Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Oct 1884, p. 2

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PllST [IFFIEE NllTIL'B I Until further fiance, Mails will be closed at the above Office as follows :â€" RICHMBND HILL POST 0FFICE. EVENING. Going South, East. and West, at. . . . a . . . . . . MORNING. Going North, South, East, and West, at . . . . . . . 7.40 The people of the North-West ap- prove of the action of the Dominion Government. in quarantining cattle imâ€" ported from the United States. The Fort McLeod Gazette states that it is a simple matter of self-preservation, as contagious diseases such as Texas fever, pleuro-pneumonia, and foot-andâ€"mouth disease, are spreading with alarming rapidity in the grazing districts of the United States. The ranching industry of the Northâ€"West, which is almost. in its infancy, is drawing its cattle from a country separated merely by an imaginâ€" ary line, and but for the prohibition it, would be a very simple matter for these diseases to spread to the Canadian North- West." Mail for the North, via. Railway, leaves once a day, in the morning, as above stated. Morning Mail from South, West and East, by Railway,arrives at 10.30 Evening Mail from Toronto by Yonge~strcet Stage, arrivgs at. 7.00 Night Mail from North, by Rail- way, arrives at ................. 7;, 8.00 UFHCE HUUBS- 3.301% In the September number of the Canada Educational Monthly appears a paper by Principal Grant. As might be expected it is full of practical sugges~ lions. He objects to party politics being mixed up with Educational Management. He does not approve of the system of studies being uniform the country over. He assails, and not without reason, the multitude of subjects that serve to dis- tract the student in our schools. He thinks so many studies are apt to dissipate the mind of the pupil, and a great many others are of the same opinion. There is a good deal of What is called “cram” which he attacks strongly. He attaches agood deal of importance to literature as a means of developing the mind. Again, he says: “As the great maâ€" jority of children must leave school early, the chief thing is to teach them to read well, to read distinctly, easily, naturally, intelligently. You sneer at this a little. How many can do it? You have given them, if you do this, the key that on- locks all the storehouses of knowledge. and if you have taught them arighmhey will delight. in reading, and reading will be simply thinking aloud. " Literature, I say, gives the highest kind of' mental training because it brings the mind of the learner into contact with the thoughts of the best minds. Language expresses thought,and literary studies, therefore always tend to make us familiar with thought. Besides, language stimulates thought. Words and thought act and react. So it is that the mind that has been trained to appreciate words is fit for anythino'. It has been dealing not with words, but with things, and has been taught. to weigh, (incriminate and value them. Then, you get a higher training when you learn another language. “He who knows only onelangunge knows none.” And the more perfect in form the new language is, the more it exhibits the inâ€" tellectual life of a vigorous race and the loftiest minds, our own literature, the higher its educational value. Hence. I believe that the old training, with all its grievous defects of verseâ€"manufuc-- ture and gerundâ€"grinding, gave more flexible and powerful minds than we are now getting from the elaborate spoonâ€" meat system that is in favor now, but the knellof’ which is, I think, beginning to sound ” Apples for Saleâ€"J! E Law, Farm to Routâ€"Dr James Langstuflf Subscrlbc NOWâ€"HLRALD Oflice Richmond Hill, June 23rd. 1884. Toronto. 7 45 Thornhill, 8 40 Richmond Hill 8 49 King, 9 02 Aurora, 9 22 Newmnrket, 9 32 Holland Landing, 9 43 Holland Landing, Newm arket, Aurora, Kin g, Richmond Hill, Th ornhill, Toronto, No. 18: Whole No.1370: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1884. The date printed on each paper denotes the time when the subscription expires. Something About Education. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. TRAiN TIME Me 3301']: gimm. N0 TIOE T0 S U BS CRIBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Richmond HI". Ont. ARRIVALS. GOING NORTH. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. GOING SOUTH. 8 19 8 28 8 40 9 02 912 9 22 10 15 ’7' a. m. to 12 00 )2 4B 12 50 11 40 11 b5 12 18 12 32 12 43 1 45 . 6.00 Volume 27. 37793.0 0501.45 5.08666 Canada, as was to be expected, rank~ cd low down on the list of prizes at the forestry exhibition at Edinburgh. Not one first-class or second class gold medal comes to this Country. although British Guiana, India, Japan, Cape Colony, Denmark and France obtain these hon-- ors. while of fifty-one silver medals awarded, Canada obtains but. two, .and only one out of fifty -three bronze medals In fact, Canada takes an insignificant position throughout. This is not, how- ever, a matter of surprise, seeing that. only one province, New Brunswick, entered an exhibit, and the utmost credit is due the province for the awards received. Canada, properly represented, ought to rank on a par in forestry exâ€" hibits with any country in the world, ‘and it is rather a pity that the oppor-- itnnity of displaying our forest wealth ihas been lost. A NEWSPAPER WAR. Just what the row is in cm.-nection with the Riordan newspapers is known only to a few, but it is lively of its kind. A special in the London Advertiser says 2 When all was ready the drag, along with several carriages, drove a short distance further up Yonge--street and then about a mile along a turnpike to the eastward where all came to a halt and watched to see the hunt come up, the hounds having been thrown oflv somewhere near Yongeustreet and south ofthe turn-~pike. They did, not wait long before the scarlet coats were seen darting among the trees in the edge of a strip of wood only two or three fields away; a. few secnuds later came a peal of that most soulâ€"stirring of all music the voice of a pack in full cry, and then liken black and white ribbon the pack streamed across the dark brown of the ploughed fields between the turnpike and the wood. The Master came straight after them. and close behind him came the whole huntin close order. A check was come to at the turnpike and the dogs were taken down the road a hundred yards and laid on again, and away they all went at a merry clip. Between there and the finish. which was on Mr. Wm. Rennie’s beautiful farm, and close to the farm house. twn saddles v ere emptied. The huntsman’s blazed-faced black came down heavily.on|y three jumps from the turnpike, while just a few yards from the finish Mr. Alex. Shields’ horse stumbled and brought his rider to the ground with force enough to shake the breath out of him slightly for the moment, but he was all right again in a short time. Altogether the run was a heavy one, over pretty stiff country, and men. horses and dogs were pretty tired at the finish, which was witnessed by the members of the Markham Farmers’ Club. who had been holding thetr meeting' at Mr. Rennie’s. After the run the members of the Hunt were hospitably entertained by Mr. Rennie. Every lady should learn to lilng her own dresses. There may come a hme alter marriage when she will need to make doll babies’ dresses, and Ihnn her former ex” perience will come Into good servxce. TORONTO. Sept. 30.â€"'l'hel'e is a big row going on in Mail (-iicles. The question practically is as to whether the Mail will swallow the News, or the News swallow the Mail. Neither is paying. and it is proposâ€" ed to amalgamate them, but it. is said them is a disagleement as to which is to be given up. One set of influences wants to get rid of Bunting us well as Griffin, and allow the Mail to swallow the ZVcws Bunting deâ€" mands H considerable sum for his stock as the price of going out. but the teply is that if he stubborn mote money will be put into the News and the lVews made the tory organ.. in which case, good-bye Maill Color is rryiven to this statement by the fact that the brews has recently bten more tory than the Mail, attacking Mr Blake, for instance, with virulence every day. Sir John Macdonald- We have it on the best authority that Sir John Macdonald goes to England on account'of his health and that alone. He will consult Dr Andrew Clarke. His complaint one of' the stomach, and there is r0 denying that he is seriously ill. But notwithstanding his years Sir John possesses wonderful recuperative powers, and we have no reason to suspect that with the rest, the voyage and the treatment of his physician he will be able to take his place at the head of afi- fuirs.â€" World. The followers of Mr Blaine,“the plum- ed Knight,” parade the streets with great wooden swordsJ egg ijlhzihigiug tin helmets each adorned with three plumes. This is intended for the pur- pose ofhelping the Presidential election campaign. Since the Globe threatened the Mail with exposure of how it. entrapped Mr Riordan and warned country weeklies that they would be liable for any club arrangements they made with any paper which might fail to continue (meaning the News which was recklessly clubbing its weekly for 30 cents), neither ofthese papers have attacked the Globe. On Saturday lost at u little after mid-day the Hunt Club drny drawn by four slashing browns drew up in front of the Ontario Veterinary College and a few minutes later a dozen or more of the members of the Hunt[in pink] along with a few of the master's invited guests were comfortably seated for astart at Thornhill. Mr Kohl Bond handled the ribbons, and in a few moments the drag was bowling up Yonge-- street. at a rt-tt'tng pace. At Wilton-avenue a turn was made to the eastward, and pres- ently a halt was made to pick up the Master atthe door of his handsome residence on Jarvis-street. After partaking of the hospitality of the Master and Mrs. Smith, the party were soon on the way again, re - infcrced, 01' course, by the Master, who shared the box with Mr. Bond. It is hard- ly necessary to say that the drive of a dozen miles or more up Yongc~-street was thoroughly enjoyed by the whole party. The party reached 'l'hornhill between two and three o’clock in the best of spirits. Here the horses which had been sent for-- ward in the morning were found awaiting their riders. A Remarkable Recovery. A council of doctors declaied Mrs Ade-- laide O’Brien. Exchange 81.. Bufi‘ulo, iii-- curable. Her liver was badly diam-deer ; she vomited green mucous; could retain no food ; skin yellow and full of human). She wasrhpidly sinking, but Burdock Blood Bitters cured her. Hunt Club Meet at Thornhill Canada. Ranks Low. A Pretty Sight. SIR,-â€"-â€"With your permission, I wish to make a few statements in regard to those Lacrosse Notices to which the Liberal of last week, refers. In that issue, I um accused of “locking the stable door after the horse is stolen," and also of “ wasting the public money" â€"u matter of 25 eighthâ€"sheet Bills. Any person, desirous of seeing, could not but have observed that playing Lacrosse on the public streets during the summer just past was a nuisance. But what can you expect when the merchants of the village, set the example! Is it to be wondered at that the small boys will ; follow suit. ' To the Editor of the Herald. There is no Byâ€"Law to prohibit- this game at the same time anything that is a nuisance can be dealt with by the Council under authority. No person made any complaint to me until windows had been broken, horses frightened, and buggies smashed in consequence of tlie playing on the public streets of the game of Lacrosse. I then brought the matter before the. Council and although the order for printing of the notices, did not appear in the minutes ol'lhe Council, yet it was agreed by all the members present that it should be done. I thought. proper to have the bills printed on the west side of Yonge street, it was but a matter of seventy-five cents, (a very ex- travagant piece of business, certainly ! ) and I hardly supposed that the shoe would have pinched so tight. By inserting the above. you will oblige “Did you ask defendant to pay you '2" inquired his Worship. “I did, sot.” “And what. did he say ?” “He told me to go to the devil, 501'.” "And what did you do then ?” “I came straight here, sor.’, "Ah-~umâ€"defcndant ordered to pay full amount. and costs of the court.” solutely sure. No risk, Capitalnotrequir. ed, Render, if you want business at which either sex. young or old. can make great; pay all the time they work, with absolute cer- minty, write for particulars to H.HLLLE1‘T «00, Portland Maine. $6611 week at home. $5 outfit free. Pay ab- Moved by T F Wallace, seconded by J Mounsey, that we do now adjourn to meet In this Hall. the first Monday in November at 8 o’clock-Carried. Wm. Harnaman put in an appearance at the Police Court- on Saturday last, to prosecute Charles Chamberlin, who had refused to pay him $15.30 due him as wages. Chamberlin neglected to answer the summons, and the case was proceedâ€" ed with in his absence. Richmond Hill, Oct. 7th. Moved by W Farr, seconded by T F Wallace, that in the absence of the Reeve and in the event of the selection ol'jurors being necessary on the 10th of October, Councillor Mounsey be authâ€" orized to act in his stead if it be lawful. â€"~ Carried. RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL. Sadie Palmer Laura Dutson Maggie MoCannghy Norman Schell Maggie Garvin Janet Reid JOHN McCLImE, Clerk. Woodbridge, Oct 6th, 1884. Muved by T. F. Wallace, seconded by W Farr, that the Clerk having writ- ten twice to the Inspector of Licenses, asking the cause of delay in forwarding the portion of Licence Fund due this Municipality and having received no re- ply. he be instructed to write to the Pro- vincial Secretary asking for informs.» tion.â€"Carried. Moved by T E Wallace, sccOuded by J Mounsey, that the Treasurer be inâ€" structed to pay the following acconnts :â€" J D Hardie, lumber, to date, $35.94 ; Keys & Haliett,nnils, $41.36 ; Alex Mc. Intosh, crossing, S3 75; Stephen Ben - nett, cutting weeds, $4.05; A F Campbell, Printing. $4.00; M H Keefler, printing, $4 50. Total, $93.60. â€"Carried. FORM II. DIV l DIV 2 DIV 3 Mary anes D Palmer E Siver C Powell _ M Lemon W Garvin W Bailey L Palmer J Keefler L Lynett E Malloney B McConaghy G Cooper Wib Skeele P Soules G Glover M Lewis M Redditt T M RUTHERFORD, Teacher. Moved by T F Wallace, secondpd by J Mounsey, that in the absence of the Reeve, Mr McKenzie take the chair.- Carried. DIV 1 Dollie Douthwaite Lulu Lemon Menitt Wilson lime McNair Florence Tyrrell Everette Law H Garvin W Glass J \Viley H 8011165 “7. Smelser 14‘ Emprlngbam F Miles D 'l‘ricker H Glover F McConnell N King H Sanderson T Mahoney Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Members présent, Wallace, Mounsey, Farr and McKenzie. The Clerk read the following accounts and presented them before the Council. Council met at. Mechanics’ Institu'e Hy“ according to afijoqrnmcqt: Honor Roll for September, D1V.A I. Woodbndge Council. A I. DIV. A 2. ’almer Aggie Reid Dutson Jessie Conper hinCnnnghy- Jennie Good I Scliell James Wright! Garvin Tillie Trench {eid Flora Powell E .A SPRAGGE, Principal Those Notices. WHAT HE SAID. am F Miles E Hopper H Glover E Reid N King A Glass T Mahoney IAndrews J CRUICKSHANK, Teacher. vaite Maggie Glover Willie Savage 3!] Sarah Ulifioid ErnestRedditt rell I Lillie Clifford M Harrison M “’ILEY, Teacher. FORM IV Div 9. DIV. 3 W Glass E Switzcr FORM III FORM I. J. BROWN, va. 2 If] Ansley R ecve. GOOD Stock farm to rent. See adâ€" vertisement. 1%” PARTIES will confer an obigation by remitting amounts due this ofiice. FLANNELS, Blankets, Winceys, Tweeds, Yams, em, cheaper than ever at The Cheap Cash House. VAUGHANnâ€"vThe Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan will meet. at. tl.e Town Hall,on Tuesday next, 14th inst. JUST OPENED a beautiful line in Ladies' Black & Colored Cashmere Gloves&Hosiery at. The Cheap Cash House. APPLESâ€"Mr. R. E. Law announces in another column that he has a large quantity of fall and winter apples for sale, cheap for cash. PURCHASEDâ€"We understand our Reeve has purchased the property at present under mortgage to the York Township Council. It is a good sign that we will not. lose his services or pres- ence in the village. AT NEWMARKET.â€"Mr John Palmer ofthis village. won the 1st with the bay gelding Little Harry, aged, by Henry Clay, at the Newmarket Fair held on Tuesday and Wednesday last, and Miss Wright won ihe competition for both lady driver and lady rider. l ORILLIA vs. RICHMOND HILL.â€"lt is anticipated that the most exciting Lacrosse match this season will take place between the Orillia Club and the Young Canadians, of this village, on the Aurora Park, Saturday next, 11th inst., for a 325 Silver Cup, presented by the villagers of Aurora. There has been considerable talk and many exertions made to bring these clubs together, to have a square and open contest. all this season, and now that. arrangements have been completed, there will no doubt be a large concourse of people present to see the game. The Young Canadians will put their best team on the “ track,” and we have not the least hesitation in saying, that the cup is doomed to take up its abode in this village. The l2th Battalion Band will furnish music on the occasion. The following players will represent the Richmond Hill team:â€" A Pugsley, W Mager, S S Searle, 0 Savage, W E Wiley, G Derry, W Palmer, T Young, J McUonaghy, C Skeele, B Brown and J Piper. M Wilson, Field Captain- Inhnman Cruelty. IL is a barbaric cruelly to torture the weak stomachs of chronic invallds with harah purgntives and sickening drugs, when Burdock Blood Bitters will regulate the stoumch,-bowels. liver and kidneys in 801 agreeable and efl‘eclual a manner, GETTING IN SIIAPE.â€"Now that the cool autumn days are rapidly approach- ing. the stoveâ€"pipe fever has commenced. and the hunting of dusty pipes that have been stowed away, in the moat awkard places, during the long sum- mer. Skinned fingers and shins, bruised knuckles and blackened visages will be the order of the day. But now the tinâ€" smith and coalâ€"dealer rojoice, as their harvest has arrived. ANOTHER Nobby lot of Men's and Youths’ Tweed Suits at The Cheap Cash House. ABoUT TRUEâ€"Editing a paper now- adays is a nice business. If'we publish jokes people say We are rattlehcaded, it' we omit jokes they Say we are an old fossil, if we publish selections they say we are lazy {or not writing something they have not read in some other paper, if we give a complimentary notice folks say we are prejudiced, if we do not cater to the wishes of the ladies the paper is not fit. to tie up a parcel or make into a bustle, if we stay in our office and attend to our business, we are too proud to mingle with our fellows, if' we go out they say we never attend to our business, if we wear poor clothes folks say busiâ€" ness is bad, if we wear good clothes they say we never paid for them. There's about 9,999,999 people in Canada all knowing more about running a newsj paper than the editor himself. THE GAME LAW.-â€"According to me amendments of the game law of 1880. deer can only be hunted from October 1st to December lst ; partridge, Sept. Adv. J. Buoww, Rtere. METHODIST ANNIVERSARY.â€"The Anniversary dedication in Connection with the Methodist Church in this vilâ€" lage, was held on Monday evening last, and proved very successful. The tea served in the Lecture Room from 5 to 7 30 p m., was excellent, and the ladies seemed to surpass this time any previous efl'mt. made to supply a rich and mag-- nificent spread. After ten the large as» sembly adjourned to the Church, and were highly entertained by profitable and humorous speeches by the celebrated orators, Revs. J E Starr, of Toronto, and W G flowson, of Pickering. The Choir renderedn number of beautiful anthems, and sustained their wellâ€"merit ed reputation as vocalists. The Rev. W R Barker occupied the chair in a most. agreeable manner. Receipts amounted to over $100. 1.5140 January lst,;v w-ild turkey and quail, October 1st to January lst ; woodcuck, August lst to January lst ; snipe, August lst to January 1st; duck. August 15th to January lst ; swan and geese; August 151}: to May 13k; hares, Sep‘embcr lat. to March 1st. A WARNING.â€"â€"A number of boys are in the habit of gathering around the store doors in the village, making use of profane language, spitting tobacco juica, and insulting customers. I mention no names, but Messrs Sneath & Gronnan can give the names to those persons who may feel interested, as they have been much annoyed in this way on several occasions. I am satisfied that some of the fault rests with the parents, and if they do not do their duty, then the authorities must proceed to act. at once. If kind words and gentle means wilLunhTédlgilp the wicked. they must be dealt Wth in a more severe manner. LOCAL ITEMS. h Miss McKay, of Toronto, is at present visiting ere. Sir John Macdonnld left Ottawa on Monday morning last for England vim New York. Miss Cosford, of Aura) a, is at present; visiting here, and is the guest of Mrs Isaac Crosby. Mr and Mrs Wm \Varren, of Aurora, were here this week visiting friends John Brown. Esqi, was one of the Judges at the Sutton, Georgina, Exhibition. Mrs Robt Hopper and daughter. left here on Friday last, to visit relatives in Michigan Mr Switzer and sister, of Streetsville, spent a few days visiting friends and relatives in this village during the Week. Mr J A S Stewart, ex-LIBEBAL proprietor, was in town on Saturday last, looking well. Mr Robt Marsh, of Lorride Farm, was show- ing sheep last week at Hamilton, C(allingwood. and Markhmmund as usual has done well in taking prizes. M. Tcefy. Esq. who is now in Chicago, we are glad to learn. is thoroughly enjoving his t)‘ip,8.nd we have no doubt will come back full of the scenes of his travel. and impart to chose of his friends who have never visited Chicnge,u conâ€" siderable store of knowledge and information. The young ladies of our village have at last recognized the fact. that; this is 1mm year, and have consequently arranged seVeml loads to at- tend the Lacrosse match between Orillia and Richmond Hill at Aurora, on Saturday next. Shake Sgl ladies! and accept congrutulaâ€"- tions. The Rev W G Howsou. of Pickering, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist Church,in thia village on Sunng morning and evening lust. Over mm of a congregation was present in the evening, and the Reva gentleman more than excelled himsalf. He took his text from the 15m Chap of St Luke. the 8th, 0th and 10th Verses JOURNALISM IN MOUNT Former-â€" We are informed that at the late burn- ing of the Advowte office in Mount Forest nothing whatever was savedâ€"even the subscription and other books being;r destroyedâ€"wot} Mr Reid. the late editor and properitor, owing: to his charge as head master in the H igh School. cannot continue publication. Indeed, prior to the fire he had been notified to withde either from one calling or the otherâ€" which, byfltheâ€"bye, supports what the Economist has said regarding a like eon- ditinu of affairs in Shelburne. As yet no one has made any attempt: to resurâ€" rect the Advocate. but our informant tells us that two movements are on foot to give Mount Forest additional pubâ€" licity through the press. The first one spoken of is promulgated by Messrs. Seneca G Ketchum and Claude W Law- ton. The name of the former has by this time become familiar to all readers of newspapers in this part of the province as a spicy local writer, and Claude enâ€" joys a like celebrity. If'the good people of Mount Forest don‘t get their doings chronicled at the present time, they can rest assured that they will when the boys take hold in earnest. The other enterâ€" prise spoken of' is to be conducted by Mr. H H Stovel, founder of the Con- fcdcrate. The village has got over the exciteâ€" mentlhutwas caused by the trial of John McClure vs. Dr Grant. which com mcnced on Monday, 29th of Sept, and lasted till Thursday afternoon, the jury finding a verdict for Plaintiff in $850 and costs. Mr. Fullarron for Plaintiff; Mr. Bethune fur Defiudun’. Georgina and North Gwillimbury, Union, at Suttonâ€" Oct. 9th and mm. Bradford, at Bradfordâ€"Oct 14th and 15th. King at Lloydtownâ€"Oct 16Lh and l7lh. South Simcoe, Essa and Innisfil at Cooks-v townâ€"30th of Sept. and fist of Oct. West Simcoe, at Barrieâ€"7th, 81b and 9th of Oct. West York and Township Vaughan at Woodbridze, Oct. 14th and hub. Mr Abell, our Reeve, arrived safely in England,and had a pieuSuntjnurney. We expect yin] homefiin about three weeks. The Rev C P Ford has returned from his journey, and looks well. He is going to remain here. Inflammatory Group has broken out here among the children. Two of Mr. Samuel Hardies' Children died from it on Sunday in less than two hours. They were playing on the street on Saturday with the children of the vil- lage. Great sympathy is felt for the bereaved parents. Three of their other children, and some of the neighbors’ children have it, but they are recovering under the treatment of three medienl men. Homewnr’s le'mun AND PILLS.â€" Whenever [he weather is vm'inble. and the temperature constantly changing. the wean and delicate must be very curel'nl to neglect n0 symptom of (llSOllll-lf’tl action or ill health Weak-chested nnd sllun‘ons sub-- jvcls will find in those nnlrle wmedies the menus of casting out the had humans Wlll(‘ll urunmte and prolong their Fllm‘rings. The Ointment should be “'Pllnluhlwd Iwicc a day over the Chest and the File [ukvn in nlternlhedosea. It will penf'trutt- and net mnsl whnltsmnely and eneruelie-nllv vn the diseased Sll’llClllles. These renwdivs mnni- fest a wonderful power in removing all tnints fr: m the blood, and c0ns¢=quently in curing a multitude of chmnic ailments which seemed to be almost irremediable. As Mr. Wm Crossing, near Thistleâ€" ton, was returning home from the village with part oi‘a load of lime and nearing the rail-road crossing at the Humber summit, the passenger train from the north came alang, his horses became un- manageable, one of them being :1 colt, and ran across the track in front of the approaching train, the train catching his Wuggon breaking it to pieces, and scattering the lime in all directions, and injuring Mr Crossing very severely. He was carried into Mr G 'l‘opper’s in-- senible. Dr Grant was on his way home from Toronto at the time ofthe accident, and was immediately in utlenduuce. Dr Savage was also sent. for, and under their treatment was soon restored to consciousness, and is recovering very fast. Dr Grant. is attending him. It was a very narrow escape. The horses were not injured. Mr Wm Crossing is a brother to Mr. Joseph Crossing who has built a fine brick house on 8 avenue in our village. and is going.r to live retired The Rev Mr Camclonl of Maple, held prayer moelingin the house of Mr D Elder, last Thursday evening. and perm formed the rite of Baplism. when Mr Samuel McClure presented his son he - fore the audience, calling him Samuel. Come to our Fair Tuesday and Wed‘ nesday. Gallery of' the Hall all floored, and the way the entries are coming in could not do without it. Oct 6111, 1884. Woodbridge J outing s. (From our own Correspondent) Fall Exhibition. Personals. JIM. l It can be given in a cup of entree or tea ' without the knowledge of the person taking‘ it. effecting r speedv and permanent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of I‘drunlmrds have been made temperate men ‘wlm have taken the Gnlden Specific in their tcufi'ee without their knowledge and to-duy believe they quit drinking of their own free ‘will. No harmful effects result. from its ‘, administration Cures guaranteed. Cir-- ) culurs and testnnonmls sent free. Address. . GOLDEN SPECIFIC Co., 185 Rice Street, [Cincinnati, 0. l ly Drunkenness, or the Lipuor Habit can he Cured by administering Dr. Haines‘ Golden Specific. MARSH.â€"At Elder Lodge, Yonge Street, on the 29th Sept. the wife of Mr. John Marsh, of a. son. We have a fine Assortment of Hosiery, I Gloves, Silk Ties, Laces, Embronderâ€" ies, Corsets, Hoopskirts, Parasols, &c.,&c. We have a good Assort- Ge e m e n : ment ofReady-made Cloth‘ ing, H ats, Silk 'l‘ies, Gloves, Braces, Silk Hankerchiefs, Col‘ lars, Fine White and Regatta Shirts, 8m. COME ONE. COME ALL. SNEATH & GRENNAN. RICHMOND HILL. Apples for Sale ! Away Down Prices, THE CHEAP CASHHOUSE A Uuantfly of Excellent Huii. The undersigned has for sale a huge quantity of Full and Winter Apples, which will be sold very cheap for cash. An inspection of the fruit invited. R. E. LAW. Richmond Hill, Oct. Sth,188L HURRAH FOR OUR S U E R G O O D S NEE ! WSCRIBE AT J- Weekly Mail 1 “Our Joshun as n Repnrter” is a new book by the nuthm of “Brother .Tmiutlmn Sketches.” It is u hmnonmus de'cl‘iption of the triuls and troubles inherent. to u. newspaper ofllce, and follows (helierofmm the time he enters as a. unvico until he hucumes LL full tiexlgnd reporter. Many of 11);: incidenis are intensely amusing, and 1110 Work is evidently written by one who is thorvughly acquainted with the prunticnl details cfn newspaper office. Address, HERMAN H. PITTS, Fredericton, N‘ B. Evening Mail ! THE DAILY MAIL! W Leave your orders for any of the above papers, at the HERALD Office] will) the cash. and they wil! be forward- ed to your address 2 CEITS will get vou n. cmwy of “Our J’oflnm‘ '- us a Reporter,” and the person who discov- ‘ 21's the lnl‘p'st number of fly pagmvhicul errors I in the first three chapters and will forward the I list, to the undarsizgnou her re lsb Oct. will re» , ceive nu OIL PAINTING‘ I , 22 x 36 in , Sin gilt frame, mm the two who find the next largest number will onch receive OIL PAINTINGS size 18 x 24in. heavily framed. The bank is just whut eva v one having um’thing to do wichnewstmper work should have. The Scottish American Journâ€" al, New York, says of it 2â€"â€" 7 _ 1 TU PRINTERS, BEFORTEHS, 8n: BALANEE 01' THIS YEAR FREE, Is the place to get all your wants supplied for the coming Summer at Silent Eghlvcrtimumm. THE MARKETS TORON’1‘()r For one year, (12 months), for 552.50 Thebest preparation known to science for bedutifyihg thé CUMPLEXION THURSDAY, OCT. 9, 1884. muons A’I‘ mmmmu' wweoxs New subscribers for 1885 for the ' for :37 For One Xeur BIRTH. For only.$1 Will get the THE 00 5 O ""1311'1‘014‘lsoéb‘ifi's. Sent to any address. Postage stamps taken. Address allletters to CREME D’ 08, Drawer 2,678, Toronto P.0. Ask your druggist for it. \Vholcsalc by all whole- sale druggisls. W ‘ 7 I_I_'_._.A. CREME. 130R, ONE SINGLE APPLICATION is warranted to Bemnify the. Face and give wthe Fadulor Sallr'w Com- plexion a, Perfectly Healthy. Natural, and Youlhiul Appearance. It Conccals \Vrinklus. Freckles.Crmv's Feet. and the Evidence of Age, leaving the Skin Soft, Slxxtyofih. and “'him. {)0 1‘2 25 0 60 0 25 12 GLEN GHEAM’ it'l- 14 00 9 00 00 Farm to Rent. A Stock Farm to Rent. 60 ac‘res éieared ;' nésr' Mount Albert. Apply to DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF: Richmond Hill, Oct. 8th, 1884. imw‘ JUDICIAL NQTIC’E TO THE CREDITORS OF John Beaten, Deceased. Pursuant to ajudgment of tho Chancery Di.- viaion of me High Court of Justine made in re. Benthn, Drummoml v. Benton, the crealtm‘s of John Benton, late of the Township of Vaughan in the County of York. Farmer, who died in or abeut the month of Marin, 1884, are, on or before ’0 e 29th Day ofOot., 1884:, To send, by post, prepaid, to Messrsflitsgerald and Beck, Solicitors, 46 Church Street, Toronto, their Christian and Surnames. addressee. and description, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them ; or in default thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said judgment. Evrry creditor holding anv security is to pro- duce the same before the Master in Ordinary of the Supreme Court, at his Chambers. in Osgoode Hall, in the City of Toronto, on the 7th day of November. 1884, at eleven o'clock fore noon, being the time appointed for adjudication on the claims. Dated the 23rd day of Sept” [884. From the noted flock of Southdown Sheep offlhe undersigned, 2U Brt‘eding Efvss, 17 Shetu‘« ling Bums, and 12 1mm Lambs Richmond Hill, Sept 8th, 1884‘ The above are worthy the attention of Sheep Breeders, as they are all Pure Brad from 1m“ ported Stock. 7R. MARSH, Proprietor. APPLES. APPLES. FOR SALE 1 CHARLES DONALD 81 CO., 79, Queen Street, London, E. 0., Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Merchants and Shippers, wnh a View to Autumn and Spring Business. They will also give the usual facili a ties to customers requiring mivances. London, July Blst. 1884.â€"â€"9- m DAVID BLAIN, E‘JQ., President; _ SAMUEL TREES, ESQ., Vice~PreEideflh DIR BJC'l‘ORS . K. CHISHOLM, M. P. P. H, P. DWIGHT, Esq, I). M. MCDONALD, Esq, C B.ROBIN§()N, xsq. A MCLEAN HOWARD, Esq. J. GINTY, ESQ. HALL, FULLERTON & COOK Toronto. May 29th, 1884. NOTARY PUBLIC, &C, ) 18 King Street East, Toronto. W M Hall. J S Fullerton W Cook; PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. RICHMOND HILL SAVIN 31’s DEPARTMENT Deposits received and interest allowed thereon at current rates. N0 notice of withdrawn] re-v quired Dmfts on n11 1mm of Canada, United States and Great Britain bought and sold, J. M. LAWRENCE, MANAGER Richmond Hill, Am‘il 9th, ISS-L RICH 'M 0ND }{II'.L‘. MONEY T0 LOAN 0N FARM SECURITY. CENTRAL BANK 0F CANADA. MARRIAGE gm Sikflmtimmum. Richmond Hill, April 8rd, 1881 M. TEEFY, Barristers, Solicitors, 6:0. omces NEIL McLEAN, â€"AND ISSUER 0Fâ€" Chief Clerk Master's Omcfi. LICENSES. A. A. ALLEN, Cashier. APPLES. lyâ€"psm

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