Wreck ot a Nonveglnn Bnrqueâ€"Only Two or [he Crew Saved. A last (Friday) night’s Philadelphia despatoh says: Two Norwegian sailors, the only survivors of the ill-tated'Norwegian barque, Lena. which went to pieces off the coast of Virgmia on Sunday, arrived to-day. They tell a heartrending story of sufferings and hardship endured by the crew in their battle with the elements. The captain lost his hearings in a dense log. and was con- siderably out at his course. Saturday afternoon during the mate’s watch the vessel stranded. The wind was blowing a gale, and the sea was running high. In a moment the Lena was well up on a bar, and the waves were beating over her with wild fury. The weather wasbitterly cold, and there was a coating of ice on the decks and rigging, which made the movements of those on board exceedingly perilous. An eï¬ort made to launch the boat: was a disastrous failure. Each was in turn broken to splinters by the raging sea, and the crew were left without, any means 0! escape. They clung to the vessel in the hope that the sea would subside. After twenty-four hours at this wretched experience, during which they were nearly frozen, the barque sprung apart and went to pieces. Every person on board was precipitated into the waves, and with the exception of two men who reached here tc-day, all were drowned. The two survivors seized planks from the wreck, on which they were carried ashore. The body of Captain Mortensen, who leaves a young wife in Norway, and Abraham Carl~sen, a sail-maker, were washed up and buried on the beach. The bodies of the mate and ï¬ve seamen have not been recovered. Relative to the adoption of remedial measures to lessen or check the formation of a deaf mute variety of the human race in America, Prat. Bell says : " The inter- marriage of deal mutes might be forbidden by legislative enactment, but so long as deaf mutes of both sexes continue to associate together in adult life legislative interference with mar- riage .might only promote immorality. Legislation forbidding the intermarriage of persons belonging to families containing more than one deaf mute would be more practicable, but it is doubtful whether legislative interference would be advisable.†The most promising method of lessening the evil, Prof. Bell says, appears to be in the adoption of preventive measures, in which the grand central principle should be the retention of normal. environment dur- ing the period of education, the establish- ment 0! small schools, and the extension of the day school plan. Nearly one-third of the teachers of the deaf and dumb in America aré themselves deaf, and this must be considered as another element favorable to the formation of a deaf race, and one to beavcided. Prof. Bell concludes: “Segre- gation of deaf motes, the use of sign lan- gua and the employment of deaf teachers pro use an environment unfavorable to the cultivation of articulation and speech read- ing, and that sometimes causes the disuse of speech by speaking pupils who are only deal. SUFFERING AND DEATH AT SEA. Major Talbot D’Arcy.-J.P., has 1th his late residence, Lakeï¬eld House, Athlone, and gone to reside in Clitden. county Gal- way. Goal :3 selling from the ship’s side at the port of Wioklow for 135 6d per ton. Lately John Butler, head master of the Butt Model School, shot; himself through the head with a. rifle. 81: John 0. Garden, Bart.,and Lieut- Colonel J. Vivien Ryen-Lenigan have been appointed Deputy Lieutenant]: for the county Tipperary. Au Alabama lady recently tried the experiment of darkening the room in her conservatory in which she kept a beautiful night-blooming cereua plant. The flower was thus kept fresh until noon next day. when the light was let in, and it immediately began to Wither. and was, no doubt, much ingested It Molt tor having been tooled. The death is announced at 4 Rutland street, Limerick, of Mr. Thomas Hogan, after a. short illness. He to: many years canducted Raleigh’s tobacco manufaotory i ere. in each institution deaf mutes have been received who belong to families containing ï¬ve, six, or even more deaf mutes, and there is abundance evidence to indicate that such families are very numerous in the United States. In cases where there are ï¬ve or six children of one family deaf and dumb, some of them marry when they grow up, and in many cases_ they marry persons who belong, like themselves, to families containing several deaf mutes. Thus it happens that we have here and there scat- tered over the country groups of deaf mute families connected together by blood and marriage. Plans for the formation of a deaf mute; community have frequently been discussed by deaf mutes themselves. The idea originated in the action of Con- gress endowing the American Asylum for deaf mutes. -at Hartford. with a tract of land, and afterwards developed a number of eccentric shemes for the formation of a deaf mute community. Some of the pupils before graduation formed an agreement to emigrate to the west and settle in a com- mon place, and a number of schemes of a somewhat similar character were in the minds of deaf mutes in diflerent parts of the country. The scheme that received most approbation was the purchase of a tract of land by a few wealthy deaf mutes who were to agree to sell the ; land in small blocks to other deaf mutes. The whole scheme wasatterwards discussed at the convention of deaf mates of New England, and was overthrown by the influence of several-teachers, in conjunction with the most intelligent of the deaf mutes them- selves. Since then the subject has not been publicly discussed, but such a. scheme is still favored by individual deaf mates, and may, therefore be revived in an organized shape any time. A European philanthropist has commenced the coloniza- tion of a tract of land in Manitoba by deaf mutes, upon which a number of deaf routes with their families from Europe have settled, and more are _expected next year.†In all the Roman Catholic chapels in county of Wexford collections at the rate of twopenoe in the pound on the valuation for the payment of Irish members of Parlia- ment are being made. A splendid and unfailing method of securinga prize attack of Influenza in to suddenly rush from a heated atmosphere to a cold one... After†a ball. a party, or a theasre, some’ care hhould be exercised about wraps. - Prof. Bell on the Increase at Ben! Mates â€"Whac lie Proposes. A Washington despatch says: Among the memoirs transmitted to Congress by the National Academy of Sciences is a paper prepared by Prof. Alex. Graham Bell upon the formation of a deaf variety of the human race. Discussing the mar- riages of deaf people. Prof. Bell says it is evident there is a tendency among deaf mutes to select deaf mutes as partners in marriage, being continuously exhibited during the. past forty or ï¬fty years, and there is every probability such selections will continue in the future. “ While we cannot at present arrive at any per- centage,†he continues, “ it is certain the proportion of deaf mute oflepring born to deal mutes is many times greater than the proportion born to the peo- ple at large. Reports of the American Asylum, the New York, Ohio. Indiana and Illinois institutions, show that A SPEECHLESS RACE. [.mer Irom Ireland. There died at Ardoch, Loohlee, recently .David anb, in his 89 sh year, the oldest tenant on Lord Dalhousie'e Edzall estate. a very narrow escape this evening. It was dark when the train reached Milton. and the engineer had discovered a couple of large stones on the track just above that place in time to stop the train and have the obstruction removed. About the same time a young Irishman named Thomas Gould, who was in search of employment, was on the track below intending to walk to New York. When opposite New Ham- burg, where the road runs at the base of a oliï¬, Gould heard a noise in front of him and saw a huge piece of rock weighing several tons slide down upon the track. Knowing that the down train was due and that unless signalled in time there might be loss of lite, Gould ran back a mile to notify the flagman whom he had passed but a short time before. The ï¬agman set his danger signal in time to stop the train a short distance from the slide, and thus prevented what might have been a serious accident. The flagman had passed the spot but a short time before, and found everything secure. Young Gould was warmly thanked by the conductor, who gave him atree ride to Jersey City. The passengers made up a purse for Gould. London’s Underground Railway the Scene on Another Explosionâ€"No Lives Lostâ€"â€" Eflecm of Ilse shock. A last (Friday) night’s London cable says: A dynamite explosion occurred on the underground railway between Grower street and King‘s Cross station, at 9 30 this evening. The windows of a passing train were shattered and the gaslights extin- guished. Beyond this no damage was done. The passengers were greatly terri- ï¬ed, but no one was hurt. The train resumed its journey after a delay of twenty-ï¬ve minutes. The shock of the explosion was felt by the residents of Euston road, between St. Pancras Church and Judd street. The railway runs the whole length of Euston road, underneath the roadway. A crowd speedily collected at the vent-shaft at the head of Ossulton street, from which. at the time of the explosion, a quantity of smoke issued. As soon as possible after the explosion a num- ber of porterswere sent to the spot with ‘ lamps and appliances for clearing the line. ‘ Up to the present time nothing has been found. The residents in the locality were greatly alarmed. The shock overthrew several wayfarers on the Euston road. It was with great difï¬- culty that the horses on the road were re- strained from running away. The gaslights in Gower street station were extinguished. The ticket collector in the station was thrown from his box and the engineer working the electric light machine was thrown from his seat, landing on his face. The lights in the other trains in the tunnel were extinguished by the explosion. The passengers were greatly alarmed and many ladies fainted. Gower street platform was literally strewn with forms of persons prostrated by the shock. The houses in the vicinity were shaken and the roadway oscillated. Two trains were passing each other at the time, and in both the lights were extinguished. The windows Were shattered, and the framework of several carriage doors was smashed. The green, red and white lights at the front and rear of the trains were extinguished. The ticket collector at Grower street stationldescribes the report of the explosion as sharp and ringing in character, like the discharge of a small ï¬eld piece of artillery. The point where the explosion occurred is directly under the road leading to the main entrance of the London &Northwestern Railway station. A lady’s nose was out by glass, and one gentleman had his side and face and another his wrist out. These were the most serious casualties reported. All the passengers left the trains at Gower street station. Many were in a half faint- ing condition. Supt. Williamson, of Scot- land yard, and the superintendents and in- spectors of the various districts arrived at Gowcr street stat-ion half an hour after the explosion, and immediately proceeded down the line. They discovered the signal box eastward of St. Pancras Church partially wrecked. The signal wire was separated and the clock stopped at 9 14. A close inspection showed that the explosion could not have been gunpowder. as the surrounding brickwork was not blackened. It must therefore have been either dyna- mite or gun cotton. The locality of the explosion is on the horth side of the line, midway between St. Pancras’ Church aad Charlton street. The only clues are a few fragments of paper, which Were found strewn about the track. A Serious Accident Averted by a Tramp. A last (Thursday) night's New York des- pstoh says: Passengers on the 2.40 train from Albany on the West Shorp Bong had The Court of Session has decided that a minister is not entitled to exemption from income-tax on the portion of his stipend which be contributed towards the salary 01 his assistant. Lord Rwy, who has been appointed to succeed Si: J amen Fergueeon as Governor of Bombay, was born in 1839, and is the eleventh Baron of Remy in the Scotch peerage. and the ï¬rst In the English. having been created an English Baron in 1881 by Mr. Gladstone. On. Dec. 16th Mr. Wm. Neaves,son of the late Lord Neaves, was found dead in bed in his room in the Conservative Club. Princes street, Edinburgh, where he had resided for some time past. The deceased gentleman was of middle age. He was formerly a planter in Ceylon. Mr. Smelhe, manager of the Scottish & Ontario Golonizatlon 00., recently managed to bag 100 prairie chickens in two days on the company’s farm at Binscarth. At Fort Qu’Appelle, Messrs. Cruthers 6: Tregent have completedasale of thirty acres of land on the lake shore at $30 per acre. They have likewise sold a quarter- section, seven miles from there at $6 per acre cash. The following is snice sauce for plum pudding or plain suet pudding : Two tablo- spoontuls of golden syrup and twice as much vinegar. Warm on the nave till properly mixed. A painful accident occurred to Mr. Green, of Birtle, recently. He was out shooting rabbits north of Birtle. and through some unaccountable means his gun was acci- dentally discharged, ahanteriug his ankle and tearing all the flesh off the salt of his leg. The doctors have poor hopes of sav- ing the leg. A LUCKY DISUBVEBY. THE VOL. XXVII. Latest From Scotland. Late Northwest News. [ROBE I) YNANIITE. Six months later Annie landed in New York, so papers on ï¬le in the Supreme Court allege, and the two were immediately married. They went to Jersey City to live. and the husband obtained employment in the oil works in the vicinity. By his steady habits and perseverance he became cashier, and his salary was made $3,000 a year. Too much money became his ruin. He took to drink, drove fast horses and attended races. His wife pleaded with him, but it wasof no avail. Soon rumors reached her ears that he was pay- ing address to a young woman and repre- senting himself as a single man. Before she could investigate the story a ï¬re broke out in the oil works where her husband was employed and he was reported to have perished in the flames. His charred remains were dug out of the ruins. He was buriedtrom the house and the widow oausedaeostly marble slab to be placed over his grave. » Eight years passed by. The widow sup; ported herself and two children by giving music lessons in New ‘York. Five weeks ago a richly dressed lady engaged Mrs. Fitzgerald to teach her daughter music. The house was in Forty-ï¬fth street, near First avenue. On entering the apartments Mrs. Fitzgerald saw a photograph hanging upon the parlor wall in a gilt frame. She became deeply agitated. It was the very picture of her dead husband. On making inquiries the lady of the house said that she had been married eight years ago and that her husband told her he came from Jersey City. Mrs. Fitzgerald became con- vinced that it was the portrait of her late husband; but to make certain she waited for him one night and found that her sus- picions were correct. He pretended not to recognize her, however, and boldly said that she was mistaken. that he had never met her before. On further investigating the matter Mrs. Fitzgerald learned that her husband, alter the ï¬re, had gone West, procured a divorce, represented himself as a widower and married wife No. 2. An Unlnllhiul llusbnnd Turns Up Alter a slab is Erecled Io Ills Memory. “ Good-bye, darling," said Edward Fitz- gerald, kissing his awaathearn, Annie Cahill. good-bye on Ireland’s shores ten years ago, " I’m going off to America, and the ï¬rsh money I earn will be sent to you for your passage, and than we will be married." ' The earthquake shocks continue to be felt at Jaen, Malege, Benamargosa and Vellez Several severe shocks were felt at Trrcx on. Wednesday and Thursday, des- troying anumber of buildings. The town is completely abandoned. 'Ihree hundred and ï¬fty corpses have been discovered at Orenas del Rey, and 250 persons are there suflering from injuries. A national fund has been opened for the immediate relief of the suflerers, to which the Government employes have been invited to subscribe a day’s pay. The land taxhas been remitted in the suffering districts. A committee has been formed in each town to distribute the fund. -It is reported that a Government loan of 3,000,000 pestes will be raised for the relief of the inhabitants of the afllicted districts. 0 ‘IIOUGIIT Slllï¬ IIAII BURIED IIIM Wife No. 1 is now very anxious to be divorced from her husband. She is engaged to he married to a. physician of Dr. Grainger, of Chester, England,wal called in last week to attend several child- ran in Harrison’s Court, who were seriously ill, manifesting all the symptoms of poi; soning from morphia. The doctor had no hopes of saving one boy, who was rapidly dying. The stomach-pump was, however, used effectually, and with constant atten- tion and care the lad was reported out of danger. C'On searching their pockets the source of» their illness was made apparent. They we're full of cough lozenges. It seems that the boys stole a 7 lb. packet of cough lozenges containing morphia from a whole- sale cljemist and druggiet of Chester. ate a. large number of them. and distributed somegmong their school companions. 11 standing. The marriage was a pointed to take place at Christmas. Wife No. 1 secured the services of a. law- yer, whp has appeared in the Supreme Court and made a. motion to have the ease tried at an early dataâ€"New York World. speaking of fattening cattle. Mr. Jae { trong, of South Yarmouth, gives us , amnee which, is something extraor- ‘ Mr. Armstrong has for the past u; 5; lbs. per day, and the ozher tour cows ‘ ve gained from 4 to 4* lba. per day. Mr. : rmetrong’a plan of feeding has been a hell! i bushel of sliced turnips each three times ,1 3 or day with three four-quart measures of qnal parts of ground barley, peas and oats d a. halt a! bran three times per day. Fuller Parliculnrs 0! me Great Ruins Caused by Ike Upheaval. A last (Thursday) night’s Madrid cable says: It is probable the King will visit Andalusia to personally inquire into the condition of the earthquake sufferers. The Government delegates are visiting the scenes to aï¬ord relief. They found the roads knee deep in mud. Terrible gales have passed over the half-ruined Villages. The delegates caused the bodies of those killed to be interred. Albunuelas pre- sented an appalling sight ; half of the town was completely ruined, and the churches, convent and town hall razed. The inhabi- tants are gathered outside of the town, where they are shivering around tires. The women and children are huddled together in carts and waggons. Sixty wounded per- ‘sons are in a temporary ambulance. A hundred and ninety-two corpses have been taken from the ruins, and active efforts are being made to recover others. The Mayor and several wealthy residents are among the victims. The Mayor’s wife remained buried waist deep in the 'ruins for eighteen hours. Many persons were rescued alive after being partly buried for 26 hours. Some were half crazed with trightand piteous cries were heared in the ruins for 24 hours, but it was impossible to render assistance. The troops have since brought provisions for the needy. Similar tales are told of the disas- ter in Alhama. The inhabitants during the day wander about their ruined homes, risking their lives in an endeavor to save something from the wreck. They remain at night in an improvised camp of carts, tents and sheds. All around the ruined town tower snow-clad mountains. The shock at Granada last night was more severe than any since Thursday. The peo- ple were afraid to remain in the houses and occupied the streets all night, it being the tenth shock since Tuesday. The panic has greatly increased, and 10,000 persons lefj the city yesterday. ‘llE GRE A’l‘ EAR'I‘HQUAIKE. Overcome by Cough Lozenges. flow to Feed Callie. RIOHMON D HILL THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1885. . In‘discussing this subject 'an exchange says: “Long experience in England has proved that brown-colored horses, and especially those of tanned muzzle, prove the hardiest. Next to these come the darker shades of bay. The same has been found to be the case in America, and then follow the clear dapple grey. Other colors seem to be about equally hardy, although pure white and red roan are considered the least so. But we know horses of these two colors, as well as others varying from the ï¬rst three above mentioned, to be perfectly hardy and enduring. As arule, it is the breed. coupled with the soil and the food on which they are reared, which make the difference in hardiness and endurance of horses, and the best of these should always be sought after by breeders and rearers. That was good sense on the part of the judges on Jersey cattle exhibited at the late show of the English Agricultural Society, in paying particular attention to the ‘yellow points,’ as they were termed. A yellow skin and yellow inside the ears denoted, they said, ‘ highly colored cream,’ which is equivalent to say- ing rich milk. The ' black points,’ as so strenuously contended for by a small party of English and American breeders, they say denote nothing at all, neither do solid colors, and it is an absurdity to assert that the animals thus marked possess any supe- riority in the dairy or otherwise. There are alike good and indifferent of all shades and colors, whether they are solid or bro- ken, as is daily proved among the numer- ous herds of Jerseys, bred on their own native island or in foreign countries.†Keeping Vegetables From Freezing. Cellars that are properly protected from frost by tight underpinning, and. it needed, banks of leaves or evergreen boughs, says The New England Farmer, rarely freeze dur- ing the coldest weather in winter, but some times an unusual cold snap, or a long. continued period of cold, may endanger the potatoes and other stores even in pretty tight cellars, especially if plenty of tires are not kept burning in the rooms above. We have placed an old, cheap wood stove in a cellar in which the chimney reaches the ground so that the pipe can enter it, and by burning a tow baskets of wood saved the good thingsstored. This is often impractic- able; besides, mucb of the heat from all stoves goes up the chimney and is prac- tically lost. A cheap and very effective way to raise the temperature in a cellar that is dangerously near the freezing point is to set one or more common kerosene lamps on the cellar bottom during the daytime, when not wanted for lighting the rooms above. We have all noticed how much warmer a living-room is in the evening when the lamps are burning than in the daytime with the same amount of ï¬re in the stoves or furnaces. All the heat from a burning lamp is retained in the apartment. Twenty-ï¬ve cents worth of kerosene oil will throw out a ,surprising amount of heat, and in many cases it-would be thg cheapest means for keepinga cellar from freezing during the passage of an extra cold wave. Cold waves seldom last more than two or three days, and they are often followed by south winds and a storm, but while they last they may spoil it winter‘s store of vegetables if not ‘ attended to. Kerosene is cheap, and we have scarcely begun to appreciate its worth. Other Fin-m Glen-rings. ' ventilate stock shelters by openings under the eaves. Light them by glass windows. till. Far, for in earth's uttermost future, As boundless of splendor as scope, I see the fair sngelâ€"Fruition Outspread his high heralds of hope ; The roses of joy rain around him, The lilies of sweetness and calm. For thisJ sword has been changed to the plough- s are, The lion lies down with the'lambl 0 angel majestic! We know thee, Though raised and transflgured art thouâ€" This lord of life's grand consummation Was once the swart king of the plough 1 Large Farms 8 Failure. Large farms in New Zealand are coming to be looked upon as failures. Mr. J. O. Firth, who has a 60,000 acre estate in the northern part of the colony. is about cutting it up into small (arms. Special settlers. brought over from England to labor on the estate, are to be allotted farms of their own, on reasonable terms. The great establish- ment has been worked with the latest improved machinery and labor-saving appliances, but has proven unrenAunera- tive. High wages have eaten up the proï¬ts. Here is another exempliï¬eation of the old saying that that country is most prosperous and happy whose people own Through valleys of balm-dropping myrtles, By banks of Arcadian streams; Where the wind-songs are set to the mystic Mild murmur of passionless dreams; On the storm-haunted uplands of Thule, By ice-girdled floods and floes, Alike speeds the spell of his godhood, The bloom of his heritage glows. A monarch! yea, more than a. monarch, All climes to his prowess must bow; ' Come, crown him with bays that are stainlessâ€" The king, the brave king of the plough! Ventilate, light, and make warm poultry houses. and don’t feed hens all corn if you want them to lay. Put sulphur in the dust bath. Provide lime. One of the largest and most experienced breeders and raisere of horses in Illinois says that it you will give one or two mouthfuls of hay to the horse before you water him. there will never be any danger oi the horse being water-tannin“. This The sword is resheathed in its soebbard, The rifle hangs safe on the well; No longer we quail at the hungry, . ‘ Hot rush of the ravenous bellâ€" ‘ The war cloud has hurled its last lightning, Its lest awful thunders are still, While the demon of conflict in Hades Lies fettered. in force as in will; Above the broad ï¬elds that he ravaged. What monarch rules blissfully now ? Oh, crown him with boys that are bloodlessâ€" The sing, the brave king of the plough! Through the shadow and shine of past ages : (While tyrants were blinded with blood) He reared the pure ensign of Ceres By meadow, and mountain and floodâ€" And the long, leafy gold of his harvests The earth sprites and air sprites had spun, Grew rhythmic when swept by the breezes, Grew royal when kissed by the sun ; Before the stern charm of his patience, What rock-footed forces must bowl Come, crown him with cornleai and wheetleafâ€" The king, the bold king of the plough! KEEPING VEGETABLES FROM FREEZING. Treatment of Live Stockâ€"How to Raise Hogs~An Experiment in Huckle- berries. Seasonable Notes tor Readers in the Country. (Compiled by a. Practical Agriculturiat.) FARM AND GARDEN. The King 01 the Plough. x Solar minim Huck. ' is; Apples will not freeze it the temperature goes to 28 deg.. or tour degrees below freez- ing ; but some sorts, or those of dry tex- ture and rich flavor, will be least affected by the cold. It kept constantly at 32 deg., varying not more than one or two degrees either way from the point, they will remain sound a. year. Sweet Apple Pudding.â€"Use one pint of soslded milk, halt a. pint of Indian meal, one tesspoontulIol salt, six sweet apples out into small pieces, one small tesouplulol ï¬nely chopped sueti, two tablespoonfuls of molasses, halt a tesspoonful of ginger, nutmeg or cinnamon, two well-beaten eggs and half s. tesspoontul of soda. Beat all together; boil in spudding mould, or steam for two hours. To Freshen Stale Breadâ€"Bread may be freehened by placing the loaves in a slow oven and letting them heat quite through, or they may be dipped in cold water and placed in a hot oven until quite dry and criep.when they will be as good as freshly- baked bread. The loaves should not be left in long enough to render the crust hard. Pastry may be rendered new by the ï¬rst process. During damp weather, in places where the baking takes place once a week, the above plan will be found to prevent the appearance of mould. According . to potato experiments made in England, when the chemical fertilizers Were sown under the seed pieces or setsand cgyered with an interve ing layer of earth, the yield. o the sore. Wish their fevtilizers rwerc . ind with- the ml“ immediately under the sets, the yield as nearly eight tons to the acre. When sown on the surface at the time of planting, the yield was over eleven tons to the sore. When sewn on the surface and lightly stirred in with a forkâ€"equiqalent to a light harrowxngâ€"the yield was over thirteen tons to the acre. . . Bronze may be renovated and re-colored by mixing one part of murietio acid and two parts of water. Free the article from all grease and dust), and apply the diluted Mid with a cloth. When dry, polish with aweet'oil. To Toast Breedâ€"It may appear at ï¬rst sight needless to supply a. recipe for this; but how few make really nice toestl Flret, the taste of the intended eater should be borne in mind as to the thickness. some liking thin, whilst thick toast is the desire of others. For dry toast, out the breed in thin slices. and hold it some distance from the fire to ensure its being crisp. The toast should not be allowed to stand long before using it, or it will become tough. Potato Breedâ€"One pound of potatoes hoxled or steamed and dried, or, better still, baked in their skins, weighed after they are peeled, and rubbed through a. wire sieve with the back oi a wooden spoon. and mixed with a querten of flour. then made up as for ordinary household breed, will yield a good light bread, which will keep moist a. long time. 0! course, new potatoes would not answer for this purpose; and the potatoes should be rubbed through the sieve whilst they are hot, as the starch they con- tain will set when cold, and cause them to stick in the sieve, and also to be heavy in the bread. flour. Add the buttermilk (which should be “sharp,†or just spur). mix up to a light dough, and form into three-corner scenes, and bake on e. griddleor girdle (also called beck-stone in some distriets) for about half an hour, turning the scones frequently whilst they are baking. They may be eaten hot or cold. It e. griddle is not at hand, an iron frying-pen may be substituted. Either utensils should be rubbed with a little drip- ping. und then With a. piece of clean paper before using. Sour milk may be substituted for the buttermilk. Time, about three- qusrteru at an hour. Buttermilk SOODQB.â€"Fl°lfl, one pound; buttermilk, about three gills ; carbonate of soda, one teaspoonful; salt, quarter tea- spoonlul. Mix the ealt in the flour, rub all the lumps out of the soda. and mix in the flour. Add the buttermilk (which should be “qha.rp,’_’ or just sour). mix up to a light Mr.D. J. Scott, Bridgewater, N. Y., tells The Husbandnmn that about 15 years ago he transplanted huckleberries, of both the high and the low kinds, from a cold, wet swamp to a dry gravelly soil, where they have grown taller than in their native spot, and produce larger and more abundant berries. He advises us to set out young plants, about a foot high, in the spring, and then to mulch them for "a year or two, and plough in some coarse horse manure occasionally. They are slow to start, but after they are started they grow rapidly, both in bush and berry. Mr. William Besley, the well known ale brewer 0t Waukegan, Ill., makes the (allowing suggestions to bog reisers : 1, Give your hogs flour of sulphur mixed in their feed, and a little saltpeter with it; 2, throw charcoal and rotten wood for them to eat, it they will; 3, when any of them are attacked with disease remove these that appear well away from the others; 4, take blue vitriol and insert a small piece between the leaps in the centre of each ear of the hog. and pierce it through the ear where the vitriol is placed withasharp awl; this will change the system ; I have found it a very valuable remedy when hogs or pigs are sick ; it is called by some pegging in the ears; 5, there is too much neglect in selecting a boar to breed from. Sheep must be kept in dry quarters. Nothing is so injurious ss damp, ill-venti- lated cellars, burns or sheds. Do you think you can mske such places warm and dry and comfortable by the liberal use of straw for bedding ? This only makes the matter worse. There is nothing a. sheep dislikes worse than a fermenting manure pile. To compel a flock of breeding ewes to lie on a. mass of damp straw and manure several inches thick is almost certain to be followed bye. weak, puny, sickly crop of lsmbs. The Farmers' Gazette, of Dublin, esti- mates that one ton of straw, used as litter, will absorb twice its own weight in liquids. and that the same weight will be added in solids during that time. Hence, four tons of manure will be produced while using one ton of straw. The same writer estimates that 500 loads of manure will be produced from 100 acres of arable land. We cannot do this in our young Dominion, but we look hopefully toward the future. A frost-bitten potato has no value except to cook immediately and lead to stock. After freezing the potatoes have a sweetish taste, indicating that some of the starch in the tube: has been changed to sugar, which, of course, is ot the glucose variety, and not so sweet as that made from cane. A frost-bitten potato, however, decays so rapidly that great care should be taken to keep such from cellars or from sound pits of tubers. A is, as far as his experience is concerned, am infallible rule, and is worth being remembered by all horsemen. Him. to flounekeepers. WHOLE NO 1,383 NO. 32. Railroads in Russia now use coal almost exclusively as fuel, though a. few shortlines in forest districts still employ wood, and the coal is mined tor the most part in Russian territory. Very recently, and for obvious reasons, petroleum fuel has become general on the roads near the Caucasus. An accumulator has been invented by M. Parod. By means of a copper plate cov- ered with lead the priming current reaches all the plates of the secondary battery at the same time. . It Will require to have far more etï¬ciency than usual accumulators to warrant the increase of expense entailed by the copper. * M. Delaurier has invented an electric lamp having for its essential feature a. ham- mer which carries one of the carbons and receives a rapid reciprocating motion from a coil through which an intermittent our- rentQaeaee. Bparke caused by the alternate contact and separation of the carbons pro- duce the eflect of continuous light. The French Government are having constructed abroad large and costly special machine tools to aid in the construction of light-armored swift cruisers. One of these appliances is a shearing apparatus for cut- ting up steel plates one inch in thickness. The total weight of this machine and the engine to operate it (combined) is about 35 tons. Disgracelul Practice Still Prevalenl in Canada. The county of Digby, Nova Scotia, possesses an intelligent and progressive population; but the custom of selling the poor to the lowest bidder still obtains there. A correspondent of the Halifax Herald drawsa heartrending picture of the con- dition of the aged destitute in Digby. Unfortunate beings who are unable to sup- port themselves are annually put up at public auction and are sold, not to the man who will clothe and feed them best, but to the bidder who offers to keep them alive for the smallest sum of money. Semi-starvation, misery and cruelty are the results. As one or two instances only of this crying evil, that of an old man who died in Digby three years ago may be mentioned as, perhaps, the most diabolio. This man died under the most dreadful circumstances. It was -openly stated that he was in so ï¬lthy and wretched a condition that no one would go near him; that his purchaser applied for his cofï¬n repeatedly and days before the old man was dead. Another old man of 78 years was sold tor $48. ' Twenty-ï¬ve paupers were sold to one man for $125, to he clothed, led and housed by him for one year for that sum. This man makes con- siderable proï¬t by the labor of his slave- gang. An old woman, sold in this way, became so crippled, doubled up with rheumatism, owing to insuï¬'ioient clothing, food and fuel to keep her, miserable room worm, that when she died her body could not be placed in on Ordinary coflin, but had to be buried in a square box. Carbon disulphide. Ckiandi Bey states, is soluble in water to the extent of 0.50 gram per litre. The watery solution arrests all fermentation and kills mierobie. During twenty years’ experience he has never known a ease of paralysis among the work- men constantly exposed to the fumes. To make pulp from wood or other vege- table matter, Raoul Pietet ï¬rst oommin- utee the material and than treats the pow- der with concentrated sulphurous acid and water, under a pressure of ï¬ve atmospheres, and at temperatures ranging from 75 ° to 80 ° Centigrade. “‘Blï¬ek‘ trial-ï¬le may thus be polished: Wash the marble with soap and warm water, and wh'en it is dry rub it well ’with furniture paste or French polish. and then rub it over with an old silk handkerchief. After two or three trials the marble will become quite bright. LaIesl Discowrles 0! Practical lnvesli- gators Described. Thoroughly cooked meat, when reduced to ï¬ne psrbicles, M. Yvon says, is as Ieadfly tatmked by the gastric secretions as raw meat. « . L " The boots I sell to some glue factory, where they are boiled down and made into glue. Do I make use of the bones ? 0! course I do. Sometimes I grind them up and sell them as fertilizers. Ground bone is the stuff to spread on your garden it you went to raise good crops. When I am busy and want to dispose or them I sell them to some button-factory. They make buttons, large and small, out of bones. I have seen some knife handles made from bone, but it creeks easily and is not used much. But- tons are more generally made from horse bones than anything else in that line. “ Now, if you want any meat to: your cats let me know, and I will supply you,†but the former possessor of the horse did not seem to relish the idea. of his oats being fed on horseflesh, and declined the offer with thanks.â€"Milwaukec Sentinel. “ Oh, they come in handy. I raise lots of hunting dogs. 0! course, it I were to buy beef to: them, it would cost me a. small fortune. When I get or buy dead horses I save some of the meat, feeding the dogs on that. They thrive on it, and it don’t cost me much. “ Shoes made of oordovan. as the leather is called, are considered the proper thing by swells and sell well. The tail, when it is long and bushy, can be made into a nice horse-brush or switch for ladies. To make a nice switch, I take out the bone from the tail and tack the skin on to a hsndle, and there we have it, all ready for use as soon as itï¬gets d_ry.â€_ priog._ " B'ut whit do you do with the remain- deg gt. thg bodyâ€"thg bpnes and flesh ‘2" “ All right. You see a dead horse repre- sents considerable money to me, and when I get one, I am gomg to drop onto it every time. I’ll haul the animal out to my place, where I will skin it, and tan the hide, or else sell it raw to one of the tauneries. It will then go to some boot and shoe ï¬rm. who will proceed to make it up into shoes. The leather, being soft and waterproof. makes up nioer and commands a fancy “ The animal is no use to me, and I guess you car’have it. but I'm blessed if I know what you want with it. You can have‘iï¬ it_you wfll tell me.†‘ The owvner pondered h. Vrï¬diï¬Ã©zult, lboked arguing! at the crpwd, and remarked : “ Say. mister, I’Tl oarithat horse away it you will give its 1205116. _Is it a. bargain} '{ _ shoes, Fertilizers, Buttons, Lndles’ Switches, and Glue Made out of Detunct Equities. Aorowd had gathered on a. South-side street corner where whores with a broken leg had been show. As the owner stood ruefully surveying his loss, a fat, dark-oom- plexioned man elbowed his way up and saidLae he smiled grimly: SELLING THE PAUPEBS. ‘IIE WORLI) 01" SCIENCE. DEALING IN DEAD 110118158- M Teefy “ Then the kleptomsniscs, the high- toned thieves of good families who have been invited to the wedding, pick up a. silver spoon here, a ï¬sh-knife there, or ome kniokknaek that is never missed from among the large number of presents. At one wedding I remember, some years ago. the wife of a. very prominent Philadel- phian dropped her cabs containing some jewellery just as she stepped from the car- riage. Some one on the outside picked it up and handed it in the door. It was received by a lady, and that was the last heard of it. We worked on that case for lilionths, but were never able to get a single 0 cw.†“ What course does a. detective pursue at a weyi_z_1g_?â€__ “ Well, in the ï¬rst’place, you know, he appears asa guest, and not in an oï¬icial capacity. He wears a dress suit, even it he has to rent it for the oecassion. a. white tie, and a gold stud in his shirtbosom. The work is extremely difï¬cult. Really, all that can be done is to watch the presents closely and see that nobody carries any of them off. Sometimes, in a large room, two men are required. Of course we cannot prevent the crooks from working the crowd unless we happen to know them. If we spot any one we know they generally get out asquiekly as possible without making any trouble. After everything is ovJL' one man usually stays all night, because, as a rule, there are a great many strange servants in the house who have been employed for the occasion, and they need watching.â€â€" Philadelphia Express. Wieldinga needlessly heavy tool is a waste of strength. A hand-hoe. for instance, may make 2,000 strokes in an hour, or 20,000 in a day. A needless ounce in weight will therefore“ require the con- stant movement of this ounce 20,000 times daily, or equal to more than half a ton. which the operator must expend in personal strength. Some tools are half a pound heavier than use requires; and day laborers, who use them, waste an amount of strength equal to whole tone in each day. The crowbar must be heaviest where the weight rests. and decrease in size with the distance from this point. There is often too little taper towards the hand and consequently the bar is usually bent under the weight, and no where else. A light plough, strong enough for continued use, economizesl the strength of the team. If twenty pounds too heavy, the friction which these twenty pounds create on the sole in dragging over or through the soil, will require a force at least equal to ten pounds more than is necessary. These ten pounds constantly bearing on the horses all day will amount to about as much as glogghing one entire acre in a twenty-acre e . _Gonlolationl console only those who are mum; 09 be conloled. " Because it is not only the professional crook you have to look out for. There are plenty of wealthy kleptomaniaos. 'When a rich and well dressed woman steals a . diamond ring she is called a kleptomaniao. When a dirty beggar steals a pair of shoes she is called a thief. We detectives think that this is a distinction without a differ- ence. Then you must remember that every now and then a professional thief gets into a private residence where a fashionable wedding is being solemnized, notwithstanding that he has no invitation." " How does he do it? " “ Walks right in. The most expert and successful of petty thieves always dress elegantly, and have the appearance of the greatest respectability. It is a peculiar thing, too, that the'y can control some of the handsomest and most accomplished women. A thief gets a ‘mash ’ on an apparently respectable woman, and sometimes marries her. Some thieves I know of have married into ï¬ne families, and the people never knew they were crooks. If the thief doesn’t marry the girl, he keeps her as his mistress. When he makes a good haul of 03,000 or $4,000, he throws $500 into her lap. They live on the top of the heap, and dress as well as the ï¬nest. It is the easiest thing in the world for a couple such as I have described to get into a rich man’s house where awedding is going on. They drive up towthe door in a handsome carriage. What .if they have no cards? Plenty of people come without them. although the mvrtation bears the explicit inscription. “ Present this card at the door." The usher cannot aï¬ord to insult such distin- guished-looking guesg so they pass in. Once inside. what a harvest is spread be- fore them‘ ! Frequently at weddings of the rich 350,000 or $60,000 worth of jewellery, silverware. and all sorts of most valuable articles are spread out in a room without any protection whatever. Then look at the chances there are to steal jewellery and ornaments from the ladies present. The thief is given a better opportunity than in a crowd on the street, because everybody is totally unsuspicicus. All the women wear the most valuable gems and ornaments they possess. I am a pretty good judge of adiamondâ€"can tell one when I see itâ€" and I have seen a woman at a wedding with $50,000 worth displayed on her per- son, in her hair and ears. on her throat and breast, and on the shoulders of her short- sleeved dress. An expert thief does not want an easier job than to slip ofl apin here or a brooch there, and it does not take him long to collect enough to support him» in the most lavishextravagance for months. “ Why is a. detective required at a wad- ding, where everybody comes by invita- tion ?†“ Oh, yes,†replied the detective. “ We send men by request not only to weddings, but to churches and fairs. One at our men is up now at the St. Chryaoatem fair at the Bellevue.†v “ That shall be attended to,†said the gentleman as he moved his eye-glass and walked out. v " I will send a man, but you will have to give _him an; igyihution.†" Is that sort 0! thing customary ?" asked a. reporter, who had witnessed the interview. “ No. I can not. but a great many value.- ble presents will be exhibited, probably $25,000 worth. and we can not tell who may get iyto [he hguse." " That's all right, all: ; that’s all right." exclaimed the detective. “I only wanted to know it you could describe any people you ganted watchqd in particular.†The gentleman put on his eye-glass, and stared savagely. He did not exactly remember the De Bellevilleâ€"Seidenberg affair, but he managed to remark, with a touch or sarcasm in his tone, “ I don’t exactly catch your meaning. air, but I desire to say that the people who have been invited to my eieter’s wedding are supposed to have some slight claims to respectability. I live on West Walnut street." ___ _..' _..,,_-. “ What kind efieople do you expect to have there ‘2 The same as were at the De Belleville-Seidenberg- wed_d_ing ?" n-u.~ , _ , , , A a. ,-.. ..-_â€" uv-uvv-vuu Ilv weddings ‘4’" ‘.' Yes. sir, we do.†“ Well, I wish you would send a good man to mfglhous‘e next :I'huradax night.†A man in fashionable clothes, wearing e distinguished air and an eye-glass, walked into a. detective‘s ofï¬ce on Benson: street yesterday afternoon. As he put down his one and removed one of his light yellow gloves he asked for the chief of the agency. When the chief appeared the visitor had succeeded in freeing one hsnd from the tight conï¬nes of the kid, and said: “ I understand you send detectives to __.AJJIE Some of the Methods Employed by Experts in Criminal Affairs. WATCHING DETECTIVES IN FULL DRESS. Needless Waste 0! Strength. WEALTHY KLEPTOMANIAGS.