Toronto. Thornhill. Richmond Hill "King. Aurora, Newmnrket, Holland Landing, 6600005.! ï¬n†A It “vases†ulcnmomnmu Posw omen. Until furtherv‘noiicc, Mails will be 010306 at the abov‘é Oï¬ico as follows :-- HIST flFFIlIE‘ Nfl'l‘lIIIH MORNING.“- - Going North, South, East,- and west, at. . g 3 . 7.40 Going South, EilSt, ahd West, an. . . . . . . 6.0‘0 Mail for the! Norm, via. Railway, leaves once a day, in the morning, as above Muted. Some talk in had because Mr. George Stephen has thought proper to invest romo ofhis spare cash, we thinit about $4,C00 in a piano, and it is said, that since his connection ï¬ll) the Canada Paciï¬c has he been enabled to invent no steeply; In other words, that he has done so at the expense - of the country. We think this is very foolish, even granting that he has made so much money since his connection with railway pursuits an to be able to invest his spare cash so commendably, it is certainly no perlon’s business what‘he does with his money. The fact 15 Mr Stephen was fortunate enough to become rich long enongh before he ever took hold of the enterprise that hei: now connected with. He was a man oflnrge means which he accumulated by honest industry in the Dry Good Business, and it- would be well for every young man if they only had the tact, push and nerve that. Mr. Stephen is possessed of. Many of the farmers of Ontario have pianos and organs they are not to be blamed for in- Vesting some of their hard made enrn- ings in this manner, if they think proper to do so. In like manner Mr. Stephen with the amount of wealth he possesses cannot be blamed for doing So if he thinks proper. It only tends to Show to whatbcxtremes newnpnper writers will venture, for the purpose of having a clap at .a Government to which they may be opposed in Politics. Morning Mail from South, Wegt and East, by Rn‘ilway,arrives at Exening Mail from Toronto by Yonge street Stage, arrives at. Night Mail from North, by Rail- way, arrives at ........... . ....... Holland Landing, Nowm uket, Aurora, Kine. Richmond Hill, Thomhill, Toronto, No. 6: WM: No. 1358: Volume 27. THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1884 A few words about Mr George Stephen which we take from a short sketch of his life, may not be out of place. Mr. Stephen was born in the village of Duï¬town, County Banï¬â€˜in the north of Scotland, in the year 1828 ; at the age of 14 he was apprenticed to the Dry Goods’ Trade in the town of Aberdeen. He served out. his apprem tioeship of seven years faithfully, ao- quiring a ,tlrorough.knowtedge of the business; as soon as his apprenticeship was concluded, he determined to try his fortune in the great._ city of London. Here he was soon putupon his mettle, entering the extensive Dry Goods’ esâ€" tablish-meat of Messrs 'l‘ & F I’awson ECO, he ma’do application to†the head ofe‘thc' Firmfor a situation, hejwas met with a brusque “No,†in ansWer, he boldly but respectfully replied that he thought they needed a boy‘to pick up strings and loose paper, and that it would pay to hire him. He was hired 'and from step to step he worked himself up, until one day waiting upon a customer who took a funcy to him, and who turned out to be an uncle of the young man, he engaged to go to Montreal, which was the making of his fortune. OFFICE HOURS Stayedâ€"D. s. Kinneo. The date printed on each paper dénotou the time when the subscription expires. - Mr. Stephen entered largely into the Manufacturing Business. In all his business undertakings Mr Stephen has been very successful. He sometime since gave 850,000 for the erection of a new wing to the General Hospital of Montreal. His connection with the undertnking of building the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway, no doubt, to some ex~ tent ensures the succeutul accomplishâ€" ment of this work. If we are not mie- Inkcn, Mr Stephen in at the present time President of the Bani; of Montreal. Richmond Hill, Jime' 23rd. 1884. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. TRAIï¬rTIME. We 9mm mm. N0 TICE T0 S UBS CRIBERS. Mr. Stephen's Piano. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Richmond Hill. Ont. ARRIVALS. EVENING; GOING KOBTE‘ 745 840 849 333-» 3.30%. ES. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. GOING IOUTE 9 02 9 l2 9 22 10 15 13 90 )2 48 1'3 60 11 40 11'“ 1‘2 18 12 32 12 43 1 4b 10.30 8.00 7.00 605 7935 014.0 1132235 '3‘0121 3.667773 . v A 1.‘ . -.r. - ‘ l V The Dutch In America are said to bet The council met at 10 a m on San", day. 2811] ult. Members I.†present. The hi hi indi‘ nant. at the su ention that g y g gg Reeve" in tha chair. Minutes of last meetâ€"1 Holland is to be dictated to try Germany ing read and conï¬rmed. ' 1“ the Royal succesï¬w- The ca" “ Mr Forster. seconded by Mr Lundy. this: the Prince of'Hnlland {is dend,'the mgved that the Treasurer be and is here- Kingfio old, the Prin‘cwess' inlhelmine, byinutli‘oriud to ply John Culvert. the sum his daughter, is an infant o'nly‘four years Of 34-50, being for Tepuirin! I road plane, old. Now. the Cable says that. Congress “PM†0" “‘6 0rd" °fLIY“"“"" will proclaim this child successor urderi M°Wd by Bum†"c by Md" H“! “‘e . . sum of $25 be granted for gruelling in ‘gle Councg w the Rggéscybw‘t!:i Queer; gravelling in rond division No 49, Mr mm“ “5 egem 3“ i e 1"“ em 0 Abram Hoovér, rond ovorleer in snid divi- tlle Coundl as Chancellor. But HOI- sion to auperintondtho work and to In land dgclaro that they will? n’dq hit/‘th value is received for the nnfouut, laid governed a woman. Princeggi grant being made upon lb. condition that Wilhelmina being Bernidmu,‘ “st of the, ratepayers in the divuion shall volun» ;candidatea remaining are all Germans. i "‘"U “uppl'mem the 3"“ {mm “W C°““' But it is said that. Prince Bismarck can I GILâ€"(“mam I Moved by Bruce, are by Forster, that never get What Vim wanm- He PM .the Treasurer bu and in hereby juthorited hanker If'lgrzthc -I\etherlands a he likes, l to pay upon order of mover the mm of $16 but he will never be nblu to annex them ifor the culverts constructed on 5th Con., ' to the German Empire. nllo $5 for drainirg gravel pit and Humor-- l,, ; A correspondent thus writes to the " World: “ Now thstv Toronto has just l celebrated her SemiiCehtennisl, 1 would ‘ like to suggest to the people of Ontario l and of (lands generally the propriety ofi celebrating 'a’ certain event that will L reach its 40th anniversary in the fall ofi this year. I refer to the entrance of Sir John Macdonald into public life.l For forty years he has. been a member ‘ of Parliament, and for twentyâ€"ï¬ve ot‘i these years he has given his whole time and energy to the public service. Hel is the most rominent man in the' Dominion toâ€"diay. It is not likely, . however, that his strength will be such as willeeo him in oflioe ten. years from now. On the contrary.'tbe indications are that he. may soon have to retire. It I would be most ï¬tting then. not only for the Conservatives, but for Canadians in general, to celebrate his fortieth year‘ in public life by a great gathering inl Toronto, sometime in the coming fall. Thousands would come from all partsl of the Province to take part in'it. †“ I had been for eight months unable to work, and felt as thongh Iwould as lief die as live. through Dyspepsia and lndigel» tion. lweigbed atthe lime of getting a. boule of McGregor’u Speedy Cura 130 lbs.,- used 3 bottles, and now weigh 165 lbs. and never was better in my life. It. was Mc-â€" Gregor’s Speedy Cure (but brought me around.†So'laya Wm. Fell, Hamilton. Go to H Sanderson &Sons’ Drug Store and get: free {rial bottle or the regular size for ï¬fty cents and one dollar. Dr Wilson moved, leeonded by Mr ,Falconbridge, that this Board reoom» mend thefappointment of Mr James McConnellRus Sanitary Inspector for thin municipality. Globe to publish a Tory Bill of Refresh- ment amounting “ to the large sum of 88.49,? for it only gave an opportunity to show how extensively the Globe's friends indulged in the good things, on a certain trip made sometime ago. It is a very small afl'uir, and We fail to sec the room there was for the Globe or its friends making such a time about it. Eightidollars odd wo fancy did not do much to bribe or purchase voters in Muskoka. Here are the items :â€" Three bottles Guinnesa’ Form-""81 (‘5 Halfâ€"dozen Flasks of Rye......... 3 .05 Corkscrew ....... . ................. ... 20 Tin Cup ........ . .................... 0 00 One Can Beef ....... ........ 35 Halfâ€"dozen Sardines................ 1 50 Tho Dominion Government has deâ€" cided that. the article known to comâ€"- merce as “ten dnat.â€and which is found upon analysis to consist of tea dust, and agrent deal of rubbish del‘eterioul to health, shall not be admitted into the Country.- ‘ J{he Finest healing compound under the s'un"is McGregqr & Parker’s Carbolic Ccrnto There is no sore but mll succomb lo its wonderful healing properlie. It in an in-- valuable dressing for acnlda. feetera, etc. Pricctwemynï¬ve cent: at H Sandersonl’ Drug Store. The Board of Health met in the Council Chamber at 4 p. m. on Monday last, all ithe members lgeipg pregent. Moved by Mr Trench, seconded by Mr Savage, that the Secretary and Treasurer be instructed to make out a statement oftho amount required for Public School purposesrfor the year, and that the Secretary ascertain from the Clerks of Markham and Richmond Bill' the number OfEChOOI children in the‘ sectionâ€"Carried. ‘ Moved'b‘y Mr Trench, seconded by Mr McConaghy. that the Secretary and Treasurer be and are hereby empower» ed to borrow $400 from the Bank, for the use of the Public School, and also to renew the note of $400 already borrowedâ€"Carried. The meeting then adjourned to until Wednesday, 23rd inst. The Secretary read 1b; .minutes of the last Fleeting. which wer_e ‘approvgfi. Miunu't'es of hat; meeting read and adqptcd. A Several communications were read. An account for work done by Mr Law at the High and Public School: was read, and referred to the committee of management. A bill frbm the HERALD Otï¬ce for printing time-tables, was laid over until next meeting. A letter from Mr Wm McBride in reference to claim, &o., was read. The Secretary was in» structed to write Mr McBride in refer-. once to his cluim,stating that the Board could not entertain it. The School Board met on the 2nd inst, in the Lorne Hall. Mr R Marsh in the chair. Present, Messrs Skeele. Savage, Trench, Switzer, Boyle, Mc- Cohaghy, and Naughton. Moved by Mr Trench, seconded by Mr Savage, that the P. S. Inspector be instructed to pay the July gram. to Mr 'J A E Swilzer, Secretaryâ€"Carried The Throne of Holland. We think it was unfortunate for the The Band th'en adjourned. A cure For Cuts. Sores, Etc. Board of Education. Board of Health. [ v A Flrm Oplnlon. Tho ï¬rm of Ormnnd & Wallh. druggilll, of Peterboro, say Dr. Fowler’l Wild Sir-'- I hgrry in one nfthoir belt unmian Hodiciuu for Summer Complaints. Markham Township Council. The Council met at 10 a mâ€. on Sahar- day. 2811] uh. Members I.†present. The Reeve" in tha chair. Minutes of last meetâ€" ing read and conï¬rmed. Moved by Bruce, see by Lundy. that the sum of $25 be granted for gruelling in gravelling in row] division No 49, Mr Abram Hoover, xond ovorleer in said divi- sion to auperintond the work «and to In Mr Forsier. seconded by Mr Lundy. mqved that the Treasurer be and is here- by‘lnuth‘oriud to pi] John Culvert the sum of $4.50, being for repairing a road plane, payable on the order of Lyanzant. Moved by Bruce, see by Forster, that the Treasurer hi and in hereby jutborited to pay upon order of mover the mm of $16 for the culverts constructed on 5th Com, nllo $5 for drainirg gravel pit and removu mg stumps and tree: on pit. bankdâ€"Carried. . Port Perry has been devastated by ï¬re. Mr N» F Patterson, of that plnce, bu arrivn ed in Toronto, for the purpou of lolicitilz aid for the ,lufl'ererl. Over 300 heads of famihu have been thrown out of employ-- ment, and the greator portion of the in-- habitnnll are without shelter. Wooden sheds are now being erectod for thoir acâ€" commodation. Tho tolnl lou in $345,000 on which them in insuronce of about $155,000. Last your the same placo had a $116,000 ï¬re. Moved hy Forster, ué by Reesor, that tho'I’reanrer be and I: hereby authorized to pay John Sellers the sum of $50 on Etc-- count of cutting hill on townlino Min-khan] and York. at the foot oflbe 2nd Con.,ank municipality paying a hkc lamâ€"Carried. Croat Fatality. The ravages of Cholera Infantum, and Summer Complaint. among children is truly slnrminz. The most reliablo cure in Dr. Fowler’s Wild Strawberry. Every bottle guarantoed to give anti-faction. Movéd by Forster, sec by Lundy, that when this Councd adjournl it stands" ad» joqvincd pplil§aturday. Agguat» Nthâ€"Car. I Moved by Reesor, see by Lundy. {hit the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay Wm Foot the sum of $4.05 for 335 feet plank furnished this municipalityâ€"Car. The Council then adjourned. Moved by Reagan In by Lundy, ï¬n! the 'l'xouaurer be and is hereby authorized to pay Wm Boymon 1he sum nf $8, being ‘woahirds "Lie thecp killed hr dogs,~Cnr ’ Moved by Forster, see by Reenor. chat the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay Jas McConchio 1h. sum of$8. being for 8 day: ï¬lling gravel. drawn gratuitous- ly in Div No 65~Carri¢d. Moved by Forster, no I)“ Bruce, that the sum of $100 bu 1nd in iwroby granted to gravel aide line between km; 10 and 11. Con: 8 and 9, nnd that Mr Heel-or and the overseer be commissioner: for expending the same. pay-bio on their order when the work 15 completed. provided thatthe rate-- payers assist grzituitou 1] with the work. â€"Curried. F Humor, 84 yards ll 8c, $6.72. Div 64. James Dimmu. overseer. I’uleg L‘pp,275 yard: I! 80. $22 00. Div 68, W 11 anp. overseer. Paynblo to the orderF K Reeéor. A Basin], 56 yards at 10c.. $5 60, Div No 3, A Qunntz, overseer. D W Eyer, 1-80 yard: at 10c. $18 00, Div 22, D W Eyer. rverseer. I) W Ever. 66 ynrdu at 10c, $6 60, DH 21. W Cnh’flt, overseer. W P Monro. 174 yards at 100, $17 40. Div No 13, F Boymon. averse-er. Rob! Stivur.l34 yards at 10c. $340, Div No 36.J Wehber. overseer. H PCrusby. 22 yards M We per yard, $2 20,? Div No 36, J Webber, overseer. Wm Padgel, 66 yard: at 10c, $6 30, Div No 37, '1‘ Lyon. overseerâ€"Ctr. Moved by Lundy, sec by Forster. that the Reeve nud maver b0 ind I." hereby ap- pointed a committee to examine the road in front oflnl. {5, Con 5, and report M. next meeting of the Council.-â€"-Carried. Moved by Lundy, lee by Bruce, tint the Treasurer pay Maura T. & G Morgan the sum of $27, being for three road Ierupera furnished this municipality supplied in (ii-- vision: No 53 and 20, allo to plY Wm Padget the sum 0H9 for one road acrnpor furnished road division No 29 Moved by Reesor. seconded by Bruce, that Mr Foraler and S B Hoover be and are hereby pppointed commisnivners to ex" amine. and if deemed advisable. to erect railing on side line between luéa 30 ï¬nd 31, Con. 8. the nmonnt required payable on their order when work is ï¬nishedâ€"Curried. Moved by Bruce, see by Forster, that the Clerk nl'this Municipality be and is hueby instructed to notily all parties in-- terested that a By law will be submitted to this Council at it: next meeting for the purpose of closing up the 3rd Con. line At lot 5, 'and disposing of the lameâ€"Carlin]. Moved by Bruce. see by Fontor. that the mover be appointh commissioner from thin municipality to act wilh the Whit-« church commiuioner in improving the Markham and Whitchurch town line ex" cept that part of said line to the weltward of 3rd Con. line, the improvement of which being of such n nature rmd no diï¬icult to accomplilh that this Council declines to act in that matter in the meantimeâ€"Car. Mr Bruce gave notice that he will at the next‘meeï¬ng of this Council introduce a By-lnw to clone up part of the 3rd Con. line in‘ front oflot 5. Moved by Forster, Iec by Brucovthal the Reeve anti Clerk be and Ire hereby nutï¬on 5196 lo negotiate with McDonald. David-'- son and Patlersnn, 'in reference to account rendered [his municxpnhty and souls Ihe nmn. Moved by Lund], see b Brut, that the Treasurer be and is here 5' authoriznd to pay the following account! for gravel, as cPrliï¬ed by various road over-eon. viz :'â€" Moved by Forster. sec by Lundy, that Mr Reesor and the movor be and Ire here- by appointed commissioner: to build a bridge on the It)â€: Can, opposite lot. 29, $180. totxuniptnnd repair, if considered necessary, a ditch opposite lot 32, umount required for the same pnynble on tho ordlr of the commislioneu when the work in completed.â€"Cnrried. Miaved by Bruce. no by Rec-or, lhal this Council in anxious to embrace eyery opportunity of improving the roads in [his municipality. And for the encouragement’of those far from a supply of gravel, rec‘om» mend lbs use of stone: on our Highways, Ind hereby recognize it an a gravel rule that i'flhe Mono be supplied gratis. modoré «to granls shall in made for breaking the nine, Ibis reaolulion to stand till topoglod by thin Council. V Moved by Ree-or. see by Forster, (km the mm of $25 bu Ind in hereby granted to gravel out 40 rods on the Nth Con, oppoâ€" Iile lots 8 and 9. and that James Dimma and the mayor be appointed commissioners to f}pmï¬d_tbe}amo. ' Moved by Reeaor, use by Lundy, that Wm Forster Ind M Gleeton 8“"‘un‘d be hereby appointed commissioner: Io expend and take such action as may deem advisub'e to "new water from Ike aide line between 101310 and 11, 6th Con. Tim weather is again cooler. Its the changeable weather that prodtmei colds. ' CRICKET.â€"Our Cricket Club is practising nightly, and are getting in good trim. They intend to play a match shortly,»and wa- expect to hear a good account from them. GENTLE Run“, do you owe us a S or $$ 7 If so, we ask you very kindly to drop in and make the editor smile by settling up. There are many dollars owing to us. STRAYID.â€"Strnyed into Lot No. ‘26, 00:14 Vaughan, on Sunday Inst, 7th inst, a bright Bay Mare aged. The owner can have her by proving property and paying expenses. See Advertise-- meat. Comm DAY.-â€"Division Court will be held in this village, on Snlurday next, 12th inst, commencing at 10 am A large number of case: are expeotcd to be heard, several of which are causing considerable excitement in the village at present. AN 01.!) FRIENDâ€" We had a visit from Mr. C. Duncumb, atone time a resident of this Village. but now of Beverley, England. He is looking well after his absence from here of about seven months, and informl us that he intends to visit. Australla negt spring. ' CANNED Emmaâ€"A practical tinner writes to an exchange that he knows that cans made from leaded tin are sold in great quantities. and he odors for publication. the f'ollovnng warning :â€" “When buying fruitcans see that they are not made of rooï¬ng tin, which is coated Wllll lead, and la a slow but sure poison. They should be made of bright tin, which in harmlesn, provided the fruit; is emptied out ofthe cans us they are opened. The diï¬â€˜erenco will be easily told, as the loaded tin looks like burn- ished silver. One is poisonous and the Other is harmless." GOT TO W0“K.‘*’Tll€ Board of Health has got to work, but how far the work to be accomplished will he carried out, is another thing Will the Board assist in any degree ? For inâ€" stance, the matter of procuring lime seems to be hard to accomplish. Take a walk around the villnge, and the use of lime upon back premises seems to be theexoeption rather than the rule. In the city more facilities for keeping pro-â€" misee clean are afforded, than in villages. There the accumulation of the winter’s ashes are taken away by carts, hired or owned by the civic authoritiel, while here, manure or other accumulations cannot, by parties who have no conven- iences, he removed. BUTTONVILLE vs. MAPLEâ€"The re- turn'Cricket match between the Bees of Buttonville and the Maple Club, was played on the grounds of the latter on Saturday last. 5th inst. The Bees had a very light team on account of some of their best player: not being able to leave home. The Maple: winning the toss, took the bat, and were put out with a score of 39 runs ; after which the Bees took the bat and made 52 rune. The Maples agein handled the willow, and made 61 runs, thus leaving the Bees with 48 runs to make in their Ieeond innings. Nine men had been put out? with 43 rune, and the tenth man will howled out while taking pouition. The Umpire declared him out, thus lenving the match undecided. l Tm: Rmtsox WHY ? â€"Could any person inform us why the yonng peOplc in this village, are more backward this year than ever before, in r’egnrds to getting up Pic-~Nica. and having sociable times. They surely do not forget that Bond’s Lake is only a few miles north, and that it is a most pleasant place for the young folks to have a day’s outing. Get up a Pic--Nic, young ladies, this in leap year, and see what a success it will ‘be. " " Axum“; APPOINTMENT.â€"-Wa un- derstand that Mr Wm. Burns, for some time past aniatant teacher in the High School in this village, has been appointâ€"- ed {to a position in the Brampton High School. at an advanced remuneration over his present rate of pay. Mr Bm-m’ qualiï¬cations are good, and we believe he has given "entire satisfaction as reâ€" gards hie abililyvto impart knowledge to the pupils. In fact it may he hard to ï¬ll the position equally as well. As a rule, the system of many changes, onâ€" peoially in schools, is not, in our opinion, beneï¬cial. ONE or nu SUCCESSFULâ€"Mist Hopper, sister of Mr IT F. Hopper, one of our Village Councilmen, re- ceived from Truth Bible Competition 11 lady's hunting case gold watch. There is much credit due to Miss Hop-â€" penfor answering correctly the very diï¬cult questions so successfully. SIND THEM IN.â€"We beg to solicit correspondence from all parts of the County, upon subjects ofa local and general interest. Friends could assist us greatly if they would only d'r‘hp a abortletter now and again. One cent stomp will cover the postage upon letters intended for publication, being ofcouré‘e unsealed. Pursue Scuoon Hommvaâ€"Tow morrow, (Friday) evening the Public School: in this will close {or the summer holiday/'8, ï¬nd the hearts of the little ones are panting with delight at the thought of having such a long time for recreation and amusementt We hope that the scholars my twee a pleasant time during the holidays, and return to school again with renewed spirits. v SUCCESS.;WG are glad to learn that the I’icâ€"Nie of the Presbyterian Sande)! 801160’ in Thornhill, met with good sucâ€" cess' on Dominion Day, the proceeds amounting to 8130. Every one seemed to enjoy themselvu, the weather being ï¬ne and pleasant. The oï¬icers in conâ€" nection with tho Sunday 5011001 and Church merit the Hman of‘the scholafs and all concerned for their kind uucuâ€" tion on the occasion. LOCAL ITEMS. The Convantionpf course was private, ' but it was learned thst the main point under discussion was how best to sdvmcs the reform cause throughout the province, and how best to organize, or rather rsâ€"orgnnize tbs party. There was considerable talk about what the relaâ€" tions of the various journals throughout the province ought to be to the leaders. and it was insisted on that instsad of party announcement being made through the Globe exclusively, the information ought to be sent out to tho leading’party Journals. sud all publish it simultaneous» 01y. IN THE County of York there were ï¬fty-one convictions made by Justice of the Peace during last quarter. Wns'rma AWAY.â€"Girls, never allow even a lover to have his arm around you. The papers daily show tlnt thous- ands of our brightest young men are going to waist. PASSED.â€"We are glad to notice that Miss Seagar has been successful in obâ€" taining a Professional Secondâ€"class Certiï¬cate. GRAND LACROSSE MATCHâ€"A grand Lacrosse Match will take place on the Fair Grounds, in this viliage, on Satur- day afternoon next, between the Beavers of Toronto. and Yoimg Canadians, of Richmond Hill. Ball faced at 2.30pm. An exciting contest is expected. Ad- mission 15 cts; Ladies and ChildrenJOo. A Good Time. When in the best time to take a blood puriï¬er? Whenever the blood is foul and humor; appear, or when the synlom il dr- bilited take Burdock Blood Bitten. There was a convention of editors of the Reform papers throughout Ontario at the Rossin house on July 4th, at which James Somervill, M P., of the Dundas Banner, presided. At least 35 newspaper: were represented, many of them being prominent in the party’l ranks. Among those present were noticed Mr. Barr, Lindsay Post; Mr Innes, Guelph Mercury; Mr. Gardner, Hamilton Times; Mr-L Cameron, London Ad'- vertiser; Mr Watt. of the Brantford Expositor; Mr Wilson, Port Hope Guido; H Hough, Cobourg World; Mr. Jackson, jr., of the Newmarket En. "3TH JULY.â€"Next Saturday will be the glorious, pious and immortal memory of King William of Orange. and the difl'erent lodges in Toronto, intend hav- ing a grand procession, after which they will hold a Pic- Nic in the Exhibition Grounds, where games, 910., of various kinds will take place, and good prizes oflered. Moved by Mr. Law, seconded-by Mr. Crosby, that Theodore G Law be em- played to take a complete census of the village, and that (lie Treasurer be authorized to pay him the sum of ï¬ve dollars for his services when completed to the satisfaction of tlio Councilâ€"Car. The Council adjourned to meet on Wednesday, the 6th of Aug., at 8 30†M. TEEFY, Clerk. Homown-s OtN'turx'r Axn P LLI -â€"In-- fluenzu, Sore Thl'oll. Quincy. Mumps, and similar complaints alwayl unbound itt un-- settled weather, and are most safely and eï¬ectanlly subdued by rubbing Holloway’a Ointment at least twice a day anon the (host and glands of the thront. The Oint- ment penetrattos the skin. reduces inflummu- lion, and heals ulcerations, This [rent-- ment is sufï¬cient for curing the molt sari-- on: and complicated thront affections. proâ€" vided Holleway'a Pills be taken at. the same limo. When swallowing gives pain, the Ointmvnt mny be relied on till improv- ing symptom: admit of painless deglutition. in asthma, bronchitis. pneumonia. pleurisy. whmpmg cough, incipient consumption, scarlrt fever and measles Holloway’s medi-- cities are not less valuable in mitigating the most troublvaome {sutures than they are certain iu ultimately curing. Moved’ by Mr Elliodie, seconded by Mr Law, that the Treasurer be and he is hereby instructed to pay the foregoing Acoounts.â€"0arried‘. Mr Hopper introduced By--Law No. 105, to appoint q Medical Health Oï¬icer and 1' Sanitary Inspector for the village, which was read three times and passed. A Mann, BUT COMMON COMPLAINT. â€"The following complaints conï¬ned Smith to his bed for a week : W-orms. H-eadache I ndigcalion S tumach ache K-idney om of'order E-rysipelas Y'allow Jaundice The following accounts were read 1â€". A J Rupert, for freight, &c,......812 00 W Bricknell, for sidewalks ...... . 12 00 A J Rupert, for foaming ......... 10 38 N Stevenson, “ ......... 13 50 R Jordan, cutting thistle: ..... 4 00 T McMahpr}. gdvqtising.....t V4 00 Moved by Mr Hopper, seconded ‘ by Mr Law, that the Clerk is hereby in; structed to procure a supply ofthe blank formsrâ€"Carried I The Clerk laid the Village Treasurâ€" ers half-yearly ï¬nancial statement before the Council, by which it appear: that there were $8.82 in hand on 30th June. From the Education Dept., timed the llth of June, relating to the question of assessing the Freemason’s Hall. From the Secretary of the School Board, (lat ed 3rd July, relating to {he Fchool cenâ€" sus. From 1110 Clerk of‘ the Legislative Assemblv, dated 26th March. From Grip printing und publishing company, dated 2nd June. relating to printed forms for reports by medical gentlemen in regard to infectious diseases under the Medical Health Act of 1884. Pursunnt to adjournment, the Coun- cil met. Present, the Reeve. and Messrs Crggby, Hopper, Law god Mogdie._ Mifuites bf'last meeting read and ap- proivrgd .77 Thc Clerk- read the following comâ€" munications :â€" LOCAL ITEMS. Richmond Hill Council. Reform Orgamzation. Richmond Hill, July 9th, 1884. My presence being absent from here of late, is flu} cause of no communications ap- pearing in yanpqper from this necnon. ing, “Justin limo†has taken a downward course of late. One of the big function-’- ayy'u. lo I am informed, wu re-obhgated a few evenings ago by two of its members. who held a special meeting in a bash for that purpose. Church Union in the topic of nonver- Iation around here now. A big war is going on between some of the members, and how it will end, time will only tell. Away Down Prices. L d ' I We have a ï¬ne Assortment of Hosiery, a. I Gloves, Silk Ties, Laces, Embr01der~ ies, Corsets, Hoopskirts, Parasols, &c.,&c.. We have a good Assort- Ge e e : megt‘pfï¬eagy-rong Cloth:- Teflon celebrated the lat of ‘July in a peculiar manner. In the morning a bum-- burdmem took place, the object being the Grange supply. Tho Burdock Blood Biiterl laboratory is again running in full blast. Business ha: increased to such an extent that the ex-‘- Mayor (a partner,) has taken a trip to tha’ (ild Counu'y m purchase new_ machinery. This ï¬rm only commenced business about a year since, and now that Iho vacation has commenced, the Mnyor will be able to 31-- tend to the afl'nira of the wonderful iusliâ€" tuliou lo a beller advantage. Talon,- Jnly 9th, 1884, Calm. Diarrhoea and Dysénterv. Dr'. Fowler’s Wild Strawberry n the mort prompt and reliable remedy known. “ï¬'lr‘hororvrvnar can have her by proving property and paving expenses. D. K I N N E E, not No; 26, Con. 4, Vaughan Vaughan, July 9th, 1884. #23- A Sudden AttacK. All people. and especially travellers, are liable to nludden snack Vofjcholern Murhys, There isin iron at the Konhern eleva- mrflI‘oronln. L750 barrels of flour, 32,402 bushels of {all wheat, 26.772 bushels of spring what. 991 bushels of barley. 9nd 5 212 bushels of oats. 5 total 01'65383 bushpln. The shipments duringthe week ending Saturday were 12,423 bushels of pms‘ and 900 bushels of rice whom. HURRAH FOR OUR SUMMER GOODS CHEAP CASHHOUSE Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rent by I. sick child suffering and crying with pain or cutiing teeth '2 I! so, send at once and got a, bottle of Mm: \VINSLow's Soo’rmxo SYRUP FOR CHILDREN 'l‘Ex'rmNo. Its value is incaloul- able, It will relieve the poor little sufferer im~ mediatoly Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake a bout it. It cures dysentery and diur- rhtnn, rog.ulnteu the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflamma- tion, and gives tone and energy to the whole Iyatom; Mus Wxxsnow'a Soo'rnnw SYRUP FOR CHILDREN Tnn'rnmo “pleasant to the linste.a.nd in the prescription of one of the nldeat and best female nurses Mid physicians in the United States. and in {or sale by all flruggiï¬ts through-- out the world. Price 25 cents a. bottle. Aged, with Leather Halter on ,-white bind feet and white star in foreheadg for the working class. Send 10 cents for pos Luge, end We will mail you Free. I royal, valuable boz of sample goods thai will put you in the way of making more money in a, few days than You ever thought possible at anv business. Capital not required. We will start you. You can wnrk all the time or in spare time only. The work is universally adapted to both sexes, young and 01:1. You can easily earn lrom 50 cents to $5 every evening. That all who want. work may test the business, we make this unparalleled oflcr : to all who are not well satisï¬ed we will send $1 to pnv for the trouble 0! Writing 115. Full particulars, directions otc., sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work. Greed» success absolutely sure. Don't delay Start now Address S'rmsox 61, Co. rortlnnd Maine. Dmtmxa.â€"At )us remuenco. Lnukay, Township of King. on the 27th Juae,1884, William Dunn- ing a native of Durham. England, in the 57th year of his ago.‘ What in“. new, per bunh “,4 0 95 Spring do _ 1 t9 Barley do 0 56 Outs, at. . 44. Penn do . 70 Rye do .. 00 Dressed Hogamer 100 ms. 8 00 Beef. hind quarters. per 1m lhs 0 00 Mutton, by the carcase, per 1001!)! 0 00 Chickens, per p111)“ ., 35 Ducks, per brace 70 Geose,each ......... 90 Turkeys, each 0 00 Butter, lbrolll 15 large roll:.. 60 ‘tub dairy... 14 EggnJrelh, doz lli Potatoed, per bl)! 1 60 Aruples par barrel a 75 Omnnsgreen, per doz .. 16 Cabbage, per don... ...... 00 Celal‘y, I'ver doz .. . 0 00 Tux-Hips, per bag .. 0 00 Carrots, per do 00 Bects,per bag ..... I 00 Pnrnnips, per bag . 1 25 Hay wanton ...... 7 00 Straw per, ton. 5 50 Wool uer 1b. 00 ‘) OOGA-H When full. new, per bunh Spring .. Barley Mr. Gilbert McEachren ha: been named as the Liberul--Coneervuhvo Candidate in Hulkoka. Bright Bay Mare! STRAYED ! Cumo into the pramimu of the undersigned. on Sunday. 7th inst ,u. Is the place to get all your wants supplied for the coming Summer at “gm: gtivrrtimmntï¬. ling-$51: ï¬e§,â€"Gâ€"lo;e§, â€"Br;ces, Silk ,Hank'erchi'efs, Cal'- lars, Fine White and Regatta Shirts, 8L0. COME ONE. COME 45.111;- SNEATH & GRENNAN. RICHMOND HILL. ‘ TH E MARKETS (From Our Own Correspondent.) Auvxcn 'ro nae-rains IRICEE LT FARMERB' WAUGONS TOR (DD-"IVY THURSDAY, JULY 10, [884‘ DEATH DAVID Cnoch-r-r 16 00 o 00 o oo THE 0 0n 8 25 00 00 0 00 o oo 00 m 10 o 00 Is 00 7 00 6|) 1 00 D (.0 0 00 18 on 15 106 050 73 45b The oWner can 13m the same by psylng 901‘ this advertisement; A BITNCH 0F KEYS. HALL, FULLERTON & coon PRIVATE FUNDS TO 110m. Toronto. May 29th, 1884. 18 King Street East, Toronto. W M Hall. J S Fullerton W 00: WOOL W001i And trust that 9116mm growers of .thq I‘ll“- rounding country will g‘i‘va u: a. lib‘efli lupbm. NUBTH [NU WflflllEN FAETUHY Where you may 11 ave your wool mannlulmd in its purity into any style of goods you any desire. In {he Town of Brampton ; in“ the plus. for retired farmer. C. J. AGAR. 7 The undersigned have purchnvnd from ,Mulu' Keys 3: Hallo“. the above mentioned mill, with the intention of establishing a permlmgnt budu nesa \Ye manufacture every kind of woollen (nods usually made in a custom mill. and an workint to establish a business with the fan-morn, Ind do: termined to do so if fair dealing will sceomnlilh it. Rolls Carded. Cloth Lressed, Spin in; done. Cloths, Tweed», Shirtlngs, Blankets. ~ uni, tel; manufncmred, and all wunntod Woodbridge, March 25th, 1884‘ IN VVOODBRIDGE. In the Market is the time to mm u mud'. uy for home we and realize its lull vuluo. N. B.â€"We have changed the nun. ofrour um and wish it to be known nl tin Kort]: Indv Woollen Factory from this date. ‘ K. CEISHOLM, M. 1’. P. H. P. D\VIGHT. ESQ., D. M. MCDONALD, ESQ. C B. ROBINSON, ESQ. A MCLEAN HOWARD, ESQ. J. GINTY, ESQ. TO B E FIRST-CLA SS We are all practical mon in the bnnlnou, III! will not full to satisfy our customers. FIRE, LIFE AND ABEIBENT I N s 'U' R AN o 1517: Kï¬mxnummm CENTRAL BANK OF CANADA. DAVID BLAIN, ESQ., President. V SAMUEL TREES, Esq, Vice-Pro’si'dé‘nt. REAL ESTATE SECURITY. Deposits receivad and interest allowed (I at current rates. No notice of withduw quired Drafts on all parts of 61.111113, 1 States and Great Britain bought um to“. RICHMOND IIILL. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM SEW; RICHMOND HILL- SAVING-’5 DEPARTMENT NOTARY PUBLIC, 8:0; Richmond Hill, April 9th, 1584. MARRIAGE MONEY TO" LOAN Found neat Unionville, on Tuesday, mum,- Juiy 2nd. 1334‘ Farmers We respectfully Mic†your 1mm“ 9.30 at the LOT F OR SALE I Farms preferred. Correspondence confldonflda Woodbridgo, June lst. 1884; Richmond Hill, April 3rd, 1884.. FOUND"! NO. 1 COMPANY ONLY. M. TEEFY, GIVE US A TRIAL! @1211: gawmmm. PRICE OF WOOL IS Low Barristers, Solicitoï¬; &c. Oflcol DIRECTORS. â€"-â€"AND ISSUE}! OFâ€" A F0 UR ACRE Now while the J. M. LAWRENCE, mm“ â€"IN Aâ€" LICENSES. A‘ A. ALLIX. Cutler. ‘WOODIHIDGfu muss 11-1 maroon an ~a , Unlgd’