amman HILL POST OFFICE. HIST llFFIEE NflTIlIE! Umil further notice, Mails will be dosed at the above Ofï¬ce as follows :- Going South, East. and West, at. . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 Going North, South, East, and West, at . . . . . . . 7.40 Mail for the North. via. Railway, leaves oncea day, in the morning, as tbove stated. Morning Mail from South, West and East, by Bailwny,arrives at 10.30 Evening Mail from Toronto by Yonge-street Stage, arrives at. 7.00 Night Mail from North, by Rail- way, arrives at ................... 8.00 UFHEE HUURS- 3.3011115 Richmond Hill, June 23rd, 1884. Toronto, Thornhill, Richmond Hill King. Anmm, Newmarket, Holland Landing, Holland Landing, Newmmket, Aurora, King, Richmond Hill. Thornhill, Toronto, A Change â€"P. G‘ Savage No. 27: Whole No. 1379: Volume 27. ErnURsnAY, DECEMB’R 11, 1884 The (late printed on each paper denotes the limo when the subscription expires. By a letter that appears in the New York Witness some most disgraceful proceedings have taken place i Oberlin. Ohio. The loss of the electi u to The Republicans by a less majority than the Prohibition Vote in New York, seems to have unsettled the minds of a large number of" Republicans, putting them into a rage beyond control. They have not only threatened, but. have resorted to conduct unbecomng a free and enâ€" lightened people. It appears that on the night of Thutsday, Nov. 6th, after the: people of Oberlin, had generally retired, a gang of ranghs together with many of the College Students and some of the citizens, and among: them a Republican Constable, stimulated by the postmaster and other promint‘nt Republican citizens, numbering in all about two or three hundred persons, paraded the streets with horns, bells, pans and every device that could make night hideous, and \rith' hootiug, screaming and yelling: marched. to the t‘nsit’lrnees of prominent l’rohibiâ€"t tionists ol Oberlin village and behaved themselves in a most scandalous mannenll taring up sidewalks, breaking down fences, wrenching: gates otf their hinges, battering houses and otherwise annnoyâ€" , ing members belonging,y to the Prohibiâ€"‘ tiou party. it, would appear from this that the whole or majority of‘ the Proâ€" hibition Party are Republicans, else,wliy should there be such a display of anger and wrath. We think it a very short Fighted policy for any body of men to show forth their ianill in the manner Speciï¬ed above. as it certainly does not and will not help the party for whom they profess to act or belong to. Every man has a right to exercise his opinion as he may think proper, so long: as he keeps within the bounds ot'thc law, and for a boasted Republican form of Ge"â€" ernment, wherein every one is understood to be equal, it does not say much for it that such behaviour should be tolerated for even a moment. TRAfIN TIME We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. NEW YORK. Dec. 8th.-â€"â€"~In converâ€" sation wilh a rcporter of the Telegram 10-day, Sir John Macdonald said that :1 great many eminent men in England, such as Mr Fosmr, Lord Roscberry and nthcrs, are moving for a closer union between Great lirimm and her Colonies. ‘iétW'ADVERTlSEME-ZNTST Bc, Sir John, believed that such :1 closed union was desirable, and most Canadians lmld similar views. l-le furth er Bairl (hm 11.9 fair traders of England and her Co'onies, and that this latter was me of the features of the Imperiâ€" When Gun. Grant bemm speculaling in ‘Vall sheet, W. 11. Vanderbilt adâ€" vanced lllll} :1 considerable sum of money On Wednesday judgment was ï¬led ngainst the General for 55155000, Vand- erbilt being the plaintiff. It would have been more manly for the milsz king, who has amassed nearly $200,000.000, to ham written the debt off fur the old pldieri a) Fedcmhou scheme, which \éould probably be suhmhted to the people sometime shortly. The Halifax Chamber of Commerce have lately had a meeting at which was passed a resolution asking the Doâ€" minion Government to take prompt and cflective stops to rearrange a reciprocity treaty with the United States on fair terms, and to make efforts to secure titlâ€" vnutagcous trade relations with the Spanish and British West Indian ls- lands. Eh»: {lurk 33mm. Richmond Hlll. 0m. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Disgraceful Scenes. ARRIVALS. EVENING. ’ MORNING. 1W. TEEFY, Postmaster. GOING NORTH 7 45; S 40 8 49 9 “2 9 22 {V 32 9 43 GOING S 19 ‘28 40 (‘2 12 9 2‘2 10 15 2099-7: SOUTH. '7 a. m. to 12 00 1'2 43 1‘2 59 11 40 1) b6 12 )8 1'2 3‘2 12 48 1 45 0770.355 050.1450 5556667 2132235 234012] 663.1778 OTTAWA, DEC. 9Tfl.â€"At one o'clock to-day Sir John Maedonnld arrived by the Canada Atlantic railwny in the Gov- ernment Ofï¬cial Car. being accompanied by Hon. A. P. Caron, and Hon. Mr. Kirkpatrick, Speaker of the (lommona, and M re Kirkpatrick. Lady Mac- donald met the Premier at New York, but waited over, and will likely return to the Capital toâ€"morrow. At, the staâ€" tion Sir John was met by all the mem- bers of the Cabinet and a large number of others. The President of the Liberal Conesrvative Aesociation read Sir John an address of welcome, to which he made a suitable reply. In regard to the honor which had been conferred on him, he said lhat it was unsolicned on his part. A band was in attendance, and a line of vehicles followed the carriage In which the Premier was seated to his own rosi- dence. Sir John looks hail and hearty. In conversation with a reporter. Sir John stated that the Canadian Paciï¬c railway, to his knowledge had made no new ï¬nancial arrangements. The money markets in England were very much de- pressed, and it. was with diï¬iculty that. any money could be raised for either the Canadian or United States railway. A stitch in timeâ€"saves nine. Seriou- resahs oft follownneglect of comlipled bowels ,nnd had blood. Burdock Blowd Bitters regulate and purify the stomach, bowels. liver, kidneys and the blood. Take it in \ima. The Board of Education met in the High School on Tuesday his}: _ of lads: meeting read and adopted. n ‘v I ,. Present, R. Marsh, (Chairman), Messrs. Switzer, Patterson, Naughton, Trench, Duncan, Savage, Skeele, Mc- Uonaghy and Boyle. u 1 dommunicationsz-From Newmarketl High School asking for information reâ€" garding salaries paid. etc, etc ; from Miss ()ruickshnnk thanking the Board for her appointment ; from Mrs Wiley, the same; from Miss Spragge and Miss Rutherford asking for increase of salary; from T. H. Bedditt accepting position. and also from Mr. McBride. A bill from M. H. Keefler for paper, 20 cents, was read, and also one from Mr. ‘W. Atkinson, $10.27. A Petition from cer- tain ratepayers living in the vicinity of the Public Schools, asking that the stoves for wood now in use in the Public School rooms be changed for coal stoves, was received. bill of Mr. W. Atkinson for 3102?. after some remarks, was orderâ€" ed to brewpaid. n The bili for twenty cents worth of paper was on motion land over. -- - - ‘- m I 1 I 1.. r Moved by Mr. Trench. seconded by Mr. Boyle. that Jolm Sandelson be Reâ€" turning Oflicer at the annual School Election. The Petition for the change of stoves was discussed. M r. Trench referred to having got a new stove for one ofthe Public School rooms. 110 said he had been waited on late one afternoon in regard to one 01" the stoves being crammed full of wood «the school being dismissed. He did not see how the change of stoves could be entertained now. The Chairman and others thought the heating of the rooms by coal Would be a Failure. M r. Nauuhlon thought that coal should be tried in the schools as wood was likely to be very high. After some furxher discussion, Mr. Duncan moved. seconded by Mr. Bofle, that. Ilm necessity of" changing be left in the hands of the Committee of Manageâ€" ment. Mr Trench moved, socondcd bv Mr. Naughton. that lhe wood stoves be reâ€" placed by coal smves. u.‘ r, The amendment, was lost, and the original motion carried. i The request of" Miss Spragge and Miss Rmherfm‘d asking: for increase of salary. wnson motion of Mr. Savage, seconded by Mr. Naughmn, not enter- mined. Sir John Arrived Safely. The Secretary’» action in reference to 1110 Insurance of school property was apâ€" proved of. A Double Purnose. The popular u-uu-dy. Hugmrd's Yellow 0%]. is used bmh immunlly and externally. for aches. pains. colds. croup, rheumatism. deafness, and disemes of an )nflamlnamry nature. . - . . I was kidnapped by Barney McKay, or some other man’s dorg. Barney beingr an Irishman, I suppose, it would not do for me to nltcmpt to discourage him in his writings for fear his friends in Ireâ€" land should think I would he the assassin of his snd death at some future time. I must. acknowledge to Barney, that he gave me away Very bad in his short piece of' manuscript, and he also ï¬xed things to such a degree that our towns- people know exnc'ly who I am. for every Hing since when l show my physiognnnn‘ on the streets I hear from all classes and creeds; from rag-pedlnra down to dudes, who cry Iheir goes Peter Pad! As you have not heard from me for a couple, of weeks. doubtless you supposed ‘. 17 Barney strike while the iron is hot, and try again ! Mr Now or Never, I am sorry to say. is again before my 03 es. A few days since he had :1 rough and tumble Wilh some lhrcshers who pulled up their maâ€" chine when halfâ€"done, which left the poor fellow in a bad mess. as he was (m the eve of getting married, in is sup- posed this affair will cause it to be postâ€" poned . The members of the C. M. Chmch above here intend to have a grand party and supptr on New Year'a Night. and no doubt, it will be a grand affair. “ Omaha’s†pulse beats very sÂ¥0wjusl now, as on every occasion he receives the mitten, an‘ fellow. it. is mo bud. Laskay, Dec. 10th. 1884 Board of Education. Well to Remember (From Our Own Correspondent) LASKAY. Yours, etc" PETER PAD. On Tuesday night. the 2nd inat., some ‘ thieves went tothe henâ€"house of Mr Booth. west lmlfof lot No. 12 in the 6th Con. of Vaughan. and opening the door of the hen- house, bled 8 large turkeys and carried them away. Mr. Booth traced the blood to the 7th 00"., where, as he says, there was a light cnnveynnce in readiness to carry nï¬'their booty. All traces are lost of them, only suspicion, A warrant was procured on Thursduy, and a search made by our Village Cons:ubl9,butve1y unfortunately he was put on the wrong track. as there is gen- erally several families in a neighborhood of the same name. The anrnnme was. as it is expected.all I'ighl.l)ul he was one day too late, as a party of the same name was in Toronto on Wednesday. and had a horse and light waggmi. which looks very bad. Our canntabte with other nssistance is on the lnok out every night, and befure many days :they will be caught. in some other deprcdu- ltion. that will look in the eyes of the law as land as I-ohhing a turkey roost. Our little village is still improving, The Clerk tells me that he has lmd two more births registered, Margaret Josephine Wallace. and Frances Stewart. Mr. John Cauls and Hf". formerly Miss l Mnrlha Dnnnchnfor, are visiting :51 her pnrenls. M12 Cauls was at om- time in the employ of Keys & Hullen. Tinsmith, of this village. He has worked in Toronto since his marriage, and one day last week when III the act of pulling up euveslrnughs, 1beludder gave way and he tell to the ground, breaking his right arm below them elbow. Mr Wm. McClure has dug a large cistern beside his burn for the necummodalion of his stock. Mr. Snndy Black was Ihe con-- tractor. Keys k liallen was compleling the eavestrouglning on Saturday morning be- for the rain commenced. and before night they had In turn Ihe water 0in H9 think! he will hnve water enough to do his stock all winner. Mm. John Bennett on Lot No. 6 in the 7th Con. died on Tuesday nighl, of last week. She had been mling for sometime past will] a rupture in her side which lurned to inflammation and carried her off very suddenly. The funeral, which was a very large 0119.19.11 her residence on Thursday at ten o'clock, and passed lhrough this vil - Inge to the Cr-ngrognliunal Cemetery, Pine Grove. the Rev. Mr Way conduclinz lhe services. She leaves a sun. two daughters and n husband to mourn her deparlure. Buland Supper of Court Smr Ancient Order of Foresters 6840, in Orange Hall, will take place On Chrislmas Eve. Supper at G. Gilmour'a, Mr. Brothers, sor:--1n--1nw in Thomas Hnyslead, and fumily have removed to our village, He expects lobe ï¬remanfur J. D Hardie this winter. VPry 5011;;0 hear of M r. Henry Akin being conï¬ned to his bed these last few weeks. “817' Michael Kaiser has sold his ï¬f'xy «cl-es to Mr John Brown for $2500, mostly The Union Board of Directors of the West Yt‘t'k and Vaughan Agricturnl Society met on Friday last tn wind up the huï¬iness lor the year. Two protests were put in against prizes awarded at Full Fair. One was. where an exhibitorburrowed a carriage to show as best tut'n ouncunsietting nl Horses, Carriage and Harness. 'l‘he otht'r was, where n horse was purchased the day be-- fore the Fair to mnke up a loam. fur fastest trotting Tvnm in Harness. the horse being returned the next day. The Dirt-ctors dru- cided in both cnaeu “Eililtsl the exhibitors asvinlnting the llliPS n! the Society, whv-re vxhibitors must be bona ï¬de owners. ’l‘ln: Directors are determined to prevent any-- thin-1 in the. shape (it fraud by exlnhitnrs. 'I’he ï¬tmnl'iul settlement between the West York and Vaughan Society vns arrnngvd 'l‘wn Applications were made for the Use- iof the Aut'it'nlturnl Hull lor n skating: mtti curling rink fur the white-r. lt mus decidud vlo L'iw it tn the \Voodhtidge Curling; Club for $2â€.00, and in the (went (if thrir retur- ing this offer it be then git't‘n to John Lemma 1119‘, other applicant. The Board than tidjnntned. So far the weathcr has not been very ‘ l'nvnruhltl l'm‘ sluttiug. Um.- Wunld want the new kind of skates. You trnn get them 5 nt Kowlwrll's. 1 Mr- John Elliott. blacksmith. (it'nur vil~ ilage. mild tine ttth! tiflnnd nn I’ine street, lnppnsiw Mr Maynard's (,‘mringc Shop, to Mls. Mcflvv lur $380 in Push, where she itmt'nds to huil-l :1 line hnuse. CR9 lend holding their mmqu party some lime during New Year’s. No doubt, it, Will be a grrnd :lffuil‘, as on other occaâ€" sions it has “taken the cake." No doubt but that one of our young: merchants here will have a lif'e partner by the time this itmn appears. Woodbridge. Dec 91h, 1884 (From our own Correcpondenc.) Lund’s Carriage \mGs are busv just now turning out cum-rs and sleighs The C. M. Church members here inâ€" tend holding their mmqu party some The Messrs Walker-Bros†brickâ€"lay- ers here, have been very busy all sum- mer putting up new houses. "POMtnjnék" has hired a good boy for the winter to riddl-f potatoes. “Muï¬ie pug, a horse in pound a few days ago, that broke into his wheat ï¬eld. The roads are very bad just now, and when: is cheap. Four ypam ago Alfrvd Bnultbae was louder“! a dinner in Yorkvil'le town hall by somo at" his political ftiFHdR. but the cards ofinvi'utinn bt' some mistake sxtnplv nil-- ln()\HICI‘d thnt tho nsziir would tulie [time on Friday. the: 9:h of Decvmberw:lhont giving the year. Some one lot' a lurk on Friday got hold of the imitation cards and sent them to hundreds oi prominent Conserva- tive citizens. including Mayor Boswell and memth of the Council. :il'wr which ht‘ posted himsvlfin front olthe ankville Imvn hull, and took a list of those who t'espnndvd to tho invitation. “I? IIGW carries about with him semen of names, but decline: to have them puhlislwd He dons not wish to hurt the ("saplings of it good many of his own trianrls, and h? is not yet lil'ed of“ good ."nt ofï¬cer-News. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest. by {L sick child suffering rind crying with pull) or cuting teeth ‘? If so, send at once and gut a bottle of Mm; WIstow’s SooTHING Si RUP you CHILDREN 'I‘EETIIING. Its value is inculcnl- able It. will relieve the poor little suï¬vrer innâ€"- luodiately Depend upon it». mothers, there is no mistake about it, It cures dysentery and diur- : linen, regulates the StOHlulill und bowels, cums wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflmnmm rim), rum gives tone imd (energy to the whole system. MRS WxssLow’s SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN ’l‘mrrmxa iuplemmnt to the tasteï¬ud is the prescription of one of the Oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States. and is for sale by all druggists through-- out {me weald Fries 85 cents a bottle. Woodbridge Jottings. Teston, Dec. 8th, 1884 Sniurdny next is the last day for lnxea (From our own Correspondent) ADVICE T0 MOTHERS A MEAN TRICK. TESTON Yours, etc., TED. JIM Slitâ€"I understand that a sworn re- turn is made by the Clerk to the Gov- ernmcnt yearly, of the number of resi- dent ratepayers in each municipality, and that the number of Deputyâ€"Reeves is based on this return, and further, that some municipalities in making this return count all the repetitions. For instance, the landlords name as many times as his tenants, which, in many cases, amount to a large number. Are the Towuship of Vaughan returns made this way 7 No wonder the County Councils are said to be bulky, if all the Townships do so. To (In Editor of the Herald. Teston, Dec. 9th, 1884. On Monday night the Methodist Church held a very successful Concert, the large hall being crowded to overflow- ing. Mr. J. P. Bull occupied the chair. A long and varied program was render- ed being J. W. Bengough in his very entertaining lecture " Chalk talk †his sketches causing (be greatest? fun, and W. E. Burgess, who gave a‘ ï¬rst~class exhibition of ventrilor'tism, his spelling bee with Joe and imï¬zlions being good. Among the local talent were the Misses McCallum. Nellen, [‘ttley, Jackson and Bull, and A. -W; i‘iilsqtï¬â€˜ whose ï¬ne singing called forth the hegrliest apâ€" plause. ' ‘ The Best Cor'nblnation. The best combination of bluod clenming, reznluliny, thllh giv"ng herbs, roots and bun-L's enler inlo Burdock Blood Billersmn puwly vegetable remedy lhat cures diseases oflhe blood, liver and kidneys. PROBPECTI'S.-â€"Tlle Gaip Printing and Publishing Company. having.t bevn urged by a large number at" Public Schcol Teach- em, Inspectors, High School Teachers and others, to rstnbjiuhrnd maintain a' that-- 01mlin firstwclnï¬s weekly Educationnl Journ: all which shall be entirely independent of any school-Amok puhlishmg. interest what» ever. have determined to do so, and to bring all the resources offlheir lnrge‘printing and publishing establishment to make it n superior journal in every respect. It will cnnsist of twenty pages. quarto demy, [9; in by 125 in J a size convflnivm both for read- ing and bindingâ€"and will be printed on superior calendered pap". somost. best book ever sold for less them twice our price. The fast-eat selling book in America. Immense proï¬ts to agents. All intelligent people want it. Any one can beconu> n successful agent. Terms free, HAL- LETT B0011 Co. Portland. Maine wanted for all theThe Lives 0! Presi- AGENTSdems of the U. S. The largest, handâ€" Sonic years ago, in onenf the Counties of New York, a worthy man was tempted to drink until drunk. In the delirium oi' drunkenness. he. went home and murdered his wife in the most brutal manner. He was eni‘ried tn jail while drunkumd kept there the night. Awukâ€" honing in the morning. and looking around upon the hate walls. and seeing: the bars upon the windows, he exclaimed “ ls this a jail " ? “ Yrs you are in juilf' was thennswcr. “ What um 1 here for ?" was the en quil‘v “'For murder." was the answer. " Does my wife knnw it ‘2†“ Your wife know it ?" said some one “Why your wife it was mu murdered.†On this he dropped suddenIy. as if he had been struck dour]. The constable who carried him to jail. .~0':d the liquor. It was the remark of n distinguished physioiun ml" the lust century. that the man who should discover a spt‘ciï¬c fur plWalOttl pain, as certain in its neutralizing efl'ectu us wutm when applied to fire, Would rank. in the estimation of posterity. next ta the in-- spirr-d writvrs. Professor HullOwny. the founder of that Simple yet profound svstem of medical Imminent. which has trztversvd with such wondetfnl rapidity bnth the old world and the now. appears to have ac» complishvd this grand dosidemtum and somHhing more. lt is alleged by thnse hhn hnve tosth the properties r-l' his clâ€"lun hratod l’ills and Ointment in their “Wu :tiln wants, that thov nut mtly nlltu'mte the nanny uttundmzt upon all internal and ex-- tmlml disnrdnrs. hut permanently eradicate them. That then? t-emrdiea me rmong the Wondflrnwnrkiug m:an of an age of wand-- era ('mmnt roasunahly he questioned. Those who believe‘ that the science 01‘ medicine is a. dose monopoly. and lb!“ there is no medycnf skill beyond Ihe circle of the “Faculty.†who lack npon u nipluma as :1 sort 0! "ï¬rann," [n which every man shouid bow in hrirmib. will, 01‘ cams“, pro-- fer being (:mwemis‘nally killed In being irregularly cured. Such is no! our (asle, We care little For namvs. nmhing fur big words and oruculur shakes of the head. What we see and know, we hvlieve: and renlly llle {Howl's of xlle unwaryng rfï¬cucy of Holloway's rmnediva are so numcmus‘sn onnsuslenl. so incmm-avertible. Illat. our common sensa. dvsphe lhe loaning which we have in rmmmou whh most men. towards rimnusanclimwd syslems. compels us, nolcns volens. lu :mach full credit to llwm WEST TORONTO JUNCTION It may he wvuknnm In he guided by our nwn pmceplinns and the teslimony of [mu-- em wiIm-sses. in preferphce m rvceiving as Guspvl what the lanrPSU-d advocales ofa very ful‘ihle sysmm would haw us believe; but w» (elmm u righl In the: independent use (If'our favullies. and musl state our cmwic - Imus. The scivnce ofmudicine. as practis- ed by n large pnnirm of ilsurave profrssors, is mmely a round of smremypvd proscripn Hons. which ovmy same man lumws do nnt. nne lime nut. uf an, answer the desirrd purgmse Hullawny's remedies. as far as “(1 Cu†jmlgv. down fail nncn on: of Ion limes In ol'l'em a cure. 'l‘hisv is our answer, founded on uhnervulion and inqmry. In all who may nrraiun nurjudmnenl. fur accord-- in}: m lhpse exlruurdinm} preparations wlml wn contain: In be a just mead of pluiseâ€" The Traveller. for the Working clnfls Send l0 cents for pustuge, and we will mail you Free, a. royal, \‘ulunblc box of ammllv goods that will put you in (he wuy of making more money in a few duys tlmn you ever thought possiblo at, unv business. Cupiml not required. We will 5 mt you. You can work all the time or in spare time only The work is universally adapted to both 96x05. young nnd old. You can easily «‘urn lrom rm cents to :55 every evening. That all who want work may test the husinesa, we make this unparalleled oï¬er : to all who are not well satisï¬ed we u ill send $I to pit“ for the trouble of writing, us. Full purliculurn, directions etc. sent free. Fortunes will la made by those who give their whole time to the work. Great success absolutely sure.‘ Don’t delay Stan now Address arms»: 61 Co, rottland Maine. The Road to Immortality. Township Returns. WHAT WE BELIEVE. AF!) “HY. Yours, 8w, Inqmmm. CALL at the HERALD Book Store for your Christmas Cards, beforc purchas» ing elsewhere. ' Great Bargains in Over-costs and Suits at, the Cheap Cash Home. VAUGHANrâ€"The municipal Council of the township of Vaughan will meet at the Town Hall on Tuesday next, 16th inst. FIRE BRmADl.â€"The Fire Brigade will meet in the Lorne Hall on Friday evening next, 12th inst. A full attend- ance requested. CRETONNE, Java, Honey Combo and Penlope Canvas also Tinsel and Emu broidering Silks in large quantities at the HERALD Book Store. SHAKE â€"~le’ the lime draws nigh. there does not appear to be a very great deal of excilment yet over the coming election in this village. It is about. lime that the handâ€"shaking business com- menced. Try Perfection Soap, best value out. for sale at the Cheap House. \’ACANCY.-We understand that a ‘ vacancy will shortly take place in the; careâ€"taking of the Public Sehonla. The! sition is one that requires great can! and attention, and one that is attended with a conSIdcruble amount of trouble. l Paorm’s STORE. â€"New designs of Xmas and New Year’s cards ; the stoci of ‘picture frames cannot be beaten ; sonic: of the newnet subjects in pictures and mottoes. all of which will be sold at reduced prices at the People's Store. The stock of groceries is new and fresh and will be sold as cheap‘as any other house in town. Furniture, crockery, glassware, flour and feed, &O., &c. See new advertisement. RETURNEDâ€"Tito Mclsra. Dunoumb Bros. returned the latter part of last week from their hunting expedition in Muskokn. They met with good success, having bagged thirteen venison during the short time they Were away. Three were sent to Brusselu. three to Richmond Hill and the remaindâ€" er to the Toronto Market. They report deer as not being very plenti- ful in the north now, as the sportsmen are rapidly killing them off, and if the Dominion Parliament does not prohibit the shooting of these animals for a few years, they will soon be a thing of the past. NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTB.â€"â€"-“A case of interest to publishers came before Judge D0510 in the DiVisional Court at Gnderich, a few days ago. A resident of this County has been receiving the Star from Ms present publisher. and when billed wixh iour years’ subscriptinn refused to pay on the grounds that he nuvvr ordered the paper. and had notiï¬ed the former management some eight years :Ign that he did not want it. The paper had not been discontinued then. and his name mi]! appeared on the subscription lists assumed by the present publisher. The Judge held that as the duh-ndanl had given no notice to the phnintifl". but had still rrcuived the paper, he was liable for the I'nur claimed, and «gave judg- ment. accordingly.â€â€"â€"-(z‘odcrich Star. A CONCERT BY THE Ftstt Juututtc' SINGERS â€"Thc Fisk University Jubilee. Singers did not draw such a big house} on Wednesday evening last. as was‘ anticipated. “'e think about three hundred would cover the numher present. A good programme was produced, and the various parts were rendered with great effect. The Chm-noes " Steal Away toJesus, mth the Lord's l’rayer;" " In the River of'Jnrdnn ;" “Turn Back Pharaoh's Army ;†“ Jingle Bulls ;" to~ gather with several others were given with pathos and delicacy. and enlisted the hearty appreciation of tltc audience. Mr. J. N. Caldwell is a hon in himself. being gifted mth a magniï¬cent Basso- voice,and his Solo.‘l um King over Land and Sea,†was greatly admired. Misti Jennie Jackson delighted the audience with a a solo entitled " 1 am Travelling to the Grave." and heint,y heartily enâ€" cored. responded with " Far Away." M rs Porter-Cole has a beautiful roprano voice. and favored the audience with a Solo which was well received and loudly encorcd. The entertainment was brought to a close with the Chorus, “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, with the Benediction. The proceeds Would have been equally Satisfactory at a less admittance fee. The Amount taken in was about $130, of which the singers received $90. SCOTT ACT ltlr-zs'nno.â€"â€" 0n Tues- day evening last the Temperance Hall I was crowded to excess on the delivery of a Lecture by the Rev; A. K. Caswell on the Scott Act. The Rev. Mr Booth led in prayer and the Choir sang several nice selections. The Rev. Mr. Barker occupied the chair and delivered a very pleasing address in presenting the lee- turer to the meeting, who gave a very tttnimated lecture. He took up the proâ€" vtsions of the Act, showing the penalties for breakingr the some and under what conditions liquor may be allowed to be i used He gave to the meeting the vieng of‘ those oppmed to the Act, and then ’ showed up the unreasonableness of the same He held that no loss would be sustained to the public by taverns being ' refused licenses, and that, the less liquor sold would only add to the comforts of" life in parties investing their earnings; tin purchasing more food, clothing. &c.,‘ instead of spending: their money in Inâ€" toxicants. ’l‘he lecturer comhated the' V idea that hotels could not be succesd‘ully run on temperance principles. Ile in-f formed the meeting that the State of; Maine went. against Blaine on account 1 of his opposition to temperance. He- urged the temperance tnen to take couru ‘ age by what had been done in other1 counties of the Dominion, and pressed t ' them to do their utmost. to get the pee ltitions signed in favor of submitting: the a 1 Act to the people of the County of iYork At. the close a vote of thanksi was passed: and a vote put to the meet-; ing pro or can. when a large majority of; those assembled showed themselves in: tavor of the views held by the lecturer.i God Save the Queen was sung and the‘ l meeting dispersed. LOCAL ITEMS. A LARGE and heavily timbered shed for sale. Apply at this Oï¬ice. MlETlNG.â€"Our village fathers will meet in the Council Chamber on Wedâ€" nesday evenipgflxiegttl 71!; hint†at. 8 p. A QUESTION or Emmaâ€"Has a schoolâ€"master the right to chastise a _scholar for misdeeds done on the way to i school is a question before the courts for idecieion. Mr. Telford, headâ€"master of 1the Wulkarton public school. punished n iboy for ï¬ghting on the street. The lud's ‘ father, Deputy Judge Barrett,has brought an action for damages against. the headâ€"- [master for so doing. in 1884. CIIANGED.â€"0ur Band boys have changed their place of practice. They have been using the Temperance Hall for some time past,but in the future will practise in the Lorne Hall every Tuesday evening. ' Wow. 1 WOOL ! WOOL lâ€"Berlin and Zephyr in all shades, Scmch Fingering. Ice, Chinchilla, Andalusiun,Soulhdown. etc, etc, for sale at the HERALD Book Store. Lamps & Glassware, Colored Tea and Toilet Sets, Holiday Goods! at The Cheap Cash House. Ready-Made Clothing, Ladies Fine Mantles, :‘33 Flannels in great variety '21:} Gents all-wool Gurnseys, i: Heavy Canadian Tweed s, Blankets, Winceys, Etc. ENTERTAINMENT.â€"The friends of the Zion Evangelical Lutheran Sunday School purpose holding a grand Enterâ€" tainment on Clwistmax night, Thursday, 25th inat. The programme will consist of singing, speaking. dialogues, recita- tions,etc., and the Committee have spared no pains to secure the best talent both at home and abrOud, to make the enter» taiument a success. We trust they may have a crowded house. Vermoâ€"To-‘dny (Thursday) the Scott Act will he voted upon in the city ol'Brantf'urd and the County of Brant. The Temperance element is strong in the County, but the organization is very defective. Tn the city the sentiment is almost the other way. but, the organiza» tion is perfect. 80 it may come to pass that where the feeling is strongest there Wlll be a defeat. and where it is weakest there will be a victory. Perhaps there will be two victories. Best value in Xmas Fruits, and an kinds ofGroceries at The Cheap Cash House. STANDING ADVERTISEMENTS â€"â€"Cnn» coming whal an: known as " standing ndvortisementr" in newspapers, which some merchants say are useleias. it has been remarkwlï¬md truly. that they enm- mnnd conï¬dence. The man who l'or yours resides in a cmmnuuily and lives a reputable life, vvon though he be of' moderate ability. will grow in the can ~ ï¬donre and o-mpmn nfhis frllms. 0n the sanw principle a newnpupr-r advert. iseumnt lwcmnes familiar to the (9} es of the reader. It may not he carefully read eVo-rv (my. still it null" es the name and burinosn of a man familiar. and its ‘cmninuod pwsencr in the rnlumns ni' n pupnr im‘pil'vs cnnï¬dcnce in xhc stability jul' Hie advertisu. } SNEATH “01,1.â€va 1' Ummrw AND PILLS ~The inï¬rmiluâ€˜ï¬ "1' our vm-urp alums-I iwco-uimm (hams-u. Imnmily of the h’ntvd. lunrlimml disturb-ween and Inn-e livin cunslanfly 2i": riw m doflmndency. (Ir-hilny. or d1: lr‘mperni In 1h" about rmml‘d renwdirs. !h" (-nmmuniu' um um? do have). a! a linlu ('09:. 0hr- :mfv and certnin mums ni' preventâ€" i'w nr «hm-king. nnd curing holh outward niiments mu! inward nmiudies Ample- plumly primed and WW inlelliiihle din-(:- Iii-vs m-Cumpnny PYQ‘Iy Hickau'. «if. bnlh Hinmwnt and Pilis, which “my rI-qui-e mu-miw- study In rnuhle rva invalid m be his nr her mm mvdlcul adviser. The enriirr thnae pnwvrful remedies use rniplnym‘l uï¬er dimm‘my (if the di_ MW. 11'» name rapid wiH bu lhvirucxinn in «*xprllinu frlrm lhe system all noxious marker and restoring bmhh. Easily Caught If is \‘t‘ry may to much cnld. but no! no easy In ('1an it unlrss ynu use Ilugymd‘u Pecloml Balsam. the best wmedy {or all throat, bronchial and lung h-nuhles, coughs. coÂ¥ds and consumplive tendenciea. rI‘he condition of Rev Dr. Rice. Senior Gvncnfl Superhnendenl of the Methodist Church. was very critical on \Vcdnesdaylï¬ghtlasL Ilrisvery weak. and no hoyms are entertained of Ids reâ€" covery. a. week at homa. $5 outï¬t free. I-‘ay ubâ€" solutely sure. No risk. (‘npital not reqnir ed, Render, if you wsmt [madness at which either sex. young or old. can muke great [my all the time they work. with uhmlnto cer- tainty, write for particulars to H. HALLE (T cho, Porn nu (1 M nine. THE . Fall & Winter Stock CHEAPCASHHOUSE At Prices Never Before Offered LOCAL ITEMS. This will‘rlikely'be the last meeting We have a beautiful Stock of Woollen Goods to show our numerous customers, and ' On the Hill. The ï¬rllowing lines are worthy of special notice :â€" IS NOW COMPLETE AT " Bnown'a HOUEHOLD PANACEA " has no cqunl for relieving ain. both internal and external It cures Painm the Side. Back or Bowell, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, toothache, Lumbngo tnd any kind of a Pain or Ache. “ It will most sure] quicken the Blood and Hen), as its noting power a wonderful." “ Brown's Household Panacea," beâ€"- ing acknowledged as the great Pain Reliever, and oi double the strength 01 an other Elixir or piniympt in the_world. 5130ng {I} evqy 133.111in Eiï¬â€™d’y’fb’r Engine; Whntéd, “ mi it renn'y 371i}; qest remedy in the world for Cmwa in tho gtqmacp. 13nd Pains anldlAcbgg of a}! k Knit}: and iérï¬irahrlré 7va hll Ditigpiuta at 25 ceml I batik Czuwronnâ€"At Collingwood, after I. ling-ring illnesspu Thursd uy,Nov. mining)!†Alice youngest and beloved daughter of ’l'JJnJ Annie C. Crawford, aged 2 years,l month lid 3 days. The members of the Collingwood Fire Brigid. oxpres sod their respect for their Capt-An, Mr. T. J. Crawford, by turning out in a. body to attend the funeral on Saturday,» 29th ult. Barley Outs, Pena Bye On lurm property at 6 per cent, to pny cl morlgugen at higher rates of interest. or {or building, draining, or other purposes. Mortgngol bought, Notes discounted. Advances alsomldl on second mnrlgugu. Furmen will save money by applying direct to ma Ron And Comfort To The sulorh‘. Dec. 2nd, 1584, 54 x 65 Law]! timber. To be rrmovrd by tho In of April, 1885, For puticulnn apply to Richmond Hi1LDoc 3rd, 1m LAWRESCE J: MILLIGAN, Barristers, Solicitors, A G F LAWRENCE. ‘ov 27th, 1584 Barn for Sale ! CONVEYANCEBS, ETC. Toronto ()fï¬ces-fï¬ï¬b’ï¬m‘ Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce-2 Moms/'10 Loan at Lawn! Currmt Rates: I< A Y’S COM POUNDfR danrâ€"ufn’IEé‘v}: oxpectornm, for Coughs and Czdds I 'AY'S CUM POUNDJhr‘cwgh. and Colds, is equally serviceable fax- Home: and Cattle SUBSERIBE AT “NEE ! Weekly Mail ! Evening Mail ! :8- Lcavc your orders for any of Ihc above papers, at Hm HERALD Ofï¬ce, vmh the cash. and they will be forward- ed to your address. THE DAILY MAIL! £11m gantrtistmmtï¬. BALANGE 01' THIS YEAR TREE, ?OR COUGHS AND UOLDS J 7 Articles Sold everywhere. Sow Mukers,â€"-KAY BROS, Stoukport, Eng Tad“IJiVNET;Cmuenty fur Broken AY’S 'I‘IG PILLS. a speciï¬c Ncurnlzzin, Face-ache, &c. AY'S’CO’M POUND m? l.IN:~EED $100,000 Anni-400d, Sent-cu. Squill,’l"olu, ML, with Chlumdyna, GRENNAN. For one your, (2'2 months), for $3.50 New subscribers. for 1885 for the E. R. REYNOLDS. OF PRIVATE FUNDS DEATH 52 Adelaido "net, En“, Toronto. San. LARGE FRAME For One You for $1 On Suturda} l‘ \Vfll get the For only $1 THE No. [4 Building k Lott: chambers,†Toronto It. JOHN BROWN. T C Human; 1y $073 I." .073 0'“ Rear of flu Centrnlnnnk 7 0. 18 I. 650 90. b.