‘5‘ I am, Gor'iélerï¬etz, yours var; truly, UPRIGHT AND SQUARE Pianos? u __ __._i â€" â€"_-- v a- *L‘uu’a- \ ' ' , . .R. R. WILLXAMS & SON s. ‘ t . TORONTO Apr) mx'aï¬TLEMENâ€"I have much pleasure 1n testifymg to the great excellence of your imt them Bevetélv to the tat; tmd ï¬nd ‘hem possessed of those qualities of ï¬one an ceptable to the true musicmu und lover of classical n‘msic‘a, charming singmg ton: ï¬xed from the most delican [{iu‘n' ‘mo to evnry degree of loudness and fulness. mw‘ tuï¬ï¬‚'l'LGMEHIâ€"ltflflixle [Ll Hug pufnsure 111 pesbnymg t0 thG great excel} pu t. em severe v 0 e‘tgst, mu ï¬nd ‘hem possessed of those uztlities of ton .â€" geptflble to the true nn'mlcmupngl lpver of classical music‘a, chgrmiug singing etoaxlgd 2:311; $31-$31. atedjrom thg most dehcatg pmm'ssunp to evnry degfce of loudness and fulness and’a, touch which unsYers regdllyhto every shade o: feehng. ’ . consi er (3 ese instruments men-eat acquisition in musicinl societ r rm ï¬nding a. piano which I can recommend with perfect conï¬dence. 5’ d am mUCh pleased M ence of ychr Piunds. 71: have V I um,Gor‘1t'1emen, yours war? may, CHAS W.EW1NG, ,(Of London, England,) Organist of St; Peter‘sChurch. Coburg, 0 msâ€. E a. WILLIAMS & Soxs‘ , , , TORONTO. Nov. 4th, 1882. GENTSâ€"Having thoroughly examined the VVorkmanship of your Pianos, I have no hesitation in Itating thank, m my opinion, they'are equal tothose of any others of the‘ best Makers that Ihave seen 1mm onl speak in the gains h1g1} terms regarding their musical qualities ; {or their ï¬ne full sing- ing caï¬a‘biï¬ty ot‘tone, leasunt touch, 6w. are such, that there seems to be no necessity to urchase foreign instruments, w en our home enterprise can produce such Pianos, and at one-third ess cost . I am glad to hear that the extensive sale of your instruments shox‘vs that you aie meeting with the “was that I think You jthly deserve. I am, Gentlemen. Your Obedient Servant, .â€"_â€"-___._.._â€"_â€".._._.__.r â€"â€"-â€".-_â€"â€".â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"uâ€"â€"_~â€" .Jâ€"____._.._..__‘____ -â€" iuUSTIEE ULEA B E!) OUT BY AUGUST lst, _ Hamill-:1r Sold (‘ut my 'I’mperly mil Busin‘ess nu the corner of Yuuge and Centre Streets, Ri'chmond Hill. to Mr. Juseph Hull, late of Viclmiu Squme, 1 um now prepaiâ€" ed to offer a large stock of GOODS AT 008T! SELLING OFFKT COST. FROM BUSIN ESS. Big Sale and no Humbug. Terms Strictly Cash. Richmgnd Hill, June 26th, 1884. No Price List of Rubbish Published to Catch the Unwary. ANT-INSPECTION OF STOCK AND PRICE We make a, special style 01 Organs in large quantiï¬eï¬â€˜; we are therein}: ‘eptionnlly low rates. -Pa’ 1mm 1.." A, n4-..â€" -: ...\....- “b’ rs able to offer them nte arranger} to suit the ao‘meuienca cf ï¬iil’cbgsetsand amend SUMMER GOODS Again to the Fore! Are’ éoustructed from the very btst Materials new. . Aim of ye'axs. For fï¬lliï¬ï¬zï¬eulurg write to Bo‘ots & Shoes at Cost, Crockery and Glassware at Cost, Groceries at Cost, Goods of the Best. Quality GOOD VALUE Fm: YOUR MONEY; l E; 8% Only kept. on hand. The public are invited to CHEAP : FOR CASH. And many articles below cost. uâ€"‘I H. v “J...L.L:L.LV.I 243 chge St. Taverna, on 226‘bï¬aas St. London The Public may Depeut. on Getting Great Bargains. TESTIMONIALS . To the high priced American Instruments. A Splendid Assortment of RETIRING â€"â€"A '1‘ THEâ€"â€" PIANOS ! st Materials by experienced Workman, and {we fully equal in point of Egéiééï¬ii‘éiï¬i ISAAC CROSBY. (5‘2? Vï¬afï¬â€™ 473 a? ETA @233 ‘ (5’33. ‘5, . s. “ ffflinIAMS, OD 993 nnvmlaa no I -...-..._ As the whole of the Stock GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc. T‘gnomog April_12fl‘3, 1831 s‘fima able to offer them at ex~ ï¬iil’s‘begsersAnd spread over a. l ‘2. Sign it, wilhynurr own proper name [and addressâ€"for publicmion if possible. Don't shift 011.10 ihe editor iespmisibiiily whlch youule not. prepmed to Hasume your- self “I a mailer which chiefly concerns your- i'self. it is rarely that ihere is any good reason for hiding behind any hon de plume, when lheie is not an Equuily gond reason 1 for dropping ihe esteemed communication inlo the waste basket. ’ ‘ 3. Don't ask 'lhe editor to correct errors. Don't make them. When Gm) inspires :1 mm} wikh a timught'worlh uitgring He gm- Veiully supplies him’ulso wilh'ihe faculty of uttering it uorreclly. $500 00 Reward- For any Testimoninls recommending Men Gregor's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia. indiâ€" gestion, Cnsliveness, Headache, 610., .1hat are not genuine; none of which are from persons in the states or thousands of miles away, but from persons in and round Hnmf‘ illon, Ont. We give trinl bottles free of cost. so that you cannot be deceived by purchasing a worthless article, but know its value before buying. Trial bottles and testimonials given free at H Sanderson & Son’s Drug Store. ,, 7 ,.. W..--..J. , 4 4. If you never hear from your “esteemed communication “ do not ussuum at once that the editor suppressed i! from 'cowardice" or “corrupt,†motives. There are «bun-- dance of oihei' theories which mighi nceuuut for llS disappéurance. it may have been 01' very lilile interest ; it may have been too long; it may have been unï¬' for pubiiua-- {ion by reusun of its pmsonaziz)‘ or stupidity. French custom commands a loyer to his his alï¬anced on .Ibe forehead. By the time an ardem lovér Has swallowed two month; fuls of hniI'L-bang he begins to lllluk that he is in aboarding house, and his sentiment grows commonplace. This ii probably why the French ladies have 'a‘baudoued bangs in favor of the gentlemen. The HERALD is seldom more pYnaSed than when it Ieceivea letters for publicatiun, provided they touch upun any puint of inter~ est. But. of the gteut uumberwhu try. how many have hit. the point at the ï¬rst blow? To those who cannot. “e vat-nest‘y com- tneudylhe following from the DCltuiL Even-- iug Ame:â€" A s‘warm of bees adm‘inislered a stinging rebu‘ke to a train load of passengers in the neighborhe‘o‘d of Chféa'go the other day. The lrain‘ Went th‘tbugh‘ the sWarm, and tbé swz‘irm' Went througli the train. ~ .. w- -.....,.uu. yuanmgb, ugm xe~ c‘éive free, & costlv box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world. All. of either sex, succeed from ï¬rst hour The broad road to fortune opens before the work- ersmboolutely sure, At once address, TRUE & (1n Ammén unnu‘ postage, and we will mail you Fr’ea, a. royal, valuable boz of sample goods that will ut you in the way of making more money in u, ew days than vou ever thought possible ut-anv business. Capital not required. We Will start you.“ EYou..en.n wnrk all the time or in spare ’me only. The work is universally adapted to both sexes, young and old. 'You can easily eeru lrom 60 cents to 315 every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparalleled offer : to all who are not well satisï¬ed We Will send $1 to pav for the trouble of Writing 155. Full pertieulers‘, directions etc., sent free. Fortunes wilI be made by those who give their whole time to the Work. Greet success absolutely sur Dou’t Llelny_ Staff, now AAA"--- n-..l_-l._ n n EDI-Dior the working class. Send 10 cents for Address smzéou' '&' 60'; rarmnmm; A PRIZE: A Valuable Find Mr Isaac Brown, of Bolhwell. declares that he found one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters wurlh $500 lo him. Ilcmed him oI'SulL Rheum from which he had suffered years ufxer other treatment. had failed to rclime. Agentlemnn troubled Wllh a_red nose udvenlised for a bare. The rep has wexe numerous. One mm to letthe tinge soak Inbxine. unolherto paint it some other color, uuulher to poultlce it. and anulher ‘- keep on dunking and it will turn purple.†There are plenty of knowing people in this world. ‘ 1. When you hnye ï¬nished your lawn strike out all lhe plcface~il m unnecessary and only takes up spaceâ€"and begin at the hean ulynur subject at once. Go at. it hummer and tongs. When you have made your point, (Imp it ugh: there, and don’t add number word. The most suddenly‘fatal dlseases cf Sum- mér and Fannie the, various forms of 309m! Complainls which Dr. Fowler’s ex» tract of Wild Straviberry will promptly remedy. era, aboolutely sun Co, Agusta, Maine Wheat Barley. Oats ..... , According to the Report of the Bureau of Industries for August a good harvest of grain crops in Ontario seems to be well assured. The. full wheat gives an average yield of 21"; bushels and the spring wheat l of 18% bushels per acre,â€"â€"tne average of both being 20 bushels,â€"-and the aggregate 1 production exceeds that of last year’s harv- est by 10,360,000 bushels. Barley. was a good crop in the southern and south-west- ern counties of the, Province, but in the northern,_attd north-eastern , counties it was affected by the sumu'ier drought. The grain though plump and heavy, was in large areas , diacoloured by the rain showers of‘the lbst ,week of July. The accounts of the out crop are much the same as for barley, but, being two or three weeks later in ripening, it has been greatly beneï¬tted by the July rains, and the yield will possibly exceed the estimate. The area in rye is much less than last year, and the average yield about the same. Peas is a bountiful crop, and it in ripening under the most favorable cit-- cumstances. The peanbug has done much less harm than usual this year, and iii , many localities throughout the west it has1 hardly appeared at all. l The aléa and ploduclion of the foregoing crops for two successive haryesm are given as follows :â€" ï¬lms to Correspondents. Report for August. 701,435 1,485,620 104,141 570x325 188; Acres. Bushels. 1,586,961 31,730,314 701,435 17,860,777 1,485,620 49.3s3,000 )u4,141 1,030,417 570,625 15,108,092 Send 51x cent or‘poange, 99d Waiï¬ing. (m; Palmer House) Aurora, . 151:, 8th, 1f Sbouffville ...... . Markham..‘.m ,. Victoria Square ..... Thornhill ...... Woodbridge Kleinburg Nobleton {hank 111 for, the favors of the" pa:st yéars maystil be consulted in any bran‘éh of the pro iesiion, as follows : _ ,,: 4 Richmond Hill‘ . 9th & 24th of we]: month InO- ‘Dnlm/‘un METHODIsriâ€"Sen'ices at 10.30 a m, and 6.301) :11 Sunday School at 2 30 p m Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 8.00 p m. Rev. W R Barker, Pastor. Rev W B Booth, Assistant. ‘ RICHMOND LoneE.‘ A. F & A M, Na 23, G R Câ€" Meets in the Lodge Boom, Masonic Hall, on 12116 Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o’clock, pm A. J. Rupert, W M; H. A. Nicholle, Soc. I 0 G T.â€"This Lodge meetsiu the Temperance Hall every Weenesduy evening at S @clock 9 m. J H Sanderson, W C. RICHMOND HILL CORNET BAND.~MBet5 for fame- tica in the Temnerance Hall every Tuesday eve!!- ing at 7.300'clock. 0, Savage. Leader. 7 Will visit the:followingpla.ces professionally '1â€" Unfonville,., .151; Monday of each month? Weston,. 9th and 2151: do Maple, ... do, Richm on dq Wood bridge ......... do“ Mr Husband W111 be tound in his ofï¬ce‘,‘ at; N ewtonbrook, every Saturday. except when Sutur- dny falls on the above date. Aurom, . 1515, 8th, 16th}, and 22nd Sbouffville . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . .. .IStH Markham.....‘ ,. .29th Victoria Square . . 215: Thornhill ...... ...-31d Woodbridge ...28th Kleinburg . (“29th Nobleton . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th Vitulized tux always on hand at appointment. It does away Wit] extracting I! is so agreeable that. oven‘an infant wiil lake it. For coughs, colds. hoarseness croup, asthma and bronchitis. Hngyard's Pectornl Balsam is reliable for young or old, ROMAN CATHOLIc-â€"Services : Thornhill at!) am imd Richmond Hill at 10 ‘30 an) ; the following Sunday at Richmond Hih M: (5 hm, mild Thornhill at 10 80 a m; Rev Father Egan, Pastm‘. PlcEsBYTJmIANâ€"Services 'nb 11 a m, andBBO p m Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7 30 Rev J umes Dick, pastor ST MAP-Y‘s (EPISCOPALJâ€"Selvices at 3 pm, ex- cept the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at Illa. 111 Sunday School at 10 u m Rev W Bates, Rector R. '1‘. OF TEMPERANCE~Riohmond Hill Coun- cil, No. 43. meebs in the Temperance Hall. each alternative Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock p. m. Beneï¬ciary certiï¬cates issued to member-q for $11000 or in cnsa of death $2,000, 0116 halfpayable in case of disability. J. H. Sundersou. Select Councillor. an BRIGADEâ€"Regular meeï¬fï¬g first Friday of e\'erqunth,heldin the Counch Chamber, at 7 p. x ’. Membership Irea. Certiï¬cates issumd to mam: érs entitling them to certain privileges and é‘remptions. J H Sanderson. Captain. H. A. Nichons, Secretary. MECHANICS INSTITUTEâ€"Library 01" over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in-the Masonic Hall, fro: 7 to 8 o'clock. ,m.Pugs- lav, President. T. .McMuhon, Sec. .4 E Law. Librarian. ' VILLAGE COUNCIL â€" Reeve, J Brown ; Coun- cillors, I Crosby, H F Hopper, A Moodie, R E Law. Clerk, M Teefy - RIGGS & WORY, Artiï¬cnl Teeth,upper or Imam-213335.00. Pairi- less extracting by 1156' of‘ Etherized Air. The only ï¬rm in the Dominion executing ï¬rstâ€"class work at the above price. W G Mowat, leceiying teller of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, recently de-- tected two very dangerous counterfeit. $5 notes of the Bunk of British North America The easiest way of (if tecttug them is by the day of thp month in the date, which xis en» tixely omitted in the spurious notes, thus making them read the mouth and year oulv, instead of date in full. 11.0. U. W1. IVY LODGE, No. 114.-'-M¢=ets in the Comxuittee‘Boom of the Masonic Hull, everv second and fourth Tuesduv of each month, at 8 o’clockn m. Beneï¬cary certiï¬cate given for $2,000 in case or death. J. A. E. swmer, Master Workman, B. E. Law, Secretary. v _ SURGEON DENTISTS, L 208 Queen St. W‘est, Toronto An a preventive of Asiatic cholera, Dr Constantine Herrng sayszâ€"W'I‘he surest .rprevemiv'e is sulphur; put lmlf~-u--teaspoon- to] of flour of sulphur into euch of your stockings and go about your business, never go out wnh an empty stomach. eat. no fresh bread or sour food. Nut one of the many thousands who hme followed this my ad- vice have been attacked by chat-em.†la the only instantaneous relieffor Neurnlga, Headuche, Toothache. etc. Rubbing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. No mlilngnauseons medicines fur weeks, but one minute's application removes all pain and will prove the grey/Yalue of Fluid Lightning. Twenty-Jive, cents per boltlé a; H Sanderson 8L So‘ns’ Drug Store. G. H.'HUSBAND; L- D.‘ ‘VITALI‘ZED M215 2' Lard Chesterï¬eld bui-l’ng on, _ qerlnln occasion rcapeclfully remoustrutér against an appointment which George II. Wished to make, Illa king, enraged, exclaimed : “Vell. appoint to leflil‘ if you like.†“ As your Majesly pleases †replied Chester- ï¬eld: ‘ shall the instrument. be ï¬lled up in Ihe usual way 2 “To our right trinity, well.. beloved Cousin and Counsellor 7 †Eating green apples, cu‘cuimbers and un-- ripe fruits generally may be so termed. Dr Fowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry cures all Summer Complaipls. PARIS, Aug. 16,â€"It is semi-ofï¬cially an nonnced that France has noprejucxed mediâ€" ttion in lhe Chinese difï¬culxy- IL is stated no one had bffered to module. TAMATAVE. Aug. 2.-â€"A Fiencb advance will probably take place in a few days. Mules for trunspoit service have arrived. The blockade of the bOuSt will shortly be made strict. Naming has been received from lhe Chineée embassy here or in Paris Indicating that an outbreak of hostilities is Imminent. At last accounts a peaceful solution of the difï¬culty seemed probable. Loxnoa, Aug. 16th.-â€"A Foo Chow dis-' patch says France has rejected tae media - tion of any power, and China refuses to pay the indemnity and has declared war. Admiral Combat has demanded 2,000 men from Tonquin. General Miiiot sent, 6,000 men With two batteries of artillery on Mon- day with sealed orders. Six thousand Chm- ese troops have landed at Mothaw. Heavy masses of troops are stationed on the Kwang Si frontier. French and Chinese war ships have ï¬téam 'up and the decks are' oiearcd :6;â€" action. The' Chineee authori- this have dispatched war orders to the viceroys of the provinces. The ofï¬cials pretend they are prepared for war, but as a matter of faéi the condition of the troops, forts,,etc., is no better than last April. Newtonbrook, J was 13th; 1'88‘32' l-ly gï¬imge glimmm DENTIST; NEWTONBROOK, ONT‘ CHINA DECLARES WAR; Dr" A Roamé’m. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA The Fruits of Fofly. Fluid Lightning. CIIURCIâ€"IES SOCIETIES thal, Not Bad. Int the places of with the pain in do Toronto Feb. 1331: 1888. Oflicesâ€"No 70, Churchistreet, Toronio HON G136 W'ALLAN,‘ Sexmtor.P)eSi. dug GEORGE Goonnnnux..m.,..........:..,Vico-Ptesidbnt DIRECTORSâ€"rflamuel Flatt, M P, Alfred Geodet- 11am, Geo W Lewis, Thus 11‘ Leo, Hon D L Macphetson, Senutdr " ‘ ‘ The‘éï¬fy bontfst in rreroute ï¬siixg fluids amp-- paratus for FILLINGS WARRANTBB FOR 10 Y’s CALL AND SEE ME. EVERY THURSDAY, » At his printing Ofï¬ce, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscription 1â€"51 0!) per mmum in advance. .Wheu not paid in advance $31 50 will bq charged. fansitory Edvertisements, ï¬i t insertion, perIine ......................... ..... Scents. Each subsequent insertion, per km. 3 cents. Contracts for time and space made on applich- ticn. Advertisements without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and charged transiâ€" ent rates. 0". P. LENNOX; DENTIST; BEST SETS 0F TEETH $3; Extracfing Teeth" Withnrï¬ Pair; By means of v'ithuzed A’ir. Western Canada See our reduced 1mm table Fur further infor- mation apply at the elbows of the Company Money received on deposit, and interest payable half yearly or compounded. VITAMZï¬MlRPAELflHS Téft'al AEéth,Ԥsé;5nbgdoo M.- H. KEEELER, SAVING’S BANK BRANCH RIGHMOND HELL, WT. Bési Material iri Hie Markei. Filling and 5,11 oï¬hei (Eemtigns ï¬eitly Hand My old H. Sanderson & SUBS IARGB STOCK OF FURNITURE. Mixed Painté, Paint and White-Wash Brushes. A corï¬plet'e stock of Paint Material Usual Stock of Grocériés. gayigal,‘ _Reser{ré Fund, $450,000 Low Down In Price; All New Designs, ROOM PAPE’R! “viva “my. uucu issue contains a verbatim repm-t of Rev. Dr. Taf- mage 5 latest sermon in Brooklyn Tabernacle, Clara Bolle‘s New York fashion letter. “ ’Ihe Man-Abouc-Cl‘own," sketches of people and places, a serial story of absorbing interest, a political cartoon, and a rich variety of condensed noteson Fashions, Art, Industries, Litera- cure, etc., etc., etc. Its market quotations are‘oomplete and to be relied upon. It is just the paper for the young folks. and the old folks will like itjust as well. our special clubbing terms bring it within reach of al . Specimen copi’eSwmay be had at: this oflico.‘ Send your subscription to bhis ofï¬ce: As this oï¬'er is limited as to time, send in your subscrip‘yion at once. i The York Herald. All of our subscribers who will pay their subscription accounts to this paper in full to date, and one year in advance. will a sented with one year’s subscription to THE TORONTO WE g? NE‘VS FREE.- . THE TORONTO WEEKLY NEWS is an Illustrated Paper, unsur- passed in all the features of enterprising journalism. It stands con- spicuous among the best Journals of Canada as a complete newspaper. which will be interesting- to every member ofthe family. The children Will like the pictures, the young folks the stories and the funny sketches, the more mature will be delio'htcd with the editorials and news matter, which in every issue W1“ be found spicy, incisive, and entertaining. In the matter of telegraphic: service, having the advan- tage of connection with THE TORONTO DAILY NEWS, it has at its command all the dispatches of the Associated Press. besides the spe- cials from NEWS correspondents in every section of Ontario for which the daily paper is so famous. Asanewspaper it has no superidr. It is Independent in politics, presenting all golitical news free from party bias or coloring, and is absolutely Wit out fear or favor as to parties. The parliamentary reports are written‘iï¬ a. humorous vein, and deal with men and measures without gloves; and having regard only to brevity, justice, and truth. It is in the fullest sense a favmil newspaper. Each issue contains a verbatim repel-t of Rev. Dr. Ta - mage 5 latest sermon in Brooklyn Tabernacle, Clara Belle‘s New York fashion letter. “ The Man-Abont-Town," sketches of people and places, a serial story of absorbing interest, a unimmu ("mumâ€"- ‘» A r Hm 0N5 YEAR Tu EVERY SUBSCRIBER I51 YOnge St, Toronto. yuan gnd‘savlngs Company CALL AND istPEUT THE STOUK. WALTER S LEE, Warranted to be made irdm‘ thé YORK HERALD. Window Shades and Borderiugé fdr 1884; at THE PEOPLE’S, STORE. TORONTO MONEY Q’O’LoziN. CHEMISTS 8:" bRUGGISTs, PUBLISHED 131' ALL WILL BE SOLD'AT LOWEST PRICES; And the Largest Selection ever placed before You. OF THE Manager mments in every section of Ontario for famous. As a newspaper it has no superidr. s, presenting all golitical news free from js absolutely Wit oupig'eatxor favor as ,to '9 int-haw...â€" ..‘._‘ au‘...“ r. For mhufncbuï¬ng and :othpr purposes. 8 ock ‘and Sham Brokers, etc, etc. > Tdr‘onto Jun 9th 1883 Goodwil'ls Bought and. Sold 1 GENERAL AND“ ‘ FINANCIAL AGENCY . _..... _-...'.. â€" vu-‘w- Biaï¬isteré," ittorneys-at-Luw, Solicitors-in- Chancery. Convevuncers, etc, Ofï¬cesâ€"Imperial Bank Buildings. Wellington-street, Toronto nouns FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN, BAIN. WM SETON GORDON, GEO F SHLPLEY Farm & Othé’r‘ Pro’p‘erty Hotels,"i"'uvverns and Business. Férggson. Bain. Gorggn &_S_‘hripleyi, DRAIN"T‘tL‘ETOFTHï¬â€˜ï¬ï¬ST . ï¬nnvxmv Am This Houseis one of the Best Hotels to he fx'hm'd north of Torontn‘ Everything is managed in Fier Class fiter. Sampla Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stabliug and attentive hostlers. Terms, >51 per day. I’roctor's Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South, at 8 a. 131., 12 a, 111., 5.101) m. »anr17.30 n m. I RICHMQND HILL. JOHN POWELL; Prop This Hotel has been refurnishsd, renovu'tod, and ï¬tted up in ï¬rstrciuas style, and is now the leading 1101,91 m:th of Toronto. The bar 1". snp~ min-d1}: it’ll ï¬rst-chum brand of liguors and (:igug‘s. I‘lflxpellunt uncouï¬ï¬bdamon "W or Lommo‘ï¬-ml Travellers, and the Gez‘tertn, Public. Good Stabl- im! and an attentive nastier. TEE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. J Falmer, Pr EEAEBEEEJTEHL MEL -. ‘ '- "1’7"",1" “'““' , . SYNDICATES FORDIIED Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgutiva. Is a. é'ufo, sum, and eltectual destroyer of worms in Children or Adultll FREEMAN’S , WORM~ PG‘WDERS. MORTGAGES OBTAIN†QUALITY AT @mcï¬lï¬o I’M/cut Bigpts disposed of ; J. I. EVANS & co, P. O. Box 2527. P. G. SAVAGE; THOS Nx‘GH'ftNdALE'S,‘ 5143mm; LoadcrLune Toronto‘ Yorkvile and Hold at Is. Lid" 25.96.,4s.6d.,115., 2:2. and 335 each Box and Pot, and in Canada. at '36 9:13an 90 cents, and $1.50 cents, and the larger 51293 In prqportion. ï¬fe Cw-rxoxâ€"I have no Agent in the. United Statesâ€. nor are my Medicines said there. Purchasers should therefore look to the label on the Pots and Boxes. If Iha addreSS‘is not 533, Oxford Street, 1.021601 they are aptirions, ' " ' The 'I‘r‘ndo Marks) 01' my sum Mndiuines zxr’e ; gisbcred m ()tmwu> and 11150 at; Washington Signed 4‘30:me HQELmvf Mdmifac’ruréd only at ProfeSsu orlHo'I-lowav’s Establxsflrnzerm 533.1 ox'Fo‘RD' STREET ' LONDON; Caughs, Sore Throats, Bronchiï¬g. and m diéora- era of the Throat and Chest, as @159 Gout, Rheu‘.‘ matism. Scrofula. and other kind of akiu'diseasua increase the secretory powers of the Liver, brp ma the nervous system, and throw inho the. circulm tion the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the, imme. . . ’ ‘ will be found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumours, gun‘fy, regulate and impmyo the quuiity of (11‘s th00d. They assist the digestive urgum, clemso Thousands of persons have tésï¬ï¬Ã©d ‘th'at; by their gse alone they haue been’ restored tqheflthflaud strength, nftér evéry other m‘ea'ns had proved unsuccessful, BAD LEGS,OLD WOUNDS. \OULDS] This lucompurablc Medicine his‘ï¬qur- ed for itmf an imperishnble fume th'roughbut the 'World for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to which humanity is heir. ' ’ Signed '3 Oxford M, Money to {man on improved farms. at 6 per cent. App†to J, R. ARNOLD, MEDKALIS.‘ TORONTO WIVEE ITY. Member College of Physicians 2.}: Surgeoxisï¬' (LATE 0F bTOUFFVILLE.) OFFICE HOURS,â€"From 8 to 10 111., 5 to 8p. m Iansmmxbn . Yonge Street. E’éichmc'nd Hm; Richmuuzl Hm, Oct. 12:11. ’122. June 18.21, 188 money '60 Lean; Mémbcrs College Physicians & Surgeons} Residence, Yongo Spreet, Richmond Hill; Richmond Hill, May 23rd, 1882. 1y TKDILIJHLLL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto University; M. C. P. & 8.. Ont, Two Years Rebideng. - Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hospital; Ofï¬ce and Residenco,â€"Onc door south of P, 0 OFFICE llOUiiSâ€"S m 10 a m, & 12 to 2 pm Thomhill Fob nth, 1583. Dr. George DR LEWIS G, LANGSTAFF i A L, England (Lace or tendon. 2531554; Surgeon, Etc. †I _ [30500 Hours 8 to 9.30 a..m.. and l to 2.30 pm. ma. W. J. W: {1501‘}; 'J mmx'ru- l mavens. John McDonald, Esq. 1. T. Cmupbefl, Esq.) Hun. Sulzutm'MCMkLstcr A. Smith, Esq. , Jmnes Metcniz'n, Esq. Rev. Enoch \Vood, D. 3 Louns'mudu (m gocurity of Company's i’oliéy at i; pnr cent intcrur't. - v - '7 Loansmndc to) Church Trustees, at a. low rate of izltercdt. Send for prospectus. A W Lauder, DR. muss LANGSTAFFK: R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist University of Toronto, M. C. 1’. S. Qumrio. L EESSEEE’MW W (V Buynes,Esqu,I ï¬ï¬euï¬rptary’ I Reserva‘b‘uud . . . . . ..,$10.000.,00‘C' ' Annual Incnme. . . '. . . 1.600.000 Invesu-d in Canada... 1.200.000 Demh chums paid. . .. 10,000,000 THE; 1 STOMACH AND BOVJELS Wm McArthuL‘, K c M G, M; P. eX-Lord Mayor of London: Premdent. , .V on. omit, MAPLE} mas-arm mm. fur Canada. . n3 1mg: .51., Eust, Toronto Dec lat 1883. 0" London, England, LIFE m-S Langstaï¬â€˜,‘ Richmond HILL