UPRIGHT AND SQUARE HONEST I) ISALING, SQUA R 5‘) BA EEGAHNï¬._ Riclmohd Hm. October 22nd, 1884. â€"IN NEW AND FRESHâ€" GRUEEBIES '& mowsiuns, HOUR & ma, Bumsxlsnms! A Large and Splendid Stock of Beavers, Meltons, Wors‘eds, ' Scotch, Irish and Canadian 'l‘weeds, Full Cloths, &c., &c., at Lowest Prices. Also a Large Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceriesflrdckery & Glassware at bottom prices ISAAC CROSBY. FALL & WINTER GOODS. Hunts. B. R. WILLtAMq :52 Sox’s. TORONTO - o G‘ENTLEMENâ€"I have much pleasure in testifying to the great excellence of \QEEIIPiiï¬ï¬gjwi' ‘ Av put them severe]? to the-cyst, and ï¬nd them possessed qr those qualities of toxic and tonedl'l so“ ‘ u ceptable to the trne musncmn xmd lover of clussicul musicâ€"u charming singing tone, ensilv y-mréï¬; fled from the most delicate pinnissimo to ever dc tee uf 10 d ‘ ‘ nnawers rquil! to eyeljy shudq of feeling. y g u 'uess and fulues°' and 0‘ touch when I eonsiqer t ï¬nding a. pumo -- -.-, hose iliéfrxiinéhis a grenbunqquisition in musicinl society, and am much pleased at which I can recommend thh vettech conï¬dence. The FIRE PROOF I - I am. Gentlemen. yours very truly, CHAS W.EWING, (Of London, England,) \ . Organist of St. Peter’s Church. Coburg, On Itssns R. s. WILLIAMS & Sm‘sâ€" TonnNTo. Nov. 4th. 1832. ‘ .aâ€" v' 11 run 111 examined the Workmunship of your Pianos. 1 have no hesim‘ m m Itatgiuéflt’ll‘lsnu 1:: ‘nlxuygotpignim :Elthst’ay are equal to those of my othqu of the pest ){aken 'that I l‘m‘ve upon lean on] ’speak in the a..an high terms regarding chem muswal quulltles ; tor the-1y ï¬ne ml} mug. in upshiï¬ty of tone. kuaunt much, 6w, are such, that there sonngs so be no necesst go purchase {0:911:21 instruments, w en um I: e enterprise cun p' uce r‘uch‘ P1111]. 1nd at one-1mm less cost; . u,, , "A _A.. _._,,,,,,;, foreign instruments, wh'en uur how}: enterprise can produce ruch Piuunfl, and at (me [and fess (:3st I 1m glad to hear that the extenswe sale of your instruments shows that, you are meeting with the mucosa that I think vou jusuy deserve. . _ I am, Gentlemen. Your Obedienb Servant, PREPARE FOR THE WINTER ceï¬tionully low‘rutes. Puymcni's arranged to 'suit the com \mience er purr'chrusersiund spread over 0. km of years. For full particulars write to _ ‘ R. S. WILLIAMS, Yonae St. Toronto. OR 226 Dundaa St. London Arc constructed from me very best Materials by experlmlced Wm-kmen', and are fully equal in point of Something has' dropped right in the midst of {his 'communily in the shape 61' @Q' __ ¢ 1 W9 mytey. specyd style of organs in lurgu; quykitieb. and 1})“: legefnreï¬lvls to utter themâ€"rat gx- a {ave Money By Buying From Us, AT WHOLESALE- PRICES. . For if you come once you will come the mom. and wonder why you did not come before. We promise all patrons In great varieties at almost COST. 'Hie highest market price paid for Butter & Eggs and all kinds of‘ farm produce. Read, learn and Rs. WKEEIEAMSJ’ & . 55 g. , 0f Dress Goods, Prints, Gloves, Hosiery, gun, at Prices to smt Purchasers. BIG- BARGAINS I BLANKE'I‘S, FLANNELS, ETC, E'I‘C.,- AND SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO JOSEPH -HA.LL. TESTIMONIALS. To the high ‘priced American Inslruments. PIANOS ! and h poailivu sale GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc‘ Market Plano, Pocklinglon, York, Ocmher 2nd, 1882. Sinâ€"sneing n sull‘erer for years \viih dyspepsia in all its worst lorms, and uflm‘ Spending: pnunds in nu-dicinoa. l was at lnnl pet-minded vnlrv Mmlmr Ski-gel’s Cumtiw Syiup. and am thankful to say hare-derived mun- hem lll frnm il lhan nnyv ‘nllier merit-- cine l eve-r look. and would advise any nne sum-ring f'rnm llw same cmnpluinf l0 givu i! n Iriul. Iln- rr-sulls Ilwy \mnld soon ï¬nd nul for llipmsulvos. If ynu like In make use of this lPSllmOHlnl you axe quile m liberly to do sn. Ihe appetite hns returned. and the diL’C‘RHV‘: ongnns rvsmred lo a heahhy condition. The surest and mast pfl'e-clual remde fm- this distressing complaint is " Seigel’s (Tul‘ulive Sytup." n vegembie prepurmiou. said by all. Chemists and Medicine Vendors 'Ihmughom lh'.‘ \vnrld. Md hv the pro-- pliu-HH'S. A J White. Limited, 17. Farting-- dun Band. Londuu, E. C. This Syrup .. . A AL V 1‘ ‘ ' ‘ l L flu†fund slrikrs n' i and drives system. Yours respectfully. ( Signed )_ R. Turnor_ SFi-J!].5 O'N'l‘ming Pills me the be.“ family physio Ilm! has (Her been (“FCOYPI'Pd They cleanse llu-v hum-ls fmm all irriluiim.r sulmm-rcs, md Imave liwm in A healthy condition. They cum. cnsvirmwss. SI. Marv én-eél, i’elérburobé. .anembez' 29llh. ‘188l. Suavlt gives me grmf piensurn ,m in» {mm you pi the bvm ii! [ imve ro-ceiwd from Srigvl's Syrup. i hu‘e her-ii lwuhled rm- yvnrs wilh dvslwpsin ; hm n-flm‘n fewdnse" of line S} my, I l'mn‘id I‘vlief. mad ailer- [Bk-- ing lwu buulis uf iI Heel quile cured. I um, Sir, yours truly. M r. A J. Whim.â€"Dmr Sinâ€"l was for: 50an time afl‘licwd u-il‘h pilps. and was ad" yis-jed to aim Mmhcr Seigvl'aSyvup a trial, which I did. I mn now luippy I-r Hum that it has re-slmod me to 'cnmpleie Iu-Ml‘hrâ€"‘I remain, yours IT'SPFClï¬luy. ' ( Siglied ) John [I Liglnlrool l5th August, 1883. Dear Sir.-â€"- I Wrile to N3†yvn that MI". Henry "Iliior. «)I'Ynzésburyflwm inform HK‘ llml h? suffer“! {mm :1 8010!! form of indication fur ruwmds of font yang. .nd mu}.- an end of ductm’s medieino» without Ilw slightest lN-m-ï¬l. and Joel-rd MOIhEr Seiï¬el’s Swup‘which it got from I. has saved his life. The disease cnmnmnces Willi a slight den rmlgoment of the stomach. but, if neglécted, it in time involves the whole frame, ‘ um» hmcingwihe kidneys, liver. pancreas, and, in limit. the Pnllre ginndulur syslém. and tho hmlt‘led dings out n miserable eklstenbe until denth gives nelivl‘fiom sull'rring._ 'l'he dvis‘euw is ul'leu mismliI-‘n for olller-com--_ pluinis; but it the reudei: will ask himself the following questioné, he will be able to (lvtel'tnille whether he himself is one of the "mlclc’d ;-â€"Huvcl disirnss. pain or difï¬cultv in hiéulhing after outing 't‘ I: them a dull ‘ hram'y fueling amended hv dr0wainess ? Have the eyes "yellow tinge ? Does a thick slicky. mucous gather about the gums‘ and teeth in the mornings, aCCOm[)é|lli!"i‘ by n†(lisugleenlfle taste? let the ‘tnnguu‘ (Hated '? ls them pains in the side and lw-ae'k , In there n fullness about tlm right side as if the. live-r weie enlarging? is there costiveness? ls them vertigo or di'zziness when rising suddenly fmm u horizontal position} At. the secrt-tinns i‘l'OllI the kidneys acuity and highly i-ulnrrd. with u (iOpOllI Ofllpr “amt- ing ‘1 Dues l’nrul fo-rment soon ufter‘ eating. “(:(‘Olnjmllied by Hatnlpnce‘ or a belching oi gas from Ihe slumuch? II there frequent pulptltltlml ul‘ Ihe. ' hurt 7 These various symptoms may not be present at One) time, hm llmy torment the sufl'crcr in turn as ihe dieia‘dful disease progresses. If the case be one nt long standing, there will be a dry, hitching cougllnfltleltded aftef a time by ex- 'fuPcIm-nlinn.' In vmy n(l\'m|ced Magus the skmussunuos A dirty brownish nnpenmnce, nudllw lmnds and {vet are cm'mé'd by n cold, sticky uerspimtinn. As the liver and kiilroys llPOUlDe more and more diseuked, rheumatic pains npppmr. and the usual tram. mont proves entirely unuvuiling against this IllPl‘ :Hrnnising disordvr. The origin or- this muluriv is indigestion or dyspepsia. and nsumlt quantity of the proper medicine “ill trim-u- tlu- disease if“ taken in it. it;â€" (-iiuen('_\'. it is must important that the dist-us" shnuld hp ptomptl] and proporly trvutvd in ils ï¬rst stages, when a little nwdicine will viii-ct :1 cute. and won when it hasnhtainpdn strong hold the correct 1': tnvdy shuntd he persuvcred in until every vesliyc nt'the disease is eradicated. until the appetite hns returned. and the diEC‘RHVf: Mr A J While Perhans the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in modern medicine has been attained bv the Dixon treatment for Caterrh. Out of 2,000 patients treated during the past six months, fully ninety: per can .,have been“ cured of this stubborn malady. ’l‘ is is none the less startling when it is remembered that not ï¬ve rer cent. of patients presenting thumselves to the rcgular practitioner are benefltted, while the pat- ent medicines and other advertised cures never record a. cure at all. Starting With the claim now generally believed by the most scientiï¬c men that the disease is due to the presence of living nerusites in the tissue. Mr Dixon at once adapted his cure to their exterminationâ€"this ac- complished. he claims the Cntarrh is practically cured, and the permanency is unquestioned. as cures efl‘ected by him four years ago are cures still. No one else has ever attempted to cure Ce terrh in this manner, and no other treatment has cVer cured Cntm'rh. The application (if the remedv is simple. and can be done at home, and the present season of the year is the most taw- ourable for n. speedv and permanent cure, the mn'ority of cases being cured at one treatment. Sn emrs should cr-rrcspnnd with Messrs A H DIXON & SON. 3"5 King street, west, Toronto. Canada. and enclose stamp for their treatise on Gstarrh.â€"Montreal STAR. An Alarming Dlsease Affllcting 3. Numerous Class. r ( Signed ) N. Wl'bh, Mr White. Chemist, (mine, September 8th. 1863‘ Dear Sinâ€"I find the sale of Seiuel’s Syrup slendiiy increasing. All who hive tried it speak vrrv highly of ms medicinal virlues; nne cnslmner dpscrihen it as n "Gndsélld lo d‘spvplic penulee." ways recommend it wilh conï¬dence. *‘uiihfull‘v yours. 1‘ Illllllu“! yours. (Signed) Vincent A Wills. Clwmiuh-Demi-t. To'Mr. A. .1 While. hlerlhyr Tydvll. Pwstott; Sept. 2]“, 1883. My Dcnr Sinâ€"Yum Sytup and Pill. are still very p0: ulm' will) my customers, min-y sti}lll§ they me the best family medicines possible. The nllwr day a customer came for two bottles of Si‘tup nnrl stud " Mothvr Sclgol" had saved the life of his wife, and he added, I "‘ one‘ of these bottles [nm sending ï¬fteen miles away I" n tiiend who is very ill. 1 huve much ("MI in it." ‘ The sale liN‘pS up wonderfully, in fact. one “nulrl fancy almost. thnt the people wme l)t-}:lt|l|lng in lm-ukt't-st, dilll’. and sup on Mother Seiucl's S}!U[L the demand is sol cnnsluut m d the satisfaction so gleanâ€"I tun. dear Sir, yours faithfully, r L‘,‘ N , ‘ ‘ ‘I- R In those sketches an Dl’furt is made to hit 011' not only- the facial ex ession. but the general n e as well, each In ject being given in some 0 nructeristtc pose Where ever possible the drawing will be made from life, so as to ensure accuracy in these respects At the same time s staid mutter-of- fnct portrait is not aimed at. but that far more attractive and unique" thingâ€"a. caricature embracing a likeness Each portrait is accompanied bv a brief biogm hicnl notice written in a. spirit to correspond in! th the picture ‘ When we call upon Canadians to,,encourago this enterprise we are after M136 “asking than to do anything vest They nlrbadyhavvin Gm? abundant value for $2 er annular. and has been already stated the ALLERY, which alone is worth more than the mount of subscription, is n free gift All we request therefore is that thesq l who are not nlrssxiy upon our list shall subscribe for Grim We decline as to argue whether $2 per your can be spent in any better way intellectua- slty There is no question to reason The in-- telligent citizen nf Canada. who has that amount per year to invest for his mental pleasure may safely take our word on this point, he will cerv- tuinly ï¬nd nothing to buy for the money which will be so satisfactory a.- a. receipt for a, subscrip- tion to GRIP. TRY GRIP FOR1885Jll’lltY $2. (Signed) Vincent A Wills. Clwmiuh-Demi-t. To'Mr. A. J While. Merlhyr Tydvll. Pwsmn; Sept. 2]“, 1883. My Denr Sinâ€"Yum Sylup and Pill. are slill very p0: ulm' will) my customora, mun-y angina Hwy me 1116 but family medicine: pogilflv. The sale keeps up wonderfully, in fact. mm; “nuld fancy almost :11»! the people wme ln-ginning In lm-ukl'nsl, diuv. and sup on Mother Sviurl's Syup. the demand is so cnnslum m (1 Ike sansfacï¬on so gleanâ€"1 um, dear Sir, yours faithfully, [ Signed J W Bowker. GATARRHnA- NEW TREATMENT. To A J White, E: Londuu, E. 0.. vv'i‘lliâ€"B-"Syl'ilp he verv founduï¬on nf the disease. it, root, and branch, out of the Your! Imiy. Ilensinghum, V‘hiu-hnven. ()cl. I611),1882 Wil’ium Brent. I Ill-- a. 7 Whéhr'l‘Eifélibs‘oriï¬iiéï¬s are sent together in one envelope, the mice to each will be SEVENTY CENTS,or $7 innl V a The Clubbing Rates given by the proprietors of the WITNESS last year and the your previous having given so much satisfaction, we again re» peat them Such are as follows E" 7 7 7 fl The price of the WEEKLY WITNESS ' is $1 a year. postage fret) n _ . > _ When FOUR'subscriptions are sent to ether in one envelope. the price to each will be S AVENTY- FEXE 0131\- S, or inï¬ll 7 V A GENT A DAY ran m womwnm l v THE DAILY WITNESS The WEEhLY MESSENGER is a paper which needs only to be seen in order to be liked Print- rd in large and distinct type. it yet cubtoius the news of the world in such a elem and brief style thnt evervono may understand and appreciate News of the great temperance campaign in pro- gress all nvnr the villi-5 ap‘rmgxine'nt place ip AL , .unnvw u .. (“Lion bother-19 it is rm illustrated paper, and gives its subscribprs correct portrui s of the neople they read about ; it contains 1m 1' pages of most interesting family readin§i besides (went-- nte weeklv reports of the New, ork Lyn}! Montre- nl markpts All this for only Fifty Cent: 11 Year, with reductions to clubs ‘ --; » l 7* .7 x where v. -, ‘ ‘ v“ " QUESTIONS ON VETERSNQRY SUB y .a‘re 12.11-â€" swered by Dr McEncbran, F R C V S, n ' :11 of the Montreal \’eteripar§Collegaund' t ~ million Inspectolot Ewe flock; f Qumsnbxs ox AchuL'TunAL vaï¬g‘cfl are an- swgred by “Rusticus†;- . Quiéi‘xdié OVN 17126231775613.1126 'nir'ey ihswerod by a. Moutrgal udyocate, and ur_1_ Ontariqpnrrister; 'Qcisï¬bï¬Ã© Voiv 780137.113:st 0F, EEEE», km!) answered by competent authorities; ' are ' Whén Tï¬REE subscriptions are sent together in one envelope. the price to each will bo EIGH- TY CENTS or $2 40 in all is n newspnprr of the ï¬rst rank, keepin itsxend- ers thoroughly informed an all depart entl of current, thought and event Its name ‘nnd repuu Cation are too well and Widely known, and ï¬rm- ly established, to need uny extended comment One Cent Subscription price, 53,00 3 year, po-tnge free THE NUBTHERN MESSENGER is a fully illustriited paper, nublishcd twice a month Besides containing the the Sunday School Lessons, it is replete with general information of various kinds, is (‘qunlly adapted for the week- day school and Sunday School. and for. young and old It is the cheapest purer ever issued Price 30 Cent.- a Year, with reductions to clubs All Subscriptions Payable inqidram'x. Gratin I. Copktoftflit‘nru’hm ubpve anon Sent with mountain world. All, of dither sax. succeed hum ï¬rst hour The broad r'oad to fortune“ Opouq before the Work- ers; ahoolutely sure, At once address, TRUE 5: Co Agustu Maine. which was established in the winter of 1845-8 has Very materially increased in circulation during the pmsent year, nearly 9,000 new im‘mes having been ndded to its subscripï¬on lists. making a, total of 41.300 This imper gives all the current news and abundant good readiu , ulnng with the Sunday School Lessons, and is '1‘ E CHEAPEST FAMILY PAPER in the Dominion ‘ Don's-1:10“ ON B‘ï¬iiï¬iylxcué' tmsï¬eretf' 1;}. M; D A Jones, of Beacon. Ont, Pregnant of the Ngionul Bee Convegtiqn ; , J ' _ QUEQTIpra 0N Fnd{1:ï¬ AND PLANTs are answer. edle Mr James pongalg of Wmdsor. Ont - {13g WEEKLY M ‘ A Good Guarantee. H B Cochran. (lruzjzisl. Lancaster. Pm, writes Ilmt he has guaranteed over 300 bol- lies of Burdock Blmwd Riviera for dyspopnin. lnlious attacks and liven-and kidney troubles. In no case his it disnp'poimed those who used it. In (‘anuda it gives the same gen- eral salisfncï¬on. ‘ r, A muc'h-"mued seqtur'e 3: the WiTNEss, and one which has shown greatly incnemaeu develop- them: during the past cquple oilseaxgrtis its SPECIAL mummmrs; 4“, HA QUESTIONS ABOUT PodLi'mr Ami "PM": aro tin-- swgred by Dr S J‘ Andras, Morin-Eu] ; 1 No. L-RT, HON sm JOHN A. MACDONALD. unissued August 2nd. 1884. ~.\», ,' A Good- Motto. . _ Waste Not your sizbstanc'e m riotous lit ing, which feeds impure‘blood and clogs the system with disease. Open Ihe channels-of heallh. pui-il‘v the hlnod. mid regulate all the organs with Burdock Blood Bxï¬e‘rs. WHAT TO READ Full ï¬gure Portraits, in Colors, of Prominent Canadians. ‘ ;No. 2.-KC-N '01.:va new“, ms issued Septcmhr 20th1584. , M No 3.41011 EDWARD BLAKE: was issued October 18th. ’84. No a m w n MEREDITH, will be issued November 16th. '8%. . able. It. will relieve the poor mud snfferer' im-'- mediater Depend upon it, mothars, there is no mistake a bout it. It cures dysentery and dim. than, regulates the stomach and bowels. cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces, Inflamma- tion, and gives tone and energy. to the who‘o system. Mas WmsnoW's Swamp: YRUP F0 CHILDREN TEETHING isplenannc to t e tnste,u.n is the prescription of one of the, yldost and best female nursss and pbisicians '. ’ ,the [United States. and is for sale by all (1 jabs through-- out the world. Priceascents 1y ome, JOHN DOUGA LL & SON, No LEON 313 K L LANGEVIN, will“ {531196.36th 141511385 ~ ' A PRIZE: Banadian Gallery SHRSERIBEBS Tl] HIP} No 5.-HON H MERGER. will I» issuod D6- cember 20th, ’84. No 6.-HON J NORWAY, will be hmd Janu- ary 17th. ’85 These Plates are printed in colors, on ï¬ne plate paper. and Will be issued monthly to our subscribers free of charge Are you disturbed at night and-broken of you rest by a. sick child suï¬ering‘nhd crying with pain or cuting teeth ? I! so, ï¬end at once and get. a bottle of M35 Wmsnow’n Soo'mnm SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is incalcul» THE WEEKLY MESSENGER. item 3dvvtti5mmt5. orlp Printing .9; Publishing 00.. TORONTO.- THE WEEKLY; WITNESS PUBLISHERS, MONTREAL" GIVEN AWAY TO ALL m anvroa :ro mots-aims. 1885. GR‘IP’s 'Send sxx cents for postage, mm m- ‘ceiv'e free, acostlv box of goods which ,will helglyou to more money ri M aYfly t an anything else in t is -41.“. ‘___ ___AA___m L._‘_ .4“; I. h... CLUBBING RATE S â€"D.URIN,Gâ€"’ 18 King Street East, Téi’ontp. I W M Hall, J SFullerton ' ‘ w char. PRIVATE FUNDS ‘I’O LOAN. ,Toronto. May 29th, 1884., I ly-puh They willnlso give the-'usuhl-J-‘Miï¬f Spies t6 cdgtbmmjg ' reqhiring nd‘igncéi, London, July 3~let.~_/1884;â€"-93 mi : ‘v CENTRAL BANK 9F SANA!“ K. CHISKOLM, M. P. P. H. P. DWIGHT, Esq.,‘ D. M.McDONALD, Esq. C B. ROBINRON, Esq. . AMcLEAN HOWARD, Esq. J. GINTY, Esq. DAVID BLAIN, EEQ., Pnegidnnt. . SAMUEL TREES, ESQ. Vice-MINCE RICHMOND HILL.’ non-mm mm on rmv snmm. RICHMOND HILL SAVING’S DEPARTMENT Deposits received and interest allowed thereon at, current. rates. No notice of withdrawal nu quired Drum on nllpnrts of Cundn. United States and Great Britain bought ï¬nd .010], MONEY : To LOAN. E CoA’rswonTn’. Jn. ‘ mex E. Howl". Toronto, Nov 15m, 1584 {IV J. M. LAWRENCE, lumen. Richmond Hill April 0th, 1884. rBaFristera, Attorneys-atâ€"Law. Solicitbrs-i'n: Chaucer . Convevancers, etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Imperial Bank 811 wings. Wellington-“root, Toronto “onus FERGUSON, 00 1mm Bun Gno F 53mm! WM SETON Gonnox, HALL, FULLERTON & COOK flurriï¬ttw, ’ï¬olicitwï¬, NOTARIES, CONVEYANCEBS, OFFICES : 15 York Chambers; Fgrgggon. 83m. Gordgh a_ §hjple_y, MARRIAGE GENERAL AND ‘ FINANCIAL AGENCY 1 Goodwilis Bought and Sold ! For Manufacturiï¬g and other yurpblelg S och and Share Brokers, etc. sic. , 79, Quéent Street; Londbï¬, E. 0., Will be glaQtvo» qorresgond.’ with Growers, Merchants and Shippers, mt]: a View; to" gmth and zï¬ptiqg __Bu,éi‘i)1e§$‘L CHARLES DONA LD‘ & 00., NOTARY PUBLIC. 35.0, Fat-m & Other- ?ropert‘y, Hotels. Taverns and Business. RICHMOND ’ HILL“; APPlES.' ’A'Pi’lES'. I ’ WES? Toi'onbo ‘Jin 9th 188! Greceries, Flour-'8: Feedat~°Bottom Price‘s. DRAIN “LEEâ€""01? THEZ‘Bâ€"EST nnArrmv Am H; Sanderson 8280113 rum: “E’s: xéitfltll‘ictuï¬' mm; ALL“ sings; O. P- LENNOX. DENTIST The only Dontist in Toronto using Hui-d: ‘ pant“: for r’ VITALIZEII AIR P11314133 THE, PEOPLE’S. STGEE Exiracling Teeth Without Pail: y means at V'ibaljzod Air. BEST SETS 0F TEETH $8, mums WA RRANTBII m m Y's CALL AND SEE ME. Toronto Fob. lath m: Richmond Hi11,~Apri13rd. 1886. Patent Rights disposed of ; SYNI)ICATEI§ FORMED Ntw is'mc’i’ mama.“ Wmanted to be made from tho Best Material in the Market. Filling and all other operation: neatly done My Gold ‘ ‘ ' Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto. COATSWORTH «I: HOOGI N3, MORTGAHES (DBTAINEB QUALITY AT Cnllrwd examine- Pilot“: A. ï¬ilitï¬hï¬bf Paints,L Oil: and Painter's Maiérinl. Barristers, Solicitors,&0. Meek TORONTO cnnms'rs a; ransom, DIRECTORS. â€"‘AND ISSUER 0Fâ€" P. 0. Box 2527. No 0 Toronto Street J. I. EVANS a co, ,_ A Lotdotho Innate. THOS NIGHTINGALE’S, A1 L‘owesfPricea. Wixnddwplnu, I." sine: and cm to order. A Large'Sloclgot' Wall Paper which win he sold at COST. £99m. LICENSES; A. A. ALLEN, Cuhior. Yorkvile E ‘on Bupd within ,; Amamm‘aeeh nwmzma; 35:010. A hin- . E lealwhxiwmttï¬ï¬mif 91‘ EH1!“ d“ jig-“$39. -on _ .111 amp ,oxgnu V 7 as_ I tip k ï¬ï¬hamhdh nric‘oyn“ _ j a ' V ' _ This Hotel has been refurnished, renovated, and ï¬tted up in {inhalant nyle, mud in now the lending Hotel north of Tomato. The but i! nup- Eliod with tit-Ml": brand of liguprn and cigars. . xcengut - achmxgodntiqn; _ or qumorcinl may atil ,1 wan, '1? 011130 ulsrkhanmur. V ctorin Square '1‘ omhm ...... oodbridgo ...... Kleinburg Nobhton This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Ever thing in managed in First Class Stylo., Sample goon: for Commpr- -:..I m-....a4-_. runâ€: (“-14: __;’ -AL___‘___‘ cial Travehen. Good Smbling and cttentfve hosblern. Terma. SI per day. Proctor‘s Bun leave- this Hose! to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8 a. m., 12 a. my 6.10 p m. and 7.30 n In. _ RICHMOND HILL. J’ Palmer. Prop. BEAN]! CENTRAL WEI. 220,8 ng‘en st. w esté’ararngb; f séion, as follows : .« 'kalohmond Hm ........ 9351 & ï¬fth of each month (ut’Palmer Hon“) 1 ‘ ‘ Aurora, lat, 8th, Wayland 22nd V do * ggwqume.w. ....mh do THE PALMER HOUSE Rpcnmouo HILL. ‘JOHN' 'ROWELL. 'P: .13: xhellexii 7 ï¬Ã©Ã©ï¬ï¬ihlidnï¬oï¬ To? â€" “Citâ€"Elimiï¬ Travellers, ayd t_h_a Ggyeqd Public. Good Stabl‘ Kleinburgv 29th - do Noblnton . .. 30%): . db Vitalizeé mt always on bandit the plhces of nvpointment. It does May with tho 1mm in nv‘nnnlu'mn oxéracting Loan and Savings Company Ofï¬cesâ€"No 10, Church-street, Toronto HON G20 W ALLAN, S-nuoorrzeddont’ / Gasman Goomamuu....».................‘Viou-Pm-ident Dmnoronsasumnel Place, M 1’, Aural Geodet- hm, Geo w Lewis; Than H Lee, Hon D L Mmphemon. Senator : DENTIST. VNEWTONBRUIObeNfE‘ ' ; kvm vine the (maï¬a; pliqe'é mug-19:13:43: .r-. Unionvino, ....... .Jst Mmdny of em]: month, 'Weston,.. ‘ ....9th and 2m; ' V go 16.4.3 .2..le * _ u = i; o mend, 111.. mu ado = !oodbridge......u r Husbandme (mud, in his} ‘ ‘ an: Egg}! evegyzSgtpnjday. exceyt when aftub Western Ganada THE YORK HEBAU] 0Nâ€. $l. int: and mi negative Hbstléf. SAVING’S BANK BRANCH- Money roceiVed on aepoait, and interest payable ha}! yqargy or. compounded. , a; gin-SB T6631 (Gui, 53,500,609 Sea out reduced loan table ‘For further infor- mflion apply M. the oï¬lcel of the Gummy IVER! THURSDAY, At his printing Oflco. Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscriptnon'2-sx 00 per mmme in advance. When not paid in advance 81 M) will be charged. " ' random-y qdvcttisements, ï¬rst iniertioi,‘ pel‘lmom...h......;.;..;u......... . .. Each subsequent insertion. par lin .n. s canto. r'Contmbts for Wound spun mud. 'on 5;)pr 109.. . ‘ ‘ Adveruumo as without written “Inflation! ‘ be uneu (orbm and chum Mimi" n - 'RIGGS .8: «IVORY, 'VITALIZED All: _: M. H. KEEFLER, Thankful for tho favors of , tl-o ï¬put your- still be consulted Kn any branch of flu pm _~~__.__ .V.., V .â€"â€"-.-.._ .. [3:179 oibmok ‘ everyggturday. 9x69] Lay mm birdie above dab. ï¬ewï¬hbrook, June 18th, 16!}. L gqxgxm, Asuommw,“ Rotor" rand. 3460.900 hymns-u. Bentham“: Mgnflvo.’ In a mo. Inn. and m Mm «ml-Mn Childmorlm wean Pown'xas. The York. Herald. WALTER S LEE, “flaw 66mm. Or A ROBINSON. YONI'JY 2'0 LOAN. SURGEON -=DEHTIST§. SURGEOH DENTJST, AURORA HG. SAVAGE. PUBLISHED BY flint-a1, .2176 .231 d My Manager ENE}, re ninth and impro’ye the qualify bf mo . hey assist the digestive organs, cleans increase the secretory powers of the Liver-(brace the nervous system. and throw into the oweulaa .tion ï¬ne purest; Elements for sustaining and naming the frame. Member College of Physican a; Surgeons. 1, (mm on- swomwvmm.) OFFICE HOURSâ€"From s to 10 a. m., '5 ta 8 p. m masnmxcm ' ‘ E ' Thisvlncomparqu‘b Medigi‘ne has secur- ed for ‘ itself an imperishnble. farm's throughout the thldfgr the alleviation ‘and woof most. disease: -"to which humhnity is heir. ‘-‘ A " MAM. Assisunt «Toronto General 3m,th 013cc and Residenée,â€"-Oue door south bf P. 0. OFFICE HOURSâ€"8 to 10 a. m, 6: 12 1702 p m Thornhill Fob 14th, 1883, ' - Worth their Weight. in Gold I 1 Pills &~:~.0intment 11191131153613 qu‘leg‘eltPhysiciana 6‘: 'Surgeonii. I ‘ Reaidengé, :jongq' lStreéat, Richmmid_Hin_i ,mchmnd Hillullay 23rd. 1882. - 1y Thousands of persons have testiï¬ed that by their use alone they bane been restored [lo health and slrenglh, after every other means had hroved unsuccessful. B. B. Orr. M. ‘B. unfi‘,‘ First “San )[Qdaliw '. Uni-vets!†of Towntorniflxq.‘ ; _S_, gunï¬gm‘h 3 A L, hawk-L (nuts I or: dhdon’v...“£ni1l.ndl- . Surgm,Eto_. -~ »-‘ H ,, x, . 3' mggflngs fag .930}. .. 91141130 $.30 plm.’ Dr. George . Langstaï¬'; "Vijaomiâ€"nn‘ii}, 9211‘. 5 ‘ Gradugta of. Toronto University. ’ M. 0'. P. k's..’0ht; Two Years Resident, _- will by found invaluable in every Houaeliold in the cure oi Open Sores. Hard Tau-aura. John McDonald, Esq. , 110m Senator McMaster . . _ . .. James Metcalfa, “Esq. Rev, Enoqh,fl69d,.D. D .Loonn made on se'd‘uriby of Company‘s ‘Polioy at 5 per cent interent. - . ‘Imtnlmude toChm‘ch Trustees, p.42 3. low rate 0 interosï¬. Sold for prospectus. , ’ 'c;.f.'. im‘ 13mm . AM miï¬m‘sq 3‘ DR. W. J. WILSON, mum TORONTO UNIVERSITY. 0fLondon.Engh_nd,’ _‘ . Sir Wm McArthur, .K C M G, M- P. ex-Lord' Mayqxf'f'oï¬ Lpndon. President. ‘ _ J. .u W W Bay'nes.Es.q‘I'(-I. Augeg'gtggy Reserve Fund. . . . . “$10,000,000,†Annual Income . . ‘ . . . "1,600,000 Inveatedj'a Canada.) 41:5)..2904000 Death chums paidï¬.;':lo;000,000 Takos'ro animus: _ DR LEWIS G. LANG-STAFF -: 00115115,,801‘9 Thruatn, Bronchitis. ï¬nd all disord or: of the Throat and Chest. as also Gout, Rheu matilm. Scrotum and other kind of skin diseasel Manufactured only at Profess: or Hollowav’s Establishment 533.-oxroan STREET LONDON 3nd s‘old at In. “(1., 2s. 96., 45; 611., 119.. 22, and 333 each Box and Pot, and in Canada at 86 cents, Moon", and $1.60 cents, and the larger sizes. in vrouortlon. . CAUnoRâ€"l have no Agent in the nited States, nor are my‘-Medicinea sold rrTllaee’gnd'o Mam bf day" said Medicine! (in m in Ottawa“ and also at Washington. ‘ Mod THOMAS HOLE/OVA} BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. COLDS, U‘nited States, nor are my‘M'edicinea sold there. Purchasers shyuld therefore look to the label on the Poté‘and Boxes. _If the address is not 633. Oxford Street, London “13y are ndpquim‘lg.‘ I THE: 1 “ Inn» . Assurance: 0R; ‘ J_AMESVJ,ETT/lzimiishï¬ 9": n W shut. Landau nichnTond mu. Oct: 12th. '32. WILL CURE, 083R£LJE~VE )‘qnge 7 Strept, _ >Ri§hm6nd Hill‘. BILIOUSNESB; » » D YSPEPS‘IA, v HID/3 STIOII, JA U/‘ID/CE. ERYSIPELï¬Ã©â€™, ; ‘ .mr liHEUM, HEARTDURN, 11540401123, J Dill/N588, , r - £39.93â€: ..- ~75. - FLUTTIR/Nfl‘ '0" THE/l1 wammn 05; ‘ , THE-3’05 ' ::,_DRY[IE83 ( 05.7115 1 dllord 'd VlflVfR' _ RENE" 'T'BV‘II‘EMKCE mnpwanb‘an 3:40 p. . r-gH' 3r. WEBEMK‘Z STOMACH AND BOWELS. i '.1gn‘.j§én,.mï¬ta ‘ A W‘Izaydvra [THQQJNTMENTH Sea. a: Treasl 1011064184184. 16 Kim! 8%., East, Toroï¬to or Tï¬E'I/flflr, wamrw as: o (:3: r , mwromw .'-:.Dߴll£‘8 ( .- ' - OFFTHE amt, :I~ fa? a‘so‘ " I“! "c.â€" t’é’ °mo§vzv 'gré‘r'ï¬mém vo-n.‘k"n 1... I. n limp m mi Dec 15': 1583