m. Membership tree. Certificates issued to members entitling them to certain privileges and exemptions. J H Sanderson, Captain. 11. A. Nicholle, Secretary. MECHANICS INSTITUTEâ€"Library of over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o’clock. Wm.P11gsâ€" ley, President. T‘ F. McMahon, Sec. R E Law. Librarian. ‘ ROMAN CATHOLICâ€"Services : Thornhill am am and Richmond Hill at 10 30 a 1n ; the following Sunday at Richmond Hill at 9 am, and Thornhill at 10 30 a. In, Rev Father Egan, Pastor. VILLAGE COUNCIL â€" Reeve, J Brown ; Coun- cillore, I Crosby, H F Hopper, A Moodie, R E Law. Clerk,M Teefy RICHMOND HILL CORNET Eulaâ€"Meets for mac- ticc in the Tcmnemnce Hall every Tuesdn y evan- mg at 7.800’clock. C. Savage. Leader. {D UUe , Baden 1f you W 11 bus 11653 at which either sex, young or old. can make great pay all the time they work, with absolute cer- tainty, write for particulars to H. HALLE‘JJT 6500, Portland Maine. EVERY THUR sDAY, At his printing Oifice, Yonga street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscriptlon:â€"~$100 per annum in advance. When not paid in advance $1 60 will he charged. Transitory gidvertisements, first insertion, M. H. KEEFL'ER, Western Canada parline. Scouts. Each subsequent insertion, per line. 8 cents. Contracts for time and space made on applica- ti :1. Advertisements without wri’cten instruction will be inserted until forbid and charged travai- em. rates. Lean and Savings Company Oflicesmh‘o TU, Church-street, Toronto RON G150 \V ALLAN, Senutmfl’xesident GEORGE GOUDERHAM H ..Vice-President Macliherson, Smmtm‘ DIRECTORS- 3111111101 Platt, M P,A1fmfl Gander- hmu, Geo NV Lewis, Thus H Lee, Hon D L om] Assets. $3,500,000 Md! 9y received on «loposii, and interest payable hnifyennv or compounded. ' Sen our reduced 1mm tnhle For further infor- mation apply My the offices of the Compmny SAVINGS BANK BRANCIâ€"I solutely sure; No risk, Capital not requir ed, Reader, if you Want business at; which thm-uav ‘vnv‘nn nr nm r-nn nuaer areal: $66a week at home. $5 outfit free. Pay ab- FREEMAN’S WORM POWDERS. THE” PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgntive. Is a safe, euro, and eflectnal destroyer of worms in. Children or Adults. J'_ Palmer, Prop. This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is mmmge'd in First ()1is Style. Sampleokoom for Comma: 91ng Travellers. (jood Stubliug and attentive hoshfé‘rs; '_1‘er1ns, $1 per day. Proctor‘s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with an the N R R Truinq going North and South. at 8 n, 111., 12 9.. m., 6J0 p m. and 7.30 n In. [MM] RENTER]. HflTEI. RICHMOND HILL. JOHN POWELL, Prop This Hotel has been refurnished, renovated, and fitted up in first-class style, and is now ihe leading Hotel north of Toronto. The bar i-: sup« plied with first-class brand of 1i uors and cigars. E walla-111', {accommodaticn -o‘x Commerciai Twe veflera. find the General Public, G‘oed Stabl- ink' and an attentne Howler. Capital. $1,090190n; AReserve Fund, $450,000 Heaith 8: Happiness for all. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biiiousn'ess, Headache, Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Dizziness, Jaundice,_ Di'opgy, Fluttering of the' Heart, And every species; of disease arising frém Impm'e Blood, &c. &C. X‘E’J‘I'ARIZU HY 'JHK Climax Chemical Company, .‘ECNTREAL. gfiiilags gammy The York Herald. W A UFER. 8 LEE, Egmm @Mflfi. M0 Nlu‘Y 7’0 LOA N. CIIURCIâ€"IES SOCIETIES I’UBLISHED BY Manager RICHMOND ' HILL, NT. The cheapest, the best looking. the easiest managed window blirid that is made. For this reasonâ€"They do not require to be taken down to be washed, nor when washing the windows. They require no side attachments or pulleys. They give as much additional improveâ€" ment to a window a: a carpet does to a room, and they only 'cost about as much as an ordinary holland blind. To be had in 40 different colours, and in the same number of dado patterns. No extra charge for putting them up in your house. Low Down In Price. All New Designs, Mixed Paims, Paint and White-wash Brushes. A complete stock of Paint Material. Usqu Stock ofGroceries. H, Samderson & Sons AMERICAN wmmw §HAuEs A Cottong LARGE STOCK 0F FURNITURE. QCALL AND mercT THE STG‘CK; ‘-“ nfiAn 1‘s i Call at the Carpet Department and seofiamples and prices. T. EATON & 00. THE CA R1”ET2 SALE. ' How we sell carpets so cheap puzzles a good many. but. it i‘I so, and there it is. \Ve ate oflering the same big re- ductious in over 100 pieces of tapewtry carpet. Twenty to 30 cents off every single yard. - ~_ «.mn‘v i. "n a v '1‘. EATON & 00. NEW WOOL (L! RPETS New Patterns. two ply Pattern on’ both sides. Canadian make, 36 inches mde, only 75¢. a yd. The most senieaâ€" able carpet to be had. ‘ SALES FOR CASH ONLY. ET. EATON 8180., ISO in l98 Yonge St. Extra value in White Qums this week, bmh in Honeycombed and Marâ€" selles. 100 (loinurcd Uotton Twigt Quilts, full size. at $1 cudh, worth $1.38 “P In the Linen Department we always keep a large stock \Ve import. direct from the manuf'acturers. We have always the Belfast linens in stock, none better. ' See the linen damask napkins, 75c doz Bleached table linen 40 and'50c yd. Bleached double damask 80, 81 yard up. splendid value. 5 In this depurtmeh’l (1% “"611 as others we have ‘made a general reduction. Those beautiful prints, large gingham patterns, we have reduced from So yard to 7&0. Very nice line fancy prints in light and dark colors. only‘Efc yard: Second mourning prints 51% cheafi‘u‘t 7&0. We have a stock to seiect from, numerous patterns, so that every lady can be suited at u E AiTCfiN’S T.EATON& 00. WHITE QUILTS PRINTS VITHLIZEII MR FARMS C. P- LENNOX, DENTIST 151 Yongq St, Toronto. The only Dentist iii Toronto using Hurds up" paratus for Extracting Teeth Without Pair. BEST SETS 0F TEETH $8; FILLINGS WA RRANTEB F0310 Y’s CALL AeND SF}: ME. Toronto Feb. ram 1353 Cream dama‘sk linen 45. 50c. yd. Uribleachqd table Iineu 25, 30c. yard Best Material in the Market. Filling and all other operations neatly done My Gold Letter Orders Promptly Attended To. Window Shades and Borderings for 1884, at THE PEOPLE’S STORE. Warranted to be made from thb CHEMISTS 8t DRUGGISTS, TORONTO By means of Vitalized Air. And the Largest Selection ever placed before you ALL WILL BE SOLD AT LOWEST PRICES. anfpl'es, BlOtC/LES, Bong, llumoré, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Eryszfpelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action Qf {he Bowels. Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousncss, Dyspepsia, Jaundicg. Aficctions of the Liver and KidneyS, T. EATON & CO 25 yards Factory $1. Heavy Factory, 5, 6%, 8c yard. Yard wide aheetmg, 9 100. yard. Fine Make, 9, 100 yard All factory by the piece at Mill prices White Cotton, 6, 70 yard. Yard wide white cotton, 71;, 9, 10. 11c, soft finish. . White fine cottons, 10, 12%.140 yard White shirting cotton, 11,121.}, 14c. yard. MAll white cottons by the_ piece at Mill Prices. Check ahirtirgs, 10, 1%, 15c up. Oxford shirtings, 12%. 15,‘ 18c up. Winoey sliirtings. IO, 12%, 150 up; Brown duck, 12%, 15, 20c. Blue and brown demms, cheap. Cottonadea for pants, 18, 25. 350 5'6. All-wool lweeds for boys’ wear 45, 50, 600 . ' Heavy Twecdc, 6t), 85c‘u'p .. Double width coatings, 75, $1, $1.15 yards. all new patterns. Cashmere Jerseys, black and colored, $2, 225, $3 Blz'x'ck and coiored Jerseys wiih basâ€" que and trimmed ,with satin floss $4 50, former rprice_ 25._ " Braidéd, Jgrsejs with bd‘éiiue built, 33 5'50, reJuced from $4 25 'Ijadies’ Jockey Coats trimmed with silk, very pretgy .. A--- Big reductions in Jerseys, clearing balance of stock ’ ‘We have not many of these Jerseys left. Ladies wamiug to invest would do well to can an Eaton’s and see those bargains. ' See thkabasfimere; vests for 86 60, reduced from $7 50 These goods are all new and regular stock, and have lbegn impaired direct from the b'esit European manufacturers Blnék and colored Jerseys, trimmed with gold brald, $4 25. formerrprricfa $5 Blue}; and colored Jerseys, trimmed with moonlight braid, very pr'éfty, $5 25 fovrzfi'er price 36 50 Ladies" 3-button Josephine Kid Gloves, light tans and fawn colors, 75c, worth $1 25 . ELAOK CASHMERES BIA OK CA SH MERES Black Caslnmcrps, nll wool, 40' inches wide, selling at 37%0 yard., 40' inches Wide, 471} 0, worth 60c. These goods we warrant all wool, and are sold at 15 per cent under the regular pricé at Eaton's. , Very gice li’ne ngies'fib'u't'tm Kld Gloves. light, fa‘ns, 50c, Mirth $1 50777 3 Infoth Fan 9th 1583 Bufiisters, Attorneys-at-an, Solicitbrs-in- Chancery? Conveyancers, etc, Officesâ€"Imperial Bunk Buildings. Wellington-street, Toronto norms FERGUSON, QZC. JOHN BAIN _ (gum F 811mm“ WM SETON GORDON, Ferguson, Bfiln, corplpn &"§.hiplgy, I GENERAL AND ‘ i FINANCIAL AGENCY 1-1 ’ RAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST QUALITY Afr ‘ Farm & Other Property, Hotels, Taverns and Business. Goodwills Bought and Sold! For Manufacturing and other purposes: S Oak and Share Brokers, etc, etc. Mantle cloths, $1, $1.15, $1.25 yard . _ PatentRights disposed of; SYNDICATE}; FORMED JERSEYS.- MORTGAGES (FBTA’I‘NED Q ALITY P. G. SAVAGE. P. o. 363: 2527. G LOV ES J. I. EVAIIS & CO, 37309 NiGHTmGALE's, gsgul. Lén lie? Lime. Torr Yorkvil‘e' Assumm fie... John McDonr‘ul(1,Esq. ' C. J. Camp! Hon. SexmtorMoMastor A. M. Smith James Mebcalfe, Esq. Rev. Enoch Loans made on_ goeuriby of Coulpnny’. 5 pvr cent inierenut. Loans m1de toChurvh Trustees, at n.) interest. Send for prospel EAT]. Of London, England, Sir Wm McAvthnr, K C I: P, ex-Lord Maymj 10f President. " W W Baynes.EsqfiF I Asst} Reserve Fund . . . . . . 4 8110.000 Annual Incmne . . . . . . 1.6m Invested in Canada . . .- 1.2-3? Death claxms paid. . . . 1000‘ TORONTO REFERENCES. AL, England (Lani 0f london, Eng‘lc Surgeon, Etc. - ' , ‘ - LEOflice Hours 8' to 9.30 9.111., and] to 2.30 r Members_College Physicim’ig ct Surgery; 4 Re‘sidvence, Yong}; Streeg, Richmond H Richmond Hill,1\lu.y 23rd. 1882. : l R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Sil‘ver Mm University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario; D12, George Langsu TlgomamLL, ONT. ‘1 i: ;‘ 1 : - ( Graduate of Toronto Umvers M. C. P. & 8.. Out, Two Years Residan! Assistant Surgeon to Toronto Gefiéréyl 309‘ Office mod Rasman door comm 6 OFFICE HOURS~8 to 10 a. m,&12 to 2_ Thornhill Feb 14th,‘1883. my I DRLEWI‘S G. LANdsTAr BR. JAMES IANGSTAF? Member College of Physician! a: Sag-get: _ ' (LATE 0F B’I‘OUFFYTL‘ILEfi} m OFFICE HOURS,â€"Fro‘m a 15010 9.. 111., 5 Loft: 9 RESIDENCE V ‘ I dege Street, Richmond. Hi: Manny to Union improved Mtznvs. at cent. Apply to . ' J. R. ARNOLD. J11n018111,1884 Mdney to L03: Worth their Weigh: in "Go: DR. W. J. WILSO} MEDALIST memo umvnnsi’m This Incomparable Mediciné hamn ed for itself an . imperishnble 1' throughoutihe World for the allevir‘ and cure of most diseases to v humanity is heir. urify, regulate and improyc tha quality th00d. They assist the digestive organs, increase the secretory powers of tho Liw the nervous system, and throw into the tion the purest Elements' for susfaiui repairing the fmme. * Thousands of pers‘one‘ have testifio' by their use a,loné xhey haue been re to health and strength, after: “every means had proved unsuccessful. will bu found invaluable in every Honseho) the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tummn‘s, V Coughs, Sbro Thronts,B1-'michitié, nnfifill G ers of the Throat and Chest, as (L150 Gout,- matism. Scrofulu and other kind of skiudl Manufactured 0111}? at Pro" 01" Hofloivav’s Establishm 5‘33,- OXFORD S'I‘R‘EET 1.0m; and sold at la. 1961., 2s. 9d,, 49. 6d.,~'113., 22; In: each Box and Pet, and in Canada at 36 A. 90 gents, and $1.50 cents, and the larger sir m‘ovortion. BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS.‘ Cm CAUTIONâ€"1 have no Agent 1' Unites] States, nor are my Medicines there. Purc‘lmssers shuu'ld thisreforo to‘thé label on {He PMS and Box‘ea‘ address is not 533, Oxford Street, I they are spurious. The Trade Marks of my said Mpdicfns' gistered 111 Ottawa, and also at. \Vashim, RichuToua [1111, Oct. 12th,"8 Signed 5H1 fixfm {1 stree STOMACH AND BOVVI’ A V! Lauder, 806‘ (X: Trams. forCnnr 16 Kim: S ‘ DR. ORR, MAPLE, gar/(titan. X116 35W THOMA 8 ROLL Iiiéhmé'nJ n 5H; 1%

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