Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 4 Sep 1884, p. 2

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Hermann HILL POST 0FFICE. Until further notice, Mails will be closed at the above Ofiice as follow: :â€" HIST [WEEK NflTIlIB! MORNING. Going North, South, East, and West, at ....... 7.40 EVENING. Going South, East, and West,at........... 6.00 Mail for the North, via. Railway, lone: once 3 day, in the morning, as ubovo stated. Homing Mail from South, West and Ealt, by Railway,arrives at Evening Mail from Toronto by Yongemtreet Stage, arrives at. Night Mail from North, by Rail- my. urivea at. .................. UFHCE HUUHSâ€" 330% Tomb, 'Ihomh ill Mahmoud mu Bonnnd Landing, Humanist, Anton, King, Richmond Hill. ghommn, Richmond Hill, June 23rd, 1884. Innâ€"Jig, )1 own-that. flonaud Landing. No. 11: Whole No.1366: Volume 27. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,1884 It is a noted fact that Mr Cleveland in accepting the nomination of the Democratic Party gave no assurance of his views on the Turifi question. His friends are whispering around where it- may be safe for them to do so, that he is certain on the Tarifi side for supportâ€" Pmtection. On the other hand all the papers whose nroclivities are favorable to a Free Trade Policy are advocating his election. As it. has always been looked upon as favoring Free Trade we are sorry that the issue upon which the Democratic Party and Republican is not one pure and simple of Protection or no Protection But so far as we can see this will not be done. the friends of Mr Cleveland evidently being afraid to meet the issue Iquarely upon the tariff. The Albany Argus, a leading Democratic organ, own- ed by the Chairman ofthe New York Democratic State Committee, prints at the head ofits editorial columns an ex- purgated versron of the traiff plank in the platform of the party, agreed upon in Chicago, from which the element of Free trade is carefully eliminated. The sentence in which the doctrine of “ tariff for revenue only ” is left out in the version published by the Argus. The date printed on each paper denotes the Mine when the subscription expires. Mr. Cleveland and Free Trade The Globe the other day writes : “As a result of this interview the following despatch was sent by Dr. Wickwirc to Dr. Tupper, at Ottawa. ‘ Hon Mr. McNab votes toâ€"day for disfranchising bill. Can you guarantee Peter an office if his father is put right?’ Dr Tupper being at that time a mem ber of the Dominion Government, answeredlpromptly as follows: ‘ Your telegram received ; anything Hill engages to do I will carry out.’ “ The man Hill was a political friend of Dr. Tupper, and had just been disâ€" missed from the Assembly on a charge of bribery; but being away from Halifax at the time, the carrying out ofthe deâ€" tails of the plot was entrusted to others.” " The man Hill ” referred to in the above is the Hon. P. G. Hill who at the time of the Pacific Scandal squabble left hisfriends. the Tories, and allied himself with the Grits and entered the Grit Local Legislature as Provincial Secretary, deserting his own friends. No doubt, fully forgiven for all he had said or done. The office in question was given to Peter by the Grit Governâ€" ment. We fancy Mr Hill will not relish being indicated in the above fashion. But it is ever so. For the sake of the supposed strong point to be made, the writer of the article in the Globe vidently was not aware that “the man Hill ” was one of their own friends. We read every day of personalities inâ€" dulged in against persons running for public positions. it is a great pity that personal abuse cannot be kept out of the press during political campaigns. The States press are now fully occupied in abusing either‘one or the other of the enndidates running for President and ” eprvsidentr At the Lennnx Election, “wing ‘7 fasted Illackalnck by 43 mien TRAIN TIME. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. An Old History Badly Put. mu: fiat}: itcmld. Richmond HIII. Ont. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. IEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .-â€"Jos. Hall. ARRIVALS. GOING NORTH 746 840 849 M. TEEFY, Postmaster. aomq sown 932 '7 a. m. to 12 00 1‘1 43 1'2 50 11 40 11 M: 12 18 12 32 12 43 1 45 fl 10.30 8.00 7.00 00» bb'l 607 619 649 665 705 631 Publiahed DY Bequest The Toronto Globe has the assurance ‘ to allege that in its slanders of the Cana- l diau Pacific Railway Company, “it” states only what it believes to be true “i and in the public interest.” It goes1 further and declares that “the stateâ€" ments we made as to the character of a 1‘ portion of the country through which ‘ the road runs were unquestionally corâ€" rect.” In several recent issues it has ‘ maintained that it published nothing in ‘ regard to the Canadian Pacific Comâ€" pany that was not truthful and nothing ; that was intended to injure the Com- pany or their property or the Northâ€" West. As late as Saturday last, comâ€" menting on a letter addressed by Presi- - dent Stephen to Hon. John Carling, of; London, it said that “the assertion that, the influence of the Globe has eVer been used for the injury of Canada or of any? Canadian interest is wholly untrue.” Itll furthermore has the audacity to allege 5 that “of all these roads in which Mr. l Stephen and his associates are interest- ed, we have never said anything that could create the impression in Canada or Great Britain that they are not likeâ€" ly to prove good investments, or that would prevent any one from lending money to those engaged in their conâ€" struction or reconstruction. Of the capital invested in them we have said nothing, unless when we saw reason to conclude that money supposed to be l part of the capital intended for the C. P. R. was div‘ertcd from that work other undertakings." It is not a little remarkable that such l unblushing falsehoods can find a place even in the columns oftho Toronto Globe It is indeed astounding that after years devoted to landering the country which is expected to support the Canadian Pacific Railway by its trafficâ€"slander- ing the leading stock holders ofthe comâ€" pany~â€"slandering the character of the work done by the companyâ€"slandering the credit of the company ; after years spent in stirring up strife in Manitoba and the Nortlt~West, and exaggerating the grievances and troubles in that quarter, this same Globe should now pay its readers’ and the public‘s memor- ies so poor a compliment as to absoluteâ€" ly deny that it ever thought of doing anybody any harm, or had,in fact, shown anything but the most angelic regard for the variou interests which it had assailed. As well might Judas Isoanot or Benedict Arnold repudiate the infam- ies with which their names are associatâ€" ed, or Aaron Burr in his dying hour pretend that he never imagined a con- spiracy against his country. In the history of Canada there has been no such shameless example of journalism devoted to the destruction of public confidence in an enterprise in which the welfare of the Dominion is bound up ; and no episode in Canadian journalism equals in haseness and meaness these constant, malignant attacks on private capital, unless it be the meaness and baseness of the Globe’s denial of its own words and actsâ€"Montreal Herald. The Privy Council has rendered its decision in the Ontario Boundary Case. The despatch announcing the decision is meagre and vague, so that it is imâ€" possible to say just how much the deâ€" cision covers. The despateh states that the boundaries of Ontario by the decision are practically the same as those laid down by the Canadian arbitrators. Ifthe Privy Council has laid down the Northern boundary as did the arbitrators. then Ontario inâ€" cludes all the territory east of the Lake ofthe Woods. and south of the English and Albany rivers which latter empties into James’ Bay at a pomt about midâ€" way, between the head of this Bay and Hudson’s Bay. Had the Western line been run straight north to Hudson’s Bay, it would have included a much larger part of the south coast of Hudâ€" son’s Bay including the mouth of the Nelson River and Fort York, which IS to be the terminus of the Hudson‘s Bay railway. The Lord Chancellor was understood, however, to announce that the Committee would not deal with the Northern boundary. Ifit has not done so, then, the result of the appeal to the Privy Council has been to extend Ontario’s frontier to the west coast of Lake of the Woods, and to leave the Northern boundary unsettled.â€" Witness. According to Parliamentary returns, in the year ending September, 1882, there were in Scotland, out of a popuâ€" lation of 3,735,573 persons, 2,530 arrests for Sunday drunkenness, or 1 out of1,476. In England and Walca, where no Sunday closing at that time existed, the number of arrests for the same period cut of a population of 25,â€"â€" 968,286 was 15,931, or in the proper- tion ofl to 1,631. Again in England, during the six years from 1877 t01882, there has been a decrease of' convictions for Sunday drunkenness of 5% per cent, while in Scotland there has been an inâ€" crease of 10 per cent. It appears thereâ€" fore that, despite the Forbes-Mackenâ€" zie Act, England is more sober than Scotland. A positive cure for :his dangnmns com- plain:i and For 31‘. :zmie m rri‘x‘myL‘io fmms of Bcvml Complaint incidhnt to Summer and Fall, is found m Dr: Fowlp " 1. The Royal Commission appointed to enquire into the alleged attempts to bribe certain members of the Ontario Legislature, resumed its session on Mon- day last in the lower Chancery Court Room, Osgoode Hall. Hon. Justice Proudfoot, chairman.; His Honor Judge Sinclair and His Honor Judge Scott comprising the committee, tank their seats on the bench promptly at twelve o’clock. Sir David Macpherson, Minâ€" ister of tho Interier, Hon. Alex Morris. M P P, Mr C W Bunting and many others were present. nun um), 1r xunuu m III: l‘vnn‘x {.f WSW Stlnwbcny; 10h: plOf-L any rim-"twist. ms Toronto "Globe" and Its Mission. A Cure for Cholera Morbus. The Council met on Wednesday evening Inst, 3rd Sum. Members prelent, Messrs. Crosby. Hopper, Law and Moodie. In the abaence of \he Reeve, Mr Law moved, sec. by Mr Hopper. tbm Mr Ctosby take the chair. 77 The minutes of the 6:]: 01 August. wera read and adoplgd. 7 An ucconn't for printing bills. amounting to $125, was read and quieter] t_o lge pgid. A listlof certain members of the Fire Brigade was presented to the Council to be certified by the Committee on fire and water. Moved by Mr Hopper, seconded by Mr Law, that the chairman be and he is here~- by requested to sign the said certificates. and that the Clerk is instructed to attach the corporate seal to the name.-â€"Cnrried. The Clerk read a communication from the Clerk of the County, dated 9111 July, relating to the sums to be levied for the current year 101' County purponen, amount-- ingfityo §1§0.2-0 'The following peiition was read :â€"To the Municipal Council of the Incmpomled Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York ; GENTLEMEN.â€"We, tho undersigned Free- holders of the thlage of itinhmoud Hill.te- nest that you will submit it By-an to the §teeholders of said village, for their ap- proval, for the purchasing of the land North of Centre Street. on the East side of Yonge Street. owned by James Langstafi', M. D., to be used as a Public Park for the benefit of the Village, and also tha inning of Debenturu running the term of twenty years, for the purpose of puying for said land and fitting it up in n pnoper state to meet the requirements of the public, and as in duty bound your prtittoners. £20., Jrc. Sighed by kanm. Lawxenco [and 47 others. Moved by My Hopper, seconded by Mr Moodire‘ {but in the ppiyqqn of Ihg Coupgil it would be more advisable to call a public meeting of the ratepayers of the village, with a view to obtaining their consent to appropriate 3 portion of the Surplus Dis- tribution Fund for the purchase of land for a Public Park and improvements thereon. â€"â€"â€"Carried. The Clergy. the Medical Faculty, the Press and the People all endorse Burdock Blood Bitters as the best system renovating blood purifying lomc known. 115 work bears out. their best recommend. Moved by Mr Law, leconded by Mr Moodie, that a public meeting oftbe rate. payers of Richmond Bill be called for Wednesday, 10th inst., M 8 o’clock in the .(‘ouucil Chamhcr, in accordance with 1110 nbnve reacluhon.- Carried To ALL CmusnANs:â€"“Righteousness exaltelh a nation. but sin is n reproach to any people." Our Canadian homes are tou'iny in danger from the liquor traffic. A CALL TO PRAYER. ISSUED BY THE WOHAN‘S CHRISTIAN TEMPERAI‘CZ UNION, OF THE PROVINCE OF OKTARIOJN VIEW 0)" THE APPROACHle VOTE ON THE C. ‘1'. ACT. Believing that the passagebf the Canada Temperance Act, would be for the good of the people, we mothers and sisters, wives and daughters. of Ontario. do earnestly re» quest all who believe in ch to unite with us in earnest prayer for the adoption of this Act in the dzll‘cmnt counties where a contest is now in pronese We suggest the following programme :â€"â€"~ Monday. September 8th. 2 to 3 p.m. Sub-- ject for the leaders in this contest. "That they may have the wisdom that cometh from above. and that dtvine patience and charity may be theirs under all circum» stances U We name Monday Allernoon, September 81h. as this Time ofl’rayer. nnd urgu all our local unions l0 observe this date, ell" listing all paFlOlB and churches to co-- operaie, so far as possible, with us, nnd respectfully requesting pastors to preach on this subjnc: On the Sunday preceding or following this day of prayer. 3104 p. m., for the voters oflheee Counties. “That ‘hey may listen to the voice of rigln, to the pleadings of innocent helpless ones, to 1119 loud appeals that come from the homes of our land, and re- solve to protecx Iheae home: by voting for the Canada Temperance Act.” Yours tor God and Home, Ind Native Land, M. S. FAWCETT, A. C. Cmsnoux. Corresponding Sec. President. In compliance with the request of the Provincial Union, the W. C. T. U., of Richmond Hill, earnestly entreat all Christians to meet in the Temperance Hall, on Monday, Sept. 8th, at 4 pm, for the purpose of uniting in prayer to Almighty God for His blessing on all efforts which are at present being made in behalf of that noble cause, for the promotion of which we are banded together in this Union . J. Sterling, Pres ;E F. L. Langstaff, lat, Viceâ€"Pres; M. 1’. Sanderson, an, Viceâ€"Pres.; M. Wiley, Cor. Sec.; E. A. Switzer, Rec. 800.; M. J. Skeele, 'I‘reas. A party of Salvationists went up on the Northern Railway on Tuesday last, taking the midday train. They passed the time in prayer. One of the party was bound for Aurora, but, he was b0 wrapt up in his devotions that that. station was passed before he realized it. When he discovered this he made a break for the door and jumped from the platform, the result being that he struck a fence, was thrown back onto the track, run over and killed. His name could not. be learned. The Wild Strawberry Plant possesses rare virtue as a cleansing, cooling, as- tringent, nnleseplic, and healing medicine. and when combined with other vuluable Vegetable extracts, us in Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry. it is an unfailing remedy in all bowel complaints. Industrial 3! Torontoâ€"Sept. 1011: to the 20th. Provincial at Ottawaâ€"Sept. 22:16 to 27th. Eastyork‘nqd M311:k}_xsm Tp., at Markham Oct. 2nd and 3rd. North York ahd Whrtchurch Tp. Union, at Newmarketwâ€"Ucl. 7th and 8th. Georgina and North Gwillimbury, Union, at Suttonâ€"Oct. 9th and 10th. Bradford, at Bradfordâ€"Oct 1611: and Nth. King at Lloydmwnâ€"Ocl 26th and 17th. South Simeon, Essa and Inniafil a: Cooks» sownâ€"v 30!“ nf Sept Emil is: of 001‘; W (3!, Simeon, m. Barrieâ€"~72h, 81b and 9:13 u!w ()Ci. Karl; I’m-mam TL]! Show m. Ymklnn, At;- asinibuin, l?.\‘:'. T., on Sept. 25th. Richmond H111 Council. The Council then adjourned. A SALVATIONIST KILLED. A Strong Endorsement Ontario W. O. T. U. Fall Exhibition. A Rare Plant. M. Tun. Clerk. paint A LOT of Crockery on hand of every description at the Ontnrio House. PAINTING Upwâ€"Mru Scales and Mr. Lush have been cleaning and improving their premiael by giving them a coat. of FINISHED.-â€"-The farmers in this sec- tion have nearly all finished harvesting, and those who have already thrashed. report the yield as abundant. BRIGADE.â€"â€"The monthly practice and meeting of the Fire Brigade will take place on Friday evening next, 5th inst. A large attendance is requested. hummerâ€"The Mumclpal Council of the Township of Vaughan, will hold their September meeting in the Town Hall, on Tuesday next, 9th inst, at 10 BEEL.-~The Fire Brigade have purâ€" chased a new Hose Reel, wilh which they are practising nightly {or their race at the Toronto Exhibiiion. It looks very handsome. DIVISION COURT.â€"The next session of the Division Court will take place in the Court Room, in this village, on Saturday next, 6th inst. It is expected that His Honor Judge McDougnll will preside. ANOTHER lot of Sugar just arrived at (he Ontuio House, sclling cheaper than ever. CATTLE FAIB.-â€"Thc Cattle fair held here on Wednesday last, was very small indeed, as there was only about. twenty head of cattle on the ground. Mr A Marsh offered a few bend of fineâ€"looking animals {or sale. IMPROVEMENT.-â€"-Mr W Atkinson, of the Concrete House in this village, is about making great improvements in the appearance ofhio store. Ile intends extending the front almost as far out as the sidewalk, and having 11 plateâ€"gin!!! front put. in, which will make a decided improvement in the appearance of his place. Soon ACT.»â€"On the 9th inst., a vote on the repeal of the Scott Act will take place In the County of Halton. The temperance folks have the County thoroughly organized. and they claim the Act will carry. Dozens who before either voted against the Act or stood neutral, will now vote and work in favor ol'it. Exncmoas' SALE.â€"â€"-There will be sold by Public Auctmn on Thursday, Septllth, on Lot No 26, in the fill) Con. of Vaughan, 3 quantity of valuable property, belonging to the late Isaac Murray. Termsâ€"For the Hay, Grain, Roots, and all sums of $10 and under cash,over that amount four monihs credit Will be given on approved joint notes. Sale to commence at I o’clock. James C Stokes, Auct. SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES AT Ere-- TRANCE Flinnâ€"Thu following are the names of all the candidates approved of by {he Education Department 2» T Kirby, A Jamey, J Huffcy,L A Clafley, F Brackin, W T Klinck, [1 Lloyd, M Lloyd, G F McDonald, 0 McLaughlin, R MoLaughlin,C McLean,1 A Mortson, W J Mulholland, J Noble, W H Ream- mnn. \V G Richardson, W Trench, W R W'hite, '1‘ V Carscaddcu, J Fisher, A M Hamilton.L Hennassey. L. Powell. Four recommended by the Local Board were disallowed by the High School Inâ€" spectors. ' PATTERSON AND MAnxrtAu.â€"â€"Tlie return Lacrosee Match between the Patterson and Markham Clubs, took place on the grounds of the latter on Saturday afternoon last, and witnessed by quite a. number of spectators. The match commenced at 3 o'clock and was finished at 7 p m., the Patterson boys taking the let and 4th. and the Mark-- ham Club the End, 3rd and 5th (James. The match was very keenly contested, but the Patterson boys have lots of pluck and are certain that they can do - feat the Markhamitea, and have again challenged them to play on Saturday next. CHEAP I’HOPEMY.â€"Tlie balance of the Duncumb Estate, in this village, Lots No 3 and 5, were disposed of by Public Auction on Wednesday afternoon last. Lot No 3, containing 1 and}; acres of land, on which is erected a frame dwelling house, stables, driving,r house‘ and all requisite out. buildings, was purchased by Mr John Duncan, for $1200, and Lot No 5. containing 1 and 1- acres ofland, with a brick block of' four tenements, was bought by Mr. Mathew McNair, for $1010. These were both very cheap lots, and we con-v gratulate Messrs Duncan and McNair in securing such bargains. CRICKET Myronâ€"The Richmond Hill Cricket Club say that they have been cadeavoring for some time past to arrange the return match With the Maple boys, but as that Club seemed a little afraid to connect, our boys had to turn their attention in another direc- tion, and have consequently arranged a match with the Victoria Square Club, to be played on Mr A Law's field in this village, on Saturday afternoon next, 6th inst. A number of seats will be pro-- vided for ladies, and as there are a number of beautiful trees on the ground, it. will be a nice place for an afternoon’s outing. All are invited. GOSSIP.â€"-What is the cure for gossip ? Simplejculture and education. There isa great deal of gossip that has no malignity in it. Goodâ€"natured people talk about their neighbours becauseâ€" and only becauseâ€"they have nothing else to talk about. Gossip is always a personal confession of either malice or imbecility, and the young should not only shun it, but should with the most careful watchfulness guard themselves against every temptation to indulge in it. It is low and frivolous. There are country neighborhoods in which it rages like a pest. Churches am split in pic-cos hyil;~ neighbors made enemies for life by it. in many persons it degeneratcs into 3 chronic (limos, practically incurable. LOOK}. ITEMS. CHURCH Hymn Books for sale at the HERALD Book Store.- JOHNNIE Cake, Chewing. and all kinds of the best Tobacco: at the Ontario House. place has been presented with a very handsome bull, valued at $3.50 by Mr C Duncumb. NEXT MATCE.â€"The next Champion- ship Lacrosse Mntch will take place be- tween the Fergus and Richmond Hill Clubs, on Friday, 12th inst. CREDITABLE.â€"Mr. Wm. Norman. a pupil of our High School, passed suc-- cessfully the Matriculation Examination in Victoria University, Cobourg, and will attend lectures there next term. A STUDENT wants to know how petrifactiou is caused '1’ Well, when you ring the bell Sunday night, and “ her" father appears at the door instead of “ her.” You will understand the causes that petrify the human frame, better than we can explain them to you. ' CALL AT the Ontario Home, and get a sample of that splendid Tn, 250. a pound. RE-OPENED.â€"The schools reâ€"open- ed in this village on Monday last, with the following attendance :â€"- High School, Mr. J. McBride, Head Mutter, 41 pupils; Public School. form I, Miss Sprngge, 30 pupils; form Ii, Miss Rutherford, 37 pupils; form III, Mrs \Viley, 22 pupils; form IV, Miss Cruickahnuk, 67 pupils. The great dis- parity between the two Junior Form! is owing to no promotions having been made, and till the Inspector’s visit none can be made. Warmingâ€"Who Hose Reel and Hook and Ladder Departments of the Fire Brigade, in this village. are at present working very hard in order to get, into good shape For their contest at the coming Exhibition. They have a quick spin every evening down Rich-v mond Street. and the short time it takes them to crawl over three hundreds yards of ground is something surprising. If the Aurora, Ncmnarltet, or other Brigades around this section want to give our boys a dash, they will have to be something like the “lightning exâ€" press.” The contest will take place at the Industrial Exhibition in Toronto on Monday and Tuesday the 15th and 16th inst. Panamaâ€"The Cricket Club of mi: Tonos'ro EXHIBITION.-~Canada’s great Industrial Fair and Toronto’s Semiâ€"Centennial Exposition will be held in Toronto from the 10th to the 20th of Sept. The show of horses, catâ€" tle, sheep, swine, poultry, dairy, horti- cultural and agricultural products. machinery, implements and manufactures of all kinds will eclipse that of any Exâ€" hibition yet held in the Dominion of Canada. His Ilonor the Licut-vGov- ernor of Ontario and Mrs Robinson, and His Excellency the Governorâ€"General and the Marchioncss of Lnnsdowne, will be in attendance. The special attractions this year will for surpass. in extent and novelty, those of any previous year. Cheap rates and excursions on all Railâ€" ways. Don't miss the Exhibition this year, as it is expected to be the finest ever held. On the east side of Jordon street. and flanked by Melinda utreet, Toronto, stands the spacious warehouse hearing the name ofthe Barber sh Ellis Company, manufac- turers of envelopes. account books, mncil- nge, etc . and 'general dealers in stationery. The outside appearance, however, given no adequate idea of the size of the building or of the lrrsze and varied business carried on within. The frontnge on Jordan street is about 60 feet, and along Melinda the build- ing extends 120 feet. occupying Nos. 10, l2, 14. In the centre of the building is a qundt'anglu which divides it into two sec-- tions. In this quadrangle is the hoist, which also serves as a plutfm'm on which 1.0 cross from one portion of the building to the other. A \‘ISXT TO A LARGE TOROKTO FACTORY. On We top flat of tin! front building the envelopes (previously (-ul inlo shape by a machine which will be mentioned lnter on) are folded, gnmmvd, and bound ready for use. The greater part oflliis work is done by a wonderful machine invented by Mr Bouvier, a fort-man emplnyvd by the Bar-- her and Ellis Compnny. Each machine has a CAPACITY or 60,000 PER DAY, and one girl can attend ix. Six machines are lined by lhc Company. In the same room girls are employed in folding special silesof envelopes. The capacin of xhe establishment is half a million envelopes per day. Twenty-five hands are employed in Iliis department. The neit flat contains the bindery, where account books are manufactured and bound and a general bindery business is also carried on. A special room is allotted for the delicate Operation of gilding. The re-- porter was shown a very fine set of deposit lodgers forthe Canadian Bank of Com» muse, just finished. in full bound calf,with Russian bands. The marbling on the edges was very neatly executed. In a room devoted to the lighter styles of binding, such as copy books, etc., was noticed the wire stitching machine, which makes so durable a binding for school books. In another room was seen a ruling machine, the only one of the kind in America, in which the paper is fed at one end, per-- fectty blank, and comes out ruled on both Sides. The reporter was then shown the box department. in which the Company manufactures all sorts of paper boxes in - eluding those used in its own business. Continuing his tour through the building he saw the machine which cuts the navel-- opes into shape ready for the folder. 011 the second flat are rooms devoted to the manufacture of mucilnge. The stock of envelopes is also kept on this flat. The first fiat contains the offices and a large manufactured in ihe establishment. and elsewhere. The rear part of this flat is used for shipping and for storing paper. 011 the ground floor is a large Mock ofinks. mnciiage, heavy papers, (20. The boiler and furnace are in this portion a! the building: and the engine, which supplies mmiva power for all the machinery, is in the dundrr-ngie between the two portions of [he buiidiug.»~ 08006. LOCAL ITEMS. STUCK OI" GEXERAL STATIONERY, The Uses of Paper. Miss Stevenson, 0! Toronto. is spending a. short Lime visiting friends in this village and neighbor- hood. Mr B Willmott was in the village yesterday, from Toronto, and called at. this office. County Engineer Stokes passed through the villago Monday last, on an inspection trip of the York roads. Mrs Jun Andrews and daughter left here “'odnesduy 1am. on a visit to friends in Bpringhill and other places north. Rev Mr. Walker, 0! Springfield, is expected to preach hem, on Sunday afternoon next, in 5‘ Mary‘s (English) Church. Mina Fulconbrldge left here on \Vednesdny morning to attend Bishou Strachnn School, Wykehnm Hall, Toronto. The Misses Brooks, of Hamilton,nnr1Mr Taylor. of Scotland. were spending a few days visiting at the residence of the Roy Mr Dick this Week. The Misses Trench, and Mr Wm Atkinson. jr,. lelt this village on Saturday lust, for n few days recreation in the beautiful town of Barrio. The Richmond Hill Band and Young Canadian Lacrosse Club were entertained at the residence of Mr Wm Proctor on Friday evening lust. and a most enjoyable evening snent. Mrs P G Savage, Mrs Wm SheppardMiss Weir, Mr N Davis and Master Bert Savage. lelt hero on Tuesday morning lust for a. visit tr) their friends and relmivos at St Andrews, near Montreal. Rev Father Egan being absent on his holidays, his duties are being fulfilled by Rev. aner ’l‘eefy. St Mary's Chapel was crowded on Sundnv morn- ing last, an eloquent exhortntion on Hope being delivered on the occasion, which was listened to with marked attention. N C Wallace, Esq” the respected Member for the West Riding of York. is on un extended tri to the North West Territnrios nnd Britis 1 Columbia. and whilst we are free to any we envy him his trip, we are glad he in able to enjoy it, and trust tho benefit to his health will be com- mensurate with the expense. ARBIBTEDâ€" On Saturday last the‘ Moulders' Union held a pic’nic at Vic- toria park. The last trip homcwnrdspn board the steamer Gypsey, reached the city shortly after 11 o’clock. 0n the way from the park, the whiskey and beer which many of the 150 on board had imbibed, stirred up their fighting qualities. A general row broke out; to stop this the officers of the boat. very indirereetly turned a stream of water from a hose on the belligerents. This only had the effect of making matters worse. Several persons were injured, and four or five persons were arrested. HOLLOWAY'S Otxrnaxr Am PILLS.â€" Au winter advances and the weather be» comes more and more inclement and trying the earliest eyid‘vnces of illnhenllli must be immediately checked and temuved, or a slight illness may result in a serious mnludy Relaxed and sore throat. qttinapy, influenza. chronic cough. bronchitis, and most. other pulmonary ufl'ectimis will be relieved by rubbing this cooling Ointment into thrâ€" skin as nearly an pramicahle to the seat of mischief This treatment. simple yet effective, is Hdmimbly nduptod for the ten tnovnl of these diseases during inf'ntmv and youth. 01d asthmatic invalid: will derivt- marvellous rrlit:f from the use of Holn lowuy's remedies, vhich have wonderfully telievrd mun; such sufl'elers. and row established hmilth after every other menus had sigtmliy failed. MCFAELANE~III Brmnpton,on the 28th ulL, the wife 04D McFarlmxe, Dentist, of a. daughter. It is said at Ottawa that Hon Alexander Mackenzie intends entering the Govern-- mom as Mimsler of Railways. Whuat (11.1]. new, per bush Spring do 0 8?. Burlwy do . 0 (m Oats, at, 40 Peru; do 00 Rye do (l0 Dressed Hogsmer 100 km, . 8 '15 Beef, hind quarts”, per 1m lbs 0' 00 Mutton, by the cwrcttsw. per 100 I‘M,” 0 on Chickenu, per pair 41) Ducks, per brace 60 GOGRO, (such ........ no ’l‘urkeys,euch 0 00 Brittenlbrollfl . 19 large 1-01] m) tub dnirv 14 Eggs, fresh, (107. . 17 Potatoes, per bbl 1 00 Apples per barrel 0 (h)ions,green, per doz W Cabbage. per dozu. ...... ‘25 Celery, per duz ...... 0 60 Tunlips, per bag ‘ . 0 40 Carrots, per do 12 Beets, per doz '.' Pursnipa, per bag 0 90 Hay per,ton..... 7 (‘0 scnuv per, ton 4 00 Wool Der lb“ (:0 $0 60 econ a s: We have a fine Assortment of Hosiery, I : Gloves, Silk Ties, Laces, Embrmderâ€" ies, Corsets, Hoopskirts, Parasols, &c.,&c. We have a good Assortâ€" Ge : ment ofReady-made Cloth- ing, Hats, Silk 'l‘ies, Gloves, Braces, Silk Hankerchiefs, Col- lars, Fine White and Regatta Shirts, Sec. COME ONE. COME ALL. SNEATH & GRENNAN. RICHMOND HILL. HURRAH FOR OUR SUMMER GOODS Away Down Price§. CHEAP CASHHOUSE Is the place to get all your wants supplied for the coming Summer at T H E R I A R K ETS PRXCES AT FAIUIERS‘ WAGGONB Personals. “Mejith '1‘()l I ()‘N'l‘(.‘.- BIRTI’L THURSDAY, 8214, [85; Whiliilcrli~50 éénlis. Sent to any address. Postage stamps taken. Address all letters to CREME 0’ 0R, Drawer 2,678, Toronlo P.0. Ask your druggist for it. Wholesale by all whole- sale druggists. Thebes: preparation known to science forbeuutifying the LA CREME D’OR, ONE SINGLE APPLICATION is warranted to Beamin the Face and give to the Fudcd or Fallow Com- plexion a Perfectly lionitln'. Natural. and Youthful Appearance. It (,‘oncouls “Wrinkles. Frecklvs,Cruw's Feet, and the E idcnce of Age, leaving the Skin Soft, Smooth. and W‘hitc. l'l ‘25 0 60 D40 19 no 1-1 17 I 00 GOLDEN CREAM, COMPLEXION THE “:36 0:) B 00 0 00 0 00 ed, Reader, if you want business; at. which either .aex, £01m}: or old. can make grog: pay all the time t ey work, with ubaolube curâ€" Lnjnty, write for particulars (0 H. HALLBrI‘ &CO,- Portland Maine. bonuuluuuy uulu. nu “on, vnyAvm uuucquu solutely sum. No risk, Capital notreqnir ed, Reader, if you want business at. which nié’hnr nnv vnnna nr AIR onn mfi.lln ammo. $68a week at. home. so outfit hen. Pay at» FREE T0 YOU ! “’03 have arranged with the publisher for m edition of thin well known large :nd valuublo Cook» Boofi. which is a complete marvel of HM» ticnl, ucouomicu1,pulutuble and henlthv we cry This is n cook-book that every lady will be pleas. ed to own, for it is not only large, but rinth on good paper, and well bound in u flexi 10 cover, We publish the populur_gigh£»pn ge‘ atqry pap-r. THE FAMILY WELCOME. and wishing to increase our clrculntgon to 50,000 or more during the next four months] wo now make the follow- ing Unprecedent‘ad Ofl'et ! Upon receipt of only Fifty Cones in cash, or 1’. O. O, or 1 and 3’ cent postage stamps, we will send TEE FAX- ILY WELCOME for Six Month: and to every subscriber we will also send free and pnsbpnid the large and useful cookery book above descrlly ed. THE FAMILY WELCOME is a mnm~ moth 71mm, 40 column paper filled with charmâ€" ing serial and complete stories. Poetry, Wit, Humor, &c, dcc. It entertains and instruct- every member of the home, in fact it is one of the largest and best. story papers publisilnd. Re- member We send this splendid Cook-Book Prov to all sending us 5008mm fur six months subscrib- tion to our paper This went ofier is solBly under to introduce our paper Take udv‘nnmge-Mo! it uh nnca inclination Guaranteed or Honoy' Refundet' Address, THE FAMILY WtL- COME, 38¢ Rlchxnond street. London. Ont; MISS CAMPBELL! LADIES! Monday. Sept. Ist 1884;. Richmond H111,Aug.14, 15817 APPLES. APPPES. APPLES. CHARLES DONALD 81. (30., 79. Queen Street, London, E. 0., Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Merchants and Shippers,.wnh a view to Autumn and Spring Business, They will also give the usual fncili . ties to cmtomers requiring advances. London, July 3131. 1884.â€"â€"9â€" m. HALL, FULLERTON & COOK gun: gantrtimmufifi. W M Hall. J S Fullerton PRIVATE FUND‘) T0 LOAN Toronto. May 29th, 1884. TllE SEASIDE €00K 300K NOTARY PUBLIC, &C, CENTRAL BANK OF CAN‘DA' MARRIAGE RIUIIIVTOND HILL- MONEY T0 LOAN ON FARM SECURITY. DAVID BLAIN. ESQ.. President. SAMUEL TREE ‘,1‘)EQ., Vice-President. I)II{ PJC'L‘OItS K. CHLSHOLM, M. P. P. H.1’.DWIGH’[‘, Egg, 1). M. MCDONALD. E80,. 0 B,T‘(OBINS()N,ERQ. A MuLEAN HOWARD, Esq. J. GIM'Y, Esq. Deposita received and inh'rcst ullnwed thereon at current rates. No notice of withdrawal re»- quircd Drnfts on 1111 parts of Canada. United States and Great Britain bought and sold, RICHMOND HI'LL SAV'ING’S DFJP.A I{T1\IENT Richmond Hill, Avril 9th, 1881‘ Richmond Hill, April 3rd, 1881 M. T‘EEFY, I8 King Street East, Toronto Barristers, Solicitors, d'c‘. Offices CLASSES IN MUSIC after the Vacation, on -â€"AND ISSUER OF-v- Will resume her J. M. LA\V1%EN(, E. MANAGED LICENSES, A. A. ALLEN, Chehtaf. W Cook .

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