Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 20 Nov 1884, p. 2

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HIST [WEE Nll'l‘lllfl! IlCflMflND BILL MST 0FFICE. Until further Holler, Malls will be closed at the above Office as follows :â€" EVENING. Going South, East, and West, 6.00 Mail for the North. via. Railway, lanes once a day, in the morning, as above stated. Going North, South, East, and West, at. . . . . . . 7.40 Morning Mail from South,West and East, by Rnilway,arrives at. 10.30 Evening Mail f'r_om Toronto by nnn Yongelatreet Stage, arrives at'. 7.00 Night Maivl from North, by Rail- way, arrives at ................... 8.00 UFHEE HOURS iiiiiibhd mu Toronto, gbqrnhllll Richmond Hill, June 23rd. 1884. ,. AurBi-a, Nev-m nrkot, Holland Landing. Holland Landing. Newman-hot, Aaron, King, 1 Richmond Bin, :l‘hornhill. Toronto, Barristex. solicitor &câ€"Contsworth & Hedging Clubbing Duetâ€"HERALD and “ Grin " No. 25 : Whole Na. 1376: THURSDAY, NOVEMB’R 20. 1884. The date printed on each paper denotes the “me when the subscription expires. The long and abusive article in the paper across the way of last week. is one that hardly merits an answer from us We have made mistakes, and we have sufiercd through the same. and it does not become the amiable proprietor of that paper to allow his columns to be used for cart-loads of abuse to he issued by those who he employs. We did not commence the discussion, the Liberal to the contrary,n0twithstanding. Our remarks in reply were within the bounds of decency, the same cannot be said by our contemporary. We pander neither to vice, neither do we consider ourselves the organ of the Temperance party. What. we have received from the Hotel keepers in the way of work we have given value for, and we presume the proprietor of the Liberal would not. be above taking money, even supposing it came from the same source. He is put out with one of' the Hotel keepers because he imagines that we received from him information that led to dis- abusing of" the public mind, that be deâ€" served all the credit in regard to getting up the petition for the public park. The Temperance items of' news in our paper, and of which he endeavors to make so much capital of. were put in by request, and which f'act it did not suit the Editor to notice. Our quotation as regards Sir Charles Tapper was not strictly correct. but according to the Liberal in our possession, the word " tongue " is right. We are exuemely sorry to think that to or three lines of; newsitems copied from another paper, should have been considered worthy of such severe criticism on the part of the Editor of" our contemporary, we refer to what. the Newmarket Era said about: rcholars of that school writing for their friends from here to come. This has: been fully answered in last week’s ‘ HERALD, and we trust our remarks in reference to the matter have at least shown our desire to do the tight lltlt)". What a power for good or evil in the eyes of: some people the HERALD must. be, when ' such aterrtble time is made of a news item copied from another paper. Didl our contemporary refuse to make any remarks against the wrong tried to be! done us by Newmarket ? Our language will not convey the impression that beâ€". cause certain men pay a large share oi‘ the taxes in comparison with other men. therefore, they are deserving of‘ more' consideration. It suits some people who have the ability to quibble to exercise it,: but howeter clever they may be in this respect, it would be as well for tltem to* remember the “Owl is not always so; easily pulled over the eyes of a thinkingl public as they imagine it can he. TRAIN TIME. LONDON, NOV. 17.â€"- The Queen has, at Mr. Gladslonc’s request, conferred upon Sir John Macdonuld ‘hc grand cross of the order of the balh,in recogniâ€" tion of his (minmt public services. - He was to Sandring} .m to Wait the Princr (-fWakn next Saturday. There is a paper cullrd Choice Bits published in England. A paper made up of small items nf'new.<,etc.,tuken from other pupms. How would it do for lhe Liberal man to forward a copy of last. week's? What :1 mine ni'weahh it might. to to him as well n:- to [he receivu. Tit Ql'ilh' MAKES HIM A GRAKD CROSS OF THE onnuc LP THE -B.-\TIL W0 do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SIR JOHN’S NEW HONOR. Elie “eijnrk gjmnlfl. Rlchmond HIII. Om. A Word or Two. ARRIVALS. MORNING. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. GOING XORTE‘ 745 840 849 902 922 coma 301nm v 8 19 8 40 9 02 9 12 9 2'1 1015 12 00 )2 43 12 50 I] 40 H M) M 18 12 32 1'2 43 l 45 Volume 27. 5 (m 5 b7 6 07 6 19 6 45 o (-5 7 06 712 723 615 i The completion of the city canyaul shows that the total vote in the State ofi New York to be; Blaine, 561.883; Cleveland, 562,961 ; Butler, 16,945; St John. 25,078. Cleveland‘s plurality ; in the State 1,078. Blaine regards the { oflicial count in New York as practically j settling the question of the Presidential " election. He intends to resume Work on the second volume of " Twenty years in Congress " The election has been l a hard fought battle. The result of the ‘closencss of the vote in New York State :is no doubt owing to the accessions to Republican ranks of Irish and Irish American voters and working men, who voted for Blaine in consequence of the Policy of Protection, advocated by the Republican Party. Whether a great change ofthe trade policy of the country ‘ will ensue from the success of Glow-land -or not, time will tell. We are inclined to think whatever change will be made lwill be, if any, but. gradual, and as far las we are concerned, we do not anticiâ€" Ipate any loss to Canada. through the success of the Democrats. but on the ;contrary hope the change of the color of Cleveland announced as Presi- dent. Party (in Me other sidéi will ultimately be favorable and beneficial to both coun- tries. The Wmld gives currency to the rum- or that “John A. will offer Hon. Alex. Mackenzie the Lieutem‘nt~Governorahip of Ontario." It. may be; more unlikely things than that have happea‘ud before (0-day. mom AND swnm- wnn WE ARE Donia n: ma qumcx's urn H mm suaox or THE nun. The days are shortening; dark bleak November is upon us; the winter is draw- ing nigh, and the poor and the needy nte beginning to seek aid from their richer fellow citizens. It is truly surprising the amount of poverty existing in Toronto every winter, and it is equally surprising the amount of money given by chpritahly dis-- ‘ posed institutions and people every winter {or the poor of our city. It is imposstble to form a true estimate of the one or the other. but daily may be heard of people making Application for funds while, too, daily welearn of such men as Goldwin‘ Smith sending $100 here and there to supply the “9943: of those in distress. Only quite recently 0 mun npp|ied to the Police Magis- trnte to he sent to gnol for the winter in order to live. The request was granted. It seems he could get no work. and no or e Seems to take pity on him, and out in the Cold, Cold world he seeks reloge hehind the hare of our gnol. It is truly end. and it in to be hoped umple provision wil= he made this winter for all seeking help, without 1being compelled to go to gnol as "grunts. THE BY-lAW. Quite recently a Irv-Jaw was submitted by the City Council to the l'reehnlders to pro- vide for a certain amount of money to build a new City Hall in connection with the Court House about to be erected on Queen street. The voters. however, thought the present Lin H .II was quite good enough for some time to come. anyway. tmd the hy-law was defeated by about. 500 major-- ily The site selected for the new (‘unt't House. is it good one, and nlthonrzh some ‘ people would prefer to have it in another part of the city. Still the present one has many advantages over other sites which have been mentioned. 13 still freely discussed in the workshops and difi'ewttt HVHUI'S of business. The Temperance mop]? have been securing as much as possible popular opinion on the topic. In u large number ol wotkshops‘ etc., voles have born taken by the men,:.nd in a great number of cases the Act carried by mujmttios in its favor. Although It number ofthose \tlm voted on the Act in this way will not be permitted to record their yotes on the day of its submission [ Pallittmeuttu'y voters only be allowed to vote ] yet by the means mentioned above. the popular voice and opinion are got at, and goeato show that the people of Toronto are ptepared even now to who the Scott Act " for better or for worse.” Still there is some opposition offer-rd towards it. At a brewers' employes meeting the other even- ing Some £200 pl'l'SOllS engaged in making liquor I'lPlC'rmlllt‘d to light ttgttittst the Act tooth and nail. The hotel keel-ensmill too. of course oppose it. mud no doubt money will be quite flush dmiug those exciting ttmes. it does beat all the amount of exoiu ment the Presidential Election in the United Slutel is causing in Toronto, At all hours of the day fund night too, perhaps) crowds of anxious men mny be seen around the windows of the newspaper cflicea eagerly scanning evu‘y iresh bulletin giving: the latest news from the “other side" l’cople hr‘re are about evenlv divided on their chain! ('1' the Prey-imam, Those favouring Bluin still firmly believe he will be elected, and while I write this, the news (3011106 on nu (vmciu‘l count he will be elected. It seems the votes cast for Butler and St John in New York Smtehnve been counted in with Cleveland's. which will very materiully el‘t‘vct matters when the truth i- brought out, \Vho will be the new President is the topic of conversation on the street PARKDALE ’5 AN NEXATION. There is now some likelihood o! Pnrkdale be» coming a port of the city, The City Council and I’nrkdnle V'ilhlsze Council met face to face ushort time mm, and whut ensued “ill be interesting to the HERALD renders, ihe vil urge being in the County. and having the honor of being the home of the Local Member of I’urliument for West York. l’urkdule Council, 11th r addrcssing itself to the Mn) or and AldLrnien for n tim:, were willing to abide by the following conditions, as a Davis of annexation :-â€" c l 'l hat the railway crossings on King street be provided vsith ( irher u. subway or overhead bridge so on to nccommorhue the running of the street ours and genuml irilflic, and that imgotin~ tions with the ruil“ nys us to the curry iilg out of the work be imnmdiutoly commenced, so that the work {guy he lit-gun by May lst, 18F!) ‘2 That. Kian stroe't' be LloclipWed from the mrilyray crossing to D‘ufleri}: fitn pt 3 That the corporation of the city of Toronto shall require the running of the street cars on Queen strent to Soruureu avenue, um] on Klng sired to Jumieson avenue, on the same terms and conditions us now apply on the same thor- onphfmos wiulin the any, and that ‘ne Queen Stu-r1, section of the service be in npemtmn not late;- thrmran lst, 1585 4 Thai tlié Qus (in street subway approaches be widened to 661%: when circumstances demand the Chung? 7‘ 8 That a. fire-hall and police station be forth- with Prected 9 That. such officials of the village of Pal-hauls as are recommended by the Council of ParkduJe be retained in the employ of the ciiy; the cal» Brien of such cfliciul to be mutuuny snislnctory. "57 Thifi: cfile portion of Dnfl'erin street ordered to be closed bv the privy cmu'cil be subwnyed as ntfiffij confiex‘glqd mr b v thenqity of ’l'frrqytq 77787:] Bit; ihe dens of £118 \‘illn’i'e. including local improvement debts (with the exccption of drain- uge;, be consolidated as putt. of the general 'city debt That the existing system of wntm‘ mpply of the village be Im-imuined and extended as re» 915591.“ . A Good Guarantee. H B Cochran. drugglsl. Lnncnster, PL. writes Ilml lie has guurunleud over 300 bol- tles of Burdock Blond Billers fur dyspgplil, bilious snacks and liver and kidn‘ey'troubt'u. In no cane hall it disnpbbinled those who used it. In Canada it given the name new em! eatiefomion. TORONTO LETTER. TH E SCOTT ACT Simâ€"1 noiico in the HERALD of lhel 61h inst" a comparison of Taxes for the years 1883 and 1884, which places the High School Tax for last yen at $283 27 On looking at the Village Accounts for last year I find that lhe Treasurer paid to the High School Board 8380. Now. air, if our Village Treasurer paid $380 to the Board and only collected $283.27. how much will he be able to pay the Board this year after collec'ing 3600. Perhaps some of the High School pupils could answer. Nov. 18th, 1884. Information Wanted. To flu Editor of the Herald : Amongst the wonderful source of in-l formation and argumentative force pro- duced in last week’s Liberal, [ pick outi the tollowmg from the leadinfi article, which, with your permission, I beg to make a few remarks on :â€"-"When an article appears in the Globe and Mail who ever thinks of inquiring who wrote it ? The managers of those papers.4xnd. they alone, hear. and ought to bear, the whole brunt of’the replies and attacks :of those who think they have been injured." Very true as far as it goes, but if it should so happen that a writer on the stafl' ofthe Mail should have connection with one of the Educational Institutions of the city ; drawing a salary from the ratepayers of the city; and at the saute time besmirching,r them with calumm" and abuse, a difi‘erent story would soon come to his ears. He would he very politely but forcibly informed that he must elect what master he intended to‘ serve ; he would very soon find that the‘ Minister of Education, or His .Deputy,‘ had taken a very fatherly interest in his Welfare ; he would he informed that the two positions were incompatible the one with the other; it. would not weigh a copper whether the ratepayers were large or small payer's ; whether Scott or anti-Scott Act men ; it would be suffi- cient for all purposes, that the two situ- ations could not be held. The wellâ€" known "Assistant" would not. do there what he thinks he can do here with im- punity ; defying every atom of decency ; partaking of the bread of the ratepayer, and at the some time. from behind a party wall, hurling at them language which both the managers of the Mail and Globe would refuse insertion in the columns of the respective papers they have control over. To the Editor of the Herald. Simâ€"The Teachers in the three rear buildings of our Public School should be rt‘quircd 10 exercise better judgment :in regard to state of the fire in each deâ€" t pat-Intent for an hour or so before leavâ€" 3 ing in the afternoon. It is too had that to much recklessness is manifest by crummng llm stoves with wood a very short time before dismissing the Schools in the afternoon. A dosnuctive fire will be the result some windy day. Trus- tecs will do a great good by stopping such carelessness on the part of the lenchcra. Nov. 19th, 1884. To‘lhc Editor oflhe Herald. The County Council noened its fall session in the Court- Hnuse, Adv‘nido street. Toronto, on Tuesduv afternoon}. )Vgu'der} pgyis pre‘sid‘ing. Richmond Hill, Nov. 201b, ’84. ‘ um»...- v u... .... Th.) Matro‘u of the IBJQSCrqu fidmé aked f5r nn inprenje 01: sglury . , “L”; n” AAII “lulu-ADV \u mun“, Mr Frank Turner opened up against the toll- gatea He having givon notice of motion to the effect that they shouid be removed. Mr Turner is persistent in his efforts to have these barriers removed off the highwnymnd deserves the thanks of‘ul_l w_1m are opposed to them "ndnfl a Tho Metropolitan street Railway Company asked flint it he allowed to commence running cars on the new trumwny from Cottinglmm street to Eglitrmnn r-t once '1 1:0 "quest “ms granted The usual “'nrden’s (lillllcl’ was held in this evening, a large number of invited guests besides Councillors being in attendance E Jackson prolposcs to petition the Government. to amend the law, so that school Trustees will be elected by ballot He wishes to r-Ince Counlv um] surrogate registrars under the jurisdiction of C9} xty _C_mmciL - Danger in the Air. Inihe ohillmz winds, the dump ntmn- sphwe. and suddmnly checked perspirulion. culna ale lurking. Ilugymd's l’oclmnl Balsam amen colds‘ cows, usllm'n. and brnncllila. und‘ull cumphnms lending It.» I'alda consulnpnnn. The Council met The Reeve in “10 chair. Cnuuciilnrs present, Messrs Crosby, Hr-ppvr, Law and Mundie. The tninuwa of ‘39lh Uct. were read and approved . Thu l'ol‘nwingz accounts were read :â€" A J Rupert. Sundries ............. $7 89 Peter S Gibsml, Pluns..........~.. 3 50 '1' F McMahon. Advertising, etc., 5 00 Moved by Mr. “upper, seconded by Mr Mondie, that the Treasurer is hereâ€" by authorized to pay the said accounts -â€"Cnrricd Moved by Mr Moodiofseconded by Mr Law. that the Reeve is hereby auth- orized to sell the small Fire Engine as it is um. required for use by this corporation â€"Currmd. Moved by Mr Crosby, seconded by Mr Hopper, that the Reeve is hereby authâ€" m'ized and ts requested to offer a reward of five dollars for the detection and com victim: of parties injuring propenty of ratepayers in this municipality, and otherwise conducting themselves in a manner calculated to lead to a breach of the peaceâ€" Uan it'd. fl [nlltwfll help you to more money . ri m. away than anything else 111 't i& world. All, of either sex, succeed from fixst hour The broad road t9 fortune opensbefore. the work-1 era, uboolntely sure, At- onoe Buddl'OBB, TRUE & ()0 Agunu. Maine. 'l'llm Council adjourned to meet on Wednesday, the 17th of December at 8.30 p.111. A PRIZE M. TEEFY, Clerk. .ichmond Hi“. Nov. 19, 1884. Yours, etc., Two Positions. Our School Fires. County Council Village Council. Send 31x cents for postage, 'nnd le‘ ceiyg fljee. u cqstlv box of goods whigh ANOTHER TAXPAYER Yours Truly, remain, sir, A VOTER Mr. George Wanace expects to start to buy a" some ofuruin at his new Elevator next week. He was in Toronto on Sah- urday seeing the Manager of the C. P. ’.., for the pmpose of laying a swiich into it, and his, wquest is going to be compfied whh' at once. Salvumn Army still continue their meetings ewry_§a‘t}bath with full house. Wallace Bros. is starting a Cooper‘slmp on the opposite side road From the mill. rhrasr had the pleasure of rceislering another birih, being the nnmq ’of Margaret Lucy Jane Wnidlaw. “Bite a pérson think that. the'fi'intér Was flea!" at hand to see Keys and H allett, fielling slbvefisr. ' "Dir; Keys moved on Tuesday last from this:villnge to Toronto. One day lies; weal: as Mr. George Top~' per wns crossing the. railroad track ‘at the Bomber summit» with a span of horses'and Waggon.wilh two loose planks, etc, on the 'holtom‘ ofthe naggon. Mr. Topper standing on behind. and one of" his boys. driv’ingin front with one hand, and steading'burrels with the other, an engine and lrain was stopped at. this place for the purpose of taking water, as is the usual custom When the team was érossing the track the engine looted, and tho main skirted in full jump, throw- ing Mr, Topper off, and injuring him very badly, " He'wos taken home im- mediately. :‘md'has been confined to his led most of the time since. At last accounts he want doing well. _- v. Last. Thursday night as Mr. John Edwards was going home from the vil~~ lage, on Wallace street. there was a hole in a plank, and he stepped into it and splintered one of the bones of his leg above the ankle. Mr. Wm' Burkholder with some other neighbors went to .his assistance at once, and getting him on a door carried him to his residence, only a few rods from where the accident hap. pened. The sufferer is doing at: well as can be cxpegted. ' St. Andrew’s Day is going to be celeâ€" brated by a Grand Supper to be {lian at Gilbert Gilmour’s, Commercial Hotel, on Dec. 1315. Mr. ‘Jamcs‘ Wright caUed the fcncc-vieugrg ‘tngtther on last Thurs day, to inspect a drain between him and James Harper. After walking over the course of the drain, and conversing for hulfâ€"anâ€"hour. Came to the conclusion that they could make no award. o Woodbridgé,‘ \Yov 18th, 1884 A Prlncely Fortune. A man may passess thv fortune of a Prince but can never possess happiness Wilh- oul 20nd heuhh ; to secure which lhc blood must be kal pure and every organ in proper nc‘inn. Buldnck Blond Bitters purify 1119. Mood and regulate all the organs. Items Supplied by the I. 0. G. T. ‘sza ESSAY. At a meeting of' a joint committee ap- pointed by the I. O. G. T. and W. (l. 'l‘. U., of this place, ltcld at. the resi- dence of' Mrs. Campbell, it was resolved to offer a prize ot‘a 'l‘en Dnllur Gold Piece f'nr the boat Essay on “The Evils of Intemperance” by any lady nr gentle- mun residing in the village of Richmond Hill, under the age of twenty years. The Essays are to be original, legibly written, and not to exceed in length six pages of loolscap, written on one side. only. with each page properly numbered. Each Easily shall have an assumed name signed at the bottom, :xnd must be forwarded to M r Jnhn Sanderson, W. Chinf' nl Temple. not later than the 8th of December next. The real name of the author and ‘thc ns~nnled name must be sent [0 Mrs Sterlinm President of lhe W. C; T.._U:,’ in a sealed envelope, which will not he opened until after the judges lurvo'rcndercd their decision, said judges to be chosen. one l'rnm each soâ€" ciety. with powér tn chanson third. The pure Essay will be read and the presenâ€" tation nmde-nt an cntm-tninment to he held on the 17th December in the Tem- perance “all. and nl'wrwurds published. HOW DR. CUTHRIE BECAME it TEETOTALER. In a journey in Ir'lwurl in 1884. in nu open cur, the wuabhor wus cold with n lashing ruin, "By 1h:- time wn rem‘hml a sumll inn we were soaking wibh waver outside. and us lhnso lluvs were (inns not of ten unrl Must, but of Loddy-drinking, we thought the best vtuv was to son]: ourselves with whiskev infide. Accordingly, we rushed into the inn. nrdcxed warm “Iver, ulul got our tumblers of {cod ly. 0m. of kindness to our r‘ur driver we called him in ; he wus pm vmy well clothed â€"in- deed. be rather belonged in that. vC‘qK‘Cf- tn the order or my waged school in Edinburgh. He W115 snaking with wet, nrd “a «tiered him 11. gond rmmm r of today. “'15 thought (hm: “hm wns “sauce for the goose was sauce fur [ha gander,” Hit. the cur driver was not -nch a. gander as we, like geese, took him for. 10 would not. taste it. “Why ‘2" we asked ; “what objevtzon hnve van '2" mid he, "Please, your riv'rence. 1 am a teetotuler and won‘t taste ndmp n! it" Well, that Muck in my thmnt. and Went to my heurt, und (in anothâ€" er sense than drink. though h to my head, Here was 0. hum ble, uncultivated.uneducated cavrmnn, and I said, if that man can deny himself that in- dulgence, whv should nob I a Chrisfiixm minister "r' I remember that ; and I have ever remembered it to the honor of Ireland, I have often told the story, and thought of the example set by the 7001' Irishman for our people to follow I carried 01119 the remembrance of it with me to Edinn burgh. That circumstance, along with the scenes in which I was called to labor daily for years. made me n teetotaler” Senator Beck, of Kentucky, in a speech in the Unitgd Stutes Senate said it was “benefit tohave the “surplus m'niu converted for the sake of economy and cheap.transportation into whiskey” A drinker makes a. very “cheap transport," for he never knowg h0w>mnch he can curry The complete " Inst of Unclaimed funds in Chancery.” up to September 13'. 1883. [ Imudmu. puhlishml by Authority ) is nnw Ieprinled in the " Nrm of Kin und Heils~ :|I--Lu“‘ Gazelle,” publislwd by Wm Ram-h, va ank (Thy. Push flico Box 3109. Umce 251 William Sm'el. Subscriptiun $2.00 per vent. Single (-epies 10 cents. postagemml We will mail you Free, a. royal, valuable bozof sample goods that will put you in the way of making more money in a. few days than you ever thought possible m, nuv business. Capital not required. We will slam you. You cam wm‘k all the time or in spare time only. The work is universally adapted to both sexes, young; and old. You can easily earn lrem bu cents to $5 every evening. That. all who want work may test the business, we make this unpumllelcd offer : to all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pnv for ma trouble otwriting us. Full particulars, directions ('tqv. b free. Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work. Glen? success ubsokutely sure. Dun’t,delay Start now Address STINSON dz 00. Portland Maine. GUI-Dior we forking cluss. Sand lo cents for ~ Depend Upon It. .-. You can depend up0n Ilagynrd's Yellow V'U‘il as a. fiaili reliever in xheumatiam. nen- rabbi rind sill painful and inflammatory complaints. It not emly relievee'but cares. Woodbrxdge J ottmgs. £77,000,000 In Chancery I me on Cmcspondom) newer of the Jm. Too LATE.-â€" An interesting com- munication from Laskay, arrived [.00 late for insertion this week. COLORED Tea Sets, Toilet sets, Lamps. &c., at the Cheap Cash House in great variety add at lowest prices. WE HAVE to thank tho‘se friends who have kindly forwarded to us vegetables, etc, Those potatoes from 'D. K. were good. J CALI. AND see the celebrated peerless Glassware at The Cheap Cash House. OUR Correspondents will oblige by only writing on one side of the pper. Tm. Conservatives intend havinga meeting at Weston shortly,‘ to appoint delegates to the proposed demonstration of Sir John Macdonuld. anAL.-â€"â€"Any of our readers requifn ing Legal advice, will do well to call on Coatsworlh & l'lodgins, 15 York Chum- bers, Toronto. See advertisement. SUICIDE.â€"-Samuel Drifi'fl. Esq., of Bradford, aged 70 years, and at one time doing business in a large way, has made an end of his existence by comâ€" mitting suicide at that village on Tuesâ€" day lust. No NAMEâ€"Interesting matter. from Dollar not published on account of the writer’s name not accompanying the letter. All correspondence must. be ac- companied by the name ofthe writer. Don't forget. '1 - ‘ WANTtn.â€"Wnnted to know. the whereabouts of Mum Abell, Collins & Smith who started a Woollen Mill |t_ Wooébridge tonic months ago, but. have since left for parts unknown. Addresl, box 418 Richmond Hill â€"-Aév. INDUCTID.â€"On the 18th inst, the Rev. Waiter Reid wns inducted into the charge of the united Presbyterian conâ€" gregations of Weston and Woodbtidge. The salary is to be 8900 per annum, of which Weston contributes 8550 and Wondbridgc $350. EDUCATIONAL SERMONS.-â€"Tlle Rev. B. M. l5urns.of the Yonge St. Methodist Church, Toronto. will preach Educaâ€" tional Sermons in the Methodist Church, in this village. on Sunday next. at _10.30 am. and 630 pm. Collections taken up in aid of the Methodist Educational Fund. Itcm'mI and jll§mmfipmm ‘of wood at the present time. We beg to call attention to a communication in another caiumn, respecting a better over- sight of the School fires. CREDIT SALEâ€"4h Gcorge Baker intends having an exiensivo Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, etc.. on Tuesday. Dec. 206, at Lot No. 29, 3rd (Yon of Markham. Sale to commence at 12 o’clock. noon, sharp. Lunch prnâ€" vided. Termszâ€"AH Puma (£610 and under cash ; over that amount 10 months credit win be given. 8. Eckardt, Auct. Cmma: Tm: FUEL â€"We think it is about time that the Trustees of the Schnois made up their minds to use coal instead of wood. It wnuld be not only less dangerous but. also less troubleâ€" SUPPREsSED.- We have been request- 10 suppress any comments upon the sad affair that. happened at Thornhill, until after the examination that takes place ln<dny, (Thursday). before Mr Wing:- field at, Purkdale We lmve noticed Hint ihe oily papers have full accounls of what transpired. but which Father Egan‘s friends claim are one sided. We (licrelbrc will wait the result of the trial. NEW PAPER.â€"â€"â€"We have received a copy of the 77mm primer] and publishâ€" ed at Montreal under the management of Mr Stewart. formerly of the Montreâ€" al Herald It is a Liberal organ and makes a good appearance. The show of :udvvrtiscments, the pnncipnl thing in: newspaper, are good; the articles are Well written, and we trust the manageâ€" ment will be gratifying to all concerned New (Momma FnoPâ€"Mr Thom. Vollttt. Wlm nnrkod for some time in t.hi~' village, has purchased the Hook of Mr. NlClIUllF. ol‘ \V’ondhrldgc. and 0an» (‘d out a new q-arrtagc and Waggon plmp, on Wallace Steel, ODpOSlle the residence: of No C. Wallace. Esq., m that village. Al lands tvt'johbin: and repairing done on the shortest, notice and out of the best material, and as Tom is a first class workman, he will, no doubt, succeed. UNRle BOYS.â€"-Some of the housc~ holders of'tltc village complain of the nuisnm-e caused by some of the boys induiging in the practice of Mow- ing peas ngainsktheir windows. and also of knocking at their doors and ringing the door bells. Such silly behavior is very annoying to those who have to put up with it, and, if'canght in the act, an CXuntple should be made'of those who are guilty, as a preventive. Boys take EXTENSIVE SALE.â€"-â€"An extensive Credit Sale of Farm Stock. Implcmets, etc.. etc , will take place at Lot No. 32. 2nd Con. of Vuughan, on Thursday. Nov. 27th, the property of Mr. Arthur Morning. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, noon. Terms :â€"For the Fat Cattle. potatoes, and all sums of $10 and underensh : over that amount 11 mom’s credit will be given on furnishing apâ€" proved joint notes. Every article put up will positively be sold, an the Pro- prietor’s lease has expired. J. C. Stokes. Auct. cure. PANORAMAâ€"Verey's grand movmg Panorama, painted on over 40,000 feet of canvas. will be exhibited in the Temâ€" perance Hall, in this Village, on Monday and Tuesday awnings next. 24th and 25th inst., and Monday matinee. ‘Mr. Verey has, after an absence of 11 years, during which time he travelled through Australia: Egypt, Arabig.1taly, Eng- land, em. returned to Canada. to ex.- hibit his new and beautiful Panorama, consisting ol'a‘gro’a't moving collections of paintings Judging. from the» WW favorable opinions of the clergy and press in different parts, we would say that this is one of the best entertainments now on the-"road; nnd should draw a large house. LOCAL ITEMS. Tm: rope came off the School bell on Wednesday. SIX POUNDS ofgood Sugar for twenty- five cents an Crosby’s‘ FOR THE cheapest and best Grocerle‘i, the Cheap Cash House is the spot. 22 poundq of bright Sugar for $1. NORMAL SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS.â€" The Normal School oxnrnlnations begin on the 11th of Deceuber next, and will continue till the‘18tli inclusive. The following is the programme râ€"Thursâ€" day, December. 11th'â€"a.m., 9 10.10. Hygiene: 10:15 to 11. Music; 11:15 to 12.15. Reading (Theory); pour, 1.45 lo 3. “many aud Natural History ; 3:15 to 4:15, Drawing. Friday, De- camber 12(l|.-a m.. 9 to 11, Education (Theory ); 11.15 to 12. Mental Arith- metic; pm..1:30 to 2.30. Chemistry;- 245 to 330," Physics; 345 to 4.30, School Law.- Saturday, December 13th â€"---am., 9 to 10.15. Drill; 10 30 to 12, C'nlisthenics (Ladies). Monday. De- cember 15thâ€"a m., 9 to 10.15. Psychâ€" ology; 10 301012 Edncalion (Methods); p m., 1 30 to 3, Literature. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, December, 16, 17. and 18, Teaching and Beading. ‘ The closing exercises. at which the reâ€" sults are expected to be announced and .the medals nwardgd. have been fixed for lFriday, the 19th prox. fiounwn": Pll.t.s.â€"Liver. Lungs. nnd' Kidneys -â€"l\lnst diseases of these dvpurnlive organs arise from obstructions. over the removal of which these celebrated Pills ex- ercise the moat perfect 'cdntrdl, A course nf them is strongly recommended as a. remedy for such chronic affections as liver enlurgementu, congestion -of the lungs, torpidity oflhe kidneyl. and othor funicul tinnal diuorderl which came much present nufl'ering. and ifnoglected lny the fouudu-a tion of organic d‘nbnsea. Holloway’s Pills are specially adapted for the young and drlicme ; their gentle and purifying anti .11 rank; them above all other medicines. in indigultion. nervous affection; pout, rn'i rheumatism these Pills have achiewd fur thermal": univprsnl fame. They expel all impurities lrmn tht’ blood, and lhul rvltore cheerlulues’n and vigour. ‘Dr'Cwmller Ind wife. of Aurora. wore visiting ralnflve. and friends here during the week. 13% re mittâ€"Rm, WJI not our correspondent in \ oo bridge-ED. Mr Chuflan. of Orilli a, formerly of this pine, Dpcht'aver Sunday with friends here. Messrs T. Y. Vollett andJ . E. Him-is, of Wood- hridg ,u onc Sundny in this village. They me both loo ing wall. We congratulate Mr'A G F Lawrence, )3 A., of this village, upon his success at the recent Luw Socioty Examinations hold in Osgoode Hall, Toronto. D: Hall and Mr- Robt Hall. of Chatham. spent. a. short. thne wim friends in tho vihogs this week The Rev WR Barker. of this viuagcnwill preach tba Anniversary sermons in connection with the Methodist Church. Unionvine. on Sunday next. 23rd inst, bath morning and'mning. Mr Watcrflcld of Lnngstufi, we are alum] t0 lemmhns been a )pointed to a. school in West York, and leaves or big ygqsition after the Chris‘- {figs bond 57y; _ We kinh'him every success The Duncnmh Brothers left. on Friday Inst for a few days' hunting in Muskolm, but an the sportsmen are still in the nurth, we cannot ivc particulars of their adventures, but trust t t thav W hnvni‘ flood lucki’ , ,, Mr B. Wilmottjormerly of this place. we notice is buiding in Toronto. Inc of the workmen. em» played by him, was unfortunate enough to have bud a serious full the other day off the building, hurting his back in a rather bad way. Are you disturbed at night nnfl brnkon of your rent by a sick child sufl'r‘ring nnd (-yyirg with pain or cutiing teeth ‘2 If so, smd at once nnd get u botfle of MRS \VINFLow's Soo'rmxn S! mm FOR CHILDREN TEETHXNG. Its vnluo is incalculâ€" uble It will relieve the 1‘00: littln sufferer inn-- mediately Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake a bout it. It cures dysentery and dint» rbmu. regulates the stomunh m-d howolr-z. cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces iuflmnmu tiun. and gives tone nntl enemy to the whnh, s) stem. Mus Wmsmw's SnoTHING SYRUP For: (IIHLDREN ’l'me'rnnm isplensunt tn the tastemud is the yrescription of one of the uldcst and boat fd'mnle nurszs and p13} sim'mxs in tho United States. and is for sale by an druegista through-- out the world. Price 25 ct-nta :1 bottle. Hurley ' do ..... u {26 Outs, w. ‘ 32 Yeas do . 5-7 Rye do 00 Dressed Hogamor 100.155. . 6 no Haul,hind‘pmrtersmer 111).“!er U 40 Matron. by the nmrcase. per IOU ms . 5 I0 Cuiclmus, per pair . 3” Ducks, per In‘uce 5” ll-m'ur mm}! 6'3 Cuiclmusfpur pair ..... Ducks, per In‘uce (}(-ch.c:wh.... Turkeys. ear-h ‘ Butt-r, Hymns ,. huge rnll. tub dniry ..... gs, frmah. (107, Potatoes. per 1» 1 Alqflch‘ per ban-rt.- Oninms, grer )2. 1-01 bag Cuhbuga, per do Celery, per do .. annipa, par bug Carrots, pr-r do Hoots, per dnz “ Parsnipa, pnr 1mg .. Hay per.ton.. Straw per. ton. Web) Der 1b... \Vheut mu, new, per bush Sprng do ....... Hurley do At Prices NeVer‘ Before Ofi‘erefid CHEAPCASHHOUSE Ready-iMade Clothing, Ladies Fine Mantles, 7 ; Flannels in great variety Gents all-wool Gurnseys, 1 Heavy Canadian Tweed s,}i * Blankets, Wineeys,- Etc. LOCAL ITEMS. We have _ THE ., , Pall & Winter Stack THE M A “K ETS SNEATH 0n the Hill. The following lines are worthy of ~ - special notice :â€" r = ADVICE TO MOTH BIB. PRICES AT FARMERS WAGGONE T()R ()N’IWY' Personals. THURSDAY, Nov ‘2( MEL a beautiful Stock of Woollen Goods to «show our numerous cusiomers, and IS NOW COMPLETE AT THEâ€" $ 0 '10 M , O 70 a l) 56 u 0 'JD I 9‘” 75- 1 50 l 00 1 Q5 ‘25 30 0 :m 70 a 30 4:) 30 40 1'2 15 o 00 o (m ll 00 N 50 R 5’) 9 50 l 00 25 0 :m (I 30 30 2: {I0 on i 6 50 ‘ fr 6“ 6 L6 45 'h') " Bnovm‘s Harm/norm PANAC-EA " has no mu for relieving pain. both internal and extent!- It dufé's Pain In the Side, Buck or Bowas, sari Throat, Rheu utism, to’Mbuehe.» anbago and any kind of again or Ache. “ It will most surely qulcken'jhe B ‘od and Heal, as in acting pow l’ in wonderful." "Brov‘vfisfléfimml’nnwea," ‘- ing acknowledged an the great Pain Mliover. the! of double the strength of 1mg other Elixir lot Liniment in the world. should 9 it! we tam! y handv for use when wanted. “ as it foal y {a C qest remedy in the world {or Cram 5 in “a. stomach. and Pains and Aches of all k ads '3 lad is for sale bv all Drum‘ists at 25 cents I hotel? 67 325 | wanted for n11 thaThe Lives of Preliâ€" dents of the U. S. The largest. hind~ Homest, best book ever sold for In: than twice our price. The (um: selling book in America Immavle moms ‘0 agents. All intelligent people Want it. Any and can become n snocossful agent. Terms true, 311.4 LETT BOOK Co, Portland, Maine ed. Reader”, fiyou want business at w ich either sex. vou'n'g or old. can make gnu pay a“ the time they work. with abnnluta cork Minty. write for partimlus to H. HALLE‘I‘T ‘00. Portland M nine» wfihsolutnly sure. No hsk. Grimm] 11653 if $85? DIONEY TO LOAN. E Commons. J11» FRANK E; no! Toronto, Nov 18m, 1384 -- {11 OFFICES : 15 York Chamberl, New Subscribers SPECIAL ClubbingOfi'er TWO PAPERS â€"1=onâ€" ' THE PRICE OF ONE. WEEK HELMEB Rout. And Comfort To The Sula-(If. By special arrangement with thn pnbliabtn‘ Gmr. we no ubl‘e to supply Cnnadl'l only On tnon Paper MM: grunt raduct’ion This in an un-nsmuly good chimes, and we expect many new subscribers will fake advnnmce o! it The pub4 lixhers of Gm? have very much improved this deservedly popular Emper- during the year, and are giving free to a] subwnhers : very Vuniguo and valuable nmnthlv sup femth which slun- is worthgmore than the an spription frico FOR use: FOR $2.00 FOR not! “Ii-extiVâ€"igfligriiéfiâ€"Xafii it; iii-£1657 ann'ouncomont elsewhere. and send in your Iublcript‘i‘onl It. once fur Grip & York Herald for 1885 Only $2.00 for both. COATSWORTH a. HODOINS. gawk-haw, Solicitors» NOTARIES, CONVEYANCEBS, TO CHOPPERS. Patterson, Nov 13th, 1884 ~AND~ HENRY HMS BURRITT. Dfil‘mfi 2â€"11. is furth n ordered that the Defendant Hwnrv Miles Hurkitr, (10,01) or before the FIFle DAY OF J \NUARY next, pmu‘ nu appcunncq to the Writ of summons inothis action. l-It is ordered that. a copy of the writ of mm- mnns in this notion be forthwith served upm- Jnmrs Lungstufi, M D. such writ to I’ve ondonnd “’l‘o \“e forwarded to the Delendunt. Henry Milo- Bnrkitt. Monday. Nov’r. 10th. Court of Justice Upon the application of the n-bovn nnmcl Plaintiff. and uyon reading: the nmdlwif annmu Ntewm‘t, and “you hearing what was alleged : {1‘0}! COUGHS AND COLDS 17 AY'S COM I’OUNDOF LINSEED Axgniso‘ed, Sexugu. Squi]],’1‘olu, $ch with: I AMY "8700 M POUN m6} 'Caixgm' and Coltlls, is equally serviceable for Horse: and mm e aim: gdvtrtmmmtfi. Wanted cut 500 Cords of Wood. Chancery Division. The Master in Chamberl. X Annisoed, Sexuga. Squi]1,’1‘olu, &c.,wi‘:h , Uhlurodyne, 7AY’S COMPOUNDTH'dmmncm oxpect ornut, for Coughs 41:17:71} Gilda «K GUIJNETI fdr Broken a. yqel} at 110qu s? gutjt 1569. Kay [8- Sarah 1mm", mimm AY’S ‘TICFPILLS; A specific _m Neurnlgin, Face-ache, kc. Articles. Soldnvorvwhere. Sole Makers,â€"KAY BROS, Stockport, Eng’ GRENNAN. GRIP (5:31.) ROBERT C. DALTON. M. c. PATTERSON & BRO. No 9 Toronto Street IN THE HIGH 1884, Batwecn ~ATHE â€" â€"â€"ANDâ€" Datum». {1'7

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