Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 15 Jan 1885, p. 2

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Send 31x cunts for postage, and IB- ceive free, acostlv box; of goods which will 1.1615:1 you to more money ri ht ' away t an anything,Y else in t m; world. All, of either ux, succeed from first hour The broad road to fortune opens bemre the work- oxa, Iboolutely aura, t .200 Adm-ova. Tat: h. (‘0 Aqua”: linlu. The Ontario Government takes its cue from the leader thereof and as a consequence timidin in the way of beâ€" ginning a job is a common characteristic. They are afraid to do anything Without taking it into serious consideration. They have dailied with the question of new legislative buildings until‘judgtnent is overtaking them. Mr Hardy was lying sick at. Branlt'ord last week and is ill there yet, the result of confinement in the unhealthy block on Front Street ; Mr Pardee is also suffering from the same cause. and has hinted more than once at his early retirement, though his chances for Mr Mowat’s mantle are good; Christoph-er Fraser is almost'an invalid and avoida'the dingy house at the corner when possible. Only Treasurer Ross is left in the old barracks. The other Ross flourishes in the flower garden of St. James’ square. away from smells and noise and typhoid. Mr Mowat himself long ago turned the library of his own house on Simone Street into the oflice ol the Attorneyâ€"General and so is enabled to keep out of the soâ€"ealled Parliament buildings. As long as he is secure in ‘ his own castle, and G W Ross is happy in the conservatory of the Normal ‘ School, Hardy and Pardee, and Ross‘ and Fraser can work and sleep in the old buildings over which the spectre1 typhoian is ever hovering. There are ‘ three cases of low fever in'the building now, and this green winter, coupled 'with the unhealthy structure. may send two or three of the members home to their contituents in pine ulsters. .It will only be when a member of the Goxernmem or two members of' the House are thus removed that new buildings will be erected. Civil servants are the easiest bad thing in the market, and it would require the death of'a good many ot them to make an impression on the House ; but. once it comes nearer home, as their is every likelihood, then someâ€" thing will be done.â€" World. Unlil further nolico, Mails will be dined 'at the above Office as follows :â€" EVENING. Going South, East. and _ west,‘a‘r. . . . . . .' . . . .‘ 6.15 Mail for the North. via. Railway, leaves onceu day, in the morning, as then stated. EICHMDND HILL POST OFFICE. MORNING. Going North, South, Easi, and West, at . . . . . . . 7.45 PBST REFER METRE 9 Morning Mail from South, West- and East‘ by Railwnyanjves at' 10.00 Evening Mail from 'l‘o-r'nnto by. Yongevslrcet Stage, arrives at. 7.00 Night Mail from North, by Rail- Way, ~arrives at ................... 8.15 The election in Lennox is over. The fight was bitter, and the contest has ended in favor of the Government candi- dute. Both sides went in for all they were worth, and Che Government man has come dutgconqueror. >Ot' course, the winner is accused of otaining the seat by "corruption. This is generally the way after the election is over. The candidates were the same as ran at the last election, Pruyn and Allison. It will be remembered that the Reform candidate was unseuted t'or bribery havâ€" in?I won by about four of a majority. This time the Conservative candidate wins by 41. thus changing a defeat to a victory. The contest always being so very close in this Riding, it makes both sides work for all they are worth, and it cannot be very surprising if money should change hands wrongfully, but it is like the pot calling the kettle black, I]: for, our friends on the Opponite ride it) ocean its opponents with being cor- ‘rnptwlten they know so well how to ininipulate the sincws of war themselves. Richmond Hill, June 23rd, 1884. OFFICE HOURSâ€" 3.301%. Toronto. Thomhill, Richmond Hill King. Aurora, Newmarket, Holland Landing, Localsâ€"Sneatb 8; Greunan. TEE WEEKâ€"C. Blackett Robinson. Change-Steele Bros. SCIENTIFIC AMERICANâ€"Man & Co‘ no. 32: Whole No.1384: Volume 27. Holland Landing, Newm arket, Aurora. Kin 5;, Richmond Hill, Thornhill. Toronto, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1885. The date printed on each paper denotes the time when the subscription expires. 151330111th Efrféftnérsfiiiirâ€"H Sanderson & Sons We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. TRAIN TIME. @112 2mm imam. N01 ’10!) T0 S UBSORIBERS. Wanting in Backbone. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Richmond , Hlll. Ont. ARRIVALS. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. LEN NOX. GOING NORTH. 7 5:3 8 50 9 00 9 10 9 30 9 42 1 9 52 ,1 GOING SOUTH. 852 7 a. m. to 11 45 01 00 01 1° 11 60 12 D5 12 30 1‘2 45 12 55 2 00 145 695 708 730 741 751 845 An exchange remarks that it seems a matter of surprise to our American neighbors that Canada does not come1 whining and crying over the propoed abrogation of the Fishery Treaty. It was apparently thought that the notice of its termination would prove a bomb‘ shell on this side of the border. They know that our fish is a cash commodity in the market of the world, and that the chiet'advantage of their custom is the nearness and facility of interchange. But this is not sufficient to outweigh other business considerations. If we are obliged to send our fish in large quantities to Spain, Portugal, Italy. Brazil, the West Indies, and other countries. there would be this in its favor, that our sea going ships would find more employment than they now do, and there would be a steady importation ‘or hard foreign cash to be expended in the cheapest markets, whether they should be found in the agricultural and ‘mzmufacturing Provinces of the Doâ€" ;minion, in Great Britain or the United States. So it will be eastly seen the Fishery question is net sqch a hugahoo :that Canada reeds to I take it much to heart. Fish is like wheat in this respect, that it does not. depend on any one nmrket, and the consumption in the United States does not make the price in Canada, but rather the demand arisâ€" ing in the countries named above, to- gethcr with the amount of the yield from year to year. This is the real secret of the independence of Newfoundâ€" land, and its obstinate rejection of Con-â€" federation hitherto. That country does t not rely upon any one market, but. upon ‘the world, for its commerce, seeing that the prices of its products are regulated ,by the universal consumption, and are i upon a strictly cash principle The Anniversary Services of the Methodist Church, in this place, were a urand success. Two very elegant serâ€" mons were preached to large and approâ€" ciu'tizre audiences on Sunday, 281h ult... by the Rev John Pickering, of Eglintnn. On New Year’s evening: a grand Dinner was given by the ladies of the neighborâ€" hood. which could not but please the most fastidious; After dinner the chair was taken by Thos. Williamsnn,‘ Esq, and Addresses both pleasing and profit- able were .delivered by .Revs. Booth, Barker, Leek and Savage. Owing to the superabundant supply 'of roasts and other dainties, a social was given on the followrng Monday evening, which was also well patronized. The Chair of the Church rendered excellent music at all the services. -Tho proceeds of .dinner and ocial amounted to $148. PENCIL SHABPENERS and Pocket thddcr? for I331“. 13* 9M HFRAZJ More. Lukay. Jan. 14111. 1885. If Yankee J. has still any great desire tn find a pugilist to down Flnker. he will not have far to go to get one, :18 Happy Frank was seen practising on n forknhund'e u: a threshing a few days- ago. and the way hr threw himself would convince any person that he was a knocker. ' l uskcd Barnev McKay to try it again. hut poor fellow. in- has taken a tool‘s advice and declined the invitation. Burnt-y says. he is just rut of the Orange trade. Well, Rartwy i will call you. as you signed your- self in your letter, but I could give you the same mth the preacher did when you Were a child, you made a meat hit when your latter came to light. You hit the mark about as near as a great man}7 more have done. namely :-â€"the blacksmith on the town line below here. was telling mo. last Saturn day. that he knows who Pram- Pad is He Enid. it was n young man from the 7th Con. who wr-nl lo Egypt at the time the Cami-- dian Contingent oid. The blacksmith is right. [ in his mind ] The ncxt who commenced firing were tlw dudes “'llfJSht‘l at th# Nunn. 'l‘hvy struck the bullheya in about. the same place as the blacksmith did. The butchers were the next to come along, who said they were prepared to take an oath. it is the school teacher. 1 ttully their hit an a centre. The next in rotation came Fluker. who said. iftt Wm: not a 30mm man who was-learning telegraphing at Kim! attltiun. he was a ttutmkull. Wt-ll " lt‘ltilmr." you are what you claim yourself. “ Zulu "kid: " Omaha.” Happy Frank Rays. he will give it up; eve" your Testnn and Woodâ€" hrtdgo scribes. I nntivp. have lulu-n the mystery in hand to St Ire lfany or all the ahore individuals that l haw mentinm-d, will call at my place: thv " Reavér House." any night next work, I will let that» know who I am. Further comment on this sub-- ject unnpceasary The Church Pany whi'ch came off here on New Year's night was a cnmpiem success, lhe hall being ctowded m the doom, and the receipts fur exceeding the Committee's expectations. ‘ In my next. I m" write a piece entitled " What are they mad nbuut." I hope you will not lhink‘it mean for not hearing from me oilener. I prnrmsed you early last summer in my first letter, leat Iwonld send ynu items every 1W1) weeks. but I never allowed any mm for vacuiion. a luxury which comes four times n your lo Ihe gram, delighl of my joound . frame. I being young: and Erowing it lakes a den] of; work to k'efn'my hands_ out of mist-hie! MONTREAL‘; Jan. 13â€"A banquet given in honor of Sir John A. Mécdonuld took place this evening in the Windsor hotel, the large dining hall of the hotel being;' filled to its utmost. capacity. Upv wards of 600 gentlemen satdown. The chair was occupied by John S. Hall. jr., President of the Junior Conservative Club in this city Sir John on rising to respond to the toast of' his health re» ceived a great ovation, lusting: nearly ten minutes. He was on his feet for about an hour. The toast of" the Cabinet of the Dominion was proposed by C. J. Do- liertyxesponded to by Sir Hector Lange- vin, followed by Sir Leonard Tilley. 4 Mae I ma} happ'en 10 fall mm “KANE diqch as home ofimy oider friends have done. who have hecnme “ cunliverfried." Du you\ mind? When [finished my last lem-r. The world’s renowu Mr Now or Nov». is no more, a mimsler changed it l0 “Now and Ever.” ' Victoria Square, Jan. 10th, 1885. Sir John at; Montreal. (From our own Correspondent.) (From Our Own Correspondent) Fish and Wheat. Victoria. Square. LASKAY. PETER PAD The annual meeting of the Vaughan Agricultural Society was held at. Hay- stead Hotel here on Thursday. the 8th inst. in the absence of the President, Mr. E. Whitmore, took the chair. The Secretary's report and the Treasurer's financial statunent were presented to the meeting, and adopted. The following Ofiicers and Directors were elected for the current. year 1â€"â€" Wm. Farr,President; E. Whitmore. Vice-President: Direcâ€" tors: N C. Wallace; M. Reamond, J. Smith. J. Lahmer. 'l‘. Smyth, A. T. ()rth, W. McClure. J Mounscy, D. Kinnee. Auditors: C. W. Edwards and A. Livingstone. At a subsequent meet. ing ofthe newly scented Board '1‘. E. Wallace was appointed Secretary. and N. C Wallace Treasurer. The Board then adjourned for a short time to exâ€" amine a property on the east side of 8th Avenue, for a new Fair ground, the present. one being, too unall, after which, a Committee Was appointed to make a thorough examination, and inquire if the property could be purchased and at what price. The Board met. at ten o’clock and on cxnmining tic grounds, came to the conclusion that M r. Porter’s and Wanner Brou’ were most suitable, but left it off to the annual meeting of the \Vet-t York Agricultural Society. Main Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rent by a sick child suffering and crying with pain or cutiing teeth ? If so, send at once and get a bottle of M35 WmSLow‘s soo'rnme SYRUP you CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is incalcul- nblo It will relieve the poor little sufl'ercr im-- mediately Depend upon it, mothers. there is no mistake a bout it. It cures dysentery and dim- rbmn, regulates the sternum-h and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflamma- tion, and gives tone and enemy to the whole system. Mm: WmsLow's Soo'rnmo Sum: non CHILDREN TEETHING ispleasunt to the tastc,und is the prescription of one of the nldest and best female nurscu and physicians in the United States. and is for sale by all druggists through-- out the world Price 25 cents a bottle. WIN Mowd by Mr. Trench, seconded by Mr. McConnghy, that the Re~Unvion Committee be authorized to give an En'tertairment on Friday evening, Jan. 30!l).â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Nicholls, seconded by Mr. Savage, that the admission fee to nonâ€"members 'f'or the Reâ€"Union be 15 ccnts.â€"Cnrried Mow-d by Mr. Pugsley. seconded by Mr. Nicholls. that the Secretary com- municate with Mr. Hirschfulder, and rrquest that, he deliver his Lecture ” Prehistoric America” on Fridhy evening, Feb. 20th.â€"â€"Carried. The annual Teaâ€"meeting: of [he 9lh Con. Presbyterian Church of Vaughan, was held in the basement of the Church on the evening of the 8th inst. Tea be- ing served from 5 m 7 p.m. Immediately after tea, addresses were delivered in the Church above the basement, by the folâ€" luwing Rev. gentlemen :â€"â€"Rev. Mr. Nicol] in the chair; Rev. Mr. P McLeod, Turnnto; Rev. M r. Reid. Weston, and Rev. Mr. Burrass. Klienburg. The Church was well filled, and the pro~ (wads of the teaâ€"meeting amounting to $75. A Letter Was read from Mr. C. ‘ A. Hirsuhfclder, of' Toronto, stating that, he would he prepared to deliver a scientific Lecture betnre the Institute at any time during the month of' February. Jnhn McClure has not his new artificial leg, made by W, H, Swin- bourne. 251 Kin}; St. East, and expects before Spring to be able to walk with- out. either cruIch or stick. l The {imamâ€"Change Distriet‘ maetinSg nl‘Vauglmu was held in the Orange Hall. (on Tuesday last. Brother T. Earle, Uisrrict Master, in the Chair, and Bro. S. Hart, Deputyâ€"District. Master. in Deputy chair. Present. Bros. Gilmonr. Burkhnlder, Egan, Kerr, Loren, Walâ€" lace and McClure. The Lodge npr-ned in the Blue Order. Lecture repented by Bro. T & H Earls. Minutes nflast meeting read and adopted. The elecâ€" tion of ()fiiccrs then took place when Brn. T. Earls was mâ€"elected D. M.. S Hart. D. D M., R. Earls, Secretary, J Kerr. Treasurer, Gr Gilmnur. Chap- lain. J. Egan. D. D. C. Moved and carried. that the semiâ€"annual meeting be held in Woodhridge‘ after which. the meeting.r closed with reading a portion of Scriplure and prayer. . Division Court on the 20th here. Council meets on Monday nt-xt. at Mechanics’ Institute Hall, at )1 o'clock. The Directors of' the Richmond Hill Meclmnics’ Institute met in the Lecture Rcom of the Masonic Hall on Monday evening hm, 12th inst. Mr. J. A. E. Switzer, Pres, in the chair. Wallace Bros. have engaged Mr1Lockâ€" wood, of Ingersol, as lead miller in Mr. Holland’s place. Give him a trial, and find out what. kind of a miller he is, that is all he wants. Birthâ€"On the 7th inst, Mrs. Samuel Kaiser, formerly of Woodbridge, and now of the Mutton Hotel. presented Mr. Samuel with two Young lmstlers. The funeral of James McKee, passed throng-1h this village on Tuesday last, to Pine Grove Cemetery. Some four venrs ago he was head miller for Wallace Bros. Consumption, it is said, was the cause of' his death. Died arPine Grove, on Tuesdav, at. 1 o’clock. me wife of James Sheppard, afâ€" r‘er a Iong 9nd seyere inneus with tumor ‘ an}. i . - , Does this refer to you? Are you troubled will) biliousness. dys~ pepsin, [in-[hr kidnon ‘cumplainu. or bad blond. If so you will find a cerlsin cure III Ihnduck Blond Bilwrs. Married on the 9th inst. at Christ Church Parannage. \Voodbridge, by the Rev 0. P. Ford. Mr. J. E D. Pugh, to Jane M. Dalrymple. Both of' Bramp- ton. M r. David Allan started for Illinois last. Friday morning, to see after the late Alfigd Jeffrey’s estate. Members present. Messrs. Savage, Puuslcy. Nicholls, Trench. Law, CroSby, Mc(‘ouu,;hy and McMahon. The min-mos of the previous. meeting were read and on motion confirmed. Mechamcs’ Instltute Meeting. The meeting then adjourned. Woodbridge, Jun. 14th, 1885. W oodbrldge Jottings. more monoy than at nnythln else by tak- ing an agency 101' the but so] in‘ book out Beginners succeed grandly. * one fail. Terms free. Rm” Beox (30.. l’orflwd (From Our Own Correspondent.) ADvxcz‘r o'_ mo'rnsas DIARIES and Canadian Almanacs for sale at (he HERALD Store. Well Spo'ken 0f. . R. N. Wheelo-r. of Ever!on.speaks highly of Bugya1d’a Pectornl Bulagin- It cured him of inflammation of the lungs and an obstinate cough. It loosen the phiegm nr.‘ bank the Inngg‘. A Goon pnir of Skates, Barney & Berry, for sale at the HERALD Store.. ENTERPRISING.â€"â€"Mr R. Marsh, of l Lorridge farm, is this week sending to 3 the World's Fair at New Orleans, twenty ‘ of his best Soulhdown, Cotswold and Leicesrer Sheep, making altogether n carâ€"load of forty. They will be under the care of two ofihis boys, Frank and his brother, and it is needless to say 'that we wish success to his efforts. Such enterprise deserves success. and we trust he may get it, in not only getting prizes ~but also in being able to dispose of the sheep at good figures and for spot cash. Lurridge Farm is well known to many persons in the neighboring Union, Mr Marsh having from time to time sold many of his pure stock to parties living in diii'erent parts of' the States. Frank will have to keep his eyes open and not allow the Americans to gel: the better ofj him. GREAT BARGAINS in flannel: at The Cheap Cash House. WE ABI‘. glad to see R. Marsh. Esq. on the streets once more. after being confined to the house for some time past. 33D SUNDAY.â€"Next Sunday being: the 'third Sunday in January, divine service will be held in St. Mary’s Church, in this village. at 11 am, PLUMPERS.â€"We understand about thirty-nine plumpcrs were cast. at. the hat School Election. of which Mr. Marsh received 23 ; Mr. Wilson,l3; and Mr. Crosby, 3 20 Ym. or Good Cotton, 1 yd. wide for $1. at The Cheap Cash House. Flasr MEETING.â€"â€"The first meeting of our new Vilalge Council will take place in the Council Chamber on Mon - day evening next, 19d] insh, when the members will be sworn in. SCIENTIFIC AMERICANâ€"One ol'the oldest papers lbat we have on our ex- change list, is the Scientific American, publishe‘d'by Munn & 00., Brogdway, N. Y. Every number in illustrated with splendid engravings, and at the small price $33.20 per year. See advertise - meat. I GENTB’ Tum. Collars, Silk Handker. chiefs. Gloves, Braces. Underclothing, etc.. in the latest Styles and Great variety It. th‘evaeap Cash House. None: or DISSOLUTION.'~”AR will be seen b a notice in another column, "tliewgership carried on For some: time {past unfit-rfthejjrm name of H. Sand - ersOn & Stilts, Richmobd Hill, wée dist- solved on Tuesday Inst by mutual con“ sent, the senior member of the firm retiring. The business will still be carried on. in the old stand under the name of Sanderson Bros. All parties indebted to the late firm are requested to settle on or before the lat. day of March, or the accounts will be placed in their Solicitor’s hands for collection. TH: CHEAP Cash House-me offering their stock of Suits, Overconhx7 and Ladieé' Mantles at immense redhctions. Just see them! THE WEEKâ€"In another column will be found the advertisement of The Week, a Canadian journal of Politics, Society and Literature. In politics. The Week is thoroughly independent. Itia un-- trammelled by party connections, free from party leanings, and unbiasaed by party considerations. We can safely recommend this paper to the reading public. r r ANNIVERSAAY Snnvrcns Annivers- ary Sermons will be preached in the Methodist Church, Teston, on Sabbath, Jnn181h, by Rev. Thos. Griffith. M. A., 01' Toronto. at 10 30 n m., and 6.30p.m. A Collection will be taken up at each Servrce in aid of the Church Funds. On the l’nllnwing Monday a grand Oyster Supper will be served from 5 to 7 p.m., after which Addresses will be delivered by the Rev. J. E. Starr, of Berkley St. , Toronto; Stewart 0. Wright, of Elm, Bank, and others. Music will be Turn-- inhod by the Choir and Band. Dr. Orr. of Maple. will occupy the Choir. All are cordially invited. Admission. 25 cents; Children under 12 years, 15 cu. ADVERTISING Smut Animusâ€"Tho law requires that every person who takes in stray animals must notify the townâ€" ship Clerk of' his municipality of the fact, in addition to advertising. The Clerk is required to keep a-list of all such animals. Persons failing to comâ€" ply with the provision of the law lay themselves subject to a heavy penalty. and besides cannot collect expenses for keeping, etc. These advertisements generally cost one dollar. and the amount can be collected by the achrtiser from the owner, or remains a charge on the animal. Strayed animals should be adâ€" vertised at once. and by so doing the owner would be saved time and trouble of far more consequence than the dollar required for the advertisement. ,_ FLORAL GmnE.-â€"â€"We are in receipt of' a copy of Vick’s Floral Guide for 1885. It is an elegant book of 150 pages, with a beautiful colored plate, and over 1,000 illustrations of the choicost, flowers, plants and vegetables, with full direc- tions for growing. This is an Invaluable work 'to every one interested in such things. a copy of which may be obtained by sending ten cents to James Vick, Rochester, N. Y. anomsw Cnnncnvâ€"The friends in connection with the» Methodist Church in this village intend having Anniversary Sermons preached on Sun- day next, 18th inst , by the. Rev. U. 0. Johnston, of Toronto. On Monday evening tea will be served from 5 to 7 p.m.; after which an interesting Lecture will he delivered, and excellent music Inpplied by the Sunday School. LOCAL ITEMIS. To the Editor of the Heraid. Sili,â€"â€"A ltatepayer informed me the other day that he knew nothing of the School Trustce Election until it was all over. He complained strongly of- the meagre notice given, although it might' have been sufficiently legal. It only. shows that it is about time the Legislaâ€" ture took in hand the necessity of Chang:- ing the law whereby the elections could be all held and the nominations on the same day as the Municipal. This. sir. in my opinion, is a reform that should have been had long before this. The ballot also should be introduced into School Trustee Elections as well. and whilst. they are about it. introduce a1 measure giving it compulsory voting1 and also prohibit canvassing. Having. .done this, a halt might be called for. It is a farce long allowod to be kept up,that is, canvassing votes under the ballot. IIn fact, it is almost an insult. to ask a limo for his vote, seeing that the ballot was introduced for the purpose ot'givinr." .secret voting. The ballot unless courlsd ' with a strong measure of some sort pro- ‘ hibiting canvusing, only opens the door ; for falsehood and deception, and in a jsense. I cannot blumc parties for deceiv- l int: those who may solicit them for their 'votes. I look on it as a great piece of" presumption in a man asking another for ih‘is vote under the ballot, but seeing lthat the law allows it and- all do it, i you can hardly blame a candidate lt'or doing so. Ihate no doubt in my lawn mind that if there had been no canâ€" vassing at either our recent Municipal and School Trustee Elections, we would lhave had a different result at both elec- ‘tiods. Trusting, sir, that I have not trebpasscd too much on your space. l i circle of a cultured home, A Canadian Journal of l’olitiCs, Soâ€" ciety and Literature. irvsnismb EVERY Tnvnsmr n 83 min Yuan. THE WEEK, “Canada’s Literary Journu ,” which has just entered upon its second year, uppeuls by its comprehensive table of contents to the difiorent tastes which exist within the and will endeavour faithfully to reflect rind summarize the intellec- tual. social and politic-l movements of the day Fiction, in the form both of serials and short stories, also occupies a prominent place. The union which it presents at the Magazine with the Weekly Journal appears to be recon-- mined as the thing needed, and Independent Journalism in evidenth growing in favor with the most enlightened and patriotic of the com-â€" munity Tlmliternry talent of Canada, havin In organ ofiered to it, is being drawn forth. an our stufl of Contributors is constantly increns-- inn \Ve are thus enabled to improve from timoto time special departments. such as those of Com- merce, Education, Art, Science. Music and Chess. 'l‘he lovers of music hays, we trust, of late been sensible of our desire to promote the interests of that great source of happiness and refinement. In politics THE WEEK is thoroughly Inde-- pendant. It is untrummelled by party connec-- tions, free from party leanings, unbiussed bv pnrty considerations. In Canadian politics its desire will be to further. to the utmost of its fiower, the free rtnd healthy development of the ution Read the following List of Contri- butors : “The Bystander," (Professor Goldwin Smith) will contribute, at intervals, reviews of current events in Canada, the United States, and in Europe. Principal Grunt. D D. Dr Daniel Wil â€" son, Professor Murray. L L 1), Ohms Lindsey, Rev Prof Clm'lt, M A. Qir Francis Hinclts, Louis Hon-- ore Frechotte, Wm Houston, F Bluko Crofton, G Mei-cor Adam, Hon L S Huntingdon. Col G T Denison. Pendleton King, J W Langley, John Reid. Rev Dr Senddinz, O C Auringer, George Stewart, jr, John Reade, Joaquin Miller, John Charles Dent. J E Collins, J Hunter-Durvur, Miss Mnehnr, Mrs Kate SeymourMcLean. Miss Louisa. Murray, Miss Jennie Oliver Smith, and others. .- 0. BLAGKETT ROBINSON, PUBLISHER, 5 Jordan Street, Thronto. Sflllllll‘lllfl llllllllllll. N. B.â€"All parties indebted to the late Firm of H. Sanderson & Sons are hereby notified that all accounts due mult be ifiattled on or before the 18!; Day of March, 1885. an 1' which date, they will be' placed in our Solicitors hands for collection. I SANDERSON BROS. Richmond HmJan. Nth. 1885. m4 We the undersigned have entered into Partner- ship under the name and style of Sanderson 31-03.. and will continue on the Old Business car- ried on by the late Firm of H. Sanderson a guns. Wn‘xnu, E SNIDEB DI S S OLUTION. H. Sanderson & Sons’ NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership carried on for some time past: by the undersign- ed under the firm name of - by mutual consent, the senior member of the firm retiring, and that J H & W A Sanderson is empowered to discharge and settle all debts to and by the said partnership anxsoNâ€"At Aurora, on the 13th.of January,tho wife of C. C Robinson, Solicitor, of a son. You do. 57 {28 Rye do 56 um Dressed Hogsmor 100 11.5. u 6 10 a so Becf,hind quarters. per no me C 50 8 00 Mutton,,by the cnrcusc per 100 m . 00 90 Chickens. per pair 50 65 Ducks, per brace 60 80 Geeso,e&ch‘. ...... 65 0 90 Turkeys,each . 0 80 l 75 Butter, lbrolla 2'2 28 large rolls to 09 tub dairy. 18 )8 Eggs, fresh, dez 2‘ 28 Potatoes, per bbl 0 90 1 so Ar-ples per barrel 1 09 I 75 Onions, green, per bag‘ 1 00 1 00 Cabbage, per do ...... 25 48 Celery, per do ...... 0 25 so Turnip», per bag . o 39 (-0 Carrots, per do 40 so Beets, per bag 35 40 Parsuipa. per bag 0 00 o 00‘ Hay penton ..... 5 oo 14 ’00 Straw per, ton 6 90 10 00 Wool Der 1h. 80 00 A Settled Fact. It i a significant fuel that Hugynrd's Yellow 0i1 is the best household Wmo-dy for internal and external use in case of" (mm. soreness, lameness and inflammatory com» pluints. Hminwn's 0|XTIXERT.â€"~G0 where you may. in evely emintty and in all climen persons will he l'nund who have a ready word of praise for this Ointment. Far chaps. chalk-a) sculds. bruises. and npmina. it in an invaluable remedy; fur bad legs (mused by net-idem or cold it may be ennâ€" lidmitly relied upon for Pfi‘rcting a sound and permanent care. In ease-s of pufi‘ed nnc'os. erysipolas.and rheumatism. Hol- lnwnv’s Ointment gives the greatest cum- luv-t by reducing the inflnmmntion. cnnling ll’l’el’tlmtd. soothing the nerves. adjusting Ill" circulation. and expellim:r the impurities This Ointment should have a place in ovary nurm‘ry. It will cure all those mmnl'o!d akin nfl‘rctions, which, originating in child- hood, gain strength with the child‘s growth Burley guts, Tonto», Jan. 12111, 1885. 13th DAY JAN.. 1885, A great deal of sickness in in this vicinity at premm, and among olhers Mr Wm Taggnrt has been laid up for a few days. The complaints all seem to be heavy colds. Wheat full, new, per bush Spring do Burley do .. (From our own Correapondent.) A... The members of the Methodist Church here. intend holding their annual Anniversary on Monday, 19th inst., by having a grand Oyster Supper and Entertainment. Anniversary sermons mll be preached on thhuth, 18th inst, “1030 a m. and 6.30 pm. It is a known fact that, parties in .connection with this Church have always taken the “bun” from anything in [his neighbor- hood. The Committee are doing all in their power to make this afi'air a most interesting event. Business in general seems to be dull on account of having no snow. ‘ A Rummna. Richmond Hill,Jan.13, 1885. PA RTNEMHIP NOTICE. gm gavertifimumtfi. Too Short a Notice. THE - MARKETS TORON'l‘Os 23102. LT FARMERB' WAHGONS Has been Diuolved this NOTICE OF TESTON. I remain, etc., Trmnsmu, Jan. 15. ms. BIRTI‘H. Signed. Yours, &c., Signed, J. H. SANDEBSON, V. S‘ W. A. SANDERSON $089 $054 .M2 084 ow 010 8 00 H ’00 6 90 10 00 80 00 32 57 TED. \TH 13 WEEK: THE WEEK, “Canada’s Literary Journal,” which has just entered upon its second year, uppunls by its comprehensive table of contents to the different tastes which exist within the circle of ucultured home, and will endeavour faithfully to reflect Mid summarize the intellec- tual. social and pollticrl movements of the day Fiction, in the form both of serials and short “91in, also ocgqniep a promineqt glace._ The union which it presents of the Magazine with the Weekly Journal appears to be recon-- nized as the thing needed, and Independent Journalism ie evidenth growing in favor with the most enlightened and patriotic of the com-â€" munity Tholitemry talent of Canada, hevin In organ ofiered to it. is being drawn forth. an our stat 01' Contributors 1s constantly increas-- ing \Ve ate thus enabled to improve from timeto time special departments. such as these of Com- merce, Education, Are, Science. Music and Chess. 'i‘he lovers of music haVe, we trust, of late been sensible of our desire to promote the interests of that great source of happiness and refinement. In politics THE WEEK is thoroughly Inde-- pendant. It is nntmmmelled by party com-nee" tions, iree from psrtv leanings. nnbinssed bv pm‘ty considerations. In Canadian politics its desire will be to further. to the utmost of its fiower. the free and healthy development of the Minn Read the following List of Contri- butors : “Tho Bystander," (Professor Gokiwin Smith) will contribute, at intervals. reviews of current events in Canada, the United States, and in Europe. Principal Grant. D D. Dr Daniel Wi1~ son. Professor Murray. L L 1), Ohms Lindsey, Rev Prof Clark, M A. Qir Francis Hinclm, Louis Bonn ore Frechette, Wm Houston, F Blake Grafton, G Mercer Adam, Hon L S Huntingdon. Col G T Denison. Pendleton King. J W Langley. John Reid, Rev Dr Scnddimz. O C Auringer, George Stewart, jr, John Reade, Joaquin Miller, John Charles 1);:th E 00111115..) Hunter-Durvnr. Miss Mnchnr, Mrs Kate SeymourMcLean. Miss Louisa Murray. Miss Jennie Oliver Smith, and others. The most popular \VEEKLY newspapex duvet-- ed to science, mechanics, engineering. discoverie- inventions and patents ever published Every number illustrated with splendid engravings, This publication furnishes a most valuable en» cyclopedia of information which nopel‘son should be without. The popularity of the SCIENTIFIC AMWBICAN is such that its circulation nearly equals that of all other pape‘s of its class com- bined, Price, 88:20 a. year, Discount to Club Sold by all newsclealers. MUNN 6: CO, Publish- ers, N0 361 Broudway, N Y ‘ 153E" MUNN 6‘: CO, 031% Scientific Ameriâ€"- can, 361 Broadway, New York». Information ms to obtaining patents cheerfully given without charge, Hand-books of informa-w tinn sent {11'1- Putnfis obtained through Munn tk Co are noticed in the Scientific American free The advantuno 01 such notice is well understood by ul‘)‘ pencils who with to dispose of their PM?!“ ____-.-. _ ,M A... h . . . A T FN'I‘S Munn & Co have also had f ‘ ‘ ‘Thirty-Seven Years'pruc- 1 tice before the Putmt Office, and have ; prepared more than One Hundred Thoma. , and o. plicutlons for patents in the United States , and orcign countrieu, Caveats, Trade-Marks, Copyrights. Assignments. and _ all other apcrs ‘ for securing to inventors their rights 1n the Unin Mates, Canada, England,. France. tumuâ€" % many, and (fiber foreign countries, prepared a: 1‘ short no ‘06 and on rensonnble terms { 5 4 x 05. heavy timbn‘. To be tcmovod by flu In of April, 1885, For particulars apply to Richmond Hill, Dec 3rd, 1084. Barn for Sale! At Prices Never Before Offered CHEAPCASHHOUSE » THE . Fall.& Winter Stock Ready-Made Clothing, Ladies Fine Mantles,‘ Flannels in great varlety Gents all-wool Gurnseys, ngvyfianadian Tweed_s_, ONE DOLLAR TWENTY PER BARREL, STEELE BROS. & co. ‘ Seed and Produce Merchants, Corner Front 8: Jarvis Sts;, TORONTO. We have a beautiful Stock of Woollen Goods to show our numerous customers, and Blahkets, Winceys, Etc. SNEATH & GRENNAN. 'WANTED . IMMEDIATELY Choice Alsike Clover Seed On the Hill. The following lines are worthy of special notice :â€" ONE DOLLAR PER BARREL ! All parties wishing to buy or sell seeds 'or choice seed grain, will find it to their advantage to call upon or correspond with us. STEELE 131305., w '00. N. B.-We are agents for the EMPIRE HORSE 8L CATTLE FUOD. Please send for ‘circular which contains testimonials from leading Feeders and Stock Raisers in the Province It is equally valuable for Stock ofall kinds, horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, 8L poultry., Dairymen always find it . largely increases quantity and quality of mil-k. ESTA BLISHED 1846. We can now furnish Fine Barrel Salt at LARGE FRAME And Finést, Quality of Dairy Salt at -IS NOW COMPLETE AT THEâ€"-. JOHN BROWN. At Our Warehouse. gem gamtimmxtz. STOVES ! SELL , AT COST ! In order to dent out mv stock- Othr Ito“- and tinwnxe at reasonable pncea. EaveTroughing of Tin and Galvanized Iron. Custom work promptly attended to. '4 CHARLES MASON: Richmond Hill, Jan 7th, 1885. m3- INTERNATIONH. ANII WILL EXHIBITIUNS. I IT is the intention to have a Canadian rapid-4 sentmti‘on at the INTERNATIONAL Exnmxnor at Antwe‘z‘p,~ commencing in May, IBIS», and ulna at the COLONIAL and INDIAN Exmm'rlox in Londorl in 1886, *- _ The Government will defray tha oopt M freight. in conveving Canadian Exhibits to Antwerpapd from Antwerp to London. and also of returning thlaén to Canada in the event of their not beint so ., - ' ' Ali Exhibits for Ann should be _mady for shipment not later than he first week in Marc): These Exhibitions. itis believed, 171K nflord favourable opportlmityior making knoWn the natural capabilities. and manufacturing and ingpst‘r-ial progrgss of _tha Dominion. Circularé an‘t'i forma'céntémm 1113118 particuan information may he obtain bv enter ( oat {row Iadgressed to the Department of Agnculmmk t. awn. Tfi’) LOAN On farm property at 5 par cont, to pay I?! mortgages at higher rates of intereat, or for building, draining, or other purposes; Mortgage. bought. Notes 'discounted. Advances nlsomndo on second mortgages. Farmers will save money by applying direct; to me E. R. REYNOLDS, Department of Agricultural, Ottawa. December 10th. 1884‘ 11935}. Dec. 2nd, ISM, K I hue a a. few Parlor Cook and Con! Henunt Stove: which I will I‘OR COUGHS AND UOLDS' fKY’S‘C’OTfiGUBT D OF LINSEED GI‘TLINEj:’CVé{fiéHrfo; Brahms J Articlas. Sold Everywhere.” " I‘ We Makers.â€"-KAY BROS, Stookpon, In: ANTWERP 1N USSâ€"LONDON IN 18“. Anni'seed, Senega. Squill,Tolu, kc.,with Chlorodynak ‘ w _ AY’S COMPOUND, a demulconl expectommr im'CO‘ughs‘ anti Cold; 7 Ara jleq PILLS, a specifio in KYTS COM PDUNVDKbraâ€"Coyghs uni town. is equally serviceable for HEX“: and mule ‘ $100,000 “ Neumlgia, Flcmho, dze; STOVES. 01“ PRIVATE FUND‘S‘ b? Adolnidg Itx‘aet, East, Toronto, ‘ 3m- By order, Secy Dept, of A'i-i'v Jogx qum. i-G

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