Having Sold Out my Property and Business on the corner of Yonge and Centre Streets, Richmond Hill, to Mr. Joseph Hun, late of Victoria Square, 1 am now preparâ€" ed to offer a large stock of Pianas? PimmS 2 FRGM BUSINESS. RIUST BE UREA RED OUT BY AUGUST lst, No Price List of Rubbish Published to Catch the Unwary. AN INSPECTION OF STOCK AND PRIO SELLING OFF AT COST. AT COST! UPMGHT AND SQUARE! SUMMER GOODS Big Sale and no Humbug. Terms Strictly Cash. Again to the Fore! MESSBER‘ g. WILLIAMS & Sox's. _ _ I TORONTO, April 12th,]881. GENTLEMEN~I have much pleasure 1n tnstlfymg to the great excellence of your Pianos. I have put them severely to the test, and ï¬nd them powossed of those qualities of tone and touch so 8.0â€"»- ceptable to the true musician) and lover of cln‘ a] music~m clml‘ming singing tone, I _ ‘ . easily gradu- ated from the most del tc pmmssnno to every degree of loudness and fulness, and a. touch which answers regdilx to oyo lmdc of feeling. 7 V 71 consider flame insfrnmonts 11 great acquisition in musicial society ï¬nding a piano wluch I can recounueud with perfect. conï¬dence. 1 am,Gent1emen, yours very truly, CHAS \V.EWING, (Of London, England,) Organist of St Peter's Church. Cobu‘rg, On M35535 R. s. VVILLIAMS & Soxsâ€" TORONTO Nov 4th 1 gm NTsfHaving thprpughly examined the Worknmuship of your Pianos, I ’Imve. no ’hesssigchtion in stutmg thug, 111 my opmmn, they are equsz to those of m ' t1 8 of the host Makers that Ihave seen Tnnn (“11v anon}! {n +1") canon hind- havu-‘u Innrrnv A‘ Aâ€, 1- .,, mm mu uuU-uul u 11:55 COSB WI nib glad to hour mm; the. extensive sulerf Vioï¬â€˜fuiï¬s‘t‘ruu flows that you are meeting with the luccesi that I think vyou juatly deserve. I am, Gentlemen. Your obedient Servant, V H v y y. ‘ / ,r A N r, 7 I . H. “w uuuv AumnulB mum. 1.11an 86 I I can (ugly speak 111 the same hlgh terms regurdlng their musmal quulities‘; for their ï¬ne full sine; mg (.mqulhty of tone, pleasxmt touch, 620, are such, that. there seems to be no necessity to purchzuo forexgn lustruments, when our home enterpr ‘0 can prmluc 1 m; mm; mm] It,“ CO‘St T am (11011 trx 'hnuv Hint f'hn nvfnnaw‘vn mull) nl‘ nnv ‘ fl, @BGANS! l W _,O. _. ‘ ,1 , A .1 a“... “Mums, uuu [.1117 uummuu: uum nu uu§ ceptionally low rates. vaments arrange to sun; the convemence cf purchasers and term of years. For full particulars write to Richmond Hill, June 26th, 1884. Are constructed from the very best Materials by experienced Workmen, and are fully equal in point of my C35“ ï¬vflfl I)" II. i w» rig-’1 «2 V _. g ,E‘YESE 7 , >1 (2/ Geods of the Best Quality Boots 8L Shoes at Cost, Crockery and Glassware at Cost, Groceries at Cost, W make a. special sage of Organs in large qugntrities‘ _._n__ uA_ .“LA- GOOD VALUE FOR YOUR Only kept on hand. The public are invited to TONE, TOUCH & DURABILITY ! And many articles below cost. As the whole of the Stock The Public may Depent on Getting Great Bargains. CHEAP FOR CASH. ‘u w: ‘7‘! *uu‘nfl _ .l [43 Yonzc St. Toronto. OR 226 Dundas St. London- TESTIMONIALS. To the high priced American Instruments. A Splendid Assortment of RETIRING -â€"â€"-AT THEâ€"~â€" PIANOS ! ISAAC CROSBY. R. S. WILLIAMS, fn. n9 99R nun-nag- no I _ _ 4 _ _ and gm theyeforepble to oflei gem at GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc. and am much pleased at. J. BROWN. MONEY. . ! g £9 flags spread over a Wedneday was a red-letter day in conâ€" nection With the Lacrosse Championship of the Western district of Ontario. The honor was held by the Excelsiors of this town‘ since August. 1881. when they ï¬rst con-- tended for the Championship at Stratford with a Club from Seaforth. Many Clubs in the District covated the prize, and many times during the past three seasons the Ex-‘- celsiors faced their opponents and came off with flying colors. The Young Canadians ofRiehmond Hill, aClnh that had never before entered the lists for the Champion-- ship, sent our Excelsiors a challenge to play on the 23rd inst., which challenge was at once accepted and the match arranged. The Young Canadians enjoyeda splendid reputation, not having been beaten in three years. A keen struggle was looked for by ,all parties, and a keen one indeed it proved ,to be. Mr. Hull, of the Ontarios of To» ronte, was chosen referee. Before the play began a dispute arose out of the referee’s action in not allowing Fred. Manning to ‘play along with his colleagues in the Ex-t celsior Club. Mnnninglives in Stoufl'ville, and though a member of the Exelsior Club‘ for years, Brampton being his home, he played with the Uxbridge boys less than a month ago against the Young Canadians. This. according to the referee's decision, barred him from playing with the home team oti Wednesday. A ruling quite to the contrary was given here by D Rose, Secretary ofthe National Association, when the Excelsiors met the Duï¬'erins of Orange- ville. Fred Manning is looked upon as being one of the very best players in the Excelsior team, and much regret was shown when the referee’s decision was announced. However, in a few minutes the word went round that T G Baltentyne, another crack player of the Club, who had not taken the ï¬eld this season. would now take Manning’s place. This news caused the Excelsiorl’ hackers to brighten up at once and feel more sanguine. The ball was then faced off. The Young Canadians played with a. dash. and soon the rubber was flying in all directions over the ï¬eld. The Excelsior! played cautiously and with greater reserve. It soon became manifest that the forte of the Canadian: consisted in long throwmg and fast running. The Excelsiors were weaker than their opponents in centre ï¬eld, and did not cluster so closely around their goal when danger threatened. In scientiï¬c playing they showed superiority over the boys of Richmond Hill. After a lengthy struggle victory went to the Young Cane-*- diane in the ï¬rst game. The second game was won by the Excelsiors, the third by the Canadians, and the fourth by the Excelsiorl. The ï¬nal struggle for victory was a hard one. The rubber was most of the time around the visitors’ goal. Everybody ex» pected to see the Excelsiors “in. They played around their opponents, who were fast. givmg out. but one of the Canadians getting the ball at the upper end of the field tossed it well down on the ExcelsiOr flags, and after a few minutes’ brush another ofthem got it, and by actual surprise to himself sent it through the flags, thus winm ing the ï¬fth and crowning game. They were surprised at themselves, and for a time could hardly realize that the victory was won. But won it was. and well might the Canadians shout and cheer. They won fairly, goodâ€"naturedly, and manly. They are lively Lacrosse players, and if ever Brampton hopes to get. the Championship back the boys will have to make a grand tight and do some dashing play. The EX" celsiors were neyer more evenly matched. and We are sure they will frankly say that they nevver met a more geiitlemanly lot of players. Considerable money changed hands on the result of the game, and the . Richmond Hill men went away heavily loaded. They arrived in town during,' the forenoon in vehiclesand brought about ï¬fty or more friends along with them to see the isport. They all left about 8 o'clock for theme. Arid didn’tthey feel good. The t next Championship Match will be played at , ttichmond Hill iii about three weeks. We were pleased to see T G Ballentyne on the ï¬eld again. His presence there was the more satisfactory in View of the difï¬culty over club affairs which arose after the close of last season’s play, and which has beens the means of depriving the EX" celsims of his valuable services up to Wednesday’s matclLto the regret oi‘the club. Upon the solicitation of the club he kindly consented to give his assistance in the match, and his aid was thoroughly an»- preciated. We trust T G will go into hard practice now and help the Excelsiors to become once more the possvssors of the Western District Championship and Medal. â€"- Conservator. There is no rival for Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberrv. I: is the acknowledged champion for the cure of all Summer Complainâ€. it. is stated that .lnhn I’nrter. an ongtnrer on the Michigan Central Road. has been offered $47.000‘ fur his patent on an attnch~ ment to a stemn (-ylinder which condenses thp waste from the steam cock on starting the engine, thereby averting that hissing noisn which is so disagreeable to the ear, and such a terror tn horses. The accuracy ofthis ï¬gure may be doubted. however, for although the admntngos to be gained are not to be despised, they represent no mone tnry value, and the number of applications of the device is necessarily limited to the number of locomotives in use to be so built during the next fifteen or sixteen years. Taking as much as: $5 an engine royalty, it would require 9.400 locomotives to earn the price paid for the patent without interest on capital or proï¬t. “ BROWN’S HOUEHOLD PANACEA " has no equal for relieving min. both internal and external It cures Pain 11] the Side, Buck or Bowels, Sore Throat, Rheuumtism, toothache, Lumbago and any kind of a. Pain or Ache. “ It will most surely quicken the Blood and Heal, as its acting power is wonderful.“ “ Brown's Householdl’anaceu," be" ing acknowledged as the great Pain Reliever, mid of double the strength of any other Elixir or Lininient in the world, should be in every family handy for use when Wanted, “ as it really is the best remedy in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and Pains and Aches of all kinds,†and is for sale bv all Druggists at; 25 cents a. bottle We clip the following from the Brampton Conservalar in reference ta the Lacrosse Match which was played in that town on Wednesday, 23rd inst. :-- About 2 a m Tuesday morning amnn with out :1 cont ran up to Pohceman Cnddy in York street and said he had just been robbed of $250 by four men in rear ofTom Jones’ Dive, in Adelaide street west. The ofï¬cer Went with him 10 the spot, but no trace of the men could be found. The man said he had earned the money by the sweat of his brow on the C. P. R. Cures Toothache and Neuralgia quick as flash, relieves any pain instantly. the cheap- est and lhe quickest application known. Why suffer with Toothache, Neuralgia. Headache, Rheumatism, Lumbago,Sniatica, Sore Throat. or Acute Pains of any kind when you can go to H Sanderson cf: Sons’ Drug Store and get a perfect and inâ€" Htantaneous cure for twenty-ï¬ve cents. Ask for Fluid Lightning. The Students of the Ontario School Art, visited the Universily on Friday. Best. And Comfort To The Sufl'ering‘ 1 he Lacrosse Championship No Rival In The Fleld. FLUID LIGHTNING. Held Up for $250. PRESBYTERIAR-aServices at 11 a. m, npdé 30 p m Prayer meeï¬fh‘g on Wednesday evemng at 7 30 Rev J ames Dick, pastdr ST MARY'S (EPISCOPALJâ€"Sel'vice! at 8 p m, ex- cept the third Sun day of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 a 111 Sunday School at 10 a m Rev W Bates, Rector ME'rnoms'râ€"Services at 10.30 a. m, and 6.301) m Sunday School at 2 30 p m Prayer meeting every Thursda evening at 7.30 111. Rev. J. Betta. Paa- tor. Rev . E. Starr, Assia ant. RICHMOND LODGE, A. F & A M, No 23, G B Câ€" Meots in the Lodge Boom, Masonic Ha11,on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o'clock, pm A. J. Rupert, W M ; H. A. Nicholls, Sec. I 0 G T.-â€"This Lodge meets in the Temperance Hall every Weeuesdny evening at 8 o’clock p m, J H Sanderson, W C. _R. T. 01" TnmnnANCE.~Riohmond Hill Coun- c11, No. 43, meets in the Temperance Hall. elch alternative Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock p. m. Beneï¬ciary certiï¬cates issued to member! for $1,000 or in case of death $2,000, one halfpaynble in casq of disability. J. E. Sanderson, Select CouncxIIor. A. 0. U. W., IVY LODGE, No. 114.â€"Meets in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hall, everv second and fourth Tuesday of each month, at 8 o'clock,p. m. Beuencnr certiï¬cate given for $2,0001n case of death. . A. E. Switzer, Muster Workman, R. E. Law, Secretary. Fun: BBIGA‘DE.â€"- gule: meeting that Friday of every month, he in the Council Chamber, at 7 p. m. Membership free. Ceruiflcatea issued to members entitling them to certain privileges and exam tions. J H Sanderson, Captain. H. A. Nichol , Secretary. MECHANIcs msmu'm.â€"Libmry of over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hafl, from 7 to‘ 8 o’clock. Wm.Puga- ley, President. '1‘.F. McMahon, Sec. R E Law, Librarian. VILLAGE COUNCIL -â€" Reeve, J Brown ; Coun- cillors, I Crosby, H F Hopper, A Moodie, R E Law. Clerk, M Teefy Pol iticlansâ€"Of eithervurty~who can enjoy a. good-humored and truthful hit at themselveai will appreciate ‘GRIP’S' pointed cartoons. If there are any politicians Worthy of the name, who have not subscribed, they are informed that ‘anP‘ costs only $2 per Annum. ROMAN CATHOLIC«~ServiceE : Thomhill EM? am and Richmond Hill at 10 30 am ; the followin Sunday at Richmond Hill at 9 am, and Thornhil at 10 30 a m, Rev Father Egan, Pastor. RICHMOND HILL CORNET BAND.-Meets for mac- tico in the Temuerance Hall every Tuesday even- ing at 7.300'olock. 0.- Savage. Leader. "Gnlr,"~â€"Cana,da’a Representative Comic J our- nal, Published by Canadians for Canadians, and devoted solely to the interests of the people, as distinguished from the interests of Political Par- tiesâ€"ought to be in EVERY CANADIAN ll0ME. Bachelors.â€"-Wou1d ï¬nd their lonely lives brightened by a visit of the Jolly Little Joker once a. weekâ€"~Only $2 per Annum. ' Loversâ€"Might ï¬nd a. perennial source of con‘. versution in the Pages and Pictures of “GM? after an other subjects had been talked to death.â€" Only $2 per Annum- PA R E HTSâ€"All over the Dominion testify that GRXP’s weekly visits to their homes are hail- ed with delight by their children, to Whom its cartoons are a. unique education. Just try a. year's subscription and prove this assertion. 3 per Annum In Advance- You Have Often Thought 0! Taking “GRIP.†Humor without Vulgartg; Patriotism without Purtizauship :Trvt without Temper. Reaâ€".0“ v Year $61:me s2.oo.~.18u. Aï¬dress Hopeful Words‘. Mrs McArthur, of Hopeville. Ont, says she could not keep house without Hugyard’s Pectorial Balsam to cum prevailing throat and lung troubles. “GRIP.†1573.â€"«ELEVENTH YEARâ€"4884. Toronto. Mar. 10 th, 1884 CHICKEN AND PORK THIEVES.â€"Tlte l farmers ou the 4111 Con. of Markham hava been visited by a gang of chicken and pork thieves.~ Amongst the sufferers are Messrs. Nichols, E. Sanderson. and Galloway. Every farmer should belong to the Society for Apprehension and Prosecution: oleolons, four of which are in operation in Stouï¬'ville, Markham, Unionvillo, ï¬nd Victoria Square. ‘ In almost evory csse the members of these ; societies hay. escaped from similar losses, and in the few instancss when th‘a thieves have Ventured to steal from them. the thieves have been brought to justice.â€" Economist. RIGGS 8: IVORY, SURGEON DINTISTS, 208 Queen St. West, Toronto Artiflcal Teethnzpper or market, $5.00. Painâ€" less extracting by use of Etherized Air. The only ï¬rm in the Dominic! executing ï¬rst-class work at the above price. If there is any lurking taint of scrofula in the system, Burdock Blood Bitters are warranted to search it out. Will visit; the following places professionally :â€" Unionville,†.lst Mommy of each month. Weston . 9th md 2181: (10 Maple, lGlh do Richmon 19th do Woodbridgem. 22nd do Mr Husband W111 be fomd in his ofï¬ce, at N ewtonbrook», every Saturday, except when Satur- day 1" ulls on the above (lam. G. H. HUSBAND, L- D- S DENTIST, NEWTOIBROOK, ONT. Thankful for the favors cf the past years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro fession, as folloWs : Richmond Hi 1.]. “,1â€. M, v 1.. 9th & 24th of each month (at Palmer House) Aurora, 151:, 8th, 15th, and 22'nd Stouffville ...... .Ieth Markham . . ‘ . . . . , r . ‘ . . . V . . 20th Victoria Square .. ..21sb Thornhill . . . . . . . , . . . . ‘ .231 (1 Woodbridge ‘ .. .2861 Kleinburg †..29th Nobleton .. . ,. . 30th Vitalized arr always on hand at avpoinpment. It does (mm wit VITALIZED A [R 3 exfmcting 1884.â€"H. N. Y.-â€"-1884. Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgntive. Is 3. auto, Biro, and effectual dastmnr 0! mm in )hiidren or Adults. FREEMAN’S WORM POWDERS. Newtonbrook, June 13th,)883. mamas gummy 6:151 in your name and $2.00 how‘ "G R! P’S†PLATFORM. A Search Warrant. Dr A ROB’NSON. CHURCHES SOCIETIES SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA flczxtal, S.J. MOORE. and 22'nd do .18t1‘1 do ..... 20th dc .. ..21sb do ‘ H231d do .2861 do ..29th do . 30th (10 >1: hand at the places 0!. MM) with the pain in Man ager, Toronto‘ n. yuan min-r... ,1 l-l‘y Western Canada. Style, combined with Cheapness. Ofï¬cesâ€"No '10| Churchistreet, Torouio HO’N GEO W ALLAN, Senntor,President Gamma): Goopmmni ..................... "Vice-President DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Plum, M P, Alfred Gooder- hum, Geo W Lewis, 'l‘hos H Lee, Hon 1) L Macpherson, Swamr J OB PBENTING 3 FEES? SWEE .“ZE Tomi Ass’eté, $3,600,000 SAVING’S BANK BRANCH Money received on deposit, and interest payable half yearly or compounded. See our reduced 10m: table For further infor- mation apply at the ofï¬ces of the Company RICHMOND EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Ofï¬ce, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscription 2â€"391 00 per unnum in advanco. When not 1mm in advance $1 60 will be charged. Transitory gndvertisemenm, ï¬rst insertion, LARGE STOCK 0F FURNITURE-3.8 H. Sanderson & Sons “HERALD†OFFCE, pe‘rline .................. ' .............. Scents Each subsequent insertion, per lino.. 3 cents Contracts for time and Space made on applica- tion. V Advertisements without jvrittcn instructions will be insertee} until forbid: and charged transiâ€"- em rates. Mixecf Paints, Paint and White-wash Brushes. A complete stock of Paint Matcxiul Usual Stock ofGroceries. M. H. KEEFLER, Low Down In Price. All New Designs, VITMIZQH MR PWBRS C. P- LENNOX, DENTIST 151 Yonge St, Toronto. Thaonly Dentist in Toronto using Hurds ms» parntus for Extracting Teeth thhuut Paint Qapipal, ‘$1,500,000;A_Reserve Fundi $450,000 BEST SETS 01" TEETH $8, PILLINGS WARRANTEB PM It! Y’s CALL AND SEE ME. Toronto Feb. 13th 1533 Best Material in the Market Filling and all other onemtions neatly 510110 My Gold The York Herald. CALL AND INSPECT THE STOCK. Egan and Savings Company WALTER S LEE, Yonge Street; Richmond Hill. Window Shades and Borderings for 1884, at THE PEOPLE’S Wurmnted to be made from the CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, MONEY T0 LOAN. TORONTO Ry means of Vitalized Air Every Description of PUBLISHED BY TURNED OUT IN THE ALL WILL BE SOLD AT LOWEST PRICES. And the Largest Selection ever placed before you O'ures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundiee, A factions of the Liver and Kidneys, Pimples, Blotches, Bails, IIumors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Erysz'pclas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Dcranged Slomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. â€"AT THE- Manager This House is one of the Best Hotels to be foam) north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First. Class Style. Sample Room for Commerv cinl Travellers. Good Stubling and attentive hostlera. Terms, $1 per day. Proctor's Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8 a m., 12 a. 111., 5.10 p m. and 7.30 n m. THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, {5' Palmer, Prc This Hotel has been refurnishcd, renovated, and ï¬tted up in ï¬rst~class style, and is now the leading Hutel mnjth of Toronto. The bur i": sup- pllsfl with limb-class brand 01' liquors and cigars. Excellcnt accommodation for Commercinl vacllcrs, and the G 0110,1111 Public. Good StabL imz and an zuttuulive 110501011 RICHMOND HELL. JOHN POWBILL; Prop Ferguson. Baln. Cordpn 8:; §hipley, Bauisters, Attorney at-Lmv,» Solicitors-11p Chancery. Convevunuors, etc, Offlccsilmperiul Bunk Buildings. \Vcllington-strcet, Toronto HOMAS FERGUSON. QC. .3me RAIN WM SETON GORDON, (‘rL'o F Summer DRAIN T'ILE, OF THE BEST nnarf’rv A'V‘ GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY Faun &' Other Property, HUfC]S,'I‘lLY¢1‘DS a nd Business. Goodwiiis Bang?“ and Sold ! Futent Rights disposed of; For Mannfacfm' ng any] other purposes. S 0015 and Slime Brokers, etc, etc. " " “ sup tion, Dlzzlnc Bad Breath, Highly recommended for Billonsness, , , . Bead-Ache. 60n- ‘ ‘ ' stipanoandiges- Hon, Dizziness, Heartburn, . __ Bad Breath, Loss of Ap- ‘ petite, Jaundioe, Loss of Memory, Smu- Stomnch Liver Com- plaintmr any illness arising ham the stom- ach, Bowels or Kidneys. ,Thekare sate mild and thorough in their actlon. om1toé pumsadose' PRICE 25c. PER. nox.‘ L SYNI)10ATES FORMED RWRTGAGES {BETAINED QUALITY AT mm. 1" Go 5C. P. O. Box 2527. J. I. EVANS & CO, THOS NIGHTINGALE’LS, afvgle, Len dcr Lane I 01 tuna SUGAR COATED. PURELY 9 VEGETABLE Yorkvile Money to 1mm] on improved farms. at 6 per cent. Apply to J. R. ARNOLD, THORNHILL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto University, M. C. P. 65 8.. 0111;. Two Years Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hospital Ofï¬ce and ICesideanâ€"One door south of P. 0 OFFICE HOURSâ€"8 t0 10 90 m, & 12 tO‘Z p m Thornhill Feb 14th, 188 . Worth their ZVeightin Gold! ! Members College Physicians & Surgeons. Residence, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill; Richmond Hill, May 23rd, 1882. 1y Member College oi‘Physicians 8: Surgeonl. (LATE OF STOUFFVILLE.) OFFICE RODNEâ€"From 8 to 10 a. m., 5 to 8 1mm RESIDENCE Yonge Street, Richmond HIII. Richmond H 111, Out. 12th, ‘82. Nloney to Loan. Dr. George Langstafl‘. ‘. his incwipzn'ablc Medicine has secur- ed for itself an impcrishnble 11mm througth the Virole for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to which humanity is heir. ‘ Surgeon ,UE tc. ' i ' SEOflice Hours 8 to 9.30 a.m., and l to 2.80 pm. June 18th, 1884‘ DR LEWIS Gr. LANG-STAFF ! 1mm mu] imprpyo quality qf the {3110013} ' T1365: 1mm tiié‘ dig~§tï¬Ã© BEEIEE, ciéaimié STOMACH AND BOWELS, mg. W. J. WILSON, MEDAZLIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. innrmsn the macrutory powers of the Liver, brace the nervous s stem, and throw mm the elreuln- Lion the pm,.b Elements for sustaining and repairingthc frame. :3 pur ('Dnt Loans mudc 1M) inierch R. B. 0rr,1\I. B. and First Silver Medalisl‘. University of Toronto, M. C. P. 5. Ontario. In S LithEngjgnd (Late Of London, England} Juhn Hun‘ Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed' than by their use alone they Imue been restored to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF : AND Of London, England, Sir ï¬â€˜Jm Mch-Ihur, K C M G, M. 1?. râ€"x~Lord Mayor of London, President. “I W BayneswEqu I A‘Secretary HF-smwn Fund ) . . . . . $10,000‘000 Annuul Income A . . . . . 1,600.000 Investé‘d’ in Canada. . . ’1‘.200,000‘ Dump chums paid. . . . 10,000,000 [hum-25 Mute will bu funnd in: :Lluzfl‘ln in every Househoid in’ the cure of Open Emotes. Hard Tumnurs. Coughs, Fora Threats, Bronchitis, and all dimn'd ms of Lhu Throat, and Clms’m, 1L5 mlsq Gout, Rhett nmtism. Herein] and other 1.11111 0t skin dxsouses 5133mm Soc’y BAD LEGS, 0LT) WOUNDS.- CULDSi B'Im'mï¬lctm‘cd only at Profess~ or Hollowav’s Establisl'lmenf. 533, OXFORD STREET LONDONV and mmm:1s.1ir1.,25.M.,45.6d.,115., 22, and 33s- nnch Box and Pof, and in Canada. at 36 cents, 90 cents, and $1.50 cents, and the larger sizes in proportion. (If? CACTION~1 have no Agenf in the United States, nox‘ are my Medicines 50k? there. Purchasers should therefore 10015 to the label on the P013 and Boxes. Ifther address is [mt .633, Oxford Street, Louder: they are spurious. Tim Trade Marks of my eaizl Medio’nss are ‘ ) 1n Omar, a, 3111' a 12$ YVP-shington ed ~;o_\1.::5 HOLLOWAY £33 OAiU‘Ul : ‘ " mums mud T\."<-I‘m1mh1,}~1sq. SPHHHI)‘MUIULCECT bMutcnlfv, Esq. A W La 11d er, Sec. (V Tram. [or Canada. In King 515.,1‘1ast. Toronto l)ec]st,h8(1. 'Jmmx'rol ietx-‘lmm '15:: DR. ORR, MAPLE, "iï¬cdical. "z EEFE 'ch Trustees, at n. low 111.10. of Scmlfwr prospectus. 'ul’ Company's Policy at; (1. I. Cumphull. l".qu A.1\I‘ Smith. Esq. Rev. Enoch V\ and, D. 17 Richmond Hill