Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 24 Jul 1884, p. 3

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' Again .- to the Fore! FROM BUSINESS. ‘éoi‘eénéuwfig'igwcos'l' ! Having Sold‘ Out my Property and Bflsiness on that corner of onnge and. Centre Streets, Richmond Hill, to Mr. Joseph Ham late of Victoria Square, 1 am now prepar‘ 1- ed to offer a )gl‘ge‘stock‘ot' ‘ \H.‘ SELLING OFF AT COST. MUST BIEfiLEARED OUT BY AUGUST 15!, Big Salé and no Humbug; Terms Strictly Cash. T “Y‘AT‘V‘T c0003 ! No AN INSPECTION OF STOCIi AND PRICES. Pianos? Fianas 3 UPRIGHT AND SQUARE i "Goods of the Best Quality Richmond‘IHill, June 26th, 1884. Boots &,Shoes at Cost, Crockery and Glassware at‘Cost, ' Groceries at Cost, ' And many articles below cost. As the whole of the Stock 1133333. B. H. WILLIAMS & SoN’s. . GENTLEMENâ€"I hrwc mun-,1} pleasure in testiivin tn the - T?R0NTO"A1’nl 1.2m: 1851- put them severely to thqtgst, and find them poéscsgscd of tlfgsgflfiifietlibesng? Egg‘flfigglfnos' I have ceptable to the true muslcmn zmd lover of classical musicâ€"a. charming singing tone :35 frag;- uted from the most delicate pinnissimo to ever ' d answers rquilx to oycry shade of naming. ’y eye? 0f loudness and fume“: and 8: touCh which .1 ...k ___.-L G00!) VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY.‘ unwcu- luwvnA'y .u I consider the ifiéémmefitéhrgrreitunc ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' “ I . qmsnlou m m1 ‘ ’ ' andmg a piano whlch I can recommend with perfect conifézlxilléesometyr and am much pleased at I‘nm,Gantlemen, yours very truly, CHAS W.EW1NG, (Of London, England) Organist of St Peter‘s Church. Coburg, On a R. S. WILLIAMS & Sowsâ€" .- TpnoNTo, Nov. 4th, 1882. . ' MlséfiNTsâ€"Having thoroughly examined the W0 ‘kmnnshlp of your Pmnos, I have no‘ hesntatlon 1n leating that, In my opinion, they are equal to thoga of any othqrs of thevb‘esfi Makers [that Ihave sgen [can only speak in the same high terms regurdlug then“ musmul quuhtws ; for that fine full mugâ€" in‘ capability of tone, pleasant touch, 6:0, are such, that there seemg to ha 110 necessxty to purchase Ioreign instruments, when our home enterprise can produce such Pmnos, and at oneâ€"thn‘d less cost I am glad to hear that the extensive sale of your instruments shows that; you are meeting with the success that I think you juatl y deserve. I am, Gentlemen. Your Obedient Servant, We make a. spécial style of Organs in large quantities, and are therefore able to offer them at ex- ceptionally low rates. Payments armnged to suit the canvenience ef purchasers and. spread over um 01 years. For full particulars Write to . R. WILiggxam . Are constru'ctpd erm the very best Materials by expenenced Workmen, and are fully ' equal in point of “ @RGAsta Trice List of Rubbish Published to Catch the Unwnry. .. M ‘_.C m \ w} 4“; @‘5’3 7 w 11%) TeNE, TOUCH & DURABILITY 2 I’D a” wmmv Only kept on hand. The public are invited to The Public may Depem, on Getting Great Bargains. CHEAP F'QR' CASH. Ma Yomze St. Taronédfbk' ’22‘6 ’Dfi'cTafs’St.’ London- A Splendid Assortment of TESTIMONIALS. To the high priced American Instruments. RETIRING PEANOS Y AT THEâ€"â€" ISAAC CROSBY. GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc. J. BROWN. The uncertain arrival, or uncertain deu livery of papers at country post offices, is often the ground of complaint against publishers and editors. Many of the of- fices are poorly supplied conveniences for taking care of papers, no matter with what certainin they arrive. The papers are jumbled intoa few little pigeon holes or piled upon a desk, box or barrell to await the call of subscribers in the midst of boots, hats, brldlea, horse cqllars,nnd other coarse w'ares which may be culled for during the (lay by customers. Country peat masters. in most cases. being engaged in some mercantile bustnese, many newspapers find their way into some obscure corner where they are bid for a time from human eyes. as completely as if buried in a mountain cave. In come: the man for his paper, and it cannot. be found, of course it didn’t come. The indignant. subscriber consequently abuses the raecnlly editor, and, perhaps, calls for pen. ink, and pnper to write a letter of complaint about not sending his paper punctually. when. if the said paper were endowed with speech, it would cry out " here 1 am, squeezed to death behind this box. or under this barrel.” We have seen just such things at many country post offices elsewhere as in this country. These remarks heye no reference to any particular oflice. but-are meant for all where they will apply.” We recommend says a journal in the United States, a. careful perusal of the following alatement, from a ten year old exchange, both to postmasters and to sub-*- scribers. Mrs McAnhur.0f Hopeville. Ont, says she could not keep house without Hngyard’s Pectorinl Balsam to cure prevailing throat and lung troubles. “Your Paper did not come Sir.” Mr Henry Bowers. in the employ of Wm Rolph, Esq, met his death on Saturday, l21hinst., being killed by a Jersey Bull. Mr. Bowers went into the pen occupied by the hull for the purpose of lending lllltl out to water when the hullturued upon him and gored him in the right side4mzilting a fear- ful gush. Death was almost instantaneous, , Mr Bowers has been in this neighborhood ' for some years. bore rm irrepronotmble character and leaves a wife to mourn his loss. Capt ‘liolpll on hearing of the accident, immediately ordered the bull to be shot. and buried. which order was obeyed within fifteen minutes after the tragic act took place. Mr. Rolph refused $1,000 for the bull a week or two ago; the animal was three years old and always appeared to be very quiet, and was usually attended by a boy ten years of age. it appears that Mr. Bowers, instead of taking the stat? which was used with a snap on one end, to attach to the ring in the animal's nose, went into i the stall were the hull run loose With his ‘nnlted hand. The boy who was with him wnnted him to take the stuff but he said the bull would not hurt him. and on taking the ring in hlS hand for some reason the hull turned upon him as above stated. and the lacerated man was found outside of the barn door. He spoke. but soot: became insensible and died in fifteen minutes. Capt Rolph feels the tragedyvery keenly, and we, in common with the whole neighborhood extend our sympathy to Capt. Ralph and the sot-rowing- widow. Mr Bowers was a member-rot the Methodist Church, and for many years has been a devout Christian, commandingthereapect of all who knew. him. His remains Were followed to the grave on Sunng last, by all the lendin‘g people in Mitrlthnm, as Well as many sor- rowing friends from a distance.â€"Markham Sun. ' W1PE.â€"â€"Whv don’t you go to H. Sanderson & Sons’ Drug Slore and get a bottle of Fluid Lmhtnlng, you know it curr's all such things as toothache,neuralgia. headache, lumbago, Gal-ache, sore throat, etc. It gives instant relief. at this time of the rent, he looks around the granary, finds he has a few loads to dispose of. and runs it into the market and sells at 10 and 15 cents n bushel less than he could havn got nine months before. This wait-- ing for prices to rise a few cents when a general average has been reached is a bad policy. In nine casts out (if an whth . reaches a maximum in Octuher aud' November in this conntry. The hnurtiing at grain hy i'nzmeis, besides running the rile ni'a depreciatinn price. loses liy rmugv and shrinkage; and when the interest on money is taken into consideialinn, ten cents a bushel w9uld not cover the loss. - It should be rocollecterl ll)le by rnitwny nnd steamboat facilities the prudnctinnn (if thu world aroto a certain extent equalized. When the meat whent grnwing: Hl'f’u (if the world is cunsitlmsd, and the various luti-- llltlttfl. it is evideit that there is contian productimi going nit-a continual hurV' st. Whme n countiy over-‘produces in the {inst newsmties at life, tht-su through the avenues of 00mmeroe gravitate to other parts when? there is :1 demand. The law of supply and demand in as unerting in the long run its that'of gravityâ€"everything finds iIs level The fall in the wheat market at the present time l‘i owing to the prOSpects.0f an abundant. harvest in the great. wheat producing areas 01' the world. The Pacific slopes on this continent .have reaped, and India and Australia. have now wheat. in the market. When a farmer finds wheat going down 1 l l I l WIFE.â€"â€" What’s me maner now John . HUSBAND.-â€"Uh,lhut neuralgia and tooth-- m-hn ner kills me. Rescued At Last. W H Crooker. dl'uggist of Waierdown. says, when all other remedies {all for Bowel Complaints, then Dr. Fowler’s Extract. of Wild Strawberry comes to the rescue. Salt Rheum Cured. Are you troubled with Salt Rheum, Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores; if so go at. once to H Sanderson & Sons’ Drug Store, and get a. package of McGregor & Purke's Carbolic Cerale. Price twenty-five cents. It was never known to fail. wanted for n11 l‘heThe Lives of Presi- dents of the U, S. The largest, hand- somesb, best. book ever sold for less than twice our price. The fastest selling book in America Immense profits to agents. All intelligent people want. it. Any one can become a successful agent, Terms free, HAL- LETT Boon Co, Portland, Maine. “ BnowN’s HOUEHOLD PANACEA " has no equal for relieving min. both internal and external It cures Pain 10 the Side, Buck or Bowals, Sore Throat, Rheunmtism, toothache, Lumbugo and any kind of a Pain or Ache. “ 1t willmust surely quicken the Blood andHeul, as its acting poweris wonderful." “ Brown‘s HouseholdPnnacm," be;- ing acknowledged as the great Pain Reliever. and of double the strength of rm- other Elixir or _Lini§ne_nb in tha_world, shoglq e i_u eve‘ry family handy for use when wanted, “ as it really is the best remedy in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and Pains and Aches of all kinds," and is for sale by all Druggists at 25 cents a. bottle Ifthere is any lurking taint of scrofula in the system. Burdock Blood Bitters are warranted to search it out. A Very Serious Acéldem. Best. And Comfort. To The Sufi‘ering‘ The Price of When, . Hopeful Words, Fluid Lightning. A Search Warrant. PRERBYTERIANâ€"Services at 11 a. m, :1de 30 p m Pruycrmeeting on Wednesday evenmg at 7 80 Rev James Dick, pastor ST MARY'S (EPISCOPALJâ€"Senim at 3 p :11, ex- cept the third Sunday of every mixnth, 'When the service and sacrament are held at 11 u m‘ Sunday School at 10 a. m Re! W Bates, Rector METHOstTâ€"Services at 10.30 a m, and 6.301) m Sunday School at 2 30 p m 'Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7.30 p 111. Rev. J. Betta, Paa- ior. RGVJ. E. Starr, Assistant. RICHMOND LODGE, A. F 6: A M, No 23, G B Câ€" Meets in the Lodge Boom, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon, at: 8 o’clock, pm A. J. Rupert, W M ; H. A, Nicholle, Sec. I O Gr T.f’l‘his Lodge meets in the Temperance Hull every \Vceuesday evening at 8 o’clock p m, J H Sanderson, W C. A. 0. U‘ “(,1va LODGE, No. 114.~Meets in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hall, everv second and fourth Tuesday of each month, at 8 o’clock,“ m. Baucficm‘y certificate given for $2,000 in case of death. J. A. E. Switzer, Muster Workman, R. E. Law, Secretary. R. T, 0]? TEMPERANCE.~~Richmond Hill Coun- cil, N0. 43, meets in the Temperance Hall, eel/ch alternative Tuesday evening at; 8 o’clock p. m. H0110." ‘jnry pertificutcs issued to members for 1:000 or in case of death $2,000,01m hrtlfpuyable 111 case of disability. J. H. Sanderson. Select Councillor. ROMA}: CATHOLIC»~SHL‘V1’CCS : Thornhill at? am and Richmond Hill at 10 30 am ; the following Sunday at Richmond Hill at 9 am, and Thornhill at 10 30 a 112, Rev Father Egan, Pustor. FmE BRIGADEâ€"Regular meeting first Friday of every month, held in the Council Chamber, at 7 p. :11. Membership iree. Certificates issuad to members entitling them to certain, firivileges and exemptinns‘ - J H Sanderson, Captain. H. A. Nicholls, Secretary MECHANICS INSTITUTE.â€"Librnry of over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o‘clock. Wm.Pugs- Iav,1’r0i:idont, T F. McMahon, Sec. R E Law. Librarian. VILLAGE C” chL â€" Reeve, J Brown ; Coun- cillors, I Crosby, H F Hopper, A Moodie, R E Law. Clerk,3\1 Teefy ‘ RICHMOND HILL CORNET BANn.â€"Meets for prac. time in the Temnomnue Hall every Tuesday even- ing at 7.300’c10ck. 0. Savage. Leader; EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Office, Yonge Streot, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscripuon:w$1 06 per annum in advance. When not, paid in advance $1 {:0 will be charged. Transitm‘y yfivertdsements, first inéeFtion, ' M. H. KEEFLER, peJrhne. I Scents. Each subsequent insertion, per line. 3 cents Contracts for tithe and space made 2711 applica- tion. ’ " Advertisements without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and charged transfiâ€" em, rates. Western Canada Loan and Savings Company Oflicesâ€"No 70, Churchâ€"street, Toronto HON G120 W ALLAN, Senutm‘,President GEORGE GOODERHAM,. Vice-President DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Flatt, M P, Alfred Geodet- ham, Geo W Lewis, Thos H Lee, Hon D L Macpherson, Senator 6m Assbté. $3,500,600 SAVINGS BANK _ BRANCH Mmey received on deplosit, and interest payable half yeariy or compounded. See our reduced 1mm table Ford‘urtrher infor- mation apply {LL the omens at the Company THE PAWE‘RHOUSE RICHMOND HILL, J Palmer,_&=’1‘op. This Hausa is one of the Best Hotels to be found 1101‘:le of Tarontn. J; ‘0!) thing; is managed in First (‘luss Style. Sample ,mom for Cmnmor- ciuj 'l‘ruvelim (frond Naming and attentive hortlcrr Worms, fivl DOS“ any. Pl'octor’s Bus leaves this Math} to connect With 311 the N R R Tmins'guing North and South, at 8 a. 111., 12 a. 111., 51.16 p m. and 7.30 n m. RECHMOND HILL. JOHN POVVELL, Prop Capital, 1331 1 “Reserve! Fund. $450,000 This Hotel has been rcfurnisbed, renovated, and fitted up in first-slug, ‘tyle, and is DOW the lending Hot-cl north of To onto. The bar if sup- plied with first-class brand of liquors and cigars. Excellent uccmmnudatvion iur Commercial Travellers, and the General Public. Good Stabl- imz and an attentive Hostlcr. RIG-GS & IVORY, SURGEON DENTISTS, 208 Queen St. West, Toronto Artifical Teeth‘11pperormulm‘, $5.00. Pain- less extracting by use of Btherized Air. The only firm in the Dominion executing flrst»c}ass work at the above price. FREEMAHE WQRE’L It? @EVZEEERS. Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgutive. Is a. safe, sure, and effectual destroyer of worms in Children 01' Adults. films @ixmmy The York Herald. DENTIST, NEWTONBROOK, ONT. Will visit the followingpluces professionally :- Unionville,. 151: Monday of each month. Weston, .9Lh and 21st do anle,..... ...... 161h d_o Richmond Hill. 19th db Woodbridge . , . . ‘ . . . ‘ . . ‘ . . 22nd do Mr Husband Willhn found in his office, at Newtonbrook, every Saturday, except when Satur- dany falls on the above (lute. Gr. 1â€"1. Iâ€"IUSBANI), L. D. S Thankful for the favors of the past years niuy still be consulted many branch of the pro fession, as follows : Richmond Hill“. . 9th & 24th of each month 4 VITALFZEE) ' . AIR . y (at Palmer House) éproga,__1st, 8th, 16th, and gang SiSIiffville ,. . ,1. . . do Markham ...... K d5 Victoria Square ...... do Thornhil] ...... do Woodbridge ‘ do Kleinburg . . do Nobleton V . . .3035 do ' Vitglized air always on hand at the Namâ€"s of napom‘gmrni Itflrrea Away nth the pmn in extracting. Newtonbrook, June HM), 1883‘ WALTER S LEE, “5!? 6 2mm MONEY T0 LOAN. CHURCHES SOCIETlES Dr A ROBINSON. PUBLISHE D BY SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA flmxm’l, the Neatâ€"s of Manager l-ly «T Y'Vv {at 2:5“ gr .g- :- .2: s: \ f 0ND HILL, ONT. H. Sanderson 8280118 Low Down In Price. All New Designs, 'PAPER! Mixed Paints, Paint and While-wash Brushes.‘ A complete stock of Paint Material Usual Stock ofGroceries. LARGE STOCK OF FURNITURE. ’ GREAT REDUCTIONS IN 'ALL DEPARTMENTS. We are showing some 9pecial value in Lace Curtains. By taking the Ele- vator at back or West. end of store you reach the Carpet and Curtain departâ€" ment without exertion. These Curtains are beautiful new patterns all of the newest makes of Net, both plain and bound edges, in 3, 3;- and 4 yard lengths in Cream and White. We are selling a tape-cage curtain at 83 which we for- merly sold at 34‘ also a Curtain at 82, formerly sold at $2 75, also Curtains at $3 50, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8. ~Every pair warranted a bargain. Now that all the carpets have been renovated and» relaid, you want. to get the new curtains to finihh the house cleaning. Don’t forget the above men-- tioned reduction In this department. Cheap Table Linens to-duy Cheap Table Napkins to-day» Cheap White Damask Table Linen today ' Cheap Linen Towels to day Cheap remnants of Table Linen, towelling. ticking, etc. NO CESSATION in the Big Carpet Sale yet. The 650 Carpet that we are selling fur 450 is one of the grentcfilt at- tractions 1n this department. We open to-day six new pattems in all Wool Carpets, beautiful goods, 75 and 800 a yd. lllllllléllll. The Millinery Department is getting the fair share of trade these days, and we stiil keep adding styles and shapes ofthe newest. The reductions in the trimmed'Hat and Bonnet Department continue. Ffiéi‘fifiifi. “’0 have just received a lot, of new shade feaihcrs, and those, together with the flick; stock of feathers. sold at enâ€"' ticing reductions. Every lady should have some of' the feathers. Take the Elexator at West end of Store for Milliuery, Mantle and Carpet Departments. ' SALES FUR CASHâ€"[lâ€"NHT T. EATON MU}, l3l] to IHB Yunge St. CALL AND INSPECT THE STOCK. VETEIJZEB m PfiRLflHS C. P- LENNOXI DENTIST 151 Yonge St, Toronto. ' The only Dentist in Toronto using Hurds up parutus for Extracting Teeth Without Pain BEST SETS 0F TEETH $8, FILLINGS WAREANTEB PER Ii] 3% CALL AND M R Toronto reb. 13th 188?» Best Material in the Market. Filling and all other operations neatly done‘ My Gold Window Shades and Borderings for 1884, at THE PEOPLE’S STORE. CHEMISTS &,,DRUGGISTS, Warranted to be made ffom {She TORONTO By means of Vital’ized Air. And the Largest Selection ever placed before you. ALL WILL BE SOLD AT LOWEST PRICES T. EATON. & CO. T. EATON & CO. Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigcstzon, Biliousness, Dyspepsia? Jaundice, A ficctions of the Liver and Kidney/8, I’lfilplCS, Blew/Les, Bails, Humans, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Eryslpclas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Dcranged Stomach, or irregular action Qf the Bowels. T. EATON & GO. Dress Department. As the summer is here we wish to dispose of balance of spring goods at very low prxces. We have made a gener- al reduction in prices. We always sell our goods at small profits. But now we are clearing out some lines under cost prices. The 7&0 dress goods selling now at 5:3. Our 25c dress goods sold now at 150 a yard ‘ Very nice lire of sateeus at 121}c a yard. Sicilian DeBeige and Ottoman 010th 15. 20, 25, 300 a yard, beautiful goofis. Canton, Chambrays, Pacific Lawns, Organdie Muslims in great variety, 12, 150 a yard. Just a few pieces more of those beautiful washing silks left, selling at very low prices. 'Good value in black silks, 750 worth $1 Now is the thug-ladies, if you want to save money. Call at Eutou's and see the bargains. Boots and Shoes. ' Take 1h; Elevator at west end of store for carpets, oilcloths, spreads, millinery and mantles. ' Eaton sens ladiea’ fine India kid buttoned boots, with worked button holes, at $1 75 H Eaton Sells ladles’ fine pebbled button boots for $1 Ea’ton sens ladies’ fine polished calf boots at, $2, $2 25, $2 503R f EAton dfférs great value in Kid Slipp ers, all the newest American styles. fl stem; ladies' nice fitting button- ed bufl'boots at 81 25 ViEatrth real French Kid Boots at $2, $2 75. 33 up Eaton offers great value in misses’ wear, splendid assortment“ u ‘u‘ Hutu, urn“.qu uuqv. nun..." Eaton‘s stock of infants’ and child~ rcn’s goods is complete, come and see them Remember the Great Carpet Ladies smdy your OWn interests Eaton 8; Co buy for cash and by selling for cash only, they are able to offer bur~ gains to be found no where else. ‘ 1 ‘ Sallie Continues‘ Parasols. 0 Ladies’ black satin parasols lined and trimmed with lnco, only 500 Ludiés’ black satin parasols with coloured linings and lace, only 756 ' Ludics’ exti-fi fine satih pzxr'asols with and without lace, from 31 up to 36. N Ladies‘ silk pu’rasols, in 'b‘hzck and brown. only $1 - Ladies" silk parasols, large 51205, only $1 25 Lndies’ silk umbrellas, with paragon frames, $1 50, $1 75: $2 -u_p' Great bargains i‘u M-illincry and Mantle Deparfiuxent. Some odd lines clearing at half price. V Bfi‘fiistors; Attorneys-atoLaw, Solicit'ors-ihl Chancery. Conveyancers, etc, Officesâ€"Imperial Bank» Buildings. Wellingtonâ€"street, Toronta HoMAs FERGUSON, Q40. Joan BAIN WM SETON GORDON, Gm F SHIPLEY Fgrgqson, 33m. Gorgon Jahs‘filpl'ey, DRAIN TILE, OF THE BEST QUALITY AT GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY Farm &: Other PrOperty, Hotels. Taverns and Business. Goodwills Bought and Sold ! For Manufacturing and other purposes. S Oak and Share Brokers, etc, etc. frame In 9th L833 Patent Rights disposed of ; SYNDICATES FORMED MGRTGAGES OBTAINED QUALITY P. G. SAVAGE. P. 0. BOX 2527. J; I. EVANS & CO, THOS NIGETINGALE'S. Efiegnl, Iomn. Yorkvile John DTCDO-n‘f’lilirlisfi. C. J. Cum bell, Esq" Hon. SelmtorMcMugter A. M. Smi 11, Esq. I Jmes Metcalfe, Esq. ' Rev. EnochWoode. 1) Loans made on security of Company’s Policy. It 5 per cent interest. U ‘ Loans made to Church Trustees, at a IOWA-am of interest. Send fbr prospectum. sf, A VI Lauder, Soc. 6L Trams“ forCnnadm. p ' 16 King St, East, Torogtm fissaraflcé socy Sir Vim MeArthfiij C MIG; P, eXâ€"Lord Mayor-of Londqn, President. ‘ V ‘ W W BayneswEsqfiv I Afiecretgry ieserva Fund . . . . . . ‘ $10,000,000 H Annual Income. . . L . .' 1.600.000 Invested in Canada . . . l.200,000 Deanh chums puill. . ‘ . 10,000,000 TORONTO REFERENCES. ' ‘ f , §3TAR R. B. Orr,M. B. and First. Silvér Medalist University of Twonto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L 9 AI‘,Enquncl (Late Of London, Englandl éfirig'eoantc. rS’Oflice Hours 5 to 0.30 {1.111, and 1 to 2.30 pan. Members Colioge Physicians & Surgeons. Residence, Yonga Street, Richmond Hill. Bdchmond Hill, May 23rd, 1582. V )y AND DR LEWIS G. LANGSTAFF ! DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF 1' Dr. George Langstafi‘. THORNHILL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto University. M. U. I" & 8.. Ont, Two Years Resident, Aggistant Surge-on to Toronto General Hoapi’oal. Office and Residonce,~-One door south of P. 0. OFFICE HOURSâ€"8 1-9 10 a. m, 6; X2 to 2 p m Thornhill Feb 14th, 1833. fl - g.- 'V fr V a 1 mm. M . .5. my film», MEDALIET TORONTO UNIVERSITY. Member College of Physicians & Surgeon“ (LA'I r: or F'WH‘FB 124mm OFFICE IIOUMS,- {View 8 tn 1-3 1L, 111., S ta 8p. m musumxm: Yonrze- Stream, Richmcnd Hill. Richmond 11:11, Oct. 12m, ‘52. W‘Wum'xmmm <33;- fi-Q IJGam a Mommy to 11mm on imymvud farms. at 6 per cent. Amity tn v u . ~\~.T/\r 1 Worth their “Weigh; in Gold ! I .Tun8151h,1 ‘ WES éz @ig‘iment This incomparable Medicine has Secur. ed for itself an imperishable fame throughoutt‘ue 'World for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to whim humanity is heir. of the‘ a, clean“ purify, )‘(>711}“LP 'xm‘ im‘)" ‘ ‘ ‘ 1' I _, w ‘ 190 a $0914. B; God. They mast the (1 five organ increase the secretory pmvvrs of the Liwr,bmca the nervous's =ateu1.mn1bh]u into the circulai tion the pm at Elements for sustaining and repairing thre frzuuc. Thousands of persona: have testified {hat by their use alone they bane been restored to health and strength, a 101' every other’ means had proved unsuccessful. will bu found invaluable in every Household: hi the cure of Open Sores. Hard Tumours. Coughs, Sore Thrusts, Bronchitis, and all disord‘ 91's of the Throat and Chest, m: ulso Gou t, Rheu matism. Scrofula. and other kind of skin disease! Manufactured only at Proféssé or Hollowav’s Establishment, 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON; BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. COLDS, and sold at 131. URL, 23. 0.1., 43 (ML, 115., 2’2, and 836 each Box and Pot, and in uwnmm at 36 cents. 90 cents, and $1.50 cents, and the larger sizes in nronortion {y}- CAUTIOXâ€"l have no Agent in if“; United States, nor are my Medicines 50qu ‘here. Purchasers shuuld therefore look to file label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London they are spuriuus. v _ __ . mm ,1- ~ H. H” .1. V Tim Tracie Links of 3:175' r mm .105 are {0‘4 cistored m (ALLAVa, and wt, VV..-. gmgtuu. ' sad THOMAS HOLLOWA‘Z STOMACH AND BOVJELS. DR. ORR, MAPLE, Of London, England, gamma. EIE‘E m Duc 15(3. 1583.- lichmundHill

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