Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 Jan 1885, p. 3

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7???? “1.150 a'GLéfgér‘Stock of Staple anszancy " Glroceries,Crockery-.& Glassware at bottomprices " ;‘:'e}-,.;FIRE PROOF I! u u: _§ JLMgefinâ€"d(Splendid Stock of BeaVers, Meltons, ‘Worsteds, ‘- " SCO’tghylr-isfiafihd, Canadian "Tweed/s, Full (Hath-s”, .&c., &c., at Lowest Prices. ' "“*“ronfl§§fififfi5” . v 4, _,‘. ‘ & WINTER GOObS Rhiannon Hm. October 22nd, 1884. rm jioN'E-S‘i‘ 1) EAfllN G, SQ U 'A 1: :«z BARGA INS; Pian’d Mdney By Buying From Us; -â€"ININEW AND FRESHâ€"â€" canctmgs & Pnowsmus, nouns! ma, Bums mm, PREPME Fm THEWENTER UERIGHT AND SQUARE EBIG- BARGAINS I 'ii-‘eméulihg has dropped rigli‘tl lhe midst of this community in the shape of unzip, R. sfv'VxLLrXMs & Son’s. I Tonofq - GENTLEMEN‘I have much pleasure in testifyingjo the great excellenceTff' figi-dPliifigslsag' hnv put them severely to Lheltgst, and find them possesséd of those qualities of tone and zoucfi no we” cepmble to the true mumcmn and lover of clussicul musicâ€"«n charming singing tone, easilv pram; Jatedfiromnthe mos; delicate pinnissimo to ever ' de es of loudn ~ 'gnsgerqrggdilly‘ 339 e spade of {e ling: y ' gr es? and fumess’ and 8' wucn thh I cohéider Eli radius‘éruments‘n great‘mqnisition in musicinl soéiet and am mu finding _n piano which I can recommend with perfect. confidence. y' , Ch pleased it Fox-if: you-came once you‘ kill home the more. and wonder why you did ' ' -' , rs ver ml ,' CHAS W.‘Ewme,. ' (ornondon; England) I nm'Genuemen you y I ‘Iyl I. .. Organist of St Peter's Church. Cobmjg, On . U, .1 ' ‘ . . ' nuns & Soxsâ€" ‘ TonoN'ro, Nov. 4th. 1882. “2581:2593; ailing thoroughly examined the We)ng nnship of your Pianos, I have no hesitation in Hating thu'mm my npinibu, they amiaun tothvfse of uquothe'rs of the bgsfiMnkers that I have spen I can on]? speak in the same high terms regarding them musxcul 'qaulmes ; for their fine full 5mg- lng capability of fo'ne. lea's'aht'toucb; &c, are such, that there seems to‘b‘e It?) 31808th 3:0 mmhme ion-sign instiumenta, w en. our home entarprise can produce suqh Pianos. and at one-thxyd 93? no“ I am glad to headt‘that the eitenslye sale of'yourjustrumcnts 9110ng that you are meetmg wlth the ' I mm ‘ ou;‘\13tl'.ldese'rve. 1 p . _ ‘ new“ Mt I ‘ liYul].Jc‘renaemrnen. Your Obedient Servant, . i.‘W? make a. special [56er of organs in large gun amnion, and are therefore able to 0301' them at ex- ceptionylly-dow ratesmrayments arranged toypit thy cony qnionqe e! purchasers and spread over a firm of Years. For lull particulars write to ‘ ' z-AT ‘ “WHOLESALE PRICES. if». v . .ér * Are constructed from the very best Materials by expenenced Workmen, und Ire fully eq‘uu! in puth of GA A N .S- ! ii Tn gi‘eiit‘i'éi-ietibs at almost lCClS'l‘. The liiglxcsf iifnfket price paid for ‘Bubt‘er 5; Eggs and all kinds of farm produce. Read, learn and ah Of Dress Goods, Prints, GIOVes, Hosivery_,;v&_g., at Pricés to suit Purchasers. 330’ TONE, TOUCH dz DURABILITY 1 . ‘ H . _ (a) ’BLANKETS, FLANNELS, E'I‘C.,' ETC}, AND‘SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO not come before. We promise all patrons TESTIMONIALS. To the high pricad American Instruments. You“ 8t. 'roéom’Z. PIANOS ‘! am! a positive sale. ‘ PiaffioS 3 ISAAC CROSBY. Y -v.._..:_--_‘,- ..- ,Pvnâ€"w-.. u"... uvnyuu vuu. u :R. sQWILLIAMa. to. on 226 Dundn 8:. Load.» - GEO. W. STRATHY. Mus Doc. In inofpfuit.’ hawavei', are my mare juttly apflr‘ec‘ifit‘td "t‘han in South and Central America. where 3their comprehensivenflu, an‘wefl an the ~ strength . of their remedial prngwrfieac have hmn‘mont‘ Icrerely trit-d. When winter. Iim omhronedhmnne the Andes: ivheu torrid Vsummer evn'ke's disease and dmnh from the mav‘k'hés nur “19:60.3!!- und whole eternal spring b’alitfifiel‘ the Inhlé‘lq‘nds. they hnize been a‘dr’nl‘nistered wilh'éqnal‘ and”inrurinble sin-coil t6 all classes;colors;andccondit‘inna. . ' 'i 0 the wpwrlicialjhmkerit “9mg, innit: pfimble, Ihu the ~agun5mpd§qme ghould chro disensesiwhjch hem-gig; ltlmiiat'ily‘flfljfltch mhr-r. We- iielieve. bonnet, that}; upward philnnophipnl xéasnn his hep'n ‘uiv'en Tor théI plielmmfinm‘i.” Sym’i‘mma' ditTer."hui" thvs'yf' xiv-t: tlie'efl'ecfs of disease, not "ifl cause. The cause;- it is argued, in n mm-hid and poisonous principle in-the blood. which may be M greater or less mlemity.’ but is niwayl the name in its nature, and therefore alwnyl controllnhlq by thé‘gnme menns. ' Thu great diflicnlty Wai‘tbl'dilcov’e- and pr»- Burn the t_rue remedyâ€"9 uitficnlty r'hich I .w "n," ._.,.. .... my. ....,.... .. .....~ lOWHY’Efl ’éeléfiygt'ed Pills ' nitd ()i‘ulmeutf‘il- lustrate 1M5 ‘pnint. In nn’bbléuré' st’t'épt. in" Londnpih‘e‘commebc'ed‘flm bunul'nclu‘ro of- 'hii-Pilla.- "Hfm‘lnd t'lu - ingredient: Ind felled the 'Pillx'ptithfilm qwn handy. Altair 'Kale at firuti'wuazsmall, but In their: efllicacy‘ becrmevknow it incréaud.-It firat llopqu, the" mnrv rapidly“. until no! thé ‘ demutd" fur them hgfi'ljcrxtgfin. great: that the lion muscles at the site-"mkhgine are calleg‘lnto '2'eciuié'xtimi t’b‘lg'rlitd 'up and all: erou‘zh to‘ supply the-increasing call: for- themâ€"call- Whttr’h‘ditmé from ull partl' of the world: This ancemwhich hns rendorcfl Holloway famous is well deserved. as thnulnndl of grntcful hearts in "my nook and corn’er of the glohodvill heartily attest. Hullmkny'hus ‘smmduhl‘edf ' If‘ihia in no! Ihe ralt‘hhalc of ih'e- cm" nocomplished by his Pills nnd Ulntmcntplflz the faculty give us at bellervl We mo indifi'rrfm 35‘ m wlut Ihenry may be adopted in explanation, 0 [out a: than (ac-m themselves rgmuin an" phakkezfnâ€"Blrooklyn Emancipalor. ‘ ’ ‘ Dem Hui ngéi "figur ‘ndd In them on Hume 0! sified angnrf 1W0: "um-M of Marmeld. hum-r. 1w,“ luhlosponn'uls _ of yam". a tea-- t-upful pf lukewarm miikfind a lelle tiff “’fiip’gfl] ypél'l_'tozmher."lhe'rfn’lir infby iv. E‘re‘es one. {mum} of ‘flnurfanq, If reqrmsnr." mth milk. making Ihid ‘dough‘fi But it 'n'nlif ii Trill: anm 'the 'sm'min‘th-éri not it Jo“ ris‘e‘. Whey i: has fiigu, '"m'nlm buner 6% land hot in a frying-Inn". out Sktwm'ghe light dough link! New: the fin of at Walnut, and \vilhnul moulding or' kueuimg, fry them pile brown. As my In. done. In them Von I napkin Io ubsorb nhy oftha Til. worlh iglihoglgmulbo lupin wilt b. gifhat 9!"! 31W??? fer. let! the PM}?! 0*” ‘9!- It is u trite remark. that it is belie: to bggin in a small way,- Ind enlarge iri a steady and healthy manner. than m anew)»: Ion much and fail. ’iu! trite M ‘he remark is, it bears the impreu of lrmll. No‘ma'yler how small the hpginningif‘ there in rail woth glibqngmubo lupin wilt yo Eli‘hat- A Total Wreck- Muny aslvbng' frame has bun totally wr?~ckod by‘i’lmnmmism. ' D. hlchimmnn. of Luncasuor, fime‘cu‘ed of chmmc then- mutisim‘ D 'McCrimmOn. of Lnncnalermas mired of chronic. 3’rhvnmmicm by Burdock Blood Hitler: 'It curelall blood impurities. " Drive It-Away. ' Drin Indy all pnimnous humor irom the blond héfdx‘e il developi in acrofuln or some chronic firm. of disease. . Burdock Wood Bin'em'w'fil do,il-. C '. "" ' ' ‘ a , of the Mug-zine with the: Weekly Journal apyears to 1m recog-g nized as the thing! needed, gmd Independent Journalism is evidently growing in “Not “with the moat- enljghtonad and patriotic of the ' corp-- munity. The Iitornry tnk‘nt nf Canada, huvin In organ offered to it. is b'eing drawn forth; In: our stat! of Cfintfibultors is constantly inflow-- inc: \Ve are thus enabled to'impr‘ove from tlméto timgsprcinl departments, such as those of Com- merce, Eancution. Art, science. Music and Chen. Tha l'JVCTS of music have, we trust, of late bun sensible of our desire to promo“ the interests of that great souer (If happiness and mflnoment. ‘ In nnliiirn THE \VEE‘K is: thnrmmhlv Inden Puzmsnzn Evzny Tucnomr AT 63 run YEAR. - THE WEEK. "Canada's Literary Joumn," which has fins! natured upon its sccond yen, appeals by its cnm rchemivo table or contents to the different m es which exist within the circle officultmcd hnmc, and will ondoa‘vnur‘ faithful” £6)?th 1m] summarize the intellgoâ€" hm]. social and politic-l m‘ovemontn of tho dfiy’. Fiction. in tho; form both of lerialfi and wort storiosf also ocgqueg a promineytnlucg- In pnlitirs THE WEEK is thoroughly Indgn pendant. It isuutmmmellml by party common firm-,er from pnrtv leanings. unbiasml bv party confidential-m In Cnnndism pniicinu its desire willbe to further. to the utmmtof in Power. the free and houlthy development of the Natinn THE VVEEKé Striafl' Begmnings and Great ‘ ‘ Endings. .Read- thm followih'g List of‘Corltriv- bumrs : “The Bystandef," ‘(Prnfflsor Goldwin Hmith) will contributemt intervals. reviews of current events in Canada, .‘lle United ntates, and in Eurnpe. Principal Grunt. D D, Dr Daniel Wil - non. Profesanr Murray. L L 1). Chan Lindnpy. Rev Prof Clark, M A. nir Frnncis Hindu. Louis 11mm ore Frccheuo, Wm Houston, F Blake Crnftnh, G Mercer Adam. Hon 1. s Uuntingdon. 00] G ’1‘ Denison. Ppndletrm King. J W l anglev, John Reid. Rev Dr Scudding, O C Aurimzor. George Stewart, jr. John Emma, Jnnquin.Miller. "Jalguv Charles Dent. J E Collins. J Huntet-DurvarJfig! Mueller, Mrs Kate Say1n0\1rMcLeun. Miss Louisa lfimuy. Miss Junie Oliver Smith. and others. C. “Aan ROBINSON, m 5 Jordan. Street, Torbhto. 54 x 65. hour] timbor. To bu removed tho i In 0! April, 1885, For pmiflflal‘ljpplyto “1‘th mostxiopular WEEKLY newspapel do'votâ€" ad to science; mechanics, engineering. discoverie- invcmions and patents over vuhlisbed Evory number illustrated with splendid eiigi‘avin s, This publicafioufurfiishes a. most valuable e -- cyclopediapt information which no p'erson should be without: -The ppnulm-ity of the Semi:me Ann mum is such .thnt its circulation nearly egunls that of 'ii-ll other papars of its class coiné bmefl; Price,$3.21)a your, Discount to Clubs, 861d by all newsdoalers. MUNN & CO, Publish- ers, No 361 Broadway, N Y SEIHNTIFIE AMERICAN; AT EN TS -Â¥r‘.‘£€fs§3§i‘§§$" 333 » tice before'theliE’ntant'Oflice, and ' ’avc‘ prepared more than One Hundred Thou!- nnrl a. plicnvtiona for atents in the United States ‘ and oreign 'count cl. Caveats, Trndggluuh, Copyrights, Asslgpmantl. and :11 othqyr' ape" for securin to Inventors their, 'ghtm Ii {by United Sm s,Cnnn.dn, England, ran'co. 1am- many, and other foreign countries, pngpmd u more noticg and 0;: tgqiqnthqtqrma, I - -..v.. “mm, m... m. Ayn-vunulq wan-up, . ,, Information as to obtaining patents chem-fully givon withom charge. Hand-books of Miami» tion sent free Patents obtained through Jtunn ‘1' Co are noticed in the Scientific Americuthree The advantage of such notice is well understood by all fiersdus~1vho"-wlsh to dinpole of their patentr - , . ,A . i Address MUNN 51 CO, Office Scientific Amati-- can, 361 Broadway, New York. ' mobmond Hm, Du am, mi I.v..(.,'..x_r ' , IILRGE mum: Barri for Sale A'cahaaian‘Jouma} of Politics, Soâ€" ciety and Literature. " 331cm @tlvcrtistuxcn'm. Deliclpus little F ned anea‘. " v ESTABLISHED 1816. Jouu' "Own. .r rglspnt tuning and: the chim ‘11:)? gonardlly- ‘ I!" must iciontilc min, hump, dipoug induo tn «be: Emigrach of “via mnnéu in tho' tin‘fi‘e. Hr Dixo‘u ti on" mi; II In. euro to their gxkrminntiouâ€"thin u:- \ comvflahod, he claim: the (Bhtfirh is indicnlly Managua tho maximum: m; mquesgionod. u- euros effected him_ tow earth‘s an cur-I; ‘ltifl. No one 0 self“ 0' Vi minim-Tm curt Cutarrh in this managingnd up other. fro-(menu has over cured Cntanhu The lpfilicntioqpt the! «math in qjmplp. and can by done at heme. and the patent nan-n ofthe y'nr is me inns" tav- -ounblo far: medv and permanent cure, the mn’nrity 0: cures being cmjefi at 'oni treatmout. Sn ercn mould cvrn‘npénd with Hours. «A H DIXON l: SON. IUD King street, west, Toronto, (handmufl enclmmmy for their treatise on Catun'h,’ gonads“; _ V . , An Aligning Disease Amlcting‘ ' I" Numerous -~Class. itfikuvmwyfiynflwfimrflfâ€"th diféflfie'. and dri'i-ca it,” mow.- npbfib‘mfich,‘ out 0f_ lhp' Jineup: :‘.~. v ' '- '. "" Perhaps this most textual-(Hurry €350,655 that 1m: been achieved in Modern medicine has been uttainqd ‘bv‘ the Dixon_ treatnmns {or Cnturrh. Out of 2,000 patientsfflzntcd during theâ€"pan six momma. fully ninety percent. have' been cured of this stubborn mdady. This is nnno the Ian Battling Whmdc in romembarud .1111“ not flyo per cent. of patients presbxififfiz- 'tbomselics' two the' regular Practitioner "gymnasium whin the pub out mumcinn and other MWflfl:cml‘ by?" Kn - j. : My“: Pinch. Pockliugmn. York; i? ”‘ ' «" Gerbber 2hd,'1832. Sinâ€"33in: n'ishfi‘erer for your: wiih dynprpsia in n" im 'wnfél Mums», and nfter spending pounds in mfidicinos. I was at last. persuaded In in Mmhgr Seigel’s»Curmive Sylup. and Am thunk,nt to my haveflerived mom hemfit frnmkit llmn an}: other medlâ€" cine [Léyvr look. mldfiku|141m1vj5é any one sum-Hug from the h'm‘n‘e complaihl to give in trial. 1h: rl-suhsflhey 'would Show find am for lbornm-le. , Iflfynq :like 4-0 make use of mi! testimonial ‘you me quite ’m. liberty todg so,_ ‘ ‘ i ‘ Yaum'rehpq‘ctamy, A , “ -' . “Wtfighijdj” . R. Turner 'Sei'géii’l Uififklffifi'l‘ljma “fire Hie best fimily pfiysrc Hin't Hufiiu‘ér been digcoveyed 'l'hry‘éleame therifiawg-tstfrb‘n an xirrilalirng Inhllunoetrand law? Ilium. sin I 'heallhy condilion. Tth curefiéosliveuus. ‘ St. Mary the“, .PMm'bornng, . “ VL'ov'o'mber 29r1h‘. 1881. Sinâ€"It ziv‘u me firer ' pleusure to in» form you of lhebmmfit} haveJM-eivod from Seigel'q Svrupnwl lxnjx- he!" troubled fur ’Elll with dvspepsi» j hfn ufier a few dose" of the Syrup. 1 (mud-belief. md ul ér ink-- in; two bouiis of it Hey! quite cured. ‘GATARRHLA- "NEW" TREATMENT.- M r A. J White. Etnlthm,i ‘lexiluhm-en. v -' ' ’ ' “"3" ’ ()ct. 16:1),1882f Mr) A J,’Whilé.' “129m- Sinâ€"l, was for Inme I‘ime fifiiimed 'wir’h pilésfinnd’ was nd-- vised tovgive Motlxerfie’igel‘s'Syrup n irial.. which [ did-.4 i-flmdengppydg Mute mm“ it has restated me - 19., compleze‘yhenl‘lhaâ€"l renmin', yofurgwrosgectfixlly: - ' (Signed ) w 1.,Igihn II Linhlfovot- v flu": Augun,'}883. i Den Singiâ€" 1: Wrfihmflell yuan-52h“ . Mr. Henry Hillier, olmeglbury Wills..?_in[ojnna me that Ila-suffered f 3-9511 Alisa-mm.- form of indigestion {an} upward: offal}; years. > and 160k hqen'd fif (Tut-(07”? in'éd‘ic‘ine wilhr‘ipl' the :hglin-a‘t' bemifit,’ 'li‘nd ’déelnres M'o'tlmr‘ ,S’eigel’s'fivr'uptwhich he got» from me has IIVedJlil life.“ =11, --.°_. . v . 1.: -...~<-Si‘z'xi§;>_ef Em“), Mr White. ~ . .‘.-_ Chemjsi, Calne , .Senmbor 81h, 1863.' ' Dear..SIr.â€"'I~ find 11w sale of Seigg-l’g Syrup s!cadily-._increnui_nsz.- All. whn have .Irjgd it spegkvvpry bigblyof Ill} medicinal viryues ;.an‘e “quslg’ulerfidggcrihgs it «9 a, “'ngs_end"tp.dv3pbfitid b'eum‘ee." I a!» wuyg‘iecommend it will} ponfidenco. I Failhfunf'wfilr's. To‘Mâ€"r. A. J White." V7 ' « . -1'Pl‘fiamiffySv-‘pluzf19;. 1883. > *‘m,’ Doni- s‘aE-gâ€"LWfir Syfufisfid mm; m ‘slm‘heryzporular with 4nyc-u3101ners. m‘auy. anyirpg mh‘ey .sge fin: $631 fun)in ;,medicines poggjhle. _ ' ' ‘. u . A. 1.- fi:.: ‘ posswle. ' gm ff ;. y ‘ The QIhgrd “a epitome came for gwn homes of Sylgpfiudaafl. )1 other Seine-1" had saved the; li'f'e of iuifivifii. and he added, "‘(il'ie of lhgsé boh‘l'éa Mm Minding fifteen milés «ian to u 1'I‘iénd""w.hd-xs r'ery ill.” I )3qu much ffii'hrinv if}? ’ : The salekeepa-up-,wondexlul]y, in fact. one_ .1wgpld3fnxrw.nlgm§t :11an the people were'_,_hegin‘niug lo hljelgkfupl, din». and sup on Mblber‘S'ehiel’svsirtyb,"lh§d¢mnnd\is‘so cdhsffi'm nn‘d ‘fhe’ é’h‘ijsfafcli‘oii so, gleamâ€"l. km, "dé‘ir Sir", folifs fait‘h’fiflly; ' ‘ ' _' 137????) “ ' {Bark-e}. Tu 4JK’YBitg, 4 " (' Sign-’6") “Your. tinny. Sir: yjouvq truly, :Vi‘nce’n‘t A Wills. ‘ Chemvi‘stuDenlifl, 5 Merlhyr Tydvil. Wimnm Brent. 0n, Bros.» RICHMOND ALI; JAG: REDUQE-D PRICES. Xmas *Ia't "the People’s ' Store. The ‘_;La1?g‘est Stock of Furniture fi'FPlESL’ APHE’S; * I *APPlES'. x. cmsfioLM,M‘ P. PI. H. P. DWIGHT, Esq, D. M. MCDONALD, had. 0 B.-ROBXNS()N.ESQ._ » _ A MCLEAN Howun). En. J.GINTY,EIQ. ‘ “" CHARLES DONALD a 00., DAVID BLAIN; ESQ., President. SAMUEL TREES, Esq, Vice-Presidou. Dopesitn recolvod and interest allowed thereon at current- rntes. No notice of withdrawal re-- uired Drnns on .511 parts of Canada, Unlted ‘tntes Ind Grout Britain bought and sold, 79. Quié'c‘n "Street, London, E. 0., Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Merchants and Shippers, With a View 10’ Autumn and Spring Business CENTRAL BAKE IN“ CANADA. RICHMOND_ HILL , SAV-ING‘S DEPARTDIENT ‘ . 1‘ M. LAWRENCE. Inna”; Richmond Hill Avril 9th, 1884. ~ ,.They wilLalsd {iconic usual facili -) tie: to(customers .rcquiring advancel. ‘ La'ndon,‘ July '3lst; 1884.â€"9- III 7 Bhfiisiefi, Attorneys-ubLuw, Solicitbrs-{nl Chancery. Couvevuncers, etc, Officesâ€"Imperial Bunk Buildings. Wellingtonâ€"street, Toronto nouns FERGUSON, Q.C. Jonx Bus _ Gnu F Sauna! Wu Sn'ron German, HALL, FULLERTON &COOK W M Hall, Y‘ gj‘gllprton V N PRIVATEJ‘WNDS fro LOAE. Tammauayfigth, ~18&4_,._ . , V agaxristmrs, finlicitnrfi, NOTQRI‘F‘JS. SONYEYANCEBS. OFFICES : 15'Yoik Chambers, ‘E CoATIvoM‘H. .m. Toronto, Nov 18th, 1884 Fergygon, gain. Gordon J. Shipiey .,,_ AL 1 ..__ (unnumm .-. LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN, Barristers, Solicitors. Richmond Hi" ()tfice-‘ Money to Loan atLoweu Currant Rain. A G F LAwnz'xcn. -; r ’1' C limmdni.‘ Nov 27th, 1554 1y 7 CONVEYANCERS, ETC. 2 . _N0. 14 Buildin'g a Loan TOTO “10 L {fines chamber-5,15 Torontost. figmlls Boilght" aim Sold ! r-‘-nA 03.1.». a:..........a .J . . GENERAL AND FINANCIAL AGENCY ! Fax-111.3: Other Property, ' Bmls, Taverns and Business. For Manufacturing and other purposes. 5 oak and Hhure Brokers, etc, cw. Toronto Jan 9th 1883 D'RAIN TlLE, OF THE fiEST nrrAvJ'f‘V A'I‘ We overchiifl, 'gll‘iz’ilnimble for’ We tom-(m at bollcm pricci- ‘ A 'ltrgc stock of Cro‘ck- ’ ' ' ytj Ind Glanw-rc." Ul'unl clock of other geeds. Flour and Fwd. g: C. P- LENNQX; DENTIST. 'VITRLIZEEH‘AIRPABLIIRS Th”. only Dentia’t in Tomnto using Kurd: up» '1 ' up‘amtua for m0 . STOCK 0P PICTURE FRAMES Extra'CfingaTgeih jwvi'ihnut Pain BEST SETS 0F:â€" TEETH $8, rILuNasm-mmnmmws } CALL AND s‘nm ME. " imam. rant nu IS King Srtr'eelt‘Enst‘, Tdrdnto. SYNDICATES FORD‘ED finnmrs'rs a; DRUGGISTS, B'e'lf Materiallfinthe Marli'ef. COATSWORTH 5L HODGINS. Filling Mid 15.11 30ther operatioizl. neutl'y done V ' My Gold ’ ' ‘ Y'onge StITAi'Cade; Torgn lo. Sloék 9f ‘Gyoceriel new and fresh. New canned goods. All will be sold an ' " ‘ ' Chonp‘as my other House in Town. MORTGAGES “BTAINED QUALITY AT MONEY TO LOAN. Barristers, Solicitors, 6w. Offices Cdufiét ‘b’e‘bealen. Some'of Ihe newest univjncts in piclmeu and mum“ Wan-ranted to be made from the Patent Rights disposed of; TORONTO DIRECI‘ORB. P. 0. Box 2527. No 9 Toronto Street. J..I.‘EVAIIS a: '00, TBOS NIGKTINGAL‘E'B, 0in Saturdays. £rgah New Design} of Xmas and New Year': Cuds. - A.-’A.‘ALLEN. Calhiof. Louder Lane Toronto. Flux: E. 30mm. HY . . ankvilu Rear of the CentralBank W Cook. 1 y-p6xn Thankful for the mm" of ()‘e yuss years tray Itill be continued in any branch 01 the pro fession, as follow: : - Richxgopd Hi_l_l ......... 9th & 2ith of each month (at Palmér’fibixéoli" 7‘" ' m Aurora. lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd Shmfl'villo ...... . ...J8th Markham ...... . .. .. Victoria. Squm ...... Thomhill . . . . . . . . . . . . Eotflbridgo .. chiuburg Noblcton Arciflcal Tecthmpper or under. $5.00. Puin- loss extrgctiu .hy use of Ethel-med Air. The only firm in t o Dominion executing first-class work“ the above price. . This House is one of the Best Hotels to he found north of Toronto. Everything is m nnuged in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- ciul Travellers. Good Stublinz mud attentive hostlern. Terms, SI per day. Proctor's Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N It R Trains goingNoruh and Scum. M 8 a. 111., 12 a. m., 5.10 p m. and 7.30 n m. DENTIST. NE W'TONBROOK, ONT. W111 'visit the followingplaces protensionally .â€"â€"‘ Unionvil'la,.. 15: M nnduy 01 each month. Weston . 9th and do Ma le, do Rio 1m do Woodbridgo... .. 22nd ‘ do Mr Husband wxllbe found in hil 015m, at Newtonbrook. every Snturdqy. except when Satur- day full: on thév'nbove'dnflo. " ‘ " Vitulized air nlvnyl on hand M: the pl‘uces of Impo‘ ment. “does “my with the pain in exiractjng RIGGS a; IVORY, THE PALMER HOUS; RICHMOND HILL. 3' Palmer. Pro: . SURGEON DENTISTS, 208 Qiieen' St. West, Toronto G. H. HUSBAND, L. D. S THE YURK’HERMU'DNlY $1; GRAN]! LII-ENTER]. HBTEL RICHMOND HILL. JOHN POWELL. Prop Thin Hotel has been ljemmished, renovated. and fitted up in first-class style, and is now 1216. le‘lding Hotel north of Toronto. The b u- ic finp filled with tint-class brand of liquors and 01m n1. ‘xcellent accommodation for Cmumerciul Travellers, and the General Public Good Stabl- inu and an attentive Hostler. « ’VITALIZCED AIR ! NOTARY PUBLIC, &C, MARRIAGE RICHMOND HILL. now: To Lamont mm SECURITY. Western; Canada 1 011.1095on 70, Ohurclfis‘treet, fl‘érouio ' ' Kori Gm W ALPAN. Senntongosidenh GEORQE Goobxxuuu ..................... Vice-President .Dmncmogaâ€"samue: mm, M P, Alfred Gooder- 1mm, Goo . W Lewis, Thou H Lee, Hon '1) L waheruon.SeuMor r I Tomi] Aaieté. $3,500,600 SAVING’S BANK BRANCH Maney received on dopasil, and interest payable huifyeariy or compounded. See our reduced loan table For further infor- mation apply at thu offices of the Company __ 2 I EVER; TyJURHDAY, I At his printing Office! Yongefitreet‘ Richmond ' ‘ Hill, Ontario. ” Termn'of Subscriptionzâ€"s'l 00 per nnnum in advance. W‘Vheil not paid in advance $51 50 will he chm-god. Truuaibory ndvdrtiSemonta, first insertionfi" A _ perline ..... 5., ...... ........... ... scents Edch subsequent maertxon, per Iine .. 3 cents, {I Contracts for timo'and space made'on applica- non. ~ ~ ' ' n.3, “‘szrnm, Newtonbrook, Jun. 13th. 1333‘ on man Richmond Hill, Aptjll ardh 1884. M. TEEFY, Qapifn], .81.99()_.999;__neservo Fund, $450,000 The York Herald. 7|.p‘ar‘i ’gfid S‘av’lngs Company WALTER 3, “LEE, gum @arda; Dr A ROBINSON. MONEY '1'0 LOAN. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA ‘P..G._SAVAGE. ~AND ISSUED 0Fâ€" gtntgtl.‘ PUBLISHED BY LICENSES. thg pl‘uqes {at My ,op‘ Maxhngér Hymn... r I ibingéngionfiuamééx u“:â€" Sip ,W’m « MeArtfihg; TC .,1\’i“%, 11;: I‘, eé-Loi'd.‘ Maybr of 1161mm Preaideng. . .. W W Bayne‘s,Esq‘.F'I Aficcretary Regerw: Fund. . . .,.. $10,000,000. Aiil‘nuu! Incumd . .K'. 11300.000‘ Invested iv Canada. 1: 1.200.000 Deulh chums pnid . . . ._VIO.000,000 'J‘unntu‘n ritxrbsnmrcn-zs. John McDonald, Esq. (VJ. Cumuhell, firm, Hon. SenntorMcM aster A. MA Smith. Es James Metculfe, Esq. “HeVQEnoch'WW { Lonns_ made 01} guyurity of Company’s“ Pm r 5PI§E£.;E§E%§E . LEEE w n M r g fissm V :3 pm éeht intomrlt. ‘ ‘ ' Lonnsmnde mChuroh 'l‘rus'ecs, at a low 1" interest. Sexd 1'91 ‘ prgspectu I.A.W. Members Collage l’hyéicinns L”: Surgf Residence, Yonga Streetlfichmond‘ IA . . ‘ . . r. , .V Richmond H11” May Lira. 135:. ‘ Dr. George " Laiagw :3! TnonquLL, mm‘. "W V Graduate of Toronto Upiv: 9:39 MIC. P. as om, Twp Yodrsncm " Assistmt Surgeon to Toronto General‘iicxj‘: Office xmd Residencc,â€"One door soul}: w 5' OFFICE houasa m 10 a. m,&12 :u :1 ~ Thoruhill Feb 14(1),]5ba. M‘embor College of Physicians (2 St}: (LATE 0F STOUFI‘VILLE.) OFFICE Hocns,-From 8 £516 m., 5: 1 , ‘ RE bIDE NC?! 7 Yonge Street, Richmond‘ E~ ,Richmond thl. ()ct.1'.!th,'8'_'. R. B. Orr,M. ‘B. and Figst :Silvm‘ .Me’. University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontm‘jrv. A L, England (Late 01“ tendon. Enr Surgeon, Etc. 1 L‘sOfl‘ice Iidurs 8 to [.30 3.111.,11110. 1 to 2.3 D R. W. .‘E. Hfiwé ' MEDAL 57: memo UNIVERSE“ Worth their IVeigh: in AND DR LEWIS G. LANGâ€"STA} This Incomparable Medicine ed for itself nu imfmrisha-‘S ‘thrpugzhoutthc World fur 1119;] and curd of” most. diseases " 2r: humanity is heir. ’ ‘ DR. .' ' JMEES MNGSTAEE gumtc and imprpye the r: 60sz 71%;};- STOMACIâ€"I AND I increase a secretory powers of the 1' the nervous x mm. and throw into Lion the pill-AC Elements for sum A'dderiug the frame. ' Thousands of persons have t: bv theil ns’h “lone 1hr)" hum: her In health and slrvcn_v_lh. ufler 0 means had proved unsuccessful W1“ bu fir-.1115: invulu-Lblo in every the cure of Open Sorm, 11am TIID‘ Caughs, Sore Thruzztw, Bronchitis, I ‘ era of film Throat and Chest, 11 Ms ' nmtism.,Scrofuhu and othv" n , Mnhufigcfnred only M 0r llelh)“u1v’s listaYJ 533.. OXFORD STREET m'onoi‘tio'n 3“ WELL CURE RELIEVE ' 'U'. T 1) BIL’JJJ. 3.5;), D 'I'GPEPCI, , [3/ DICE-557'] 0N, and 55M at is. 1130., 28. 911.. 45.0(1 ‘1 each Box and Pot, and in Cntm m, 90 centsZ and $1.50 ceilts,‘tind tan 1'. [HYSIPL'L SA‘ZT P N‘Fr‘rt-fi>' ‘ ..J I: I ., 913-3.“, {$2714 BAD LEGSJWD \VOUN':>-~ And c'Vcry 1‘. discrdercd L! C3! of? CAM'xoxâ€"l lmivc ho“- Uu'ilet-l Sums, nor we mp" ~' lhcl'o. Purchasers durum lo theluhel on lhl‘ l’ols anti flddléS’SkiS not I?» > a. Oxi'ord t6 the}; are snurinus, The Trade Marks of my sum )7 -. gisterea 11: Ottawa, and rflao at. Signed THO‘U’A 8! 011m”! almost, Lon don. ‘ l“. mmm & BR. ORR,.MAPLE, Sec. & Trans. for C311de 1 H5 King at; luuxt‘, ’1. 331mm. A DAPEB 191,, FLUTTERWG ' ‘ '1‘ -.< mrzmsgg, . 03-3138 , aroma gun. at , Dec 151; 1881 1..." ‘ L O Lie 7w

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