Pianas? Pimms ? No 1' rice List of Rubbish Published to Catch the Unwary. AN INSPECTION OF STOCIi ANI) PRICE UPEEGHT AND SQUARE Again "to the Fore Z ’COODSWH‘WGOST ! MEssns. 1h 8. WILLIAMS (Sc SoN's. Trmox'ro A and] 12 ‘ GENTLEMEN~I have much pleasure in testifying to the great cxmllence of’ yclur Piuï¬gsms}. have put them severelv to tlmï¬gst, and ï¬nd them possessed of those quahbies of tone and toucï¬ so 210-- ceptnble to the true musmlun und lover of classical musiciu, charming singing tone, easilv gradu- ated from the mostdelicute pianiSSimo to every degree of loudness and £111 ss ‘ V . answe†rg‘mfly- to weâ€, Shade} of feeling. ue , and a. touch \\ 111011 RIUST BE CLEARED OUT BY AUGUST lst, Having Sold Out my Property and Business on the corner of Yonge and Centre Streets, Richmond Hill, to Mr. Joseph Hall, late of Victoria Square, 1 am now prepar- ed to offer a large stock of Big Sale and no Humbug. Terms Strictly Cash. V 71 consider E11959 insï¬mmcnts ll. greutvzhclquisition in musicinl society, and am much pleased at ï¬nding a pmno winch I can recommend thh perfect conï¬dence. I um,Gontlemon, yours very truij', CHAS VIEWING, (Of London, England,) \ Organist of St Peter‘s Church. Coburg, 011 MESSBS R. S.‘VILLIAMS & SONsâ€"â€" . ' ‘ '1‘_OR()N'1‘O,NOV.4th, 1882. GENTS-Having thoroughly examlned the ‘Vo‘r‘kmanship of your Pmnos, I have no hesitation in stating thnb, m myopinion, they‘ure equal to thg§e o‘f‘mgy othqrs pf tho__bpst Mnkeya that Ihuve seen FROM BUSINESS. SELLING OFF AT COST. I can) only’spenk‘in‘tlm szime Digh tefms regarding £1161? ï¬msicmfï¬ifulit , 19 full sing- ing capability of tone, pleasant touch. &c, mg such, that. there seems to be no necessity to purchase foreign instruments, when our ho ltel‘prlse can prpduce we]; Hangs, {1nd at oneâ€"third less cost ,JL,‘ , , , , , “HAUNAnA. A, ,4. . w-.. - NV. w. guy yum“ Juno uuou â€" I nigglad to hear that the extensive snle‘of Yourriï¬s’tirrmh ' v ‘ H, v * ‘ ' success that I think you justly deserve. § uments shows that sou are meetmg thh the I am, Gentlemen. Your Obedient Servant, “. 0BGANS.. L =============== = =â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"‘â€"’â€"â€"_ \Ve make a. special style of Organs in large quantities, and are thefeibre able to offer them at ex- ceptionally low rates. Payments arranged to suit the convenience of purchasers and spread over [L term of yours. For full particulars Write to R. S. W ILLIAMS, 143 Yonae St. Toronto. OR 226 Dundas St. London. Goods of the Best Quality TGN E, TOUCH & DURABILITY ! Richmond Hill, June 26th, 1884. G001) VALUE; FOR YOUR MONEY. Boots 8: Shoes at Cost, Crockery and Glassware at Cost, Groceries at Cost, And many articles below cost. As the whole of the Stock Only kept on hand. The public are invited to CHEAP FOR CA3H. The Public may Depent, on Getting Great Bargains. TESTIMONIALS. To the high priced American Instruments. A Splendid Assortment of â€"â€"A'l‘ THE RETIRING PIANOS ! ISAAC CROSBY. GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc.- J. BROWN. Ji it has been extremely difï¬cult heretofore to obtain light by mirrors 0r ether means. The lamp primarily consists ofa delicate glass bull). from which the air has been withdran and as nearly :1 petl'ect vacnm created as possible. The bulb varies in shape, being,r Spltutnidal, int and compass-- shaped, and also cylindrical, with a (,‘Qlllcal termination. Through the thin walls of the lantern tun the conducting \iites, con-- nected by 3 carbon are, nu which the elec-- tricity centres, and which thus becomes the place of light, 'l‘lte glass lantern is very small, the cylindrical shaped being scarcely half an inch in length, and with a diameter not tiettrly so great as that Ul' an Ordinary led pencil. The COIllpaSS'Sitaplfd lamp is The race was for $50.1 side, between John ()ulcott.’s Uedlington terrier, Plide of Eglinton.and John Fitzgerald's spaniel. 'I‘m‘y. Just. hefme getting into the boats to start for the buoy, h’itzgeraYd noticed Duh-nu with a rabbitt, and shouted out “I want no rabbits 1n the bout.†“But†re" monstmted ()ulcott, "You can coax your dog along with nnything you please.†No, I protest. you must take no rabbit in your bout. A bystander remarked: "Let htm tnlte the rabbit. and if your protest is good the referee will deatde the race in your favor." “Never mind interfering in this matter. you are an interested patty.†After Cflnsidel‘uble cross-ï¬ring the referee decided that the rabbit should not be taken into the boat and it was presented to the objector for a pot-pie. When all wasin readiness the dogs were taken out. to the buoy, stationed about 500 yards from the winning post. and let out at the stems of the boats. Then the fun commenced. The owners of the dogs sat at the stem of the boats and cosxed them along with all the artiï¬ces in their power. Soon. however, ()ulcott’s dog took the lead and kept it to the end of the race, winning: by twenty or thirty yards. Wm. Clow acted as referee, and John I“. Scholes as stake-holder. One of the newest adaptations of elew tric illuminution is in (he shape of a very small lantern, which can be introduced inio the stomach, for lhe purpose of aiding sur- gical and dental operations which cannot be carried on without light, and for which REMARKABLE ELECTRICAL AI’PIKATI‘S FOR LX- AMINING THE INTERIOR OF THE HI'MAN :zbnht one quarter ul'an 1i!L'l)llliCl\'y and has a diameter of three-quarters of an inch to an inch, while the spheroidal Seems scan-ce- ly larger than a good sized you The. lamp is attached to a handle. from sevrn to nine inches long, and :tbout half an inch thick, through which run the wires connecting “ith the battery. '1' he handle and the lump can he sepatuted, and thus but one handle is necessary {or use will) the different forms of the lamps. The intensity of the power, and hence the brilliancy of the arc of light, can be regulated by moving along the handle :1 ring which connects with the wires. 'lhe handle has several joints and its position can be arranged in almost. any so as [0 ndupt it to the shape of the cavity which it is proposed to illuminate. Mirrors can also be fastened to the hump and light reflected to places where the lamp cannot be introduced. To prevent the too great. diffusion of light and the radiation of heat, the lamp may be partially covered with a hard rubber or guttn perclm case. Considerable interem was centered in the canine swinnning race at Hanlnn’s point on Monday afternoon last. Befm'e the race the verandah and balls ofllle hotel were crowded with sports and others, busy specu- Iutmg as to which dog would down the olherin Ibo race. '1 here dld not appear to be much betting: on the xesuh. Mr. John Morrison. well known in St. Ann’s N. 8., had serious Kidney Complaint [but bordered on dropsy. After hope had nearly fled, he was cured by Bux'dcck Blood Bitters. 1o Montreal,and the main line and branches of the Grand Trunk proper west 01' the city. All the indications point to a bounti- ful and Splendid harvest. Mr John Earls. assistant general passeng- er agent of the Grand Trunk Railway, has received the annual reports of the probable ! crops: from all parts of the Grand Trunk /proper in Ontario, which are compiled by the agents for the use of the company and the public. The reports are of the most favorable character, and show that with the exception of some small sections around Stratt'ord, Hanover, Shakespeare, and Tavistock, where the fall wheat was partia ally winter killed. the prospects were never better. The acreage of fall wheat was, hoWever, about as great as in previous years. though in some sections, in conse- quence ot'the failure of fall wheat last year, more attention has been paid to spring wheat. The acreage of the latter was much larger than in any previous year and the prospects are most excellent. In Western Ontario the acreage under barley is much greater than before and the prospects vast-- ly better than in the past. while in Eastern Ontario less attention has been paid to this staple. The crop of oats and peas will be very heavy, though the acreage varies but little from the average. Potatoes will give an excellent yield, and as yet. have shown no signs of any disease. The ï¬rst crop of h 1y is a very large one, and of ex-- cellent quality, but the second crop will be below the average owing to the dry weath-- er which has prevailed during part of the season. Apples and other rough fruits are all promising a very large yield in nearly every section of the country from which the reports have been received, which in-- cludes the Grand Trunk main line east W hen: the lamp is placed in the mouth of‘ a patient every portion ot'the throat even to the lowest parts, can be plainly seen. This will greatly facilitate the work of surgery and dentistry, and enable an oper-- ator to conceive a much more thorough diagnosis ofa case than the use of any other means previously known. Placed behind the teeth. the intense light renders not only the teeth, but even the gum abovel highly transparent. Ifthe teeth are good and undecayeel, no lines will be visibleâ€"â€" but the presence ofa ï¬lling or of the mere beginning of decay may at once be seen. When the lamp is placed within the mouth and the lips are closed, the entire front structure of the mouth is brought to View. The bone and tooth formations are easily discoverable, and even the interior ofthe nasal passages. 1n the same way the iii-- strument is of great. value in the treatment of obstetrical disease, and in studies of the ‘stomach. No unpleasant sensations are lexperienced by patients, even in cases of protracted use, no other effect being notice- } able than that which follows the drinking of a hot cup of coffee. Mr E. T. Starr of Philadelphia is the inventor. Call at H Sanderson vb Sons’ Drug Store, and get a package of Mch'egor AZ Parke’s Carbolxc Cerate. I: is composed of Vase; line, Carbolle Acid and Cerate, and has never failed to remove Pimples, Blotches. Ulcerated Sores, {ough Skin. It cures when all others fuil. Try it. DOG SWIMMiNG RACE. A New Invention. Pimples and Blotchesl A St. Ann’s Victory‘ Crop Prospects. BODY. Pi“ESBYTERIAN*ServiceS at 11 a m, :1de 30 p m Pmyermeeting on Wednesday evemng at 7 30 Rev James Dick, pastor ST MARY’S (EPIscoPAmâ€"Scwices at 8 p m, ex- cept the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament: are held at: 1] a m Sunday School at 10 um Rev W Bates, Ractor METHODISTâ€"Services at 1030 a m, and 630p m Sunduy School [117 2 30 p m Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7.30 p m. Rev. J. Betts,1’as- tor. Rev J. I _ Stun, Assistant. RICHMOND LODGE, A. I“ 8: A M, No 23, G R Câ€" Mcets in the Lodge Boom, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o‘clock, pm A. J. Rupert, \V M ; H. A. Nicholls, Sec. Closed over the left shoulderâ€"We are watched. {evolved slowly while openâ€"I like you. Revolved rapidly-â€"-I love you. Used as a caneâ€"You may walk with me. Laid across the lapâ€"You may sit. by me. Carried under the right armâ€"Yes. Under the left armâ€"No. Swung yoiut down in frontâ€"Kindly salulation. - ROSIAN CA’I‘noLlc»â€"Services : Thoruhill nt9 um nnd Richmond Hill at 10 30 u m ; the following Sunduy at Richmond Hill at 9 am, and Thornhill at; IU :50 a 111, Rev Father Egan, Pastor. I O G [IXâ€"This Lodge meetsiu the Temperance Hull every \Veencsdwy evening at 8 o‘clock p m. J H Sundersuu, W U. Moved perpendiculally while held open ovgr the hpudâ€"Goodubye. Revolved open behiï¬d the backâ€"You may follow me. The most remarkable cure of Scrofula on record is that of the Rev. Wm Stout, of \Viarton, whose case of Scrofulous Abscess baffled the skill of seventeen Surgeons for twenty-three years. He was perfectly cured by Buxdock Rlood Bitters. A. 0‘ U. W., IVY LODGE, No. 114.â€"â€"1»1eeb‘s-in-the Committee Room of the Masonic Hull, evarv second and fourth Tuesde of each month, 11.17 8 o'clock,p. m. Beneï¬cm'y certiï¬cate given for $2,000 in cnso of death. J. A. E. Switzer, Muster \Vorunum, 11, E. Law, Secretary. 1‘1. '1‘. Or TEMPERANCE. Richmond Hill Coun- cil, N0. 43, meets in the Temperance Hall. each alternative Tuesday evening M; 8 o’clock p. m. Beneï¬cimy Certiï¬cates issued to members for $1,000 or in case of death $2,000, one half payable in case of disability. J. H. Sanderson. Select Cum ' 101'. ()penihg “Mb the p-oix'nt downwardâ€"Am- quaiutance would not be disagreeable to Closing similariyâ€"Any advance‘would be irrepelled. V Cldscd and carried over therighshoulder -â€" Beware of observers. ‘ FIFE BRIGADEâ€"Regqu meeting ï¬rst Friday of every month, hold in the Council Chum bar. at? p. m. Membership tree. Ccrniï¬cnbes issued to members entitling them to certain privileges and exmnptionfl. J H Sanderson, Captain. H. A. Nicholls, Secretary. Closing in the same mannerâ€"I am not favorably Impressed by you. MECHANICS INH'I‘ITUTE.â€"â€"Libmry of over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o’clock. Wm.l’ugs- lav, President. T. 1“. McMahon, Sec. R E Law, Librarian. VILLAGE COUNCIL â€" Reeve, J Brown ; Coun- cillors, I Crosby, H F Hopper, A Moodie, R E Law. Clerk, M Teefy Opening the paz‘asnl quickly, with the poiyt upwafdeou interest me. Cures Toothache and Neuralgia quick as flush, relieves any pain instantly. the cheap- est and the quickest application known Why suffer with Toothache, Neuralgia. Headache, lheumatism, Lun1bago,Sciutica, Sore Throat. or Acute Pains of any kind when you can go to H Sanderson 0% Sons’ Drug Store and get a perfect and inâ€" mantaneous cure for twenty-ï¬ve cents. Ask for Fluid Lightning. OAK POINT, N. Y., Aug. 2.â€"Tha four-- mile boat race between Teemer and Ross today was won by teemer in 2632;, by one length. Teemer, at the ï¬nish, was jubilant, after making by far the best time on record, the best previous time for a fourâ€"-mile contest being made by Hanlan against Ross, at Ogdeusburg, 27.56. RICHMOND HILL CORNET BANDâ€"Meets for prac- tice in the 'l‘emnemnce Hull every Tuesday oven- ing at 7.300’clock. C. Savage, Leader. A_ Cure For cholera. Procure from your druggisl one bottle of Dr Fowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry and take as directed. It cures all Summer Complaints. Dr. Scaddi‘ng occupied the chair at the regular meeting of the York Pioneers on Tuesday afternoon in the Canadian Institute The report of the Semi-Centennial Celebra- tion Committee, giving an account of the expenses incurred in the celebration, was received and adopted. The following gentlemen were elected members of the Pioneer! :- John Shaw,102§ Lumley street; Charles Thomas Bell, 552 Church street; Joseph Banks, 78 Edward street. It was decided to hold the annual excursion to Peterboro’ before the 25th Instant, leaving the date to be ï¬xed by the Picnic Committee A delegation was appointed to visit the i U E L celebration at Niagara groye on the 14th inst. The delegation consisted of ,the‘ President, Dr. Scadding; Ely Crawford and John Smith.Vice presidents; John Playter, N A Gamble, Wm Lee and W H Doel. RIGGS 82; IVORY, SURGEON DENTISTS, 208 Queen St. W'est, Toronto‘ Artiï¬cal Teethmpper or under, $5.00. Pain- less extracting by use of Etherized Air. The only ï¬rm in the Dominion executing ï¬rst-class work at the above price. DENTIST, NE WTONBROOK, ONT. Will visit the followingpluces professionally ;â€" Unionville,.. mist Monday of each month. Weston . 9th and 215?. do Maple, 16211 (10 Richmon 9th do \Noodbridge. N 1nd (10 Mr Husband Wlllbe found in his ofï¬ce, at N ewtonbrook, every Saturday, except when Satur- day falls on the above date. G. H. HUSBAND, L- D- S Thankful for the favors of the past years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro fession, as follows : Richmond Hill. 9th 65 24th of each month (at Palmer House) Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd Stouï¬â€™villc ...... ....18th Markham...: . . . . . ‘ . . 20th Victoria Square .‘ ...2lst'. Thornhil] . . . . . . . . . . . . “.231d “'oodbridge . .HZSth Kleinburg . ...29th Nobleton .. .30th Vitnljzod :ur MW on hm v.1. 11m places of anpuimnmnt. 11 u‘oca away m‘lh the pain in extracting VITALIZEB AER I Newtonbrook, June 13th, 1833. The Language of Parasols. éï¬iillmge gflimmm A Remarkable Record. Teemer Defeats Ross. FLUID LIGHTNING. THE YORK PIONEERB. Dr A ROBINSON. UIâ€"IURCHES SOCIIETIES SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA 3mm, 9th & 24th of each month l-Iy Western Canada. -AT THE-â€" Ofllcesâ€"No 70, Church-street, Toronto HON GEO W ALLAN, Senutor,Prcsident GEORGE GOODERHAM H Vice-Prc’ 'dont Dumc’ronsâ€"Samuel Platt, 2.1 1’,A1fm<1 Gooderâ€" 11am, Geo W Lcwlv, Thus II Leo, Hon D L Mucpherson, Senator 30B PRINTING! Capital $1,000,“00: ’esorva Fund 450000 TotalAss’e‘Ls,$53,500,000 v v ' as ' Money leceived on deposit, and interest payable halfyem-Ey or compounded. See our reduced loan tnblo For further infor- mation apply at the ofï¬ces of the Con. may SAVENG’S BANK BEflANOH Style ï¬ombined with Eheapness. “HERALD†GFHGE, Low Down In Price. All New Designs, LARGE STOCK 01‘ FURNITURE. EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Oflicn, Yonge Street. Richmond Hi1], Ontario. Terms of Subscription zâ€"S‘l 00 pet mmum in advance. When not paid in advance $160 Will be charged. Trunsitory advertisements, ï¬rst insertion, r ROOM P Mixed Paints, Paint and White-wash Brushes. A complete stock of Paint Material Usual Stock of Groceries. M. H. KEEELER, péilino“ 'Scents. Each subscqucn 1mm , 3 cunts Contracts for tinm and space nmde on applica- tion. Jun, ,)(.1 11714. fl Advertisements without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and charged. trawl-- ems rates. ’ 1'0101110 Feb. 13:1) 1853 RICHMOND HILL,- ONT. H. Sanderson «$180118 The only Dentist in Toronto using Hurds 9.11-- paratus for C. P- LENNOX, DENTIST 151 Yonge St, Toronto. Extracting~ Teeih Wiihout Pain BEST SETS 0F TEETH $8, FILLINGS WARRANTEB PM: m Y’s CALL AND sum M 12. Best Material in the Market. Filling and 8-11 otlggrolve‘rgtions neatly done The York Herald. CALL AND INSPECT THE STOCK. Loan and Savings Company WALTER S LEE, Yonge Street, Richmond H111 Window Shades and Borderiugs for 1884, at THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Warranted to be‘ made from the MONEY ’1'0 LOA N. CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, TORONTO By means of Vitalized Air. Every Description. of PUBLISHED BY TURNED OUT IN THE ALL WILL BE SOLD AT LOWEST PRICES And ‘he Largest Selection ever placed before you. My Gold Manager THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, :3" Palmer, Prmp. Thisi 301150 is one of the Best Hotels» to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style†Sample Room for Hammer- ciul Travellers. Good Stamng xmd attentive hostlers. Terms, =le not day. Pructur'b Jms leaves this Hate} to connect wnh all the N 1%. It Trains going Nm‘tlv ‘ m1 South. at 8 u, 111., 12 a. m“ 5.10"}; m: 21nd?.301>m EEEEE 53m, RICHMOND HELL. JOHN POVVELL, 1’rop This Hotel has been refurnishod, renovated, mxd ï¬tted up in firstâ€"class style, and is now the loading Hotel north of Toronto. Tho but if: supr plied with limbcluss bmml nf liquors tmd cigars. 1') xuelluns :u-cnmn‘.mlmtlon lur lumumrcinl Travellers, and the Gench Public. Good Stablâ€" in: and :11) attentive Hustler. BnFristem, Attorneys-ut-an, Solicitbrs-m- Chancery. . Convuvnncers, etc, Oï¬lceS-â€"In1periul Bank Buildings. \Vellingbon‘streot, Toronto HOMAS FERGUSON, QC. JOHN BAIN WM SETON Gonnox, GEO F SEIPLEY F‘grguson, Bpin, Gordpn 8L7 Shipley, DRAIN TILE, OF THE BEST nrur m‘v A'r‘ GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY Goodwills Bought and Sold ! Famn & Other Property, Hotels, Taverns and Business. For Manufacturing and other purposes. S Oak and Share Brokers, etc, Mu, ofunw Jam 'Mh 1 ‘ FREEMAHï¬ womm vamERs. Arc pleasant {0 take. Cozitain their own Purgativo. Is a. safe, sure, and effectual destroyer of worms in Children at Adults. SYNDICATES FORMED MQRTGAGES OBTAINEB QUALITY AT Patent Rights disposed of ; 1’. G. SAVAG E. P. O. Box 2527. J. I. EVANS 8:, CO, rrHos NIGHT'ING'ALE'S, 35529311. Leader Lane Toronto Yorkvile Member College ofPhyaiciana 55 Surgeons; (1mm 0F E:TUL‘1«'L“.’1LLIII.) OFFICE IIOU £;§J,«â€"1“rom 5 L0 h) w. m., 5 to 8 p.141 RESIDENVE / I Yenoe Street, Richmond Hlll.‘ Money Cu Imam on improvud Lawns. .at 8 per cant. Apply to J. 1%. ARNOLD, Members College Physicians 6: Surgeons.- Residence, Yongo Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hm, May 23rd, 1882. 1y THORNHILL, ONT. : Graduate of Toronto University; M. U. P. & 8.. 0211, Two Years Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General HospitaL lM‘CQney 13:52 3.20am. Worth their Weigh: in Gold! g B. Orr,M. B. and First Silver Moda’lisï¬ University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L. S A L, England (Late 02' London, England: Surgeon, Etc. ' B'Oï¬ice Hours 8 to 930 a.m., and 1 to 2.30 p.111“. Ofï¬ce and Resi(lcnce;~0110 door south of P. 0'.’ OFFICE HOURSâ€" 8 to 10 u 131,6; 12 to? x: m' Thornhill Feb 14th, 11-32. This Incomparable Medicine has'secur- ed for itself an imperishable fumes {,111'(:ughouttho ‘World for the alleviation and cure or" most diseases to which humanity is hcii‘. Dr. George Langstaff} p‘lu‘ifym gumtn a}1x_‘ij}hpl_'p c _t_11o quality Qf bhd DR LEW‘IS G. LANGSTAFF I nag. W. 55’. waLSON, MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. ‘ “r .17 y- , ‘ B 00:]. Tuey lLSSAbf; the algeatn 0 orgms, cleanse th STOMACH AND BOVVELS, increase the secretary powers of the Livenbmco' the nervous s“ cm. and throw into the circulai tion the purest 'Jiloments for sustaining and repairing the frume. Of London, England; ‘ Sir Wm MoAl‘thm‘, K _C M G, M.- I’, (ax-Lord Mayor of London,- President. W VJ Ba,ynes,Esq,F I A,Secretary Reserve Fund . . . . . . . $10,000,000 Ammul Income . . . . . . 1,600,000 Invested in Canada... 1200,000 Demh clmms paid. . . . 10,000,000 TORONTO REFERENCES. V John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Campbell, Esq., Hon. SmmtorMcMnstor A. M. Smith, Esq. ,‘ James Metculfe, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, 1). D’ Loans made on security of Company‘s Policy at .5 per cent interest. Loans made to Church Trustees, at a low rate of interest. Send for prospectus. A W Lauder, ‘ Sec. 6}: Trans. for Canada. I 16 King St, East. Toronto‘ Dec lst, 1883. Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that. by their use alone they haue been restored to heath and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. EBB. JAMES LANGS’I‘AFF! will bu found invaluable in every Household irf the cure of Open Sox‘cs;1â€"Xau‘d Tumours. Coughs, Sore Thrusts, Bronchitis}, and MI disord ers of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, Rhea mutism. Sorofum and other kind of skin diseases Manufactured only at Professé or Hoilowav’s Estabhshmentg 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON, and sold atlngdufls‘ 9d.,4s. 6:1.,11s., 22, and 335 euchBox and Pot, and in Canmln. at 36 cents, 90 cents. and 31.53 cents, and the larger sizes ln‘ proportion. (ti? CAUTIO'x-I have no Agent in the United Slates, nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers should therefore look to‘ the label on the Pots and Boxes. I If the address is not 533, Oxfo d Street, London thgy ale spyâ€"logs. ï¬ssmme $063 THE S2TAR Tim Tracie Marks of my said Medicines are rd gisternd m Ottawa, and alsn at Washington. Signed T 533 Oxford street, London Richmond 31111, Oct. DR. ORR, MAPLE, MMmL % LIFE m-B TUZJMAS HOLLOWAY hichmund Hill