Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 27 Nov 1884, p. 2

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m We notice some sentiments of rather a strong annexation tendency have been expressed. It seems to have been brbught about by a proposed treaty be- tween Spain and the United States which has excited great interest among men of ospitsl in St John. A Mr. Turnbull, importer and shipâ€"owner, said “ the most practical thing to do would be to get upn petitionr to annex our- selves to the United States." It is feared by the people of the Maritime Provinces that the proposed treaty will grosth injure the shipping interests. The Colonial connextion is not looked upon as baring the same benefit for the Colonies as it once possessed, and we trust that {the interest now awakened will not stop until moro‘ attention is drawn to the subject. British connecâ€" tion as a sentiment of feeling only is not going to satisfy the St. John Mer- chants. Their interests, and which noâ€" body can deny. are so strongly blended with the American Union that they naturally look to the point that they not unreasonably believe is for their benefit in a business point of view The Im- perial Government has its attention takâ€" en up so much with Foreign and {Junie troubles flint] difiicultiethat it can hard ly find tithe to think of the Colonies" as it should. We notice that a resolution his been passed, asking the co-operation of Halifax, Quebec, Montreal, and Charlottetown_‘Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce in petitioning the Dominion Government at. once to take active steps towards securing a‘ reciprocit treaty with the British and Spanish est. Indies, and that in con- sideration of the Fishery Treaty about expiring the question of reciprocity with the United States he re-opened." A federation ct England and her ColoniPs from time to time crops up. and then is lost to view. Some look at it as chimer- ical and incapable of being entertained. We, for our part,cannot understand with all thepower possessed by England, why treatment": commercial nature cannot- be tendered into between the Imperial Government and Foreign Powers at which allot her Colonies could at least in some measure reap a benefit. We trust-the Government of' Sir John Mac- dousld‘will on the petition being pre- sented to them from such an able and intelligent body of men as most naturally compose the Boards of Trade of Montreal, Quebec and the Maritime Provincesgive the subject of the petition such attention as it. undoubtedly merits. It may lead and must lead to great good, and the men that form the present Ministry at Ottawa are capable of doing all that can be done to benefit. the trade of the counâ€" try. At s time when the manufacturâ€" ing interests of the country were in a low condition ; when trade was depressed; when the country w'ss over-run by the shoddy of the neighboring Sttes; the men, who are now in power at Ottawa, came to the rescue and released the grasp held by the makers of goods in the American Union who used our markets as a slaughter house. If (and why not) a representative meeting of England and all her Colonies could meet and discuss the question of a trade relationship mic.‘ with the other, a friendly feeling would follow, and good might result. What- A Meeting by recently been held in St John N. 13., at which men of the ever may be done in the matter it‘is‘ (yin evident that the merchants of ew Brunswick usurious and earnest ‘in their expression, and will, when they ‘ ‘nkc hold of a Question especinlly _ one Mail for (he North, via. Railway, leaves once: day, in the morning, as above stated. Marvin Mail from South.,§’et and ¢,by Raillay,arrives at 1030 Evening Mailfrom Tornntb by " Yonge street Stage. arrives at. 7.00 Nigth Mtilfrom North, by Rail- way. arrives at, ......... '. ...... .. 8.00 UFHfiE HflURSâ€" Z 363% Burriétfia Ia SolicitorIâ€"Lawrencn 6: Millig an Annual Meetingâ€"JV. P. Atkinson. Secretary. Ton-auto, Thornhm, Richmond Hill Kingr . Aurora. Newmhrket’. Holland Landing, gollnnd_L_lndin}¢, Newmuket, Aurora, King, Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Toronto. THURSDAY, NOVEMB’R 27. 1884. The date printed on each paper denotes the time when lb. subscription expires. Postmaster. Richmond Hill. Juno‘ 23rd; 1884. No. 26: wade No. 1377: Volume 27. 5-Wo do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinion: of our Cgmqpondcnt-a. = mnA1N TIME. afihs‘ ‘ng 55,3913le NOTICE T0 S 17/35 ORIBERS. HEW wAuvsm'ISIrwsuns. Anneflxation’x'FceIing. Richmond Hm. Ont. ARRIVALS. 3.30%. 3?. M. . GOING NORTH r, 9 743 (some sov'rn. 8‘19 y. n 10 15 bio 912 :2 32 12 43 ‘12 no 12 43 12 so 11 40 “a 145 06:3 631 643 702 7'12 7'23 815 “ LRowx’s HOUEHOLD PANACEA " has no equal for reiievingysin. both internal and extong It cures Pnjnm the side, Back or Bowels, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, toothache, Lumbuao and an kind of a. Pain or Ache. “ It will most. aux-91y qulcken the Blood and Kohl. as its acting vower in wondertul." " Brown's HouseholdPanacea," be» ing acknowledged a: the great Pain Reliever, and of double the strength of an other Elixir or Linimenc in tho; world, should 0 in every inmfly handy for use when wanted. " no it really is the qeat remedy in the world for Cram 9 in the stomach, and -Pains and thu of All k ads.” and in fox uh bv all Draught: It 96 can“ a The Financa Committee lemminondvd pay-nan! of several «comma. and appointed Mr Jncka’on and {he 'l‘nrunuwr to wait on the Attorney General In wl'en-ncv tn an nc~ count Arising out 0! the Susan Gibbs in-- qua". I . On moiinn the Council adjourned lill Tuesday, 2nd December he)". It. was fimnmended {hm schn-als.churoh- ea. chm-imhl'e insmutinns und'municipal and government propel-vies be exempled from taxation. ' ' The Educational Commineé's repnrt stat ed Ihal a discrepancy had been luund in llm accounts of yllne (ex-sub Treasurer of Ilm 'l'uwnslnp of King. and recmnnwnded that all vouchers and documents :eluling to the mailer be examined. Mr Frunkland moved n resolution) declar- ing it a great injuilice in [he funnels uf Illil county lo (3: mpel Ihem lt- Pxpuse their produce upcn Ihe mmkvl in Toronto. die. The I'selmion was wilhnirawn. A Committee erorled luvorably on a leuer asking Ihe cu-upermion of the Conn- cil in securing pupils for Ontario Aglicu.» turul College. The {eport of lbe. Pr'ming Committee mu pdoytpd. The Dominiuu Gmierument is tciflbe ap~ plied tn furnish fry of black buss. trout. cum, &c.. to stuck the rim-rs of York Cnuuty. Péfilitimm we”: adapted rm recon -- tnendutlun of the. Cummitwe mt Lngislatiun asking the M’inistvr of Railways ,thnl oer-- tnin municipalities which have granted bonuses to runways be tum-wed, also asking the House roifinmmous to make pmvisiona fur the unsimilaliun of freight. and pusseng - (-r rates on difi‘uent railrtmds. Petibions were adopted mkingior w eke-m lion of School lluslH-s by hullm. ' The recent election in the United States has given rise to the fear that something serious is in store for the Workingm‘en of the Union. We read day after day of operatives being thrown out ofveutployntent altogether, or mills running on uhnrt time Cleveland, the elected President, in a recent speech or letter. hat-undertaken to calm, the fears of some. whilst on the other hand, Mr. Hendricks, the Vice President elect, rays them must be a revenue reform ; in other words that the protection en. joycd by the manufacturer of the neighboring Republic will not continue; Our impression is. that the changes that. may take place will begraduol. not only in the waybf'the tariff but also in the way of the employees of the Govern-- ment. Cleveland evidently desires a u-eond term, and desires to do notltina harsh or unreasonable. His idea is to surround himself with men of the most enlarged views, and to give the people confidence that the trade of the country Will not be unreasonably interfered with. Meantime no one m deny, that d‘oubt' and uncertainty does prevail among business men. - ‘ The farmers complatu because of the enforcement'of the market By-law in the city. whereby dealers are forbid t9 purchase from them before ten o’cluek in'rthe morning. The clause, although well intended, dbes not meet the case, from the fact- that. the general public do not visitthe market betor-e ten o’clock. and as the farmers as a rule arriVe in the market. at an early hour in the morn ing they have to wait arnund in the cold without customers until that hopr. The intention“ ofAhe ,Bvâ€"luw. no doubt; is good, buéxit is a‘qmstiqnjf it does not meet. thequ'eet for “men” it} Was made, . whether it should not be repealed. A Cmfiminee was ipp‘uin‘ud In ullend at the ludusninl Home. and mwmigme the ac- c~uu'9. with a View In mlroduu» a myth-m nl' hook-kwping mnrv in accordance with the Trl-asurer's and Man tu dvvise some beller mmhnd of keeping [the tmhkxaccount At th'e recent meeting oftlhn York Cnumy Councilr Mr Duncan presumed Ihe report of Ihe Cnmmime on Cmmxy Properly, “hwh rPcnmmedrd lhul- Waller Scott be niluwvd m eurcl his fence m. celluin con- diliona ; 1h 1 Mr Goonisnn‘s applicmiou for a ro-bm? on his [ruse ofa tall-gu'e. on sac-- (mum of the- hu Him: of the gum. he Inject-- rd ; and llml the h Issue of mil-Jane N0 2, Kingslnn road. be releusvd {mm Hie gale nu cermin conditionr. on the gvr-und thal‘ the receipts hnd unexpwwdly‘aiminished. At a recent meefing of Ihe- bredimrs of «he above estate held in Toronto. the trustees gave the asset! as follow”; so far LIABILITIES. Privileged......... 4.91133 I‘llmployecs........... 696 97 Seemed c uimn........ ....... . 30 372 48 Stock in warehouse......... Goods as qollaternls Goods taken out of Igond... Swine}! c aims ................ 30 372 48 Unsecured direct claims......2]2,990 76 Indirect claims .107.159 36 Gunds in bond.... ............ Other items inpluding book nut And Comfort To The Buttes-lug. debts.........\...... . Tho” Campbeu Estate. Market ' By-Law. County Council. Total......a. Total............ A Difference. ..:....s356,130 90 144,918 74 . $265,221 ‘ 00 377.264 29 21346 ()8 16,832 14 ’ 4,869 75 ‘ “wry Lin“. awed l7 yams. died m me: Uuntvcltutnrts not able to wave ms ttca 'ruidencw of his Pfulher, Silas Lines. 4;}. 'yetmnd undvr Drs McLean and Suvagc’s Con. Wlutchurch, on last Smutdtly. The care. It may turnout to be a very funeral was tuhuve taken place on Tueou serious case. The Postmaster’s gout day Insult: fact the cottage had I'Vu‘lht'd caused all this. Lhfihlil‘ldci’. whedn on nrnigztthabcutfiu lb; ‘ JILL 01 0 808"“ WHO ml" 0 0 lurue .' ° 1 lid-um". The lips were also of n reddish , woodbndge' hov' 25““ 1884' hue which lvd the friends into the behell ~ thnt the young man was but in a trance. I A Princely Fortune. The body was removed bark to thu house . A man may trusses! lhte I'm-tune of a of mounting and kept until Wednesday WhEn Prince. but can never gwssess Imprint-as with- it was returned to mother earth. It is out gond hPullh ; tu set-me which the blood luppHSEd lbejulting over the rough roads must be kvpt pure and every organ in proper wu the en'nsoot‘tho head being displaced. action. Butduck Blood Btttera purify the “Roma”; blood and regulate all the organs. l Sumâ€"In you'r- issue of last week ap- - poured a Iettemfmm X, calling the at" Motion of the public to ihe "recklessness {manifested by the teachers in lhe three ,‘roar rooms‘of the Public School in ‘clamuning the stoves with wood a aim-t time before din-missing in the afternoon." Now, I as Principal oi'the School, feel mysall called upon to make some reply, [on _behalf of my As» X’s charges may, Nov. 17. 1384. _ A Fourfold Work Buldock Iihmd Bimnn ucl at the name time lump Ihe liver. the lmwels, the kidneys mnllhe skin. reiieving 0r curing in every can. Warranted snnsfncmry or money refunded. Bangor In the Air. V In Ihe chilhu; winds, Ihe dump atmo- sphere. and suddenly checked penspimliun. colds me lurking. ,Hugyard’s Pecmrnl Balsam cures colds. conga, asthma, Ind brmnchils. and tail complaints tending 10-- Warda consumption. The board of nrhin-nlms appointed lo IPnle mane” in dispule between Ihe City and County arising: out oflhe mmexnliun uf YurL-villre. Rivmside and I'lrucklon, have had several meetings, nnd ndjuunwd to Dec. In. ‘ In the first 'plnce, hnd X made as close an inspection of the state of the rooms. as he did of the stoves, I rather fancy he would have been towed to call attenâ€" tion to the “recklessness” manifested in allowing teachers to do duty in such rooms, nd his only wonder would have been how the teachers bould possibly manage to keep snehrooms sufliciently comfortable for their pupils, even bv "cramming the stoves" continually But as X certainly did not take into eon-v Biderulion the state of‘ the rooms, allow me, through the same medium as X has employed. to draw attention to their present eotvdition. In Form Ii, there are three broken panes of glass, and windows that fit so 'loosely that on a windy day, the work of the room has to he almost suspended. on: account of' the”. noise of rattling window sashes. These broken windows have all; been the work of outsiders. and outside of School hours. Form III rejoices in an outer door minus a lower panel, and windows of about as correct a fit as those of Form II. The stové‘of Form III certainly deserves a little notice me, being minus a front, except the door. , Form IV has the broken panes, four of which were in that condition when the room wits taken possession of after midsummer vacation. i might just remind a sympathinintr public that. this last is the infant. school, and leave it to them to decide whether the; teacher is to be found fault with for trying to keep the room warm. ’ ‘ Sunwtittw in the lust mnnth nndemtund, he wus hnving tut ruff-«lay. hit-Almrses’ shoul- .dera being out of under. and being of an inquisitivetutn nf mind he undertook to do IOU"! walking. ttntl take non-s by the~wuy at the name timp: and who-ther he hud tut-tied too long at the Chaplin’s vintugr [ l Wmx tuld he hud u good crop of may a two years Mm] w if he got too much of Busher'u nid (-i der it is hand tnstty.hc-.weter when he got by the Mid lu’tt‘tel tummy he hurl .x vinimt. and laid‘ the tault tn a huge maple that he thought frufli keeping nn' the shady side a couple; nl'ymnhs that had mo much Hour-- bun snup. It “with! he hunt for :1 respec- tuhle cun-tnunity‘ like this to Itnld them-- “selves l'ISl-m-t‘nlhlf for Peter’s opinions tu tlhfliJerlk-nlur time. as ha has doubtless utime‘ilting liken ntufde 't‘utkey. and also like it art-min young man who was wunt to make the penplr hetit-vo be got lost in the wilds of Loch Ett-‘on his way home from the fair, and wuntfid to make out how that ante vuuth gm his head turned with the girls. Well. that in just the way with Peter. lt'you should meet u young: man of full growth on the wav by Teflon nr lmakuy or lit-tweet- these two places. that carries ll cane by the middlp. and whistles suftly. with tin eye that: slum-u ltlw the sun on a hright.!\l'uy tum-hing. you may he sure that's Peter Pad. Hp it; of the County of Tyrone. where they keep the buttermilk 3 week,mtd make soup oi the plateau. V Yourr, etc.. And now a few word an‘ont thg’ jus- tice hf X's chargers-Asia: point effect, on the day upon which the‘jinaptmtioh of the staves 'wns nnldcguin Firms-II Qilqod was put into the st.ov_e rifle!“ the 'iézi’che‘t‘ had left her school. (Whosé duty is it to take charge of the; rooms aftergl'out' o'clupk {I} In Form “1 the last time thart‘wood had been put. into the stove waajust before the 1 15 bell rang for afternoon session. 1 hut'é already menâ€" tioned the condition ol the move. and I leave the public to draw their own con - cluaions. Form IV as belore stated is the infant school. and on my own author ity 1 can stmé that no vcry tremendous fire was on, when I left that room at 4 Slu.â€"-l see «me Peter Pad figuring: in yuur p-nrnr Prior appears In have got things aomrwhul mixed, and I should like Inn-have u. linlt- mum in you: paper In answer the mum- I'mor Pud. ‘ lb the Editor of the Herald, In conclusion; I must. inform X that a most (instinct and emphmic déniul is offered to the charge of""recklessness" or ."cnrclcssnesa" on the part of any of the tencho‘rl'in dealingwith the school pro- my -_ __â€"_m . ... yzav' " Trusting'Mr Editor that you will ex- cuse 'this lengthy trespass on your space, I am, Yours Sincerely, ' E. H.FPRAGGE, Principal Public School. Richmond Hill, Nov. 24th, 1884. To the Editor of the Herald. An Answer To X. LASKAY. Bum“ McKAY. An alfray occurred on the 16th inst.. hetweena boy of Mrs Dunnchaf'or and George Wallace. It. seems that the boy was sent by his parents in the evening for the cows, they having 2'0: into Mr Wallace‘s yard, when the boy was in the 'act ol'driving them away Mr Wallace came out, and abused the boy by kick- ing him. He related the circumstance to his parents. and the next morning Mr Dunchafur wont to Mr Wallace to find out whether the boy had done wrong to him that caused him to be abused. er Wallace turning on the old man, struck him a violent blow which may turn out 'scrious. The father and son went to Mr Wm. A Wallace's J. P..and lodged a complaint. and set. Thursday, 20th, for trial. At. three o’clock. VMr George Wallace not appearing. and Mr Dunnchal'or not being able to leave his bed, the caac was adjourned to Tuesday, the half-past. two. when Mr. Wm. A. Wallace and John Abcll, J. Pa., sat on the boy‘s case. George Wallace not. appearing. Constable Brooks armed with a warrant, was sent. to bring him. Only a few nnnutcs had passed when the constable and V Mr Wallace came into court. 'ihc Charge of the boy being read. and Mr Wallace admitting to it. The fine andeosts amounting to over 814. .The other case was adjourned to Monday next; at. two o’clock. as Mr Dunnehalhris not able to leave his bed yetmod under Dra McLean and Savage’s care. it may turn out to be a very serious case. The Postmastcr’s gout caused all this. I A Princer Fortune. A man may pusswl the I'm-"me of a Prince. bul can never gwssess happiness with- out gand health ; In seq-me which Ihe blood must be kal r-ul - 1d every mgan in proper The Young Can'adians’ Record. A VERY SUCCESSFUL SEASON. The following is We record for the past season of ihe Young Canadian Luâ€" cronsc Club of Richman Hill. Chnmâ€" pions ol'che Western Dinxrict of On- tario, wiih guinea won and Inst 1-â€" ’ " wofi Low May 24th,-Ynung Canadians, 151'. and 2nd twelve mixed. with Unionviné ~L.C 2 0 “ “ â€"â€" Cnn‘udimns, stand 2nd twelve mixed, with Checkers of Beuverton ...... 0 June nthâ€"Young Canadians with Maple Leafs of Purkdule.“ 3 “ nthâ€"Young Canadians. 2nd twelve, with Talagons'of Newmarket..... July latâ€"Young Canadians with Ux- bridge L. C ........................ 3 ” nthâ€"Young Canadian? with - Beavers of Toronto......... 3 ” 23rdâ€"-Young Canadian! with Excelsiors' of Brumpion... 3 3 3 0 Aug. Nthâ€"Young Canadians with Excelsiors’ of Bmmyton... “ 23rdâ€"Young' Canadians with Dufierins'of Omngoville... Sept.l2thâ€"â€"Ypung Canadians with 'l‘histles of Fergus ........... 3 Oct. nthâ€"Young Canadians with nrillin L.C ..... . NHHONOOO 1 they lost, and this one, it might be stated, was played at a time when it was impossible to 'secure all the first twelve players. consrqu‘ently their places had to be filled with some from the second twolIe. which considerably weak. etted the team. Our boys have scored 29 games to their opponvnts 8, and taking all together had a very successful season. They have proved themselves to he a credit to Richmond Hill; brought honor and fame to our village, and have 'one of the best rccotds of any Club in the Dominion. ‘ On Tuesdav morning, the 18th inst..- at. six o'clock, nur villagers were aroused by the cry of fire. which was very near being i the destruction of Mr. Abell’s Agricultural Works. Mr Bentley. the Watchman. had emptied the hot ashes ‘frnm cnal‘ stove of the ofiice, as has been. the habit Ibhyears. between the Hum " ber bridge and the northâ€"east end of the largeshnp. where there is a breakwater built. of pine brush, and whether it had been smouldering: for some time ar caught fire at once from the hot embers, is 2 mystery. There was a strong northâ€" east wind bluwing at the time it. started and the watchman did all he could by throwing water on it. finding it was of no avail he at. once gave the alarm. and in a few minutes the place was crowded with people. Being at this hour of the morning the steam vas up for the purâ€" pose of commencing \\'mk. 'l‘he hnse be- ing kept at the shop for fear of was at once gut tn thl'lt.:)ntl watt-r being $111» plied from the riter [Elutnber it was soon subdued. doing an damage. From the above it Will be seen that? the Young Canadians have engaged in 11 matches; 10 ofthereé they wpn, and St Andrew's night. ceh-Iratcd by a Supper at. Gilbert Gilmmxr'a. on Dec. 1st. Great preparations are being made to insum a good time Mr Abell,‘ bur RH‘VU: has returned from England, and looks well. He sayfi his health is greatly improved. and llud n plcusmu. passage gning, but ver rough returning The 100 acres ()l'llle lutv Jul." Brown nf'tlnis village, was sold last week m Mr Joseph Button for $6000, a Lvuml part being cash. - village lhe mhcr duy, mnl'voxpvcts to be :Ihle to attend the Council on Munduv night. vuluumls they had to be killed. No ciuc in the owners of the rings. ‘ Mr John Edwm-ds. who untlnis h-g broken in :1 imie in the Filio‘Wuik mar 21 week my». is doing well. 1 lie-lion: it is going m be hard on the enrpurmimu Butcher’s Jubilee~0nly five butchâ€" ers’ waggons were seen on our slrnels. and one farmer selling by the quartm‘. one day last_ week. Sum; of Him: lnu‘e nuvur paddled since. Before night of that dny. there were some of them who had not being selling but buying animals, and they got changed'imo other wagu'nns, the difi‘erencé not being known. You could buy good weak for 8 cents per pound. and it'llmt was too dear, they would give it. to you for nothing. The. Clerk says anmher birth regis- lcred, name, Agnes Mary J.ogzerson ‘Un Friday night. last. Mnnnsev Bras had five aheop wurried by dug: in a frightful manner. that after hrir ging rm Woodbndge J ottlngs. (From our 0v n Correspondent) in Que ‘FAIR.7;The monthly Cattle Fair will be held in this village on Wednesday next. Dec. 3rd. . Vnnnr's PANOBAMA.â€"-On Monday and Tuesday evenings last, Mr. J. Verey’s grand moving Panorama was on exhibition at. the Temperance Hall ii) this village. We heartily endorse all that we have heard of it as a very cheap and interesting mode of conveying in» formation to the public. especially to the younger portion. Mr. Verey is a most. enthusiastic advocate of the Temperance onuse,nnd takes great. delight in int-- pressing upon the young the folly and injury arising from indulgence in liquor and the use of tobacco. The views of the Thousand Islands, Long Rapids, and that wonderful structure. the Victoria Bridge crossing the St. Lawrence, were simply grand, as were. also the views of the struggles of France during the Francoâ€"Prussian War. The sixty views lrnm Bunyan‘u Pilgrim‘s Progress. and the 33 startling scenes of Ten Nights in a Bar Room kept. the audience in spell - bound silence for some length of time. We are glad that the success attending the exhibition in a financial way has been satisfactory. That it has been success- ful in a moral and historical point. of view, we think all must. admit who‘ have witnessed the exhibition and listen- ed QM: Verey’s remarks. Tm. FYRE 811mm» intend having an Oyster Supper at the Dominion House, to~-nu-rI-uw. Friday evening. BAD STATE.â€"-We give'plaqc to day to n communioaciun from the Principal of'tlle Public Schuols, in answer to X The Public Schools seem to be in :- bad stale, judging by the remarks of Ibo Principal. and sadly want looking after. WANT}:D.â€"â€"A good able-bodied and strongâ€"aimed poep to write up “ The Beautiful Snow.” One who can sn’w wood and light fires preferred. ANNUAL Mannaâ€"The annual meeting of the ‘Vest. York Liberal Conâ€" srnutive Association, for the election of officers and the transaction of other imâ€" portant business, will be held at. Eagle's Hotel, Weston, on Wednesday. Dec. 3rd. at 2 o'clock pm. A full attendance is specially requested. 'l‘nn LAST.-â€"Tl)0 last two numbers of Picturesque Canada, to make up and complete the work. are to hand. They trent of Nova ‘Scotih. Prince Edward's Island and British Columbia, and the engravings are beautiful. The publish- on are prepared to bind the work In various styles, at the lowest possible prices. COMMERCE!) BUSINEss.-â€"Our young and aspiring Barrister, Mr. A. Ur. F. Lawrence, has entered into partnership with Mr. T. C. Milligun, and already commenced business. 'l‘hey'will have two ofiiées, one at No. 14 Building and Loan Chambers, 15 Toronto Street, and the other in rear ofthe Central Bank, Richmond Hill, open on Saturdays. We wish the new firm every success. Soc (lard in another column. SHARPENED.â€"â€"-Our village should be pretty well sharpened up just nowy as we have had a number of grinders trumping through it. this week. The scissors- grinder is the one man of business upon whom polities seem to have no effect While all the other men stand around the corners looking melancholy orjubilnnt as the case may be, over the latest desâ€" patches; he goes from house to house ringing hil clearâ€"toned bell with zip-- pnrently no thou;le for anything more exciting than scissors to grind, knives to grind,and all for the small sum of twenty- five cents. Who wouldn’t be a grinder ? le'rlTUTE MEETINGâ€"The Directors of the Mechanics’ Institute in this \il-- lame met on Friday evening: last, for general business. Mr Switzer. President, in the chair. Minutes of last. meeting read and adopted. A Conununicntion was rend from the Association of Me- chunics’ Institutes of Ontario, relating to special offers to be given local associa tions for lectures. The Secretary pre- sented a bill of$1 for printing Members’ tickets which was ordered to he paid. Moved by Trench, seconded by Dr. Wilson. that, as the Association of Men chnnics’ Insttutes has ofi'ered a bonus of 815 to be applied for a Scientific Lee-- tut-o, we negotiate with Mr C. A. Hirch fuller to deliver a lecture here as soon as arrangements can be made. Moved by Mr Sanderson,seconded by Mr. Savage, that the magazines be cancelled as they run out. It was also moved and second» ed that the Rqunmn Committee be in- structed to getnup a Re--Union on Friday evening Dec. 5th, and that members be charged ‘10 cents. and non~~members 20 cents admission. The meeting then adâ€" iourned. SEND THEM TN.-â€"Dozens of interest- ing oyents~glcat and smallâ€" are lost sight of every week for the want of some one to report thvm to the press Are their visitou in your .neighborhood ? Send tlwir names to the press. Farms or houses sold ‘3 Tell us about the ohung- es. Church socials or meetings 5! Write an accnunl for the paper. Races, fires. floods, deaths. wedding, accidents. and interesting items 3 Send them to the paper. and the editor will thunk you and retn‘t-‘n Iht' t'uvm‘ some day. \Vrite only 'Vrhut yfiu cfn‘ivouch T61“ 571"!)67101‘, and WINTER -â€"On Tuvsdny last We had qmtu u iwnw fail (if " The Beautiful Snmv,” and. judging from present upâ€" pcurnnces. wu mav sni'vly any that the winter has camumnced . The mom jingle of the Fieigh bvils an it, daily falls upnn our Mrs reminds us that tho pit-insures cmuwcfrd with the winter for thnse whn :i e in fair and good circum - sinners, hus. “'50 cutlnnenced. But. what ubuut the pmirnnd needy? those that have hardly ennugh garments and fun! (0 keep them from perishinq. Where do their [Joann-es come in ? \Ve pity such us are plum-d in this position. and as fuel is so very high and difiicult to pmcure. it wiil maiw the winter harder for them to contend with it. ‘wfiat ynu caTv‘vouch TE?- fih" h'éfior, "an above all my to plensc rmher Hum annoy or injure mnbouy. It is an honor to be a cou‘lribulur In the press. LOCAL ITEMS. A. F. &A. M,â€"Richmond Lodge N0. 23, A. F. & A. M.., will meet in their lodge room on Monday evening next, Dec. lst. TIMELY." "A mall-fed hog rose up in his sty :Iud (imppvd a rogrcflul trur ; The Beautiful Snow has come, he said, and sleigl.iug wiil soon be here." SKATINa.â€"-We understand that Mr.‘ Stevenson, proprielor of the Skzning Rink in this village, has already com-- menced to flood the Rink and get it in proper l-lmpe for the canning season. If the weather cnnllnues cold, it will be opened very soon. V CREDIT SALn.â€" Mr. Genrge Baker iIm-hds having an oxmunve Crcdit Sale of' Farm Stock. Innpleulelns. etc., on Tuesday. Dec. 2nd, at Lot No. 29, 3nd Con. of Markham. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock. noon. sharp. Lunch pro- viderl. Terms :â€"-All sums M010 and under cash; Over that amount 10 mnnths credit Will be given. S. Eckurdt. Auct. STOLEN -- Between the hours of Satur day mght and Sunday morning the stable belonging m Mr. Joseph Powell, on 11 8 road leading: to Patterson, Wars entered and a horse with bridle and saddie was mkcn. The loss was discovered early on Sunday mornng by one of Ihe sons Strange to say the horse came home about six o'clock coverd with foam. and the check line broken as ifit had been hard ridden. lpUUed, Render. if you want. business at which either sex, oung or old. can make great [my all the time t ey work, with uhmlute cor- tuiut-y, write for particulars to H. HALLm'T 6:00, Portland Maine. At Prices Never Before" Offered About 15,000 barrels nf'upplos were ex» ported from Montreal last week. solutely sure. No risk, (‘npitnl notre uir ed, Render, if you want. business at w Iich niohnr nnv 1vnnnnnv (.11! non null-n "ran. week at home. 555 outfit free. Pay ub- The Grea! Easiern is heing put. In use us a earlier of European goods to the New Orleanl Exhiblinn. Ready-Made Clothing, Ladies Fine Mantles,- Flannels in great variety Gents all-wool Gurnseys. HgavyCanagjgn Tweecls, nmflv ;« plll'pl lfillvgl} Elm-.0 nut-unny m Auum and sit-m}in inninuve‘li HI II‘HHI'i'y. '1)": View"! of llu' funnw i»- 592 (IN hualn-li. um] ui'llw luln'ur '2 93 .881) h who-:3. lining nu average nt' 238 and 74 huslwls per acne rusLN-liwlv. Lust )‘(mr hnlh cran Male doehnyc-d by file min MN. The: rum cum is flPlle'flny nu pxcnlient Imp, c-spt-ciallv pululuea. nmngulds uwl (-ur-mx-L 'l‘uvmps sI-ifewd m HIIIIH‘. rx-enl Ivum Ilw Auglm thought, but Illry mu hi wind qlmiitv 'I'hu asun'gnle and average )‘ieid in! 18253 and “"84 HH.‘ as follows: Aggregate Average M84 1883 1854 1883 Potatoes, bush 27,5 36,261 16,4! 0,782 “33 2' 98 Mnnguidl 8‘555JS4 6., " Ulfi 4'71 9 363 Carrots 4.197;!!!) 4.436 382 0 354 Turnip: 4 l,4uG,368 29,879,354 426 2 304 Tho-ulm-m' mir‘ge lma been w-ry destruc- 1ive nu all fivlds f'rum which a firm cmp (If elm-er was Inkrn. but where fields were m‘snm-d until the beginning or middle of Juvw lhe sen-d was nulmrmo-d Fruit trees are in n hmmlzv couriilinn and have made n gund growth nfnew \vnud, but with Ihe pxceplinn of nme the crop of the SPMSINI but; been less llmn an average. Ap-- p]?! “re plentiful and of good quality CHEAPCASHHOUSE The report of the Rumttu nf’ lnduatrivs for November deals chiefly with the gruin and root crops of the Provinca. und ,gives tables of produce based on 1.250 rmurns made to the bureau on the 25th 06' October. 'l'hose lab cs show that the hnvvest-nt grain crops hntt been even mnre bountiful than appeared by the estimates of the. iSt of August, and fotm n gratifying contrast to lhe tables of lust year’s harvest. The quality of the grain, ton. ts yoner- My ex» cellenl, being plump. hard and héuvy. Hurley. hnwpver. wns hudty dIS(‘(-:hled hr the ruin of the hnt'vmzt season. and the bulk nf it due-Hm! rnnk higher that: sum d gmde. Whmt is trmnrknht’y two t't-vtn dri‘n-c'ts of any Lind. 'l he gt-uin ix show the stat-dun! woight. t-nd the th-rnye tirld DI the spting and fail vnrhifis is 22.3 hmho-ls pf r new. at 9 G mom that: Inst year. Cuts also show :1 large yield. ttlahmtyh in the nutthern and northmustm'n (-uuntins this nnd uthv-t- Ipting grains sufl'u't-d from the drnnght annne und July. (Saturated with the hatvmst' of 1383 the aggregate “ltd average yield of cet-onls "re us totlows: The urea of full whul anwn Ibis year up" nmrs to he snmehM 1953 than last your. but the land :1! Med lime was in a much heIlor staleol‘lihh and the young when! has mude a vigorous grbwzh. THE Fall & Winter Stock Aggregate Average 1883 188% 1883 11,6' 0,957 24 0 10 6 . 6.113 2” 2 10 6 Full wheat, huh “wian when Bum-y 19,11§,u:1 37 273 2-13 on; 51,835p23 38 9 :m .a Rye maps); 16 u 'I'h- [\"Ifl' )ialu' nl pens Is [3 69L6fl7 hnalmls. m 3 000 000 Imple mum lhnn Ins! )‘vm'. “ll-“9 Hw Lvt'mgr [mr new is 24 I-Imh- els ur 4 3 lvuslmla mum llmn lusl yum. llw quality I}! nf uu\-':v.\-in;_- wxcrl'wm'e. huiv ur nu (megr- having hum (lune by [he bu; Henna and (Hun, Mhio'h mm: In an un - prl-lniriPL' (‘q‘u (‘mnn nl NW (511‘ m Jul}. nmflv it rllrpl mlngi} ~_'Hl.d It‘1---\I‘-}‘ill.‘\u;llrl and sit-m}in illlilluvk‘d HI u-umvity. 'I In: View"! of llu' fulnuu‘ i»- 592 (IN hualn-li. und Full wheat, huh “wian when Bmley Ont; Rye We have a beautiful Stock of Woollen Goods to show our numerous customers, and LOCAL ITEMS; Blahkets, ‘Winceys, Etc. SNEATH & GRENWAN. On the Hill. The following lines are worthy of special uolice :â€" Bureau Of Industries. IS NOW COMPLETE AT THE- 10,4' 0,78‘ 6.5" Ulfi nee Average 1883 188% 18: 24 0 MI 202 10 273 2-1 389 an 44'.) 159 16 royal, valuable bar. of sumvle goods that will gut you in the way of maki , more money in a 6W days than vou ever ought possible at anv business. Capital not required. We will sanrt you. You can Wilrk all the time or in Fpure time only. The work is universally adapted to both sexes. young and 01-1. You can eusilv earn 1mm 50 c1 1: s to $5 every. evening. That all who Want work may test the business, we make this unparalleled offer : to all who arc not well satisfied we will send $1 170 pay for in! trouble of writing 11s. Full puriiculurs, directions em. sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work; Greaf success absolutely sure. Don’t delay Start 110* Address S'rmsoN (‘2 Co, l’ortlund Maine; for the working class. Send lo cents for G [Uposmgm and we will mail you Free, a. t Renown": Omcmss'r um Pint-=1 This Ointment afi‘urds tho Ihqrtest.voe{ent,~ and easiest fihlh to soundness in all kinds" of skin diseases, acrofulous ufl‘ect'rona; acm- bulic maladies, ulcerations, eruptions and inflummaln-ns. Them is nothing deleteriouo in the cumpbs‘ilim‘l of Hallolhiy's' Uihtiiié‘ul; but on the contrary. its ingredients possess tho- munt snolliing, purifying and strength--~ ening qualities. so that it. cm't‘ be used With lrFlff'Cl- safety hy_ pensnus of all aged. The“ delicate skin of infant: is not irritated by ill npplicntion. and it Is equnlly adapted for subduing the tedious ulceralions attacking the aged. In all consliutionul. chronic,nnd_ complex affections, Hallowny's Pills should be tnken whilsl his Ointment is being used. in order that all buneful matter be expelled frum the Pystem. '00,“, 31 ,l’eus ‘ . b7 _ Rye do . . 60 Dressed Hoganer 100 ms. ‘ .. 6 no Duet, hind quartera,por 1L0 lbs 0 ‘0 Mutton. by the carcass, per 190 ms... 5 no Chickens, per pair . .. 3° Ducks, per brace 5° 6068,6th ....... GO Turkeys, each 0 75 BMW, lb rolls . 21 la! ge rolls. )7 tub diliry‘ 14 Eggs. fresh, dnz .. . 2'2 Potatoes, per DD] 0 90 A»):ch per barrel ; Th muons, green, per bag. 1 (:0 Cabbage, per do ...... . 25 Celery,per do ...... 0 30 T xmips, per bag . I 30 1,0 ernts, per do 30 Beets, per don . .. 1'1 ' Pru‘nnips, par bag 0 09 ny penton ..... h (‘0 Straw yer, ton 8 59 [Wool m-r 1h.” W wanted far all tlm'l‘he Lives of Proli- xkeuts of the U S. The largest, hund- ' somest, best, book ever sold for len than twice ou‘l‘ mists.- The taste“ selling book in America Immense profits to agents. All intelligent people want it. Any one can become a successful agent, Ten-nu Iron; mm LETT BOOK Co._1’ortlaud, Maine Barley guts, Depend Upen It. You can depend upon llugmrd's Yellow Uil us a pain reliever in aheumalism. neu‘ mlgia and all pamful and inflammnlory complaints. Itno! only relieves hm cures. SIMS~AC Richmond Hill, on Snmrday, 92nd inst; Polly,dnughter of Mr John Sims,aged2l year: LANGsTArrnâ€"Mxnrrrm-~Christ Church, New Pruupwick. New Jersey, on Nov. 1961), by the Rev . E. B.Joyco, vator, J. Elliot Lungsmfl, of Canada. to S.Josephine,dunghterof the lute Bridaemuu Meredith. Wheat full, new, per bush Spring do ....... Barley do . . Secretary. \Vest York, Nov. 15th, 1884 7AY’S TIC PILLS. a specific in \ Neuralgia, Face-achc.&c. CO’AGULINE; Cement for Broken Articles Sold overvwhero. LAWRENCE & M’IIJJGAN, Barrisuers. Solicitors, CONVEYANCERS, ETC. ‘1 . No. 14 Buildin .1: Loan Toro" 1" (’m(- ("S 'chnmbersfls Tgronto st. Richmond Hill Office-9".” "‘ “'5 umawlBsnk On Saturdays. Mom}; (0 Loan at Lowest Current Raid. A G LAWRENCE. T C MILLIGAN. Nov 27th, 1884 1y EALLE’S HALL, WESTON, Mo N“ Wednesday. Dec. 3rd, CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION! Wm. P. Atkinson. Frank Turner. Tho Annunl Meeting of this! Association. for the Election of Officers and the transaction of other important, business, will be held at 1884, at 2 o’clock p. m. A fun nticudnnco in specially requested. - {TOR COUGHS AND COLDS Z ’AY'S COM I’OUN D OF LINSEED 51m: advertimwutfi. AX’S _TIG_ PILLS. a specific Anniseed, Seneca. Squi]l.'1‘olu, 6cm, with Chlorodyne. V A Mr; H AY '8 COM POUND, a demulccnt moxpcctorant, for Coughs 11nd_C;{1_('l_nw AY'S C0 M POUNDJ'nr Cough! and Colds, is equally serviceable for Hanoi and Cattle Articles Sold everywhere. Sol}: Makers.-KAY BROS, Stockport, Eng THE MARKETS WEST YORK PRICED A’l‘ FAIIMBRB’ WAUOONB MARR IED. TORON'IO: DEATH LIBERAL THURSDAY, Fov. 27 to“; $070 8073 . 0 70 0 73 0 58 O 61 31 83 b7 .0 n 00 o no 1] (‘0 M 60 8 59 9 M President il- 650 060 15 70 )6 2!

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