“Satire Money BY"Buying'fFrorn’Ua HONEST DEA m NG, SQUA my BARGA ms, -â€"IN NEW; AND FRESHâ€".- ~ ,; mums xi Panvmumuua &=ï¬w,:aflosts Richmmflilll‘x} Gogobgrg' ZZud, ' The PREPAREFQRTHEWINTER FOR. YOUR _ FALL 80 WINTER GOO BSâ€. H‘ “AT WHOLESALE PRICES. A’Large and Splendid Stock of Beavers, Meltons, \Vors‘eds, Scotch, Irish and Canadian 'l‘iWeeds, Full ‘ Cloths, &c., &c., at Lowest Prices. mm Mso a Large Stock of. F-t‘aplc and] ' Fancy Groceriesflrockery 85 Glasswmq at bottom prices ISAAC CRGSBY. ‘ :Piams 3 UPRIGHT AND SQUARE Something h as drOppud i“ I um,Geut]emen, )‘uurs very truly, CHAS W.EWIN§}, (Of London, Englnn<i,) ()ruumst of St Peter’s church. Unburg, Ou Mussus R.s.W1LLxAMs 6; Sn' 9â€" . TORONTO. Nov. 4th. 1582. (Lm'rsâ€"aniug tlmrnughly cxu‘rmwd the Workmunship of your Pianos, I have no lmsitution in “umâ€: “um n. m) opiuiuu. they are t'qtuil t0 thyme of :my nllu‘rs of the bust, Makers that Ihzwe Scan loan only speak in the Swluh nigh terms regurdju; (heir musiull qunlxties : {orï¬heiu line Iuli sing,- irw' cnpgldmy of «me, pleasant Lunch, 6m, are such, mm pix} w 50 mg to l,“ Hummus -ry to lmmlmse for" « n nsh'unrtenls, when our houm en mxe cm; 1m duuv such L’iulmsr. undâ€" ut on .hird lens cast I “1“ 41““ w H“ mm.“-“" “mm 9 01' 30W iHS‘rmmrnts shows that: )‘yu uru mootqu with the success that I think ml: 311 uy «wen-a » I 1 .nx, Gentlemen. Your Obpdiont ï¬ervunt, Mums‘ R. R. WILLIAMS &: Sox's TORONTO Am.“ 10th 1881 GENTLEME â€"I have much plonsure in testifying tn the grant exnellence of'vuu' “1â€"mqu I‘ h put than HBVL’JLAV to tho test, and ï¬nd them possessed oi those qualities of toxic and Lumgll “Y6 ceptuble m the true musiciun und luvm‘ of classical Mimicâ€"n churth siuuiud tone e-Isillv SO~ wig-- rated» from the must deliuu.ta ])iilllih‘!~itl10 to every degree of loudness 1L1le 1111:1652" and,“ {h Hm’ EIâ€" unswers remlilyl to Overy smule of fooling. » ’, om' “hu’h 1 cunsidu L wre iustxumcuzs a grunt no ‘ ifion in Inusiéiu ' ' v » ï¬nding a, piano which I can recommend will: pexfzct comidunééomet)’ an? mu Iguch. pleased M In; ‘Egrefl varieties at almvgsii‘COSTJh f. Butter & Eggs and iall’kin'ds of farm" prngcé."."Iigagl',.lgq_1j;, ï¬gdfl ',_‘_ I“)! if you come once you will'come the _mor‘e‘.,and’w6ndéiwhy: dia ‘ not come before. ‘ We promise all patron; ' , ,W , , , ‘ W9 make a special styw uf Utguus in large quxguuties unduru thereiqu 9M: £0 urn-r them an ex- ceptxonally low rates. Payments arranged to sun; tbu coumuience ef purchasers and spread over a. term 01 yous. For full particulars write to ' _§s. WILLIA‘MS. Are constructed from the very brat Materials hv expenenced Wonkmen, and are fully eqqu in point of Of Dress Goods, Prints. Gloves, V Hosiery, , &c.’; at Prices to suit Purchasers; - . BIG. BARGAINS 41!. 5Q) \saanï¬ngQ ,j ‘ Y 7 ï¬-zhflé W TIBN E, TOUCH «Y» “U R A Bi EAE'E‘Y BLANKE AND SAVE MONEY BY : GOING’TO ORGAE JOSEPH I43 Yomze St. Toroan."'0R_ ’22'6 'DGrâ€"maj‘q’Sth'ohddri? TESTIMON IALS‘E. To the high ring in the midst ni' this éomnjunixy in thc Ellape of TS, FLANNELS, ETCâ€: Elm.†£66 a positive ,sqle, PIANOS ! . gm priced r‘nlt‘ricml Inslrumeuts. GEO. WL 'STMTHY. Mus Doc. The disease commences with a slight den- t‘arn_verrront of the stomach. but. if neglected. it irt now ltrt‘ttlvrs the whole frame, emu bracing thr- ltidneys, liver. pancreas, and in [itch the Mllllt‘ glandular system. and! the'afï¬icted drags out a miserable existence utitil do:th gives relief'from suffering. The disease is often mistaken for other com-- plaints; hut'if the reader will ask himselft the following questions, he will be able toI determine whether he himself is one of the a’fllicted zâ€"Httve l distress. pain‘or' diflicultv iii bre‘athingafter eating? ls thete a dull. heavy feeling attended bV' drowsiness '3 Have the eyes ayellow tinge 7 Dot-s a thick, sticky. mucous gather about the gums and teeth in the mornings, acc‘ompanied by a disagreeable taste? la the. tongue coated ? Is there pains in the side and back? ls there a fulness about the right side as if the liver were enlarging ‘I Is there costiveness 7 '3 there vertigo or di'rziness when rising; strddenly'from a horizontal 'pOSIflOl)? Are 3 ‘the secetions from the kidneys scanty and 3 thigth colored. with adcposttefter‘standv in: ? Does. food ferment soon after err-ting. accompanied by flatulence or a belching of gas from; the, stomach? Is there frequent palpitatimr of. the heart? These various Symptoms may not. he present. at. one time. thatfthey torment the suï¬'erer in turn as the dreadful disease progresses. If the case be one of long standing, there will he a dry, lirt‘cliingtcouglr attended after n. time b? ex- ppctoratinn. In very advanced stages the sltrn ttssurrres a dirty brownish appearance, l and the handsand feet are Covered by it cold. sticky perspiration. As the liver and ltidreyshecome more and more diseased. rheumatic pains appear. and the usual treat- " ment pioves entirely‘unavailing against this latter agonising disorder. The ‘Ol'lglll of =tltis utaludvjs indigestion or dyspepsia. and .a small quantity of the proper medicine will remove the disease if taken-rin-its» in- cipiency. It is most important that tho disnrsv should he promptly and properly treated it) its ï¬rst stages, when t1 little lmedicine will effect 2 rule. and even when it. has obtained a strong hold the correct remedy should h'evpets'evered in rrntil every vestigenf the disease is eradicated. until the appetite has returned and the digestive organs realm-ml to a healter condition. The saw-st and must effectual retrde for this. distressing complaint is “ Sriigrl's (.‘urrttive Syrup." a vegetable preparation sold hv all (‘hemists and Meditine Vendors thrnuglrnut the world, and lw the pro-- pllr'lfll's. A J White. thnthtl, I7. Farting» dnrt {tr-ad. Londmu E. C. This Svtnp strisz at tltt- verv foundation of the disease. and drives it, root and branch, out of the 335mm. An Alarming Disease {affilcting a Numerous Class. Mgrkgt Place, Pocklingmn, York, October 2nd, 183?. Siltâ€"Being n sufferw f'nr‘ygam WM) dyspepsia in "H its'wdral farms. and nï¬vr spending pounds in nwdicinva. I was at, Ina! persundud In {W Mmher Seigel’u ('urative Snug. mud mn Ilmnkful to any have derived more heiwï¬l from it than any other medin cim» I PVH‘ lock. and would advise any one suï¬'vring from Ilw snme complain! to give it n lrml. lht- rvsuhs they would soon ï¬nd mil Fur Iluemsv-lvvs. If you like In make use of lhin xpslimoniul you me quite at liberty In do an, ( Signed) R. 'l'urnvr. Selim l's ()lwrnting Pilln me the- best fnmily [ll-31m Ihnl hns ewr been discovered They clmnse the bnwela ï¬mn all irrimling minim-cos. and leave llwm in a heullhv cmxdizion. They cum cneIivmwsu. Sl.’ Mari ilreel, Peterhoronvz, ' Np‘veniber '29'uh. 1881. Sir.-â€" It gims me grPnt pleasure to in" fun“ ynu uI xhe hunrï¬l I have receide frnm Seigt-l‘s \W'run. l h.ve been lruuhled fur yams with dvspepsiu; hm after a few dose»! nhhe Svrup. I faund relief. Ind after Ink-- ing lwu bulllis nf it I feel quite cured. _ l um, Sir, yuurs nuly, 311‘ A J While. \ViHiul Hensinghnm, whitehnven, 001.16ih,1882. Mr, A J. “Withâ€"Dear Sinâ€"l was for suum lime nfliicled wilh pih-s. and wus NL- vised tn give Mother Steim‘l's Syrup a trial. which I did. I um now happy to shim lhut n has returned me lo comment healthâ€"I remain, yours I‘vspeclfully. (Signed) John H Lightfool (Signed) John H Lightf'ool 15th Augusl, 1883. Dear Sir.â€" I wvile lo lell \mu that Mr. Henry Hillier, nl'Ymushury Wills. inlorms ~me 11ml he suï¬'ered fit-m n SPW‘I'e form of indiyeqliun fur rpwmds of {Hur wars, and look unend 0f doctor’s medicine \rilhunl lhé‘ shuhm-‘t hn-no-ï¬t. and dvclnrrx Mather Seigel‘s Svaup which he got from me has saved his “11-. Mr Whiie 7 Dear Sinâ€"l ï¬nd lhv Suh‘ of homul’s Syvupslvadily int-musing AH uhn hm» liietd it spank wrv highly of Us mediciua virtue-s; nne (-uslunwr describes ‘l as u "Godsend In dmpnplic penlulee.†I “1-- vuys recommend il will) conï¬dence. Fniahfully yours, To Mr. A J White. Merlhyr 'i‘ydm. Preston; Sspt. 2181. [883. My DPnr Sil'.â€"â€"â€"Yuu‘ir Syrup‘mid Pills are still \‘PI'V poyulur Will) my customers. nmny saying they-are Kim best fumfly medicines possible The mlwr day a customer came) for two bottles of vaup and sun] " Mullwr Svigol†had saved mo life of iris wifp. and h» sudded‘ H one ul' Ihese homes I mu sending nxiivs wwuv In H lriend who IS very have much f'ui'h in il." The sum liuvps up wonderfully. in feud. mm would fancv almost. Ihut the people “we l‘u-uin-ning m hrrald'usl. dine. and sup on Moiher I‘ll-iuel's Sy'up. Ilw rleuoll is So coostunlm-d the sunsfuclion so weak"! um. deurSir._\'mu.-1 faithfully, [Signed J W Bowker. To A J White 155:]. “ Bn‘owN’s Hoummnn PANACEA " hm no equal for relieving 1min. both intt-runl and external It cures Pain in the Side, Buck or Buweln, Sore Throat. lilxeummism, toothache, Lumlmgo and any kind of 11. Pain or Ache. “ It willmost surely quicken the Blood an d Hml, as ifq acting powpr is . wonderful." “Brown‘s Honsnlm‘v- Panacea.†be“ | mg acknowledged as the great Mun Reliever. and l of double the sirenth 'of any other Elixir or Linimenb in the world, should be in every family hamlv for use whin wanted, “ as it really is the (1931'‘ rr-medy in the world. for Cramps in tha h and Pains a d Aches of all kiyda," and. y. ..... n n..._. . .Auh Send FIX cunts for postage, and le- uoive free, ".005th box of floods Whit-h will lmln you to more mom'y right _ mvny tbnn anything else in this world. All, of either sex, succmd from ï¬rst hour The brow] mud to fortune npensbefom the work- ers.uhon]utely sure, At once address. TRUE & Co Agunm Maine. A Wise Conclusion. "yr‘l. huw 'uinlv Irivd many rvnrellies 'ur thm-nIi-un. i'. will he 91 “is? cmmlusiuu in My Hngvmd‘s lelmv \Jil. II curl-s all pninhnidiseuses when other medicines fnil wonflflnul. W I)rUWuVS I'IOHSHA}"|“ 1'fluu,cea.."De-- ‘ I ~ ~ ing acknowledged as the great l’mu Reliever. and I a1): #121533"; 'fzféze‘lN't’uiggeze‘s} gligggsfl;g‘irggg of double the strength 'of any other Elixir or ‘ “Led 'me" on u“ ’cflis of Cï¬nuau‘ United Linimenb in the world, should be in every family ' gmws and Great Brian 1: “gilt and 5 I'd hanélv for Else whixgwuutelil‘, ‘; as (ills really is the I n 0 0 I qes rr-me y in c e wor . or ramps in tha _ . ~ ' ‘ stomach, and Pains and Aches of all kinds," and, ' . J ,M LAWPENCE’ M‘GEB mm mm W all Drwsm m. cunts a. mm “41131054 m AW“ Nb» W~ Rest And Comfort. To The Suï¬'ering‘ (Signed) Ynuzs respectfully, ( Signed) Yours truly, ( Signed ) Chemist. (Tulnp Sewemher 81h. 1883 Vincent A “'iils. (‘hemisl "Domini. William Brent \Vubh ï¬ Hep" ill. 1 l (msmsmm BY REQUEST.) g The most wonde-ii'ul series 0: stories H‘m-l Wrillmt MP the “ Arabian Nights,†and eault V "'3' is {ull of correspondences. It is [ht- halut m puss them over to the mnrwlum and drill) them worthless save to amnsn There twver was a greMer mistuke- 'l'ht writer had a purpose und among othei things It) Show that. human castle -huildingl must come [0 nothing in the presence of n/ loftier and ullimate destiny. The following poem, up to. the hm stanza. deals with human impulse. pasaion and happiness M the “ be all and end all 094113351" but. the moral is in the conclusion. H I», V Had I my w‘ny thy restful homfl uhould be Some fairy palace by a suniit s'en. " Amid a grovp 638390?! gum Arcady, __.____. .. 0. ~ _ . OrrVFnir Gamayâ€"- And birds should trill n super--birdly 11y 'l'ill Night sggopgd dam; 1:0. kiss the blushing Day! "N "am Vï¬nï¬ I my way! 01:, love of mine, thy cheek should never knoir The borenl breezes and the beating snow, But. under )lulgktrqea‘such as only 'grow ‘IiiSEden’s _d ay. ', Thy life should be a lotus drsam of bliul The proldnggd‘rgpturggf [It lpver's kins! r vvvvvv ï¬ddihywayl' in, =-_ For thee, dear.ona,_the breezes should. be†along With the soft-cadences '0! ocean going I I Spices Irom_(;e1.gbes, odor urge) mag agony uh,“ ‘u- .| ““"a~;i‘.:,713,;v;icx'a§i *r I And thou tmnsï¬gured, like u goddeps.thtno Impem‘led i_n' “5:139: Olympjc and divine! """""‘ 'ï¬iii’finjy hi! ' “ And I should bé cemented It thy feet Thou more than beauty and of “not: the‘lwoot! And think each pop: but a. moment fleet Aud‘bid it stay. ‘ , That some new bliss might constantly mile Inbrenthed from thy gentle, odomun sigh! And from the glgmor of thy truthful eyes, “IV-1.12:1 I my wuï¬ Ah, ï¬nite way! It leads to no‘gmnd gnu] I The great temptation, but the quick control, The cruciï¬xion of the noble soul Sin will betray! These bring. 0, love, angelic life sublime Which selï¬sh hearts would narrow down to time Had we our way I 1 - Catnrrh is n muco-purlent discharge caused by the presence and development of the vegetable parasite atticeba in the inter- nnl lining of the nose- This pat'hsile is only developed under favorable circumu stutter-s, and these aw. Morbid state of the blood. as the blighted corpuscle of tubercle. the germ poison of syphilis, mercury. taxm- tnea. from the retention til' the efl'ete matter of the skin. suppressed perspiration, badly venlilntt‘d sleeping upmtn’tents, and tithe-r poisuns that me germinated in the blond. These puismm keep the internal lining ntcmhrnne of the no“ in a constant state ni n‘ritnticn. ever t'rady for the deposit of the seeds (if these germs. which spread up the 'llJSllllSillld down the fuuces or back of the throat ; causing ulceration of the throat; up the eustnchiun tubes. causing: deafness; ‘hnrruwing in the vocal cm-ds, cnusing ‘hnarseness; usurping the propékt- attucture of the bronchial tubes, endingvinfpulmonuiy consumption and death. ‘I Many’ anempls have bl-en made to dis cover a. cure tnr Ihis dislressing disease M the use of inhalants and olher ingenious de- vices. but none of these lretmnevls can do u parlicle of gnnd unlil the parasites are Hither destroyed or removed from the flux-- cous tissue Sume time since a well known physician of {any years' standing, ailer much experiu mulling, succveded 1n diiéii'veling the llQCPï¬Hal‘ ' comhiu lion of ingredients which never ï¬ll in uhsolulely and perumnenlly eradicalirglhis lmrrilile diseuse, whether Handing for one year or furlv yams. Those who n.n_y bv- suffming from lllt' nhuve dismise should, wnlmul delay. cummunivafe with the lmsines.» managers Messrs. A. H. Dixon 6; Son. 305 King all-eel wean. Town-- In, Camulu,und gr-l full palliculm's and Iran- lise l'ree by enclosing alump.â€"â€"’1'orortlo Mail soluter Rum. No risk, Capital notrequir. ed, Render, if you wnut business in Which either sex. young: or old. can make great pay all Um time they WOIli, wit-h 1mm]qu cer- tainty, write for particulars to H. HALLEL‘T &\)0, Portland Maine. week at homo. $55 outï¬t frets? 'I’d'y ab- ST MARY‘S (EPIS(:0PAL.)â€"Services at 3 p m, ex- cept the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 a 111 Sunday School at 10 u m Rev W Bates, Rector ROMAN CATHOLICvâ€"Scrvices : Thomhill “9 am and Richmond Hill at 10 30 a m ; gthe following Sunday at Richmond Hill at 9 um, and Thm-nhill at 10 30 a. 111, Rev Father Egan, Pastor. PRESBYTEBIANâ€"Scrvicos at 11 a m, nudGBO pm Pmycr meeting on Wednesday evening ï¬t 7 30 Rev James Dick, pastor METHODISTâ€"Services ut 10.3019, 111“ and 6.30 p m Sunda) School at 2 30 p m Prayer me’eting évery Thursday evening at 8.00 p 111. Rev. W B. Barker, Pastor. Rev W B Booth. Assistant. RICHMOND LODGE, A. F dz A M, No ‘23, G R Câ€" Meetq in the 110qu Boom, Masonic Hull, tn the Monday on or before full mum), at 8 o'clock. pm A. J. Rupert. W M ; H. A. Nicholls, Sec. I O G '1‘.â€"This Lodge meetsiu the 'I‘umpvrnnce Hull every Weelwsduy evening at 8 o‘clock p m. J H Sanderson, W C. A. 0. U. \V‘, IVY LODGE. N0. Iiiâ€"Meets in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hull, every second and fourth Tuesday of each month, at S o'clock,p. m. Beueflcury certiï¬cate given: for $2,000 in case of den t1]. J. A. E. Switzcr, Muster Worlmmu. R. E. Law, Secretary. V R. T, 01" TEMPERANCE.~â€"Richnmnd Hill Coun- cil, 1\ . meets 1n the Tompemnca Hall. each alter ‘ ‘0 Tuesday evening at 8 n'clmtk p. m. Beneï¬ciary certiï¬cates issued to membere fur Show or in cnsc of death $2.000, (me half payable incnse of disability. J. H. Sanderson. .Select Councillor. FIFE BRIGADE.â€"R0gula.r meeting ï¬rst Friday of every munth, held in the Council Chamber, at 7 p. m. Membership Iree. Ueraiflcatea issued to members entitling them to certain privileges and exemptions. J H Sanderson. Captain. H. A. Nicholls, Secretary. _ NIEGHANICS INSTITUTEr~Library of over 1000 volun'ues open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hull, from 7 to 8 o’clock. Wm. Pugs- lev, President. T F. McMahon, Soc. B E Law, Librarian. VILLAGE COUNCIL â€" Reeve, J Brown ; Coun- cillors, I Crosby. H F Hopper, A Moodie, R E Law, Clerk, M Tc:er RICHMOND HILL CORNET BAND.-Meets for prac- tice in the Tenmenmce Hull every Tuesday oval:- iug at 7‘300’clock. C. Savage. Lender N OTARY PUBLIC, &C. MARRIAGE RICFINIOND IIILL. MONEY ’1‘0 LOAN 0N FARM SECURITY. CENTRAL BANK OF CANADA. DAVID BLAIV, E9Q., President; SAMUEL TREES. Esq, Vicexl’tesident. RICHMOND HILL SAVING’S DEI’ARTI‘IENT ggillagt @immy M. TEEFY, Richmond Hill, April 3rd, 1884 DIREC'EDR: ,CHISHOLM. M. P. P. ,P. DWIGHT. ESQ" ,M. MCDONALD. ESQ. B. ROBIN"()N. ESQ. MCLEAN HOWARD, ESQ. GlNTY, Esq. WHAT IS CATARRH 1’ 4)" 3’- HAD I MY WAY.†CIâ€"IURCH ES SOCIETIES â€"AND ISSUER 0Fâ€" LICENSES, A. A. ALLEN, Cashier. E113 eeeee {THE .PEOPLE’S STORE Tm Groceries. Flour '8; Feed at Bottom Prices. PICTURES 66‘ Picture Frames ALL SILEï¬. W, 0Mâ€- W691: W001: Where you may have your wool manufactured ip igs purity into any style 01 goods you may hé'unnlersigned have pnrchnsed from Messrs Keys 55 Hallett the [above mentioned mill, with the imcntiun of establishing v. pm'mament busi-- ness NORTH END WDUHEN FABTUBY And trust. that the wool growers of the sur-- rounding country will give us a. liberal support IN VVOODBRIDGE. We manufacture every kind of woollen goods usually made in a custom mill, and are Working to estublinh a. business with the farmers, mnl do - termiued to do so if fair dealing will accomplish it. Bulls Carded. Clotle Lrossed, Spinning (lone, Cloths, '1‘xveeds,Shirtlugs, Blankets, Yuma, dam. manufactured, and all warranted TO B E FIRST-C LA SS In the Market is the time to have it made up for home we and re‘ulize its full value. We nrr Ml practical men in the business, and will mm 1111 Lo satisfy our customers. Kï¬ELLMmeMITH N. B.â€"â€"We have changed the name of our Mill and wish i3: to be known in the North End “‘00)le Fucth'ry'from this date. Western. Canada Oï¬lces’No 70, Chux‘clx~strect, Toronto HON GEO W ALLAN, Senutm‘,Plesident GEORGE GOODEBHAMN. {Vice-President DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Plath, M P.A1Ired Gooder- hum, Geo W Lewis, Thea H Lee, Hon D L chpberson, Sumner Unl'lll‘ll' l"'\'v,"\'v. 0 Total Assets, $3,5H0,000 Farmers we respectfully solicit your patron~ age at the SAVING-’8 BANK BRANCH Money wcen‘ed on deposit, and interest payable lmifyearw 0r compounded. See our reduced 1mm table For further infor- mation apply at the offices of the Comptu ‘“ ‘ EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Ofï¬ce, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscriptmn z~$1 UOper mmum in advance, When not paid in advance $1 50 will be charged. Tmnsitory 11 dvertisemen ts, ï¬rst insertion, M. H. KEEFLER, p r . 8cente. Each subsequent; inwxhou, per me 3 cents. Contracts for time and space made on applica- tion. Advertisements Without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and charged trunsi-â€" ent rates. . Woodbridge, June lst. 1884‘ GIVE US A TRlAL! Capital,_s1,f!QQ,090;MReserve Fund, $450,000 VITflLIZéfl MR MEWS PRICE OF WOOL IS LOW C. P. LENNOX, DENTIST The only Deutistin Toronto using Hurds up" pumtus for Extracting Teeth Without Pain NEST SETS 0F TEETH $8, FILLINES WARRANTED PUB II] Y’S CALL AND. SEE Nmmo Feb. 13m 1553 Cull Ind examine Prices. A {all stock of Pgims, 0:13 and Painler'a'Mmerjal. The York Herald. Best Material in the Market. Filling and an other operations neatly done ' My Gold Loan and Savings Company WA LTER S LEE, 151 Yonge St, Town to. CHEMISTS 65 .DRUGGISTS, " ’t‘""’k"‘fï¬ utmmmmï¬vem r' mmmrmmmmm Wax-ranted to be made from the HON}le ’I’U LOJN'. TORONTO At Lowest Prices. \Vindnw Muss, all sizes and cum oxder, A Large Stock of Wall Paper which will be BDld at COST. By means of Vitalizcd Air. Now while the PUBLISHED BY m3-13t Manager RIGGS' 82: IVORY, Axtiï¬cal Teethmpper orunder.$5.00. Pum- less extractng by use of Etherxzed Air. The only ï¬rm in the Dominion executing ï¬rst-class work at the ubuve yricu. SURGEON DENTISTS, 208 Queen St. West, Toronto DENTIST, NEWTONBROOK, ONT. Will visit the followingplaces professionally .â€"-â€" Uniouville,. .‘ lat Monday of each month. Weston. “9:11 and ‘2]3t do Maple, ..... ,..l61h do Richmond Hill. 19th do “’Dudbridge. . . . 22ml do Mr Husband will be found in his ofï¬ce, at Newmnbrook, every Saturday, except when Sutur- day full“. on the above date. Thankful fur the favors of the past years 11' my still be consulted in any branch of the pro fessimn, as follows : Richmond Hill... . 9th & 24th of each month G. LI. H’USBAN l), L- I)- S (at Palmer House) Aurora. lat, 8th, 16th, and 22nd Stouï¬ville . . . . . . . . . . . . ....18th Markham . . . ‘ . . . ‘ . . . . 20th Victoria Square ï¬lls: Thm‘uhil] ...... ,231d \Vondhridgé . ...28th 'Kleinbm‘g .. .._‘19th Not-lemon ...... 30m Vitnlized nir always on hand (It Aurora. lat, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Stouï¬ville . . . . . . . . . . . . ....18th do Markham ...... 20th dc Victoria Square ï¬lls: do Tlmruhill . . . . . . . . . . . . 231d do \Vondhridgé ...... ...28th (10 Kleinburg .. ...... 291:}: do Not-lemon ............ 30m do Vitnlized nir always on hand (It the places of unpoinpneut. It does away with the pain in exiructing VITALBZED AIR 2 THE 'YUBK HERALD [INN $l. THE PALMER HOUSE: RICHMOND HILL. J Palmer, Pr This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- ciul Travellers. Good Stablng and attentive hustlers. Terms, $1 per day. Proctor's Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8 a. m., 12 u. m.‘ 6.10 p m. and 7.80 n m. EWH CENTRAL MEL RICHMOND HILL. JOIâ€"IN' POVVELL, Prop 1 Buï¬isters, Attorneys-ut-Luw, Solicitbrs-in- [ Chunccry. Convevuucers, etc, ()tï¬cQsâ€"Imperiul K Bunk Buildings. \Vellingtou-street, Toronto ' nouns FERGUSON, Q‘C. JOHN BAIN GEO F SHIPLEY ;‘ \VM SETON GORDON, This Hotel has been refm'nishcd, renovated, and ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style, and ia now the lending Hotel north of Toronto. The bur i.‘ sup ylied with ï¬rst-class bmnd of liquors and cigars. ï¬xccllent (Lemmy/manual) l'm‘ Comnwrcinl '1‘mve]lcrs,zuul the: General Public. Good Stabl- inz and 1m utteutive Hosbler. NeWteubrook. June 13th, ISBS. Ferguson, Bain. Gordpn 8a†$_h§ple_y. HALL, FULLERTON & COOK IS King Street East, Toronto. W M Hall. J S Fullerton XV Cook PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. Toronto. May 20th, 1884. DRAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST nnATJ'rv A'Y‘ GENERAL AND FINANOI A L AGENCY Farm & Other Property, Hotels, Taverns and Business. Goodwills Bought and Sold ! Patent Rights disposed of; . PREEMAN’S WORM POWDERS. Are pleasant to take. Conmin their own Purgntive. In a. Bil-fa, aux-o, and effectual destroyer 0! worms in Children or Adults. For Manufacturing and other purposes. S ock and Share Brokers. etc. etc. Toronto Jan 9th 166's SYNI) [GATES FORMED MORTGAGES OBTAINED QUALITY AT 33.5me mm. Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Ofl-‘lces Dr A ROBINSON. P. G. SAVAGE; SURGEOL“ DENTIST, AURORA P. O. Box 2527. genial, J. I. EVANS 6; CO, THOS NIGHTING Eijcgal. IAIJS 6; CO, Signed T. Leader Lane Lwntb. 38 Oxford street, Lon-ion NGALE’S, Yorkvila Hy ly-me Sir Wm MoAz-thur, K C- M G, M. 1’. engord Mayor of London, John McDonald, Esq. ‘ C. J. Campbell, 171qu Hon. SenntorMcMaster A.M. S1nith,qu. \ . - James Metculfe, Esq. Rev. Enoch WOod, 1). Loans made on security of Company’s Policy at 5 per cent intere'rt. , Loansmmle toChurch Trustees,- at a low ‘rgto‘ o 3; Jï¬ptemst. V Send for ymspectus. A W Lauder, _ . Sec & Treas.fnr Cann‘dï¬f“ " “"" ‘ ‘mKnrgstzisust, Toronto 3 7 ‘1' a Z.A.W. R. B. Orr,M. B. and First, Silver Medalist University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L S A L, England (Late Of landon, England] Surgeon, Etc. 3011309. Hours 8 to 9.30 a.m., and l to 2.30 p.31. Members College Physicians & Surgeons. Residence, Yonge Street,11ich1uond Hill. Richmond BillJIay‘Jllrd, 1882. ly DR LEWIS G. LANGSTAFF‘ I M. C. P. 65 S.. Ont, Two Years Resident, Assistant Surgeon to Toronto General Hospital, THOBNHILL, ONT. Graduate of Toronto University, BR. JAMES LANGSTAFF! Oflico and Residence,-Onevdoor south of P. 0. OFFICE HOURSâ€"8 to 10 u. m, 6: 12 to z p m Thornhill Feb 11th, 1883. Member College of Physicians & Surgeonl. (LATE OF STOUFEVILLE.) OFFICE HO RS,â€"~me 8 to 10 .L. 11)., 5 to 8 p. m masmnucm Yonge Street, Richmond Hlll.~ WiLL‘CUFZE on RELIEVE“. DR. W. J. WILSON, MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. Many to Law on improved farms. at 6 pet cent. Amrly to ' J. R. ARNOLD, vaonoy to Loan. Worth their 'Weigh: in Gold! ! BI’L/DUSNEJ D 'I'JPEPSM, (L4 Uz‘a'DlCE. June 1811), 188}. SALT FHIC HEART And every species of disease arlslh from disordered Lil/2:17, {'22 3’31 STD .ALH. BO‘NELC CH"! LLOQD, _ Wis & ï¬iniment This 1ncomparable Medicine has secur- ed' for itself an imperishuble fume throughout the \Vorld fur the alleviation and cure of most. diseases to which humanity is heir. 330001., 'Théj? Eis‘s‘iéf niié‘ 3orst'ivé Lrgun‘é, cleanse STOMACH AND BOWELS, Rul'ify, rgqxxlate a}ng {mpggyo the quality 01 the increase the secretory powers of the Liver. brace the nervous system, rmd throw into the circula- tion the 1mm“: Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that bv their use alone they lmue been restored to health and strength. after every other means had proved unsuccessful. Richu'fuud H111. Oct; 12th, '2, will bu found invaluable in every Household in the cure of Open Sores. Hard Tux-numb. ; Coughs, Sam Thruabs’. Bronchitis, and all disdrd ers of the Throat and Chest, as 11150 unt, .Rheu mutism. Scrufqu and other kind of 5km dlseuseu BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. CULDS, h’lanufactured only at Profess or Hollowav’s Establishment 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON and sold at Is. 1&1†2s.9¢1.,4s.6d..115., 22, and 33: each Box and Pot, and in Cunadzm at: 36 cams, 90 centsI and $1.50 cents, and the larger sizes in provortion ‘ 7 Tile Trade Marks of my said Medicines no gistered m OttaWa. and also at Washington. CAUTIONâ€"1 ‘ have no Agent in than United Sluics,‘nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers shuuld lherefore luol: Lo1helnbel on Ihe Pots and Boxes. If the address is not, 533. Oxford Street, Louder. “way are spm'inus. Pi‘esident. W Baynes,Esq.F.IAA,Secpetal-y Reserve Fund . . . . . . . $10t000,000 Annual Income. . . . I .. 1.690.000 Invested ix Cunada.. . 1.200.000 Death claims paid. . . . 10,000,000 'l'unox'ro REFERENCES. t .1. MLEUW E: 00.. ,I.N‘ Uta, y,†un 'ST/ 3N, DR. ORR, MAPLE, George Langstaï¬â€˜. Of London. England, ifluliwl. [FIZZ/HESS, L‘IPQPJ’Y, , m FLUTTERING 0F TI'EHEART, AClEHTY 0F . THE 87 .19/161’7', THOMAS HOLLOWAY CF THE SKIN, «Em ï¬delxst 1888‘ Richumnd Hill, Téném’o.