“i 13: glqd to hgur {but thé reixten ve sulu of you: inceou‘ that: I thmlg vou 1113M): dusel g. tuna. R. H. meums & Son's Inns. E. H. Wmmuzs & S _ TORONTO, Aprii 12th,1861. Gxx'ermN-~I have murh plea sure in testifying to the grout excellence of ycur Pianos. I have ’It them severely to the test, and ï¬nd them possessed of those qualities of tone and touch so new boptuble to the true musician um] luvvr 0f classicnl music â€"â€"a. charming ginging tone, easily graduâ€" Mod from the mostdolicutc pinniss‘imu to every degree of loudness and fulness, and a touch which unwor: readily to every shade of feeling; I consider these instrumcnrs 11 great acquisition ix 1 musicinl society, and am much pleased at ï¬nding a. piano which I can recommend with perfect. conï¬dence. Iamï¬entlemen. youi‘svery truly, CHAS W.EWING, (01 London. England;) Organist of St Peter's Church. Caburg, On Yuan: R. s. WILLIAMS 6; Smsâ€" TORONTO, Nov. 4th, 1882. Gum‘sâ€"Having thoroughly examined the Vï¬'orkmanship of your Pianos, I have no hesitation in atlting than, in my opinion, lhoyure equal to those of any others of the best. Makers that Ilmve seen I can only speak in the smne 111in terms regarding their musical qlllLlltib‘S ; for their ï¬ne full sing- ‘ in: capability of tone, pleasant Lunch, 640, {up such, thut there seems to be no necessity to urclmse foreign instruments, when our home outcrpi ~ uduce such Piun ‘, and at oneâ€"third ess cosh I .m ulna en hmw nu» Hm m-h. U‘PRIGET AND SQUARE .__.â€"_ L=â€"m====a=;mm fgï¬zizï¬jleé'T†L=='===J H ‘ Hï¬yinz Sqld Out 111 Streets, Richmond Hill, to I‘lUsT BEE UREA R E I} OUT BY AUGUST lst, FR@M BUSINESS. SELLINGâ€" OFF AT COST Big Sale and no ‘Eypbug. Terms Strictly Cash N9 Price List of Rubbish Published to Catch the Unwary SUTMM E R Again to the Fore? W9 make} Ipecï¬dl st; Ar. conltructed from the very best Materiuls by expenonced Workman, nnd are fully equal in point, of usGOQ-ds . of the Best Quality Richmond Hill, June 26(1), 1884 I umGentlemen, yours very truly, Boots & Shoes at Cost, Crockery and Glassware at Cost, Groceries at Cost, And many articles below cost. As the whole of the Stm-k 7 __.._- . Eryn... w; u. u. v.5wuu m an; gu quvuuuefl, auu are Luerexoro now no OIIOI‘ mam an ex- wpouygow rates. .Pay agents umqged to suit the convenience at purchasers and spread over a rot years: ‘For full partlculau‘s ~Wnte to - - r - ~ R. S. WILLIAMS. !43.Yon9;aj5t. Toronto. 50!? ‘2263Qundas St. London- .GOOD.VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. INSPECTION OF STOCK AND PRICE Only kept on hand. The public are invited . WEEEM 8‘1: SflN’S r that the exten ve sale of your iï¬strumehts shows thllt ydu life 11166 111;; wfbh the k vou justly deserve. 1 am, Gentlemen. Your Obedient Servant, The Public CHEAP FOR CASH. TEgTIMbNIALs. f Organ in large qutgptiisios, and Ma therefore able to oflor them at ex- “.MA- _ 'le To the high priced American Instruments. 7 Property and Busineil on Ibo corner of Yonge and CeMro Mr. Joseph Ha“, lute of Victoria Square, 1 am now prepar- ed to offer a large anock of SPIendid Assortment “of may Depem. on Golï¬ng Great Bargainl. RETIRING â€"-â€"â€"AT THE PEANOS ! ISAAC CROSBY. As the whole of the Stock GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc. J. BROWN. OTTAWA. July 12 â€"v'1‘he immigration r9» turns for 1he Domimon for the monlh end-- ing 3011! June are as I‘olhms : I‘x rnvn1s dur- ing the monlh anuhe‘ 1883. 28.511; dur- ing 1884. 211710. Tnlnl mrivuls from January 1. 1883‘ 93 285; for the same purind of 1884. 81.131. Fatima in lhe Dumiuihn during“ the nmmh of June, 1883. 16.313; June, 3534.12.40? '1'oxulsenlers flom January 1. 1884. 46 607. Passing throufl) Canadian lerrimry 10 1119. Unith Slates during lho month nf June, 1883, 12- 198; duning June, 1984, 9 308. Tum] In Uniled Slums since 1st January Io 3011) Junv. 1853, 37,378; same period of 1851 34,524. ~ W1FE.â€"â€"Whal’s the mailer now John. ï¬l'SBAND.-â€"0h,lllal neuralgia and tooth-- ache near kills me. Wnric..â€"\\'hv dnn'l you so to H. Sanderson 6; Sons’ Drug Suns and gel n boltle of Fluid Lighlmng. you know it Guns n†such things as toothache,neuralgia. headache, lumbuzn, earuclze, sore 111mm, etc. It gives inslunl relief. Salt Rheum Cured. Are ynu troubled with Snlt Rheum, Rough Skin, I’imples or Canker Sores; if 5:) go at once lo H Sanderson & Sons' Drug Slnre, and get a. package of McGregor & Purke’s Carbolic Cerute. Price twenty-ï¬ve cents. It was never known to fail. r W H Crooker. druggist of Waterdown. says, when all other remedies fml f‘m‘ Bowel Cnmplnints, lhen Dr. anlcr’s Extract of Wild Strawberry comes to the rescue. wanted for all theThe Lives of Presi- dents of the U. S. The largest, hand- somest, best book ever sold for less than twice our price. The fastest selling book in America Immense proï¬ts to agents. All intelligent people want it. Any one can become m successful agent, Terms free, HAL» LITT 3005 Go. Portland, Maine. From the many remarkable cures wrought by using McGrI-gor’s Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Constipation nnd Afl‘eclionof'the liver. and from the imâ€" mence sale of it witlmut any advertising, we have concluded to place it extensively on the market. an that lhuse who suffer may have a perfect cure. Go to H Sander- son& Sons' Drug Store and get a trial bottle free, or the Iregular size at ï¬fty cents and one dollar. " BROWN'S HOUEHOLD PANACEA "has no equal for relieving pain. both internal and external I In cures Painm the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore 1 'l‘hroat,llheuumti51n, toothache, Lumbago and ‘ any kind of a Pain or Ache. “ It will most surely quicken the Blood and Hen], as its actng poweris wonderful.†“ Brown's Household Panacea,†be-- ing acknowledged as the great Pain Rollevvr, and of double the Strength of any other Elixir or Linimant in the world, should be in every family hmudv for use when wanted. “ as it. really is ï¬lm best ramedy in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and Pains nnd Aches of all kinds," and in for sale by all Druggiuts at 25 contsw bottle fullnws :-»i. Only one cnpy of the Daily Globe was received at the Pine Urchum Post Ofï¬ce, and it Was entirety unknown that such advertismnent had appeared ; but the advertisement nf'a stray colt had Men leuuhuly )memd in a local Duper n8 dil't‘Clied by Inw ; 2. The entire substance: ufthe udvmliSPmunl was contained in the notice Iaf't with the Clerk ; 3. Sunday inter- vened in the three days, and as the notice was left on Monday morning, the Sahhnth should not be counted ; 4. It was for the beneï¬t ofthe owner that the sale was not burnedâ€"Era. DECISION Rizxni:nm),â€"â€"'l‘he one of Bull- md vs. Collins. that has been before the Courts Since last October, lmu been ï¬nally scttled by the Judge giving his decision “I favpr of Mr Ballard, Mr Culliirl to pay the Costs. ‘ As near as we can recollect the points me no follows :â€"A stray horse came upon the premise: of Mr Ballard at Pine Orchard, which he properly ndvertisd through these columns nncl nlso gnve notice to the 'l‘ownship Clerk. Having waited considerably longer tlmn the law requires for the owner to turn up, the horse was sold at auction, and after paying EXPPDSQ‘S the proceeds placed to the credit of the animal at the Township Clerk’s Ofï¬ce. After this was all done the owner of the horse comes nlong in the poison of Mr Collins, of [IX-- bridge Township. Ashe was not. satisï¬ed with the proceeds of the animal on deposit, he proceeded to prosecute Ballard on the following points ;â€"1. The animal hurl heon detnined alter a notice had appeared in the Daily Globe giving a description of the same. ; 2. The notice left for the clerk was not word for wotd With that published in the advertisement ; 3. The notice was not, 19ft With the clerk till after the expira» tian ot'tho time allowed by low 5 4. The animal had been detained much longertlmn necessary. which inmensed the expense. The Solicitors defended the objections ns pt. Hopeful Wards. Mrs McArxhur. of Hopevillc. Out, up she could not keep houae withoqlflagyrard's Factorial Bnlsum-w cure provniling throat and lung troubles. The nxe and the plough are annually making vast inroads intolha wildernesnes oflbe western World. Forests. u if bv Rest. And comfort To The Suffering Health in the \Vilderness. THE GREAT ANTIDOTE TO MIASM‘L McCregor’s Speedy Cure lmmlgrant Arrivals- Rescued At Last. Fluid Lightning. Artiï¬cal Teethmpper or under,$5.00. Pain- less extracting by use of Etherizcd Air. The only ï¬rm in the Dominion executing ï¬rstâ€"class work at the above price. This Hotel has been refurnished, renovated, and ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-clam styls, and in now the loading Hotel north of Toronto. The but i": supA ylied with ï¬rst-class brand of liquors and cigars. Excellent accommodation for Commercial Travellers, and the' General Public. Good Stablâ€" inu and an attentive Hosnler. SURGEON DENTISTS, 208 Queen St. W'est, Toronto RICHMOND HILL. JOHN POWELL, I’rop Will visit the foflowingplaces professionally .â€" Unionville,,,.. mist Monday of each month. Westoan ..9th and 2151; do Maple, ..... .. 16111 do Richmmid Hill“ 19th do Woodbn‘dge." 22nd do Mr Husband wxllba found in his otï¬ce, at Newto‘nbi‘ook, every Saturday, excepb when Satur- day falls on the above date. THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, . J Palmer, Prop. This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is m enraged in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- ciul Travellers. Good Smbling and attentive hostlera. Terms, Sal nor any. Proctor's Bus leaves this Hotel to connect Wilh all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8 a m., 12 a. nu, 5.10 p m. unnl7.3011m. RIGGS &; IVORY, Gr. H. Iâ€"IUSBAND, L- D. S v Soe our rcduced losm table: For further infor- mation apply at the oflices or the Company Money received on deposit, and interest payable half year‘ny or compounded. EVERY THUILSDAY, At his printing Ofï¬ce, Yonge Sfreat, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscriptmn 2â€"31 no per annum in advance‘ When not paid in advance $1 50 will be charged. Transitm'y Edvartisemautd, ï¬rst insertion, Loan and Savings Company Ofï¬cesâ€"No 70, Church-street, Toronto HON G150 W ALLAN, Senntor,Pxesident Gxoxem GOODEBHAM.. 'Vice~President DmECTORs~SLmue1 Plate, M P.A1{rod Gooder- ham, Geo W Lewis, Thou H Lee, Hon D L Macphersun, Sumter 1'otuiAssbté, $3,500,4300 SAVINGS BANK BRANCIEI pér line ...... ' Scentx Each subsequent .13 acenta‘ Cont-meta for time and space made on applica- tion. Western Canada, Advertisements without writtan initrnctions W111 be inserted until forbid and charged trunsi-- ent rates. VITA LIZED AME 2 MECHANICE INSTITUTEâ€"Library of ovor 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hall, from 7 t0 8 o'clock. \Vm. Pugsâ€" Iev, President. ’1‘., F. McMahon, Sec. R E Law. Librarian. Film BRIGADE.-Regulnr meeting ï¬rst Friday of every month, held in the Council Chamber, at 7 p. In anl‘rership tree. Ceniï¬cates issued to members entitling them to certain privileges and exemptionsi J H Sanderson, Captain. H. A. Nicholls, Secretary. R. T. On Tnxrnnmcn.â€"Richmond Hill Coun- cil, No. 43, meets in the Temperance Hull. each alternative Tuesday evening at 8 o‘clock p. m. Beneï¬ciary certiï¬cates issued to member! for $1,000 or in case of death $2,000, one half payable in case of disability. J. H. Sanderson. Select Councillor. M. H. KEEFLER, SOCIETIES RIcnnoNb LODGE, LE 5: A M, No 23, G B‘Câ€" Meats in the Lodge Boom,.Malonio Hall, on the; Monday on or before full moon, It 8 o’clock, pm A. J. Rupert, W M ; H. A. Nicholli. Soc. A. 0. U. W., IVY LODGE, No. 114.-Meets in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hall. every second and fourth Tuesday of each month, at 8 o’clock.p. m. Beneï¬cary certiï¬cate given for $2,000 in case of death. J. A. E. Switzsr, Muster Workman, R. E. Law, Secretary. ST Mum’s (EPISCDPAL.}-SeTVicel at 8 pm, exâ€" cept the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament an held a1; 11 A. :51 Sunday School at 10 a m Rev W Bates, Recto‘r Mn'rnoms'râ€"Services 5510.30 3. m, and 6.30 p m Sunday Sdaool at 2 30;) :11 Prayer meeting every Thursda. evening at .39 p m. Rev. J. Beam?“- tor. Rn . I. Starr,.usmtnnt. Thankful for the favors 91’ (he .pnsi‘t†years unnun L". ....... u_.1 ;._ A Newtonbrook, June 18th, l883‘ Qapz‘fal, slpgofgmtï¬eservc Fund,‘ $450,000 FREEMAK’S WORM PGWEERS‘S. Axe pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgntive. In a. safe, Burn, and effectual destroyer ct wanna in Childxen or Adams. The York Herald. DENTIST, NE WTONBROOK, GNT‘ gï¬illiï¬gï¬ WALTER S LEE, fling 05mm Dr A ROBINSON. MONEY T0 LOAN. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA CHURCHES PUBLXSHID BY genial, f», MN: awning} a" do do‘ do do do do do 6.0 the plums of my Manager j A VOALLVAISD SPIE'ME 1 PEMTJES WA RRANTEB F9?! 1!? TS Take the Elevator at West cm] of Store for Millincx-y, Mantle and Carpet Departments. SALES FUR 1:2st mm. 7T. mm m, 130 to :95 Yonge St. We have just received a lot of new shade feathers, and those, together with the whole stock of feathersf sold an enâ€" ticing reductions. Every lady should have some of the feathers. The Millinery Department is getting the fair share or" trade these days, and we still keep adding styles and shapes nfthe newest. The reductions in the trimmed Hat and Bonnet Department continue. Flll’ï¬llll. 39 EVE ‘ NO CESSATION in the Big Carpet 3213 yet. The 650 Carpet that we are selling fur 450 is one oflhc groatmt at- tractions 1n [his department. We open tu-duy six new pancms in all “’00! Carpets, beautiful goods, 75 and 800 a yd. FaiEEaLEï¬EEE-EY. 331! The only Dentist in Toronto using Kurds Iy-u parutus for vmzaa El}? FARMS GREAT REDUCTIONS EN ALL DEPARTEEENTSs. Extracting Teeth Without Pair: We are showing some special value in Lace Curtains. By taking the Eleâ€" vator at back 01‘ West. end of store you reach the Carpet and Curtain departâ€" ment willmut exertion. These Curtains are beautiful new patterns all of the newest makes of Not, both plain and bound edges, in 3, 3% and 4 yard lengths in Cream and Whit; We are selling a tape-edge curtain at 83 which we for- morly 501d at 34. also a Curtain at 32, formerly sold zit, $2 75, also Curtains at $3 50, 3%, $5, $6: $7, $8. Every pair BEST SETS 0F TEETH $8, To'rowiib"ï¬m‘13t9.l-{éélz Cheap Table Linens {0â€"day Cheap Table Napkins to-day Cheap White Damask Table Linen :0 day - Cheap Linen Towels to day Cheap remnants of Table Linen, fowoiling, ticking, etc. warranted a bzlrgain. Now that all the carpets have been renovated and relaid, you want to get tlxe new curtains to finish the house cleaning. Don’t forget the above men~ tioned reduction in this department. H, Sanderson 8280118 LARGEJSIOQK, or FURNITURE. Mixed Paints, Paint and White-wash Brushes. A complete stock of Paint Malexial Usual Stock ofGroceries, Low Down In Price.- Best Material in the Market. Filling and all other operations actual] My Gold CALL AND INSPECT THE S'H‘flCK. P- LENNOX, DENTIST 151 Yonge St, Toronto. W'nn-nntad to be made from the Window Shades and “orderings for 1884, TORONTO By means of Vitah‘ied Air. CHEMISTS 86 DRUGGISTS, ALL WILL BE SOLD AT LOWEST PRICES. And the Largest. Selection ever placed before you. T. EATON & CO. T. EATON & CO. EATON & CO. I: Trr-onm 'an 9th >199? Ludiea’ siik umbrellas, with paragon frames, 31 50, $1 75, $2 up Ladies’ silk parasols, large sizes, only $1 25 Bafriaters, AttorneysabLaï¬', Soliai‘Brs-ih: Chancery: Convm‘a‘ncers, etc, ()fflcow 7 Imperial Bank Buildings. \Vellington-stmet, Toronto HOMAH FERGCS‘OK‘, Q‘C. Jmm RAIN WM SETON Goupox, GEO F BHLPLEY Ladies study your own Interests Eaton & C0 buy for cash and by selling for cash only, they are able to oï¬'cr bar- gains to be found 'no where else. v LadiesY black satin purasols lined and trimmed with luau, only We Ludies’ black satin} purusols with ao’lom'cd linings and lace, only 750 Eaton offers {great value in Kid Slipp ers, all the newest American styles. ’ Ladics‘ silk parasols, iu biuck and brown, only $1 Goodwifls Baagm am] Send I Eaton offers great value in misscs’ wear, splendid assortment. Eato-n’s stock of infants’ and childâ€" ren’s goods is complete, come and see them Sale €mma3ues. Parasols. Fgrgqson, 83in, Gordpn &V Shipley, Ladios’ extra ï¬ne satin par-215015 with and without lace, from 81 up to $6. GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY Patent :..g’nts disposed. of .- éi’JNDBCJiTES FOE‘AiE‘D For Munufactut’ 21d other pumaasa; Ii 03‘; and “m Brokers c. etc. Boots and. Shoes. Eaton sells Iadies’ ï¬ne India kid bmtoned boots, with worked button holes, at $51 75 liemembagr jhe great Sarpes Faun 65 Other- Property Hotels, Taverns and Business. Now is the time, ladies, if you want, to save money. Call at Eaton’s and ace the bargains. Eaton sells ladies‘ ï¬ne po‘lished calf bogs at $27, $2 2517352 .507ng Eaton sell: real French Kid Boots a! $2132 75, 33 up clearing at half price. Canton, Cllambrays, Paciï¬c Lawns, Organdio Muslims in great variety, 12, 150 a yard. Just a few pieces more of those beautiful washing silks left, selling at very low prices. Good value in black silks, 75c worth $1 Take 11167 Elevator at west end of store for carpets, oilcloths, spreads, millinery and mantles. Great bargains in Miliinery and Manxle Depunment. Some odd lines As the summer is here We wish to dispose of balance of spring goods zzt very low prlces. We have made a gener- al reduction in prices. We always sell our goods at small plOlllS» But, now we are clearing out some lines under cost prlces. The 71330 dress goods selling now at 50. Our 25c dress goods sold now at 150 a yard Very hice lire of sateens at 123%0 a yard. Sicilian DeBeige and Ottoman cloth 15. 20, 25, 300 a yard, beautiful goods. Eaton Sells ladies’ ï¬ne pebbled button boots for $1 DRAIN TLLE, OF, THE BEST nnATva Am Eaton sells. ladies’ nice ï¬tting button- ed bufl~ books at $51 25 Dress Department. MGR'E‘GAGES iFBTAï¬ED QUALITY AT at THE PEUI‘L ~1’ï¬9'53'1'01fl t7) All New eszg P. O. Box 2527. I’. G. SAVAGE. THOS NIGETINGALE’B, £2gal. Le adcr L D 0 Yorkvile 9: ï¬gs-3mm 3m? Coughn, Sure Tin-outs, Bronc‘nh , mm“: 311 fliqm'd 01‘s of tlm Throat and “th as 7115va Gmwt, P. [1911 mntism. Scrofuln. aml 011:9“ kind of skin dlswssu :10 Trade 3mm 0; gunmen m Guava; 2,2: 3113:3951 fr“ ï¬xf'wd s Eurify, rs vumte mm imr "the q'u‘uity (ff cha‘ ‘ ~ 3 91,, ., cleunac‘ STOMACFI AND BOVJELS, increase the FfW‘J‘PIO: ' powers of the Liver. bx»: co tlloxm‘vmtr than. M} throwinfo tho circulaâ€" iion the gonrmt Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. will be found invaluable in every Household in’ the cure of Own Sore ‘ Hurd Tumnm‘s. D‘Iannfactnred 0131}; at Professâ€" 01'HOH0\V'd\"S Eglabllshmenh 533. omen STREET LONDON. and sold at13.]étl.,25.9d,4su6:1.,116., 2'3, and' 333‘ each H i and PM, and in (Tunudn, at (36 mania“ 90 4-9)) and $1.50 touts, and the hugger bi.de 1h proportion. 9f? CAUTION-~l have no Agent in Ha». United States, not are my Medicines 50in? ‘hcr-e, Purchasers Shnilid theiefot'n Look to the Mac! on '33 Pam and Boxes; szixvcr address is not ‘ F V '5 Lqmï¬um 112W 2 ' a U Mmmy to Luna) on im}.~1n.v3rl karma. at 6 per cent, Apply to This 1ncomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an impcx'ishubie {Elmo ï¬hroughoutlhe \Vofld for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to v‘hioit‘ humanity is hair. Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that. by their use aloncjhvy lmue been restored to health and strength, nfuar every mher means [and proved unsuccessful. EE"‘AILIST T0 UlTTO "L325? ï¬g 3:220th Worth their Weigh: in Gbld! r: BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. CULDS! THOR-“HILL; ONT. Graduate of Toronto Universityi M. C. I’. & $5.. Ont, Twu Yam-rs lteaident, Assistant Surgeon to Tor-onto General Irbspitaig 0mm and Residenao,â€"â€"Oue door south of P. O. OFFK’JE NOI‘RR is m 10 a. 113»le to '2! p 11': Thornbill Feb 1201, 10‘53. ' June 18th, 13“ Members College Physicians 6: Surgeons. Residence, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill‘ Richmond Hill, May 23rd, 1882. 1y Langssta‘ï¬} A L, I-Iugl-md (Late 63' London, England} Surgeon, Etc. E’Uflica Hours 8 to 0.30 aumn and 1 to 2.30 13.11:. E.A.W. DR LEWIS G. LANGSTAFF X John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Campbell, Elq., Hon. SenntorMcMnstor A. M. Smifh, Esq. James Metcalfa, Esq. Rav. Emu 1: Wood. D. If Loans made on security of Company’s Policy at 5 per cent intere‘t. " “ ' Loansmndu tochurch Tx‘ustces,‘m a low rate of interest. Semi for Rmsgectus. ’A W Lander, 1 ‘ ‘ ' Sea. 4; Trem. for Canada} ' 18 King 1%., ‘“ st, Tcron‘m; R. B. Orr,M. B. and First Silver Medalist University of Toronto, M. Q. P‘ S. Ontario. L B ER. JAEEE’ Enï¬Ã©ES'E‘AFF 3’ Of Londod, Engimvd, - Sir "Wm McAnhtu, K C M G, M. P, ex-Lord Mayor qf London. Prvsment. V W W Baynengqu I A..Se‘c‘te‘ta.ry Reserve Fund . . . . . . $10,000,006 Annqu Income . . . . . . 1,600.000- Invested in Canada. . . 1.200.000 Death chums paid . . .. 10.000,000 TORONTO REFERENCES. imimd 11211, Oct, 133th, DR. 0525?, MAPLE, J, It. ARNOLD _ mo“ 1' "' an,“ 1 ‘1' ' ~13 H J t ws, magma D‘ EFERENCES. 0. J. Campbell, Elq.. A. M. Smifh, Esq. Rev. Emu hWood, D. If "'hmund Hi}!