Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 6 Nov 1884, p. 2

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Umil further notice. Mails will be closed at the above Office as follows :-- HIST “FFIEE METER! RICHMM'D HILL l’08’l‘ OFFICE. MORNING. Going North, South, East, and West, at . . . . . . . 7.40 EVENING. . Going South, East, and West, at . . . . . . . . . . . Mail fhr ‘be North, via. Railway, loam once a day, in the mornidg, as am sated. Homing Mai! from South. Weed Ind East, by Railw ay,ariiveo at 10.30 Evening Mail fgom Torqnto by nnn Yonge-gtrcét-gtggejérrives at: 7.00 Night. M ail from North, by Rail- way, arrives at ................ 8.00 UfHCE HOURS- Richmond Hill. June 23rd, 1884. Toronto. Thomhill, Richmond Hill Kin g, Aurora, Newmarket, Holland Landing, Holland Landing, Newm arket, Aurora, Kin g, Richmond Hill. 'I‘h nrnhm, Toronto, For Coughs and Coldsâ€"Kay Bros No. 22 : Whole No. 1374 ; Volume 27. THURSDAY, NOVEMB'R 6, 1884. The date printed on each time when the subscription Our article of week before last has been commented on at great. length in last. week’s Liberal by ‘he “Assist-ant" who doe'sthe writing for that paper. The “Assistant.” has discovered; since writing the article of the 16th uit , that, our Reeve is not. the "coarse, untruthâ€" ful and irnpertinent" person that he at that time thought him. He has found out. that public opinion did not agree With him, and hence the modified tone of the remarks in last Week’s paperI in reference to that uemleman. The “Assistant” Indignantly denies his l desire to introduce politics into muniâ€"l oipal matters. He has a holy horror of such a proceeding. Perhaps the able proprietor of the Liberal, in addition to all the cure and trouble he has assumed in taking so much thought about our “Schools,” “Meehanics' Institute,” &c., &c., also intends taking all the trouble of running our municipal affairs, and of course. with the aid of his able "Assist- ant,” things will then go along so hurâ€" monioualy that nothing will prevent him having all the grist in his own will in the way of printing. He has now the printing for the Township ; his connecâ€"- tion with the Schools. &e., throws in his way what jobs he can gather in for the great trouble he takes in curing for them. More especially, his able management of me Mochanics' Institute reflects the highest credit on his ability. The time was, when the Institute was in a flour- ishing condition Is it so now ? TIfAzfixT TIME. The ungrntlemanly language that the "Assistant" is capable of rendering when referring to persons who do not agree with him, politically or otherwise, is not at all creditable. A gentleman ‘ in last week’s paper is called “ loudâ€" mouthed ” and is accussed of “silly ofâ€" ficiousnesn.” upon the mere presumption that he gave information that knocked “ higher than a kite ” the great interest that the Liberal man assumed to him self in the matter of the Public Park. But this only is on a par with the doings of the highly educated “ Assistant.” on various other occasions. Take the article in the Liberal of the 28th of August. wherein some of our heaviest tax payers who have to support our schools and other institutions, are most violently abused and villified True, we are inâ€" formed that this was done in the interâ€"- sets of Temperance. but would it not be as well to consider that such violent and intemperate abuse of men is unbecoming to one who professes to have the benefit of the village at heart. Is it becoming to have such statements go Forth throueh the public press, that we cannot have a game of Lacrosse Without. such doings being carried on at night, as is in that article depicted. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. Rumors are not always to be relied on. therefore, it might not. do to say who is the Editor of the Liberal or who it is that “Assists” in Writing for that paper; but this we will say. that the man who wrote that our worthy Member for the Local Assembly “ was a great producer of cabbages." and that Sir Charles Tuppel‘i“ had a tongueof leather and unbounded cheek, ” is one and-the same individual who wrote or dictated the articles in the Liberal of the 16th and 30th Oct..,'whcrein. aome of our esteemed public men are taken most severely to task forrtheir way of" managlng matters ii-l'-00Illl€0ii0l'l with Municipal affairs. The writer in the Liberal, without any Elm “130m gimm. Richmond HIII. Om. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. NFW ADVERTISEMENTS. ARRIVALS. WHO IS HE ‘P 1V1. TEEFY. ' Po‘stm'aster. GOING NORTH 745 R40 849 932 , .9 43 , GOING smut: 8 19 B ‘28 8 40 9 ('2 9 12 9 2’2 '10 15 paper denotes the expires. )2 00 12 43 12 50 11 40 11 65 )2 18 12 32 1‘2 43 1 45 u on" 8770.355 0501.450 5566667 815 qualification‘states that we have received Victories for the Scott ACE" all the corpomtion printing The Lien- ticman is sadly out, and to prove our The Scott Act has, during the pastl assertion that we have not. we are quite week, been carried by overwhelming ma-l lwilling that the amounts we have receiv Ied should be published to the world present proprietor of the Liberal tool: and other taxes connected with the vilâ€" lage. We think the public must be more than satisfied that enough has been said in connection with the village print- will finish the discussion. tendered the work; performed our part ; got the money, and if the ratepayers of the village think the Council did not do their duty in the premises, they have their remedy at the next election. But ‘Wc fancy the ratepayers of the village, understand their duty too well to mind the Writings of a newspaper man. when such is done in the interests niche of the writer. The Reeve and men who form the Council of a village. such as ours, are sworn to perform their duty to the best of their ability. and we should fnin hope that duty has been satisfactorily performed this year by the men who form our Council. All the money we receive from this village is spent. in it. and more too. As far as our character is concerned, we think, at all events, it will tally with the one who has underâ€" taken to “ Assist " the gentleman in running the Liberal. We have never interf‘eri-cd with him, or did anything to injure him. and :do not think it beâ€" coming for him to fire his missiles be~ hind a masked batteryat the Ratepayers of this Village, taking into considera- - I ticn the position he occupies. aqua 1.: ing. and so far as wé ‘ are concerned this my jorities in the Counties of Bruce, Dufl'cr- l in, and Huron; it has also been main- 1- . . lhe amount we have received, since the mined in York N_ B , Prince Edwnid and Peel have decided possession, is not tnuch more than would again“. pay our- tiixes for supporting.r the schools - Thirty-seven Counties and two cities have now adopted thevAct,‘ namely: twelve counties in Nova Scotia; nine and one city in New Brunswick ; nine Coun- .ties in Ontario; threeCounties and one in Prince Edward Island ; two 7 _ , . “8 were Counties in Quebec; and two Counties in Manitoba According to an article in Saturday’s Mail, there is more than double the quantity of whiskey entered for home consumption in Prince Edward’s Is-- land since the Act has been in force than previous to itbeing adopted ; the figures being: 1878. 10,924 galls; 1888, 22.451 gulls. Prohibition has thus not only failed to prohibit, but, while depriving the people of a. large local revenue, it has led to thegreater exultai’iim of aioobol in its Worse form I and. presuma'iiify ‘ to an inâ€" l crease in drunkenness and crime. _..__â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" From a Parliamentary return wliicl: has just been issued, it appears that England paid no less a sum than 324',- 452,000 to other countries last year to cheese. Upon analyzing the list ofcoun- tries which supplied this cheese, it come out that Canada~ especially Ontarioâ€" has made a great advance, the qualit; sent being largelv in excess of the ex- portation of 1882. The United State:. .m :Im nnniroru romuinari nlnitist sta- The great increase in our taxes this year, is creating a universal expression of disapprobution. \Ve find on comparâ€" ing this year with lasr, :1 difference of 8:300. Made up as follows .â€" DECREASE INCREASE For County.... “123.37 “ Village... ,JG'U‘O " High School 253.2? " Public do ...667 76 saw so It will. therefore, be seen that the inâ€" crease of' taxes this year as eompm-ed with last, is principally in the High School department. Markham Village is only taxed $163.45 for High School purposes. We said at the time of reâ€" moving the School that it was a foolish thng to do, and the result has only esâ€" tablished the fact that tho.=e who opposed the movement Were right in their Views. Mr. John Palmer is one of the largest, tax payers in the village, his taxes amounting to about oneâ€"sixteenth of the whole, besides hang to pay for a license to carry on his hotel business. However much conscientious sci-uples may exist against the. business of dealing: in intoxiâ€" cants, it cannot but be admitted that every cmrfviéc’rat'lcn should be shown to those who are legally qualified, and who ‘ respect the Law under which they sell. The opposition journals are making the most of the depression now prevailing in the labor market, over production of goods is the cause,ibut Canada is no worse off than elsewhere. The London Labor News regrets that affairs are so bad, and that there is so little sign of settlement. The iron trade is badly crippled owing to disputes con- cerning: wages and there is but. little hope of' an amicable settlement. The colliers are still standing out and refuse to re- sume work unless their demand for in- creased wages be acceded to. The engiâ€" neers’ striko continues, nod large [tumâ€"â€" bers of workmen connected with the ship building business are idle. in some districts the textile trades are at a stand still, and the close of the hop- picking season has thrown thousands of laborers out of employment. So far as the labor classes are concerned, those of England appear to la in a worse condition than those of Canada or the States. A writer in tho chck thus speaks :â€" I “They, the journalists are to blamel when they allow themselves to be treated as “organists” or other than equals. They are to blame when they submit to being: “ patronized” by anybody. They are to blame when they personally attack journalists who may happen to hold opinions difiering from their own. If politicians wish rivals bespattered, let them do their own bespattering. Journ- alists make a mistake when they decry each other‘s circulation or business. Whatever they feel, manifestations of jealousy never look otherwise than petty. Lawyers as a profession. stand up for each other throth thick and thin. Why should journalists alone devoure each other through for the amusement of Tom, Dick, or Harry ? The Journalist. has to bear the sins of many. He has to take the brunt of political battle. He has often to confront the weathly and the powerful Frequently undeserv- ed odium and obloquy that l-elong to others make up his portion. In Eng:â€" laud, journalism has become a power recognised personallv as well as politicalâ€" ly alike by “persons and personaues." The road to that proper recognition alone to be coveted by any true journalâ€" ist will be found in Canada. as in Engâ€" land. in an attitude of dignified selfâ€"- respect. and of respect. towards others in the same profession. even though politic ally the gull‘ between he as wide as that which divides Lord Salisbury from Joseph Chamberlain.” arrived in Toronto. on Mmlday af‘lcrn noon, from Uhutham, where he had spent. a week shooting, ard left for Ottawa the same evening. Good for him. I The latest. returns give Cleveland, Democrat, elecged President of the United Sth‘té's.' “ -_. a Our Village Taxes High. His Excellency the Governor General The Labor Market. 1883 L233? 124.60 400.00 69.90 330,10 369 90 600 00 830.00 1884 $530 20 69 90 316.73 262 24 Victones for the Scott Act. Thirty-seven Counties and two cities have now adopted thevAct,‘ namely: ‘twelve counties in Nova Scotia; nine and one city in New Brunswick ; nine Coun- .ties in Ontario; threeCounties and ‘ope ‘ city in Prince Edward Island ; two Counties in Quebec ; and two Counties iin Manitoba According to an article in Saturday’s Mail, there is more than double the quantity of whiskey emered for home consumption in Prince Edward’s Isa-- land since ‘he Act has been in force than previous to itbeing adopted ; ihe figures being: 1878. 10,924 galls; 1883, 22.451 gulls. Prohibition has thus not only failed to prohibit, but, while depriving the people of a large ‘ocal revenue, it has led to mogreatcr exultarrion nf 51001110] in its Worse' form I arid‘ présomfifity ‘ 10 an inâ€" crease iu drunkenness and crime. From a Parliamentary return which England paid no less a sum than 324;â€" 452,000 to other countries last year for cheese. Upon analyzing the list of'counâ€" tries which supplied this cheese, It comes out that Canada~ especially Ontarioâ€"I has made a great advance, the quality sent being larger in excess of the exâ€" portation of 1882. The United States. on the contrary‘ remained almost, slaâ€" tinnary, a slight. increase in quantityi being balanced by a somewhat diminished price. It would seem from this that. the quality of her exports was not quite so. good as formerly. Where, as in the case of Canada. the former price was fully maintained. Holland was the third largâ€" est cheese supplier. The merage price of the whole quantity imported last year was $12.50. As thisis lower than the English farmers can make it. for. probably it. is likely that English cheese making will be confined to these super- ior and fancy kinds, with which people on this side cannot compete as yet. a hasjust. been issued, it appears that‘ l l V Moved by Mr Brown. secanded by Mr Savage, that. Mr Bloodiefs account, amounting to $2 29 be puid.â€"â€"Qur_rifle_d. The School Board met in the Lorhe Hall on Friday last, 318! Oct. The President in the chair. Members preâ€" sent. Messrs. Savage, Skeele. Brown. Boyle. Trench, Swilzer and McUonnghy. Minutes of previous meeting read and udOpled.‘ Moved by Mr Brown. seconded by Mr Savage, that we empan only 2 teachers in the Him} School 'fdr “the year 1885 â€"Carr§ed. 1 v I Moved by Mr Brown-, seconded "by Mr '1‘rench.thut {he rent for the Masonic Ha“ be paid. as soon as funds would permit â€"â€"Curried. “ 11“ Movcd by Mr Brown, seconded by Mr Savage, that the present_ staff 'of teachers in the Public, School he reâ€" engaged at, their present salaries for (he yezp: 1885_.â€"â€"9_arl‘_i‘ed._ -.u I- Moved by Mr Boyle, seconded by Mr McConnghy. that Mr. McBride be reâ€" engaged us Head Master and Mr Refiâ€" dilt as Assistant for the High Scb'ool for'1885.â€"â€"Carried. ' The meeting then adjourned. J. A. E. warzsn, Secretary. Perfect benmv is anly amude by pure blood and good heullh. These acquire-- mest give lhe possessor a plensunt expxes- mom. a fair clear slim and tho rosy blngm ofhenhfi. Burdock Bland Billexs [unify 'he blond and tone {he emire system lo n healthy action. Maggie Garvin Maggie McConaghy Sadie Palmer Laura Dulson Bessie Redditt Bertha Palmer Maggie Garvin Aggie Reid Maggie McConaghy Jessie Cooper Sadie Palmer Wellington Hall Laura Dulson Tiille Trench Bessie Redditt James \Vright Bertha Palmer Millie Trench E. A. SPRAGGE, Principal. FORM II. DIV 1 DIV 2 . DIV 3 W Bailey D Palmer J Keefler L Lynctt M Lemon P Sonics v Bl Davis L Palmer B McConaghy M Mapes M Lems M Redd”: G Barker W Hall W Garvin C Powell 0 Wilson E Siver. T. M RUTHERFORD, Teacher- va 1 Dollie Douthwaite Maggie Glover Lulu Lemon Alex Reid 'Tlllie King Florence 'I‘yrrell DIV 1 DIV 2 D1v 3 H harvin E Swivzer E Hopper J Wiley W Glass A Bril‘lingcr 1“ McConnell N King F Hooper H Soules 1 Andrews D Williams F Empxinghum J Schell S Wnliums E Andrews H Sanderson } W Clifford E McCunneu County and cit! Arbitration. The arbimllion belween the City of Toronto and County of Yerk, on matters arising out of the annexation of Brock- ton, Yovkville and Riverside, w s in progress at the Court House on Mm ay last. The County seeks to charge the City with a sum of 844.200 for. County minis.a and‘alsd with one- eighth of a Cdumy debt, whisk: in .calimatgd as $54,003. _ ' i: RXCHMOND HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL. DIV. A 1 Honor List for October, Board of, Education. A Perfect Beauty J CRURCKSHANK. Teacher. FORM III DIV 2 aite Willie Savage Annie Cusgrove Mattie Harrian Ernest Redditt Thomas Miles all Robbie Michael M, \VILEY, Teacher. FORM IV Div 2 DIV 3 E Swivzer E Hopper 'W Glass A Brillingcr N Kin;_r F Hooper 1 Andrews D Williams n J Scllell S Williams FORM DIV. A 2. ICE WOOL. Hymn Books, etc, etc,f'or‘ sale at the HERALD Bock Store. FIRE BRIGADE.â€"â€"The Fire Brigade in this village. will hold their monthly meefin‘g on' Friday evening next, 7th ‘instq at 730 p.m. * vVAUGEAN'.-T-Tlle Municipal Council of the Tdeslfip of Vaughan. will meet at the Town Hall, on Tuesday nextJlth inst., at. 10.3fm; A Chiliâ€"'Wejundefstand .flmt'a call has been the 'Rev Mr Cameron. of Lloydwwnfio fill‘ ‘the pulpit. of tha Pre'sbyte'rian A Church in this Village. »CATTLExEA-IR.-â€"Tl]e Cattle Fair held in this fiillag‘e on Wednésdpy, was .very good integgrd to the-quantity of stock. but priées rated low and buyers were not very plentiful." ' ’ Is iifflfgfi YLeéWe' itiike m foilowing fror‘xi‘fi‘ré' ‘Nifivm‘h‘rke‘f Era o‘f‘fast iwe’ek': - ~“ Newmwket: H‘ithS‘chooliis» growing very pofifi'i‘afi ' Pupilshre nftending from Richmond “Hill V. gar/1d “writing for” their friends! -- ~ . -i ' ‘ EARLY . .,‘.JSSUE.+A"S 5‘ Thanksgiving Day hlalppgn‘s to fall onr Thursday. .Vour day furl publication, we havelssued one day earlier this week, In order that, we may onjny the holiday, as well as our neighburs and friends, ' ' v\.:: ‘-. 9v " " 1 V ~: :l‘rnORAL.--:Az Choral service will be rendered by the united Choirs of the Methodistnnd Presbyterian ChurchAen, at the 'I‘hanksgiving Servxces in this village, on = Thursday morning, next. Appmpri’nm anthems and hymns. esâ€" pecially selected for the occasion. will be given. Alf-are invited to attend. WOOD-SALE.â€"- There. will be sold by Auctionjn Lots, 80".101'65 of fallen limb- er, on rear "of Lot 59 and 60, in the In Con. of Markham, oppo'site Brook's bushmtfxt' (:0 {he townline nl’W'lxitclqu-cla, on Saturday, Nov. 8H), 1884. the propâ€" erty of Jan Lungstuff, M 1). Sale at 1.30 pm. t-Termszâ€"All sums of S10, and under; ‘cash. S. M; Brown, Auct. CREDITrSAmeâ€"There will be 2m ex~ tensivei Credit Sale by Public Auction, of valuable» farm stock, implements, f'ufnimnfig; 61p . at Lot No 51, ht Con. 09' Markbafi): on Friday. Nuv.14th,"h‘4, the pl‘opérty“0t' M r. E Bernard. Sulu to cowlan at 12 o’clock.noon Terms : ~â€"Fur-fihe'-_:fuwls, Digs, hay, mats, and all sum's‘ ~"of' $10.00 and under, casl);v"(>1\:‘é‘i" 111a: nnmunt 12 months credit WilV-libcygivon on furnishing apâ€" proved joth notes, 7 per cent per :mnuu‘. allowed for: cash. . S Ecknrdt, Auct. THE .RiGHT SEASON.-â€"'lhls is the season of? the year when the thril'ty farm er’g‘nhersin the shckals and rt-jniceth withih himself-us he cnuntcth the ‘* filthv lucr'e.”‘ "Then he hath away m the bunkahdas the amounts which ham been received for the products of his farm are. placed to his Ct’rlllt by the obliaiug..munager. asmile again o’erâ€" Bpi‘ends ‘- his c0untcmmcc.- which ilâ€" luminates it like unto an cluctric light. Matty, tlwelarc who passeth this= nfficc ‘et‘rthefrzgrfgy‘to the'bank,'.hut. l'vw are they Whofenger’and settle up their little Uniâ€"51%. ‘ ' ‘ H SALE.:â€"â€":An important Credit Sale of valuableif'arm stock. implements. furnL ture,_etc:i‘¢tc.. by Public Auction; will takdplafi at. Lot. No. 13, Rear of 20d Can. of Markham, on Wednesday, Nov. 19th, 1884, the property of Mr. Jar. .C:un.plin._~.,Sale at 1 o’clock, sharp. Termsâ€"{All sums of $10 and under cash, ove‘rrtilmt, amount 11 months credit will be given on furnishing approved jnint,‘ notes. Sale without reserve, as the proprjglor’s leasehas expired. and Vheisgiylhfigup fanning. S. Eckardl, Auct. V's-Fans‘xgfigégmu (Jnvncn CONCERT.â€" The "l‘czfi'zilnd‘tConcert under the :mspice‘I of' the Presbyterian Church in this vil- lage, on Thanksgiva Day, 6th inst.., promises to he a grand ulfuir. Tea will be served islthe Lecture Room from 5 to 7 pm; after which the Grand Conâ€" cert will take place in the Masonic Hull, and Ihc following excellent tulvnt carry out the‘prngrmnmeeMlss P-nrr‘Humiltnn. M iss & Mr-.Alex:nndcr,Mr.\Vilkinsnn.Mr Le\\‘i>,T0r0nt(-,Miss Coulter & Mr Hume Richmond Hill The Rev Robert ‘Vulker. M. A. B." 1)., of Skelmm‘lie, Scotland will Voccupy the chair. Admis- sinn ;â€"Teu and Concert. 40 0. Tea or Concert alone, 25 Gent's; Reserved seats, 40 cents. ' LOCAL ITEMS. UNION/SERVICES -â€"â€"Uuinn Services will behéhl in the Methodist. Church, in this-village, on Thursday next, Thanksgiving Day, at 10.30. 3.11).. and it‘is to be; hoped tha} a, large cmgregnâ€" tion will be présent to return thanks to the Almighty for the very bountiful harvest thm.has just. been gathered in, and also for the many blessings he has showered down up0u us during the past It is expected (hat. the Rev. Bohr. Walker, M. ‘A. B. D.. assistant. in High Church. Paisley, Seotla’nd, will occupy lhe pulpit. The l'olmwmg will be the Order of :zvrvice zâ€"Anlhcm, “ Praise the Lord " ; H'._mn 908; Prayer; Anthem, “He hath not drull so. emu"; Scripture Lesson ; Hymn 909; Sermon ; Antlum, " O IMrd-[Jow Manifold"; Cnllcclinn for the Poor; Hymn 907; Berwdiclion. , PUBLIC SCHOOL l!)NTEm«:n,-â€" Miss? Sprugu's dcpzuttm-nt in thv Public Schnnl: was entered thrnugh Ulli‘ of thv windows. by thwe youths. on the morning: of] Saturday l'atsti‘ between the hnurs nf' 2} and 3 n'clockl. The morning nus bnnuti . I'ul itnd bE‘ightg‘lhc nmnn giving a gorgeâ€"g nu's Tight int thé time. The prnpn-rty of. the school :tndt‘schnhu's Was more hr [95. destroyed "mud ‘~ scattered around, thex. clock being‘tétken frnm the wull until; placed on one of the desks. Such pracâ€"I ticuljokes at such unseemly hours meritsi the cenhurc of the School Board. and} deserves to be looked mm by thosei whose duty it is to dn so. We have not nhjuctionsvm youths enjoying themselves‘ in a reasonable manner, but We tlnnk' this is carrying matters (on far altoâ€"l gethet, and 1f the names of the parties; whO‘comtniLted the act.‘ can~be obtuinedfi mexpomremhould be made, so as to‘ preycut any futurer'doings of the“ kind. aâ€"uvvâ€"â€"â€" ____, l The publishers of Rutledge} Monthly OUR Laskav COI'I'CSPOIIdGHCé and 0‘11" ‘ offer twelve valuable rewards in their interesting matter arrived just as we l Mon!th for November, among which is ' ' ' ' l . . arc gomg to press, too late for this Issue. “he gonowmg z... FIRE. ~ A fire broke out on Friday W” m” give 820 "0 '1‘” Person tenmg morning last, at the residence of Mrs “9 _"’ ,how “I”! lanxuages “'° “We” Noble, Map‘e' comprete‘y destroying the t-cnptton waa written on the cross ovor whole building, which Was a beautiful Jesus at the “me be “a” "ucmed- by brick. The loss is heavy, but we have N°Vemb°r mlbv 1884‘ Should "'o 0’ f 1 , - . _ more correct, answers be received, the nut hegrd' “1 pflpwlam - - ‘RIWARD will be divided. The money I '- “Known-“Wanted to know. the will be forwarded to the winner Novemg whereabouts of Messrs Abell, Collins & her 15th, 1884. Persona trying for the Smith who started a Woollen Mill It; reward mug: "mi 20 cents in silver (no i Woodbridge some months ago, but' have lpostage stamps taken) with their answer. since leit-for partii unknown. " Addfefl, for which they will receive the December box 418 Richmond Hill --A0V-‘ Monthly, in which the name and ad- , . dress of the winner of the reward and IEquâ€"DiFoll‘ennghml‘ P' S' Inâ€" the correct answer will be published,and Specmr’ “dawn-mes m the. Li.beml‘-“thbu"lin which several more valuable rewards 3;:d“:;:i:.,":::i§1323:3313”etwin be name» 5: e -u market and Richmond Hm, on Tuefiday annuamso Connor, Eaton, Pa. and Wednesday, 23rd and 24thqf Dec. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"oâ€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" { next, eom‘nienc'iog at' 9‘a.--m. each day. Seriously III. A nnnnnnnn "Ar:ln¢1 u:th rain and hell ‘* EDF.I‘.OWA'Y"§ PlI.i.s.'-~Tho diseases call! ‘ mo‘n to our rigoronu'climale w'hlch'endangâ€" - 61' the conslllutlnn‘w‘lllalways‘exiatft‘hongll m'anymny be mitigated and th‘e‘ir efl’cfls' iemnved by’ {imely aid’ apprbpxial‘ely ap- plied; Holloway’s Pills are acknowledged fur and wide to be [he mos! elfeclivo purifier ol' the blood, the most cenain regulator of disoxdemd organs. and the safest and surest aperient that can be prescribed. This medicine in applicable to all alike. young or old robust: hr de-icule; it. increases the nppelhe and ' regnlulés .t he bowels. After Ihe disorder is subdued, occasional doses of I-llesr Pills will prevent any relapse. and mmeuvm- secure, promme. and inu-nsify the good reaulls which flow from yerfect ‘ purity and regularity. The following: is a comparative stand-- ing of the pupils of Patterson School in the different classes for the mouth of"1 October ;â€"-- l 4th CLAss 3rd CLASS, 3:. Kate Huffey Gertie Smith James l-lzefi‘eey James Mundey Willle Mulholland Mary Rumble Hurry Hardy John Seymour 3rd CLASS. JR. 2nd CLASS, 311. M’illie Flack \Vill’le Savage Euph Kirkléuid " Vesta M ulholland 'Mary Mulhollund Albrrt Albin ’ Maggie Manir _ Joe Munday 2nd CLASS, JR,_ ‘ ' lst. CLASS, an. Louie Hafiuy M & .‘I Brussingthwait Alec Findlay Bella Hawkins: ' Nvlliu Kelley Aggie Kirkland l Minnie Albiu The mom Imublaannie cough is pure Io yin-M iI limer healed wilh Hnuvurd's Pm- Inrul Hula-4m, Pieamui to lnku and safe for young And for old. The Toronto World and News mm that Ihe clergy of Turpnlo, Catholic and Protestant. are practically a unit. for the Eco” Act. And so Ihey should be all over the land. W hiskcy has never done anything to advance Christianity, but it has done much to retard its progress. It is now reported that the brewers have an assurance Him Ottawa that at. the next session ofthe Dominion Parliav mom, a measure will be passed to nullify the Scott. Act, by exempting beer and Wine from its operations. We do not believe anything of the kind will be done. The people are goingr to draw a pile driver on the whole abomination oi intpxicatmg liquors. and if the politiâ€" ciuns don’t. want to get hurt. they had better slaud from under. A SAMARITAN.â€"A certain man jourâ€" neyed from the Cradle to the grave ; he fell among saloon-keepers, who took his money, ruined his name, destroyed his reason, and then turned him into the street. A moderate drinker passed by, looked on him and said, “Served him right ; he is a fool to get drunk " A politician voter also passing. looking on him and said. “The brute ! He is not. fit to live ; he is a disgrace to his. family." But a fanatic. so-called. seeing him, had compassion, raised him up, assisted him to his home. administered to the wants of himself and family. got him to sign the pledge,_pointed him to the “Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world," and left him in comfort. and happiness., Who, think you, was the greater friend of humanity. the saloon- keeper,, the moderate drinker, the poli- tician, or the fanatic ? It. is a grant mistake to suppose that. dystwpsin can‘t be cured. but must be en- durvd, and life made gloomy and minusth thvreliy Alexander Burns. of Cohuum. Was cured after sum-ring fifleen yearn. Bulduck Bleed Bitters cured him. for the working class. Send 10 cents for 3 potatuge. and we will mail you Free, a royal, valuable boz of samvle goods thin will put you in the way of making more money in u fen duys than vou ever thought possible at unv business. Capital not. required. We Vrills~urt you. You can Wnrk all the time or in 91mm time only. The work is universally i nduptcd to lmtll sexes. young and 01:1. You can 1 ousilv eurn 1mm 5" cents to 55 every evening. 1 Thin all who want work may test the business, ‘ we make this uuparulleled offer : to all who are ‘- not WM] sutislied we will send $1 to pnv fur tlm trouble 0! Writin: us. Full particulars. directinus etc“ sent. free. Fortunes will be made by those wlmgive tlu ir whole time to the work. Grew Sl‘lCPOPS absolutely sure. Don’t. delay sum now Address Simszm & Cu, Portland Maine. A DRUGGIST of reputation givos as a reason wln so many men find it difficult to quit the, tobacco habit, the state-mom that the opium in the cigar flavoring lhrges [ht chain that- binds them. The following is the receipt for making a "ten cent cigar for five cents;” Gum guiac. gum tulu. tonqua beans and essence of pine-apple, of each one ounce; valelian root, two ounces, laudanum (tincture of opium) one ounce, oil of rose. six drops; Jamaica rum. half a pint. macerate for thirtyâ€"six hours andpour o3, using one ounce to a pint. 01' port. wine, to blow on the fillers. Young men, proud of your freedom from the alcohol appetite’,do you realize what. may be the thraldom‘ pro-- ‘fiaring for you in your ‘édootoxed? eight? LOCAL ITEMS. Published By Request. Monthly Report. m Cmss. m. Ia»:ch Mulhoflund Lizzw. Rumble May Savage Frank Rumble Sure to Conquer. A Great Mistake- Iorlo’usly III. A person Iufl'cring vmh pain Ind but over the small of Ilia back, with a uni weary feeling Ind frequent headaches. in lPl‘lDUal" ill and Ihould look am {or kidney diseupe. Burdock Blood Bitters regulule the kidneys. blood and liver. as well u the Ilomhch Ind bowell. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child sufl'ering and crying with pain or cntiing teeth '2 If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mns WINSLOW'B SOOTHING S? RUP FOR CHILDREN TEETmNG. Its value is inculcul- abln It will relieve the poor 1mm sufferer inn-- mediately Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake a. bout it. It cures dysentery and diur- rhmn, reg ulates the stomnnh and bowels. cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflamma- tion, nnd |wives tone and energy to the whole Iystem. Mm; Wmsnow's Soo'rnme SYRUP FOR CHILDREN Tmn'rnma iuplensnnt to the tnstehnd in the prescription of one of the nldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States. and is {or sale by all druggists through-- out the world. Price 26 cents a. bottle. :zz‘CHEAPCASHHOUSE A Valuable Patent. The mall valuahle discuvvry paton'ed in modern times is lhul nf (hp but blood puri- fier and liver nod kidney regululm known. We refer lo Burdock Blond Bitters. which is ma‘ing In mnnv whnderful cures and bring: 31 tho- blensed boon of health to cu many homes. ‘- Dun”! Inlk to me about your pnlilical ‘ isms ’ " said u laceliuus nld vnleludinminn. " l Iell you Ibew's nu ism on eulh so had an klv-mnalism." The venerubioa suffer” was "Tlth SI lmwrence'a “glit’irnn or thimnzm’a puller of file wnn [mt more wnuhulicully a bed of Inrment lhfln the Couch nl‘ihe many-.- m rheuumlism. It is genelaliv considorrd by Ihe fucully one of ‘lm mud uhs'ilmm as We“ as one of the- mnsl pninVul of nmladies. and it cevminly dun! I‘Pzisl’ 2-H mdiuuxy [elm-dues with «x- ‘rmurdinmy pm'Vinm-izv Skill and ucmnce. bnwnw. In this 2350 of women, 19mm Iu manor all opposition ; mud Men this [min- fn‘ dinner. emwnchod among Ihw munch», md inlm‘knil. as it wear. with lhll nhn-wu and Wilden! "1' (.m- frunes, is enmpelled I0 yneid m the alumina! lhvy have provided. 4‘ We lnm: it on unquestionable authorityâ€" the tnstimnnv nl' puttettts tlwmsrlvvn-tlmt ihrumatism. however deeply sealed. may he cnrvd by the regular and perniatunt applica- tinn nl' Holloway’s Ointment. This. we feel assured, will be: welrume iltlelllgctlfl‘ to thonsnn-ls nf Milli-rows, bed- ri-ltinn by thei diam-“v, or limpng wnh attl’fem-d juintn alt)"; the pathway to tho- tomh. in a climate when: the! qu'cksitver Hume-lint?! makes a limp 0f thirty degrees up or dnwn. l the complaint is M course at prevalent one : l and in our new settlement! at. the Went. along: the alluvial borders of our grt-‘Il riv--‘ mat. in the hvmlock swamps of the South. and in nll low and damp lucatimm, few per- snns reach the age of forty yrnrs without a rhenmntic viaitution. It is clenr, therefore, i that a preparation which will “(find int-q medium relief. and effect eventually a: thorough man; of the cnmplnint. must. he of PFpt-‘rlnl value tn the people hi all countries We cannot teusnunbly dnnht, in View of the well-attested statements which have been laid bel'nre us. sustained as they are by circumstances within our own knowledge. that the Ointment referred to will effv-ct that nhjt-ct; and among all the banning Whit-h the discoveties of that celebrated phyuiciun nnd philanthropist have cnnferretl upon mankind. this is certninly not the least importnnt. Many an industrious titlor of the evil. whntte services are needed in the field, is at this mlHnPtW languishing an n bod of sickness; the humid lb”! shntald ‘guide the plnugh or grasp the- spade tend-- ‘ (trad power-lea hy/ Rheumatism Many a tmlur in every brunt-h ul’ productiws labor is uimtlnrly eitnated; ntul we can imagine with what jny thou enfl'nrets would hail the mum of immediate cure. To all such um teal justified in recommending: this balsamic remedv, the application of which. with the ttitl at in few duet-n nf Hullowny': Pills tn rééulile the inlernnl organs, Iduld wo feel nan-med. restore lhum lo health uud useful- neas.-â€"Daily Aryan. At Prices Never Before Offered _. '. ‘1 . s d , 2n ., . . ng_fii§g§§3nd_§yid°dé off-(f; d in“ London, J uly 3lst. 1884â€"49- In Ready-Made Clothing, Ladies Fine Mantles, ‘ , Flannels in great variety Gents all-wool Gurnseys, I Hggvypanadian Tweed s, ; nunâ€"u “L; The Worst of all the Isms. We have a beautiful Stock of Woollen Goods numerous customers, and A 9‘20 BIBLE PRIZE. â€"â€"v_--v v Blankets, Winceys, Etc). SNEATH & GRENNA‘N: ADVICE To 3073 IRS. 0“ the Hill. 'I he following fines are Worthy of spt‘cial notice :â€" THE all & Winter Steel; BIRTH . ‘IS NOW COMPLETE AT THEâ€"â€" [Barley Pen do . (:8 Bye do 60 Dream Bogsmer 100 lbs. . .. . 6 no Beehhind quarters. per It. the 0 ‘0 Mutton. by the carcass, per 109 o 00 Chickens,per pair. . ; 40 Ducks. per brace ‘ . Geese.onch ....... Turkeya, . Butter, 11mm. . was. r0118 Wheat fun, new, per bush 8 ring do ...... . Barley p do. . tub dairy. Eggs, fresh, don Potatoes, p61 bbl Anfles per barrel ..... On 0113, green. per bag Cabbage, per do Celery,per do ...... Turnips, per bag ...... Carrots, per do Beets, per do: ...... Pannipa. per bag . Hay per.t.on.... ‘ Straw per, ton. I Wool net 11). COAGULI) Articles. 51 GATARRHuA NEW TREATMENT. Perhaps tho most nxtrnordinmy anemia thus has been achieved in modern medicine has been attained IN the Dixon treatment for Qatari-h, Out of 2,000 patients fronted during the past lix mnnlhs, fully niunty per cent. have been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the lean amt-fling when it is remembered that not five var cent-.0! patients prmonting themselveu to the regular practitioner are benefitted, while the pat- ant medicines and other adrertined cures never record a euro at all. Starting with 'the claim now generally helieved by the most scientific men that: the disense is nine to the presence of living nnrunites in the tissue. Mr Dixon at once adapted his cure to their exttrmiuntinn-thin ac. complished. he claims the Cntnrrh is practically cured, and the permanency is unquestioned, as cures efiecfed bv him four yenrs ago are cure» still. No om: else has ever attempted to cum Cntnrrh in this manner, aurl no other ireatm-mt hrm e‘ror curnd (Yntnrrh, The application of tha remedv is simi‘le’. and can he done at homn. and the rrcsent season of the year is the most in» ouruhln for a spas!er and permnnontjpumziflw majority of cases being cnrod M 0:10 treatme- ‘ Rnfi’emrs should cnrrmzponrl with Messrs A DIXON & FON. 3 5 King street, west, Toronto, (Timur! n.. and enclose stamp for their treatise on CItlflTh.â€"M0utl‘fl 1 mm. Farm to Rent. A Bfock Farm to Rsnt. 60 acres cleared. ; near Moun‘ Albert. Apply to DR. JAS- LAHGSTAFF- Richmond Em, Oct. am, \es4. iuw "FOR COUGHS AND COLDS 7~KY7§CO M'POUN DHOF LIN SEED SUBSEBIBE AT WEE ! Weekly Mail I [G- Leavc your nrders for any of the nbove papers. at the HERALD ‘ Office, With the cash. and they will be forward- ed to your address. ‘V Evening Mail THE DAILY MAIL APPLES. APPLES. gun: gavertmtummm CHARLES DONALD 81. CO., 79‘ Queen Street. London. E. 0., Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Merchants and Shippers, mlh a View to Autumn and Spring Business, They will also give the usual facili- ties to customers requiring advances. BALANGE 01' THIS YEAR PRES, TH E MA RKETS '1‘0RON'1‘f)! vâ€"gnni'seed'. Kerwin/sf. Squ£11,'1‘olu, 6w..wa Chhtodéym.. I ‘ ' AY’S COMPOUND.‘a demuxceht AY'S‘TIC‘PILLS, a. specific/in Neurnlgia. Face-ache,&c. ' XY7S_CU M POUNDfoTCmGEhs and Colds. is equally serviceable for-Horse: and Cattle . Articles. Sold averywhere. Sole Makera,â€"â€"KAY BROS, Stockport. Eng. expegpomnt, for Coughs and Cid: THURSDAY, Nov‘ 5 1884. mamas A'l‘ FAIIMISRS' wAuauNs For one year, (12 mung/113),“): $2.50 New subscribers for 1885 for the N E.:Cé_fi:;rr{tâ€"fiuirr 7 Broke}: For One Year for s7. For only $1 Will get the THE a. ‘ to show our V'C‘Q 1‘2 APPLES. 15‘» 10 our Ii

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