His body was found in the sand the next day by ooastguardmen. Captain Lemar- ohand, his ï¬rst mate, and a. sailor managed to get on a sand-bank by a floating'spsr. but only escaped the terrors of the deep to encounter the more frightful terrors of the frost king. They could faintly discern the glimmer of a lighthouse three miles across the sandebar, and set out in the darkness to reach it. The sand was being driven with blinding force by toe gels, and each grain dashed against the tunes 0.! the exhausted men like hailstones. Finally the captain succumhed, lay down and despite the efforts of his equally exhausted comrades was frozen to death. The chief ofï¬cer and sailor then pressed 0;, but within halt an hour the sailor too lay on the sands a frozen corpse. The chief oï¬ieer. a. powerfully built man, then pushed on to the light house, the only survivor. After six hours of almost indescribable sui- tering from frost and the dashing sends, he reached the light-house. the last quarter of a mile on his hands and knees, and told a terrible tale of Wreck. It was then 2 o’clock n the morning. Everything possible was done to relieve his sufferiugs. Next morn- ing ofï¬cials started for the scene of the disaster. They found the bodies of the captain and sailor and interred them in the sand. The vessel had been smashed to pieces and the debris covered the surf- beaten shore. The survivor came up on the Eansdowpe. Death 01 a Wonlnu Who Prade lustend of Taking lVledlciuel A Philadelphia det-paieh says; The death of Emma Kitteminer, which occurred at her home, No. 1,315 Davis street, on Sunday, was investigated by Coroner Powers. The woman had been a ï¬rm believer in the †faith cure,†and had refused to receive medical treatment during her illness, Howard McKnight, s. brother of the dead woman, said that he ‘ was a ï¬rm believer in the “ faith cure.†They had prayed together, and she had told him that she did not want a doctor. George McKnight, another brother, said he was nota believsr in the efï¬cacy of prayer in_driving away disease. He had called on his sister, and she had replied in answer to a. question: " No; I have no doctor. Ihave Jesus Christ. He is my only physician.†He had left the house in disgust and had arked Dr. Lehman to cell on his sister. Flora McKnight, a. sister of the dead woman, had prayed with her. and was a believer in the “faith cure.†Mary Gardner, the next witness, esid that she was a " missionary of the faith.†She talked rapidly and incoherently. The‘giet of her evidence was that she believed Jesus Christ could do all things, and she didn’t believe it right to take anything out of His hands. Mr. Kitzmiller was then permitted to make 8. statement. He said he had not objected to Dr. Lehman prescribing for his wife, but before haying the prescription ï¬lled he had asked her, " Would you take your life out of the Lord’s hands and trust it to a little powder? " She replied : “ We will pray to God and ask permission to take it.†They had prayed end she had eon- oluded to take the powders. He secured the powders at a drug store. “ On my way home," he continued, †the Lord revealed to me that I was doing what I had sworn never to doâ€"and that was usingalittle faith and a. lttle medicine. When I got home I said : ‘ Memme, shall we trust in God or medicine?’ She took only one wwder. and after that we trusted to God. hen I awoke on Sunday morning she was dead." MIG Inland Adds Another to tln- Long 1.151 or Una-Inluesâ€" (Duly 0m: Purvlvur. A Halifax csnpetoh says: The Dominion Government steamer Lensdowne returned from Sable I‘slend last night. She was out in the gran-t gsles of Friday and Saturday, and Captain Guildford says he never saw worse weather during his half century’s experience on the coast. He brings intelli- gence of the wreck of the brig A. S. E.,ot St. Male, France, Capt. Lemsrohand, owned by Omegere & 00., of St. Pierre, Miquelon, and from that place to Boston, with ï¬sh. The vessel left St. Pierre on December 15th. The gsles of the ‘17th, 18th and 19th drove the ship near Sable Island. The west end lighthouse of the island was lighted. At 4 o’clock on the afternoon of Friday, the 19th, a heavy snow storm prevailed, and. the Wind. was blowing a. hurricane. A few . minutes after lend wee made out and the vessel was driven on a. send-bar with great violence and immediately began to break up. She had a. crew of seven men. The thermometer indiceted twelve degrees below zero, and the suflcringe of the men had been terrible. They warn frostbitten, out, bruised, thoroughly disheartened, and death was a welcome relense. Three of the crew were washed overboard when the Bhipstruck, and although there was fleeting debris, made no effort to save themselves and were drowned. The : steward, pre- ferring death to any further misery, ran to his berth, took a. razor, out an. terrible gseh in his throat reselling from ear to ear, Emped into the surf and dimppeared. An Internal lVlnchine Hen! lo the Tract soclrly’s (“line at New I 91k. A last (Friday) night's New York despatch says ; A box containing an inter- nal machine was brought by a boy to the gmerican Tract Society’s ofï¬ce, 50 Nassan street, this morning. It in believed the intention of the sender was to kill Anthony Cometock. 'l‘he boy said the man, whose description he gave, had paid him 10 cents at the corner of Leroy and Hudson streets to deliver the package. The machine con. sisted of a spring, parlor matches, and broken glass. a four-ounce bottle of powder and a phial of nitric acid. The package was addressed " Bookstore, 150 Nassau street.†Ccmstook said he did not think it was designed to reach him. He inclined to believe that it was of inï¬del origin. and designed to harm the American Tract Society and the Bible Society. When the box was brought in Comstock was called and took charge of it. The box had form- erly contained collars, but had been altered into a modern infernal , machine of the moat approved pattern. Comstock moved the cover from the box, creating a stampede in the store, and then took the box and the boy to the police station. Two policemen were detailed to accompany the boy to the place where he said the package had been given him. Escaped Uonvicls Captured. A Reading, Pa... despateh says: The sheriff and a posse surprised a gang 0! escaped convicts in a hay shed, near Avon. yesterday morning. The criminals have been guilty of a great deal of crime in the Lebanon valley since December 16th, when they cut their way out of Lebanon jail. Qn Thursday night they broke into a store at Prescott, gutted the place and had a Christmas jamboree. They were tracked to the hay shed, when it was resolved to wait until the desperadoes were asleep. They continued their orgies nearly all night. but were surprised and captured before dawn. The death is anno‘unoed of Mr. Robert Buchanan, a. popular lawyer of the Con- nnught oirouiï¬. ‘ ‘ Mr. E. C. Burke, the oldest magistrate in County Galway, died on the 3rd at the age 6; over 90 years. Alderman E. J. Harland has been elected Mayor of Belfast. He is the head of the éhipbuildiug ï¬rm of Harland g9; Wolff. Even they most gid church membexa. play cards (through the post-ofï¬ce) durmg :he Christmas holiday 599.3011. ’l‘llE INFIDELS THIS TIME. THE FAITH LUKE FAILS. AN A‘VFUL FATE. Irish News. An Earthquake Lasting [01' Nearly a Minuteâ€"Damage and Loss 01 bite in Granada and fllnlnga. V A Madrid despatoh says : The details of the earthquake of Wednesday night show, it was more disastrous than was at ï¬rst anticipated. One shook lasted ï¬fty seconds and was felt throughout Spain. In Anda- lusia a. number of towns suffered severely. At Granada houses rocked Violently and the earth trembled beneath the feet of the inhabitants as they fled to the ï¬elds. Some were wounded by falling bricks and cor- nioes. At Malagar many houses were wrecked and a number of the inmates were buried in the ruins. MaLy persons were killed and a large number wounded. Those who escaped camped in the open squares and in the ï¬elds. The weather was cold and the refugees had to build bonï¬res to keep themselves warm. Fainter shocks occurred at intervals dunng the night, which increased the alarm of the people. Already a number of bodies have been recovered. The Government has sent pro- visions, clothing, etc., tor the suï¬erers. In Madrid'the damage was slight, but the shoaldrightened the inhabitants, and places of amusement were quickly emptied. Shocks were also felt at Gibraltar, and were severe in the southern provinces. They caused great alarm among the people at Granada. At Malaga only two persons were killed by the falling walls. To be Taught a Lesson by Sir Charles Warrenâ€"Binmnrck’s I‘rick. ALondon cable says: The latest news from the Cape indioetes that Sir Charles Warren Will have some heavy ï¬ghting. The Boers are thoroughly aroused, and nothing short of a. severe defeat in the ï¬eld Will teach them their proper place. Eugv land’s magnanimity utter Mujuou. was mie- taken for mwardioe. and the subbtquent poliey o! indecision strengthened them in this idea. There is little doubt but Ger- many has a hand in tomentlug the dis- turbance in Beohuanaluud. A German organ in Cape Town, Die Patriot, recently published is very inflzwmutory editorial, It asks if the Boers wui sit still and wait till hundreds of “ British scum †are sent out. Rather, it invukee them t3 force Eng- land to underrtend that it Will be very risky to send “ these murderers " through their country. It is expected that Sir Charles Warren W111 quickly teach the Boers the character of the “ scum †he has in his command. The News yesterday crltxcized the Ministerial pwlioy on Cape affairs, and the Pall Mall Gazette has a Blushing article, in which in return to the Foreign and Colonial Departments as †The Dawdle and Ciroumloeution Ofï¬ces.†A Man-led Woman Delends fler llonor with a Revolverâ€"She Fatally shoots alecniue. A Paris cable says : A tragedy similar to the Hugues-Morin uï¬elr has occurred at Tonuerere. Au architect, named Bus- bard, melted the house oi a merchant named Frunesy, and soon afterwards rushed from the house, pursued by Madame quoey. Blood was streaming from hie body, and Brisbard fell shrieking and exhausted. Madame Franoey ï¬red two shots into the prostrate body, crying that she had been insulted long enough. She then gave herself up to the police. Brie- berd ls dead. He was a. bachelor, 40 years of age, and reputed to be a. hoertiue, and that he devoted his time to toromg his attentions upon married ladies. Madame Frdnoey Is a fascinating) woman, 25 years old. Brisbsrd a short time ago visited Frenoey’s house and awaited the return of the letter from the theatre. Mudame Franoey showed him the door and threat- ened, it the VlBlh Wes repented, she would shot him. On his second Vlhlh, which was also made during the absence of her hus- band, Madame Frenesy shot him. The Harbor Grace (Drama:an [lave n Quiet Parade. Alast (Friday) night’s St. John’s, Nfld., despatch says: A despanch from Harbor Grace states thanrtne gauge demoganration passed off uietly. 'l‘he procession was composed 0 1,000 persons. It passed through the principal streets unmolested The Riverhead men with their green flag held their own citadel, and the Qrungemen abstained from intrusion on Catholic ground, The bloody memory of last St. Stephen’s Day. reinforced by a. war-ship and a. formidable police force. effectually prevented any hostile demonstration. Shortly after the procession passed through Pippy’s lane, the scene of last year's sanguinary conflict, the Riverheud men, numbering some hundreds, followed, but Inspector Garty. with 9. large body of mounted infantry and police, kept a. safe interval between the antagonistic parties until the Orangemen reached their hall. The city at present is tranquil. Gurn'ee, aweulthy merchant, having grocery stores at this place and Mount Vsle, was counting his money at halt-pest 9 o’clock, when a negro named Sisoo entered and wanted to be shown some boots. Gurnee, knowing the negro welll had no suspicion of evil intent. and left his seat, leaving the ‘ money on the desk. When the boots were brought Sisoo deslt him it terrible blow on the forehead with 3. heavy piece of wood or lead. A struggle ensued, during which the negro drew a- pistol and shot Gurnee in the back of the head. The negro then made a rush for the money, Gurnee ï¬ghting him with all the strength he possessed. Sisoo ï¬red another ball, which entered Gurnee’s back. The murderer then fled without booty. Mrs. Gurnee and her father-in- lsw, who reside in a. house opposite the store, entered in time to see Games in his last struggles. He told with his dying breath who his assailant was. It is sup- posed the murderer has gone to New York. He is 30 years of age ; his Victim was 52. A last (Wednesday) night’s Parkridge NJ) deapato‘hgays : Last night Abraham L L , .4“ A “00...-.. A Trenton, N. J , despateh says: The big clock in the City Hall failed to strike last night. The janitor could not under- stand why the striker failed to work. On investigation this afternoon. it was dis- covered that - the janitor‘s dog was imprisoned in the box that Inoesed'the striking weight, When the canine was released the block resumed its regular fune- tione. The Niagara Park Commission any that Goab Island is worth $1,400,000. and will recommend that: New York pay that sum to: it. VOL. XXV II. A ERENUII ’l AIREDI. UPIIEAVAL IN SPAIN. N0 DIS’I‘URBANUE . A Dog Caught in :1 Clock. A Desperate l) (I. THE B01985 lnhuman alonsmrs Torture :1 Nina Within an Inch ol his Lite. A Wheeling (W. Va.) despatch says: At 8 o‘clock last night at the residence of Elias Meeting, a. rich bachelor living four miles east or this city, three masked men entered the house by force and bound Mr. Morning. Searching the house they found nothing of any Value, and then proceeded to deeds that would disgrace an Indian. Morning was stripped of all his clothing, and red hot pokers were laid to his back, while the ï¬ends laughed at the screams and tne agony of their thim,whose yells ï¬lled the house. Shovels of red hot coals were tossed upon him, and his hair was burned off his head. All the time he was exhorted to tell where his wealth wan hidden. He told them where to ï¬nd about 31,000,â€"ell he had in the house. He was not believed, and the thieves again began their devilish work. Pans of hot grease were set on the floor, and Marting was made to stand in them until his flesh peeled from his feet. He fainted, but was restored only to under- go new tortures. A straw bed was emptied of its contents, which were piled around the man and then ï¬red. The flames com- pletely enveloped him, and be was horribly burned. About midnight, believmg him to be dying, the robbers fled. At 10 o’clock this morning Mai-ting was found uncon- scious by two neighbors, who went to the house on an errand. Medical aid was sum- moned, and he was revived sufï¬ciently to tell the story of his tortures. A posse is in search of the thieves, and if caught they will be hunged on the spot. Marting is highly connected in the city. A Drunken Gang Unplure :1 Passenger ’l'raln and luakc Things Lively. A lart (Wednesday) night’s San Antonio, Tex.. den-patch says: Yesterday evening, as the eastbound passenger twin on the Southern Paciï¬c Railroad was nearing a bridge crossing the Pecos river, a. number of torpedoes exploded on the truck, causing the englneer to mp the train. Six cow- huye boarded the twin, and with drawn revolvers comp:lled the conduczor to stop at Lungtry. the next small station. At Langtry twenty more cowboys boarded and tuokpueeeemon of the train. They were all more or lesu under the influence of llquor and amused themselves by shooting Out ull the window lights and lamp, ter- rorizing passengers generally. As the twin passed small ttmtlons, the cowboys would ehove their heads out of the windows and shoot and yell. A panning freight train was saluted in a. similar manner. Several hun- dred shots were ï¬red and the roots at the care were riddled. They robbed the train boy of a. stack cf peanuts and candies, but so far as known no one was shot. The gang left the train utter nding 60 miles. A Newspaper l'lnu suicides with Ru! Poison. A Scranton (Pet) despstch says : A gen- tleman 0t pleasing address, though shabbily dressed, about, 72 yeurs of age, registered uh White’s hotel on Tuesday as H. S. Bull, Ohio. He claimed to represent the Chicago Inter-Ocean, the New York Tribune and the Boston Pilot. On Thursday Du uteaheurty dinner and remurked, “ I never Went to see another Christmas.†He did not eat any supper, but retired to bed about 8 o'clock. Nut coming down to breakfast the clerk went into his room and found him dead. He had suicided With mt poxson. From his conversation With the guests in was learned that he lived at Oswego, NY, and was a. lawyer, and that he had studied under Chiet Justice Chase. It is said he came here to write up the locality for the Inter-Ocean. Want and lumily troubles are the supyosed cause of the suicide. A num- ber 0t manuscript sermons found in his possession indicate that he Was aFree Will Baptist Minister. A last (Friday) night's Winnipeg des- pntoh says: intelligence has been received of a shooting affair near Golden City in which. one man was killed and another wounded. Three men were proceeding from Golden City to Columbia. on ponies, riding in single ï¬le elitale distance from one another. They got some distance beyond Johnson’s mnehe, about twelve miles from Golden City, when a. shot was ï¬red by some one in the bush. The second man dropped dead, ehet through the heart. The ï¬ret‘mau spurred his horse and made his eeeape. The third, ï¬nding his horse too slow, jumped off and ram back towards Johnaon’e mnehe. While doing so he received a. shot in the leg, but‘sueeeeded in reaching the ranohe. it seems that the murderer, ï¬nding no money on the body of his victim, gave chase to the horse. caught it, out open the puck, and took from it $4,600, and then made good his escape. w-x,uvu, wuu nuun Hun-“v bvv‘. ...~ . The body of a. man mulled McIntosh has been found near Beaver Green, Man. He was probe.ny murdered and robbed, as he was known so have $1,300 on his person when he left Bezwer Greek. AMnn Forges a Note tor $500 on "is Aged Mother. ALanoester, Pa, despetoh says: The latest phase of Forget Herzog’s reseality came to the public ear yesterday afternoon, when it looked out that he had forged a‘ note for $500 on his eged mother, now 70 years old, and the owner of but a. :mell property. The mother will not prosecute, but she has engaged counsel to protect her interests. The directors of the several national banks of the city met in the morn- ing, but are reticent as to their action. Enough is known, however, to indicate that they will treat all the notes as genuine, and ï¬ght for their payment. Interesting developments, promising an entirely new phase to the affair, are lookedv'tor in the ‘ near future. C(1‘VBOYS ON THE BAMPAGE. Professor Blackie recommends Scotch songs as a substitute for tobacco. This suggestion was made in the course of a concert lecture he delivered at Manchester: “ How people,†he said, “ can get through their idle hours, I don’t know. In railway conches and other places, I see ,a number smoking what they call tobacco. Well, whatever may be said about that, it is not an intellectual or moral stimulant, and the flavor of it is not at all like the rose or any poetic thing I know. It is essentially a vulgar sort of amusement. My amusement is to sing songs. At home I am always sing- ing Scotch songs, and abroad. when those wretches are smoking, I hum to myself, ‘Scots wha hae,’ “A man’s a man for a' that,’ and songs of that kind." Professor Blackie then advised his audience “ to do the sameâ€; Their souls, he informed them, would by this means become “Singing i birds, and the devil won’t get near them.†Scottish Snug: inslvnd of Tobacco. DIABOLIUAL DEED. fllurder in me Flu-‘Wesl. STRANGE SUICIDE. RICHBIOND HILL THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1885. “Too early to retire yet," cried pater- famfliaq. . ‘ “Commoner than common. No, uncle! just a. legend, please. A legend abouu a. castle, and a. demon, or something or the Rhine-land sort. Something in the RM- outoher of Hamelm’s utyle.’_' a. young bachelor, as once tell head over: earn in love; and though me girl was after all only a peasant, he renewed to marry her n he could. Therefore, instead of gomg on us he had. Intended. he asked for a mum, and hevmg been offered the choice 01 hulf u. dozen empny ones, selected the one that. had a ï¬ne View of the cow-yard, where the beauny was likely to be seen someuxmes, instead of the one from which there was the moan dellghtful pruupecn oi the moun- ueine, whither she beauny probably never wandered. ' The Christmas tree had done its work, or rather the Ghrlenmas party had done theirs with the tree, and how the little ones, after having been reguled with all the Varieties of fairy tales that Anderson or Grimm could have dressed up for them, had been eeeurned each to their aeparme nooks for rest, and the elders were left alone. I'V'i‘rï¬ï¬dr too late to sit up much longer,†rejoigeg th_e half-sleepy motherz UWQU. then, one m-o're story from uncle. Uncle’a just come from Europe, and must have lots of scoriea to tell," cried one. “ Oh. yea, uncle’s story now; uncle‘s story 1†“About ghosts, eh?†said Uncle Jabez. _ “ Oh, no, gnoats are so awful at this late hour." “ A love story, than ?†“ Too common." “ A detective’s. How would a. detective story: do 7" -v, ,u,. “ Here goes, than 1 1'11 give you a stnty as told to me, in the very Words of Jacobo Somebody, my own Alpine guide. He commenced thusâ€"calling his story, by-the- byeâ€"H A LEGEND mom THE swxss MOUNTAINS. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is the spot. Yonder you see the hntle inn. On my word as a man and a. gumsâ€"the best; guide on the mountainâ€"it is all true.‘ 1 Listen, then. One day a. traveller. hand- some, young, men and guy-n. man who could afford to spend all hummer truvellmg among the Alpsâ€"stopped at a. little tavern that hung hke a. bxrd’a nest upon the moun- tains, and called to: a bottle‘ï¬i wine and 01116 bread. In WEI; Qérved him by a. girl so wonder- fully beautiiul than he could do nothing bun snare at her. 0: course the traveller. being Well, this young American went to his room, and smnlookiug out of his window, and bad the pleasure oi seeing the girl milk net cows ; bun while he was admiring her and mlklng to mmaelf about; her, he was suddenly anunled by a box upon nhe ear, and burning luriously aboutâ€"us who would non ‘Iâ€"tound to ma amazement- than there was no one there. b So the American at length decided that what he had ten was the wmg of some bud or meant. that hand flown by bun unuwarea, and laughlug an himself, turned to ï¬ne wm- dow ugum. In a. momeun more some one boxed his other ear; and this time he tell; the ï¬ve ï¬ngers on his cheek, and still nobody to be found hiding. vâ€"r u-.‘: This was too much no best. He left his room and won downstairs, and, since the gigl was there, tell to cheating with her, and she more he chatted the more infatuated he grew, unm at last he annually whispered some words of admiramon in her ear, and took her little ï¬ngers in his, whenâ€"whisk! â€"oame the box upon his ear. ‘V‘WWhoris that ‘2'.’ he cried furiously, [or this blow was a smart one. “Iiinï¬iwyéï¬ï¬‚sree any one? I have been struck. In 18 the mild time. What. harle- qumfllg plgyfng his tricks upon me ’3†‘ “ Oh, sir,†we cued, “ fur the love of Heaven ask no questionsâ€"only leave hhls place, and do uo‘n speak to me agum. I cannot; tell you the truth, but 1 know that. you will be sorry it you my here. Don’s waste an hour. Goâ€"goâ€"J’ “ And why ‘2†said he. “ Because you W111 be in danger if you stay,†she answered. “ Xou may even be killed." “ No, my beauty.†he said. “ I could not go now, even it there were danger in staying. And what. danger can there be? Tell me why you mean.†-. .u. "Elvavurdéwar was a scream, and at that momeun he recelved from some unseen flat; 8, terrible blow whloh proabruted him to the earth. Then she rushed away ; and turning, the young American saw me iunkeeper. He was agruve man, we“ snricken in years, and he bOWed low to ma young guess. ‘f Su'fhe said, “ {on 81:63] troubled. Can I aid you in guy vygy ‘1’ “ You can," said the youth. “You can explain a mystery no me. Thrice since 1 unterud your iuu I have receivedu blow from an uLsaen hand. Your duugbuer hells me that. you (mu eXylain me aura.th occur- rence to me ; and tells me thew I am in danger here.†‘ I - u, ,L L: _'._UV_ _ V, , The inukeeper looked gravely up his guesn. stroked his long, white beard for a moment. and than replied by a. ques- tion : “ You have been falling in love with my daughter ‘2†The young man blushed. “ It I had, does that explain this thing ‘1’" “ Yes," said the innkeepet. “ In was Jacqueline’e lover who shrunk you. He never etrikes any one otwhom be is not jealous ; consequently, I know he is jealous of you.†w n 1 LL“ 1: “if-linen show me whei‘e I may ï¬nd him," aadd the American, †and we will see who can Int the hardest." “ Sir,†he said, “ my daughter‘s lover is a demon, and all you can do is to flee from him. I will tell you the story. My daugh- ter, as you know, is wonderfully beautiful, and from' her childhood she has always told us of a. terrible black man who met her on the mountains and made love to her. He asked her to be his wife, and when she said that she would rather die he swore that she should never have a lover, and revealed to her the fact that he was a demon. Since then, whenever any one has loved my girlâ€"and almost every young man who sees her does tall in love with her, sirâ€"as I said, whenever this happens, unseen blows [all upon him. If he is alone on the mountains, he is led into dangerous places, and avalanches and frozen water- spouts overtake him. Several have been done to death, and now the young men of the village tuyn their heads the other way when they see my J aoqueline. 1,", 0 A CHRISTMAS EVENING LEGEND. “ They call her the ’ demon’s true love,’ and only strangers who know nothing of the story try to win her smiles. “ Poor girll it is hard for her. But there is no help for it. When I am dead she will go into a. convent. The demon dare not come there; besides. he will no longer be jealous, since nuns have no lovers. As for Aid than whisk came another thump on his chest. And what, gentlemen and ladies. asked the guide, pouing himself piohuresquely with outspreud handsâ€"what think you your young American said then? Eh? Perhaps you guess. No! Well, I will tell you. He doubled his right ï¬sh tight and brought; in down in the palm of his left hand, and saidâ€"oh, he wus a. true Ameri- can, this young munâ€"- H‘V‘Srliow yourself like 9. man,†cried this young American, “ and we’ll ï¬ght ih out.†you. air, all that you can do is to go away as last as you can from this unhappy inn and forget my poor little Jacqueline for- ever." “'I’m d'amea 1 n he said, N if I’ll give up the_ girl} love_t9t_ a. demon ! “Done.†cried a hollow voice in the air. †Meet me at the long chasm at 12 to-njght, and you shall not only feel but see “ Done 1 " cried the American. Now the long chasm was a. terrible spot, far up the mountain ; and the innkeeper turned sick with horror when he heard the promise. As she spoke; they saw him in the moon- light turn. wave his hand toward them, and vanish in the winding rmouptaiu» road. In vein the father swore, the daughter wept, the mother wrung her hands. the servants went into 'hystarioa, the American vowed to conquer the demon that night, and asked as his reward the hand 0! J acqueline: Alone, at the dead of night, the young American ascended the mountain. He took nothing wibh him but his ï¬sts. No one even offered to go with him: _ “He has gong to meet his fate," they said ; and tears bedewed the girl’s cheek as though she stood beside a dying bad. “ We will never see him more," she No one slepb in the inn that night, but at dawn jueh w the cows began to cluster at the game, there was heard, faint and clear: and far away through the pure mountain mr, the sound of a. whistle. L ' it came newer. They heard the tune. It. was “ Yankee Doodle.†Ouly Americans ‘whiatle “Yankee Doodle." . W“ In is the American,†cried Jacqueline. And truly enough there he wasâ€"brisk and fresh as ever, snifï¬ng towardjlgem.‘ . “ It is as though you went to the grave." he said. " You will not live to come back." But all the American would say was this: “ i promise,†said the father ;“ but it is a promlae made to one already dead." walled, “ never, never! “ Then the old Eamon did not meet you ‘2†cried the father. “ I raï¬her reckon he did, old gqntleman," said the American. “And you escaped him?" cried Jaeqqel_1ne. ._.. . . m ‘1 “ If one Yankee isn’t a. match for ten Italian devils. 13mg gump.†7 H‘r‘ madame I" cried the American,cffanded. Then he paused and smiled. “In‘ yas evndeut to me from the ï¬rst,†h§ aa‘ig, " that that demon had not scientiï¬c tanning. Idou’t know what he thinks 0! me ; for after I had polished him off, I took him by the nape of the neck and dropped hun down the chasm, as it he had been a. kitten, and he hadn’t tune to make any remark And now I have kept my part of the bargain, and I'm sure you will keep yqys.†She did 3 and the American took ‘8. wife back to his wonderful country when' he went away. And no one‘has ever seen the demon since; and there is no doubt that he lies at the bottom of the chasm which, from that hour, has been called the Demon’s Full. Custom oi (Blinking Glassesâ€"The Passing oi the Loving Cup. The custom of touching glasses prior to drinking healths is common in England and other countries, and especially in Ger- many. says the London Brewm‘s’ Guardian. It is curious to trace how this custou‘i has prevailed. and still exists, even among savage tribes. To drink out of the same cup and to eat off the same plate was one ‘ of the ways in which the ancients cele- brated a. marriage, and the wedding feast continues to be not the least important of the marriage ceremonies to the present day. The Indians of Brazil retain a cue- tom of drinking together a little brandy, as a sign that the marriage is concluded. In China similar customs are met with. In ‘ the mediaeval banquets of Germany it was the custom to pass a " loving cup†from hand to hand, but this gradually necessi- tated that the cup should be of enormous size, and thus smaller cups or glasses were adopted, and old custom was conformed to by the drinkers touching their glasses before drinking. The ceremony attending the passing and drinking out of the “loving cup," as practiced at our great city festivals and at some of our college halls, is said to have arisen from the assassination of King Edward. It was then the custom of the Anglo- Saxons to pass round a. large cup from which each guest drank. Who thus drank stood up. and, as he lifted up the cup with both hands, his body was exposed without any defence to a blow, and the occasion was often seized by an enemy to \nurder him. To prevent this the following plan was adopted : When one of the company stood up to drink he required the companion who sat next to him to be his pledge â€"â€"that is, to be responsible forlprotecting him against_anybody who should attempt to take advantage of his detenoeless position; This companion stood up also. and raised his drawn sword in his hand to defend the drinker while drinking. This practice. in a somewhat altered form, oon- tinned long after the condition of society had ceased to require it, and was the origin of the modern practice of pledging by drinking. In drinking from the “ loving cup" as now practised, each person rises and takes the cup in his hand to drink. und,at the seine time. the person sested next to him rises also. and when the latter takes the cup in his turn the‘individusl next to him does the same. A recent. visitor to the Grande thu'e treuse says that the liquors are not made in the monastery, but in a. large stone ediï¬ce in the village. Four monks are regularly employed in the manufacture. On New Year’s Day each monk receives a bottle of liquor. At a recent sale of fans in Madrid one of ivory. painted by Watteau, which formerly belonged to hhe Princess Adelaide of Savoy, fetched $750. A fan penned by Boucher sold for $950; and another painted by Lebrun for the Duchess of Medina-Cali, brought $450. Thve United States army hasn’t been defeated by the Indians for a whole year, and the Secretary at War feels good over it. E'I‘IQUE’I‘TE 0F DRINKIN ‘- [n WHOLE NO 1,382 N0. 31. A Faithful Animal who Tried to do His Dead Master's Work. “ A man can get along without friends if he has an intelligent dog,†said a Jackson street bookkeeper, yesterday, as a Day reporter entered his store. The bookkeeper touched a fur rug at his feet, which got up and shook itself. “Dinner time, old fel- low,†he said,pointing to a low table stand- ing under a peg in the wall. “I shall never forget," said the bookkeeper remin- iscently, as he buttoned his coat and shook himself into shape for lunch, “ that old New England village where stood a gray, moss-grown stone church, and by its side a little weather-stained cottage. A lonely old man, the sexton. lived there. He had cut- lived the hopes and friends of his youth, and was utterly alone but for the compan- ionship of a noble dog. It was a familiar sight to see him hobbling back and forth to the cottage, always accompanied by his faithful companion. The old man could often be heard muttering fragments of talk as he went his slow, unsteady way as if in conver- sation With his dumb friend, who never left his side. but gazed with a look of human intelligence in his master’s face at the least sound of his voice. At the village the sexton would exchange a quiet word with a friend, and making little purchases for himself and his dog set out for the cot- tage, his basket upon his arm. But even here the dog would relieve his care and urgently but ï¬rmly take the basket in his mouth, trot on before with an air of joyous satisfaction. He seemed to take a peculiar pleasure in the ringing of the bell of the church, and was always with his old master when he summoned the people to holy ser- vice. Once when the bellsrope broke he climbed the stairs of the old bell tower with the sexton and repeatedly watched him ring the bell from the loft. But one day the old sexton was seized with his last illness, and in spite of the anxious solicitations of the dog, could not ring the bell the follow- ing Sunday and soon after passed quietly away, his hand resting on the head of his poor follower whose mourn- ing was inconsolable. The dog was visibly affected by the telling of the bell. From the grave the faithful creature had to be taken by force. and would return there immediately on being released. One day he was observed to go to the church and soon altar was seen in the belfry where his master had for a time rung the Sabbath chimes. ‘Here he appears to have reached the hell with his paws and to have swung it, for it tolled out a single mournful note as of sorrow and despair. Immediately after the dog was seen to look down from the tower into the churchyard, where his master lay buried. Then with a low, mournful whine, reaching slowly forward. he suddenly leaped out into the air and fell a lifeless mass on the mound. As sure as man ever did he died of grief, feeling with unerring instinct that life without affection is worse than death. So, you see. I take my friend to lunch and he keeps my feet Warm and soothes my perturbed spirit by the intelligent sympathy of his eyes. I tell you a manâ€"a lone manâ€"without a dog is a subject for pity."-St. Paul Day. Capture of 3 Gang of Canadian Smugglers by a Bullnlo Detective. A Buï¬alo despatch says: For some time past the United States ofï¬cials here have been making strenuous efforts to cap- ture a gang of smugglers who have been operating between Black Book and Fort Erie, but their eflorts were futile until last night, when by an accident Detective Lynch, of the 3rd Police Precinct here, cap- tured them. While passing Chippewa market about midnight he was attracted by the strange action of three men who drove up to the saloon of August Utrick,and after rousing the proprietor began to unload the contents of a waggon. He placed the men under arrest, and an investigation disclosed the fact that the waggon con- tained 1,500 pounds of butter, 60 pairs of woollen mittens, 50 pairs woollen socks and 65 pounds dressed chickens which had been smuggled. They gave their names as Frederick Lint, John Buckner and James O’Hara. The men gave away another of their oonfederates, William Cramer, who with O’Hara, brought goods across the river in a rowboat, the other men, who claim to be Canadians, assisting them on land. Their operations have extended over alconsiderable period, and they made a large amount of money, as they could always ï¬nd purchasers for goods at Chip- pewa market. The men were turned over to the United States authorities, and will be tried on Friday. Unuadlnn Delallllers Must Nuke Good Their Deï¬cits. The Montreal Star thus speaks of a trans- action in which a former Hamiltonian gut into a peek of troubles. Reference is made to Maseie Geddes, formerly a railway ofï¬cial in this city: “Mr. G. W. Patter- son, of the London Guarantee Company, has just returned from Chicago, where he has succeeded in obtaining security from Massie Geddes, an absconding Grand Trunk outside ticket agent, formerly at Orillia, Ont., tor the repayment of the whole amount of his deï¬cit, some $500, together with the costs incurred in his arrest. Geddes “skipped out’ to the usual asylum for such defaulters, and had settled in Chicago. The Guarantee Company who were surety tor himI thinking that Geddes’ security'was to a great extent fanciful, followed him up. On his arrival in Chicago Mr. Patterson had Gaddes arrested, but even that individual, lying on the supposed looseness of the law. bade the Guarantee Company deï¬ance“ He managed to get out on bail, and the case Was proceeded with in the usual course, the result being that in a few days Judge Blodgett, ot the United States Supreme Court in Chicago, main- tained the action of the company and gave judgment against Geddes, as stated ; other- wise he would be obliged to remain in jail until such time as the Guarantee Company saw ï¬t to release him. This is a sharp awakening to the diehcnestly inclined.who contemplate having a good time in Uncle Sam’s country on the fruits of dishonesty." (item in her common ’sehools in 1840, has now less than 73,000 children in them, though the number of those of the popula- tion under 20 years of age is only 5 per cent. less now than in 1840. ABill is pending before the Alabama Legislature compelling persons carrying concealed deadly weapons to designate the hot on their persons iby wearing a. badge inscribed " I am armed." The snow is so deep in northern Arizona. that stage drivers refuse to drive between Prescott and Phoenix. DEFRAUDING 'l‘llE CUSTOIVIS. N0'l‘ SAFE IN THE STATES- Vermont, which had qlmgst _100,000 cpil‘ M Teefy TOLLED BY A DOG. Although there is no such thing as buying the beds of any of the public waters, yet oyster grounds are, in a manner, bought and sold in this way : A man or a company will clear up a new place and begin raising oysters. If these men wish to go out of the business they sell their squatter‘s right to their bed. The right is recognized in the business, and such a sale holds good by common consent. The spat gathered in the spawning season is scattered over the beds from which oysters have been gath- ered, or on newly-prepared ground, as the case may be. Here it lies from one year to ï¬ve or six years. Rockaways lie about one year, and sounds from three years to ï¬ve years. The increase is from three to six baskets for every one of spat. The chances, as a rule, are in favor of a good rap, but the oystermen have many things to contend with, so that it sometimes happens that when they go to gather the oysters they ï¬nd either dead ones or none at all. The oyster has its natural enemies, such as the drumï¬eh and starï¬sh, which destroy agreat many, and in the second place the ground sometimes proves unsatis- factory. Sometimes a heavy weight of grass grows fast to them, and, pressing them down into the mud, smmhers them, or, when they are on sandy soil, a storm will occasionally cover them entirely with sand. However, with the constantly improved methods of cultivation, means are being continually devised for the better protection of the oyster. I Oysters are raised by cultivation. just as fruits and vegetables are. They are found in all seas in from four feet to six fathoms 0! water, and never at a great distance from the shore. They are most abundant in the quiet waters of gulls and bays formed at the mouths of larger rivers. The principal sources of supply for the United States are the Chesapeake Bay, New Jer- sey coast, and Long Island sound. Form- erly the northern beds were almost wholly kept up by re-stocking with seed oysters from Chesapeake Bay and the Hudson River. hut’ot late the oyster reapers have secured the seed, or spat, as the ï¬shermen call it, during the spawning season, and new grounds have been utilized until the area. of the oyster beds can be measured by townships, and. is constantly extend- ing. ‘ Two-thlrda of the oysters now brought into the New York market during the summer and autumn come from the lower bay, and are called. sounds. The remainder may he said to come from Rockeway. Blue Point and the East River. The winter trade depends more or less on the supply from Chesapeake Bay, although large quantities taken in the New York waters are stored for winter use. Down on West street. a few blocks north of Canal street, a little fleet of oyster boats, peeked together like sardines in a box, may be seen any day delivering their cargoes. How one ever gets out is a profound mystery. The boatmen them- selves say it often takes halt a day to get one clear of the rest. They are small, single masted and each carries a jib. They vary in length between thirty and forty feet long. 'They cost between $500 and $2,000 apiece, according to the size and the manner in whiee they are ï¬tted up. There are also a great many steam tugs engaged in the business. Each boat usually carries ï¬ve men. The wholesale dealers, who have their houses upon rafts along the dock, own or have an interest in most of these boats. One dealer will often own anumber of sailboats, or an interest in several, and perhaps a number of tugs as well. There are, however. many boats that are owned by the men who sail them. The boats usually stay out a week or six days. Each is provided with an oyster tongs and dredge. At ï¬rst, while the oysters are think, the men use the tongs. Afterward they ï¬nish up by raking over the ground with the dredge. The dredge is an iron rake in two sections. It hasabsg hanging from the back of it, made of iron links. This is always held open by an iron frame. The oysters, as they are raked up by the teeth of the dredge, are shoved back into the bag until it is ï¬lled, and then it is raised and its contents are emptied on board. It is either dragged by the sailboat with spread canvas or worked by steam. Enulern oyster Beds and the Method 0! Planting and llarveuing the Cropl. When a boat has a load of oysters, which is from one thousand to six thousand, ao- oording to the size of the craft, it carries the oysters to a water-logged crib. This is done in order that the oysters may drink, and thus gain a ï¬ne, plump appearance for market, and also supply themselves with a circulating fluid to stand long transporta- tion. They are usually put ï¬in the crib at ebb tide, as it As only then that oysters open. After this other boats deliver them to the wholesale dealers. Oysters are classiï¬ed according to their size, as extras, box, oullins and oullentines. Some of the dealers open the oysters they handle, while others simply deal in them in the shell. The openers get $1 a thousand for opening the oysters, and one man can open from three thousand to six thousand a dayâ€"New York Sun. Sensonnble Advice Which should be Regarded by Householders. About this time, as the almanac would say, look out for ï¬res arising from defec- tive flues. A detective ï¬ne is not neces- sarily defective from the start ; it may be a good. substantial piece of work when it leaves the mason's hands; but the expan- sion and contraction caused by our Widely varying temperatures are apt to work the mortar loose in time and even, in many cases. to throw bricks out of place, leaving wide openings through which sparks may pass to partition laths and framing timbers. This is one reason to regret the abolition ol the chimney sweep. Nuisance as he was, he did detect the detective spots in the chimney he traversed, and gave warning oi them in time to have them repaired. Another cause of ï¬re from the ï¬nes is the careless work of carpenters in making repairs. Instances are sometimes found in which a ï¬ne leading from a lower story has been out off and floored over, the dry pine boards being exposed to the full foroeot any ï¬re that might be started in the grate below. Defective ï¬nes are apt to get in their deadliest work in the coldest weather, when the house ï¬res are urged to their hottest point. They should be watched at all times, but every chimney should be examined as far as possible before cold weather sets in. A Vendelie treinman relates the circum- stance of the killing of a. brakeman named Black, at Crawfordsville, 1116., on Thurs- day, in a. thrilling manner. Black was braking on the Indiana, Bloomington & Western. While coupling ears the Van- delie man saw him trip and fall under the wheels, the grinding monsters cutting off both his limbs at once. The poor unfortu- nate shrieked in agony and exclaimed: " My (306.1 will never be any good on earth again.†Then with a superhuman effort; be east himself under the still moving train, the wheels passing over his body and kill- ing him inemntly. A popular item is now going the rounds ol the pnpere entitled “ How to Cook a Christmas Turkey.†It ought to have been preceded, these hard. times, by a. piece heeded “ How to Get a. Christmas Turkey." A newly imported bush fruit from. South America. is being introduced among the fruit-growers at Les Angelee,Cal. It is called the melon shrub. It been! I luse'idu‘e‘fruit about the size of a. goose egg, and produces fruit all the year round. FARMS N0 EYE HAS BEEN. DEFECTIVE FLUE S. J usufluble Suicide.