Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 16 Oct 1884, p. 3

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UPRIGH‘E‘ NEW AN D FRESH GRQCERIES Mnfians. B. H. WILLIAMS 8; Sox’s. TmmNTh A u" . . . . 1] 12b ,1 1, I . GENTLEMENil have much plensure 111 testlfymg to the great emu-Hence nf tclur I’iulfiys 881 huvu put them Severely to the'tgst, and find them )ms essed of thuso quulitius of tofu) and toucfi so [LC-- ceptnble to the 1mm mum-1:131 and lover of dam musicâ€"n shunning singing: tone easilv rmdu- nted from the most dolicutu pianisnimo to every «lcgwc 0f loudnbsw nud ful " ‘ ‘ > V ., new and u. LOU 'h ' answers rqquly to e} \' shade of foulmg‘ ’ b “blah The @R’E‘Efifia , Hmzse AN INSPECTION OF STOCK: ANI) PRICES I consider these insfi’mnents a grenflhqquisitinn in mu 1le society, and am much pleased at finding a. piuno which I can recommend \‘Uth perfect confidence. MESSRS R.S.W11,LIAMS & Soxsâ€" I 'j‘ouoxru N0v.4th, 1832. Gr:N'I‘S-â€"-â€"H mung thpyonghly exmmned the VVorkm tmship of your Pinnos, I have no hesitation in stating th mm 'opnuun, they are equal to those of any ntln 1'3 01' t he in st, Makers that 1 lmvc seen N0 1' rice List of Rubbish Published to Catch the Unwnry. “.4 u“... Juno \JUDU "refit glad to hear that. the extenxive sule‘of your ifistruménté s " 'K W' ' A ' ' success than _ k You juzfly deserve. , how: that. 3 011 are mu,ng \v1Lh the I um, Gentlemen. Your Obediont Scrvm: t, V , M . . ,, A _ ,M _r r w. I ‘ “Hugger,” I can only speak m Lln; sumo lugu terms regarding; thmr musuml quuhuns . 1011,1191) fine full sing- ing capability of tone, pleasant touch, 4&0, hl’tj5110h, that there seems to be no nocessfly to purchase foreign instruments, when our hum (’111381‘JH'ISG ( m produce such Pianos, xuxd :Lh ouewhird less cost .,,_x,;- _.,,I ». . . H. .n_._; n__ . {ORGANSI. We make a, special style of Uranus in large quqntitios. and um thvrefm‘e uble to (AIM them at ox- cepi-ionnlly low rates. Payments emungod to sun, thu ewnmnmncn of purchasers and spreud over 3, term of years. For full particulars write to "V . q _ _ fl. :3. W ILLIAMS. P43 Yonae St. TGPontc. OR 226 Dundas St. London Are constructed from the very best Materials by experienced Wm-kmen, and are fully eqqu in paint of Richmond Hill, August 2621), 189-1- www v V , _ “Mum” Goods 0f the Beat Quality I an], Gentlemen, yours v‘ery truly, G005) VALUE E9603 YOUR WSPMEY. Provisions. Hour K: Ferd. Bouts & Shoes in endless vurilies at discuuut. Fruit of Hwy desm-imion. Sugars, Coffees, Soups, and all kinda of vaim 'IS CALL AWE}? 'E‘EE ifi'a‘flfifii. . “'7'” , "T “35“ Jag m L. Butter and Eggs taken at the Highest Market Prices in exchange for goods. Opened This erel: Vfith Full Lines of When ’01) Wet our Goods Fwsh and Chem” D V . . l putrmmge. .Suusfamwn uré: LN TQM" E, TOUCEH 6&5 DURABELE'X‘Y E ‘_\_ Only kept on hand. The public are invited to GREAT? FOR CASH. TESTIMON14£L$§a To the high priced Amelican Instruments. Splendid Assortment of â€"â€"A'l‘ T HE PIANOS I $196.», Ar» ‘h and (thup. I Sum-it n share 01' public Smisf'amiun (Emu-unwed. ESAAG CRflSBY. CHAS \V.EVVING, (Of London, Englundfi Organist of St Peter’s Church. Coburg, 0n 'I‘OIumx‘QtNov. 4th, 1832. unfimflflmw GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc, 0 [ml cent was, Juhn Arvhmu HnI'lhIH. nenr Sheffield :â€" [can Crulfirlvany wenmmmui it 10 MI who nwybc summing: from liver or stomach vunwhxints, having the tvslinmny of mv cualmnws. “In: haw derived greul. benefit from the Syrup and Pills. The sale is in- crousing wanderthk :Jlnmny. and has evil furnhoding There is. a uivhlincss. a 50:! of whirling sensalinn in lhu head when rising up SI-(ldenly. The lmwels brig-amp COSHVF: the skin i4 dry and hhl a! llmF‘S ; ll’l(:‘ blood hocnnws lhick and 'lugnunl: the Wth‘S of the eyes hvcnme tiny-(l nilll \‘Pllmv. the urine is scanty and high-(mlnuwd. (lepnmling a sedimmlt after muldinrj. There is frequenlly a spilling up nl llm lbnd‘ snmelimes Will] a sum taste. and S')!IIGllII’l€S with n sweelish las'e; this is frrqnenlly nthndvd will} palpitalirm n.‘ the hunt ; the vision becmnés irnps‘ired Will) spots harem the eyes; there is a feeling: of gum! prnslx‘zllion and weakness. All of these symptoms are in turn present. It is Ihnughl lhnr neme one-mild (If our p0pu-- lulinn has Ihe dIFE‘ilse in snme of its varied forms. It has been found Ilmt. medical men have mistaken the Imlure of this din-- (3:130. Snmc have lrehled i! for a liver complaint. nlhers‘ For kidney disease. etc , Mn. lniztv;01‘n()flliu various kinds oflreatu IIH'lllJH'V'O 061‘" YEW e such as 10 net lmxmuninuxly upon éncll one of Ihese Organs. and upon the smmswh as well ; far in 1)_\'sn9psm(fnr this Is rvnlly wlm! the Alisvute is) all Hf [In-so. m‘gnns pmmke nl' Ilns dim-asp :md r-qmre a Iemtdy that will :n-t upon ail m the same lime. Seigel’s (‘umlim Syrup acts like a charm in llnis «lass of Complaints, giving ulmnst lmmedi» um Ivlivf. The l'uliomug lullers from chem- isls ol'mnnn‘lir'g in the cnmmunilJ' “hem [hev liw. Show 1n “lint esiimnllou the hrlit-ie is llr'lll. TEN-muse Ilm I'Mnedy slmu ( Goof-A Webb. 14] Yolk Streel, Belfast: ~I lmve soldu large quantity, and the pmle have testified to its bumg what you repress-“L it. J S MHCalf‘e. 55 Higllgnte. Kendal.‘l have ulwnys areal pleasure in reenmnwndn in! Ihe Curnlive Syrup. for I have never known u CHE“ in which it has nut relieved or cured. and l have sold many grazier lfinhL G Gould. 27 High Street. Andover ~-I hnvn always taken a great. interest in ynul'mvdrcines and l have recommended Ihvm. us I have funnd numerous casus of envy from their use. 'l‘iu-mus Chapman. Wost AncHnne.-â€"I find t'nm Ihe Irurie smadily increases. I well more of ycur medicines than any other N Darrnll. Chm, Snlop.~1\ll who buy it are plmsed, Hml recomnwnd it. J'rs llallmill, A 1’ S, Kingsbridge.â€"’J‘he public seem tn appreciate llxeir great value A Al'msl‘ead, Market Slreet. Dalton-in Fuxness.â€"lt is needless for me lo snv that yum valuable medicinps have grant sale in Ihis dislrict~greatrr than any other] know 01". giving grout smisfaclmn. I’mbt Lnine. Mellcshnm.â€"I can well 113-5 cmnmend llm Curalive Syrup from having pmde its sfllcncv for i‘ndiuestion myself. n . , . . . . . w A Frinnlibeim, Arhmath. Forfiu‘shire, Sept 23, 1882 Dear Sinâ€"Lus‘l year I SPHL you a letler recommending Mather Seigel’s Syrup. [ have very much pleafsure in still bearing H'sllmhny In the very salisfavtory rpsults of the famed Syrup and Pills. Most parent mm‘licines die out with me,- but Mother Feigel has had a steady sale ever since I commenced. and is still in as great demand as when I first began to sell the mHlicluo. The cures which have come unrlm- my notice an! chiefly 111056 of liver Complaint and general debility. Lilce a thief at night it steals in upon us unnwurcs. Many pelsons have pains about the chest and sides. and sometimes in the back. They feel dull and sleepy ; the mouth has a bad taste. especially in the morning. A sort of sticlcy slime collects nlwut the teeth. The appetite is poor. 'l'hore is n feeling like R heavy load on the stomach : someting n faint all-gone senâ€" satin” at the pit of the smmach which food duos not satisfy. The evvs urn sunken. the lmmls and feet br-cmne culrl and lovl clammy After a whiln a cough sets if: at first. dry, but tlllel‘ a few months it is intended will) a unwnish onlmn-ml expvctm'utiun. The aliiict‘ Ml (me {vols tired all the while, and sleep (lacs nnl swam to ull‘nrd any rest. After 11 Iim" he hvcnmes nervous. irritable. and A certain minister in my neighborhood snrs it is the only thing which has henefil-- pd him and l’eslm't-d him to his normal con- dition nfhenllh after beingy unable to preach for a considerable length of time. I could mention also a giant mm-y Olller cases. but space would not allow. A near friend of mine, who is vPry much mldimed 10 cos-- livmwss. nr cnnslipuliun, finds that Mother Seigr l’s Pills are the only pills which suil his complaint. All other Pills cause a. re - aclion which is Very annoying. Mother Seigel’s l’ills do not leave a bad “filer-- effect. I have much pleasure in commend- ing: aunin lo sufi'ering humanity Mother Seignl‘s nieniicmes. which are no sham. If this letter is of any service you can publish it. pos tags, and we will mail you Free, {I royal, valuable -boz of sample goods that will put you in the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought pnssibln at. nnv business. Capital not required. We will start you. You can Wnl‘k all the time or in spare time only. The work is universally adnpted to both sexes, young and old. You can easily can) lrom 50 cents to $5 every evening. Thut all who want; “ork may test; the business, We nmko this unparalleled offer : to all who are not well Rntisficd we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writin,-; .9. Full particulars, directions eta, sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work. Great success absolutely sure. Don’t delay Start now Address STINSON & Co, Portland Maine. GU '- flfor the working class. Send io cents for What is This D1sease That is Comlng Upon Us ? lei A J While, Esq. 15!!) August, 1883. Dear Sinâ€"I write to tell you that Mr Hemy Hillier, onnlesbury. Wills, informs me that he suffered from a severe form of indigestion for upwards of four years. and. took no end of doctor’s medicine without, the slightest benefit. and declares Molher St'igzei'fi Syrup which he got from me has saved his life. The workmen all being away at dinner, nobody but one man was injured and he escaped with a slight cut from a piece of stone. The shock was very severe and was felt all over the city. Numerous Windows of the houses in the vicinity of the explosion were badly shattered. Destroyed by Dynamite Quebec. Oct 11~â€"Ab0ut 12 30 toâ€" day an explosion occurred at. the new Parliament Buildings, destroying a con- Sidci'étiliti portion of the masonry and windws of the new buildings which are just being roofed in. The explosion Was ‘ at. first, supposed tn have been the boiler of tilt-3 (‘ngine used for hoisting material. but this pruva not to be the case, neither can it be attributed to the gas. The general impression appears to be that the explosion was caused by dynaw mitc, but is none of Lhifi ingredient was used on the works the mystery is as to how it came there. An investigation is now being held. {the Quebec Parliament Buildings i i i (Signed; N Webb Che ‘t, ‘ Mr Whhe' , mxs Lulue Your} very truly Signea) Wiri 8 Glass, Chemist. Y‘all rs 1m] y . I'yshmu e such as 10 upon énch one of 111999. Hm smmswh as well ; fur Ihis m rvnlly wlm! the of every month, held in the Council Chamber, at 7 p. m. Membership tree. Ceruiflcates issued 15!!) August, 1883_ to {hembergentibling thglm t_o certuig priyilagg l 8 Glass, Chemist J FIFE BRIGADE.~RqulM meeting; first Friday ) Four Baby I mmigrants. Four little girls, who had crossed the ocean unattended and with no one to look after them except some of the kind hearted women in the steerage, were landed at Castle Garden with other pas- sengers on the National line France. The babies were sistersâ€"Gracie, Josie, Lena and Nellie McRostia. The young-,, est was only three years of age and the eldest eight. Their motlmr diudra war we. and IhCV came out alone to meet TITeTrâ€"fiwhmjâ€"wt-m-fivts in bruuklyu. Useful To Know. Everyone should kmw th:.t Harm‘d’a YPHOW U11 will uive prompt relief: npptc‘d elxlex'nn’ly “i” stop {my finin ; Mud tnkPn inlm'nnlly vurvs colds, uslhmu. croup. sore throw and most inflummmory complaints. " BnowN's Hon-gm“) PANACEA " has no equal for relieving yam. both internal and external It cures Pain m the Side, Buck or- Bmvels, Sore Throat. Rheumatism, toothuche, Llunbngo and any kind of a Pain or Ache. “ It will most surer quicken the Blond nndenl, as its acting vows-Iris wonderful" “ Brown’s HouseholdPanacea," bevâ€" in},l uskum‘vlcdged am the great; Pain Reliever, and of double the strength of ,(my other Elixir or Llniment in the worlzl,shnu1dbe in every family hundv for use when wanted, ” us 1L really is the qest romedy in the world for Crmn H in the qtomuch, and Pains and Aches of 1.111 kmds." and la for sale bv all Druggisbs at 2'6 dents 1!. bottle A Good Test. For over sixlovu yeaus G M Everest. of I’mesl, has sold Hngymd's Peclnrul Ball" sum, and ils snlos me simdfly increasing. [I cmes coughs, colds and all lung com» plaints ; is pleuamsl \0 take and always rev- liuhhz. I‘ Send 31x cunts for postage, mm m- Ltcive free, a cosclv box of goods which | will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world. _All, of either sex. succeed from first hour The broad road to fortune opens before the work- era, aboolutely sure, At once address, TRUE & Co, Agusta. Mnin’e. Ara you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain or czitiing teeth ‘2 If so, fluid at once and get a bottle of MRS \VmsLow's SonTmNG SY imp FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is incnlcul- able It will relieve the poor little sufinrer imâ€"- modiutoly Depend upon it, nmthers, there is no mistake about it. It cums-xiysontvry and dinr~ rlimn, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wian colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammaâ€" tion. and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mns \VINSLOW’S SOUTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING isplensunt to the astound in the prescription of one of the "Most and best fomule nurses and physicians in the United States. and is for sale by all driigzgistn through-- out the world. Price 26 cents a bottle. _ A Good Record. Amongthe many lhousnmlf bottles of Hngyard's Yellow Oil sold annually in Canada not one has eve-r lulled to give smisl'nclinn. ll cums rheumatism, colds and all painful ennmpluints and injuries- PIcERBYTEILIANâ€"Servicefl at 11 a. 113.. am“; ’30 p m Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7 30 Rev James Dick, pastor ROMAN CATHOLICWSM'YiceS : Thornhill mt‘) am and Richmond Hill at 10 30 n m ; the following Sunday at Richmond Hill at 9 am, and Thornhill at 10 30 u 111, Rev Father Egan, Pastor. ST MARY‘S (EPIschALJâ€"Services at 3 pm. ex- cept the third Sunday of every month. when the seryice and sacrament are held at 1111111 Sunday School at 10 n 111 Rev W Bates, Rector M A HomsTâ€"Snrvices M1030 a 1n, and 6.301) m Sunday School at 2 30 p m Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 300 p m. Rev. W R Barker, Past-01'. Rev W B Bobth‘, Asiaistunt. VWe stale flwsé fuels, dnn'ved from com-- patent sources, as matters of general in.- IeresLâ€"Allas. RICHMOND LODGE, A. F & A )L No 23, G R Câ€" Meets in the Lodge Foam, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full 1110011. at 8 o’clock, pm A. J. Rupert, W M ; H. A. Nicholls, Sec. “MY dear Sir, it t'eallv tttl'nt'ds me pleasure to attend you‘ycu dCSCTL‘C to be ill.” The remedial system ol' llnllnwny, With whose fume all the world is ringing, is in lthul‘l- tut contrast with this wholesale indiscriâ€" lminntiugz use of the muteriu medics. It lcomprelicnds only two preparations. but. 'they would seem to include the antidotes for nearly all maladies. As a case in point ]for- we cannot discuss so vast a subject in a couple of paragraphs]. we mav instance the extraordinary success of Hotmownls t PILLS in disorders of the Liver and Stomnch These complaints, we are informed ‘hy medical men. have greatly extended their I'ravages of late years. and assumed a more ;mulj;znant form. Be that as it may. there can be no doubt that. such disorders pre- vxil in erery section of the country at this sense", and that they baffle the skill of our 1 most eminent medical men. One of their l worst features is that they pnmlze industry tof the busiest seasons of the year, and if not tutu] in themselves, lay the foundation of" many dangerous disorders. A remedy. therefore, that will at ones break the chills and restore the euergv of the patient. and t correct the liver and stomach. must be of iuappreciahle value in our agricultural dis-- tricts. Friends upon whom we Can rely. I and who have had full opportunities to form a correct judgment, inform us, that Holloways Pills are a positive specific for such complaints. They. have been tried in the rice fields and cotton plantations of the South. in the valleys ofthe Ohio and the Mississippi, on the unhealthy banks Ant" the Red River, on the Western prairies. audramong the cnnehmkes and swamps of Louisiana and Texas. with the same happy results; and multitudes who have heretoâ€" fore trustcd to dangerous curatives, and found them of little or no use, now rely eutirelv upon this powerful yet harmless vegetable t‘etnedv. I ,0 G T.~â€"This Lodge meets in the Temperance Hull every \Veencsduy evening at 8 o'clock p m. J H Sanderson, W C. A. 0. U. \V,, IVY LODGE, Nu. Iiiâ€"Divers in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hall, every second and fourth Tuesdrw of each‘ month, at 8 o‘clock, p. In: Beneficmy certificate‘ given for $100011] case of death. J. A. E. Switzer, Muster \Vorkmnn, R. E. Law, Secretary. R. T. OF TDMPERANCE.--Richmond HiXI Coun- cil, No. 43, meets in tho Tenmermhca Hrull. each ultel'nutiVe Tuesday evening at 8 o‘clock p. m. Beneficiary certificntes issued to members for $1,0‘I0 or in case of r1eut11$2,000, one half payable in case of disability. J. H. Sanderson. Sélect Councillor. and exemptions. JUH Sundérvsbfiréafiiamififii A. Nichons, Secretary. VILLAGE Co'tmcin â€" Reeve, J Brown ;' Coun- cillors, I Crosby, H F Hopper, A Moodie, R E Law. Clerk, M Teofy MECHANICS INSTITUTE.»Librnry of over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o’clock.- Wm.Pugsâ€" 19y, President. '1‘, F. McMahon, sec. R E Law. Librarian. RICHMOND H ILL Cnmewr Ruinâ€"Meets for prac- tice in the Temuora‘nce Hull every Tuesday oven mg a; TfiUUVLLCCk. L1. Savage, LGMIGL D‘. Mnkx‘tn‘ 2 Flow!) physician, is Said to Law inner; so fat C (it’du:gging the sick that when one of In»; pntiPnla had swallowed a dose or two of his prescriptions without, winning, he seizeri the pum' victim's hunt]. in an ecsiacy of min v'wn'mu, ext-hinting, Facts That Should Bé Known. no". And Comfort To The Sufi‘erlng‘ 3&3 3111131533 @irmmxy ADVICE T0 MOTHERS AN OPINXON AND ITS BASIS. CIJUI-{CPIES SOCIETIES '3 ELEN‘WWTE Western. Canada N. 13,â€"We have changed the name of our Mill and wish it to be known as the Korth End Woolhn Fucffl‘y from this date. Oflicesâ€"No 70, Church-street, - Toronto Hm: G120 W ALLAN, Senntorfxesident Gnome]; (40091211me Vice-President DIR);<:TORR~â€"Samue1 Flatt, M 1“, Alfred Gander- lmm, Geo W Lewis, Thus H Lee, Hon 1) L Mucpherson, Sbnutor Capital, $1,000,000; Total Assets, $3,500,000 SAVINGS BANK Money received on deposit, and interest payable hulf 3131191; or compounded. TO B E FE ERS§THCL A See our rcduced loan table For further infer matiou apply at the offices of the Company Am! (rust that the wool growers of the sur-- rounding country will give us a. liberal support. \Ve mnnufucture every kind qf woollen goods usually made in 17. custom mill, and are working to (-stulllirsh u business with the furnmra, and (1 ~ terminal to do so if fair dealing will accmmflis it. Rolls Carded. Cloth Lressed, Spinning done, Cloths, Tweeds, Shirt-inns, Blankets, Yams, «$0., nmuufuutured, and all warranted Where you may have your wan] manufactured iuiba purity into any style of goods you may The undersigned iiflVe purchased frum Messrs Keys KI Huliett the above mentioned mill, with the intention of establishing a pcrmament bus]:- BESS nvnnv’ 'r'atmsfzn', At his printing Ofline, Yonge Stream Richmond Hill, outario. _ Terms of‘ Subseriptmn zâ€"asl _l)0 per mmnm in advance, ,When not paid in advance $1 50 will be charge . ‘ ' Tmnsitory grdvertiscments, firést insei’tion’, _ desire- IN WOODBRIDGE. pérline ................... ...... .' Scents. Each subsequent insertion, per line, . 3cents. Contmcts for time and space made on uppliwi tion. W Advertisements without Written instrugtion‘s will be inserted ufitil forbid and charged tranéi» em rates; M. H. KEEFLER, @052 WOOL RIGHMOND NUBTH END WUUUEN FACTORY VETEEHZEE fllfl PERLHES C. P- LENNOX, DENTIST The only Dentist in Toronto" ilsin'g Huids 542-- parutu's for Exttacting Teeth Without Pain ._ Sanderson & 80118 BEST sms 0F TEETH $8, PILLINGS WA BRANTBI! rm: Ill Y's CALL AND SEE ML; '1' cronto Feb. 10th 1583 Woodbridgo, Juno ht. 1884 PM) THE PEOPLE’S. STORETEE'WETAR Farmers we respectfully solicit your patron-I age at the GroCeries. Flour <32: Feed at Bottom Prices. Best Material in the Market. Filling and all othoropnmtious neatly 616116 My Gold PRICE OF WOOL IS LOW GIVE US A TRIAL! HEW SEGCK @E‘ .FEFREEETURE The York Herald. Loan and Savings Company 151 Yonge St.,- Toronto. WALTER TS LEE, QJ'BTEUEKEEB «fl; Picture Frames ALL SHLES. Call and examine Prices. A full slo’ck of Paints, 0115' and Péinter’s Material BRANCH. Wax-ranted to be made from the TORONTO MONEY T0 LOAN. Dy‘mcuns' of Vitulized Air. CHEMISTS 86 DRUGGâ€"ISTS, Now While the PUBLISHED BY At Lmvest Prices. > Winan Glass, all :1 A Large Reserve Fund, $450,000 Stock of Wall Paper which will be sold at COST. m3-13t Manager Is on hand with n Wage . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . do Kleinhurg .‘ ...... do Noblcton ...... anpoin monk. It. does away with the pain in exit acting THE YORK HERALD ONLY $1. Thankful for the Tamra of the 1 n‘ ay still be consulted in any branch fermion, us; follows: Richmond Hm .......... ~ 9th & 24th of a (2m Palmer mm Aur) 81:12, 16611, and 22nd THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. This House in one of the Best: Hotels to bo found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. ,Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Gaod Stubling and uttcutive hostlern. Téfms, $1 yet (my Pro‘cmr’ls Bus eaves this Hotel Go‘n‘nect With all the N R R mih‘a going North and South. at 8 a. 11.1., 12 a. m.‘ 5.10 p m. and 7.30 n m. . 35‘ Palmer. Pr This Hotel has been refumishcd, fcnovuted, and fitted up in first~class style, and in mm the leading Hotel north of Toronto. The bar i: snp~ lied wish first-class: brand of liquors and cigm‘s. ‘ xcellent accommodation for Commercial Travellersmnd the General Publch Good Stabl- ing and an attentin Homlcr. » $515M] fififil‘i‘éfifllg ETEI. RICHMOND HILLv JOHN POWELL; Prop DEN'I‘IST, NEWTONBROOK, ONT. “’fll visit the follb\\'iu§;pluce§ professionally .â€"â€" Unionville,. lst Monday of each month. Weston. .ch and 2151‘, do Maple, ...... Tmh do Richmond Hill‘ 19:11 do X‘v’oodbridgam 22nd do Mr Husband wfllhe found in his office, at Newtonbrook, every ‘Satur‘duy, ekccpt when Satur- day falls on the above date.- Arfiifical Teethupper m- 11nder,$5.00. Pavin- lesa extracting by use of Etherized Air. The only firm in, the Dominion executing firstâ€"class w rk at the above price. Fgrgysoh. Baln, Gordion 8L7 Shipléy, Bufi‘istets, Attorneys-atâ€"Law, Solicithrsâ€"i‘n; Chancery. Convevnnuers, etc, Officesâ€"lumerml Bunk Buildings. Wellington-streqt, Toronto HOMASVFERGUSON, QC. JOHN BAIN WM SETON GORDON, GEO F SHIPLEY RIGG-S (Sc IVORY, SURGEON DENTISTS, 208 Queen St. West, Toronto G. H. HUSBANI), L- D. S VH'E‘ALEZEE} A ER ! I V GENERAL AND V FINANCIAL AGENCY DRAI'N'TiLEfoFmTHE MBEST QUALITY AT Farm & Other Property, Hotels, Taverns and Business. Gaodwills Bought and Sold ! For Munufaomi'ing and other purposes. 8 o'ck and Shem: Brokers, etc, etc. Toronto Jan 9th 1383 Newtonbrook, June 13th, 1883‘ FREEBEAN’S WORM POWDERS.‘ Ara plenamt to take. Contain their own Burgntlvé. Is a. safe, Euro, and elfectusl flésmyer of worms in Children or Adults; SYNDICATES FORMED MORTGAGES OBTAINED irjmm @mflfi. Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON nmwms'r,~ AURORA izes and cut to order, Pateanights disposed of ; P. 0. Box 2527. K’. G. SAVAGE} E353. J. I. EVANS & co, THOS NIGHTINGALE’S, 5mm, “flsgal. Laadsr Lane oncvnw. 24 th of each month 2211:! do M}: do 215:; do .231 k1 ‘10 H‘o ‘ pugt” years Yorkvile thg plaqcs pf Hy of this prd Ops M‘ (L I’. 3: 8., Out, Twe Years Resident. Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Ho’spitab Office and Itesidmmqâ€"One door south of P. 0; OFFICE HOVRS 78 to 10 a m, «£7 12220 2 p m Thomhlu Feb 14th, 135:. E353. WV; 3. WHLSONS» LIEDALIST' TORONTO UNIVERSITY.‘ Member College of Physicians & Sui-fecal; (m'm or MUUI‘FVILLE.) OFFICE HOLTLLS; ~Fr01u P: to 10 u. 111., 5 L0 8 p. m R‘LSHHENCI: Yonge Street, Richmond Hlll.‘ Richmond H111, Oct. 12th, ’82. n Money {0 L“an on improved farms. M; 31)” cent“ Appr to J. R. ARNOLD} THORNHILL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto University; Money '20 Loan» June 181b,1884. Worth their “Height. in Gold ! 5 Members College Physicians <95 Surgeons. Residence, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill; Richmond Hi1}, May 23rd, 1582. 15* This Incompa 'able Medicine'hus secur- ed for itself an inmcx'ishable fame throughout the TWork! for the alleviation and (zinc 01' most. diseases to which humanity is heir. urify, mandate and improyo the quality of 17116 mood. They assist the digestive organs, cleanso increase the secretory powers of the Livenbmca the nervous system, um} throw into the cireulaé tion the mro t Elamonts for sustaining and repairing the frame. Pills £1 @iniment DR LEWIS G, LANGSTAFF 1 R. B. Orr,M. B. and First Silver Medalist, University of Toronto, M. (I. P. S. Ontario. L B A L, Engmnd (Lake or Loudoh, England; Sgrgeggx, I‘ c. IS'Ofiide Hours 8 to 9.30 mum, and 1 ho 2.30 p.111, Thousands of persons have testified that by their use alone they haue been rrESmred to health and strength, after every other means had proved unsuccessful. BEL JAMES LANGSTAFFé and sold at 15. 1,361.,23. 9.1., .45. 6d,, 113.. 22, and 339' each Box and Pot, and in Canada. at 36 cents}- Queents, and $1.50 cents; amd the larger sizes iii Dronortion. (ff;- CAUTION-1 have no Acrent in that United Slates, nor are my Medicfnés sold there. l’urchasm-s shuuld therefore Iook‘ to the lake! on the Pm and Bakes. I Ifth address is no: 533. Oxford Street, London: lh'r‘v arr! spurinns, Will bu found invaluable in‘ 'ove‘ry Ho'usehojd hi the cu_re of Open Sores, Hard Tumours, Manufacfured only at Profess or Hollow-av’s Estabhshme‘nf 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON Coughs, Sore Thtuuts, Btonchitismnd nu diam-d era of the Throat and Chest, 35 also Gout, Bheul mutiém; Scrofula’. and other kind of skin disease: BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS, CULDS. The Tmflc Marks of my mid Mndicinefs nre‘ gislm‘ed m Ottawa, and ulsn mt \V’mhington E.A.W. Of London, England, ' Sir T-Vm McArthm‘, K. (I M G, M.. P, u:-Lord Mayor of London,- President. W VJ Bayncs,Esq.F I A’swro’tary Rflserve Fund. . . 0 . fl $11).000,000 Annual Incumc . , . . . . l_.i§{10‘000 Invested in Canada. .. 1.200.000 Dem}: clmms pnid . . . . 10,000,000 Touomq REFERENCES- John McDonald, Esq, _ C. J. Climjgbell, Enq., Hun. SeuatorMcMaster AIM. Smit ' , Esq. James Metcalfe, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. U Loans made on security of Company's Policy up 5 per cent intore--t.' .‘ Loansmnde toChm-ch Trustees, am. not" rm 0' interest. Sand for prospectus. A W Lauder, =32 I543 STOMACEI [KB-TD ECWELS, DR. ORR, MAPLE, S'ec‘ & Treus. for Caimdd. V 10 King St. East, Toronto‘ wu' an. . mam. AND m~6 Tzzoms HOLLOW/$3" on». 5th “351 Lafigstaffi Richmond mu} Den Ist' 18882

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